The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 13, 1950, Image 3

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    gs Annex 9-6 Tilt
b Open Campaign
A&M's baseball team ottened Its
1960 season oh Kyle Field Friday
afternoon with a ! weird 9-6 victory
over the medical men of Brooke
Air: Force Base at San Antonio
before some 2,000 fans. . ', : r\
The booming Tuats of “Shug”
McPherson, A1 Ogletree, and
Henry Candelari and the proficient
pitching of George Brown and
Bruce MorissC combined to give
the Ags a nine-run lead going
intd the top half of the ninth.
Brown, Morisse, and Blanton
Taylpr divided time on the mound
with credit for the outcome going
to Morisse. The southpaw senior
slinger from Nordheim took the
mound for the fourth, fifth, and
) sixth [innings and pitched no-hit
ball, striking out five batters and
walking five.
Brown Shows Promise
After allowing a ringing double
to the lead-off man; in the first
inning, George Brown, a 24-year-
old veteran from Irving, settled
down to show the best control for
the day. The tall right-hander
didn’t yield /another hit during his
three inning stint.
ft.Was a brilliant pitching per
formance between medic mounds-
man Lowell Thomas and Brown
J ’and Morisse for three and a half
innings of play, but Cadet center-
fielder Hollis Baker started the
firewqrks in the bottom of the
fourth with a line-drive single to
left fiatdL
McPherson strode to the plate
and slapped the first pitch for a
hojmerun that Hailed over the cra
ter field harrier, a distance . of
!I67 feet. After HH1 ^arrlner Hied
defep to the left-field, Candelari
drove tme out of* the park tha';
barely cleared thd fence in left
center. ■ ' - \
Ogletree Hpili Uprights
The Aggies added four runs to
I heir total of three In the sixth
off two costly errors, a walk, and
a !)‘i0-fout homeruh by backstop-
per Ogletree tlytt split the up
rights on thegFfootball practice
Southpaw Dave Cranfield re'
Moved Thomas in the sixth inning,
uitd gave up a run in tho seventh
and eighth chapters. One was in
sidiously enacted theft of home
•plate by Wally Moon, the Ag left-
Ogletree led with a booming tri
ple in the eighth and sccond-
bgseman Joe Savarino singled oiyer
the box to drive home Ogletree for
the final Farmer score of the
afternoon, ivj V
Medics Threaten
Taylor- allowed only one hit
while whiffing four during his
first two innings, but turned cold
us a cucumber in the ninth. v
The Hondo Hurler issued three
walks in succession before fan
ning > one, and automatically al
lowed two runs off two additional
free-passes before George Keith
batted in two markers with a sin
gle to center. Candelari got one
at third before Marshall Beseker
swept the bases, with a double.
Goodloe Ends Rally
Marty; Karow- then ushered Sid
Goodloe to the mound. Goodioe
struck out the next batter, put out
the fire, and ended the ball (game
on four quick pitches.
A neatly executed double play by
the Aggie infield in the first
inning saved them from a pos
sible deficit after the Brooke lead-
off man doubled down the left-
field foul line. J-_, • /
The next man hit to Brown -en
the mound who zipped the ball to
Herschel Maltz at first. Maltz
rifled the sphere ta third where
Candaleri tagged out the runner
advancing from second. \ 1
ij # ‘‘i ■
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fp ;fj .
; 1
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jut 1 i
. -r
Connie Magourik (45>, White
picks up yardage before bein
Chuck O’Neal (54), Maroon
urday’s contest. Converging on the action , are
kite right halfback. Maroon players El
g stopped by rugged Lawson (38), fulll
line-backer, in Sat- tackle. White tael
lo Nohavitza (65), guard; Bull
fullback; and Tuck Chapin (77),
White tackle Alvin Langford (79) looks
on from the right.
MON, MAR, 13, 1950
v I
JU. ■ I J f 1 j I ® i) j ’
Cadet Tennis Team
Topples U oj H, 6-0
Aj&M's tennis team accomplish,
rd the near-impoMible Saturday,
upsetting the powerful Univer
sity of Houston net team, 6-0, on
the hardwoods of DeWaro Field
House after prevailing rains forced
the match indoors. -
Beginning at 1:U0 In the af
ternoon, the clash lasted tilt 10
p. in. with one nmteh being staged
at a time, It was undoubtedly the
longest meet played this year.
, After dropping an earlier en
counter to the Cougars, 2-4, in
Houston, the Aggies were forced
to play their b«xt tennis of the
present canqmign 'to down the high
ly favored invaders. Five , of the
six matches were forced to the
Mmit, each of three-set duration.
DeBerry Upsets Morton
However, the most surprising
upset of the day was registered
when R. G. DeBerrvFdowned Jason
Morton, a top-ranking player in
the state, 7-5, 0-6, 6-4, in the most
gruelling and thrilling match of
the day. fc r
It took DeBerry an hour and a
half to dispose of the Houstonian’s
powerful American-twist . serve,
dynamic overhead, - and near-in-
LIU, Niagara, Arizona Out;
Trio Had Downed Ag Five
& SEEDS ! |
are your needs. Let us help
you- with our complete line.
North Gate/. ' * \ \ ■
■ Ab"'
Phone 4-1145
Jewel Gibson
writes a rough, tough
talo of lifo in a
Texas boom town
Black Bold
w , r
SH^.’fhis is a rip-snorting saga of skulduggery, love and whip
lash action ... all set in a Texas oil town about fifty years ago.
When young Bass Chalmers returned to Watson. Texes, for
hi* mother's shot-aun funeral, he was plunged into-a black
faliblc ground stroke#.
Morton almost took advantage
of DeBerry’s weak service, but
the number-one Aggie from Sail
Angelo was at his peak with a
forcing brand of tennis. His two
chief weapons were a two-fisted
hackhargl and a sharp, timely at T
tack at the net.
I | Pincaii, Tate Win
Afteri dropping the first set to
Hugh .Sweeney, U-O. Bobby Dun-
oan] took the' n#xt two acta, 8-8,
lj-lf to eke out a threo set vie-
tory over hta advaraary In the
mimber|two. mateh of the meet.
Accotdlng Jto Ag Conch W. M.
Dowell,: the match between Dun
can and Sweeney was a beautiful
oxnlbltlbn off tennis, as few mis
takes were imade, most of the
points coming on placements.
In the number three singles
match, Royce Tate downed Dec
Ligon, 6-0, 4-6, 6-8. Each netter
played Steady, conservative tennis,-
forcing; his opponefit--to err.
DeBerry ahd Tate'" combined to
defeat [Morton and Sweeney, 6-3,
7-9, 6-4, in the longest battle of
the dag. Shajrp, decisive action at
the net enabled the number one
dup to; down their foes.
Hardin Wins in Two
the las]; of the three-set af-
Tajrs, Duncan and Allen Aaron-
son downed Ligon and Earl Gald-
well, 6-8, 6-4, 6-4, in the tightest
/match ; of the meet.
jDick Hardin broke the three-
set jinx while beating Caldwell,
7-5, 9-7, in the fourth-ranking
singles match. At one stage dur
ing the last set the two battled
for possession one .game, playing
ofjf Ideuce nine times.
Because of the time element} the
freshmen units were allowed only
ope set to complete a match.
A&M’s Fish' lost, 1-2, as Eugene
tos .salvaged the only victory,
ppirig Dwight Allen, 6-0, in a
lij-miiiute set.
The University of Colorado net
m will be A&M’s next oppon
ent in a match scheduled here
‘ larch 21.
New York, March 13—<A > >—Sy
racuse pulled a stunning upset and
Western Kentucky, City College of
New York, and LaSalle followed
form as the four moved into the
quarterfinals, of the National In
vitation Basketball , Tournament
Saturday night. -
A 10-point underdog, Syracuse
outraced Long Island University
for an 80-to-62 first round victory
in the second game of a double-
header after LaSalle beat Arizona,
72-66, in the first game.
Western Kentucky downed Ni
agara, 79-72, and CCNY eliminated
Isis' Bob Smith 1*4 tha Ca-
'htU squad to a 19-14 grid
nr the Maroons in the
r contest of Saturday’s
Ending spring training for
>ach Harry Stfteler’s squadmen,
le game was held under the lights
eat Mi
NoW Syracuse meets top-seeded
iys St. ' ‘ ‘ ‘
terfinals. CCNY faces second-
Bradley 1 'and
plays St, John’s in tonight's quar-
seeded Kentucky and LaSalle plays
third-seeded Duquesne in Tues
day’s remaining quarterfinal tilts.
Semi-finals are Thursday and the
finals next Saturday.
in, however, with Ms
ll-Stater to TU
[Lubbock, Tex., March
The University of Texas
10 UPt—
is the
ntative choice for Bobby Brown,
Liubbock High School’s ull-stute
football and baseball stnr in 1949.
Browf, a T-formation qusirter-
back, Will complete his high school
elglbillty at the close of the spring
baftobfH Heaaon.
Event Standings For
Border Olympics Win
129 Yard High Hurdles,
Pau|l Lemltig, Texas A&M; Al-
vln Allen, 1,811; John Valla Bay
lor; Jack Hchleuning, Baylor (14-
7). I
8HO Yard DasM'
Harold Tarrant, OkUthoma A&M
(1:56 flat—New Record—old rec
ord of 1:57.3 aet by Ed Vudjoe of
Texas A&M in 1943); ,[Earl Jones,
Oklahoma A&M; Dan Newsome,
LSU; Lowell Huwkinsdn, Texas.
220 Yard Dash , ^ r
Unofficial World’s Record: Char
ley Parker |of Texas ran the [race
in 29.0 flat—the official wojrld’s
record of 20.3 is held jointly by
Jesse Owens and Mel Patton); {Dick
Stople. Oklahoma A&M; D’Airibro-
sio, Baylor; Joe Preston LSlJ.
140 Yard Relay
[Texas (Charlie Parker, Carl
Mayes; Floyd Rogers, Perry Sam
uels)—(42.1; New recoil'd—old rec
ord of 42.2 set in 1947 and 1949
by Texas also); Rice; Baylor Texas
A&M. -
Mile Run
J. D. Hampton, Texas A&M; Jul
ian Herring, Texas A&M; John
Garmany,- Texas A&M; Richard
Brooks,- Texas (time 4:20.8.
100 Yard Dash
Charley Parker, Texas (9.4—new
Olympic record—old record of 9,5
set by Jirri Metcalfe pf Oklahoma
A&M in 1942); Peiqy Samuels;
Joe Preston, LSU; and Antonio
D’Ambrosio, Baylor.
440 Yard Dash N
Bernard Place, Texas A&M; Don
Basketball Notice
All 1950 varsity basketball
players are to mebt at DeWare
Field House at 6 p.m., Tuesday,
March 14, to have a squad pic
ture made, Coach Marty Karow
has announced.
Karow urged every member
of the cage team to pass word
of this meeting to the other
basketball players in order to
insure a complete turnout for
the picture.
Mltchdl, Texas A&M; James Hour.
gois, LSU j Jsck H nut Mi wit, LHU
(time 48,7), i
Shot Put V
Harold Voss. Lpf U8'
uew record—old record of 40' 11"
set lo] 1948 by George Kudera,
Texas A&M); Jim Kurx. Okla-
homa A&M (46' 10tk”): Bill Mil-
burn, Texas (45' «"); George Ka-
dora, Texas A&M (44' IIM’'.
Broad Jump
John Vought, Oklahoma A&M<
(28’ 1"); Jack Lucas. Baylor (23’
•V’); Charles Meeks, Texas (22
3”); Jim Gerhardt, Rico (21’ 9!&’’)4
Finals Javelin
Tobin Rote, Rice (191’ 11’’)
Raymond Marek, Texas (190’ 9”)i
Donald Klein, Texas (178’ 4’’; John
Simpson, Texas A&M (168’ 7”). )
Finals Discus
George Kadera, Texas A&M!
(165’ 10M>” new record—^)ld rec
ord of 167, 5" set by Jess Petty
of Rice in 1935); Randall Clay;
Texas (145’ 11 ti”); Ed Hooker,
Texas A&M (137’ 9”) ; and J a c k
Adkinson, SMU, (137’ 8").
High Jump I
Vern McGrew, Rice 6’ 4%”); WL
F. Davis, Texas A&M, (6’ 4%”—
tie for first); Donald Graves, Tex
as A&M, and John Vails, Bay
lor, tied for third (6’ 2 I &").
Two- Mile Run
J. D. Hampton, Texas A&M;
Paul Efaw, Oklahoma A&M. Bob
bie Whisenant, Texas; Jerry Bon-
neh, Texas A&M (time 9:51.4)
220 Yard Low Hurdles
Robert Hall, Texas A&M; Bill
Bless, Texas A&M; Ralph Person,
Texas; Paul Leming, Texas A&M
(23.1—new record—old record of
23.6 set by John Rowland of SMU
in 1949.
”, Mile Relay
Rice (Tom Cox, Jim Hoff, Otho
Byrd, Arthur Brown); Texas
A&M; Texas; Texas Christian
(time 3:21 flat).
Pole Vault
John Simpson, Texas A&M (13?-
6"); Bob Walters, Texas, and Don
Graves, Te.xng A&M, tied for sef-
ond (13t ovoh)i; James Lowry,
was top offensive gun for
carrying the ball 16
yards, a ftwpper-car-
w Clarence “Boll’’ Lpw-
Ilenn Lippman led tha
t quad in yards gained
netting 4.4. and 8.8 aver
ages reap setively.
Delmer Sikes led the passing
department, hitting his receivers
with sever of 12 passes thrown.
Sikes’ passes gained 87 yards for
the White i, although two were in
tercepted. |[
{Gar lemal’s Gains Tfcpa
G internal,
netting 17 yards per com
The game was fairly even in
most dep irtments, with the Ma
roons fun ibling twice, the Whites
once, and all three slips being re
covered by the opponents. Punt
ing found Lippman averaging only
21.3 bn jour kicks, although: his
two best—41 and 48 yard boots—
were nullified by penalties.
Sikos kicked twice tor 22 yards,
while Ra; r Graves put his too to
tiro bsll c iily once tor 84 yards.
Maroons Take Offenae ' i
Th(j Mrropns' won the toss and
chose: to | receive. Chartes Hodge
klck&l off for the Whites, &ith
Law&m returning 17 yard" <«> the
quad Hu
Clinton] Gwlnn to tha 1-yard lint.
took tha bait and went
over left guard to strike pay di
r tha extra po
and the Maroons t<
switched hands several
gh the remainder -
quarter, with no ji
score. The haif-ti
arrived with the
14, Whites 18.
but enthusiastic
. .bUltla dortaftt!?" 1
time ceremonies. The girls were
in all white. V i
Intricate maneuvers and a "pom
pom" dance to "Twelfth Street
Rag" kept the andience’e eyes en
the field until the test Rangerette
had left
Smith Returns Kickoff
ied with Hie Whites
kickoff fen the
■HII aroons
losing pofsossion on downs.
8|Esa was forced to punt
the Whites, with the ball go
almost straight up and landing
their own 25 yanf line. After
other exchange, the Maroon* W-
s'jr.rir"* °" M ' M
I i Hooper Takes Over
A hard and long pass f
Hooper to Lippman netting
yards gave the Maroons % I
dowp on the White 48. A
yard pass to Moore placed the ball
on the 42, with—two incomplete
P *Hoo]
White-28, as the gun sounded
Half End* Cteee
s first play after Ho
CharMe McDonald ft
Whites took over.
Play return
receiving the
Smith carryini
Within! seven plnys. the Maroon
Sd covered 68 yi
f made the first score
of the gathe from three yards out,
The drive was sparked by Garde-
tttel'ik passys to Jaro Netarduu ami
Billy Tidwell, following a 15-yard
run *round left end by Lawson.
Hooper converted for the Ma-
roona, making the score 7-0. I
Hboper kicked, off <o Ihe White
7, where Royalty returned the pig
skin: to this 32. Wlthlt) four plays,
the Whites returned [the visit of
their ^opponents and scored. J
Smith Shows Fewer
After Smith had carried the ball
10 ifards for a first on the Maroon
42, Sikes passed to Hodge on about
the: 3-yard line, from wher^ the
end{ stepped across the {white
stripe. v - \ | .
Sjlkes’ attempt for the extra
point was good, and the hall game
was knotted up at 7-7;
The game became is pee-saw af
fair once more when Hie Mdroons
received Hodge’s kickoff but; could
not gain the first-down mark x in
the required three plays, after
which Lippman got off a 39-y»rd
Following a succession of short
ruris, a pass from Sikes was in
tercepted by Maroon! lineman Elo
Nohavitza on the Maroon 44; tot
ing the ball across midfield to the
White 35.
Moore Tallies
G'ardemal again hit Netardus
for a 15.yard gain, after which
Lippman lagged the ball to the
three-yard line in a series of plays.
Moore went over for the second
Maroon tally, putting them ahead,
I3i7. Hooper’s coriversipn raised'
their lead to 14-7. j
jThe first quarto^ ended a few
minutes later with this {score
Smith had just gone around left
end 25 yards to (|\e Maroon
Sikes followed up With a pass t#
ith carrying the ball back to his
own 45. After several exchange
punts, the White squad took oyer
On tha Maroon 82 after a short
kick biy Lippresn.
Smith and Augte Saxa ted a
drive which brought tha Whites
to the Maroon 6-yard line. Smith,
in two plays, went over to give the
Whites » 19-14 load. Hodge missed
the attempt fbF an extra point.
fh*. third quarter ended with
tbs MarponaV holding the hall bn
theirjown in-yard Una. Lippman
missed a first down by two yards,
end the Whites took ovor In Ma-
roon territory—the 18-yard mark
Marosns Regain HaH
Dobhvn picked up five yards III
three plays, Graves missed a pans
to a receiver In the laft flat, and
the Maroons again grabbed the
ball, only 12 yards shy of their
own goal.
no recer
tifie Whil
Statistics i |’[1,
Whites (19) Maroons (1^
: 68 Net Yds. Rushing
: 10.....„. Not Yds. Passing U
! 4 Passes Attempted
3 Passes Completed ....4...
!6-6 Punting Average 2Ml
« No. Punts L.I7
No. Fumbles L.
2. .. Opponent’s Fumbles Rec’d ,
Yards Penalised
Aggie Golfers Load
The Texas Aggie golfers
down In defeat in the second gar
of their 1950 campaign, when i
University of Huuaton Coug*
took a 5 1 mateh Friday after no
at the Bryan Country Club, ho
(ooree for khe Aggies.
Gene Darby, winner of the op
Cadet victory, deef
berry, state left handed ohamr
onf up in tO holas is
triumph. , ~
Playing d»i a windy enurae
nutting mt ! slick
trailed the 1 left ..
throujrhquvthe first ,17 holes.
ighteenth hole Darby par
his feniionent boglcd to
[See GOLFERS, Page 4)
Even if the weather
“turns on the heat]
look and feel cool, immac
ulately ^.groomed in these
flattering, summery trop-
Try on One.
They Fit!
North GaUkJ (Next to Campus)
$1,900 CARS?
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