The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 13, 1950, Image 4
x B a Italian Soviet Y !■ AAUW Meets Tonight II ijy: ’The American Association I ol-f University Women will' elect offi cers for the 1960-51 period toiiight at 7 in the (Cabinet room of the VMCA, according to Mrs. Ql rE.) Sperry, president, A program will follow the | ness meeting at 8 p.m. and open to the public. • The 1c tive committee - risln- S,. C. Hoyle, associate profesjia of business law at AAM Colidg and ikttorney of Bryan, will speu on women's rights under the 16 munity property laws of the id of Texas. r 0 oT^n Pr l ggS C C a Duchess Miss Doroti y Spriggs, 17-year- old beauty of College Station has’ been named a duchess to thd Six teenth Annual Cotton Ball and Pageant representing the College Station Development Association and Chamber, of Commerce. Daughter oi Professor and Mrs. C. Q. Spriggs), Miss Spriggs is a cheer leader and junior class fa vorite at A&lrl Consolidated high school, besidels being an accom plished dancer and jlyric Soprano. ~ I ■ i - 1 4 Campus Study Club Will Me et Tuesday Stage Set For Benefit Comedy “District School”, of .Blueberry Corner, - * comedy relating the ex periences of a country school teacher, is to be presented at the. A&M Consolidated School on Fri day night, March 17. Letting their hair down to be come actors for the nlg^t will be such personalities as English pro fessor, C. K. Esteb, who is to por tray the unfortunate school teach er; and; John Hillman,, who- will be having spelling difficulties that night. Adding to the hilarity will be Eleanor Barlow’s giggles, and Principal L. E. Bose’s troubles as the school’s bad hoy. To make the entertainment com- pletOj Howard "Bud” Barlow and his Boys will be making with the red hot hpe downs, os College Sta tion Square Dance maestros call for an "honor your partner.” The comedy, which is directed by Mts. E. B. Reynolds, will be pre sented in am effort to raise enough money to supply A&M Consoli dated’s band with uniforms next year. r- 'j; :J “Shall We Encourage New In dustries” will be the topic for dis cussion at the meeting of the Cam pus Study ClUb of College Station to be held in the XMflk at 8 p.m Tuesday. t W. Barker and Rbyce LeRoy will be in charge ) Mrs. ^ P. Ibjree the program. r Mrs. of Newcomers Club Meets\ Wednesday Newcomers club of A- and M. College will meet at 2 p.m., Wed nesday, Marbh 16, i in tne Cabinet room of the y.M.C. A. for an after noon of bridge and canasta. Mrs. F. H. Weick will serve ns hostess chairman, assisted by Mrs. H.,;T. Kenuli^ Mrs. W. E. Briles Chevalier Speaks At Engineer Meet Col. Willard Chevalier, senior vice-president of the McGraw-Hill Publishing Company of New York Will be the guest speaker at an informal discussion of the Engin eers Council Monday night, April 17. Col. Chevalier has spoken num erous times in the. past at A&M. The engineering department is in hopes of having Col. Chevalier speak to, other groups while on the campus. \ City Council Meets Tonight at 7 p.m. and Mrs. Shannon. The' city coulncil 'will hold its monthly general meeting tonight at 7 p.m. irtl the Council Room of the City Hall according to Mayor Ernest Langford. A hearing on the re-zoning of lots in West Park will be held. , The cduneii meetings-are open and anyone interested may come, Langford said. \ A&M Consolidated Has Dental ;am schools ;ion of all esday ae on, super- The A&M Coi will have, a dental ii students today ah cording to* Les Riel intendent. This state sponsored . service is an inspection only and does not in volve any dental work, Richardson said. , However, in the case of un derprivileged children, the state will assume the cost! of having a local dentist do" what work is necessary IplipilBIIR The underprivileged childrens committee of the KiUranis club has arranged for 12 women to assist in the inspection which began at 8:30 this morning, according to W. M. Potts, chairman-of the com mittee. Those women that will assist in the inspection are Mrs. J. 8. Baty, Mrs. Joe Moth- nston, Mrs. R. J Where I Sit arners Found Off- mm Mrs. Ralph Rogers, J '•rail, Mrs. H. G. Joh E. Leigi ■ -* On * Mrs. R. O. BerryJ Mrs. Ralph Steen, Mrs. Dan Davis, Mrs. W. N. Colson, and Mrs. Ojtis Miller will offer their help. The underprivileged childrens committee will also ussist In the state eye inspection to be hied in the near future, Potts Said. What's C •| ! F. C. Bolton F. C. Bolton, president of A&M College does his part in the ground I breaking ceremonies of the A&M Methodist Church which were ; held ah part of the Sunday morning services. Methodists Observe BuildingCeremony A&M Methodist Church the ground-breaking ceremo- for tts new sanctuary as part The held nies . ^f its Sirnday morning service yes- terday at 11 a.m. j A short worship service was held in which Dr. Fred Brison gave a brief history of the church and Otis Miller and Pastor James Jackson gave Short talks. j| The congregation then filed out |>f the church to the place of the ground breaking singing “T h e Churche’S One Foundation.” I A prayer of dedication was led y Reverend P. T. Ramsey former astor of the First Methodist Ihuirch of Bryan which in 1919 ,avel $. r >00 for the organization of he A&M Methodist Church. After the litany of consecration, he actual breaking of the ground I 4 I f | I -i. . 8 WAYS TO BRIOHTEN YOUR DAY . 1 . RUN- See LOU .. i He’s always right with you. A real deal—Just like a steal EAT- A DELICIOUS MEAL at . . . Tillie’s Creamland . . . and Feel Mellpw. SNOOZE- Away Those Dreary Hours on a NEW BED, from— Aggie Appliances SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF FLOWERS FOR . . . |! Beautiful CORSAGES .4 IT • ORCHIDS • CAMELLIAS • ROSES : '' 1 And many other Beautiful Flowers to choose from , W I L S O N • Floral Co. 707j So. College Ave. Call 3-1069 Night 3-6265 We Deliver took place. Participating in this ceremony were M. C. H u g h e s, chairman of the building commit tee; Otis Miller, chairman of the board of stewards; Cleve Walkup, president of the Wesley Founda tion; Mrs. W. R. Horsley, presi dent of the Women’s Society of Christian Service; Presidenlt of A &M College F. C. Bolton; Rever end P. T. Ramsey; C. L. Andrews, contractor; and Reverend James F. Jackson, pastor of the church. The benediction was givert by R. L. Jackson, former pastor of the church. The sanctuary will be located on the lot immediately south of the present bujlding. Construction will begin immediately and it is hoped that it will be completed in ten months, according to Contractor C. L. Andrews. The building, which will have a seating capacity of 900, is the first of two more units to be built before the project is completed. - AINSWORTH - (Continued from Page 1) I general. The same year on July 8, he was promoted to major general and assumed his present post us commanding general of the divi sion. Gen. Ainsworth has held many posts in the reserve corps of the IT. S. Army. Presently he is chair man of the Texas National (luard Armory Board and a member of the. Reserve Policy Committee for the Secretary of Defense. He is also a past national commander and departmental commander of the American Legion. In private life Gen. Ainsworth has banking and oil interests as well as being active in rapehing ami manufacturing. The 36tb. Division of which he is commander has a history dating back to the battle of the Alamo. Members of the divisian took part in the battle of San Jacinto, the Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish American War and the Mexican Border campaign. •During the first World War, 36th. Division troops were in the Meuse Argonne and St. Mihiel bat tles. Men of the 36th. Division fought extensively in the Second World War. On both the Southern France and Salerno beachheads, they fought at hJaples, Foggia, Rome Arno, Anzio, in Central Europe and in the Rhineland. The entire division has been awarded the French Croix de •king burig Man Wit HERMAN C. GOLLOB Man With A Horn ners) starring Xirk las, Doris Day. Ho*gy Ichael (Campus) ere is supposed to be an Un- tteri law requiring critics 'Snd reviewers to be fittingly impartial in their appraisal of what is placed before the public eye as entertain- nent. Nuts! ,To those who read today’s -Key In A Horn ’ umn rWth ering the though-out facts on the worth the intention unbiased and w cli ■s* refu col- th- »y of We So im Kirk D James 1 Doria Di fuse to “Younir Man With A Horn,’’ say "don’t,” “ impressed are we wlUt Douglas’ acting, Har rji trumpet playing, g^d ris Day’s ainglng that we te to call their latest picture an off-key muddle of maud| excesses and hoary plot coj plications contrived by scriptcrx who thought they could do a bet ter job with the story than the rlT- Like Parks and Jolson. AH that we intend to do is shed more kudos oh Kirk Douglas, Doris Day, and Harry James. Douglas proves the old adage that a great actor can rise above poor mater ial. He is as heatedly intense as ever in the role of Richard Martin, the jazz-playing trumpeter who expected the impossible from music. Somebody manages to give artificially penned lines, the decep tive sound of power and e tion, and puffs at the trum though he doesn’t know that James is doing the actual playing, In the capable hands of Doris Day and Jamea, the fllm’r music is its most worthwhile feature. Doris pours her peach es and cream voice over favorites like “The Very Thought of You.’L"! Msy Be Wrong,” and ‘‘With A Song In My Heart,” while the invisible James plsys an alternately jazz and sweet trumpet with a zest and warmth have lately been missing his style. Photography A appropriately imaginative, particularly when the camera followed a crocked-up Douglas as he roams the New York streets, and When it roots around in sYnoke-filled <y>bnreta, picking up shirt-sleeved jazz com bos which make with tne-"saiul' music. In zuppdrting roles, Hoagy Car* michael sports a langorous dead pan and Juano Hernandez geta run over by a car. — AVMA AUXILIARY, Wednes day, March 15, 7:3|8 p. m. South Solarium, YMCA. [ AAUW, Monday; 8 p.m., Election of officers, talk on womens rights under community .property laws. AIEE-IRE, Tuesday, March 14, 7:30 p. m. EE Building. Dean Trotter will speak: ! AGGIE SQUARES, Friday, 8 pi m., Episcopal Parish House. Be ginners come at 7:30 p. m. BUSINESS SOCIETY, Tuesday March 14, 7:30 p. m. YMCA Chap el. State Senator Bill Moore will speak. : i CAMERA CLUB, Monday, March 13, 7:30 p. m.. Room 35 Physics Building. Wayne Stark will sp6&k. CAMPUS STUDY CLUB, Tues day, March 14, 7:30 p. m. Topic: Shall We Encourage New Indus tries. ENGINEERING SOCIETIES NIGHT, at the A nnex > Wednes day, March 15, 7:p0 p. m. Presi dents and other Chapter repre sentatives meet at YMCA by 6:45 p. m. 1 j ENTOMOLOGY ! SOCIETY, Tuesday, March 14, 7:30 p. m. Room 10 Science Hall. GARDEN CLUp, Friday, 3’ P- m., YMCA Chapel. Talk on wjild- flowers. NEWCOMERS CLUB, Wednes day March 15, 2:(j0 p. m. Cabinet Room, YMCA. i RANGE AND FORESTRY CLUB, Tuesday* March 14, 7:30 p. m. Third ; Fldor Agriculture Building, ; j , - RURAL SOCIOLOGY CLUB meeting Tuesday night at 7:30, Room 208 Agriculture Bldg. Be ginning of talks i^i Job Opportun ity Series. TAU BETA IT, Wednesday, March 15, 7:30 p. m., Civil En gineering Lecture Room election meeting. Weatherford A&M Club, Thurs day 7:30 p. m. Mnlrch 16, Academic Building. -GOLFERS- (Continue*! fpom Page! 3) up. On the fir^t extra hole the Farmer golfer birdied, winning the match by a b n e point margin Results of tlje other singles matches were Monte Currie, A&M, dropping a 2-1 hound to Bob Mi nor; J. C. Fletcher, A&M, losing to Bob Semaan, 2-1; and'Tom Ait- ken, A&M, falling before Bill Skin, ner, 4-3. In the doubles! division Semaan and Skinner drojpped Aitken and Fletcher, while Kingsberry and Minor outplayed (Currie and Darby. Best score of ijhe day was turn ed in by Minor; who toured the windy course in |73 (par 70). The next matijh for the Aggies is expected to be the Southwest Recreational Meet in Fort Worth, scheduled for next week. A&M Men Assist In Livestock Show Dr. J. C. Miller, head of the ani mal husbandry department, and Prof. Fred Hale in charge of original author. We refuse to mention Lauren Bacall’s name. If we, did, we would have io say that shg seems to be picking up a little of hubby Hupi- phrey’s capacity for dismal ptir- formances. As a sultry, sophisticat ed neurotic who hasn’t) found her self yet, Miss Bacall mouths lipes, which) must have been pilfered from ) old Greta Garbo pictures* in a way that suggests | she is [try ing h|ird to imitate Tallulah Bank head. [Perhaps Warners Would naive done (better by letting Miss Bank- head read the lines while Miss Bacall went through the motions. Radio Patrol Car Reached at 2120$ | Radio communications with the College Station patrol) cars has been established through the Bry an police radio to insure better protection for the city, Raymond Rogers, city manager has j an- nounced. To) contact the College Station par, j call the Bryan policp : at 2-1205 who will then relay) the repoft to the city car by radio, Rogers said. This system has beep in operation for a consider able [time and has proved to be sat isfactory. ) As added protection, Patrolman Curtis Bullock, fingerpript ejxpert formerly of the Sherman police, now patrols the city at night. Lee Nqrwood is the daytime' offi cer, Rogers continued. ! a! . — Ball Invitations Still Available Invitations to the Milljtary Hull may he secured froi first sergeants, Gene chairman of the invitation mittee, said today, be produced by Frldi since all unissued ... will be collected from sergeants on that daf. Only 1)400 invitations will be issued this year, Chase contin ued, since the 1,700 distrll last year resulted in too lai crowd attending the ball. Men who completed their) mil itary science courses last semes ter but who wish to attend the ball in uniform may obtain their invitations at Ross Hall, Chase concluded. Battalion ■ CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 BILL. WITH A BATTALION I AD. Ralu . .. . 3o a word p»r l with a 28o minimum, apses n Classified Beetle* ... Ms per taeB. Bead all elaauflsda with Uses to tha Student AeUvUlea All ada should bo turned In bp a.m. at tbs dap before publlsatie*. ! SEE US to buy Phone =2-70*7. panjr. or sell ui Wood rurolturo Official 41 Student • Faculty DIRECTORY MONDAY. MA11CH 13, 1950 write W. H. Holimanh. Comptroller. Tezat A. and U. Collets By mem. Collets Station. Texas. Blddlnt forma, other data ant Instructions, with entire of when proper!| ean be Inspected will be furnished on re- ,U propoeats shall be submitted only oa forms furnlehed and ehalt be In seals* envelopes furnlehed wtth proposal*. Tts Collars will reserve one-half of the min eral, oil and res rights. The Board o< Directors reserves tha right to reject an, and alt Mds and to waive any and all tech nicalities. W. H. Holtmann Comptroller Texas A. and If. College Byeteg Collets Station. Texas February 18. 1MO Texas A&M College 50c per copy i Phone 4-5444 Mail 50c to STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A ft M College College Station^, Texas —Ob Sale at AflBax— SNACK BAB ft . j NEWS STAND i ! V - , ' r CUSTOM BUILT RCA CONSOLE whit Mven wive bwada. Twin IS" ■penlcrra. Call 4-1 Ml—Only fM.OO AGGIE RADIO AND APPLIANCE SHOP TWO SHETLAND,PONIES. 1 bla^X nil old. 1 spotted i si pony—10 year* old. pony^ 2 yam old. mart; all ion DM HOUSE completely: RENT • LARGE 3 BEDS furnished. C* dlate posaemlo 4-8039 or « FURNISHED APlARTMENT—Kridtgalre — sublet part. Imme. * tide — College.; Southald 404 Montclair. Call 0-42.82 r Have You Seen the M?! Why it’s Dickie’s Khaki Shirts and Pants. Drop in today; TAYLOR’S CAMPUS VARIETY North Gate i »' ' * J C^onydon 3 ddab *rf NOTICE TO BIDDKRM BRAZOS HIVKK BOTTOM / FOR SALK The Board of Qlrectoni of A. *i College la offering' for sale 1,27' *" rich Braeoe River bottom land Agricultural Experiment Station; .. Burteeon County. Located In the J Coles Grant on Farm Highway 80 about aeven miles southwest of Station. Bids will be received on separate tracts of *70, 181, am acres; on the entire acreage and on natlona of trneta. Sealed proposal* for blda celved In the office of the Texas A. and M. College System. Station. Texna, until 2:00 p.m. on March 18, 19,v>, than publicly opened and raad In the lecture room of the Agricultural Engineering building. For full Information and bidding forms, I nice large Apartment — parttatir ! furnished — utilities — |38.00. Call 4-N907. Meadowbrook addition. 1947 AUSTIN limit RING—maroon aete: ting—inltlaleMJ. C. contact Jo* Bob Crotey, Dorm 1—Room 99v - — ll .1 wanted 2 deinonelralort, for an wleotrl cal appliance. I * aales persons! Interested In setting them selves .up, either full or part tlms, Independent ((eaters In a revolution*! chemical product. Other tieraon* Inter' ested In Inddpehdent pan lima worki Call at room l.Hu Dorm 18 or wrlti Bruc* lt io. r iia'2e*; Box 2K«n i College Sta tion Tag. , . m4 WAITRESS preferred ity* Orlll UTKD: Veteran’* wlfk Mr Morrison at Bmlt'- l-F ^. r , K B™wn R ^wTarso^var'* Mary Brown, aus W < KMon, uryftn. t NPKCIAI BTllDRNT RATES I j Life . h mo. L).., 83.IK Tlmo—a mo 3 <1J Fortune—8 mo . ...; B.tS Reader* Digest—8 mo. Ilk JOHNSON'S MAGAZINE AGENCY . -Box *114. college station BAlyTALIGN i ADS . > 4 :4 do niy selling |, job for me .. j ... and they’ll sell for you too! 14! • v i;