The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 23, 1950, Image 1

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fV o'
City Of
College Station
Official Newspaper
: ' v -‘ • ■' •
■ l ■■ ',' l
i ■ ii v. •
’ I '■ i — '
1 i
77ie Battalio
\" i?
Nation’s Top
Collegiate Daily
NAS 1949 Survey
«Volume 49: \ Number 95
Price Five Cents
Late Wire Briefs -
\ •' •. -• / • . \ I I j
23—(/PV—Tlie Ford, Motor Company Hill halt hoi
i production operations Friday and Saturday of this
of Its Detroit area prod
week because - of the coal
ition, the Company announced late Wed-
Galveston, Feh, 23—UP)—bids will be opened Feb. 28 on a contract
to extend the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Feeder Channel to the land'
locked south Texas cities of Harlingen, Rio Hondo and San Benito.
Alexandria, Va., Feb. 23—H/£)—President Truman delivelred a
stinging denunciation of Communism Wednesday as an armed
and “a modern tyranny far worse than that of any ancient em]
If force is necessary, he said, we stand ready to use force 1
bat the “deadly attack” of those who would destroy freedom.
Describing his message as a “straight from the shoulder” talk on
V. S. Foreign policy, Mr. Truman left no doubt his remarks were aimed
directly at Russia and her satellites.
San Antonio, Feb. 23—tn—In its first annual livestock exposition,
San Antonio Wednesday set three new world’s price records ahd es-j
tabllshed a 100-year trophy to be presented to the grand champion
The first was set when MHroy Schneider, 16-year-old Seguln t-H
boy, was paid $8 a pound for his 225-pound grand champion Barrow.;
Schneider sold his pig to Joske’s of Texas, a local department store,
for $l|806. _
The second record was set when Robert Pape of Fredericksburgh
received $3,379 for his champion fat lamb. Richard Frederich, the auc-i
tlon chairman, personally bid the $3,100, which shatters a record set
when the' Houston’s show’s grand champion brought $3,600.
1 . . h
NeW Vork, Feb. 23—-UP)—A Navy officer says flying saucer^ were
seen over the White Sands, N. M., proving grounds for guided missiles
last year and he thinks the discs are space ships from another planet.
The officer,' commander Robert B. McLaughlin, writes in the
March issue of True Magazine that saucers were seen at White bands
in April, May and June, 1949. 1 ’
Oh one occasion, he said, two small saucers chased a Navy tucket.
The Air Force has called discs hoaxes or misunderstandihgs of
natural phenomena.
However, McLaughlin, identified by the magazine as a; naval
ordnance and guided missile expert, wrote in his article: M ■
“I am convinced that they are space ships from another planet,
operated by animate. Intelligent beings.”
Weekend Parking Now
Legal in Streets, Lots
Students may now park their
cars on College streets and in
employees lots from Saturday af
ternoon at 1 until 2 a. m. Monday.
" This over-tho-weekend packing
privilege was granted In a letter
front the office of the Dean of
Students received yesterday by
The Kattullon and several student
and faculty officials.
The ,change In the ruling was
wade by adding the phrase "ex
cept Saturday night” to the cur
rent regulations, published on
page f7 of the College Regutn-
tiona.'' ”
New Rending
The corrected regulation now
rends as follows: “Students ttiny
park their vehicles on College
streets and in employee lots after
5 p. m. on Monday through Fri
days, Saturday afternoons, and all
day Sundays. Cars_must not be
parked in place’sT other than their
7 assigned parkimj? areas after 2
a. m. each night; except Saturday
night.” .I- , / ' V" ^
, The change W;as made at the
request of the i Student Senate
Traffic. Committee, Assistant Dean
of Students Bennie A. Zinn said,
primarily for the benefit‘of stu
dents in Mitchell, Leggett, and
other dormitories located some
distance from their parking areas,
j Fewer Tickets
It will enable them to park in
front of their dorms without get
ting tickets early Sunday morn-
AFS Ballots
Due by March !
In Council Race
Ballots for the election of
council members for the As
sociation of Former Students
must be completed and re
turned to the association post
marked not later. than 5 p. m.
March 1, according to J. Sayers
Farmer, chairman of the nominat-
> ing committee.
Any ballots received after that
time cannot be counted according
to the by-laws of the association.
The nominating committee, nam
ed by President Louis A. Hartung,
_-i ’29, of Sun Antonio, met on the
jt campus Jumiury 21, and nominated
82 men^for the ,council.
Every former student whose
name Is on the list of the asso
ciation has been mailed an offl-
i clhl ballot, said Farmer.
In nn official announcement,
Hartung urged every former stu-
dant to vote in the election.
Hervey, McQuillen
Visit Corpus Exes
J.*B. “Dick” Hervey, executive
secretary of the Former Students
Association and E. E. McQuillen
op the A&M Development Asso
ciation were guests at the meet
ing of the Corpus Christ! A&M
Club Tuesday.
, Hervey, has been ,giving reports
on the activities of the - Asso
ciation of Former Students to
-j A&M Clubs in various Texas
towns. . - . ' , I ■ t
During the month of February
he has talked before Aggie-Exes
in Waco. Dallas,' Burnet and Cor
pus Christ!.
ing when many students Are re
turning from Saturday night trips,
Zinn said. <*] j iii 1
Members of the Senate; Traf
fic committee which made the re
commendation are Chairman Jod
Fuller, Tom Calhoun, W. E. Fori
sythe, Bruce Thompson, add Bob
by Sykes. ,1
Cattlemen to Hold
Ball on April 22 i
The Cattleman’s Ball vjrill bo
held April 22, "Doug” Ffeberg;
general chairman, announced to4 ?
day. One of the top western hands
in the state will play for the af
fair, he added.
The Saddle and Sirlqirt iClub
will sponsor a duchess at the; ball.
She will be selected from pictures
submitted to the Animal' Husban
dry Dttoartment by members of
the club before March‘1.
Cl lurch W omen Observe
World Day of Prayer
The World pay of Prayer will
be observed by the College Sta
tion Council of Church Women in
a serv ce at the Presbyterian
Church, Friday morning: at 10,
according to Mrs. F. L. Thomas,
chairman of the Spiritual Life
Xommi ttee.
Mrs. O. G. Helvey will lead the
service: which are for alii denom
The [College Station Council of
Church! Women is a chapter of
a world wide organization that be
gan in 1887 when women of in-
dividuajl prayer groups of differ
ent faiths joined together for a
day of I prajlerj I
In 1|919 the women of | Canada
joined the groups in prayer and by
1927 sjo mjjuiy . requests to parti
cipate had come from other coun
tries that the first Friday of
Lent was formally declared the
World Day-of Prayer.
On this special day, these coun
cils of jeburch women try to tackle
local |^robl?mS and make the
church; a positive influence in the
A special offerine is another
important part of World Day of
Prayer. The money collected goes
into six i special projects, three at
home sjnd three overseas. |
The ; significant feature of the
three* ijn the United States is the
fact that with out the financing
from World Day of Prayer groups,
they could not continue, for they
have t^o other substantial source
of support.
TTiej ministry to migrant farm
labor ip this country is one of the
pfojectjs supported by the prayer
groups! It now operates in twenty-
three [states providing religious,
recreational, educational, and
counseling services for some 2,-
5QO,OO0 people to whom jiome is
where crops are ripe. TWo-thirds
of its operating budget comes each
year from World Day of Prayer
The other two objects df World
Day o? Prayer giving in the mis
sion fisld are the religious educa
tion work with Indians ini govern
ment schools and special i literacy
undertakings bn the Navajo Re
servation; and a venture to guide
Nogrb ministops and wombn lead
ers toward church-cento red com
munity development In pliintatlton
sections of thd South.
In foreign missions, the bene-
ficiarids of the American offer
ings ape eight Christian colleges
for wdmen in the Orient. Christ
ian literature for women and chil
dren overseas, and ©foreign stu
dents in America.
The tasks of administering the
World Day of Prayer falls to
the office of the United Council of
Church Women in New York. Each
year the, program for the service
is written out a year jn advance,
Aviation Cadet Fred L. Wattlnger, former A&M student, receive*
instruction in radii: from Lt. A. H. Goertna
YYaru. Wattlnger Is a member of (’lass
finally Air Bust',
Land Program Funds Run Low
Bascom Giles, chairman M the
Veterans Laud Board Tufrtdby is
sued nn “informal memorandum”
to the 51st Legislature) j] balling
attention to the necessity of ex
panding the $25,000,000 Veterans
Land Program at the next regu
lar session.
' ©ri-
Within a short time thb
will have received a
number of applications
obligate the total $25,000,1
ginally authorized by the jeonsti
tutional amendment, Gile« said
Approximately 5,000 veterans will
have been.taken care of with many
times th^t number desiring to
participate in the program, he add-
ed. j
Giles said the office, with its
limited personnel, is processing
an average of 10 applications a
day while it receives the applica
tions at the rate of 20 i>e r day.
The Department lists 1,600
farms and ranches that, have been
appraised with approximately 72
per cent approved for the con
tract price, §00 "purchases have
been completed at an average
price of $5,750, an average of $52
per acre including improvements.
Wrist Watch Found
On Football Field!
■ ■ !■ . i ■
A man’s wrist watch was found
on the scrimmage football field
last Saturday during the Maroon
and White scrimmage.
The person to whom this watch
belongs is requested to contact
Stiteler’s Office in order to iden
tify and claim the watch.
in time ; for copies to be mailed
to the ninety-two countries and
translated into the sixty lang
: Sinde 1930 it has been the ens-
tom for the program to be pre
pared by women of different na
tions. This year’s program was
prepared by Michi Kawai, a Jap
anese Christian educator.
Future Aggies
Get Scholarships
Buenos Aires, Feb. 23—UPl—
Four scholarships for Argen
tine students to attend the
Texas A&M College were pre
sented to President Peron yes
terday by 15 members of the
Texas Federation of Women's
Tomorrow they will go to
Santiago, Chile.
Seniors Set Etiquette
A series of lectures and demon
strations cm etiquette and sd
customs will be sponsored by the
Senior Class in March, Bobby By-
Clothing Show
*** j****’**-■*>*'.
mi <*# ^
: swr
<0M «S * >«**»**
, r: »
This ts the Rangerette Line, the fifty-girl march
ing group that makes up the column formations
of the Kilgore Junior College Rungerettes. They
will appear, along with the Kilgore hand,
Kyle Field, March 4, for Sports Day.
Sis Struts Her Stuff
Forty-five Tessies to Sing
In Guion Concert Saturday
ington, class president, sttid last
■night. : [ .j .
Preliminary plans for th|e series
were outlined at a class piloting
in the YMCA Chapel.
A new feature of the dtiquette
course this year will be a special
showing of the latest trends in
men’s clothing, Byington said.
“Foley’s in Houston ha« offer
ed to put on a show for us that
will include everything from a
Tux to a T-Shirt,”, he said. “They
even said they would include some
professional models to give us an
idea of what the women are wear
The models will team with a
group of about ten Aggies' to put
on the show, Byington said.
The Foley's men's clothing show
will be in Guion Hall during the
latter part of March.
Two Phases
( The lecture and demonstration
series will be divided into two
phases. The first, together with
the men’s clothing show,] rtill be
[Open to all students and ! student
wives. The second phase will con
sist of ten minute lectures given
Fortji-five golden voices of the
TSCW modern choir will grace
Guion Hall Saturday at 7:15 p.
m. The choir is under the direc
tion of Dr. William E. Jones, pro
fessor of music at the Denton
school. Admission to the program
is thirty cents.
Some of the finest talent at
TSCW goes to make up the choir.
Variety is the keynote of the pro
gram which is designed to ap
peal to all music lovers. Every
thing from classics to modem
music is included.
Further diversity is given to
the alj Tessie program by vocal
and instrumental solos, trios, .
and duets. Miss Loyce Miles of
Atlanta, Ga., will act as mistress
of ceremonies.
The choir has received praise
wherever it has gone. It has been
presented all over Texps and in
several other States, frbm Beau
mont to El Dorado, Arkansas, Once
before at A&M the group drew a
capacity crowd and was acclaim
ed as a fine musical organization.
Lady Lou Terry, a senior, is as
sistant conductor. She has worked
with musical presentations since
her freshman year. Clementine
Neighbo, of Memphis. Tennessee,
is choir manager an]l sings lyric
Mary Anna Watson who has
been with the choir for two sea
sons is accompanist. Featured with
the choir are three instrumental
soloists. Misses Joan Loerzel,
Wheaton. 111., pianist: Carolvn
King, Little Rock Arkansas, flu
tist; and Winona Perkins, Evans
ville, Ind., violinist.
Dr. Junes has adapted the
choir to trends of the Mae by
developing nn idea unique in this
area in combining technical
A&M Prof Judges
Dairy Cattle Show
Professor A. L. Darnell of the]
Dairy Husbandry Department is in 1
San Antonio this week judging the
dairy cattle exhibit of the^ San
Antonio Livestock Exposition.
J. W. Ridgeway, former head
of the A&M Dairy Department,
is secretary and general manager
of the show. D. T. Simons of
Fort Worth is superintendent of;
the dairy cattle division.
The Jersey exhibit will be ;
judged today, with approximately
192 head competing for the;
awards. There are about 30 Hol->
steins and 55 Guem&eys to be
judged in those* two divisions.
This year’s show is initiating!
San Antonio’s new coliseum. Ac
cording to Professor Darnell this!
is one of the best dairy shows to
be held in Texas this spring.
features of radio, movies, and
speech arts with the music.
Stress is placed upon develop
ment pf the Individual rather than
the group. Traditional choir robes
have been discarded in favor of
modern evening gowns in an; ef
fort to stress the individual person
ality and induce an atmosphere of
personal freedom on the part of
each singer.
Members of the choir are select
ed for their vocal and music ability.
In addition to their spring conicert
tour and <|ther performances, the
choir has .gained a laige radio
audience through concerts over the
Joint sessions of the Texas
legislature have heard the ehpir,
and so have high schools all ojrer
the state.
Dr. Jones, the director, ! is
known throughout the state as a
director and lecturer. He was four
times president of the Texas As
sociation of Mupic Schools jand
twice president! °f the Texas
Music Teachers ; Association.
Music presented by the choir
is chosen for general audiences
of the Southwest.
Lounge Groups
Hold First Talk
Tonight at 7:30
The initial meetings of the
dormitory discussion groups
sponsored by the YMCA Cab
inet will begin tonight. Intro
ductory in nature, the meet
ing* will be conducted tfith an
eye toward getting acquainted
and analyzing and clarifying the
questions urrising from services
held during Religious Ertiphasls
Week. ]
Unlike last week's group
slons, these discuaSl
only one hour. The o:
the meetings is flexible and
by seniors in the military sci
classes. .
Six topics wilf he discusseq in
the first phase by three lecturers.
Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs- R- M. Sb* ‘
wood, and Wendell Horsley, direc
tor of the Placement Office, ivilf
deliver the six lecturers open; to
the public. They will speak on;(1 f ''
Behavior, the Key to Success, :(2')
Proper Introductions, (3) Visit!
the H° me > (4) What Makes a
come Dinner Guest. f5) Interv!
for the Job You Want, and ;
Consideration of Others." ' 1 ;
The need for a course in social
customs and etiquette was explain
ed to the Senior Class last night
by Horsley. The placement
director also, helped , Bvim,
make arrangements with Folp
Duchess Selection
All seniors wRb„ wish to make
nominations for Senior Class duch
ess to the Cotton Bull must sub
mit pictures of their nominees to
a selection committee, the class
Several alternate proposals i for
selecting a class duchess were ad
vanced, but a vote showed -the
members in favor of the picture
submitting plan.
week, Byington
members of the seleciion
-tee will be announced this
Syington sjHd. |.;.j
Class* Gift r
•j^ •
The class voted to add a maxi
mum of one dot]ar to the price
of invitations to!'the Senior BinJ:
Dance to raise ,! money for: the
class gift. i
Byington said every effort would
be made to keep the addition ah
low as possible., and in no ease
would it exceed the one ddliar
maximum; I. ;
A request bv class for Rer-
mlssion to sell photographic Cou
pon* in tho dormitories waa tpm-
ed down. Bylngtop reported. Mon
ey for the coupons was to have
been added to Ihp class*gift fund.
Suggestions for raising : tho
money in some iother way Were
solicited at the meeting. The 4<ldh
♦ Ion to the invitation price was
then offered and; approved.
hour they are to he held |nay
changed to meet the needs of the
group. Tonight's meeting^ are
Scheduled for 7:30.
The following..m n schedule of
Where the leaders will be during
the five week-series:
Lounge Dorm 2
I Lounge Dorm 9 Revj. 0. G.
Helvey. ; i.'. j ■/
1 Lounge Dorm 15 (jr p.m.)
M. L. Cashion.
Lounge Legett Rev,[Robert
Boof; File ». ! t
Plans; for assisting , Beniors Ih
selling their boots, bqot pants,: anil
other uniforms were announced by
A Set |of Index card files wl|l bk*<
established in the Cadet Guard
Room in the near future. Seniors
Rev. James wishing to sell jfoy Item of their
uniform! at the ml of the school
Lounge Hart
Norman Anderson.
(8 p. nri.) Rev,
CC Picks Duchess
Miss Nancy Naylor has 1 been
chosen the/ Bryan Chamber of
Commerce rtiuchess for the] Chi
ton Ball and Pageant to W held
here April 28. The announcente|nt ,
came from N. L. Kelley Jr.j shc-
retary-manager of the Chamber.
year may Hat khese articles: hy
■ k lllii - _ a J ^
size in the appropriate flips.
Juniors who /wish to buy : anv
of the articles can then coasult
the file* for th'p name* of ;-mep
having uniforms: and boots j for
A system'of dating the csrds
will he used to eliminate duplicit-
Mon, Byington said after the meet-
..—I N
No Dean’s Team Here?
Loretto, Pa.—UP)—Both DUm
and Smart made the Dean’s ihon
or list for the first semester at
St. Francis College today, j
Honor students include ; Leio
Dumm and Leo ■ 8m%rt.
~, # ■
•: i:
Texan One Of
Coal Crisis 9
Key Figures
Washington. Feh, 23—i-Tl—A
quiet-spoken little Texan has been
one of the key figures in the coal
crisis, although his name seldom
gets in the papers.
A native of Gonzales and n for
mer Texa* state senator, Welly
Hopkins is! chief counsel for the
United Mine Workers and sits
at John L. Lewis’ side in talks
with mine owners and government
Now in his forties, Hopkins
came to Washington in 1936 as an
attorney with the Justice Depart
ment. His performance in hand
ling the government’s case in the
Harlan County. Ky.. coal field
troubles a year later led the UMW
to hire him as the union’s top
He lives in a colonial home in
.pearby Alexandria, Va., not far
from the 150-year-old, two-stnrv
white frame house owned by his
big boss.
From Their Perch in the Loft
Competition, Companionship, Coffee
Help Mold Future Aggie Architects
A ray of light steals forth into
the darkness, its source a window:
in the loft of a building hidden in
shadow and standing like a tower
ing giant on guard over the sleep
ing night. '
A shadow flicks across in front
of the light and a cry of despatli
sends its'shrill note echoing Into
the stillness of the night. A mur
der? No. Not even a mystery.
It’s just another architecture stu
dent bewailing his fate from hla
perch in the Academic Building.
In the light of day this lofty
perch would present a different
picture entirely. Crowded onto
thta fourth floor haven for the
idealist are scant accomodations
for a department that has an en
rollment of over 400 students. And
this figure excludes landscape de
sign and industrial education ma
The Department of Architec
ture which waa started in the
early 1900’s aa a part of the En
gineering Department on the top
floor of the old Administration
Building, has an eleven-man
Ernest Langford, who has head
ed the department for the past 29
years, has watched
an humble beginning
ment that can hold
any on the campus.
it grow from
into a depart-
its own with
Second oldest employee of the
department is Miss Willie Belle
Johnson, a "mother" and source of
inspiration to many of the depart
ment’s students for the past 17
years. ,
She is justly proud of her pos
ition a* head librarian over the
department’s 3,500 volume li
brary, which has been praised a*
one of the finest and most com
plete for Its sice in the state.
A favorite with all students and
exas, she was able, with the help
of these thoughtful students; to
start her own little staff kitchen
In one of the library store rooms.
This kitchen which furnishes! the
staff with hot coffee, got its Start
about ten years 1 ago when some
students supplied it with electrical
appliances and brought with them
ingredients for niaklng coffee.
The friendly and likeable Miss
Johnson has developed a keen in
terest and knowledge of architec
ture and its students. She believes
that architectu:
college. jj
Speaking of her students,
says, “The boys do a let of
work and
are usually
they are
The Bryan bom and raised Miss
Johnson receives from the students
an unlimited supply of gifts rang
ing from flowers to apples. She is
ity tq oe a
'homas A.
w instruc-
t, puju it,
me ipek of
e ana us students. »ne Deneves
t architectural students have a
rae that provides them with the
t background 1 possible while In
J " '
of her at
_ joys do a
if they are good they
!y very good; If not,
usually Indifferent* *
an almost unlimited source of de
partmental information. ;
As unique as Miss Johnson is
likeable are the students who ma
jor In this field. Originality and
inspiration are a necessity tq be a
good architect. Aa Thom
Bullock, u ‘49 grad now
ting in the department,
“Inspiration can overcome
artistic talent and acts as a slim
ulant to hidden talent.”
Bullock gives the solution to
the late lights that beam forlh
Into the night from the afehi-
tect's roost when he explained
that architecture demands con
tinued competition between!stu
And you don't have to be
to like this continued competition.
Jane Renghofer, the department
secretary, le assuring when she
speaks of the congeniality and
high intelligence level of the de
partment's students
In her year-of employment with
the department ahe has. developed
an enthralling interest in contem
porary architecture.
To obtain a degree in architec
ture a student is required to spend
five years in study and
least three months in a :
chitect’s office for field i
The field that awaits the _.
is large and opportunities
talented graduate are i
Of these graduates a
many remain fct Texas and the
few that do migrate, according
to MIns Johnson, are good tvhhre-
ever they go. Borne graduate*
go Into industrial design, some
Into city plannllik. A few gi> to
the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology for further study.
It is not ''all work and no playf’
for the undergraduate though.
Each year they Sponsor their Ar-
chitectual Society’s Annual Be
Arts Ball <well known oa the
ABAB Ball). i
Here again thjiy vie with;
other to see who can conceive
most original costume. This year’s
theme was bnw<«i oh the recent
mid-century iHsue of Life
zlne . ' < ! ,
In past years &SABAB featured
themes such as ithe gay nineties,
Axtec cities, military scenes] slid
barn dances. j . I [’
ABAB. Each year they ~ —
own Christmas car
as a J
the pallaa Chapter df
itttute of Archt
it requires the
a large city to
in the state
the University of: