The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 10, 1950, Image 3

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    I ■
lass Meeting • •
Report on Class Meeting
w Monday night the class of 1953 held its first called meet
ing. It was a flop!
Why was it a flop? Because class members and officers
alike couldn’t get together long enough to understand the
important issues that needed to be taken care of. Disorder
and utter confusion reigned throughout the ten to fifteen
minutes that the officers of the class tried to make a few
^ pertinent facts known.
The meeting was never formally called to order and
amounted to nothing more than a few jeers and cheers
when each of the officers who is heading a committee for
the Freshman Ball rose from his perch on some mats rolled
up on the stage to deliver an unprepared address.
From what we could gather, the meeting was called to
inform the class about what arrangements had been made
for the all-important Freshman Ball. .Nothing was put
before them in form of a motion or vote. They were just
told that this and that was going to he done. •
u Now no one should kick about a committee taking care
j f of many of. the small details that would be trivial to a class
as whole, but the only word class members had in the plan
ning of the affair was through the officers. J
- No report whatsoever was given concerning the previous
, meetings the officers had held in planning the dance. No
committee appointments were made. And regardless of the
fact that stories have appeared in The Battalion as often
as possible concerning the dance, we would venture to say
that as many as half of the freshmen at the Annex don’t know
much more about the dance to take place this month than
the date ... and someone had to ask about that at the meet-
ing. [•.•.«
Possibly no one individual is to blame for these happen
ings, but the combined efforts of all the class— every indi
vidual member—must be incorporated if the class of ’53 ever
expects to make a success of the dance or any class function.
V ' r 1
■ ■. ■
Pfippi- 1
orts Staff flames
ll-’Mural Cagers
Joel -Austin
Elwood Schmidt r 1 Managing: Editor
Alton, rgweii* ......—j...... 1 ....Feature Editor
LeBlenc ...— J — —— —......l Sport# Editor
i°fJ■ ®—a ■"4—— - 4- A»#latent Sport# Editor
Eddie McKinney, Stanley Wood, Thomas Lewis, and Kenneth Monroe Reporters
T, N. Fields i........ Photographer
I: /> '♦
Used Car
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dan Special Ueluxe 8990
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luxe Club Coupe. One own
er car and clean L 0910
1946 FORD Super Deluxe Club
Coupe, Radio, Heater. 8910
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This is only a partial listing
of our stock of used cars J
Also have good stock of clean
42-41-40 and ..older cars ! to
choose from and priced below
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Bryan Motor
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415 N. Main — Bryan & 25
Highway 6 South
join the March of dimes
All Wet
Cold War
Turns Wet
The cold war between compan
ies 6 and 4 finally came to a head
last Tuesday in such a way as to
drown the spectators in laughter
—and water.
At six-thirty the frey started
when Company 6 went down to
Company 4 arid issued them a chal
lenge to a duel—water at ten
paces. Company 4 accepted the of
fer and soon the entire area was
flooded. After 1 the battle that en
sued ended, the two beligarent
companies united forces and made
an attack on Company 1, the band.
The word of the attack soon spread
and 'both sides were re-enforced
by willing volunteers.
A surprise attack was next plan
ned on the Air Crops, but when
the war party reached the objec
tive, they found that Hhe enemy
was waiting for them armed with
mops, brooms, and a mild deter
mination. The main skirmish, con
sisting of constant advances and
withdrawals, lasted until study
Hetween R00 and 1,000 gallons
of wator ware used by the HOC
warriors participating in tha hal-
tle. Although everyone of the
fighters had a good time, they
nil agreed -that they couldn’t brave
another encounter such as the one
they had Just finished. Said oi
of the cadets leaving the seer
"1 haven’t had so much fun sin
the day the scheduled MS Dr
was called off!’’
| mythical all-star
composed of outsta:
rs from the various tea:
Annex intramural baske
at was selected by the i
of the Freshman Bat
i.; ] ! ].:
election of players to the all
teams was based on the
of the player to the team,
dual scoring, and attendance
player to his team’s games,
symond. Flight 12, was the
ng scorer of the league with
oints to his credit. He was of
value to his team because of
fighting spirit and determin-
to win. Raymond won a
on the first team as a guard.
evees, a forward, and Szaf-
Ici, a center, found the nets
16 points each during the sea-
and kept their spirited vete-
r|4 team in the championship
all the way.
use of his aggressiveness in
Jng plays, Olsen of Company
is chosen to a guard position
the annex quintet. Bob Bell,
of Company 4, was named the
dnlng forward because of his
defensive ability. Bell lettered in
basketball at Austin High in El
Paso last year.
Curtis Lucaas of Flight 12 was
a close contender for a guard .spot
on the first team because of his
constant ’’hustle” while playing.,
Brouchard of Company 2 was
chosen the outstanding basketball
athletic coach because of hia un
dying interest in hie team and
players. j A |
The players as chosen to the
teams are as follows:
Reevo,!- Vets F Frey, Co. 4
Bell, Co. 4 F Fairey Ft 10
Szafr’ski, Vets C F’shee Co. 4
Raymond, FI 12 G Lucas FI. 12
Olsen, Co. 4 G Hollie, Co. 1
Honorable Mention:
Shivers, !Flt. 13; Love, Co. 4;
Meehan, Vets; Lockhart, Fit 12;
Research Finances
Sent to Foundation
The A&M Research Foundation
has received contracts from the
Haggar Company of Dallas and
from the National Advisory Com
mitted for Aeronautics, i h- (
The Saggar contract, which in
cludes $2,200, is to finance an in
vestigation of their current manu
facturing methods to see if! im
prove: nentti can be made readily.
The work will be done by the De
partment of Physics with Dr. Mel
vin Eisner in charge.
The NACA contract is for a
specie 1' investigation of the un
stalled angle-of-attack margin re
quired to maintain damping ip roll
and lateral control near the stall,
including flight tests with a jingle
airplane and standardization of re
search procedure.
Th< work will be done by the
Aerorautical Engineering Depart
ment through the Engineering Ex
periment Statioiu. Fred E. Wetek
is in Charge of the project.
f '■
James Jackson
i •
You are cordially invited to ft-
tend all the church services.
.9:50 AM.—Church School
11:00 A.M.—Morning Wo:
Rabbi Malev Gu
7:00 P.M.—Evening Worship
Maj. S. C. Gaskins,
Jr., Guest Speaker
for Aggies
{ ;
' I
Dunn, Co. 7; Rawlings, Co 3; Mul
ler, Co. 8; Collins, Vets; Cowan,
Fit. 9; McDonald, Vets; Gregory,
Co. 8; and Brown, Co. 2.
Pictures For
Aggieland ’50
Being Taken
Freshman picture schedules
fpr the Aggieland 50 were an
nounced this week by W. G.
Breazeale, dean of students at
the Annex.
Pictures are being made in the
Freshman Battalion office in the
Student Center at a cost of $2.00.
This fee covers the cost of putting
the picture in the annual and also
insures that additional printx may
be made from the negative now or
at a later date, Breazeale said.
Photographs will be taken in
company groups for Corps fresh
men. Veterans may have their
pictures taken at any date along
with the cadet organizations.
Uniform No. 1 will be worn by
members of the corps, while coat
and tie will be the dress for the
Dates which students may report
to have pictures made, between ^
a. m. and 6 p. m., are as follows:
1 Feb. 8 and 9
2 Feb 10
3 Feb. 14
4 Feb 16
5 Feb 20
5 Feb 22
7 Feb. 24
Company 8 Feb.
Flight 9 Mar.
and 13
and 15
and 17
and 21
and ^23
and 27
28 and Mar 1
2 and 3
Flight 10 Mar. 6 and 7
Flight 11 Mar.^8 and 9
Flight 12 Mar. JO and 13
Flight 13 Mar. 14 and 15
Freshman Page
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1950 Page 3
Few Nominees For
Fish Sweetheart
Only a handful pf pictures of
nominees for FreshiUan Sweetheart
had been turned into the office
of Mrs. Ann Hilliard at the An
nex today. With tlie deadline of
February 17th approaching, fresh
man are to be reminded that no
pictures will be acsepted after 5
p. m. that day, Mi». Hilliard ad
As announced in the Freshman
Page Friday, January 20, six girls
will be selected from the pictures
submitted by a committee to be
named at a future meeting of the
officers of the freshman class.
These six girls will be presented
at the first intermission of the
dahee and the sweetheart will be
chosen from them at that time.
Pictures must be at least 3x5
inches in size and of the portrait
type in,order to be accepted for
judging. Also to be included with
the photo is a piece of paper con
taining the girl’s name, age, resi
dence (school or home), and nams
of escort. One snapshot may bo
Ex StudenI to Buy
Lampasas Station
Miss Beth Grigsby has
been entered as a candidate for sweetheart
of the freshman clasps by Tom Lathem of barracks T-228. Miss
Grigs ley is from Comanche where she is a senior in Comanche
High School.
A former sports director for
radio station WTAW, Milt A4
Frenkel, ’40, Tuesday filed an apf
plication with the Fededal Com
munications Commission for per
mission to buy radio station KHIT,
Frenkel, together with W. Ri.'
Pierre, former manager of WTAW,
and T. A. Newman, requested per
mission to contract with the own
ers of the Lampasas station for
its purchase.
Frenkel served as an announce:
operator, and sports director
the college radio station for three
years. A veteran of World War II,
he graduated in the spring of 1949.
According to the Associated
Press, the cost of the Lampasas
station will be 835,000, if the FCC
authorizes its sale.
submitted with the portrait if the
person nominating a girl so de
sires although it is not necessary.
Tickets were put on sale Wed
nesday by Kent Markey, ticket
chairman, and early reports indi
cate that the demand will be large
for the $2.00 ducats.
The Modem Choir from TSCW
will sing at one of the Intermis
sions of the dance J. M. Yantjs,
program chairman announced. Tpe
choir was obtained through the ef
forts of Grady Elms, assistant di
rector of Student Activities.’
Seniors will be admitted to the
dance provided they have tickets
and dates, the committee decid
ed at its initial meeting. All fresh
men and seniors on the main cam
pus may obtain tickets from Bill
Munnerlyn in Hart Hall. 8
Final plans for the Freshman
Ball are expected to be speeded
after the committee com
class officers meets early
No Epidemic
At Annex
“T”’ r • -
Annex officials have been
flooded with phone calla and
Utters from parents and friends
of students at the Annex con
cerning the se called ''epidemic'*
at Bryan Field.
; All officials at the Annex
agreed that there was no cause
for alarm and every precaution
known had been uoed in taking
care of the poNNibilitiea of fur-
their spreading of the dread
Spinal Meningitis that claimed
the life of an Annex freahman
only lost week.
Freshman class president.
Jack Brooks, complimented col
lege officials for the excellent
job they did in taking every
step possible in order to pre
vent any spread of the disease...
College Station State
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North Gate
The Exchange Store
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With Two Stores
Main Campus
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Bryan, Texas
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Henry A. Miller & Co.
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Phone 4-1145
Even in this enlightened day. when there is much talk about Ireedom,
the amount ol real freedom in the world is distressingly small Americans
who have traveled abroad have been painfully conscious of the restric
tions on speech and on the movements and activities of individuals
Humanity today seems to be bound as securely as if the nations were
ringed with chains of steel Greed, selfishness, ambition, fear, irrehgion
and personal and political immorality seem to hold mankind in a state
of perpetual thralldom
On the international level, the false doctrine that might makes right—
the age-old law of the jungle—operates to stifle the social, cultural and
religious aspirations of the smaller nations and bring them into virtual
subjection to the larger powers
The answer to all this is not
more power politics, more dictators,
more war. or more restrictions on
the freedom of peoples The answer
lies m the spread of true religion
and the spirit of brotherhood
among men j i
God, working through His
Church, can bring peace, freedom
and contentment to a troubled
wither democracy nor^ilS^ Q Wran ®
am tour sound t*"*
a^mlarly^ri ^,Z^ZI > ^ 0n t ho ^ d «Wnd
*•,Church. They am
Calendar of
A&M Christian Church
9:45 A.M.—Church School
11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship
5:00 P.M.—Supper Group
A&M Church of Christ
9:45 A.M.‘—Bible Classes
10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship
7:15 A.M.—Youth meeting
A&M Methodist Church
9:30 A.M.—Cadet Coffe Hour
10:00 A M.—Sunday School
11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship
7:30 P.M.—Evening Worahlp
Christian Science Society
11:00 A.MA-Mornlng Worship
St. Mary’s Chapel
8:30 A.M.—Sunday Mass
10:00 A.M.— Sunday Masa
Copyright 1947 by
E. E. Keiater. Str*ibur*. V Irginl.
Church Services
College Station Baptist
9:45 A.M.—Sunday School
10:50 A.M.—Morning Worship
0:15 P.M.—Baptist Training Union
7:15 P.M.—Evening Worship
St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel
8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion
9:30 A.M.—Aggie Coffee Club
9:30 A.M.—Church School
11:00 A.m;.—Morning Worship
6:30 P.Mj.—Evening Service
A&M Presbyterian Church
9:45 A.M.—Sunday School
[.— Sunday
11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship
0:30 P.M.—Student Le—-
7:30 P.ML—Fellowahlp
American Luthei
9:30 A.M.--Bible CtaM 1’ /
10:45 A.M.—Worship Service
City National Bank
Insurance Corporatlor
Bryan, Texas
Texas A&M College
Southside Shoe Shop
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Repair Shop
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North Gate
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Student Plate Lunch
Fountain Drinks
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113 E. 26th St — Bryan
Telephone 2-1574
I lj