The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 10, 1950, Image 2

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Page 2
Battalion Editorials
Welcome to The Ten-Minute Speech Masters .
V : . • j
-,.i To those visitors on the campus this
Weekend who are masters of the smooth
'syllable and the ten minute speech, and
I here for A&M’s first invitational debate
tournament, we want ( to extend a warm
and sincere welcome. /
We hope that win or lose, your stay
here will be both pleasant and profitable.
If you find time, take a turn about the
campus to look over those things you al
ways hear us bragging about. Particular
ly, we would like for you to look over our
glad to give
be in there
h each of
again. Our wel
jne else
you a
•1 j
new Memorial Student Center being erec
ted on tjhe southeast pant of the campus
If you get lost, or just have some ques
tions to ask, don’t hesitate to stop a stu
dent, faculty membet-, of anyo
neqrby. They’ll be
banjd. ./■ vr' i* : : i
Though we will
our own teams, we ^
best of luck in the jtci
Come back to see
come mat is always c
you the
Long - Delayed But Sincere Congratulat
There arefnanv unsum? teams on the teams. Just nlcentlviv
There are many unsung teams on the
campus. They work hard in their parti
cular field or sport and receive little or
no reward. Part of our job is to find these
tearn^, learn what they are trying to do
and What they have done, and give credit
where credit is dub. Unfortunately our
staff isn’t large enough to do as good a
job as we want to do. More often than we
like to admit, we fail to commend a team
which deserves recognition and praise
from the whole school.
. ^
teams. Just recently;we learned that both
of these teams had Walked!off with top
places in the Fourth Army ROTC Inter
collegiate rifle matches and the Twelfth
Air Force ROTC Intercollegiate rifle
matches. By taking first places, these two
teams will represent A&M and their re
spective Army and Air Force Areas at
the National ROTC Intercollegiate Rifle
Matches. They will compete against the
winning Army, Air Force, and Navy
ROTC teams from each area and district
in the country.
Wc believe we speak for all our read
ers when we wish h<i>th teams*and their
In this column, however, we want to
make amends tp two teams which haven’t
gotten nearly as much support as we coache8 the best of luck in the national
would like to have given them. We refer >r matches, and give tfiem bur thinks and
to the Army and the Air ROTC rifle congratulations for jtheir past records.
: ’ U ! ■ " '-I' ’ . I -- ^ I i ! ' ■
Technicolor Film Cases and Anti-Tnist Axes
Wielding an anti-trust ax the Justice
Department last week cracked wide open
the Technicolor stronsjbox of closed color
filming policies. jj-
Heretofore, Technicolor, Incorporated
has held a whip handle over movie-makers
..heads. Holding 152 patents together with
J its processing and filming skill and know
how, Technicolor has been d^alirfg with
movie companies on its (Technicolor’s)
own terms. If* » \ -
All processing and printing, as well
the shooting of Technicolor films hah beep,
exclusively ebb trolled by the one company,
Technicolor', Incorporated. Time magazine
reports that Technicolor services have t
hdded as much as 25’f on box office tick-
" ets.
! j 1 V • J f ...
At. one time (until 1948) Technicolor
and Eastman Kodak had a deal whereby
Technicolor would get all of Eastman’s
three-color-film. Because of their mondply |. discoveries while
position Technicolor failed to expand their to the movie imius
facilities to meet business demands. Two
, and u half years ago tho Justice Dcpart-
mont filed an antitrust suit against Tech-
lU'color'charging that It maintained “high,
arbitrary and noncompetitive prices’’ and
hail retarded the development of color
photography. Some ^Studios have had to
wait up to six months for' Technicolor
films to be printed.
Last week, Techmp»>lor agreed to make
its process, skilJpoMtncw-how, and 152
patents availableUo others. Technicolor
Will no longer require producers to buy all
any one,
mises to
eras for
of its 25 services ini brder to get
of them. And the company pre
make at least two Technicolor cebi
rental with no strings attached. ;
The Technicolor company hap demon
strated a human tendency—to grasp all
that it possibly ca a I and to ke^p others
from sharing in thej take. Thip may be
partially justif ied by the clairn that Tech
nicolor’s research apd inventive gjenius has
discovered these new processes and tech
niques and thp company should rightful
ly profit from their discoveries.
MOnoply in any! fbrm is bad
it be in business, or governmenl , or phil
osophy. Rather thah encouraging enter
prise, monopoly stifles it, and
sick at heart.
7 Dr. Herbert T. Ealmus, wh
appears at the beginning of eac
color movie, and owner of the
has reaped great
ose name
h Techni-
’cirtunes fronfi his film
makes us
bridging advi
try. That advancement
has been bought at a high price .o millions
of moviegoers.
America produced
through which Dr| kalmus coujld make u
fortune on his invention. Now
to contain
his mono-
justice must force Dr. Kalmus
his greed, and rt»leii|He some of
polistic holds on tho movie'; Indujstry.
In any nation Vh^h gives tb the Indi
vidual the measure bf freedom bn joyed by
American^, there!must * !>e r 'KM laws to
contain the graspidg few who would ex
ploit the multitudes.
* ’ 1 I r ' ’
The Battalion
'Soldier, Statesman. Knightly Gentleman’]
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
THte Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication ot all neyrs dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise credited in the pa per and local news of spontaneous origin publish
ed herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved.
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Tjexas and the
•-City of College Station, Texas, is published five times a week and circulated every Monday through
v Friday afternoon, except during holidays and examination periods. Durings the summer The Bat-
talion is published tri-weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Subscription rate $6.Q0 per school
i yi’ar. Advertising rates furnished on request.
News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the pditotial officii. Room .201.
tioodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) op |at the Stuudent Activities
Office, Room 209, Goodwin Hall. I
Entered u •econd-claea matter at Poet
Office at Collega Station, Teza*. under
the Act of Consreea of : March S, 1S70.
Member of
The Associated Press
'• Clayton t>. Selph. .... r
Dave Coslett. ——..... —......—.—.—
Chuck Qabaniss J...
John Whitmore, D. O. Tiedt, Dean Reed, Otto Kunze.
John Whitmore ....
Ken Bernhardt ....
|)ean Reed
Today’s Issue
>•«••••••• • •••••••«
.city Kditor
Wld ir^thy" W,mV(n AdKini; mi ’KSS.
"'V H",n ilm- Ool. a.'yd, ClHUKer OrltKlIVd.
OhValer illeke, Mni'vln
i« 1 14 ail it 11,1 Wiiltui* Tfuiuniiirltl.
Charlea Ktrkham.
Oaorga Charlton
Herman Oollob
frank K. Slmman, Jr.,.!
sanjur- asajar-spas.
• llm'iui * , Mewe ..nil Keetura Wrllera
' , PuWlo •«!'«<«* CorraaBondant
, .CttculMtion Managir
Hay WBhsmal . ....
»»it ■gj’j}** ^ -
,.,. A i.
. --n
.Acting Copy Editor
Sports Hew» Editor
'•f-»4n U ^tr
V 1 IMIfV ffl. •Vllll|lj«l| ( airara a a . * a •. a » a . a a a
nogrr Coalatt, Pin tie KC wi .Me, Harold Oai in.
Halph Uorman, Jarrj "
iiena, Mean Reed, Kti
Ham Mollnary, .,. J, 1 .
Manly Rnaa. John Motlin] . Jr
Wnmaina, Mob Manetai, *H) Hnea .Photo Bnaravara
Jack Brandt, lack atanal >u y, Aids Muarea, Cartoonists
ports Edil
ews Edii
ews Editor
1 I
' K
L -
e Night Owl
Sure Cure For Scholt
c Blues:.
ent Thyself For a Week-End
• '4;t
: ■ I
9- or
m 11 i: lliiililli ■ K
r C"- v '* ^
ad a; tough week, ol
s blood-shot, and brain
from late-night study oi
brutally raw pop quiw».*,
med tjo cramp the soul and
heart? Then what you
need is a week-end vacation far
from the murky, sinister waters
of the Brazos River, and to help
ie the place best suitable
; _ j : z L
ciiltl U
yqu chooi,
for dynamic diversion, here's a
the state’ll
Fort Worth
Jack’s-Mansfield Highway. Fav
orite gathering place of the col
lege set, Jack's boasts a: buifgec-
sing | cover charge of 50d p^r
person. ( Music is by
juke box,
silk j and
Letters To The Editor
(All l•tt•ra to the editor which are elsned by a student or employ## of the
eollese and which do not contain obacene or libelous material will be published. Per
sons wishing to have their names withheld from publication may request such action
and these names will not, without tho consent of tho writer, be divulged to any porsoua
other Utah the editor*.)
Editor, The Hallalion:
I should like to know why you
so frequently write unflattering
editorials about State Represen
tative Poppy Hloiint. Could it be
because he is a | former football
star and ulutnnui{i of Texas Uni
versity? If so, these attucks show
n lack of sportsmanship and oast a
Jind reflection on A&M’s famous
Aggie Spirit. If they have been
written because jnf personal dis
likes, they are still further out of
place in your editorial columns.
I am not acquainted with Rep
resentative Bloujnt; however, I
have heard many fine tilings about
him—most of them from ex-Ag-
\gics. But 1 write to you not be
cause I wish to 4ave Mr. Blount’s
reputation. I only hope that you
might be persuaded to discontinue
your back-biting editorial policies.
Yours very truly,
MYs. Walter McMahan
Houston, Texas
P.S. In case you are wondering,
I am not an alurrjnis of Texas Uni
versity and have no love for the
teasippers. |
(Editor’s Notje—Our editorial
comments oil Representative
Blount are prompted by the fol
lowing type of reports which
move all too frequently lover our
Associated Frees teletype,
a (Austiiu Tex., Feb. 24 — Rep.
F Peppy Bfount proposed today the
Texas legislature name an inter
planetary committee to Mars.
He- suggested lit could restore
peace between Texas and the
planet. j ■ \ '
(Austin, Tex., Feb. 15—Rep.
Peppy Blount offered a resolu
tion to the state legislature to
day commending “Texas (Uni
versity) exes everywhere for
theii* fine spiritiin continuing the
tradition of March 2nd by meet-
liy Notional Ad-
Rcp resented nationally
Service Inc., at Naw York City,
Chicaci, Loe Angela*, and San Franeiaoa.
Get* a Buzz .. .
'lieezy ’ Bob
Keeps Hive
In Window
Joe Uoh ('hroley, sophomore
1‘miiii lluntsvillO, Texns hits bees
in his belfry, Well, not his helfry,
hut he has a hive of bees right
up In his room jin Dorm I.
Joe Hob koopf the hive ns.n. hob
by. He beeame j Interested In bees
when his ejntotnology class took
a field trip to tifie new Entomology
Farm out westj of the eqinjius.
Chroley went! to see Dr. F. I,.
Thomas, professor of Apiculture,
who told him that he would give
him a queen and some workers if
he would get 4 hive. Joe got the
hive and he no\y has the hee^. The
hive is equipped with a glass win
dow so that the can be observed at
work. It is also equipped v^ith a
rubber tube allowing the bees to,
go in and out of the window.
The bees are of the Italian
strain, the strain that doesn’t
get excited eqsjly. They got ex- . f Those attending will register in
cited one night, however, when Sbisa Lounge March 12 and 13.
Joe Bob clea4ed out the hive. Sessions will begin at 10
Joe Bob got stung three times.
Chroley has to feed them honey
during the Wjinter now that no
flowers are blooming. He says that
they’U make their own when spring
Chroley is majoring in Pre-vete-
rinayy Medicine and! will be grad
uated in June, 1054.
Bible Verse
ing together on that day each
year and may the determined
spirit that guided the signers of
the Texas Declaration of Inde-
, pendence live forever in the
hearts of mem”
(Austin, Tpx., Feb. ft—Rep.
Peppy Blount 1 today offered a
resolution to the state legisla
ture which would in effect ban
Ingrid Bergman's latest film
“Stromboli" from Texas movie
theaters. The ban was request
ed “not because of what will be
shown in the picture, but be
cause of the immoral incident it'
attempts to glorify, condone, and
glamorize at the expense of and
detriment to, and degenration
of our younger impressionable
- society.”
(In our opinion, any man who
can offer three such idiotic and
senseless resolutions as the
above in an 18 day period auto
matically opens himself to ab
solutely justificable criticism
from any and every source. Per
haps some of all of them were
offered in the spirit of “good,
clean fun.” Our! contention is
that Peppy should confine' his
“good, clean fun” to a more,
suitable place.
12 Ag Ed Majors
Practice Teaching
v Twelve agricultural education
majors ai'e practice teaching this
week in five Texas high Schools.
L. J. Gentry Jr. and J. C.
Ft is by are teaching in Waxahachie
on the subject “Soil Conservation”
and “Judging Livestock and Poul
try”. Joe Brown, Waxahachie, vo
cational agricultural teacher is
advising the two during their
G. B. Gilbert, R. A. Keown and
R, R, Wallas are teaching in Min
eral Weils on the subjects “Im
proving Plants" and "Controlling
Insects and Pests of Iloilo Gar
dens." They are being advised by
(’. N, Morroll, vocational agrieiil-
tural teacher in JVUwei'al WeiTtt.
M. K. Klliott/amrW, W. Fox are
teaching in Weatherford on the
subjects! "I’roduolng (’lean Milk"
and "Improving Dm try Herds",
G, W. Klo,yiI, It, N, Pierce and
If, T, Winner are In Hreekenrldge
teaehlng the subjeets, "Determin
ing The Need For Home Spring
Gardena", Determining what Vege
tables Can Be Grown" and "Plan
ning und Pluutiug A Garden".
They are being advised by Jim
W. Diikerson, vocational agricul
tural teacher in Breckeriridge.
G. W, Jones und T. W. Kidwell
are teaching in Eastland.
Sewerage Course
Offered in March
The annual Water and jsewage
Short School sponsored by the
Texas Water and Sewage Works
Association will be held here
March 12-16, F. Jt Umbenhauer,
president, announced.
dance-floor smooth as
fringed py a square of booths.
Club Pyramid, uoh', Main.
Lpdies admitted free accept on
Saturday night and everyone frte
on Tuesdays and Thursdays pt
the Pyramid, which features a
Musical j Bar. Floor show offered
Puppy's Showland, 500 W. Com
merce. (line of the Southwest’s most
distinctive night dubs, Pappy’s is
u large, amphitheatre-type dance
aiul show palace. A tariff of 75c
oji week nights and Sunday nhd
$!I.2() op Saturday entitles ypu ito
dancing to the music of (.luy Ah-
demon and the Showland Orchos-
tia, along with a floor show tijatitr-
itig Jeanette Star, 22(1 pound j bide-
o and her Inter)
ve Accents; and Undo Willfe,
eyed blonde singing commedien
’’y nth in Claire and her Interpile-
dimmimjitive, youthful colored en
tertainer whose dancing, mimicry
and parjtomine are the talk of the
down. Ifappy Dolsen himself em
cees the" show.
I The Chalet, 6400 Gaston; Aye.
Swank and Cozy, the Chalet pro
vides tne atmosphere of a ! Swiss
hunting) lodge. Cover charge of
$1.50 (i$l on week days) js de
Ard Oh!
)n a fluently
a floor show
($1.20 during
r hnd his or-
I, flqoh sfiow
and flats togeth
rhythmic way.!
Abe's Colony Club,! 1322 Vi Com
merce. Right across from the
Adolphus Hotel, the Colony Club
offers dancing and
for the. $1.50 cover-
the week). Bill Tieb,
chestra ate feature:
-emceed by clever Billy
t' V Houston,
Empire Room, Ricq llotipl. Din
ner’begins at 6:30 p. m., dancing!
all day at “Houston’s Welcome to
the World.” No cover charge be
fore 0 p. m. or whenever $3:50
dinner is. served. After 9j cover
on Friday and Saturdhy is $1.50,
$1 on j week-days. Currently fea- !
tured are Billy MacDonald and
his Royal Highlanders, plus Ltt
floor show starring .Adair and
Woods, dance intetyfeters. Lush
Southern Dinner Club, 809 Gray
Ave. What ho! No coyer chargej
at one of Houston’s most renowned
nite spots. The Dinner Club vpi-ns
at 1) a. m., is closed fdj day Sun,
day, caters particularly to large
dinner parties. Benny j|BoUc, hty
trumpet and orchestra play I tot
dancing couples,
By Herman €. Gollob
furnished by a cor
orchestra inhabiting
on Saturday eves,
i-cover is 75C Saturdf
Admission free the
Fools Namt
Fools Fc
Sam Pate and J
A&M’s representativ]
ly to the Arlington i
*tary Ball, jourijieyin
terwards to join He;
Bobby Byington for
revelry last Saturda
las’ Flight 21 ... 1
Fred Sommers spot!
Majestic theatre wi
tified young lady w
to meet'. . . Bob Sta
gal friend Sally Fal
bing it last Sunday. 1
with an
ic handstand
'riday night
y night,[%1.
other five.
: :
McGruder I
respective- j
id SMU Mill- !
(to Dallas af- j
Bcutel and ;
in evening of
eve at Dal- K )
_ and lanky ‘
at Houston’s ;
an uniden- :
>m we’d like
r und steady :
'emah Club- :
J ampu
e from steak dinners. LeOn-
i^son and his trio piit sharps
Ciesecke Selected
ASAE Candidate
j Raymond C. Giesecke wa? elect
ed, at I an Agricultural Engineers
meeting Tuesday evening,! to be
the loCal chapter’s candidate !for
the position of secretary-treasurer
at the i Southwest Section meeting
of the Student Branch of the
American Society of Agricultural
(Engineers. U
j The [meeting will be held! in Ba-
iton Rijmge, La! April 13 and! 14.
iSamuojl H. Barnes', senior iigribul-
jniral Engineering major ai A&M,
jis the current president of that
Giesecke is a junior agricultural
(engineering major from 'Matador,
[Texas! He is presently scrying on
ithe Pjarm Equipment Institute
[Trophy Committee in thje Ideal
Mrs. John Ready Was elected to
bo the representative of the Ag-
tricultural Engimfering Society at
• the Cotton Pageant to be staged in
i April.
j Will T. Sehnatborot, NUjperyisav
I in tim Educational Services Branch
| of thi) Consumer* Holutihn* Do-
| p a r j me n t bf the Interimllbnal
IIIarviister Cotnimny In Chluagn,
! was t|he principal speaker for! tltc
j evonljig.- I' I
Murph (Hollywood) Vaught,;
Carolyn Bergman, Joan Latham,
and Jack (Profile) Porter, in tjhe
i. usual order, strike obvious poses j
for a nosy photographer at
Justin’s Varsity Inn. Carolyn)
and Joan are TU cuties, Murpli
and Jack “H” Flight Sopho-i
mores. 1
Varsity Inn, 6208 Georgetown.
Whenever you’re down T.U.; way,
here’s the place to go. - Outside
of rubbing elbows with the cultur
ed sips, you get dancing and jovi|al
atmosphere for the four bit cover,
; Waco • ,.A..>v|*
Casa Blanca, 33rd and Park
Laka Drjvec Ba.vlorville’s center of
attraction, nightclubbingly speak
ing, the Casa Blanca susthins si!x
nights a week of “live” musje.
During the week, dance music jis
Nall I
in its
Friday, March 10:
Rejoice, O young man, ip thy
youth; and let they heart cheer
thee in the days of :hy youth, and
walk in the ways of thine heart,
and ,in the sight of .thine eyes;
but know thou that for all these
things God Will bring thee into
judgment. [
i—Ecclesiastes 11: 9
S,m. to onntldvr l|« nil van!
ill.iatlvanlaein of brsmm
win or wiiinmt
to t
Sessions will begin at 10 a. m.
March 13.
Rooms will be available in
Ramps I, J, and K of Walton Hall
and in Ijti (J. Hall for a charge
of $1 per night. The College will
furnish all • linens.
Approximately 450 are expected
to attend the course, according to
LUcian M. Morgan^ assistant short
course director, saiid.
j B
Motherall Attending
Washington Meeting
Joe Mothetal, associate profes
sor of agricultural economics, is
attending a meeting in Washington
this week with Bureau of Census
; officials, representatives of Land
Colleges, and representatives of
the Bureau of Agricultural Eco
t*l*oMd*ru United ApiM
1:45 - 8:110
II niy*tO* m4jor;ji »!» rrqiuialsrt to »t-
b montiiut ! Tltiirclsy, M»rch I) Bt
•l« tl(l\lllll H*f n biuI
ins » Pti>'»Tc» Club
nBiioiml urtiMBlIon und'
jN-utni <ir*»m*»tlon
JJo»d, 1 Depart DMiil ot Pliyilc*
•K* AUtl
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MiLiaraHL imamiitLi)
• •
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Bryan 2-#879
N O W —
TODAY — 8^
1:35 --3:30 - 5:25 !
, with
Kanilolp’i Scott • Glenn (put
Clair Irevoi • Evelyn Key ;• Edjai Budianan
A COlUWblA II RtlfASl . j
—Feature 11,
SUNDAY thru]
—Sunday Feat,if
1:10 - 3:25 - 5ti
; Starts— ;
7:55 - 10:00;
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#f the Blazing
> Best-Seller I
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GieiH M«nl|«iMrr
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touiti, btfktt ti|hltf
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hw* *nd iojiit»t
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the adventure
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At the begin-
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