The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 10, 1950, Image 6
f At' Church Sunday You Will Find... I a; 2St ^ S2& morning at 11:30. The St. Thomas Episcopal Church of College Sta tion will receive the address as “The. Misunderstood Christ" is the sermon topic ol^gen by James F. fowler, pastor of the A&M, Church of Christ, for the 1Q:45 morning worship services. The Youog Peoples Discussion Group will meet at 6:15, followed by the 'evening worship services dt 7:15.; The evening text will be “Type^ and Antitype”. . Fred Mgehroff, pastor of the V Lutheran Church will use “More of Christ In Business” as his text for the 10:45 worship services. Sunday School will be he 0:30 u. ifi. and the Bible Study .Group moots at 6:30 p. m, 5 -f • ' i i Confttftftion wMI bo Huturday evening from (1:30 to 7:30 at St. Mary's Chapel. Sunday muss will b« 8:30 and 10 it. m, ♦t . IHW ^hibraon, paatnr of the A«M Presbyterian Church will sj»egk on "Spiritual Invest- ■arSbL. “u l } >t ' S u " d “y morning Sunday School will bo at . 0.45 followed at J1 by morning I?' l '’ : "" with Fellowship Service at irlS,. ★ f I ,,T h f Rov - Henry Knox Sher- rill,-Presiding Bishop of the Epis- j A&M Methodist Society Meets With Parnells r The Woman’s Society of Christ ian Service of the A&M Methodist Church niet Mondaji.ut the home of Mp. E. D. Parnell with Mrs. J. S.f-Mbsrford and Mrs. Jim Teddle i. as Co-Hostesses. Mrs. Ide P. Trotter, Dean of the Graduate School,, showed col- , ored slides of Japanese temples ] and places of religious and histor ical significance in Japan and Chi- \ ha.-. _ .f ; Thirty-seven members were pre- esnt for the meeting. » auuicaa ua part of their Sunday morning ser vices. •jff “The Christian’s Main Export”- is the sermon topic chosen by James M. Moudy of the A&M Christian Church. Church School will be at 9:45 a. m. and morning worship at 11. The Christian Science - Society will meet Sunday morning at 11 in the Assembly Room of the YMCA, Phillip Goode, Chairman. — It The A&M Methodist Church will have ground-breaking services for the new Sanctuary as a part of the 11 a, m. worship services. Evening worship will he at 7. Teachers Meeting Will Hear Barton Rogers Jj. Bartoh, ; assistant pro fessor of Industrial Education will deliver an address' for the indus trial educational suction of District 12, Texas State Teachers’ Asso ciation meeting in!Waco March 10. Barton will d^cuss “Correla tion of Drawing and Shopwork.” John W. Tays, who recently re ceived his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at A&M, will give a dem onstration on plastics. He is an industrial arts teacher at New Braunfels high .school. Mayo Appointed Head Of Teacher Committee Dr. T. F. Mayo, h<>ad of the English department at A&M, was elected co-chairman of;The Texas Committee in Integration of High School and College English Teach ing at its meeting Friday and Saturday in Thomas Jefferson Higlt School in San Antonio. m #* 4 * * • * * ’! • || . ' -.j | Moving up on line for Wednesday’s Composite Regimental review is B Quartermaster Corps. Kenneth Hunnicutt is commander of the uni! School Children Present Pageant A nurfition of the ‘Revolution’ by Johnny Koewen highlighted the Independence Day Program, pre sented by Mrs. Witten’s section, of the Otft grade Thursday at A&M Consolidiit^l. > Other i'uttractlons /of the pro gram were a campfire scene with Masons Meet In Tonight j I GulloWny Calhoun of Tyler, Tex as, the immediate past imperial potentate Of the U.' S. Shrine will speak tlo the Masonic George Washington celebration to be held at SbisajHall tonight. •Masonp from some 56 lodges in seven Mlispnic districts surround ing the Bryan-College Station area will paiiticipate in the meeting, which sponsored by the Brazos Union Lodge No. 129 of Bryan, and the Sul Ross Lodge No. 1300 of College Station. Calhounl who is also a past mas ter of the Grand Lodge of Texas, is a prominent East Texas attor ney; who has been associated in timately with free masonry Since 1917. I George McKay, Don Drapper, Mar- dull Schaefer, Bobbie Miller, Sal ly Puddy, and Walter Barnes, and Jean Anne Smith—telling stories and giving poems of early Texas life. The entire group sang "Texas lament’’ and “When the Work's All Done This Fall”. Afterwards the Texas Star and a medley of early square (lances of Texas were depicted by Ruth Ann Fudge, Margaret Berry, Shir ley Brown, Jean Ahne Smith, George McKay, Craig Thompson, Don Draper,' and Jon Ray Perry man, under the direction of Mrs. ^G. W. Schlesselman, who called the r dances. Mrs. Witten directed the pro gram. A.A.U.W. Group To Hear Mrs. Dulaney The Education Study Group of the American Association of Uni versity Women meets this evening at 7:45 in the home of Mrs. Pearle Tanzer, in College Station. Mrs. Louis Dulaney, a member of the faculty of A&M Consolida ted School, will discuss with the group certain aspects of guidance. Boney’s Weekend Sale Highway 6 at Coulter Drive FREE COFFEE SATURDAY Served with Carnation Cream _y Diamond No. 1 Cans r TOMATOES ...... Jewel SHORTENING McCormick TEA . . Carnation MILK Fraheo-Atnericnn—15 Oz. Cans \ SPAGHETTI KimMI*. ' ! BLACK BERRIES Recipe—No. 1 Tall Can i PINK SALMON . . . Mrs. Tucker’s OLEOMARGARINE Hunt’s—300 Can PEAS v .. r -——:—J . ■,— for 25e . 3 lbs. 53c . l/ 4 lb. 27e . Tall can 10c , .2 for 25c No. 2 ca«i 15c .... Can 35c . 1 lb. ctn. 19c . . can 15c MEATS ' Brisket " RIB ROASTS Square Cut; SHOULDER. Famous Brand BACON . . Heart O’Texas—Pan Ready fryers . . Sail Pork - i JOWL . ... CROWN ROAST. • • • • • • • • • • • lb, 31c lb. 44c lb. 38c lb. 55c lb. 12c lb. 44c Diamojnd No. 300 Cans PORK and BEANS Hunt’li—8 Oz. TOMATO SAUCE ....libel Star Kist-f-«i/,| Oz. TU HA . . 3 for 25c • PRODUCE • LRROTS , 3 bunches 10c BELL PEPPERS lb. 15c Russet | POTATOES L 10 lbs. 45c DeJicioUH APPLES lb. 10c Swantl Down Instant—1 Lb. Box CAfCE MIX Birds lEye Frozen—12 Oz. I’kg. PEAS ...... Stoklelv’s 14 Oz. Bottle j CATSUP Hershey’s KISSES . Green! Spot—46 Oz. Cans ORANGE ADE . . . Bird's MU Frozen—Ut Oz. Pkg. CAULIFLOWER . DOP FOOD I GIHir'i I FLOUR . . I' . GRAPE JUICE . . . . Lot Cabin—12 Oz. f SYRUP FoleeU COFFEE CRISCO .. l . i i.i . 2 for 55c . . . 25c . . . 15c . . . 19c . 2 for 49c .... 35c 2 cans 25c 5 lbs. 38c . . Qts. 33c . J . 25c 1 lb. 70c 3 lbs. 69c ’h/Vct'S > Si/PF&MARK£ T 1 College Given Deans Portrait An oil painting of Edwin J. Kyle, ’99, former dean of ag riculture here, will be present ed to the college this year. v Seymour Stone, interna tionally known artist, will paint Dean Kyle’s portrait, commerating his long service and accomplish ments in the field of agriculture and United Statea-Latin American relations. 1 Arrangements for the portrait were made by the following: Johjn C. Mayfield, A&M graduate of 1923. Houston; ‘ Walter T. Burns, Monterrey, Mexico; James P. Hamblen, Houston; Stealing C. Evans, Houston; and Ted W. Mohle, Houston. Dean Kyle was born at Kyle, Texas, in 1876, and came to A&M as u student id 1898, graduating in Ju,ne 1899. While a student, he was senior captain in command of the ■ cadet corps, president of his class, and valedictorian, among other honors. He Inter received another B. S, degree from Cornell University. In 1902, Cornell conferred n mus ter of science In agriculture upon him. He then returned to A&M to teach, becoming agricultural dean in 1911. Kyle retired as dean of the A&M school of agriculture! in 1943 and became dean emeritus. He was appointed U. S. ambassador to Guatemala in January 1945, a position which he occupied kintil 1948. Play by Play Station WTAW, 1150, will carry a play-by-play broadcast of Saturday's baseball game be tween A&M and Brooke Medical Center. Sports Director Dub King will be the announcer, as sisted by Jack Norman and Harold Gann. The broadcast will open at 2:55 p. m. and car ry the entire game. * < ^ n. . . •. * 4' .. >1 , . *•* < ,. v f ■W, ? '■ Battalia Emil Bunjes Bunjes has been named a meti^- bfr of The Battalion recently] orKunized City new* staff. Hpi is covering news and feature stories from College Station Is; A&M Consolidated High School. Council Approves Joint Sewage Plan The .^College Station city coun cil at a called meeting Monday afternoon approved (dans for , a Joint College Stution-Bryan pru- ject to install mloquatu sewerage dU|iosal for tin- residences be tween College Station And Bryan. .College Station will lay about 3,000 feel of sewerage lines from old HigHway 6 to new Highway 8. | Bryart will then continue ihe system through North Oakwdod arid Gaijden Acres to their pew sewerage disposal plant, accord ing to city manager Rnyrwjihd Rogers, j Only a relatively few house f s, those on the northern edge of Col lege Station’s and the southern fringe of Bryan’s city limits, will benefit by the project, Roger 8 ' added. I ; Plans jand specifications are be ing made by Fred J. Benson, City Engineer. —f t- \ rt - Letters Yield Cash to Poet Have you ever gone into the Post Office, opened your box and pulled out a letter containing an unexpect ed check from an unknown bene factor? Joseph H. Ryberg, fresh man agronomy major . from Gal veston did just this Wednesday when he went to the Post Office. The mysterious letter came from the D. K. Caldwell Foundation of Tyler,* Texas. At first Joe did hot know why be had begn blessed with the money, but soon he dis covered that his interest in poetry proved to be more then a means of personal entertainment^ The letter commended Joe' for his outstanding work In college, and especially for his poem “Love of the Soil” Which appeared in tha January 1953, Issue of Thu Agri culturist; Because of the fine sentiment he "so beautifully «*• uressud'', Joe found himself In a better financial posialon. Joe acquired his Interest In poetry during his junior year In Filgh scAbol, but “Ijovc of the Soil” was the first of his efforts to he published or receive recognition. • BONEY’S CLOSE OUT SPECIALS • WE ARE DISCONTINUING CERTAIN ITEMS. FOR THAT REASON WE ARE OFFERING THE ITEMS AT A LOW PRICE. GET YOIIRR W HILE THEY LAST. HORMEL CHIU CON CARNE With Beans—Reg. 32e ; j Now 20c Without Beans—Reg. 38c J. Now 25c HORMEL CORNED BEEF HASH Rcr. 41c i i-.i Now 25c Hormel DEVILED HAM—Reg. 17c .T 10c Hormel Cured PORK TONGUE—Rcr. 47c 25c Hormel LITTLE PORK SAUSAGES—Reg. 39c 25c RATH CHIU CON CARNE With Beans—Reg. 33c .-I 20c Without Beans—Reg. 87c 25c Rath PORK with GRAVY—Rc K . 59c 40c Rath DEVILED HAM—Reg. 17ei 10c Dinty Moore SPAGHETTI—Reg. 87c ..iL 25c Dinty Moore , BEEF STEW—Rcr. 45c -4 \L 30c Franco-American BEEF GRAVY—Reg. 15c .: j 10c Ked Crown POTTED MEAT—Rcr. 9c i 5c Bar B VIENNA SAUSAGE—Reg. 12c, 10c MUSTARD GREENS—Ren. 10c j 5c Silver Wedding I Celebrated by Vi f-t , j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vance cele brated their 26th wedding anniver sary Tuesday evening, March 7,; with a dinner party. A few close! friends joined them at their home at 607 East 32 Street.’ Mr. Vance is head of the Pe-; troleum Dept. Liz Miller Nini' Kiwanis Ducj less ^ & »•« ar High School ms been (elected represent the local Kiganis Cl— as its Duches i to the Dtlon April 28. The selectio 1 was ma|jp follow! a regular Kiwanis dinljer held' fibisa Hall Tuesday. |[ Miss Millei, presidiiit of the Consolidated Uchool chabter of the Homemakers Club, waM recently elected as m minee fir an area office at thi Area Mueting to he held Manh 18 inllHuntsville. She is the daughter If Mr, and Mi^t. Otis Miler. La VillUa G To Hea ta roup r Dellpla The' March Vllllto Chapter of tl be held Thur«duy ev«| at the home of Mrs. 211 Suffolk, College hostesses th it evenl| Mrf Frank Brown, Adamson and Mrs. K. Mrs. Davis present the /alter Dela plane, economics d« College. His wil| be “Post operation.” partment subject fi • dlaoussid vur Intel ationul Co- Members inay invltj bands and oJ.her guei this meeting speaker. Battalion CLASSIFIED FRIDAY, MARCH WTAW - 9:30 A.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ■ ; SHU. WITH A BATTALION CLASSinHD i AD. Rates . . . 3c a word per tnaertlori with * 2Sc minimum, apace rate* la Cleselfled Section . . . SOc pm inch. Bend ell cleeelflede with remit tance to the Student ActlvUlee Office, ada should he turned in hr 10:00 I.A ROE BEDRl vate home. College. FURNISHED A *04 Montclair before publication. FOB SAUB SEE US to buy or ■•11 umo furniture Phone 2-7067, Wood Furniture Com pany. NOTH BRAZOS KI I ; 1 Official Student - Faculty DIRECTORY ■ '■ r ' ■ -j af Texas A&M College . ' ||’ 4 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 •V,'' Mail 60c to STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ] Texas A A M CoUege College Station. Texas The Board oi CoUege In offei rich Brazos R1 Agricultural En Burleaon County Coles Grdnt on •bout seven I •Uftloil. !j Bids separate tracts acres; on the er nations of tracr their hus- to attend tr the guest DM. adjoijpi 500 Main »ARTMEN' Call 6-4 l TO BID (VKR R SALE Dire'ctorsl ng for sail er bottom! ixjperiment Located) Farm ,H1| Ilea south* will be of 670. ,| tire acrei —On Sak at Aaaex— SNACKBARS * NEWS STAND Sealed propo eelved > In the Tex a* A. and Statlou, Texae. 1&, 11*50, then 111 the lecture Knxlneerlna I>ul kor full Info i writ* W, If, Ho A. and if. Colli Texne. Blddl ImMriiolloiw, wl can be liiepeetejl qu^it. PropoeaH ah forme furnlelie I envelope* furnt Colleae Will re eral. oil nnd a Director* reeen and all bide am niealltie*, W. H (Him |*l TexiUl College atatlon Fehruary is, 1 CUSTOM BUI I eeven wave Call 4-1251. A Appliance ial« for b ifflce of l College until 2:00 publicly o room of din*.! (nation am isinann, Ci K» Hyelem.l form*, n nolle* (>| will b* FOR RENT I.AROE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE completely furnished. Can *ubl*t part. Imme diate poeseaslon. Southelde —.College. 4-8039 or 6-6014. plane I of tho L« DAK will lug at 7:30 \ Pal no, atlpn. Co will be rs. A. I). Davis. leader, will ekker, Dr. id of at A ng bath. !prl- Erldlgalre 62 KR8 M I^ND of A. and M. 1,271 scree of land near the atlon land In n the John P. iw.iy 50. It I* of College >lv*d on three 151, and 450 and on combl- wlll be re- Comptroller, lyatem, College >.m. on March mod and read i* Agricultural bidding fonua, iptrwller, T*XU iollag* atatlon. her data an< whan propertl rnlahed on ra- Iliad only 01 be In aesle* misiaal*. Tin ‘f of lb* mir» The Hoard ot to reject nny Consult j Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST With Your Visual Probiewg , 208 S. Main - Bryan Phone 2-HM2 J Typewrit LATES Itere for Rent lTRST models BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE CO. 409 N. Mala Dial 2-1828 C^onydon J ddakery FOR MUSIC THAT ' CAN’T BE BEAT . . . It’s really a treat! Buy that “AGGIE WAR HYMN H We all know that It's the best in the land ... So buy ’em now while Lou has them on hand LOUPOTS •Trade with Lou — He’gjrtghMAriUi you”