The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 06, 1950, Image 2
/ f*" . i r Page 2 I ^ :i <xi Battalion Edito MOI The Twelfth Man and the Campus Chest Tonight the Campus Chest Sticks off on its solicitations and' collections in this year's campaign. The purpose of the drive have been clearly stated by, the Chest committee and their purposes seem perfectly; compatible with what most Ag gies Would agree with. If the $4,0d0 quota is reached, the' student body of A&M will be in a* position to offer a $2,000 Twelfth Man Scholar ship next fall; to some promising high school graduate. That sum would enable him to attend A&M for four years receive ingl $500 a semester. _ v [This idea of a student body sponsored scholarship appeals to most of us. We will have the opportunity to participate in offering a scholarship. The fairest and most objective method of selecting this man for the Twelfth Man bholarship would be for him to be chos- by the college scholarship committee, ie organization responsible for choosing Development Fund scholarships. This is the plan the Chest committee has sug- N gested. I' : 'J - j'. ' ; •A quarter of the Campus Chest quota has been allocated to the World Student Service Fund to assist foreign students 6 by clARE, chief cairn 1950 1'H i .• UVIS *-RETAIL AND WHOUSAU a to of Itheir over- The WSSF is admin responsible group fame is their abl< sets package sen icC With the rem uni ig of the Cam pus Chest quota, a contingency fund Witt be established, jrhiu reserve Will go for emergency or short i cltich expenditures to charitable caused thje student desires ttt aid. The Wservd fubd could, in the event the $4,000 quota is not reached, hem boost the Twelfth Man Scholarship to the total of $2,000 so that it may be started next year. ; ' ! The amounts of course, a personal giver must determine lar placed in the £an Campus Chest sc He spent, and one v hii Students who hi and executing tie used their time * nd i were sold op Wt at Campus Chest W ill -to fill the quota (rot dent) will demc ^ sold on what gc in countries Where it is still impossible for do for A&M, and students to completely help themselves. 4 satisfaction in g vin This Costs Nothing, Just Smile . . • Here’s a date you can face with a smile. ^ National Smile Week has been sched uled for March 6-11, the theory being that anyone GAN smile—and too few do! - - -' ‘■ [; Joe E. Brown, generally acknowledged as proprietor of America’s broadest smile, is the booster.and guiding light of this campaign. • “The idea is simple,” says Joe. “It is just a week in which everybody is asked to concentrate on smiling and making scrinpone ela© smile. fX f ]”Be a Joy Scout! - f Brown, top rank authority abou^: During the war; servicement all iously backs tk is conviction thatj people who do p, see it. - ‘ jontrtbutions Are, of matter which eAch himself. A dol- the map making s is a dollar Well do muich good, on carttpA:_ because they good the contHbutions 75 c©nt^ per stU- lat we, too, are mpus Chest can o give Us personAl ! Railr , ; L f I oads Readied for Rush Nation’s Miners rch 6—UP)—Steel dirge to. * & a[ g^t set WHip their wW m »• as itic task 9d ml' trains eHil came crews wert mines Ito critically >r points as soon as pt ita lit - for the _ irtdustary larly k year Was m prodne an esttfaa irn to nor 4 No Need for Hysteria’ ]§S Bricker Tells Newsmen ^ Ve By JACK BELL Washington, March 6—(^—Senator Bricker (R-Ohio) said today there isn’t any reason for the American people to get ’’hystericaf’ about the possibility of an atomic or hydrogen bomb attack on this Bricker is a member of the Senate-House Atomic Committee which is looking into plans for,civilian defense. 7 r , , | The Ohio senator, who doesn’t often agree with President Tni- flt tgo ijiii are acrASi Ve settlement Ba; of Eleett Head senior ar- mojor from ing among tpe world’s dispensers of happiness, can speak with the pbWer of I a smile. Joe’s grin brought reUef from pain and nostalgia to thousands of over the world. cial week iiling is gooo id for the people who So—March order of every the traffic cop, He ser- out of a for the children, the clerks 1 4 . with nine “Try bringing a smile of happiness the Income, Taj: Cc « It might, praise Mbit; ^ Jjie Dealer Names His Own Game . . each day to someone who is weary, who 'iK‘,irot»bleP, who Is JU, op feels forgotten.” through Marc) day will be to Si the landlord, tht md conduct) n leeway . . 1 ©ctor! < so! become t>»1 i’r Oi 1)0 11—the die! At howling ora, AND even at a national here. , . lsu / ..... . .. “There is no reason for hysteria about moving the Jcapitol or f< jthe people to get hysterical about the possibility of an atomic attack on us,” BrickMi said., ' j 7 “That doeSn’t mean, of course, that we shouldn’t plan ahead that we Shouldn’t think about the possibility that we might ha to move the seat of government Some time in the fuure.” Legal Changes The Senate-House Committee is reported not only to have dis cussed plans for a possible move of the capftol but to have talked ‘ovet legal changes which may be necessary. It has been pointed out, for instance, that if an atomic attack were made on Congress while it is in session and many of the mem bers kiUed, there is no quick method of replacing members of th< House. ' , , ' • L, - Senators can be appointed by governors to fill vacancies, - but House members must be chosen in special elections. . . i Although members of the committee have been inclined to acof at the idea of moving the capital inland frdih Washington, some,o: them said that year from now might find such plans in existence, for use If any emergency arises. j # J . L. These would include transfer elsewhere Of the military rtetvis center of the country, now housed in the Pentagon'building in Virgin ia just across th Potomac Aiver from Washington. ft to _ els of a mon mJ week en days, , — ...j ,Stations—rauc fag and brdwttde ts were relax or catted off in score* of Cities. Schools, closed by lack 6t heat, wefe scheduled to reopen. Unemployment — Preparations for a return to ] lormat industrial activity already jnarod thousands from tfie army ojf 225,000 throWn Return H coal remains in the earth to be dug later and is not actually lost. The union decline© to estimate' roal-nllie of Work Vn ost of the remainder to return to work in a EitriKte Cost of the . accura tely. industry ‘ in well ational said bituminous (100,000 tons was But UMW Washington pointed out ’f J Letters To The Editor j n _ r w ^ ‘ tl Evferjrone seems to be wanting to get in T^i the Deal. Teddy Roosevelt started the political Deal slogans when he successfully campaigned back at thje turn of the cen tury for the “Square Deal.” His great-ne- |3S'w, Franklin D., successfully won his presidential campaign in 1932 on the “New Peal” slogan, , ; J - *r~ Last year Harry Truman, Democracy presidential candidate counted out by everybody but the Voters, won his cam- paign using the “Fair Deal” phrase for a kicker. And Truman is still plugging the “Fair Deal” idea. - Countering this, out-of-office Republi- -* 1 ' A ivolf in an auto spotted a cute little blonde on ttye corner waiting for a bus. He jammed Jon his brakes, pouring on the personality. “Hello, sweetheart” he called, “don’t you want a ride?” : ‘ cans accuse th© present adiriinistration of the “Marked Cftrds tlekl.” | The Republicans liave h|t oh the “Square Deal’] slogan again .[and ..have championed it i|n many of their recent poli tical speeches. Now it looks like whichever party is in power will deal the cards. Of course, the dealer names his game. The present trend; in gdvemmentAl spending would .suggest that the game has been 41 (billion dollars) or bijst. Many of the big pressure groups havfe been hit ting “black jacks” but we pooj* tax payers have been getting busted. “Which direct!: asked, building h “North!” he i: “Fine!” she ex© aimed, gards to the Eskiii os!” 1 "i ± The Battalia "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentle Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Tr Are you ©p. orfned, hopefully. going?” she (A* l*tt«ra to u* taltor MlU«* UHl which do not oontatn •One wlchtog to havo thdr name* and Umm name will not, without tl othor than the odltora.) RELIGIOUS NEEDS Editor, The Hattalion: We would like to express our appreciation to you for the daily Bible verse on the editorial page of the Battalion. We believe thjat the Bible is a needy emphasis in our liv^s If we are to kr rw mojre about our God. Religious Empha sis Week stimulated our interest in the things of God, and we are looking forward to next year’s R. E. Week to hear, the Word of God preached. We think your selection of ver ses are excellent, and We would like to help you in further selec tion, therefore we have listed sev eral passages ! below that ;nave been of particular help and chal lenge to us. 2 'Samuel 22:3© Psalms 119:42 John 5: 24 1 Peter 1:3,’4 Proverbs, 16:32l Ephesians 5:12 , was 1 recently elected it of the local student chap- i American Association Contjrators. " i; ©filfery is student senator Milner Hall and chairman gear's Campus Chest cam ■ L :; ; I .ji ikh AHsup was chosen as soc- hiairman for the AGC. A com mittee was appointed by Mont gomery to select the AGC’s duch ess fur the Cotton Ball. The AGC chapter is the only student chapter of its nature in the United States. This chapter was granted by) the national organ ization after Texas contractors recommended that * student chap- ter from A&M be admitted. \ Btbip Verse Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them I in the name of the Father, and of the S)on, and of thje Holy Cheat. —Matthew 28: »♦. trike cannot Vq ft loaders nto nfae , Coal Asiioc production lost headquarters v| :' DRIVE IN Wi Wuw — UmI Dar , Road Mmw nrat Run “INK KJ.YING j SAl'CEH” 'NK©T—"IW»|<I OK THIN MAh 11 "" "^kVway •mployBB of M auMWNda b* dtruigad to aajr rjjs pan as John 3: 16, 18 Johh 4:14 Matthew 4:4 John 14:1, 2, 3 1 Peter 2:24 j DRIVE-IN Yours very truly, biS&l Ken Ka Lyman Osborne Dick Fley A WORD OF TttAttfc Editor, The BaftalioU: I want to express my .. tiOn for the many courtesies I received when I entered Aj& first from Mr. Heaton Perryman (I was dividual approval) and from my many teachers who (See LETTERS, Page 4) Official Mr. , Jm! seciond ' ^ ave I Students due a copy of “Biochemical. Preparations—Volume I, contact M^a. jllug- areff at the librar>’. 3 BIG WAYS To Be Lucky ItJES. or WED. $500 LOSS Tax — Bo Ifote y license” Two Licenses Will Be Selected—Each for coal remains in the earth later and » not acton ie union declined to the low in miner's wage*. And non-mining industry - could provide no figure on the strike’s cost in wages lost because of fur loughs and production lags caused by coal shortages. Interstate Commerce Commis sion cancelled its plans fok a 15 per cent cutback in steam-train service at midntght Sunday. On the promise that coal will be flowing to markets soon, the ICO also relaxed a previous 25 per cent reduction in coal-burning freight serviijc. ; > ^ ■ ’1 ■•ij PALACE Z'S879 today — Tuesday HJijL’j ( ^mtrpu TODAY & Tuesday FIttBT BUN —Peaturw Start— . . 1:35 - 8:15 4 4:55 - 5:30 - 8:1© ;10:00 ■ j , ikliks- Give my re- ; The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for repuMi credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of ed herein^' Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also 't- ares a Friday afternoon, except, during holiday! and examination periods., Dili ii talion is published tri-weekly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Subsen p yoar. Advertising rates fi|rnished on request. tm Nows contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the oodwtn Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-6824) or lee, Boom 2M. Goqdwfa4Ha)l. ' v , , i ■stMsO as M#*n4-elsss sssUsr «t PoM Offle. st Oollsw BtsUos, Tssss, nste th. Art of CosSMis of March I, WO. Member of The Anodated Picm iitiom ntaneous of an iiewa dispatches orlgia publish- exas and tbs [onday through The Bat- par school BILL BILLINGSLEY, C C. MUNROE. . Clayton L. SOlph«.aaas.a.a««r#«.l».*«.l* ! ja«aaaaaaa..^.sa...»..a»s»»s^4..«.»^..... iwaowaai swaL isissssai*********.**** 1 S Ja.Saa’alsyiaa..rsiis ‘*4ss>ssass>spassssa»sssssssss*isssoss'04lisl»aj «....««ssei Dave Coslett... ChUCk Cabanlaa. ♦aa.>a^aa...aaS#.ja«...aa..aa«a^s—..,,44, John Whitmore, L. O: Tledt, Dean, Reed, Otto Kunxo •v>- John Whitmore, fcrrygutafe— Chuck CabanlAs Today's Issue br Nstlossl AA- st Ksw Tort Ottr, .J, Co-Editors Editor .Feature Editor ports Editor ews Editors Aaalatant Featar. Bd ltor t Amusement* SXIKor George Charlton jtoMp tlwwiSi... ■umm ■ ■■ ,rohn Tapley, Bill Thompson, ’'Rlpl’ Torn, John Whitmore,-Kay WlUiama. Bob Young, ■ jerry Buber.... Nawa and Featura Wiiltahl Lam OUT*?, ' , , i ' ■ -‘7 ,.Circulation Hanagu 1 -' r Cbarlaa Frank S. Roger Coalett, Rtiph Itaas, Jack Brandt, Fontaine, Bob leierr, ciurus i ih Gorman, Sm 1, Dean Raod. : ndt, Jack I Stan T ! y;^ ;: ..News Si Oiuansi ..ail . - ya. —•. . Photo xasraraa BANTAMAC FLAGSHIP JACKET . will add a world of jali ia; sure hours. Styled to you trim as well As corUfi able. A real buy. Hep drt- • Mkde of handsome dur able rayon LUST Fit cloth that’s washabls, of can be dry cleaned. • Wind nroof and water re- pellant • Roomy patch pockt with slash dpenings. • Full length front slpier. • Elasticiied for snug fit. ft LEON B. WEISS North Gate “Next to the Campus Theatjfe asm—am A • * y 1 * 250 Less Tax If neither are present a third will be selected fot- 250 Less the tax KEEN HIT — Powell - M. toy 1..: i. \] *" ng of the in Man” wim KlIji'raoM / TEXAS ******* y WEDI )AY & ST BUN ■4 ,X n- tun THURS. AFRICA ABLAZt! ^nrsttiwolnColorl Hhoi .. JLD NEWS »N" ' tr QUEEN Now thni Wednesday mo M^RAE • .. i:.i jssaszszsvi - LAST d/ )NESDAV ■ -r r i”.r [j [/• ;Wt . r m ! V, J