The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 03, 1950, Image 1

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jj ’ t * 3 *
ain Cancels Sports Day Until Next Week
^ fer- . r— ^ Uj—H 1
} City ot r 4
College Station
Official Newspaper
Sports Day
Volume 49: Number? 101
North Texas F
In Dual Cinder
The Aggie trackmen will be
ready .tomorrow afternoon when
they inieet North Texas in[. a dual
; *meet on Kyle Field. With the
field events beginning at 2:30 and
the first running event starting
if s 3:00, spectators will seei Col.
, Frank Anderson and his charges
attempt to resume their winning
Hays of last spring,
w Col. Andy has been drilling his
iCindermen strenuously the past
few few weeks in an effort to de
velop the Cadet team, which is
composed of many sophomores and
squadmen as yet untried in varsity
^ Led by such standouts as co
captains J. D. Hampton and George
Kadera, low hurdlejf record hold
er Bob Hall, and the only return
ing veteran quaftermiler, Don
Mitchell, the Aggies should be-'
gin a promising season by defeat-
r ing the North Texans for the
second time in a row. A&M won in
a triangular meet at Denton last
year with NTSC and East Texas
the competition.
Should Indicate Strength
* Saturday’s meet will give the
.fans an idea: as to how the over
all team strength will stand up.
Depending on how the untried boys
come throught the meet, it will in
dicate t h e‘ Farmers’ chances
• agaihst favorite TU '-and other
strong teams in next week’s Bor
det; Olympics.
With the Eagles strong in the
sprints, hurdles, weights, and
, : jumps, the contest should be close
all the way. But the Ags’ superior
depth should be too tough for the
- Dentonites to top, even with the
two-tnile not counted for points.
r--- •• r- ————-
Teams Advance
In High School
Cage Tourney
| Austin, March 3 -r-JJP) —
Two divisions cut down to
j" semi-final size Thursday in
the 3Qth annual state high
school basket ball tourna
ment. A third opens play today.
Blrdvtlle (Ftart Worth) Canyon,
French (Beaumont) and Mouth
Man Antonio moved, Into the Homi-
fInula of Claaa A: CkyugA, Gruver,
Forreaton and Wuidtler did the
Mina in Claaa B. L ,
Crowds ranging from u few hun
dred at the opening of the throe-
dajr tournament yesterday morn
ing to an agtimated 4,000 at last
night’s session watched three wild
ly exciting games and five that
never bored.
South Sah Antonia pulled away
from Lockhart In thii second, half,,
winning 44-33 to complete the
• semi-finals of Class A. The Alamo
City five plays Freiich today.
French, the team' that bowed to
Memphis in the finals last year.
, thumped Ballinger, 33-18 as Lloyd
.Kilpatrick scored 11 points in his
second state tournament appear
ance. ■! - '. ; ~.
Class B semi-finals begin at 8:45
a.m today. Class A’s followed.
In Class A’s first game Bird-
ville (Fort Worth) edged, Teague
44-43, in a wild game that ended
' with the Cowtown five desperately
stalling for time. Teague had cut
Birdville’S margin, fb 43-41 with
three minutes to go.
A&M entries will probably be as
follows: 100 and 220, Buddy
Shaeffer, Jack Bond, Dave Yiengst,
and Gary Anderson, with Hall re
placing Anderson to form the
sprint relay; 120 high hurdles,
Paul Leming and Billy Bless^ and
220 low hurdles. Hall, Leming, and
Numerous Distance Runners i
Other contestants will Incline
Mitcheir and Bernard Place, 440;
880, Clifford Shaeffer, Robert Ah
ten,, Alex Ortiz, and Amel Omo:
mile, Hampton, Julian Herring,
and John Garmany with Jfrn Mc
Mahon a possible starter although
In out the part week with
the ffu; two-mile (exhibition only)
Jerry Bqnnen, Jack Jones, and
Slickj Hubert; and mile relay, B. U.
Terry, Cecil Inglehart, Don Car-
don, :!and i Fusion McCarthy.
In-the field events Ihe Ags will
offeil Kadera and Bob Smith, shot
put;ijdlsciis, Kadera ard Ed Hook
er; javelin, Kadera, Jack Simp
son, ;j Joe | Kempt, Malck Stoeltje,
and Elmo Wade (trying to find
a gpod man here); pole vault,
Simpson, : Don Graves, and Wade;
high jui^ip, Graves pnd Buddy
Davik; add broad jump, Simpson
andlj. PL Weber.
Tennis Team Meets
A&M’s flu-plagued tennis team
will play host to the University
of Houston’s strong Cougar rfet-
ters on the clay courts opposite
P. L. Downs Natatorium tomorrow.
Opening matches are scheduled to
begin at 1:30 p. m., according to
Coach W. M. Dowell.
R. G. DeBerry and Bobby Dun
can, who lead the Fish team last
season, have taken over similar
position? on this years varsity
racket squad. DeBerry will con
trol the number one singles slot
and will clash with Jason Morton
of the Cougars in the top singles
match tomorrow afternoon. The
number two position will be filled
by Duncan.
Royce Tate and Dick Hardin-i-
two important racket-swingers-i—
will miss the contest, because of
Tate (No. 3 Aggie) had been re
leased from the hospital after be
ing treated for a severe cold just
before A&M defeated Southeast
ern Oklahoma in DeWare Field
House a week ago.
Wins Despite Illness
The six-footer looked Imi
sive in winning his singles match,
despite the several days of prac
tice he missed. Two days after
the match, Tate returned to the
hospital with influenza, and will
not he able for participation to
Also on the sick list is T^k
Hardin, number four man from
Amarillo. HaniTn abm Is hospital
ized due to a severe cose of jflu,
Allan Aaronson, another top
netter, and Aaron Cohen of Mpn
Antonin will fill the vacancies.
The A&M team met UH' list
December In Houston and was de
feated, 2-5, by a team led by
Jason Morton, top ranking Texas
player. In the number two spot for
the Cougars will be Hugh Sween
ey, who teams with Morton | to
Basketball Notice
All 1950 basketball varsity
players are to meet at the De-
Ware Field House at 5 p. re.
Mar 7, to elect a team captain
and to have a squad picture
made, Coach Marty Karow has
Karow urged every member
of the cage team to pass word
of this meeting to the other
basketball playerk in order to
insure a complete turnout of
the athletes.
fonp their top doubles combina
tion! I
Freshmen Play
A freshman match is also sche
duled with Eugene Lctsos of Gal
veston representing A&M’s first-
yeaij-men in the numi>er one sin
gles; position. Donald jFarmer, also
of Galveston, I will play in the
second Singles slot. Letsos and
Farmer ranked fifth and, sixth in
the ; state juniors last jrtHap.
Aggie Mermen
Lose to Steers
At TU, 31 - 44
A & M’s varsity swimmers
lost to the University of Tex
as In Austin last night, 31-44.
ley Ijettered the SWC and
officially smashed the univer
sity pool record for the 400-yard
freestyle relay with a time of
3:42.6, two seconds 1 off the old
record, j Tommy Butler, Ralph El
lis Billy Karow, and Van Adam-
soijl formed the Cadet team.
Texas won the IpO-yard free-
tyl|» rape with Eddie Gilbert swim
ming for the Staers, while Adam
son and Ralph Kills took second
and third places, respectively,
Adamson won the 50-yard free
style eVent with TU placing Frank
Cohnpbiill and Dlcjk | Turbevllle.
The Longhorns’ Milton Davis
topk ton honors;ini the diving, and
A&M’a Raul Shaffer placed second.
John! Parnell and Ray Hilton
placed second and third In the >140-
yard ffeestyle with Wynant Wll-
Non of the Austinites slapping the
dcfcli: fifst.
Coach Art Adatnson’s 300-yard
miidley team finished, ahead of
Texas with Bill Sargent, Tommy
Cpmstock, and Karow making up
thO Cadet team.
i$argent took third place in the
130-yard backstrpke event with
Bob Cone taking; the first posi
tion- fOr the Steers.
;The 220-yard freestyle race fin
ished the Orange and White's fifth
first place of the meet as Wilson
finished first while Ellis took
.tSwd [ ' . „ ; f; , ■
Johnny Crawford won the 220-
yard breaststroke contest for the
Longhorns with Comstock finish-
iiig third. ^
! 71
Natatorium Open
To Public Monday
: P. L. Downs Natatorium will be
open to student’s wives and resi
dents of College Station starting
Monday, Art Adamson, swimming
coach said today.
The! pool will ibe open 7:30 p. m.
m. on Monday, Wednes-
Friday. All swimmers
ir bathing suits and caps,
itw said.
urge of nine cents for chrf-
nder 12 and a fourteen cent
for adults will be made.
■ .. ■■n i if ^ — i »ii ■
j • ; t ■
’oijir Teams Await
fCAA Cage Entry
Price Fivi Cents
aroons, White Cla
Scheduled Next We<
| Civit war will divide the A&M
ootball team , next weekend as
ihe Cadet squad separates into a
tfafoojn and; a White team and
he two combinations square off
m Kyle Field.
The rosters of the two squads
vill remain the same;as they have
!>een for the preceding two game-j
icrimmages. However, this time
he atjhietes, each group of whith
ims won one of the tussles, will
the incentive; to win a con-
Which is the main attraction
on the biggest Sports Day pro
gram to date.
■If the first two games were in
dicative of the style clash which
spectators can expect to see, most
of the play will be of Ithe rugged,
defensive type with from four to
six long scoring plays deciding the
A few of the players have been
hampered by injuries the past few
weeks, but most of the assorted
sprains and bruises will! not keep
the gridders from seeing action.
Baseballers Tangle
In Intra-Squad Tilt
All-America honorable mention in 1949, Bruisin’ Bob Smith will be
one of the mainstays of the;White squad next week in the annual
Sports Day football classic.
SMU Tankmen Vie
With Ag Swimmers
A&M’s-vgrsity swimming sjquad
will engage [the SMU Mustangs in
the P. L. Downs Natatorium at
1:30 Saturday afternoon, the jfirst
event of the long field of shorts
planned by the “T” Association for
its Annual {Sport’s Day program.
This will! be the seventh {tank
tussle for {Coach Art Adam
mermen wl)o have won thrte of
their past Six meets. The Aggies
will be meeting the Mustangs
the second time this season,
meeting of{ the two teams
place at thh SWC Relay Cat
which was held In the SMU
Lust your the Conch Adunison’s
tankers defeated the Ponies 40-
30 in conference piny, and! took
second place In the SWC {Meet.
The Mustangs tied with Hjnylor
for third spot.
Aggie Aqunmen
The Angies swim team wjill be
formed around Van Adamson, Bil
ly Karow, Bill Sargent, and Ralph
Ellis. Other members of the team
will be chosen from George Dieck,
Gilbert McKenzie, Joe Blundell,
Tommy Butler, Johnny Westervelt
^ for
; pool.
Tommy Comstock, John Parnell,
Bill Hale, and Ray Hilton. Paul
Sliaffer and Howell Johnson will
make up the Cadets diving team.
Mustang Mermen
Swimming for the Mustangs will;
be Arden Amerine, Mike Muckel-i
roy, Ted Gowan, Don Mortimore,
Johnny Champion, Vemon Mire,
and Jim Dwire. Other members of
Coach A1 Barr’s team include Lar
ry Conner and Doug Conner who
will swim In the freestyle events.
At the SWCj Relay Carnival,
contest, the Texas Longhorns!
nosed out the Aggies 62-48, with;
the* SMU Ponies taking third
In .their second din of the sea<(
■on In Inier-sectlonal competition]
the Aggie tankmen were edged
by the Oklahoma Sooners 40-35,
SMU’s swimmers have also met
the Sooners this season and wen
downed 44-36 In dual Competitipr
of a triangular meet which in
cluded Nebraska University.
The Aggie Swimmers also de
feated the Baylor Bears and North
western Louisiana University, i
lost last night .to the Texas Steerf
at Austin.
Coach Marty
squaj game
unless' the
washed out
Larow’s Aggie
will stage an intra r
at 4 p.'j m. tomorrow
present; rain which
Sports Day continues.
, Karow hks matched the two
teams as evenly as possible to pro-
in, March
be made
3—tP!—A decis-
thia weekend re-
the District Six represen-
the NCAA Western Re
tournament at
Baylor, South-
Houston, and
mi being con-
Sports Day
j Bulletin
Sports Day has been canceled
because o F weather conditions,
according to Gene Schriekel,
president of the “X” Associa
tion. ; !
The annual event with the
same program will be postponed
to a week from tomorrow, he
Will hold their usilal
afternoon { practice, instead of
the !.7:S0 game. The baseball
squad game will depend on the
weather. While the track, ten
nis and swimming meets will go
on gs scheduled.
’The Battalion received the
announcement too; late to con-
eel Its Sprts Day ejdltlon.
Tumblers Perform
Tuesday in Bryan
Representatives of tumbling
teams froni the Main Campus and
the Annex will put on an exhibi
tion at Bryan High School Tues
day afternoon at 3, according to
Humus Hill of the Annex Athletic
Depertment. Mat-tumbling, hand
balancing, and trlcke on tna high-
bar, mats] and trampoline will
make up tile program. ,
Monte S vatzell, senior from Cle-
yide the most interesting game
for the spectators. j
! John DeWftt, Wallace Moon,
Bobby Farmer and\Yale; Lary will
be in this weeks line-up after be
ing absent due to Other sports.
Jim Calvert, out lastXsCason with
an appendix operation^! will also
be back on the diamon]
•In last week’s game Joe Sava-
rino and Guy Wallace j wtere put-
standing in their positions, Sec
ond base and shortstop, respec
tively. Wallace, all-conferencp last
year, showed his usual jform With
spectacular stops and brilliant
ground work. Savarino was top
man in the bitting departmew
with three hits. Hollis Baker an
“Sbug” McPherson also looked
good, at the plate by capping out
a home-run apiece.
Blanton, Pat
-IBUrtaae also
Pitchers Sammy
, Hubert, and Bruce
hump, will
my Sims,
thur,i and
Wichita F
be featured with Bob-
freshman from Pt. Ar-
Paul “Sheets" Cameron,
alls freshman.
Finals Scheduled 1
Tourney, Begin at 6
The teams put on h half-time ex
hibition al the Texas University
basketball game last Tuesday amr
another at the intermission of the
intramural boxing finals at the
Annex Sa' ;urday, February 25tn.
n JC Cage
6 Tonight
Finals of the Third Annual Ju
nior College Basketball Tourney
will be played tonight at, 6 In
the DeWare Field House begin
ning with, the consolation finals,
followed with the third place play
off at 7:30, and climaxed by the
championship finals of^the {three-
day meet at 9. .. ;
Amarillo’s Badgers became the
first team to reach semi-finals of
the tournament by beating John
Tarleton's Plowboys 56-44 yester-i when
day. { ^ r “
The Badgers made 22 iof 36
free throws in winning yesterday’s
afternoon game. In another bat
tle yesterday, Lamar of Beaumont
moved into consolation semi-finals
with a decisive 52-38 triumph over
Laredo. >
Earlier, in the consolation brac
ket Blinn upset Schreiner 55-46
and Howard County of Big Spring
nosed out Del Mar .of Corpus
Christ! 44-41.
The Amarillo-Tarleton battle
■aw the score tied twice ahd the
lead change hands four times in
the first!seven minutes of play
first seven mil
before Amarillo went ahead to
stay. The Badgers held't 27-22
‘ Ime mlventags. Thiljr big-
margin came five minutes
o the final whistle when they
led 49-35.
Pence Dacus, the Plowboyi’
hard-driving guard, kept the losetis
always within striking distance;
canning nine field goals and six
free tosses for 24 points and ind -
vidual honors. Center Gerald Rog
ers and Forward Bill Bybee paced
the Amarillo attack with 17. and
16 points respectively.
Rogers Ties Record
Rogers tied a tournament record
14 charity flips. That matched the
mark of the most field goals made
by one player in set last
year by Roy Burroughs | of Lon
Morris of Jacksonville.
David McMililn scored 29 points
to pace the Blinn victory. The
game was tied 23-23 at the half.
Del Mar led the Big Spring lea n
at the half, 29-19, and stay* d
ahead until the last five mlnutis
when Louis Stallings won the
game i for the Jayhawks with two
field goals and two free throws-
Defending champion Tyler coast
ed past Peris" outmanned Drag
ons 74-46 to complete the aemt-
fI nal bracket. I
Tyler hit 41 per cant of their
■hots from the floor, while pi
up a 37-22 half-time lead. On
shooting Iof Johnny Taylor and
Quince Tnylor the Dragons Were
able to make a game of it for 14
i T^ler k spt the score from
higher by yanking its re;
midway ia the second half
to rest thi im f ->r the semi-i
Royce Ray and Tommy
cock of T yler, and Tiller of
tied for p >int honors with 14
Lon Morris, Wharton W
Lon Mi >iris’ speedy little Bear
cats and Wharton County reached
the semi-finals of the tourney.
Wharton stopped Allen At
emy 44-4! (. 1 ■ i - - 11
Mjorris defeated Kilg
s much easier than
... final score would indie
The Beaicata fell behind, 6-0,
the start then outshot the
Rangers :o take a 26-17 half-l
lead. Through the sparkling play
of Alberta Renta and Jackie Hen
derson t) e Bearcats; were able to
maintain a margin of from e ght
to 19 points until the closing sta
ges when Kilgore narrowed the
Kilgore was cold both from tho
sad tho foul 11ns, hitting less
of Its field
floor and
performed creditably. Each pitched
only two innings. ^ <
Several boys from last year’s
freshman team are making strong
bids to break into tlje starting
line-up. Among these are Les
Lackey and Al Ogletree, who both
promise to be strong in the bat
ter’s box.
Jim Tunnel, Joe Ecrette I and
Yale Lary also should aid the
roster as announced
team in contfhg seasons.
Here is the rost
by Coach Karow:
Maroon Team
Lackey, 2b
Ecrette, ss
Moon, cf
Lary, rf
DblVItt, If
Tunnel, 1st
Vornkhslt, 3rd
or Opersteny
Calvert, c
Brown, Robert
son. Fitts, Wilson
Substitutes: Britt,
Hughes) Hamilton, ]
White Team
Wallace, ss
Bakei*. cf
McPherson, rf
Cundiilurl, 3rd
WsrrWr. If
Malts. 1st {
Ogletree, c
Football Notice
All seniors who played foot
ball last fall but are not oat for
spring training are requested
by Coach Harry Stiteler to see
him at his office before Satur
day noon. / I V
Stiteler explained that it is
important that the former play
ers see him in order to make ar
rangements for a squad pic
ture'of the ’49 team.
/ ENDS ,
80 Davenport, Walter
81 Hill, Carl
82 Barton Dorbandt
84 Crossman, Jer -y
85 Self, Dick
86 Netardus, Jan
88 East, Rodney
5)0 Pratt, Robert
91 Centilli, "J. D.
70 Dixon, Bobby
72 Spencer, Mlckuy
74 Niland, T. K.
76 Holditch, Murry
Chapin, Tuck
78 Little, Jack
79 Strobel, Alex
63 Rush, Marshall
66 NohaVitza. Eb
06 Greiner, Max I
m Blair. W. G. %
08 Wright, Bobby
50 Robbins, Cooper
62 Meyer, Hugh F
54 O'Neal, Chuck
50 Bates, Bob
11 Gardemal, Dick I
15 Hooper, Darrow
8$ Moore, Doyle'
86 Lbmmons, Belrnie
38 Lawson, Bull
20 Haas, Raymond
22 Meager, Carl
26 Lippman, Glenn
27 Yeager, David
28 Scott, Herbert r
McDonald, Charlie
McJurrfcin, Herbert
Tidwell, Billy
48 Parmq, Wesley ^
■ |;;
' pft
! : SB
: 84
Hill, Walter
3, Charley
Burns, Frank
Copeland, Cedric
Gwin, Clinton
Hodge, Charles
Zuch, Howard
Bush, Roy
7l Scott, Durwooil
74 Tucker, Dwayne
!75 Moses, Sam
77 Smith, Harvey
78 Hudeck, Russell
tit Langford, Alvin
60 Schulte, Gerhardt
. 65 Dugas, A. J.
‘ 06 Frey, Richard
07 Mol berg, Carl
68 Rush, W. T.
60 Flowers, Jim •*
52 Dlffle, Pnt
65 Hcthcrly, Van
50 Cox, Ralph
00 Fowler, Jim
15 Hikes, Delmer
10 Graves, Ray
82 Stoeltje, Max
88 ' Duncan, David
30 Smith, Bob
38 Stubbs, Austin
20 Royalty, Charlie
26 Bradford, Robert
26 Christensen, John
f 28 Lary. Yale J
42 Dobbyn, Jim
44 Graves, Kay
45 Magourik, Connie .
46 Saxe, Augie
(This list was released by
Coaches’ Office). .
Bob Hall, right, who set a
Hurdles last season. Is being ;
hurdler 2nd sprinter from
record «>r It J In the low
by tenmmnte Ruddy fihaeffer,
year’s Fish loam.