The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 09, 1950, Image 3
“ '' * ans Attracted By Intramural Boxing MM By NICK MANItZAS Oyer 300 boxing fans were on han£ for the opening day of this year’s intramural boxing contest which began yesterday in the De- 4 _ Ware Field House. Twenty more ;_ll bo ut6 in the 139, 149, 159, 1$9- pound divisions are scheduled get Underway today house. 4: in tin to starting at 4 teen of the 149-pound class no knc matches yesterday, ' but oiie tt technical oojcouts khock- called along with the two which occurred ; because sverweight. r ylie Phil Wylie Philips "df A| Infantry showed the best form aiid demon strated fast striking J power in downing 0. B. Tyler of A Engin eers. Phillips, who fought last year at the Annex, was one of the beet boxers in yesterday’s bouts. Dailey TKO’s r Other winners yesterday includ- i ed E Field Artillery’s, Presley i i Arhelgor, whb lost to Felix Dailey [j of J! Infantry on a TKjD in the ; E Field’s three losses yes- tertiay, and Bob Allen of K Air Force, who outpointed Wendon Boll of C Flight. I ^'Forest Snyder of C Infantry de feated C. H. Miller of -A, Coast Artillery, and J. B. Hutfion of D Field won over R. Vi Morales of D.' Vet. B Cavalry’s G^ie Slater lost to Bill Neeley of A CWS, and i Bill Glover of B Field bobbed \ Roger Cadwalder of A Flight out of the tourney. Duncan Welder of G Air Force gained a forfeit win over J. R' Stripling Of A Field, who was over weight, and Doak Neal of H Flight gained a similar win over Howard Lee of B Coast Artillery. R. A. Fitzgerald of ASA defeat ed George Barclay of Milner, A1 i Gomez of K Air Force downed Jaybird Allen of E Field Artillery, A Flight’s May White gained a first round win over L. F. Domin- . ffeetisake , t,. 1 ^ __ Ifuez of. E Air Force, John Cbo- hdge of A Cavalry defeated Jim Anderson of A Air Force, Bill Hollowell Of B Engineers gained entrance into the second found of the 149-pound class with a win over Art Heath of E Field Artil lery, and A1 Reisrnger of AHQuar- termaster advanced over I Billy Neal of B Field. ♦ Volleyball Notice More volleyball players are need ed for the Aggie volleyball team that will clash with the Univer sity of Texas’ team hi Austin March 22, at the Texan's annual fight night, Barney Welch, volley ball tutor, announced today. Prac tice will begin tonight at 7:30 in the DeWare Field House, Welch Concluded. -i 4 ’ij- . I «» H I I ootball Notice members of the 1949 A lethal! squad are to hi< ig room under i next Saturday, Stitrier has an- MP A picture if the squad will be taken in the gym at approx- imately 6:80, March 11, he added. He urged all former '49 players who are not still out for footbri! to check with him before Saturday to make ar rangements for a uniform for the picturei,—- |, j.. * =±! Darby Leads Cadet Golfers In 4-2 Win olf team, led opened its Cadet Baseballers Season Against B I ■ \. \ * .'-WWl! . t'u. .1;. 1.. — *• Don Graves left, soph high jumper and vaulter, and Jack Simpson, equally versatile junior track performer, sight down one of the instruments of their trade—a vaulting pole. The two must have found everything to their satisfaction, judging by their perfor mances last Saturday. •>. 4 Battalion SPORTS THUR8., MAR. 9, 1950 Page 3 jgji£ II Ing atv Bobcat. terday by de- the Southwest Texas ibeata of San Marcos, the Bryan Country Club j the Aggie No. 1 man, to a bad start on a course high winds were preynil- d trailed Ross Hoff of tho Maroons Threaten Olympics Records 4. S/fatyJe Ths psrfsct hsouty of a quality diamond . r . ilylsd In dllHnctlon, and Qlvsn at His tymbol of tru# leva. Gsnuin# rsqllWrsd Kasfiiaks Diamond Rlngt or# proudly' di*. ployed at lhl» wars .. . wfrart only im* Aim,! Ia InOnrl UOTOUNASW 15000 . InfoartMiit ms 71S.0O AIm 5110 and 500 _j «ntorg«d to »how detail* M prlct* irXtud* ton y. SANKEY PARK JEWELER ill N. Main Bryan AjrrHoxizED^EtPSAi^niAtn 4' Bill Turn bow Perrin senior ends outstanding career as Ag eager by being elected captain of 1950 basket ball team. Ag Gagers Gain Added Acclaim Both Jewell McDowell and Johnny DeWitt came in for further acclaim over the Weekend as two more all-star selections listed the two Ag gies among those honored. Jinx Tucker placed Little Mac on his Waco Tribune-Herald All- Conference first team together with Don Heathington. of Baylor and Paul Mitchell of SMU at the forwards, Tom Hamilton of Texas at center, and Gene Schmidt of TCU at the remaining guard post. Tucker had this to say about the A&M star: “ . . . start' With Jewell McDowell of the Aggies, T«Vm Hamilton of Texas, and then start guessing.” He continued: “Jewell McDowell of A AM was the best all-around basketball player in the conference. He hud u great eye for the basket. His bull handling was superb, his all-around floorwork and general 1 - ship were brilliant, and He was an accurate shot.” Tucker placed DeWitt at center on his .third team, where Long Jbhn joined brother Bill of the Bears, a veteran guard. From Abilene Came the other ac colade for the two. ACC named DeWitt to a forward post and MrDowell to a guard position on its i all-opponent team. Herman Moore of Howard Payne joined- MrDowell at-.the guard slots- while DeWitt was teamed with Lou Zas- toupil of Texas Wesleyan. TCU’s George McLeod was the top choice at center. ' It wasn’t until the fifteenth hole that Darby caught his opponent and theii on the sixteenth hole the Farmer golfer shot a birdie-two to take the lead. Darby followed his lead closely defeating Hoff on the. seventeenth and eighteenth holes to turn what looked like a 3-3 tie into a 4-2 victory -for the home team. Led by their No. 1 man, Aggie team members took two more sin gles and one double match as high scores were the order of the day because of the cold, windy weath- «r. r I In thq singles events Darby de feated Hoff, 2-1; J. C. Fletcher, A&M, won over Bud Davis, 5-3; Tom Aitken. A&M, outputted Mil- ton Cash, 6-5; and Jim Russell, San Marcos, defeated Monte Cur rie, 2-up. Ln the doubles division Darby and F|etcher,»Rested Hoff and Davis, 4-2, while Russell and Cash split the doubles bill beating Aitken and Currie, 2-up. , j Fletcher and Russell tied Tor 14w scoring honors for the after- noon, each shooting a 76. Varsity Golf Schedule Mar. MK-U. o# i Houston—here. • Mar. 28—Southwest Texas—San Mapcos. IT Mar. 31—‘Baylor-—here. April 5—*Texas-i-here. April 14—‘Arkansas — Fayette- '■ vifie. April 21—*TCU—here. April !24—ACC—here. April 27—*SMU—Dallas. May 2.—‘Rice—Houston. ‘Conference games. Consolidated Five Enters Tourney A&M Coiwolidatcd Junior High School has entered its Kittens in a basketball tournament to be at Normahgee, March 18, Coach Jim Bcvans ; has reported. The tourney for junior high fives will be the first the Kit- lens have participated in this year, Bcvans said. s— Laredo, Tex., March 9—'fPi— Tcjcas A&M athletes are expected to play a major part In endanger ing six >neet records and numerous divisional marks in the eighteenth annual border Olympics before the nation’s first big outdoor track and field meet of the year is com pleted Saturday night in Laredo. University and College prelim inaries will begin Saturday morn ing. Finals in the high school and junior college division will be held Saturday afternoon. The meet will be concluded Saturday night with the finals in the College,and Uni versity divisions. J. D. Hampton, Texas A&M dis tance star may break two records he set in the Olympics last year. He established the mile record of 4:18.7 and the two-mile record of 9:36.0 all in the same night. V" Foil ■team By HAROLD GANN [lowers Of the Aggie baseball IS Will have two chances to the men of Marty Karow In this weekend when Hie — _ en of Brooke Army Air Bai t San Antonio invade the recent- v renovated diamond of Kyle Field on Friday and Saturday af ternoons. i- GHmetime for tomot+ow’s tilt has been set at 3:00 p. m. and the Saturday tussle, which id a part of Sports Day, will begin at 2:30 p. m. Fans desiring a pro gram identifying Aggie players •can refer to tomorrow’s Battalion. The squad ha* spent many days whipping back into phiylng condi tion with Karow stbeSsIng batting All - Tourney Teams Chosen Austin, March 9 — UP)— Thirteen of 24 schools that participated in the 30th an nual Texas High School bas ketball tournament placed !nen on all-tournament teams. | 'Sports writers covering the three-day meet last week, an nounced their selections for the alP-star -squad. .Leslie Cator of Gruver and Kel ly Jim Duncan Cayuga were the only unanimous choices. Gruver won the Class B chanip- iopship; Canyon Class A -and Cor pus Christ! Class AAi The all-tournament teams: CLASS B Leslie Cator, Gruver; Lynn Hart, Gruver; Kelly Jjm Duncan, Cay- ugja; Norman Ajiksch, Waelder, an^l James Hatton, Warren. 1 CLASS A ^ , T'rdy Burrus, Canyon; Billy Mc- Cijrry, Birdville (Fort Worth);' j J oje Abbott, Canyon; Richard Zam ora, South San Antonio, ami Lloyd Kilpatrick, French (Beaumont). CLASS AA Doyle Brunson, Sweetwater; Johnny Crouch, Vernon; Li. (5. Dijiprc, Texan 'City; Billy Word, Austin (El Paso), and Ronnie Sizemore, Corpus Christi. pAIhouq*!! n groukd ° rot*' Ord*-*? iW /V S AVINC ” : SAVING 1 / ,/T j Both Oklahoma A&M 1 ami Rice . have mile relay teams capable of | bettering the Olympics mile relay record set by Taxes A&M Inst year of 3:17.1. Rice’s quarter ran- the event in 3:13 in the Los Angeles Colesium relays last year, and the Oklahoma A&M foursome won the Sugar Bowl rplay las^ New Year’s Day. One Of the closest races In this year’s Olympics is expected in the University division half-mile. The winner of the race may break the formidable record of 1:55.6 set by Wayne Uideout of North Texas State in 1938. ; Rice has twio men * who have come close to that record. Otha Byrd won the Southwest Con ference championship 880 in 1:55.9 last year and teammates Jim Hoff was only a step behind in 1:56 flat. Ortiz Another Possibility Alexander Ortiz of Texas A&M ran the 880 in 1:57 on a slow track in a dual meet with North Texas State last week. Another runner given a good chance of setting an 880 record is Mike Mercado of East Texas State. Only border Olympics field ev«lt record which appears likely to fall is the shot put mark of 46 feet 11 inches. Big George Kadera of Texas A&M, who set the record in 1948, will be back to attempt to break it. Bob Walters of Texas and Vern McGrew of Rice have both jumped higher than the 6 feet 7’/i inches high jump record set by Pete Wat kins of Texas A&M in 1943, hut, neither is expected to go that high this early in the season. Walters Topped World Walters jumped 6 feet 8 3/1G in ches in the Kansas (relays, last year, the highest of any human in the worjd in 1949. Charley ? Parker, the UniVersity of Texas sprint star who holds three border Olympics recorlds and shares another, is rated a good chance of breaking his own 220- yard dash mark of 21.1 seconds which he set last year. Perry Samuels, defending South west Conference champion in the 100-yai((d - dash, ran a 9.7 century in a Texas practice meet lust week ami will be favored to take the border Olympics race. and fielding. The boys usually 1 ap pear for workouts between three and three-thirty, and as K&row puts it, “go at it hbt and heavy ’till they hoar the whistle of the train which arrive* at 6:10 In tha (afternoon.” Train Enda Practice aed” r According to thte veteran basaball coach, zouthpaw Brace Morisse will be the likely starting chucker for the Ag» with Pat Hubert, Blan ton Taylor, George Brown* Blanton, Bob Tankersly, and GoodJoe slated to see Onion on ntodtid sometime during the sche duled 18 innings. Hubert Claswbound | Karow had originally planned to start Hubert, bbt the right-handler will have to meet his regular Fri day afternoon lab close. Hubert’s Isb commitment won’t change raw's plans, because he plan usq, Die 19 innings for experimea- tation. Jhn Calvert and A1 Ogletreo are the chief : candidates for the. bade- n&*{ With the arrival of the train, the team concludes its last phase of the dally training, progratn^-in field work, and Karow usM^his fungo-bat to send hot grounders ’across the neatly-trimmed grass that are near-imftations of the train’s Whistle. t The Cadets will miss Cotton Lin- loff, all conference sccoml-basc- mun who graduated last year, but they will have Guy Wallace, a shortstop who also nailed down an all-conference berth, and a few newcomers which Karow briefly summed up as, “they’re looking Baseball Schedule 1 j\l | I Mar. 10—Brooke Medical Center — Mar. ll—Brooke Medical Center— here. j ] I Mar. 17 U. of Houston— here. Mar. 18—U. of Houston—Houston, Mar. 20—-Ohio State—here, j Mar. 21—Ohio State—herb.' Mar. 22—Ohio State—here. Mar. 23—Oklahoma—here. ! Mar. 24—Minnesota—here. * Mar. 25—Minnesota—here, j ;| Mar. 28—Sam Houston'—herc> April 1—‘Baylor—Waco. April 5—Houston Buffs—here. April 8—‘Rice—Houston. J j April 11—-‘Texas—here. April 14—*SMU—Dallas. A^l 15*—SMU—Dallas. April 17—‘TCU—Ft. Worth. April 22—Sam Houston—Hunts ville April 28—*TCU—rioatc. April 29—*TCU—Rere. May 1—*SMU—here. May 5—‘Rice—here. May 6—‘Rice—here. May 11-^‘Baylor—here. May 13—‘Baylor—here. Maj) 17—‘Texas—Austin. Majl 18—‘Texas—Austin. May 18—‘Texas—Austin. j t, ‘Conference games. Tiio team finishing first hi the National Hockey League xtapdinK” has gohe on jo win thc Sfgrtley Cdp six times in the last 11 sea son». cLiSf&t ieSU fUhtl p— of • ataOiaia prlba. newPMKERP’ It excels even 810.00 pens in beauty, pee- cMon, new writing features. Comparing will show you why. "21" can writ* dry with toe* ink! 8-metal new Octani- um point performs with effortless ease. Hidden, fast-action filler. Special anti-leak pro tect ion. Choose yours now i.. 4 colors, fine, medium, heavy points. ONLY Ffosst pas O •sy Has ’ Sat tMS NBW\ ‘ »arker‘5r World’s newest and most-wanted... the p« ^ tor "straight-A" Writing. New filling ease. Vis ible ink supply. Writes a metered, perfect Kae. 7 sMkrt colors and black. Gold-filled or Lustraioy caps. Custom prints. ^ X 3 ^ ^ 1 Ji sasa The Exch A&M Annex ) Exchange ■ 5| - : rv c* / 1 i ■ it • Store Main CaiEpUa •top position; OalV*n, 4 from Austin, will start top ^ Holding down the Initial sack will be Herahslt Malt*, a left- hand batting, laft-hand throwing veteran. The Code mines to be dent doubli league. Wi little JOe Sa prise thy k Henry Ca will be sta I >1 jfkr ±? ' (units in at - shortstop o |t second, tone lari _ | the hot ombinath n. Lester L seky ner. Karow plans [ to use sppho- more Lacky as a ing the Competition is k field slots. Ap! garden-pa the three politlons. ers art Btlly McPI Hollis I left Held. P put an tap the hospital flu. Getting a DeWitt and er end Yale fined to basketball practice. J. Paul Sbooty* Switched to Wildroot C Boeauie He Flnnkcd The Finger man nast for tely i light ring for >le a tart- in light, id e ther and n DeWitt oaeL was but en ered ) WWW VIS his week late Moon Lary ere cc foothi 7! In first with with rrm- con- all 7 '' V’. THIS it no “yoke", abn. If people have been calling; head becauae your hair looks soft-boiled, here’s what to do. Get busy with popular Wildroot Or tonic. It grooms your hair neatly and naturally witljiout that! gooey look. ReUevet annoying dryness and removes loose, ugly : dandruff. Help* you pSisa the Fingernail Test I Wildroot Cream- i| Oil is non-alcoholic .. . contains southing Lanolin. Cet a t *~ ‘ or bottla of Wildroot Cream-Oil at any drug or to let counter today. Always ask . youg; barber for a prjfei application. (Better be hard-boiled with your roommate — I keep egging him to get some Wildroot Creah»-Oil Of his own.; It’s tops for keeping your sunny side up!) ‘ A «/327 Burrtmght Drive, Snyder, N. Y. Wildroot Company, Inc., Buffalo 11. N. Y. itube 1 et goods (i fenjonal | ima his r •?*>.*' 1 “Bio thing?t college man si l . pThix it an Art Major. a sketch. Thinks Monet makes the world fto round. His tfucstion in Kfc is u here docs VanGotfi f^ermcer.[Known Rem bnlndis noth rig to sneeze al. Often goes to bed with shades half dt (ten. Really j i U w ... V.l ^lo Thh is H We've a whole wlMy htit; ^Sltotihanan* Sportshit of these solid -colored in a palHteful of Just picture yourself in cne. ' I K -U np Chaa ttiq IN SNIIT ^OM9AN1 i Morass. Co* i tl I I- )4