The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 09, 1950, Image 1
■ i- ’ fr-v v. ; . . : 4 ' . ■Or IN . fT- City Of College Station Official Newspaper 3 -i: K /‘- P I . t -if PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE f*wjr !• .i: - ta l io \ 1' ■ ! . Nation's To] Collegiate Daily NAS 1949 Survey II M Volume 49 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1950 Number T ' I • I ( , First Guests Send Ball Acceptances Six general offloara, a con* grenmiiBn, and a commander of the Texas Military District have def initely accepted Invitations to at tend the 1900 Military Bell, John L Taylor* Chairman of the truest comfnlttee, notd todays Headed by Lt. Oen. LeRoy Lutes end Congressman Olin E. Teague, the guest list promises to nval that of last year. Gen. Lutes is commanding officer of the Fourth Army which has its headquarters in San Antonio. Congressman Teague, Class of ’32, will fly to A&M from Wash ington for the March 18 week end. Maj. Gen. Harry H. Johnson, Rev. Hayden Edwards Edwards to Be Annex Speaker For i® Week Uev. Hayden Edwards, pao- tor of the Polytechnic Meth odist Church of Ft. Worth, Will be the principal apeaher lit the Annex during Religious Emphasis Week, February 13 to 17, according to Gordon Gay, as sistant secretary of the YMCA. Reverend Edwards will stay at the Annex and take his meals with the students. He will be available at all times for private confer ences and group dicsussions. Arriving here Saturday night, he will hold the first services in the Annex Chapel, Sunday morning at 11 a. m. There will also be a 6:45 service Sunday night and every night of Religious Emphasis Week. Morning services at the Annex are scheduled to be held from 9 to 10 Monday morning; Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 to 11 a. m.; and Thursday and Friday from 11 to 12. Classes will be dismissed at these times so everytone may at tend the services, Gay said. Edwards is a graduate of John Tarleton College and Texas Wes leyan College, receiving his B. S. degree from the latter. He also has done work at the Perkins School of Theology at SMU. Weatherford College and Texas Wesleyan have been privileged to hear Reverend Edwards during their Religious Emphasis Weeks in previous years. ■ v Invitations Mailed For Cotton Pageant Invitations to. send Duchesses to the 16th Annual Cotton Pageant and Ball have been extended to various club» and organizations by the Agronomy Society, David Rives, head of the invitations com mittee, said today. „ >• Invitations were sent to all campus organisations, all A&M, Mother’s Clubs, all A&M former student organisations, all senior colleges and universities of the State, and a few select colleges from out of the state, Rives con tinued. ; AH campus organisations deslr- Ing to enter a Duchess that have not received Invitations should con tact David Rives, Box 4266, Col lege Station. This should be done immediately so that the Agro nomy Society can contact each Duchess as soon as possible. Rome Censures Bergman Attacks Rome, Wednesday, Feb. 10 One of Rome’s leading Catholic newspapers today censured Amer ican attacks against the Ingrid Bergman-Roberto Rosselini flint “Stromboli.” “Let he among you who is with out sin cast the first stone,” said II Populo, official organ of Pre mier Alcide DeGasperi’s Christian Democratic (Catholic) Party. Class of ’17. Is .„vv„ P . officer irho has accepted another gei an invi. ineral tat Ion to; the ball. He le command ing officer of the 22nd Divijil DRC, and is presently statloi In Mexico City. He Is the father Harry H. Johnson Jr., senior car. airy cadet from Houaton. Maj. Gen. H." Ainsworth, com manding officer of the 36th Divi sion of the Texas National Guard will also be in the reviewing stand for the Saturday afternoon review, Joining him will be Maj. Gen. K. L. Berry, adjutant general of the State of Texas. - Air Force General Another official guest who will fly to A&M from Washington is Maj Gen. W. E. Old. He is inspec tor general for the U. S. Air Force Headquarters in the Pentagon Building. ; i ’ Maj. Gen. A. R. Crawford, com manding officer of the 12th Air Force will come to(A&M from San Antonio for the weekend. His headquarters is at Brooks Air Force Base in that city. Colonel Oscar Abbott, command ing officer of the Texas Military District in Austin will jbin the other official guests present at the college for the Military Ball. Invitations have also been sent to several other military and civi lian dignitaries, Taylor comment ed, but not all have been accepted at this time. Some persons who have received invitations informed Taylor that they could not definite ly commit themselves so far in advance. These people will be con tacted again before the ball, Tay lor said. Invitation Diatribuflon Announcement of the :flrst ac ceptance for the Military Ball came at the same time the invita tion committee said that members of all elaasea were eligible to id- eelvo invitation*. • j In!a statement Tuesday Evening, flemf Chase, chairman of the In- vltafjlou committee, said first ser geants would handle distribution of liivltatlons on the main camnua. Freshmen at the Annex will he able to get their Invitations fmm Mrs. Ann Hilliard In the Student Cantar. Distribution of the Invitations will begin on March IB both-on the campus and at the Annex, Chase said. Tickets for the Duke Ellington concert will go on sale to jnon-mlh- itary students March 1, according to Chase. They will be available in the Office of Student Activities at that time. Corps students wishing tickets to the concert m6y buy them two days after they go on sale to non military students. The concert will begin at 6:80 p. m., Saturday. j Docta' Schultz and Ann Malcom (1. to r.) are two of the six beauties who will be In the rare tomorrow night for the title of Sweetheart of the Junior Prom. Docia, a TSCW junior will be escorted by Lee Stalnback and Ann’s escort will be J. D. Hinton. Ann is a student at Hockaday Jr. College in Dallas. . r RY’s Hold Initiation Banquet Tonight At 7 Major General A. D. Bruce, Foster Guards, and Houston Rif- Deputy Army 4th Army "Headquarters, will Commander of the be main speaker at an initiation ban quet of new members of the Ross Volunteer Company tonight in Sbisa Hall. The Deputy Command er is an ex-RV and a member of the Class of ’16. The annual affair, beginning at 7 p. m., will initiate another year of escort and honor guard activ ities. ( Honor guests for the banquet in itiation will be Chancellor Gibb Gilchrist, D. C. Arnold, Colonel O. C. Krueger, P. L. Downs, Mrs. Irene Claghorn, Lt. Colonel Joe F. Davis, Colonel H. L. Boatner, Lt. Colonel John Kelly, Major L. F. Walker, Captain J. G. Otts, Sergeant D. V. Stroud, E, L. An gel), and Lieutenant Joseph, Gen eral Bruce's aide. Military Decwratloaa Regimental flags and a large 20 by !)e ft. garrison flag will,adorn the wall Ixdiltid the speaker's table. Red, white, and blue caudles will be arranged on each table, Streamers In the same colon will run lengthwise down the tables' centers. ' Ferns or flowers will be set up behind' the speaker’s table. Initiation ceremonies will be presided over by D. P. “Doggy” McClure, commanding, officer of the organization, and will con sist of a roll call of new members by Jllm Hatzenbuehler, reading of the constitution by Ken Landrum, and administration of the oath by McClure. John Taylor will read a short history of the company, which in the past has gone under such names as Scott Volunteers, White Uniforms Old members in all cases possi ble will wear white uniforms. The first uniform cjf the com pany was of white duck with gold ornaments. The headgear was a tin helmet which has long since been discharged in favor of the light er wh(te military caps. For the most part, the .uniform has al ways been of white duck; however in 19P7 grey breeches, blue shirts, and big Stetson hats were worn. This type of dress, according to some old timers, was not so ap pealing to the eye, and therefore the white duck uniform again be came vogue. According to present statutes of the organization, at no tin\e shall the company exceed imore than 12B members; Beginning in Sept ember of 1948 the metltberahlp he- came limited to a intlo of two jun iors to one senior. Tenor Rounsevillc In Bryan Tonight Robert Rounsevillc, an operatic tenor who has sung chiefly in two New York companies, will present a concert in the Stephen F. Aus tin high school auditorium to night at 8. The program is an other in the Bryan Artists Series. His program will include works by Rossini, Bach, selections from Bizet’s Carmen, and a scale of lighter numbers down through sev eral folk songs. h Explains ndanavian Social Program Oho of the main aims of the government* of the Scandana- vlan nations is to give their full support to nodal move* ts beneficial to the peo- men pie, the Dr. H. G. LeaCh, president; of Scandinavian-American Foun dation told Great Issues students ' night. me people have the mistaken that the Scandinavian states welfare states, Leach said. “Thijs is not true,” he continued. Instead, the Scandinavian govern ments encourage private enter- prize and will give their financial support to any worthwhile pro ject", T^iis is particularly true in Den mark, Leach pointed out. He cited the Danish “sickness clubs”, which are a form of health insurance. These clubs, which provide finan cial help to disabled persons,; are supported through both private and public funds. Another project! receiving both federal and private financial sup port in Denmark is the unemploy ment insurance program. i Leach spoke to more than 100 students in Dr. S. R. Gammon’s Great Issues class in the Electrical Engineering Building. He explained the different atti tudes toward the; people of the governments of Russia, the United States, and , the Scandinavian na tions. I. Russia attempts to establish equality among its citizens by low ering all the people to the ‘'lowest common denominator”, Leach said. In the United States, the ideal cit izen is the “average” man. In the Scandinavian countries, the gov ernment attempts i to raise all the people’s living and educational standards to the highest possible level. "The Scandinavians think It odd." Leach said, “that, the people of the United States will nominate an ordinary "average" man to the public office," The practice in their countries is to nominate the "most intelligent" person for public of- flea, regardless of his vote.pulling 4WW. : ■ .1 | ' ' - j Leach pointed out that, While the Scandinavian Idea Is commend- able, he preferred the system prac. tired In this country, —i- * — ....—_ Three Aggies Attacked By; Mustang Lettermen er beat head) f "Bitsy" f*u«**» tin Three AAM students wore as saulted and one of tho boy's dates, an SMI) Mood, was pushed to the ground young men glee 8MU football playera, Tuesday night In front of Perkina Gymnasium. The Aggies Were veteran yell leader Bill "Tex” Thornton, who was held by two men while anoth- by a grotip of well-built nett, Identified by the Air- 4U oo-ed dates as 8Mu him about the face and former Cadet Cant.'J. A. . Davis, who was hit In the face and kicked in the side; and former Cadet Colonel Bob McClure, who was hold back from helping his jfriends by a wrestling strangle The three Aggies were attacked ftey left Perkins Gym after !'■ basketball game with SMU. Senate Discusses < Chest Fund, TISA The Campus Chest, student-fac ulty relations, Religious Emphasis Week, and campus traffic were discussed last evening by the Stu-! dent Senate. Visiting the Senate and participating! in the student- faculty discussion was the Execu-, tive Committee of the Academic Council of the College. Monty Montgomery, chairman of the Senate Campus Chest ebmmit- tee, was given a green light of ap proval on the p^ms he and his committeemen aflRunced for the Campus CheBt drive. The drive will begin March 6 and continue through March g. The goal set by the committee Was $4,000, Half of this amount, o!r $2,000; will go on a Twelfth Man Scholar ship. This sum will be sufficient to enable a man to attend A&M for four years receiving $500 a semester. “We have many schjolf arships to A&M, but none spon sored by the students themselves,” Montgomery said. ' t $1,000 To W8SF Another- quarter of the Chest goal, or $1,000, will go to the World Student Service Fund. "AA M has contributed annually for several years to the W8SF," Mont gomery tolid the group. ^Willie we help thpse at homo, we should also help thorn In other countries who are students and ii0Cd our aid." i L: ('*'!■ Last year A&Mj)<ontrlbutcd over $800 to the W8HF. Half of this motley went to a school In Orooee, ami the otnor half to a school !h Molina In Guion Show, To Play Valentine Ball Carlos Molinas, and his Music of the Ainericas will provide the music for the Valentine’s Day dance in Club Sbisa February 11. In addition to the dance the But Not Forgotten Bond Ends First Leg of Success Trip As A&M’s Initial Journalism Grad By BILL BILLINGSLEY Kenneth Zane Bond has gone back to West Texas, But even though he’s left the campus, it’ll be a long time before the rousing red bead rs forgotten around Col lege Station, i Kenneth was graduated at mid semester with the first full degree in Journalism ever presented by A&M College. As Usual, he had one of the best scholastic averages in the graduating class. He stepped right into a good job with The PeCos Enterprise, one of the top weeklies in West Texas, at a salary that ail the journalism hope fuls around Bixsell Hall regarded with a green-eyed glare. And though he left the cam pus the same way he enrolled as a freshman, quietly and with no fanfare, almost ^everybody on the campus knows something about Kenneth Bond. He had a knack for making people remember him. In elaasea he had a quick per ception and tireleas tenacity that made him a distinguished student every semester, and that caused other students regiatering for cour ses, and seeing Bond’s name on the roster, to automatically sub tract one from the number of epen exemptions. He served on an las list of campus committees Cornells, and built np morn impressive list of accomp lishments in campus and college improvements. To accompany his bulldog tens city, Kenneth had a highly deve loped sense of moral right and wrong. He would, and has, long and hard with the j of the college, or three of the student body, w thought he was right and position was wrong. Those of us on The Battalion, who worked with him on the job that occupied most of his time away from his books, remember and respect the red head fpr a lot of lesser-known traits. After he registered as a fresh man in September of 1947, it took “Fish” Bond only a few days to make up his mind to make his cam pus mark on Tho Batt. Kenneth had been on the payroll only six weeks when I moved in beside him as an extremely low under study on the feature desk, but I immediately formed the impres sion that he was one of the chief foundation stones of the organiza tion, and only slightly less gifted than a combination James Gordon Bennett and Horace Greeley. In three years of working with him, I never lost that impression. But with all his brilliance in grammar and organization, an oc casional rough edge showed through as s momento of his quick and rugged climb in education. Kenny was born, and grew up, in. the wheatlands around Pampa, where the rain freezes on the cat tle’s backs in ths winter and the sun bakes mud back to dust in the summer. He followed enough com- bineSito know how to make the most of his time and to b* on in timate relations with hard work. Vick Lindley, our editor then, used to jibe Kenny about hia West Texas courtesy la saying “Ma’m” to every female voice on the phone. And Mack Nolen, our ’47 feature editor, gave Ken ny some bad times about hia shortcomings in opera and the fine arts. But yoa never got to razz the red head more than once on any given topic he always remem bered it, the next time, and had usually picked up a little extra information on the side. By the end of the year (1947) Kenny had been named one of the five managing editors. When the campus elections rolled around. Bond’s was-the first name in the race for the non-military co-edi tor position. Art Howard, then the sports editor, was the second ap plicant in thje race, and definitely looked like the man to beat. Just to make a larger field, some of the office wiseacres talked me into making it a three man affair. Art was far ana away the race favorite. He ity, had a paper and a picture, and had the most senior- daily by-line in the regular column with a in alt of .his connec tions knew droves of voters. Ken- Kenneth Bond ny, conversely, lived off the regu lar campus in Vet Village: and sppnt most of the time studying thkt Art and I spent drinking coffee and meeting new students. fThe day camjpaigning opened, ho(wever, the Bond stock became gilt edged. Kenny launched a care fully planned, beautifully executed] campaign that btiried Art and me ini a flurry of [political posters.; Bond and his close friends cov ered every room on the campus handing out mimeographed plat forms. Bond posters sprouted forth on every tree and bill Board. The West Texas cyclone himself took a dorm a night and; told everybody he could catch how he would make a better Battalion. When the vote* were counted. Art and I might as well have saved our entrance blank. It was Bond by a well directed land slide. T never regretted the outcome of that election. [Kenny moved into the job like It was made for him, and with his co-editor, Tom: Car- |r, whipped inte line the bcht ar- ray of writers I’ve ever seen oil The Battalion. ] Kenny was never a great wrltet ui he wrote steadily at ‘ necrely, and cpuld spot anotb and smecreiy, and could spot another Ian’s mistake a mile away. As signing stories, correcting gram- ir and spelling, and recruiting npw writers with a will, Kenneth iveloped a beautiful battery of Iters and put new life into the itt. During his year as co-editor a| flock of the finest stories I’ve er seen in the paper came out under such by-lines as Dave Cos- Iqtt, C. C. Munroe, Frank Cush- C. C. Trail, Buddy Luce, Har vey Cherry, Chuck Maisel, Har- r Chelf, and half a mast-head of .er talented typewritermen. It was during Kenny’s year it we picked up the National [See BOND LEAVES, Page 4) t romantic Latin star of melody will present a concert in Guion Hall Saturday at 6:30 p. m. CpH los will not come alone when hi starts the Spring All-College Dance season; with him will com* an entire floor show. Included will be Nita Tindai, very talented young dancer. Bafi feling Bull Ballard will mystify the audience with his feats of slight of hand, which are remin iscent of the by-gone vaudeville days. Sophy Parker, a little 300 lb. singer, will add her little bit by singing. Bobby Lyar, comic mas ter of ceremonies will handle the program. In addition to the stage show the people attending will be per mitted to see the regularly scheduled movie in Guion wittlj no additional Charge. A cheering note for all “Starj dust” Dancers is the fact that Car los will pls;y mostly North Ameri can popular music at the Satur day night affair, Grady Elms, as sistant director of student activ ities announced. „ Carlos and his orchestra come here after a long series of hotel, engagements including stands int the Ambassador' Hotel in Los Angeles, the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood, the Congress Hotel in Ritz- i Chicago, and the Hotel in Boston. In addition to playing hotels. Carle* has made several movie shorts for Universal S dies. < Admission will be 70 cepts the concert. This includes ths pi lodge of staying to see the me which will follow the Carlos line Concert. Ducats for tho ball wlH be $1,5 stag or drag. Tickets are how < sale at the Student Activities fice in .Goodwin Hall. Barbecue Platini _ For ‘T*’ Associatioi Plans for Sports Day and the Spring Formal Dance will be dis cussed at the first meeting of the new year for the “T” Association Friday Feb. 17, 6:30 p. m. The meeting is at Richard Callender and Jimmie Cashion’s cabin the Navasota River, Go dera, publicity director >rge Ka- for the the Navasota River, Geo: , public" “T” Association announced today. Entertainment at the meeting will be in the form of a barbecue. Transportation can be arranged by contacting Jimmie C a a h t o n before Friday, Feb. 10. Germany. The remainder of the Campus Chest money will go into a special account to be used in hardship cases, Montgomery, said, either on the campus, or suffered by other students. “In the event of a dormi tory fire here or elsewhere, money from this fund could be tapped," commented Montgomery, “to .as sist students who lost things in the fire.” j Traffic Report Jpe Fuller reported on the find ings of his Traffic Committee. The committee'has met with thje Cot- legp Traffic Committee and dis cussed problems, both immediate and long-range, pertaining to cam pus traffic. The whole - problem. Fuller stated, resolved itself in to the fact that this -campus was not built to handle so much traffic. His committee will meet again this month and have further in formation for the Senate at their nexjt meeting. Hal Stringer told of plans made thus far by the Job Clinii; Com-, mittee. This committee is forking With the Placement Office to plan u series of programs for the bene fit of student*. The Job Clinic would bring speakers from indus try tu sddrval students on subject* relnting to what the student muy expect to encuunqr upon grndun- ll? " t ' ¥l*rc*nVen»l&n ' Kleth Allsup, president'of the Senate,! informed “the Senate on plans hjade this past week-end In Austin I by executive comm)tt*o meinbeti* of the Texas Intercolle giate Stjudenta Association, a state wide organization of studept gov ernments. The annual convention of the TISA wllfc meet in Waco duringjthe month of April, Allsup said. Five official delegates will go from A&M along with whatever number! of senators who Want to attend the convention as unofficial delegates. At the convention, A&M will head the panel discussion, “Cul tural Entertainment fpr ! T I S A member schools.” This will be a discussion on the possibilities of securing big names iri the enter tainment world at reduced rates through a TISA circuit, Allsup said. King Egger, chairman of the Religious Emphasis Week Commit tee, announced plans fpr Religious Emphasis Week and asked the Senate's help in making the Week a success. The Senate^ indicated that it; would cooperate ip what ever wiay possible with the work ers in Religious Emphasis Week. The March meeting of the Sen ate will be at the Bryan Field An-' nex. _ : Dan 'flavis, vice-president Of the Sophomore Class and a student senator! is the state vice-president of TISA. ^—; Dog Ordinance To Stay in Effect Thornton was leading the • “ ‘ ^ * "Mot bull dog mascot, "Moses", On a lensh and was aware of nolhlng | unusual, he salil. until hia anus were pinned to his side and Several j of the athlete* began beatlngjnlm. Thornton was walking with his data, Davie was behind him iwlth the wife of one of A&M’s varsity basketball players, and McClure and hit date were in front of Thbmtonr The yell leader's date, and Davis' companion, were pushed aside and Thomton was. held and beaten. Davis and McClure/ Start ed to help' Thomton but Were; held back by the 8 or 10 men who were active in the 'affair, -Davis said. McClure Held - Three men held him, McClure said, and two men beat Thornton I while two or three held him. Thorn- | ton was knocked unconscious and the dog was taken from hint. Da vis grabbed at the dog's, leash, he said and was knocked to thp side walk and kicked in the side; By this time the fight h$d at tracted a large crowd, Davis, said, and their assailants released them and went back into the erop'd. Although the bull dog’s Ijlanket was tom, the Aggies retained their mascot and brought him back to college. : Names pf their suspected: assail- I ants, all members of the SMU var- | aity football squad, were turned in to the Dean' of Student’s Office by the Aggie trio, and a letter of in vestigation has been sent ti> SMU dean of student’s office by: the lo cal office. + Informal Night Discussions Set For RE Week i • ! Plana for informal nightly 4liMiUMaionM to which iRellgi- mlttae. 1 " • f | The discussions will b« held In dormitories and : lounges: on the campus amt, In contrast] to the morning formal talks th Guion Hall and the afternoon; forums, will be strictly student Operated affairs. Interested students, sajrs Corps Chaplain King Egger, will be free to Join and leave the difccusslona * to elapse between a dog’s Exposure and contraction of rabtas”. City Manager Raymond Rogers said yesterday. “Consequently, fthe pre sent emergency ordinance requir ing confinement of all dogs will :6nf inemeht remain in effect indefinite! The ordinance was pai uary 9 and after necessary cation notice became effect! days later. Stray dogs beg ing picked up January 1 .and to date »8 have been either returned Jan- publi- iva ten Cgan be ta owners, placed in safe keeping, ^destroyed, Rogers said. • destroyed. R Exposed dogi hydrophobia by the fou but the record time la ljj:month*, usually [ develop rtaimth day l¥n " R6gers; added. Rogers expressed his apprecia tion for the cooperation all resi dents have shown during the epi demic. 1 || j , i Jj Corn Belt Farmers Plan Visit to A&M A group of 200 farmers and farmer’s wives from Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Illinois, will visit the A&M campus March 18 to get first hand information on the agricultural and cattle sit uation in this area. || T • I ’ at will. Informality will be the paramont aspect of the meets in which the seven Religious: Empha sis Speakers will discuis topics and answer questions put to them by those participating. Begin at 9 P. M. ' All of the discussions will begin at 9 p. m. and will be; held pt sites convenient to students inter ested in the. project. A questionnairre, designed to as certain the number interested in such an undertaking, is bein? dis tributed throughout the non-corps area, this aftern isbmasters. and ,, x ■■ . _ oon by first sergeants and housemasters. The forms contain space on which each individual can Suggest topics for discussion. Non-military students have been asked to fill out the questionnaires and place them on theirj doors by 10 p. m. today. Housemaiaters will pick up and tabulate the; forms. Military students are [requested to place completed questionnaires on their doors by 10 tonight. First sergeanta will collect and tabulate these forms, Form in Battalion For the convenience of students living off the campus, similar forms can be found .printed on to-' day’s back page. These are to be filled out and given to Student Managers or placed In Die Faculty Exchange by Saturday njoon. Students interested in hel 0| t- Ml the forms. Available mal discussions will be j represen tatives of all] religious friths who uctlng eek pro- rganize these meetings -have been fked by Egger to Indicate this on he forms. ,S '•I 1 able ti> speak at [ the InfJr’- cusslohi ' of all/1 Will be on the campus the Religious Emphasis gram. Second Installment I Fees Now Payable Second installment fees are now payable In the Fisjeal Office. W. H. Holtzmann, comptroller, said today. The total payable to tj>e Fizcal office is $46.95. The deadline for payment is February 20, said Holtzmann. A fine of $1 will be; levied? for each extra dajr /of delayed pay ments. Students who are delin quent for five day* will be dropped from the co ,, “— —' five dayz will college rolls. / '