The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 08, 1950, Image 2
- MT' I ■ l . lyj. jVr. ’ A&M received two “boosts” through out the state yesterday. One was an indi cation of the college’? .ability to undertake U difficult job and get good results. The other was recognitiion of that ability. ’ . The Texas Agriculture Federation yes terday turned to A&M in recommending 1 a substitute proposal to rjeplace the Bran- nan. Plan. Included among several, sug gestions offered' in the substitute plan was a recommendation for expansion of A&M’s domestic and foreign trade train ing. Since the stdry moved on the wire A late last night we haven’t had an oppor- j: tuhity to fully investigate the extent of that sort of training offered at the col lege. However, the spontaneous inclina tion of this farm and raiich group to turn tb A&M for help in solving its problems is encouraging. It indicates tliat we are continually strengthening our ahlong the people of the state. Another example of this growing de pendence on A&M also came in on yes terday’s AP wire). Fred Weick, director' of light plane research for the college, de scribed the latest) product of his agency to 400 persons Attending the National name 4 Agricultural hand-built, low Wing plane developed es pecially for the r ation’s farmers. A story oh Weick’s repor; is on today’s front page. Less recent t ut just hs important ex amples of this trend toward recognition of A&M include the Deti. 10 editorial in the Dallas Momiag News. The News com plimented the Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service for their work in improving the liht yield of cotton grown in Texas. 1 i ■ || i A feature story on A&M’s a -chitect- mayor, Ernest Langford, was als< carried in the News, giving the people of the state a good picture of the type of citiz ens who teach at A&M. ! 1 | I i ! ■ J All these things are good for the col- i lege. They help jbuild a better ard better reputation for A&M throughout t legate. -However, the best reporting in tl lejBP’ld cannot ceate good news. Construe tfvilfro- grams, far-sighted research, and pr sive experimentation must first t e under taken. Such things are done at Ai! ikf. And, J thanks to good journalism, the r sal story ' n . fj'iUHSIQ "Job Call", a Placement Office ,ji can be heard! each xm from 6:65 to 6 'by^W^R. di- f the Placement Office, information on coming: and helpful tips on ijob following information on been .released by the Office: ; JEWS: (1) March 14- OU Company and Shell eum, and chemical engineers, chem ists and geologist. (?) March 6-W Square D. Com pany, Detroit, Michigan, will in terview mechanical and electrical engineers. 'H ’ ! ■ - !| ‘1 ENGINEERING: (1) The Pine Bluff Chemiol Arwm.l, 'TV . *■ ■ has a position ' engineer, is an oj Mexican n e degrees ii electrical et Cia. Imp - of this college is getting to the jeople, Two Cows and Political Theory U • • Political scientists, us a species, are . 1! 41 ' fast men with un analogy, (live one of them a chance, and he’ll explain Mr. Dew ey!? ttelly-llopi in terms of Gladstone ver« hub t Etysmli. He rtiay oven point out that Mr. Truman ran his 1948 campaign like Ponder ran the Kentucky Derby—late start, fast finish. This is all very well, but we submit that occasionally Dewey and Truman are lost in the. illustrative shuffle. . It was therefore with pleasure that we recently read a pamphlet from the Colo rado Department of Agriculture, which attempts, tb relate the whole range of po litical theory in terms of two cows.; For an organization presumably more interested in cows than in politics, the Department doesn’t do a bad job. Some sample de finitions: j Idealism: If you have two cows, you milk them both, use all the milk you need and have enough left for everyone else. Socialism: If you have two c >ws, you give both to the Government; then the Government gives you hack some milk. Imperialism j If youihave two cows, you steal somebody's Soft-pink Communism: If you have two cows, you’re a capitalist. - Capitalism: If you hive two cows, you sell one cow and buy a bull. New Dealism: If you have two cows, the government! shoots one cow; you milk the other cow, then throw part of the milk down the sink. | Anarchism: If you have two cows, your neighbor shoots one and takes the other. jl. Nazism: If you have two cows, the government ghpots you and takes both cows. ’' ” ,r! j 'I k j*- ~ Realism: If you have two cows, they’re both dry.—University of Virginia Daily. jl 1 The Baylor System and $32,000 Per School Day chapter of the <■ Education in! Texas is fast getting down to a system, or systems. There’s the A&M System, the newly formed Univer- 4 sity of Texas system, and we now hear about what amounts to a Baylor system. The size of Baylor’s several institutions $22 million. This includes medical college in Hous- uilt in the midst of the great" medical development area Houston Is presently constructing. !_. Besides the ijnain campus in Waco with , which we usually associate Baylor, the ., dental coUbge, School of nursing, and hos pital in Dallas are a -part of the system. Dr. Roy J. McKnight, financial vice- president and comptroller of Baylor Uni versity, recently told the Baylor (Waco) in dollars totals a spanking new ton that was hi in the commu which all ?houl)i share. Bay pie of ope of or is an exam- many churdh institutiions which has capably assumed that respon sibility. fit* The Battalion 7 neoux "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentle Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie j Traditions entitled, exclusively to the use for repufaUea^Mf of all otherwise credited in the paper and local new? of spontar Rights of republication of aU other matter herein are alfo reserved. deal College ■ciliated every Durings the i xiption rate X The Associated Press is ereditedj to it or not otherwii ed herein. Rights of republi \ ' The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mb* City of College Station, Texas, is published five times a week and . Friday afternoon, except during holidays and examination periods, talion is published tri-weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Si y,-> ar . Advertising rates furnished on request. Nows contributions may be made by telephone (4-6444) or at the editorial lioodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-6824i) or at the Stuudent Office. Room 209, Goodwin Hall. | [ ! Entered M »eeon<t-eUi« nutter at Port Office it College Button, Texee, under the Act of Consreoe of Kerch S, UTO. BILL BILLINGSLEY, C. C. MUNROE. fHavton L. SelDh. Member of The Associated Press Clayton L. Selph, Dave Coslott Chuck Cabaniss 4- Chuck Cabaniss...._j j i John Whitmore, L. O. Tiedt, Dean Reed, Otto Kunze . rT"“ • i _ , . i'. , Dean Reed —> —■ Ken Bernhardt Frank N.jManttww ... Today’s Issue •••r .City Editor Editor* Ir I , Chester Hicks. Marvin Matusek. Oeorge ! McBee. B. F. Rolatto.' Waltee Tanaraadhl. Tapley. Bill Thompson. ■ Rip” Toro. ..New* and Feature Witter* Public School Correspondent ST John ' XnZr®:::*::-::-: K. .Carter, 1 , Circulation Manager “r Herman Frank X. Roger Coslett. Ralph ~ tUae. pea Saw Jfolwary. Hardy Rosa. John Fnatalna, Boh Jack Brandt. Jack ■ 1 ■ u if " ■/' 1 / ; •, 1 '! r ..News Editor — A Freshman Editorial 4‘First’for the Class of’53? . . . Members of the class of ’53 have an opportunity to set : a real class record this week. Yesterday, all eyes were focused on early reports from the Student Senate’s first annual Campus Chest drive which got underway Monday with a goal of $4,000 to be collected by tomorrow night; Reports in yesterday’s Battalion show that A Trans portation Corps now holds the record with a contribution of $1 each from its 43 members. The Campus Chest goal is $1 per man which gives A Transportation a 100% record. I Each man at the Annex will be contacted personally be tween now and tomorrow night and be given an opportunity to help the class of '53 set a record in Campus Chest contri butions, . n 1 ■ r ■ In addition, a film will be shown at the Rlvoli tomor row night with all proceeds going to the Chest fund. Here again is an opportunity for a “first” from the Class of *53, CT Q. will be suspended for the showing. ' That goal again is $1 per man. One hundred per cent participation from the class of ’53 will set a record that will be almost impossible for future organizations to top. Letters To The Editor LAST DAT ■MTU wmtlOW yese* RAFT MAYO Rod <MNI lOOCHAIT • IMTOH IAYMOND MR • ISMV MMMUtf* MRMN' ItolMMd Are United Artltte' THURSDAY * FRIDAY" ftxftMd y?,u lw jtseseMl (All letters to tbs editor which are signed by * student or employee of the will be published. Fer- lay request such ectlca divulged to any person* college and which do not contain obscene or libelous material wilt be published. Per sons wishing to hay* their names withheld from .publication j may request such astir wishing _ and these names will not. without tbs consent of tbs writer, other than the editors.) . American Assoication of University Professors that the weekly budget is $16p,OO0 every j school week. This amounts fo $32,000 per school day. Baylor, Southern Methodist, and Texas Christian Universities are great examples in Texas of denominational schools serv ing the state ^through education. These denominations!,; and the many others who support college ^ have not Sat back to let the state take over education completely. V The educaliion of youiig people and training them for jobs as well as positions lity is a responsibility in news dispatcheg origin publish er Texas and the r Monday thvough summer The Bat- : $6.00 per school resented nstlonsllr by Nrttooal AS- «t New Turk Ctty. end Sen FrsucJsoo. THE CORPS DISSOLVED Editor, The Battalion: U Being very ill at ease with the rumors which have been going around concerning the dissolving of the A&M Corps of Cadets, we, would like to express our view points on this situation. We sincerely believe that if the A&M Corps of Cadets were dis solved, the very principles upon which A&M College was founded would be dissolved with it. We are almost positive that nine out of every- ten boys choose A&M College as their college only be cause of the Cadet Corps. Every cadet is proud of the Corps—the only one in its class this side of the Mississippi River. What else would constitute the vivid color in A&M’s history if not the Cadet Corps ? What else makes A&M' better than other colleges if not the Cadet Corps. We all believe, therefore, that the question of whether or not the Corps should be dissolved is ab surd and should be forgotten. Sincerely, Glenn Pennington ’53 G.ene Sparks 'SB ' Jose A. Olivares *53 James E. Richardson ’53 Lewis W. Patrick ’53 , (Editor’s Note—We questioned several members of the admin istration about the rumor you reported. They gave us the as surance that no proposal for dissolving the cadet corps is be ing considered, nor has such a •< motion ever been entertained. (We agreed with you that such a measure would do much to lower the esteem in which ARM is now held by so many people and we sincerely hope that dissolution of the corps will never be considered.) T-LEAVES Editor. The Battalion: I would like to call your atten tion to the article “T-Leaves”, that appeared in the March 3rd edi tion of the Daily Texan. As far as any of ns are con cerned, wc h?ve yet to read an article in the Battalian to ridicule any other school to this extent. As in our case, other boys had similar articles sent to them by their girls up at TU and the girls expressj their feeling by sayr ing they didn’t like the article either. j . t:l One line, iiat opened our eyey the Aggies, tb the jeolousy that TU has fof is as quoted below: Bible Verse Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. -i—Ecelesibstes 12: 13. Official Notice 'Mo are requested X . .y . . ■ •-*"8? .sVswteSS AU Physics tend a t 7:13 p.nj. dleadvant wtth or wtthott a Brttoiu Head, Department af Fhyates areM at the library. ( Y ■ * ‘ *Btodh«Q7lCAl act -Mr*. &u«- “Like a friends of ours said, ‘As individuals. Aggies are okay, but as a group they stink’ ”. The tea-sippers, not having - (See LETTERS, Page 4) IT&ttlNC ORSON WEitES NANCY GUILD Retooled thru United Artiste ALEXANDRE DUMAS Cal 83S 3. A., men sion. (8) of an i Hinrha Employe* pany in Efallas ia in- ploying three or four Divi- Under Morrison Milling Com- PALACE Bryan 2‘f>$79 TODAY thru SATURDAY I “tilImrln^n iUiN H cm tti if RH pany, Denton, Ten of a graduate account! bookkeeping departm would be rierical i start. AGRICULTURE: an opportunity availi ybuiur man trained in chaiwiaing to work 1 (See JOB CAI need their « Job re to I ItUlilll HIS Hit’ » K "KUSSS, I i- SPECIAL PREVUK FRIDAY II P.Bt~ “David Crockett Indian Seoul?! f -reCU-, Ellen Drew QUEEN LAST DAY THURS. - FBI. - SAY. ■f Bud Abbott Lou Costello —in— “WHO DONE IT” TODAY ft FIRST El —Wednesday Feafoi 1:40 - 3:20 - 6:00 -f 10:00 -Thursday Featu 6 HS " ‘ 1:45 :20 - 4:« :05 - 9:1) Starts-- 40 p 8:20 Starts— >:30 Sj ' ' I PLUS mm NEW; SPECIAL of Wild S — CA Feature FRIDAY — SKYWAY SHOWS—6:48 - 8:30 DRIVEIHW —Last Duy— ••Lucky Lleeiee Mte Willlaai Po»eH ■SONO of the THI.V MAN TOMORROW “ADAM’S BIB" SKYWAY DRIVE-IN^ 3 BIG WAYS To Be Lucky TUBS or WED. $ Less Tax — Be Here “Lucky License” Two Lie Select jnses Will Be -Each for 2ss Tax \ If neither are present a third Will be selected for the tax William ! ? “So: ;) >C Thin Mau r ■'-•*- -- n HIT — well - IVL Loy of the Sale on TexTa t To a man It’s TexTan Poll men who know leather quality and style ... to a man-—it's TaxTan! The fed of TcxTan’s finer leather gets on a man's warm side. Much of this leather is ap«- daily tanned by TexTan. Real taddlemaker craftsmanship shows its hand in every detail of these belts and billfolds that dare to blaze new style trails. To a man, they’re the choice when men spend their own money. Make them your gift—-to t man. I 1 -i -1 0 'J r -.7 : ’ - I,", “Sarving Texas | K ; I 1 •/' «• ii