The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 08, 1950, Image 1

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City Of
College Station
Official Newspaper
Th„ Bam„on
: r’ m
' i »
1 > ; ~
■ •
Nation’s Top >
Uegiate Daily
NAS 1949 Survey
| ■;
Volume 49
' ■■ \
Rev. Grady Hardin
0 1
R«v. Hardin will conduct dl»-
canslonn among Htudcnt* each
day of Religious Emphasla Week,
February it '- n.
Ellington Ball
Invitations Due
For all Cadets
Invitations to. the 1950 Mil
itary Bair-will be available to
members of all classes, Gene
Chase, chairman of the ticket
committee said today.
A Limited number of invitations
also will be available to former
cadets who completed military
science in January.
Non-military students will have
first crack at tickets for the Duke
Ellington concert to be given in
Guion Hall March 18, Chase said.
The concert is tentatively sche
duled at 6:30 p. m. and will last
about an hour and a half.
First sergeants will handle dis
tribution of ball invitations be
ginning Feb. 20, Chase said. Fresh
men at the Annex may procure
their invitations from Mrs. Hil
liard in the Student Center the
same day.
-A total of 200 tickets will be
sedt to the Annex for the initial
Concert tickets will go on sale
March l in the Office of Student
Activities on the second floor of
Goodwin Hall.
A tentative schedule for the ac
tivities of the March 18 weekend
was drawn up yesterday by the
thairmen of the Military Ball
A Corps Review will begin at
1 p. m. Saturday afternoon. All
unite will return to the corps area
at'" 5:30 p. m. Dinner in Duncart
Hall will begin at 6 p. m.
The Ellington concert will begin
at 6:30 p. m. and the dance will
etart at 9 p. m. _
A list of . honor guests will be
released as soon as confirmation
of invitations is received, John
Taylor, chairman of the guest
committee, said.
Awards Offered
For Oslo Study
Seven Jesse Jones scholar
ships of $100 each are avail
able for students from Texas
who wish to study at the
summer session for American
students at the University of Oslo
in Norway, according to President
Otlo Mohr.
The 1950 session which is from
June 26 to August 5 will be the
. fourth consecutive session, . each
of which was attended by 250
American students. Scholarships
will be granted to students who
have completed their sophomore
year of college by June of 1950.
Six semester hours may be earned
during the six weeks term.
Courses will include a general
survey of Norwegian culture, his
tory, language, and various phases
of Norwegian political and econ-
nomic life. Detailed information
concerning scholarships may be
obtained from the University of
Oslo Summer School Admissions
Office, St. Olaf College, North-
field, Minnesota.
-Student Senators
___ !
Meet Wednesday
The Student Senate wiH meet
- jointly with the executive com-
\ mittee of the Academic Council
Wednesday night at 8 in the as
sembly room of the YMCA.
There will be a discussion of
^ the approaching campus chest
- -r drive, chairmen Monty Montgom-
.. 4 ery of the drive committee said,
and pictures will be taken.
New Lecture to Be
Inaugurated Friday
"Introduction to Philosophy”, a
non-credit weekly lecture, will be
inaugurated Friday, Feb. 10, Dr.
i J. J. Stadelmann announced to-
Hardin, Abell
Added to RE
Speaker List
The Reverend H. Grady
Hardin, pastor of the Chapetl-
wood Methodist Church
Houston, and The Reverend
Bertrand Abell, C. P. of Holy
Name Retreat of Houston, will con
duct services and discus$ions
among students here during Re
ligious Emphasis Week, Gordon
Gay, assistant secretary ofi the
YMCA, announced today.
The Reverend Hardin will Ihold
special discussions with students
'in the YMCA from 4 to 6:30 each
afternoon, February 13 to 17, and
In the. dorms at 9 p. m.
No stranger to A&M, Hardin
was main speaker for RE Week on
the campus in 1948 and at the An
nex last year.
Besides the student discussions,
Hardin will conduct the mo:
service of the First Baptist Cl
of College Station, Sunday,
ruary 12. ! i ‘
\ * i ■ a- •
J; Duke U. Graduate
Educated at Duke University,
Hardin held pastorates .through
out North Carolina from .1936 till
1947 when he accepted the assor
date pastorship of the First Meth
odist Church of Houston. From
there he went to his present posi
tion as pastor of Chapelwood Meth
odist Church.
The Reverend Abell will con
duct exercises in the Ca{tholic
Chapel beginning Feb. 12tn and
closing Feb. 15th. His pre gram
also includes the two morning ser
vices, 9 and 11 a. m., Sunday,
Feb- 12th, at St. Mary’s Church.
The .Reverend Abell has had
wide varied experience in dealing
with all classes of Christian Soc
iety. For more than twenty years,
he has conducted missions and re
treats to laity and religions
throughout the western portion of
our nation.
Prior to his assignment to the
Passionist Monastery in Houston,
nearly two years ago, he was en
gaged as pastor of a large Subur
ban parish in St. Louis, Mo.
He will draw on his valuable
experience of many years in the
mission field and parochial duties
and it is hoped that his sermons
will prove enlightening and cause
a greater fidelity to God gnd to
his church, Gay said.
Nurses ’ Ball
Given to Ags
The student body today nceived
an invitatioin to attend tpe an
nual-Valentine's Day Dance of the
Brackenridge Nurses' Home in
The invitation was delivered to
Hie 'Battalion. It'contained a re
quest that it be published so the
student body would know of the
Planned for Saturday fr^m 8 p.
m.; until midnight, the dance will
take place at the Nurses’ Home,
707 E. 14th. St., Austin. An ad
mission price of 50 cents twill be
i i
Paul G. Waaeenich
Wassenich will be one six spec
ialists to be on the campus dur
ing Religious Emphasis Week to
conduct group discussions among
the students.
Housing Situation
Before Commission
An open hearing on public hous
ing will be held by the Bry^n City
Commission tonight in the Bryan
cltjf hall, j
Representatives of the Federal
Housing Authority’s regional of
fice in Ft. Worth have been con
tacted and are scheduled to attend
the meeting, Mayor Roland Dansby
saW. j i - i
Another group scheduled to at
tend the meeting is the Bryan
Housing authority, whose mem
bers succeeded in earmarking
some $300,000 in federal funds for
construction of some 90 units in
Efryan before the war. The group
mill be available for questioning.
Commissioner George E. Adams
has spoken out strongly ih favor
of reviving the local housing pro
ject, along with several Bryan
All parties interested in uphold
ing the plOn are invited to attend
the meeting, Dansby said.
Negro Asks for Admission
To Regular Classes at TU
Austin, Tex., Feb. 8 —13P)—W. Aster Kirk applied to the Univer
sity of Texas Tuesday night for admission to the graduate school as a
regular student.
Kirk made his application in a letter written to Vice-President
J. C. Dolley.
The young Negro educator said, he realizes the University is bound
to follow state law requiring that he be “separated” but is not bound
to provide facilities off the campus.
Yesterday Kirk "rejected study arranged for him in the Univer
sity YMCA across Guadalupe Street from the main campus.
He had applied for graduate study in government under a con
tract between the University of Texas and the Texas State Univer
sity for Negroes, providing the University shall offer graduate courses
not available at the Houston school.
iNumber 84 •
Ags Tiled For Loop
Despite Loss To Si
Sports Publicity Dir.
Despite a 50-56 loss to SMU in
Dallas last night, ths Aggie cagers
are still holding on to a portion of
the SWC lead, tisd with three oth
er teams—Arkansas, SMU, and
Texas University's 69-67 win
The Key .
Some Written Instructions
On How to Share in $105,353
There’s a book out this week
that tells every Aggie how he
can get in a race for $105,353 and
a position as a wheel on the cam
Appropriately named “The Key
to Your Future”, the booklet will
be distributed to the student body
in the next- few days by the col
lege information office.
The 36 pages “The Key to Your
Future’’ describes the scholarships,
fellowships, prizes, awards, and
campus positions that students
currently enrolled can shoot for,
and win. And the secret of it all,
according to the book, seems to be
“open that old book and gather
ye grade points while ye may.”
Explanatory paragraphs are de
voted to the $600 Krueger Award,
the $300 Banta Award, the $300
plus Jesse H. Jones Achievement
Award, and an ever-increasing
list of other monetary aids to Ag
gies who want to continue their
education, but find that a little
more money would ease the pain.
The listings continue on through
a series of medals, sabers, plaques,
and sundry other prizes, in addition
to the cash awards.
Graduate student fellowships oc
cupy the next section of the book
let, proving that there is something
Dr. Henry Leach to Talk
With Issues Class Today
Dr. Henry C. Leach, president
of the American Scandinavian
Foundation, will apeak to the Great
Issues Class tonight at 8 p.m. on
"Scandinavian vs. American Dem
ocracy" in room 301 of the EE
Dr. Leach, except for a short
18-year break, has been a serious
student of the Scandinavians all
of his life. During this brief inter
lude he edited two magazines—
the Forum and The Century.
The Fofum was considered one
of the most controversial maga
zines on the newsstands. But dur
ing the war Leach declided that
controversy was not helping the
war effort so he resigrled from
the magazine.
During this period Leach was
not only known in the United
States but his career was being
followed abroad. After the war,
Upsala, one of the oldest univer
sities in Europe, wanted to ; honor
some one person who had done the
most to further the knowledge of
the Scandinavian countries. Dr.
Leach was the choice for this hon
Thursday morning at 11, Dr.
Leach will hold a question and an
swer session for those non-mem
bers and students of the great Is
sues class Interested In discus
sion. The session will be held In
the same room as tonight’s talk
and Dr. S. R. Oammon, chairman
of the Great Issues committee has
extended an invitation to all those
interested In talking with Dr.
Banquet Ticke
Deadline Near
Judges Pick Six Nominees
For Junior Class Beauty
1 ; J j j I
|t Six luscious ladies were chosen
last night to vie for the title
of Sweetheart of the Junior Proi
Four young, unmarried faculty a
staff members made the selectioi
which included Doris Ellis: Wan<
Jean Kercheval, Zanda Landei
Anita McDonald, Ann Malcolm and
Docia Schultz.
Miss Ellis, the lone high school
beauty among the selecteies, is a
student at Woodrow Wilson High
in Dallas, her home town.) A blue
eyed blond, she will be escorted
by Kenneth Hartman in ‘ D” Bat
tery Field Artillery.
A green-eyed brunette,
Jean Kercheval attends
where she is' a junior jojomalism
major. An East Texas girl, 20-
year old Wanda calls Marshall
her home. She will be the W*k-«nd
data of Bill T. Thompsort of "A"
Chem Warfare.
T. C. U. sophomore Zaiina Lan
ders will be out to add an
presalve Hat of honors.
I to
i. This 18-
KSaLfsa? KS.JstW
Christmas dance
in San Angelo, and T. C. lU renre-
gelo, an
tea to the
San Angviv. ■•■u.. \j
sentative to the TSCW
Festival. A Menard, Ti
she will be escorted by
of "A” Ordnance.
Mias McDonald, a D„ „
la a student at North Taxi a
College in Deaton. Anita Is a
blue-eyed brunette. Friday night
will find her escorted by Tom
Mabray of “A” Coast Artillery.
An Abilene girl, Ann Malcolm,
will be West Texas’ bid for the
beauty honors. A student at Hock-
aday Jr. College in Dallas, she
is a l9-year-old brunette. She will
be escorted by J. D. Hinton of “C”
Battery Field Artillery.
Another Tessie, Docia Schultz
hailsj from Garland. A junior at
TSCW, she is 19-years old. For
the past two years she has been
a model at the Cotton Pageant
and has also done modeling for
Sanger Brothers in Dallas. Her
escort will be Lee Stainback of the
White Band.
Members of the group who se
lected the six finalists were Sid
Wine, D. E. Newsom, Fred D.
Meyers, and Lambert Wilkes.
Wise, a South Carolinean , Is As
sistant Manager of Student Publi
cations. Wilkes, also from South
Carolina. Is a prof in the Ag En
gineering., Department. Newsom
and Meyers are profs In the Jour
nalism Department and Engineer
ing Drawing department respec
tively. All four men are young
and unmarried.
At the Prom, these men will be
assisted by Glenn McCarthy in
picking the Sweetheart. All six
Inees will be presented at the
Intermission. A class
"given the winner
es gift
by Mc
Carthy at the final intermission.
Tickets for both the Prom and
the Banquet which precedes it are
now an sale in each dormitory by
junior representatives. Banquet
tickets will be $1.25 per plate and
Prom ducats will be sold for $2.50
stag or drag. Seniors with dates
are invited to attend.
Tickets to the Prom will bo
sold at the door, but banquet
tickets must be purchased be
fore noon Thursday. No re
funds will made be made on ban
quet tickets after Thursday.
Serving at the banquet will be
gin at 7:15 p. m. Friday night.
No one will be admitted after
7:30 p. m. The Prom will follow
at 9 p. m.
Pictures of the six beauty fin
alists will be run in Thursday and
Friday Battalions. Juniors who
submitted pictures for the judg
ing may pick them up now at ths
Student Activities Office. Pic
tures of the six winners can not
be returned until tomorrow:
Ramps I, J, and K of Walton
Hall will be open for date* to the
prom and to the Valentine Ball
which followe the next night.
Cost of such acconunodat Ions
will be $1.25 and guest will be
admitted to their rooms at 4
p.m. Friday.
Muelc for the Junior Prom will
be by the Aggleland Orchestra.
Carlos Molina and his Orchestra
will play for the Valentine Ball.
to try for, other than a “B” aver
age, after getting a B. A. degree.
In the listings are awards and
prizes open to every class, from
entering Freshmen to the most ad
vanced graduate students. A run
down of grant-in-aid,for research
Anderson Talks
On‘Human Side
Of Journalism’
“In order to be successful,
you have to be interested in
people,” Andy Anderson, rov
ing editor of the Houston
Press, told a group of journal
ism students assembled in the
YMCA last night.
The 67-year-old writer, who de
votes most of his columns to the
under-privileged and needy, told
the group that the duties of jour
nalism extend much further than
merely writing articles.
Discussing the human side of
newspaper work, he said, “You’ve
got to d« interested in humans in
order to write interesting stories.”
He stressed the necessity of mak
ing as many friends as possible in
order to increase the chances of!
potential stories.
Anderson stated that the writ
ing field has grown into n highly
competitive vocation, and “A per
son can hardly get a job as a cub
reporter if he doesn’t have & col
lege education.”
He Said that articles written in 1
simple, easy-to-understand words
carried the greatest human inter
est. "Do not make your stories
fancy or flowery. Bring them down
to earth, and still tell a good
Anderson continued, "A family
newspaper has to be something
that comes into your home like a
friend to tell you a story.”
Former sports editor of the
Press for 22 years, Anderson first
entered the journalism field in
Pittsburgh, working as a police
Interested in human welfare,
the sportsman columnist used
his influence in encouraging the
public to contribute toward worthy
After writing a series of artii-
cles on the Texas City disaster,
Anderson was flooded with $170,-
000 that he used for rehabilitation
in that city.
“If a writer can feel that he
has helped people," Anderson con
cluded, "either through. his easy-
to-read work or through some
phase of human interest—that's
what I mean about the human side
of newspaper work.”
Outstanding Grad
To Get Watch
■ i
The most outstanding graduat
ing student in civil engineering,
majoring in construction engineer
ing, at A&M this year and each
year hereafter, will be given 'a
watch. -■
The award will be made by the
Texas Highway Branch of the As
sociated General Contractors of
America, Inc.
Purpose of the award, voted at
a recent meeting of the group’s
board of directors, is to encourage
greater interest among
in construction enr'
to recognize the acl
the year’s most outstanding
The student will be selected by
a faculty committee, and the
award will be made during the
spring semester.
The highway branch of the As
sociated General Contractors In
cludes most of the contractors
of the state who engage primarily
in highway construction.
F. W. Hetldenfels, Jr., of Cor
pus Christ! is president and Char
les H. Newell of Austin Is sects-
! ' T I
' /: ! . !
offered by various commercial
Concerns, and cash boosts for grad
uating students winds up the
award sections.
The book's last few pages con
tain the “How to be a Rock on
the Campus” department. Qualifi
cations are given for Town Hall
Manager, the Ross Volunteers,
yell leaders, editors of the various
student publications, student sena
tors, Who’s Who aspirants, and a
number of other ranking, ..and
sometimes paying student leader
The booklet Is neatly bound,
typographically sharp, and con
tains a brief foreword by Presi
dent (Frank C. Bolton, which reads
as follows:. “This booklet has been
prepared so that you may know
or the rewards offered by the Col
lege to those who excel in scholar
ship. It would be to your advan
tage to study these offerings care
fully and choose as your goal the
one most nearly fitting your work
and abilities.” j *
And may we add, “And pick up
a copy of ‘Key to Your Future’ to
go in that other hand that isn’t
clutching the text book.”
Modisett Heads
All-College Day
Plan Committee
Charlie Modipett, ag engineering
major from Huntington, has been
named chairman of the All-College
Day Committee.
The committee, consisting of
representatives from the four ma
jor school of the college was re
cently organized to begin plans
for the special day. Deans of tjio
four schools, the Corps I&E Of
ficers, and a representative from
The Battalion are additional mepi-
bers serving oh the committee. 1
Modisett is president of the Ag
ricultural Engineering Society and
a member ef the Agricultural
Joe Mullins and Johnhie Reeves
have been named vice-chairman
and secretary-treasurer, respec
tively. Mullins is a physics major
from Carrizo Springs. Reeves, a
vet medicine student, is from Aus
Cleland Named
Scheduling jof events and pro
gram for the! day will be a com
mittee composed of Frank Cleland,
Douglas Freberg, Jim Hoban, and
Dean Boyd. ' f
Cleland has asked that all de
partments in the college begin
working on their programs and egJ
hibits for the: occasion. Each de
partment is requested to turn in
an outline of its proposed program
or exhibit at its respective dean’s
office. Deadline for turning in
these outlines will be March 15,
Cleland said.
Norman Heffron and Otto Kunze
were appointed publicity commit
teemen for the occasion. Mullins
and Dick Tumlinson will head the
invitations committee.
Reeves was, appointed to handle
concessions, and David Rives will
arrange for housing during the
The “follies” committee will be
appointed at a later date, chair
man Modiset said.
The committee will hold its next
meeting Wednesday, February 8,
in the conference room of the Dean
of Engineering office.
Writers Club Meet
Is Canceled, Reset
8tu " The meeting of the newly-
formed Creative Writers Club,
scheduled for last night, was can
celled by club sponsor Harry Kidd
and a new meeting date of Thurs
day, Feb. 16, wez set.
Conflicting meetings of two of
the student publications, The Com
mentator and The Battalion, made
it impoeeible for many of, the
members of the club to be present,
Kidd said, end the new date would
allow time to clear the confusion
of the new semester.
over TCU kept the Frogs out of
an undisputed first place and
threw the same four teams who
headed the list last week back into
a verv slippery knot.
SMu's shotmakers were as hot
as the proverbial depot stove from
the ;outaet of last night's fray.
Fred Freeman and Paul Mitchell,
although closely guarded every
moment, hit all types of shots.
The Aggies owned eai-1^ leads
of 1-0, 2-1, 4-1, and 6-4[ in the
initial stages of the games!
Mitchell Counts Twlfe
Mitchell counted two fMt-break
buckets. The payoff then came
when Tom Holm Was fouled!by Ag
gie [Buddy Davis aipd given a free
throw. He missed the cKirity ef
fort so badly that it bounced i all
the way out to the front of the
With all the other player* gang
ed hiider the baskbt, Hqljm grub
bed; the rebound and fireji a long
hope shot. The shot hit djead cen
ter, and the Mustang lead was in-,
creased. [n
The Cadets kept plugging de
spite the uncanny shooting of the
Muktang men. They pulled up at
13-J.6 with ten minutes [gone, on
a pair of free throws ;by Wally
Little Jewell McDowell scored
on a rebound to knot the! count at
15-all. • jlLp
Freeman promptly pushed the
Price Addition
To Department
Dr. W. Armstrong Price of Cor
pus Christi has joineid the hew
Oceanography Department at
Texas A&M College aiiq is teach
ing a course in geological ocean
Dr. Price, independent geologist
foj* 30 years, is a widely known
authority on marine aspects of
geology and : has spent many years
studying the shoreline^ of Texas.
A native of Richmond, Va., he
reteived a bachelor’s (legree from
Davidson College in 1909 and a
doctor’s degree in gwilogy from
John Hopkins University in 1913.
Dr. Price has served ^he Humble
Oil and Refining Company as di
rector of a research project Since
1947. He conducted ju geology field
course for A&M for six weeks
during the summer Of 1946.
His interest in thej marina as
pects of geology begun in 1930
with a study of the i present and
Pleistocene shorelines? 6f southern
Texas, including the bhys and the
coastal lagoon. < . !;
He later studied the Pleistocene
geology of the coast, lipcludlng the
shorelines, fram Panuco, Mexico,
to the Mississippi River and the
Rio Grande delta, including the
history of the coastal lagoon, La-'
gunda Madre.
Since 1947, he has been studying
the gelogical history : pf extensive
sections of the edasts Of southern
Texas under u research project
sponsored by Humble.'
Dr. Price is the first of four
men to be added !t& !the faculty
in the Oceanography department
by next September. Dr. Dale F,
Leipper is head of fne department.
Ponies hack in liront at 17-15 witfi
a fandy one-hanper, however.
In fhe last six minutes, of thj»
first half, the P mies were shovel
ing in 11 point# through the ef
forts of Jack Jrown, Holm, ant*
Mitchell- The Aggies, on the oth
hand,: could muiter only 6 points,
' ' xe Garcia, Moog,
courtesy of
and Davis. 5
So it Was 34-36, SMU, at Ov>
,lf.:l I :
Little Mac Off
* McDowell wnjji “off” last nlgbt
iMicnuke of a llime shoulder, not
because he wui closely guarded.
The |ittle Aggie > star complained
of the injury before leaving the
hotej, I >u t hopef jt would ruspphd
to pre-game triaiment by traluer
BiU Dayton. i
It didn’t. Mc|
to g^t off mos]
oyroll wos Unable
Of his shots. Ills
13.(1 average peg game was missed
badly as he labbed only seven
points. « ' !]
MpDowell was removed from the
game for the fifial minutes of play.
Suhe Fight Back
During this fjerior, Bobby Fann
er,\llackie Miier, Eddie Houder,
Garcia and Moon fought the Mus
tangs with alii the pent-up fury
of an Aggie team fighting to ire-
main atop the*standings. But .the
new two-minute rule, ruined any
chances the Angles might have,
had of catching up.
\Vith five nfinutes to play, :the ‘
Aggies trailed jby only 47-43. They
almost closed pe gap on three | oc
casions in the ^second'half, pulling
up at 36-34, 31-36, and 40-42. !
Officials caljjed ’em closer tjian
in any game thfe Aggies have taken
part in this. Jseason. The result
wa* that A&M lost three of: its
starters on foals—DeWitt, Davis,
and Tumbow. I .
Only 75 seepnds had elapsed in
-the second h^f when Davis ja’tts
thumbed to the bench with',; his\
fifth personal|foul.
ilf when. Davis
This Fridays night will find: the
Aggies playing host to Baylor it
(See AGGIES, Page 4)
Delaplane Will
Speak fn Mexico
Walter Hjj-Delaphane, hjead
of the econamicB department,
has been aijked by the state
depnrtmentlto lecture on eco
nomics at ghe National Uni
versity of M&xico, he announced
today. T ” » :
.The University of Mexico in
Mexico City taiked our state: de
partment to arrange for two [pro-,
feasors of Economics to lecture
there as part of -a program: for
gri ‘
pari of
iraduate ntuslent* In economics,
jectures wllll be In Spn ‘ *
i Delapharje [leaves fo
in Spanish.
for Mexico I
f'ity Fob. 1L and returns to :Col
lege Station fhe 26. He is toigivo
a series Of sjfven lectures on :“Li-
ternationaf and Domestic Econo
my” Professor F. Machlup of John
Hopkins preceded Delaplane in the
Delaplane was sent to Paraguay
as a visiting professor in econo
mics by thelstate department for
a year and I half in 1B45-4&, ho
said. He has| traveled and studied
in South Ang-rica and Spain.:This
Will be his lirst trip to Mexico,
be concluded!
4 J
.4' '
I !
VW Va$*v
tton office
t Frank C. Bolton looks throe
“Th# Key to Your Future”,
cn compiled and printed at
(■ ■
through n 1
edition of thin new
-the college Infomiu-
t’a suggestion.