The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 15, 1950, Image 4
I Spanish Club To HaVe Open House I ' r 1 The ] annual pjvogram presented r by the'Spanish \:iub each Open -House Day is slated to bb held .• m the; “Y r ’ Chapel at 10 o’clock that morning, May 13. The presentation will consist ) of Spanish music by Bob Page, ^ comedy music by “Los Tres Cabal- lerrosT, "The Toreador Song from . - l “Carmen” by Buddy Boyd, a bull fight by Jack Turcotte and Bill Billingsley, with commentary by :, “Doggy” McClure, and a dance by , Florita Cardon and Dusty Durrell. Dave Kreager will take over M. C. duties. 'j The program is free to the pub- . lie, all visitors being cordially in vited, according to “Buck” Wyler, Spanish, Club president. special ve her—give her misty, full-fashioned "Cam on Nylons. Every pair with Canton’s famous ding-ankle'fit— in cdoes that blend w'ith the sea- smartest fabrics. ' ; $1.25 a pair j RUITT’S FABRIC BEAUTY SHOP PHONE 4-1169 Sojuthside College Station [ Ft Council of Clubs '• v - Meets March 16 -- The College Station Council of Clubs will meet op Thursday, ■March 16, at 9:30, in the city hall of College Station. It is hoped that representatives from all clubs and organized groups of the College community will be pres ent. If there are any groups not previously contacted, it is hoped they will send a representative or notify Mrs. A. W. Melloh. : 1 — > • I H I ;i I -■ Schenk Receives Leave Extension Dr. William E. Schenk, associate professor of Economics, on a leave of absence since June 1, 1949, has been granted an extension of his leaye to June 30, 1951. The extension will permit him to continue his appointment as visit ing professor of Economics at the Autonomous University of El Sal vador. —1 h- .. jn i SAVE 10 in the ASM Con- school meeting Monday mis of the four were re-el« school year and son was re-elected rot a three-year te rn. "'he board also commended all ibers ; of file system for a year. N> resignations are anticipated for the next year, Stot Richards >n said yesterday. I Two new teachers have been ad- d«d to tite A&M Consolidated Ju nior; High) School faculty recently. Mrs. AmW Bapnes replaces Mrs. Gbrfa Neeley Stroud as junior hiwh mathematics teacher upon Mrs. Stroud’s jmove to Houston. Mrs. Barnes hats a Bachelor’s and a Master^ degree in mathematics fijom the I s University of Texas. Mbs. Ddrothy Rush replaces Mrs. F orence Mohr |as junior high En glish teacher.. Mrs. Hush, a grad uate of Baylor; University, taught two year! in Liberty, Texas arid t^ro years in Waco. The board made the appoint* rrjents formal ifor the remainder of the l|49-50j school year. Carl Furillol of the Brooklyn Dodgers ibatted .431 during the pbriod from Aug. 8 to the end of tlie 1949 season. TO 20% On Your Auto: and Fire Id; Stock or Mutual mobile snrance Policletf ALEXANDER - 203 South! Main BjEAL AGENCY Phone 2-5547 l]A(( WUetM*", PorUL Discount to Students fcJr Cash EASY TpRMS ■ (juaranteed ^Jyflcivriter l^efjairs GUY H. DEATON Typewriter 116 So. Main D*al 2-55 Exchar 54 I Gu ge y Deaton, ’20 DAFFODILS CAMEIJAS : - y : r ORCHIDS ; ; • j. ■ L : ■ .. • i ! [ I ; \ ’ L < !.; Student Floral Concession (See Your Dorap Representative) T V m How to Choose Dlstinguisheldj Wallpapers The A&M Garden Club heard a talk oh wild- flowers native to Brazos County by Mrs. L. K. Tanzer at their monthly meeting Friday after noon, in the YMCA. Officers of the club are (L. to R.) Mrs. Edward Brush, secretary; Mrs. W. M. z W Potts, reporter; Mrs. P. W. Bun Hugh Hill, tri_ third vice-pr«'.sid< K. Smith is not drs. A. B. Nelson, president; second vice-pres.; Mrs. John _rer; and Mrs. T. A. Adcock, nt. First vice-president Mrs. O. ‘ lured. What’s Cooking AVMA day, March AUXILIARY, Wednes- y,; March If Solarium, Y“ AGGIE March 17. 5,* 7:30 p. m. South ’CA. QUARES, Friday, '. Dance in Consolidated gym after play. BOWUNG TEA March 15, 7:30 CALDWELL COUNTY v. Mar. GAM. Wednesday, p. | m. YMCA. COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, Mar. 16, 7 p. m., Academic Building. All mem bers are askM to be present. COLLfN COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, March 16, 7:15 p. m. room'308 Academic Building. CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB, Thursday, Mar. 16, 7:45 p. m., room 227 Academic Building. Plans for the Easter picnic will be dis- cussed. ENGINEERING SOCIETIES NIGHT, at the Annex, Wednes day, March 15, 7:30 jp. m. Presi dents and Other Chapter repre sentatives meet at YMCA by 6:45 p. m. - —7 j . Dates Announced For Animal Spring Holidays The Spring holidays for students will run from April | 7th to 10th inclusive, according jto word re ceived from Dean Harrington’s of fice today. Campus clerical worker’s holi days will be April 7 and 8. Stop the ... “GRIME WAVE” DO YOU KNOW . . . • That dirt kills more people than bullets? • That harmful germs are more potent thad^ the atom bomb? 4 Yes, It’s True? ■ [ We are stopping the GRIME WAVE now. Let us do a bit of “Cleaning out” for you. Park Cleaners South Gate Phone 4-8934 “We give you a clean deal” CREATIVE WRITING CLUB, Thursday, Mar. 16, 7:30 p. m., room 328 Academic. HILL COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, Mar. _16, 7:30 p. m., room 307 Academic. I. E. WIVES CLUB, Wednes day, March 15, 7:30 p. m. room 108, M. E. Shops Building. Demon station in Lapidarjy to be given. NEWCOMERS CLUB, Wednes day March 15, 2:00 p. m. Cabinet Room, YMCA. PANHANDLE CLUB, Thurs day, Mar. 16, 7:16 p. m., lounge of Dorm. 1. j ... ROBERTSON COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, Mar. 16, 7:30 p. m. third floor Goodwill. TAU BETA PI, Wednesday, March 15, 7:30 p. m., Civil En gineering Lecture Room election meeting. . SULL ROSS MASONIC LODGE, Thursday, March 16, 7 p. m. Works and examinations in E. A. degree. SOUTHWEST TEXAS CLUB, Thursday, March 16, 7:30 p. m. Physics Lecture Room. Film and Easter Party discussion. The AGGIE CHRISTIAN FEL LOWSHIP meets Thurs., 7:15 in room 108 Academic building. Weatherford A&M. Club, Thurs day 7:30 p. m. March 16, Academic Building. >RD 1 assignment as chief of Make Her Happy ... if you chn’t be with your mother on her day send her the one gift that will make her hap py ... . . YOUR PHOTOGRAPH .. —Our Special Offer— ONE 8x10 PHOTOGRAPH Reg. $5.00 Value For Only $2.50 Make an appointment today! i AGGIELAND STUDIOS North Gate College TELEPHONE PATES TOO AT APE THE SAME IN SPYAN AND COLLEGE STATION AS THEY WEPE IN 1921 -CRAWFO (Continued from ihief of the research and < ‘ring division in the offii le commanding general o: krmy Air Forces. He followed this with a tour of duty the engineering division of the Air Material Command Field. ; In October, 1947, General Craw ford was promoted to Major Gien- «ral, and in Septembdr, 1949, he was transferred back to Texas as commanding officer of the Twelfth Air Force at Brooks Air Force Base, the field when 1 he began his career in the air. . t i P . . W: : ! ; ; ; ^ ffi. Dress Run For ‘Schoo By B. F. ROLAND * . The full cast of “Deestrict School,” the play scheduled to be put on in the AAM Consolidated gymnasium Friday night, is sche duled to run through a full-dress rehearsal tonight on the three- act farce of pure “any-thing goes” fun. ( Director Mra. E. B. Reynolds, guarantees that the little show will keep everyone laughihg from curtain time Friday night at 7:30 until the last pupil is “graduated” in the third act. Joint committees of the Mothers and Dads Club and the Band Mothers will contribute their bit with refreshments between the acta and after the play. Cakes, pies, coffee, and soft drinks will be available, at a price. And just to round things out. Uncle ngton’s Gravel Forks Sym phony will furnish the tempo for Boosters and Un’s Gravel Fork a good old-fashioned session of square and round dancing as Soon after the, play as the Door can be cleared off. I. 1 ' ’ . ; m'. ! The following people are includ ed in the recently announced com plete cast of “Deestrict School:” school committee, Chauncey God- bey, Bill Potts, and Bob Shrode; teacher applicants, Mrs. D. W. Fleming, Mrs. J. E. Roberts, Mrs. D. L. Belcher, and C. K. Esten (he wins); scholars, Mesdames W. E. Street, Manning Smith, R. R. Lyle, M. C. Hughes, A. W. Melloh, J. IT. Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS aau. WITH A BATTAI* J AD. RatM . . . 3c m with a 20c minimum. ClaarifM Section Inch. Send an tanc. to the Student All ade mould be a m. of the day before WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15,1950 clam i nan per Insertion rates la par colmaa with remit- svsa SEE US to buy or sen Phone S-T0«7. Wood Official Student - Faculty DIRECTORY M.jJ o, Texae A&M College 50c per copy Mail 50c STUDENT PUBUCATI Texas A&M College College Station, Te: 3 Tor full Information and bidding forma, write W. H. Holrmann. Comptroller. Tent A. and M. College Byetem, College Station, Texaa. Bidding forma, other data anf Inatructlona, with notice of when p rope rtf can be Inspected will be furnlabed on ro> queat. Propoeala mall be aubmltted only ag forma furnished and ahall be In eeatef envelopea furnished with propoeala. Tht College will reaerve one-half of the mto era!, oil and gas, right*. The Board d Directors reserve* the- right to reject anf and all bids and te Wlilv* any and all tech- aUpIlttM. ; w. h. Hofanann j Comptroller Texae A. and M. College College Station. Texas February 18, ISM —On Bate at SNACK BAR & NEWS STAND Consult Dr. Carlton B. Lee OPTOMETRIST With Your Visual Problems 203 S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-1662 j Flavor tails why it'4 so popular I NOTICE TO BIDDERS BRAZOS RIVER BOTTOM LAN* . / FOR SALE The Board of Director* of A. and M. College la offering for *al* 1.271 acre* of rich Braxo* River bottom land near the Agricultural Experiment Station land la Burleson County. Located m the John P. Cole* Grant on Farm Highway Mi It la ■bout seven mile* southwest of College Station. Bids will be received on three separate tracts of S70, 191. and 4M acres; on the entire acreage and en combi nations of tracts. % Sealed proposal* for bids will be re ceived In the office of the Comptroller, Texas A. and M. College System, College Station. Texas, until 2:00 p.m. on March 15, inso, then publicly opened and raad room of the Agricultural In the lecture room Engineering building. h' nf -1 j - p f 1 ' ; ; nil 4 ''1 ; J'P M ^ i'"- White, R Holzman, Frank Ai low. Spike tin, C. B. ORr CaH ton Adams, J. R. {Couch, and a group of boys including D. W.- Fleming, John Hillman, Les Richardson,. L. E. Boze, R. G. Perryman, Joe Motheral, Orin Helvdy, Ray Oden, knd Joe Sorrels. Cast as visiters are Mrs. G. S. Fraps, Mrs. C. K. Esten, and Deac Reynolds. Solbsi speeches, recitations, fin ger exercises and “general devil ment” are lilted for the entqg^j Purpose of nil the tomfoolery is te raise money to uniform the Con solidated Schoi AAUW Elefjts Fou Officers for Term Mirs. J. H. Sorrel|s was chosen n Associa- '. men in a i -iiwkjt. i Other officers elected were Mrs. A. W. Melloh, first vice-president and program director; Mrs, R. D. Lewis, treasurer; and Mrs.' Omer E. Sperry, parliamenUriam. All foul' officers were elected to serve two-year terms, and will serve during this year with the,group elected one year ago. Miss Bie Mat&bayiPlang, of Cat- ahato, Mindanao, Philippine Re public, was a visitor at tha meet ing. Miss Plkiqg./haM, been in the United States since .^September, 1948, studying in Cficagp through an AAUW International grant. ' ‘ Sj. C. Hoyle, associate profes sor of business law and an ate torney in Bryan, spoke to the as sociation on “Womeh’s Rights Un der the Community Property Laws of Texas.” ' r - s r (Continue starter there our best lineq to work then “Then ther offensive left! line-backer; rive left best safetj knd Bill 1 halfbacks -I! V,i . 11 also 1 one ol and is goinf 1 too. uck O’Neal, an ; and defensive ; Lippmann of. ; nd one of our: men]; Robert Shaef-. who can play 1 ffense and de- dial® 4-8039 op 6-6 tOUSK compfrtelj pf part, rmm* Uthald® — Collet«. FfARTMteNT—Frldltetre -a Call 6-3*8“ CUSTOM' BUILT RCA BUILT SOLE , CONS with sevea wave baa4s. speakers. Can 4-1*51- V AGGIE RADIO AND APPLIANCE SHOP — ; * ATTRACTIVE 3 lege Hill*. — floors, age. Box 4-8949. ■KSS«“S5 n SS iT.irfs.vf,.•s: TWO SHETLAND PONIES, i black mars pony—10 years old. 1 spelled stallioB pony 2 years old. *onpdon S (RiLert, Have You Seen the M7 Why it’s Dickie’s Khaki Shirts and Pants. Drop in today. TAYLOR’S CAMPUS VARIETY North Gate COOL OMFORTARLE CLEAN Beauty rest Mattresses ' Tile Baths Drop Us a Card for Reservations VAN COURT Preston Dishman, Owner and Manager Hi-way Six, South of Bryan PHONE 2-7560 TA MABLE Old baby e- 'S. C. Station alter lime. care for 8 mo*, light houmkteplng.; 04 Maryem. College call' 4-5503 any- I? r*E A » o M D at wm ond and lovely light, display a wide fonge of e vqamtvy •he rlng^ and the teed each Keepsake Dio- 0 pure ore proOd la ' hed Sets In . ond prices, the name In •■ l ' “guaron- gem” on SOT 352.20 meg 350.00 100 so 7475 aed $300 le 1450 MM rine» 'Hummed e*e‘ioM. w wSwte at weH ee neturol Quid Wnfli usiemed so mow d.sede fedwul Hal,