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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1950)
*‘I -l ---■ ■) - BALL - I i jp! (.Continued from Pag* 3) ticket chairman, said thfa morn- ‘•J** Anyone Mriahing to obtain In vitation* and v»ho live* duUldte door. Admission prices will include re freshments, souvenir programs and hatchecks. A mysterious decoration will ■*oon be set up for the Ball, In gels said this morning. The i only information he would give is,’"It’s on ice”! The Aggieland Orchestra should be in fine shape for the-event, ac- cordjng to Bill “Pop” Turner, di rector" of the aggregation, Pro- mieing many new numbers for the dance fans, Turner said that Tom- may Butler will lend his voice to many of the tunes, with Gordon 1 Keller helping on these vocalisa tions. Ghalnhan of the guest commit tee for the Ball is Harold Chand ler, assisted by “Butch" Prochas- ka and Gus Clemons. Aiding Tapley on the invitations are Robert Kirk and Bobby Dob bins. Rick Westcott and Harold Cottle are co-chairman of the pro gram committee. - Ralp'h Howe is chairman of the sweetheart committee, while Dan Scott is top man on refreshments. Members of Scott’s group are Paul Cardeilhac and Allen Wea ver. ^electing the design of the stfu- venir program fell to Jack Brandt, chairman of that committee. As sistants are H. C. Brandt and B. C. Blevins. SEE A FIRST I S5S5! Wfc T'"r. 8 “ Call Us fora Home Demonstration Free! BETTER HOMES HI ■» N. Main I’h. 2-1042 c itibn ( hurch. Rev. 1 ciosen as his Building”.! «t 9:80 will c ay school Rev. James M. Moudy of stiah Church Sun- Church School will m„ followed by the lip. The DSF Supper at 5 p. m. ★ Sunday will mark r the Week of DedU A&M Methodist James F. Jackson has topic “The Romance "be cadet coffee hour followed by Sun- 10, morning wor ship at 11 a. m. and evening wor ship at 7:30 ; p. m. will be held Satur- from 6:30 to 7:30 at Mary’s Chapel. Sunday mass 10 and 10:00 a. m. ★ Brown of the First Churbh w«ll speak Sunday . _ on “The South’s Chal- 1 snge and Nted”. Topic for even- will be “It Is Later hink.” HP ★ ^pi Ref. O. G. JHelvey of St. Thofaas ] Ipiscopal Church will conduct ] loly Commpnion Services at 8 i nd 11 a. rp.- The Aggie Coffee will metet at 9:30. Confirma- nstructijon will be conducted Evening Vesper Services have been cancelled at the Lutherian Church. Rev. Fred Mgebrbff an nounces that a Student Bible Ser vice has tbeeii formed and will meeet at 6:30 Sunday evenings. The morning ; calendar includes Bible class at 9:30 with worship services at 10j:45. ★ Rev. James F. Fowler of the A&M Church of Christ has chosen as his Sunday morning sermon topic “This Do In Remembrance Of Me”. At 6:15 the Student Forum will discuss “The Gift of The Spirit.” Sermon topic for evening worship services is “She Left Her Water Pots”. - — -■ |i|.|n. T .t.i jV I |i ■ , - JC TOURNEY - (Continued from Page 1) goal attempts and only five of 19 charities. Henderson tabbed 21 points and Renta 14 for the Bear cats. Bobby Jones scored 16 for Kilgore. x The Whartbn-Allen battle was. hotly contested, the first half end- - STORY - (Continued from Page 3) ed with the Pibneera leading, 23-81 >ld goal seconds before the made College Station Representative — Loupot Poet BANKINQ SERVICE COLLEGE, STATION’S OWN ' College Station State Bank V 7 North Gate T~ The Exchange Store 7v - V 1, ‘ f ■ ' “Serving Texas Aggies” With Two Stores Main Campus NASH . ‘A— A&M Annex NASH N MIT LEE AND CO. : : 27th and Bryan BRYAN, TEXAS Complete Automobile Service h r .r American Laundry J — and — Dry Cleaners Bryan, Texa# Serving the College Station and Bryan Communities Since 1909 First State Rank & Trust * ' /b : to. on Joe Puentes’ field on a drlve-ln Intermission busser sounded and Nell Kelsey’s free throw which broke a 43-43 tie with one minute left for the winning l(tliy. Hanger staged a second-half ral ly on the hot shooting of Moseley and Harper to defeat Navarro County, 67-30, and gain a conso lation semi-finale berth opposite Lamar, | J , Lloyd Smith was named the first city manager of College Sta tion. Under this set-up, aldermen act In more of a counseling capa city with the manager responsible for carrying out, city plans, direc tives, and regulations. In December of 1947, offices were again movml. This lime to a modern one story building on Churck Htreet and Highway 6. This latest Horfte was designed by Lsngford. j Sine* its Ineoritorntlon In Feb ruary of 1930, city government officials have bee >me aj smoothly the city”, one day in', every year. year, “Child- jeen traditional vent associated J Sincfe that firjt rien’s / pay” has and a special with Boy Scout Week, Youth Em- What’s Cookings phosis Week, or designated youth and girls of C< School elect thel r and eVen pass special on that day The I next tome other such week. The hoys nsoliduted High own offieialf ordnance! March 3, 8 p. m. Houae. Beginners p. m. LATIN AME Heart O’ Te: Electa Cottoi SQUARES, Friday, Episcopal Parish come out at 7i30 tICAN CLUB caa Club Dueheaa (ifflceworkers, Da i Johnnie Andrews, mhrfilng, the three| Boswell, Mrs.| and; Mrs, Flor« .... deski ng a city gov- work—the liasle ie done to keepi going. «(nce Neeley, return to 1 their desk! 1 Ui continue Imndl arnmeifit’s paper J*ib tl(at has to 4 cltyj government Ellen Lindsey, sophomore THCW student from lltjuwnwood, Texas was elected Februuiw 82 to rep”" sent the Heart (f Texes Club the Cotton Ball and Pageant April 21|. M# 'i Friday, March 8, >,. ••>. inet Room, YMdA. Speaker jn 7:13 p. m., Cabi ... Jpeaker. I WEATHERFORD A&M CLUB, March 2, 7il8 p. m., room 212 Academic building. \A&M COLLEGIATE 4-H Monday, March 3,7:30 p. m., )l House (ffUiuth of Extenson “ Building). Anyone who was ever In 4-H Club work Is urged to uti 'FLAX COUNTY A&M CLllBj Thursday, March 2 room 104, Aon< demlo hulldiiig. Colton Hall Duch- ess to lie seisoted. " / MaassMktmamsttaiiiaaMiimmMmmMmMHMMmN l Vf ,i Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS "Si, &<&■■■ : St ^ 1 City National Biank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpbratioc Bryan, Texas Page 4 ■ ! sax,!. WITH A ha: AD. RatM with A' 2Ao ClAMlfl&4 < Motion i . . 60e pwr Inch. Bend nil clrsctncda with tane* to the student AoUvttlos AU ads should bo tufaod Is by 10 Am. of the dsy t store publlcsUon. • FOB wmm mm m i paay. 2k il ^ m * Bags of coppar eoipal currency I brake rad jtke! ^ Money play* ■ big human labor and madlum thi ough whi food and ( their \ . 1 •'I It la Important to wisely and well, sorrow; ot lari worship it a* Ufa. Thana gttltUdaa art dangaroua. Worship right llvin life. Mon of eilver, nickel rad I' ,| kagee of eriap new Ight Tn the vaulta of Itutlons of the world. ife, It repreeente uctlon and is tha xchanges his toil for ee and comforts of lift. how to handle money people squander It to their their supreme aim in both unsound and ehould be reeer ng should be the Mr ie a Useful *v for Ood alone, and upreme aim of one’s instrument In the material world, but t ie secondary to man’s spiritual welfare. The Bib e teaches pa to be diligent rad thrifty; it also teachas ua to love Ood and cherish our re- .ligioue fait b above all tho world’s wealth and glory. r:»ie THB owuch roa au . ^AU for rng CHXn - ^ 'I- V«a...l (.c •u»v|j-a y ThJIm rsocon* why!*,,. ® * k*** soiwj sArasK# K Ssmtt;; f*!* 1 !* **'*•* Casrisht IMS. E. X KcUUr, Btrubur,, Va dar of Church Services QUALITY CLEANING Fast 3-day Service PARK CLEANERS Southside — College Stat ion J | j Southside Shoe Shop B First Class Shoe and Boot ! ,171 • ■■■ i • 1 [ ■ j '-l Repair Shop 4 \ . i '' _ t Poliahea, Dyes, All Shining Equipment. L 1 i V'Jl ' - i;:' BABY BED with dltlon. Ph. 4-897!. ONE USE O.E. RBI RIOERATOR. *4S.QO total price. Cut bp aeen at Bryan Stor age Co. Student FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1050 || EIJCCTRlb HEATER-good for C-I9-A College VleW.”_i_ r«»ry.' BALI • •ell ttged NOTICE TO RIDDERS HKASOH RIVER BOTTOM I.AND / FOR SALE The Board of Director, of A. College I* offering for *•)« 1.271 mattresa—good Official Faculty Hr Al A&M Grill { North Qata '■ I ■ I : ,y ; ' [ THE BEST SUNDAY DINNER IN COLLEGE STATION AFTER CHURCH V ; rr-: J. A. Williams & Sons 113 E. 26tli St ~ Bryan Telephone 2-1574 DIRECTORY K H Texas A&jM Colleg« 50c per copy Phone (T MaU 50c to STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A&M College ! College Sta tion, Texaa —On Me at SNACK BA I A rich Braeoe River botti Agricultural KxperlRtent, ' CoMity. . L««a_ — . . Colee orunt on Farm Highway 80, It 1» about eeven miles southwest' of collega Station. Bids WlU be received on Hire* separate tracta of 6TO. IB1,, and 480T acres; on ths entire acreage and on combi nations of tracts. Sealed proposals for bids will be re-' celved In (he office of the Comptroller, Texaa A.'land M. College Syelem, Oolleg, Station, Texas, until 2:00 p.m. on If area 18. 1950, then publicly opened and read In the lecture room of the Agricultural Engineering building. I J , For full Information and bidding forme, write W. H. Holsmann. Comptroller. Texat A. and M. College System. Collage Station: Texas. Bidding forms, other data and Instructions, with notice of when propertp ran be Inspected will he furnished on r*( *i quest. Proposals shall be submitted only 1 forms furnished and shall be In aeali envelopes furnished with proposals. Tin Collegs WlU restrve one-half of the mlnr era), oil and gas rights. -The Board ol Directors reesrves the right to reject any! •nd all bids and to waive any and all lech-' nlcalttles. W. H. Holsmann Comptroller -, j Texas A. and M College Ryetera J tied Th* - College Station, Two, February 18. 1950 • FOB BENT • J FURNISHED APARTMENT, S blocks from N. Oats. Elect tie refrigerator, private bath and garage. Call 4-4T»4. ! ■Sy^STT—1: U** ' N1IW8 STAND oMPtarrE Norman c egtsa in t COM No KOK VOUR POLIO, BEAUTY MHRVIjC Uoemetlce, block of I ia«iv. . 7. |. |i ternlty, lleaiui see or call Ke Ma«; 'Nh««' — snl l|isun metis. Agent, Pl'^^n for apnoinTmenl stuf' ; , Mill Heneflt omalm. X t' 1. BRYAN TEXAS / ii- Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Henry A. Miller & Co. .. -. 4 ' ^ WfcsvmmH North Gate Hardware Phone 4-1145 ■J _ iture Gifts -J • i A & M 01 9:45 AM.—< 11:00 A*M.—i- 5:00 PJ*.—» A&M 9:45 A»M. 10:45 AIM. 7:15 Apt. A & M 9:30 A M.- 10:00 4m. 11:00 4m.- 7:30 RM. Christian 11:00 AAC.4-1 8:80 10:00 m School Wo roup rch of < > Claaeea Wo torch up r i I T Tr ■ Station t.—Sunday oming . P.M.—Bcptist Training Union P-M.—Evening Worship . omas Episcopal Chapel A-M.—Holy Communion j AM.—Aggie Coffee Club A.M.—Church School A.M.—Morning Worship P.M.—Evening Service P.M.—Student ’ INSURANCE r i REAL ESTATE mortgage LOANS i ■' Jj a l! : ‘ • >1 fit' League ilp Service AAC.—Bible AM.—Worship Service Church Church K>i A.M.—Morning Worship I Presbyterian C A.M.—Sunday School ■ -i 1 '. ii' REAMLAND SPECIAL * Student Plate Sandwich* H.’ i. All Fountain Drinks North Gate . IN. It Ts KBl«!r Mala don ado Dial' 1-11*8 «% 5% New Automobiles: New A Deed AUTOMOBILES FINANCED New and Used Phone 4*1232 Flop Colson Travis Nelson il Rev. Jam Jackson ■ ^ A&M METHODIST CHURCH You are cordially invited to at- all the church services. ' i .. i 1 ' X; 7 ’ .■> A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 7:00 P-M.—Evening Worship Wednesday: |6:00 P.M.—Dinner — program for Aggies a.