The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 09, 1950, Image 4
r 1 V r^: Advertisin? Society’s first place cap for general excellence that we now boast of in 12 point type next to the name plate. The honors stacked on Bond didn’t end with the paper. In addi tion to being a continual distin guished student, he was a member of the Arts and Sciences Council; the Student Life Committee; the honorary fraternities Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Eta/Sigma; the Stu dent Life Committee; a student senator; and elected Who’s Who on the campus. , With all his extra-curricular ac tivities, Kenneth still finished a four year course in three and a half years. He reached the top of The Battalion ladder so fast he had no place to climb his last year, so he took over the job of editing the A&M System News. Naturally he made them a bang up editor. Bond never believes in being satisfied with anything but the best. There have been several times when Kenny’s persistence, and drive have hurt him. His unswerv ing desire to be the best in every thing he did oftimes cut into his diplomacy. I used to spend two hours a week soothing over peo ple who wanted to punch Kenneth in the nose because of the vigor which he took up the reform and •Bond Leaves- | improvement cudgel. Bull 1 other compliment to his ! of persuasion, Kenny’s never got him into a swine His antagonists, usually in large droves,' frequently their coats off, or invited 1 him into the street, but by the they got prepared physically, had them snowed mentally, rapidly coming around to his of view. Those of us hers on the pa] M think Kenny will go a long way in the working world. His red hair may .get him into an oc casional repeat of those campus adjective seaaions, bat that un quenchable desire to be the beat In everything will be a terrific asset anywhere. Kenneth has another advantage on the rest of our Batt crew. He has a fine wife to help him and two wonderful kids to inspire him. I agree that it’s a long way from the wheat fields of Pampa to the top of the very scientific and com plex journalism profession. And I’ll •further agree that it would require vary outstanding condi tions for a man to make the jump. But on the other hand, Kenneth Zane Bond is a very exceptional fellow, ; j YOUR VALENTINE DESERVES THE BEST .. . : • RINGS • WATCRES • COMPACTS 1 • EAR RINGS • BRACELETS • LIGHTERS at — n Caldwell Jewelry Store 112'N. Main] . , ■ . /s Bryan m : ill FOR EVENING DORMITORY DISCUSSION GROUPS DURING RELIGIOUS EMPHASIS WEEK T / — . I n »■.» M n. \ £.. k ...... in A 6 tn...] « — n.n.. ... I m . —... terested in attending discussion groups, plica” v I (am, am not) in (Scratch one not applicable) ■ I would be interested in discussing the following: -1. religion 2. family .3. courts marris j; •+ > ./ Suggestions for ot Pip and ge -4. economic and profes- 6. tolerance her subjects of discussion:- sional problem attitudes, philosophies and ethics ,\ Sign and give to Student Manager or place in Faculty Exchange by Saturday, Februar f r ;1 ! > • 'I 1 '' f ■■ V (Signature) What’s Cooking m., Thursda; ., Outside s] AFS, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Room 3, M.E. Bldg. * ‘ ‘ AVMA Auxilliary Feb. 8. 7:30 p.m., South of YMCA. ABILENE CLUB—Very import ant meeting. Thursday, 7:15 p.m. YMCA Reading Rohm. AGGIE SQUARES, Friday, 8 p.m., Parish House. Beginners come at 7:30. - COLLEGIATE 4-H CLUB meets Thursday at 8 p.m. in Lounge of Dorm 1. Annual pictures will be iri&de. ! DEL RIO AAM CLUB, 7:15 p.m., Thursday, Reading Room, YMCA. f FORT WORTH A&M CLUB, Feb. 9 in room 32 [ Science Hall. Plans for a club picture will be discussed as well as selection of a Cotton Ball Duches?. INTRAMURAL MANAGERS BARBECUE, Thursday at Grove. JOHNSON COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, February 9, 7:30 p.m. Room 227 Academic Building. Party to be planned. LATIN AMERICAN CLUB, Fri day, Feb. 10, 7:15 p.m.. Assembly Room of YMCA. LAMAR CHAPT. OF HOUSTON CLUB, Thursday, Feb. 9, Room 306 Academic Bldg. Tiijne: 7:15 p.m. LAREDO CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Room 126 Academic Bldg. Important Meeting. j. - . ' ■ / Oun (Zo&fo V MAN E WIVE’S CLUB, Thurs day, Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m., South So larium of YMCA. P. E. CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., DeWare Field House. Aggie- land Picture discussed. PANHANDLE CLUB, Thursday, Feb. 9, Lounge Dorm 1. Club pic ture for Aggleland ’50 to be taken. RIO GRANDE VALLEY CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. YMCA. SAN ANTONIO CLUB, Thurs day, Feb. 9, 7:15 p.m., 301 Good win. Plans for picture to be dis cussed. “T” ASSOCIATION, Friday, 6:30 p. m., Cashion’s Cabin. TARLETON CLUB. Thursday, Feb. 9, 7:15 p.m., 306 Goodwin. Election of officers for spring se mester scheduled. TYLER CLUB, Thursday, Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m.. Room 126 Academic important meeting for picture. Local Unit Finishes Two Days Training Twenty officers and twenty-sev en enlisted men of the 352nd Ar mored Field Artillery Battalion, *a local reserve unit of the 22nd Ar mored Division with headquarters at Houston, completed a two day period of active duty training on Feb. 5 according to Major O. D. Butler, Battalion Commander. LTL ABNER • « • i X' AH ISA READER fO'TH' ' Big Week • •• OBVIOUSLY."'-VOU have the (u6*rr) , , 'LOCX—GLASSY * EYES, SLACK <JAW. AND AN ANTHROPOID n-S MIGHTY NICE o' vo; T*SAY V THET WISH'T MAH mammy were HERE r HEAR (T. NOW. THAR >• WAS A TORN PITCHER OF A <3Ai-'S KNEECAP IN TVT BlNDIN* O' MAH LATEST FOSDlCK -- comic book.T i ■ . c “Vi AH FEU-IN LOVE WIF THET KNEECAP. AN* AH WISHES TO MARRY IT. BUT, AH GOTTA FIND TH' -AND MOO figure the rest of the Picture is^ STUCK IN <1 rest o' th’ pitcher )the binding to TEU. who the <<of other WHOLE OAL IS. P FOSDlCK .< BOOKS, EH*, til BOOKS SOLLl.y. I natoerly. so ah WANT i TO KNOW * MOW MANY OTHER I I - JC TOURNEY - (Continued from Page 3) i | night. A 170.00 tailor-made ladies’ suit (Or man’s) from Corky’s; a pair of men’s $17.95 British Walk er shoes from Bullock and Sims; a $60.00 Botany men’s suit from WSD, Conway, or Waldrop; a $335.00 Shakespeare rod and reel, and a $39.95 Halliciafter 5-tube radio from the Student Co-Op will be given away each of the three nights. On the final night a $79.96 9- tube Hallicrafter radio from the Student Co-Op, a $177.50 set of ladies’ . Samsonite luggage (3 pieces) from K. Wolen, and a $184.00 five h.p. Mercury out board motor from The Student Co- Op will be given away. Ex-War Prisoners Will Get Benefits Washington, Feb. 8——All Americans who were_ prisoners of war in Germany and Japan will get $1 for every day they x spent in prison, under a ruling by the; War Claims Commission today. The ruling stated that all pri soner of war camps in Germany and Japan were sub-standard. The War Claims Act provides for the $l!-a-day payment for days a POW; did not get food of the “quality and quantity” established by the Geneva Convention of 1-929. — r* The telephone rotes yMpoyhowobigjobtodo Just as a housewife must make the family money cover continued firing costs, so must the telephone company have increased revenue* to pay its employees salaries and wages demanded by today's standard of living. The Fair Labor Standard Act, (Wage and Hour Law) passed by the 81st Congress, makes necessary an immediate adjustment of telephone rates. Wages paid ators have increased more than 200% during the past seven yearn. Law, however, gives these switchboard operators another increase other wage increases necessary. Telephone rates, generally, hove not increased since 1925, and 1W» wage increase cannot be absorbed by the telephone company with present revenues. Good service depends on the ability of the telephone company la ployees and adequate facilities. Your cooperation Is urgently requested justing rates which do not cover current operating — I - 7 - i: - I i-M . ' ' to switchboard oper- The Wage and Hour which in turn makes provide qualified em- to assist us in ad- *',i 'I 'In ■ Si vittm v >7 cm St ah ’< X h / V/< an -Ca. JWfod/W 7# 0/ *7Us Quei SsMumit We Have Added . . . STEAKS to the Menu COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW DINING ROOM NOW TRIANGLE DRIVE-IN i ■ N Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 - f THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1950 SHU. WITH A BATTALION CLASSIXIHO AD. Ratw . . . 3Sc m word per imutKie with a 26c minimum. Space rataa at Claaaincd Section ... Me per colmna inch. Send all clantflad# with remit tance to the Student AcUvttlea Office. All ada abould bo turned la by 10:00 a.m. of the day before TAN BILLFOLD In Campue theatre day night. Valuable pa peri and m J. E. Clayton. Will give reward If re turned—3-S01S or residence—2-7SM. • FOR SALE • =r= SEE US to buy Phone 2-7087. pany. used furniture. Furniture Corn el. E. REFRIGERATOR. See at Storage Co. on old College Rd. Bryan s o immi n c a i ifo not a Daii f Jtejan Vol XL Los Angolos, Calif., No. 135 In Los Angeles, there is always a friendily gathering of University of Southern California Students at Ted Owen’s. And, as in colleges everywhere, ice-cold Coca-Cola helps make these get-to-gethers something to remember. As a refreshing pause from the study grind, oij on a Saturday-night date—Coke belongs. Ask Jor it either way ... both trade-marks mean the same thing. PS i> ■■ 'v> Oms*9, 4*i0b*, Csitf. •OTTHO UWOfl AUTMOWTY Of TH« COCA-CC BRYAN COCA-COLA BOTTUNG •' \- PANY tj$«M'Mg Csosmy Official 1 Student - Faculty DIRECTORY of Texas A&M College 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 or Mail 50c to STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A&M College College Station, Texas —On Sale at Annex— SNACK BAR & V NEWS STAND - ■ 4- RENT • LARGE PI.EA8ANT ROOM, pHvato hath. ISO.00, pomlbl* board outride entrance, arrangements, 411 4-8032. Montclair, Southelde. BEDROOM, private bath. Addition near Campue. South Oakwood 4-8059. UNFURNISHED DUPLEX at 208 2nd St.. College-Phone 4-8709. DeLUXE CAFE SERVES THE BEST 'IN FOOD The Bryan Home of the Texas Aggies LOST AND FOUND • re Sun- money. Jt mm- SERVICES Tt DAT. NURSERY AND KINDEItOARTEN. Open from 8 • 6. Trained attendant! In charge. May leave child aay number of hour*. 4-9781. Attention: FRESHMEN ' !: r I We pick up and deliver SHOE REPAIRING at A&M Exchange Store Annex Pickups made every Tuesday and Thursday HOLICK’S SHOE REPAIR SERVICE >j' "r . North Gate College Station PHONE 4-9674 Our Hallmark Valentine cards are really swell. Humorous or sweet. See our wide selection of gifts she will enjoy on Val entine Day. TAYLOR’S CAMPUS VARIETY STORE T VlTy.flCv' HEART-Y VALENTINES Come tee our cosy late collection of Sweetheart qim . , . Your echool tael os a wide islectlon of eiquitHe Valentine itemt, la- eluding compactti lapel pim, brecelett, locket*. Pictwed above, etanic Valantlna compact of low- — 1 - t— r mem » THE Exchange Store BIG THRILL Whether it’s a strike, spare pr split, bowlers all share in the thrills of competitive sport. Take that special date down for an evening in f . U 1]' of fun! No rushing ... no waiting! ' I » , ' iff f K an Bowliitf Cento ROOM * Home Cooked Meals Served Family Style Hot Rolls Each Meal MONTHLY OR WEEKLY RATE One Block North of Campus Theater CALL 4-4394 MISCELLANEOUS ART'S tSNACK Brae Groc. Italian Ing supervised 1 home (Next to the eervlcg' of meat ‘ Sr. notice. We have a Large Selection NEW ft USED PIANOS Two Practice Pianos $76.00 ft $118.00 PETERS MUSIC CO. (Across from Post Office) Bryan « r ■ 3T Used Car and Truck Headquarters • EASY TERMS e LOW DONWN PAYME • GUARANTEED \ • .ilfil 1949 FORD Custom Deluxe 14- door Sedan, Radio, Heat Overdrive, White Sldd Tires, like new 1949 FORD Custom 2-door Sedan, Heater, Low Prei Tires. Seat Covers $li 1948 FORD Super Deluxe door Sedan. Radio, Heal Seat Covers. Very Low age .................... 1948 FORD Club Coupe, Deluxe, Radio, Heater, Covers, Clean 1047 MERCURY Staton Wagon, Radio, Heater, Over drive $11 r i 1947 PLYMOUTH Special :De- luxe 2-door Sedan, Light Blue and'has Heater. I Clean .$1095 1946 FORD Super door Sedair, Seat Covers 1946 CHEVROLET Stylem 4-door Sedan .. 2- I 4-door: 1946 PLYMOUTH 4-door: Se dan Special Deluxe $996 1946 PLYMOUTH Special De luxe Club Coupe. One own er car and clean $916 1946 FORD. Super Deluxe Coupe, Radio, Heater. 1946 HUDSON 4-door Sei 6 ctyi. Radio, Heater $ This- is only a partial listing of our stock of used cars Also have good stock 42-41-40 and older choose from and priced below the market- Bryan Motor Company 'Your Friendly Ford Dealer’ Bryan ft 26 416 N. Main Highway BRYAN, JOIN TWO MARCH OF I •wsr ;r\ / .' i T -1 ; * : r' k .J A' I en< Make This Big Valentine Wee STUDENT FLORAL Contact Your Dormitory Salesmen tint! H 1 i! CESSION \ 'I T sO . . Jl, i ■ -H 1 ' ' •T ,, ~L 1 ■| ■ ■ •