The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 17, 1950, Image 2

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    " -H*.
Battalion Editori
j ' ■ • , i- - ! ' if
Page 2 FRIDAY,
iRUARY 17, 1950
, f’ ' 4 u l[ ■ i :
What Role die State Employee in Commii nity? . . .
In College Station moat of its citizens
Have asked themselves this question man;
times: To what extent should a state em-'
ployee participate in city government?
For College Station that question is not
merely academic. Most of the salaried peo
ple here work for Texas A&M College, a
state supported -educational institution.
Their paychecks are redeemed with money
from the state treasury.
Because of this professional affiliation
with the state,; does it then exclude a per
son employed by the college from sitting
on the City Council, or on any of the spec
ial committees that are appointed from
time to time?
The Texas Attorney General’s office
says, “No.” That office has been saying
“no” for U years, despite old-wives-tales
to. the contrary.
This decision by the Attorney General
is the only reasonable stand that could be
taken- in a demicratic country. Though
employed by the college, these citizens of
College Station sjtill have a responsibility
should vote and
mmental affairs,
mid be forfeiting
d spruning their
years the ac-
rfessors, depart-
employees have
Bryan and
l.o their community^.-am
(take part in ill its
To do otherwise
their democratic rig it,
demicratic responsit ility
We have noted over
tive part many of our
ment heads, and polleg
taken in local, state and regional civic af
fairs. We have notec this with pride—that
these men were interested in affairs be
yond the campus, affairs of a nature other
than acjademic. |
j This is a way to tie the college and the
community together. For neither Texas
A&M College nor the City of College Sta
tion could long exist without the other.
Their interests arej identical; their pur
poses should alwayjs be directed towards
the same goals.
A growing A&M College means a grow
ing College Station) The employee of the
college who is a resident of College Sta
tion has both an institutional and a civic
interest in this matter.
Muleshoe, a Lot in Common
“If it were hot for A&M, Bryan (pop.
17,880) would be about like Muleshoe (pop.
1,327);. And what would Muleshoe give to much to do; there’d be ho Aggie speeders
The Bryan police wpuld
have a college like A&M move in on them ?
1% appears to me that there are several
hardheads in Bryan—and out at College—
who seem to control the thinking of every
one,” commented a Bryan businessman at
a recent Retail Merchants meeting, accord
ing to the Bryan Daily Kagle.
That statement rases a question in our
minds: What would it be like in Bryan if
A&M College had been located somewhere
tp run down and,
would have to cate:
The long distance
be without
fine) The merchants
f to strictly local trade,
telephone lines would
never be overlooked and calls could be
put through man inute. In fact, most all
that is wrong witti Bryan would be re
And subtracting Muleshoe’s population
we calculate that also
16,473 people.
from that of Bryan
removed would be
l~ ; T : •
Coachmaker to HRM Harry It
' The Ford Motor Company has deliver-,
ed to the White House garage what is said
to be the most expensive automobile ever
built by the company. Tire cigarette light
er, we are told, is gold plated and there
is a built-in umbrella rack, not to mention
other custom-designed items for the plea
sure of the President. Nine other expen
sive vehicles will join this joy-juggeraut
of fabulous luster and luxury.
The explanation is that the President
pays only a nominal “rent” on these ve
hicles, which are a part of “prestige pro
motion by the manufacturer.” In short,
The professor was amazed to learn,
through various remarks, that Mary, one
of his prettiest students, was disliked by
the other coeds. —
“Why is Mary so unpopular?” he asked
one of the girls.
‘TJh, didn’t you know? She won last
year’s popularity contest!”
Ford becomes coachmaker by special ap-
piointment to HRM Harry I.
ry probably could also
ee, if he would consent
to, say, a very modest trade-mark sewed
across the seat of his trousers. A Coca-
Cola signature on dis hatband will get him
his toppers without charge.
Advertising coicessions on the Wash-
would also raise a tidy
campaign fund foii 1952. This would prob
ably be better tha^i the proposal to trans
fer surplus potatoes to (he fund.—The
Dallas Morning News.
Rosalind Russel
married: Becaus
spinster, and a sp:
hors—a frozen
explaining why she
e before that I was a
nster is What nature ab-
! Kenneth L#. K:
illusioned girls ai
cause they were
ichbaum: The most dis-
those who married be-
tired of working.
I 1
The Battalidfn
"Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentlemat"
[ Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Ti adirions
Nowh contribution* may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at t
doodwin Hall. Claseified ada may be placed by telephone (4-5324)
Office, Room 200, Goodwin Hall, .■ r • ■
The .Battalion, official newanaper of the Airricultural and Mechanical
City jot Collcfce Station, Texaa, la publlahed five time* a week and circ ila
Friday afternoon, except during holiday* and examination period*. Our
tallon i* published tri-Weekly on Monday, Wedneaduy and Friday., Sobi
jrnar.* Advertising rate* furnUhed on requc*t. j
leal College of Texas and the
c listed every Monday through
Ouring* the summer The Bat-
•fription rata 94.80 per school
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi
credited to it or not otherwise credited in the papbr and local news <
ed herein. Bights of republlcatfon of all other matter herein.are also
ration of all news
neons origin
Enttrsd u ncond-elaw matter at Poat
Office,.'at College Stetion, Tcxac. under
the Aet of Concrete of March S. 1370.
Member of
The Associated Press
tented natfaaaQjr hr
[ SerriM' Inc., at He*
Chicago. Led Anaelte, and
Clayton L. Selph ,.*• «... ■
Dave. Coslefct — —...............—......
Chuck Cabaniss..... .'......i : j. 1—........
John-Whitmore, L. O. Ticdt, Dean Reed, Otto Kunze.
Today’s Issue
John Whitmore,.
Dean Reed.
□aorta Chariton.. AMtetant Feature Editor
Herman Oollob Amusement* Editor
Sid Abernathy. Emil Bunjea. Jr.. Bob_Lane^ Cbee-
Vltci IlcLllty, CJIUII -OUUJCTJ, , J9V*? AJCUi*. xseavw-
ter Crttchfleld. Marvin Matuaek. B. F. Roland.
John Tapiey, Bill Thompson,- "Rip” Torn,
Whitmore. Ray WilHame, Bob Yount.
.T . Neter and Feature
Jerry Zuber
Larry Oliver^.
, .Circulation Manater
>< Yi..
Charlte Ktrkham.....
Simmen. Jt.
{• itzRB, Dean
Jack Brandt. Jack
Fontaine, Boh
...ij: '! ;
Curtis Z dwarda.
Sports >:
News Editor
Nows Editor
editorial office, Room 201,
r at the Stuudcnt Activities
I ' /
Managing Editor
Feature Editor
Sports Editor
News Editors
... vJ'
Interpreting the News ... j
Churchill Speech
Spurs Washington
Winston Churchill’s suggestion
that another top-level attempt be
made for an agreement with Rus
sia has both the British and Amer-
ichn governments Worried.
The old boy obviously has seized
on a deep - Seated popular re
sire for peace to farther his par
ty’s chances in the j British elec
tions, and the Londan bookmakers
shy the Conservative chances have
tdken a sudden rise.
: Not that Churchill is insincere,
although he knows full well why
Britain and the United States con
sider it futile to seek rapproche-
lUont through negotiation with
Russia when he and Roosevelt
Were handling them personally.
He is hound to think, for instance,
that things would have turned out
iWtler at Potsdam if he had not
hOon yanked away from the con
ferences by the Brjitish electorate,
leaving the allied cause in the
hands of Attlee ar|d Truman, two
new hands at thojwork.
j Attlee, Bovin, Truman and the
/Vo Registration Confusion
Zinns Classification Found
( There are two fellows on this
cbmpus who' cause quite a few peo
ple a lot of trouble when it comes
time for registration. It seems that
they always find themselves in the
riiiddle of a mix-up.
r The only possible reasons could
he that they have the same last
name, they’re both Aggie-exes,
they both work for the college,
4nd they both come from the same
town. Temple. In fact, the two of
them are brothers.
Bennie A Zinn and Johnnie P.
Zinn by names, they feel that
■ they owe some students who
may have suffered from this
'mix-tip an apology.
< Bennie is Assistant Dean of
Men, an official charged with
iounciling and helping in the sup
ervision of non-military discipline.
Johnnie lends a hand to student
in regard to graduation plans. His
Official Notice
*f O T I C E
I The Bulletins of Information and appli
cation forms for the [ Medical College Ad
mission Test to be ipven May J3. 1990,
are now available at the office of Dr.
George E. Potter, jPremedlcal-Predental
Advisor. Room 13. Scjlenc. Hall. All pre-
fhedlcal-predentat students who expect to
aipply for admission j to the professional
Schools In 1951 are Required to take this
(eat or the follow-up test to be given No-
Vmber 13. 1950. Applications for the May
13 test must be In Princeton, New Jersey
before April *9.
All candidates for graduate degree. In
June. 1950, must be regiutmt in the Orad-
bate School tht. It la th. stu-
ttent's responsibility' to both register and
Check with i he nrnjduate School to ate
that hl's record l» clear for graduation, both
Scholastically and m every other way. This
includes filling out a lequest for admlMlon
to candidrtcy for the degree in, June.
• The tammy is requested to assist their
eludenls In meeting all those requirements
BUI Hites .•... Photo Engraven
Attention Aggies!
■ % T ■ ^
Buy your Shoe Polish at
We will tell you how to
shine your own shoes
Boot Shop
, North Gate
CoHege Station
Xj- ;
La Fiesta
Dine in Atmosphere of
Old Mexico
Delicious ...
Many Other Famous
Mexican Dishes
Bryan’s Original
Mexican Restaurant
Survey Shows
1 ■
■ v ,' f ^7
Bryan and Colle t
Station i
the Bryan-
don’t know
what radio program they!are lis-
- to between the hours of 4
- and 5 i:
between the hoi
the afternoon.
We don’t hazard to ofi
sonable explanation for
ce, but
of radio program indiffen
results of AAM’s small-scale sc
nd the
quel to the nationwide Hoo
ing verify its existence be^
shadow of a doubt.
'Conducted by members of the
Graduate market research class,
the survey was made of residential
telephone subscribers in the Bry-
an-College Station Telephone Book
American State Department have’
reacted quickly in an effort! to
clarify Secretary Acheson’s re
cent statement, which was origin
ally interpjreted as meaning that
negotiation! witli Russia is entire
ly futile. | Now; they are empha
sizing that the dohr is always o|>e n
if Russia I shows any desire jfor
agreement,! and the President
thinks there might bp a time when
a new mission to Moscow might
do some good.
Roth the BritiiMh and Ameri
can administrations are caught
between two situations.
In one, they are sure, only the
hard fact that Russia has gone
her Hunts against solid world
opposition will put her in a frame
of mind to seek a modus vivendi,
and the time when that will be a
fact’has no), yet arrived.
In the other there are an in
creasing number of expressions of
a desire by th? British and Amer
ican publics that diplomats not
rely too strongly on what might
prove to is 1 fallible judgements in
this matter, and that they keep
probing constantly for an opening.
official title is Assistant Regis
trar in charge of records.
Here’s what happens. People
come here during registration
and in due course of time, check
at the Registrar’s office. Tp a
certain number of these men a
secretary says something like
this—“Now just let Mr. Zinn
check your credits.”
The unsuspecting victim heads
immediately to the only Zinnj of
whom he has heard, Bennie, wjhose
office is located in Goodwin Hall.
Few of them are too happy to
learn that they must retrace their
steps half w-ay across the campus
to the Registrar’s Office in! the
Administration Building where
they find Johnnie waiting to help
Such incidents have been hap
pening for three years now, and
the Zinn brothers are getting a
little weary of the sad taleii re
sulting from the mix-up.
So jot the following verse down
in your memory book—it may save
you a few steps next time you’re
trying to legally re-establish your
self in this institutnon.
Here’s two brothers named
A helpful duet.
But the pickle they're in
Is just cause for regret
With surnames the same.
And jobs not glike,
They give cause to a game
That calls for a hike.
To save you this trek
And utter dispair,
We all worked like h?ck
To distinguish the pair.
I • f ;
So by these few words
We are offering here,
We’vej classed the two birds
As regards their career.
The had boys see Bennie,
He's n counselor, loo.
But for records, If any,
John’II give those to you.
FEPC Blocked
From House
Washington, Feb. 17 —i.T’i—By
a 6 to 6 vote, the House Rules
Committee Thursday refused to
clear the hotly disputed ! anti-job
discrimination FEPC bill for a
showdown on the House Floor.
The administration-backed mea
sure would set up a fair employ
ment practices commission armed
with the power to prosecute em
ployers, in cases of discrimination
in the hiring and firing of Negroes
and other minorities.
Four Southern Democrats and
two Northern Republicans voted to
keep the bill “frozen” in tjhe Rules
Committee, as it has bicn since
last suinmer.
Four! Northern Democrats and
two Republicans voted to pend the
measure to the House floor.
With the tie vote, the! measure
remains pigeon-holed sinjee it re
quires jseven votes to clear a bill
for action on the floor. |
Parliamentary experts : Paid the
two-fold results of today's Vote
may be:
1. To further snag tlit« House
legislative machinery, Which has
already been jarred by repeated
filibuster-type delays over the civ
il rights question.
2. A possible delay of; mobths
in tingl House action on'the ’mea
sure. j . ■ !
It wins the second timij (n three
week's that the committee has split
in half on the FEIH) bill; On Jan.
24. thf vote was five to five.
Chairman Sahnth (D-jlll.) told
newsmen that administration lead
ers wijll try to force a showdown
in thel'House next Wednesday un
der aj procedure sharply limiting
debate. He seemed pessimistic
about ; the chances^ HoWever.
Voting against elearapee today
were Reps. Allen (R.Illj), Wads
worth! (R-NY), and Cox! (D-Ga.),
Howard Smith (D-Va.)i Colmer
(D-MiLss.), and Lyle (DjTex.).
Thope who voted for j clearance
were Reps. Herter (R-Mass.l,
Browr) (R-Ohio), Delajpey (D-
NY). Madden (D-Ind), jMcSween-
ey (D-Ohio),* and Sabath (D-Ill.).
'■'I !
‘i 'i
August, li!49. The sample con
sisted of every sixth residential
subscriber, adding up to a total of
approximately 4()0 subscribers.
In the actual process of con
ducting the survey, the inter
viewer called (the selected num
ber, and If there W M ■« ans
wer, he asked questions to fill
cut his special radio liateneil
questionnaire forms. If ther was
no answer, the sheet with that
special number on it was placed
on the bottom of the pile, and
the number was called again at
a later time.
Interviewers were asked to what
program they were listening. Only
33 per cent knew the name oi,
their program. Eleven per cent of
those persons contacted were lis
tening to Matinee Show Case, and
the trials and tribulation of Por
tia Faces Life dragged In six per
cent of the radio listeners.
The first question, naturally,
was “is your radio on?” Result:
indicated that there were defin- F
itely more people not listening tc
gen 4 and 6 p. m. daily. “The
MmnM and ,6 p. m
application of statistical tests
to tn
ua with the conclusion that
this preference for not listening
to the radio could not be due to
nee,” tpe report say*,
lose people who indicated they
listening to their sets were
tening to
asked, “to what station are you
listening?’' Thirty-three
eir radios (ban listening be-
Pdtato Supports
Take Double Blow
Washington, Feb. 17——The
potato price support . program
which has cost the taxpayers al
most half a billion dollars in the
last seven years took a double
punch in Congress yesterday.
The Senate Agriculture Commit
tee formally voted 6 to 2 in fav,
or of cutting out all potato price
supports until strict controls are
put into effect governing both
their production and marketing, •
Senator Lucas (D-Ill) backed
this up by introducing a bill which
would permit the Secretary of
Agriculture to fix potato produc
tion quotas on the basis of cithe
bushels or hcres. If two-thirds
of the potato growers did not vote
for the quoth*, there would be/no
price support M the crop.
The proposed control* would ap
ply to this year’s potato crop and
«ll suhsequeiit ones. )t is esti
mated that teg per cent of the
1!)50 crop is drtady in tho ground.
Lucas said the potato program
ha* resulted In n “scandalous sit
uation” whiijh threaten* / to dis
credit the government’* whole
farm program. I
Although he is domoci/atlc'lead
er-of the Senate, Lucas said Jhe acti
edaneither for the ndrryinlstratlon
nodi th« AgrtculHure' Da part meat-
"I am acting in the bciit inter-
ert of the country am| the farm
support program for 1 the basic
commodities. ’ he said, j “Potatoes'
are not a basic comn|iodity and
should not bi allowed t(| wreck (he
cptire program.”
! Congress' pas defineeji only cot
ton, corn, wheat, rice, tobacco and.
peanuts as Ijiasic commodities.
, _ per cent
of those contacted didn’t have the
vaguest \ idea, ,\0f the relatively
small number pf persons knowing
to what iptatiop they were listen
ing, there seemed tp he a prefer
ence to KORA over any other sta
tion. No real preference for local
'stations over out-of-towh stations
was indicated by the surVey.
Only six per cent of those con
tacted knew who were sponsors
,of the programs to which they
were listening showing that, radio
advertising has not been too ef
fective in this area.
The last question asked “hoiv
many persons are listening to
//four radio?” In well over half
the cases, only one person was
listening. The average “listner-
ship” was determined to be 1.6
The survey reports made under
the direction of Ralph C. Hook,
Jr., assistant mr.rketing profes
sor, concludes: “Although the lis-
tenship to local stations left mucti
to be; desired, the results should
not bp considered to cover the ad-
area of listeners made up
f&M students.
hile the results of this sur
vey /are rather typical of radio
liStpnership, they certainly indi-
cat/ the possibility of creating
greater, interest .in local station
Bible Verse
Veritly I say unto you. Whoso
ever shall not receive the king
dom Of God as a little child, he
shall not enter therein.
—St. Mark 10: 15.
Sunday lay
i r-.
■Vi- h
ig Wheel
Bryan Z-SS19
“Tell It to the i
11 P.M.
Th* itory or
* tin Who felt
' r
si: H
—Feature 8tarts
1:50 - 3:40 - - 7:20 - 0:10
l.arry I’arliH
Kvr'.vn K«*yM
h? ; '
' ’ ' |
UP. M.
—Feature lrt80 P.M.—
i --Sunday Feature Starts-,
1:30 - 3:35 - 5:45 - 7:55 - 10:00
11 P.M.
—Feature 11 mo P.M—
t i
:t •
•mm * mao. • un .**