Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1950)
/m v'^'TYV' rf * Fish Basketeers R 56-46, as Miksch, B AciHiruay was the by won I for mh. AitkI* KUh bMketbjtll team when they eonneeted wl<h 40 per - HlKh point men for the Ktah were Jim Brenem with 14 end Le- 1 1 polite. But roy 5 Jll Ktlkech With 13 poltite the Bllme'e renter, Cert Jowell lead the field with 19 points, j ' Ihe Kish ' started scorlnK early when In the first second of plaB Don Oarrett scored the first field goal of the game. The lead rocket ed back and forth for, the first few minutes of play until the Rice Blue Bolt*, sprang forward on what seemed a safe six point lead. But Miksch and Branam began to- click with two free shots and two field goals, and the Fish tied the game at the half, 24-24. Again in the second half the Slimes took off on a five point lead, and the Fish trailed until after seven minutes of play when Bill Carpenter, Max Montegut and . ite„ Miksch scored the necessary points for the Fl*h to tie the Blue Unit*, !17-87. 1 ^ With t*n minutes loft In th* second half Garrott tipped in th« basket tbst nut the Aggie* to front and they stayed tl rest of the evening. Monte Heft, Wally BleyT. Beat, and Chapman continued to si for- the Fish, and the busier sound ed with the Fish ahead 58-44. r nmpts. Bn* Score Aggie Kish (58) t Slimes, nam Star ! I Joe Gi; Don Jim -fr ..... • :n: » snam 6 FTi PF TP 0 2 S 0 2 6 j - *4 'i Dick Bess 1 Jim Velvin 0 JUcoF jPptfh B Claude Staggs 0 MU CarpenUr 1 Max Montagut ...... 2 Don Heft 2 j I Jerry Chapman 0 j Bob Crew t Wally Bloyl I T1- 3 14 Golden Gloves I ■' if j V - Name Wkight.. fr* Entry Blank Box Number..... Agel..L..,-.. _ _ „ . i . T! " ;fv. - t . (Room number and dorm) Experience ..L...... .1. 1 (Number of bouts) (Years of experience) Have you had Golden Gloves experience? ,. If so where, when, and how Fill in the above blank office, Goodwin Hall. T I : , • r . f V. j I m: Mil AHTIST'H CONCEPTION of John Wayni", starring in "Nanda 'of two •lima," Whl<-h In ho great It will lai provurd twice at the (/ainpiiN Theatre. Tonight at 11:00 p.m. and again l-'rhlay at 11:00 p.m. The Republic film tells the glorlotiH story of the D. ^ S. Marines, who fought best < when It was hopeless, and loved the gals who were closest. many bouts won?. ;... and bring it to The Battalion — L BANK HOLIDAY The banks of will be closed in observance a legal holiday Bryan ahd College Staiion dursday, January 19, 1960 if Robert E. Lee’s birthday, FIRST NATIONAL BANK CITY NATIONAL BANK FIRST STA^E BANK & TRUST CO. COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK t : m LETS TRADE NOW!! Bring Your Books In Early While They are .still Good and Save 331/, to SO % LOUPOTS TRADING POST Trade With IXHT — He’s Right With You Total!* 22 12 18 56 Rice Blue Bolts (46) . FG FT PF Bin Lynch 2 1 2 Bill Chouke 10 0 Burt Dickens 2 .1 0 Carl Jowell .7 l Moffett Smith 6 ( Morris Teague 4 .1 Bill Watson 0 I < Walker Baker 1 1 Pontikies I.:".... 0 : 1 Totals 17 12 Half-score: Slimes 24. “ Aggie Fish 24. Rice 16 46 If m If r" :i v Fall Sports Athletes, Curtice turda!§ : . Sha A*M s fall and Texas Wi Curtice will Uw annual Country Banquet p.m-. Saturday, room of Sbiaa Spotlight on Sa *- w, - u i school Curtice was an quarterback In 1928-29 the plate forward pass- . performer* coach Jack r oas for 7 main dining will b* the spotlight md Cro Free throws missed: Fish 9, Slimes 9. Officials: Taylor Wilkins and William dreazeale. d Topples on in LA. scene of the festivities. Sponsors of the big affair hon oring fall sports athletes are the AAM Athletic Deportment and the Untsoa County AAM Club. Miss Jeanntne Holland. Aggie Sweet- heart, will assist In the presenta tion of lettermen In the two var sity sports; the recognition of the football co-citpialrai. most valuable player, and best blocker, and the introduction of the freshman foot ball nunternl winner* during the extensive program. Follbwlng this portion of the .banquet. Curtice will deliver the principal address for the occasion. "Dapper Jack”, as the Texas West ern coach is called, has produced elevens that have won 117 games while losing only 32 and tying three. Graduated From Transylvania The affable Irishman graduated from Transylvania University in asr held record of 24 touchdown per- a fa for several years. After sev- years of succsaaful coaching In Murky high school*, hr moved West Texaa State at Canyon hlle there. “Dapper Jack” was chosen “Border Conference Coach oi the Year” In 1941. Soon after moving to Tuxes Western in ‘42, Curtice entered the Navy and served until 1946. when he was released wlth-the rank of commander. His El Paao'team lias played in the last two Sun P« y< Kent to M Whll {Bpwl games, losing a 21-12 battle to West Virginia in 1949 and Jar ring Georgetown University. 33-20, to West Virgin! ring Georgetowr last New Year’s Day. Colson Expects Crowd Between 650 and 800 people will attend the banquet, according to iw. N. "Flop” Colson, president of tt|c alumni group. Tickets are be- irjg sold for two dollars per person, jticket chairman Weldon Maples jspM. 1 | i-: ■ T Howell Jon**, executive secre- Grass school has gained fame in recent years as a result of the ap pearance in the sports realm of still another of its graduates, “Happy” Chandler, b a s e b all’s be toastmaster. W. G. Breaseale. man, air Jones’ occasion considerably. fall *« In . ■ I Hand, persons who m- renc* brown H4 will be sssistc •cut Mi ion by Mlaa Hoi as .will the other tmduce alhletjee bunng me c<»u df the affair.! rugh Freeeale Fish | , Freal man numeral wtnnera In footbal will be honored with fiah coach Marion Pugh handling the speaking. After the complete foot ball varsity teaching staff head ed by Hairy SUIteler U recognised D. w. williams, efejMrmah of Dm Athletic Council, “* “ " vanity football . „ lettermen. . / i» Battalion SPORTS THVM.. JAN. 19, 1950 Page S A-Bomb Will Not Affect U. S. Policy Washington. Jan- 1^ giMri*- ry of State Acheaon taade t loar mlneeday that even IF the jl/nl- : IF TO YOU BOOKS Lermun.i , j.{. poi! IS AND BECEIVI tary Wmlneedey that ted States develop* a aupe* bomb |t will stick with U« nollry, of seeking tight international | con trol of atomic energy., Acheson dlteussed the au in rlrcuma|»ert language Ir aponse to questions at a conference. As he pharased it, he itiui n United States'•which would the United States to char policy on into run tional P« ■ I does not know of any, prosp. atomic weapon* development 1 2 7 — 1 ^1 4 ^. I. : • 1 -1 SE1XINO OR . ING THE BEST OR PRICE Drop in And See ‘ LOV ” He’s for “YOU” LOUPOT’S TRADING POST TE Little Ben Hogan. Mr. Come back! himself, found his path barred by Slammin’ Sam Snead yesterday and Was unable to top the smooth swinging West Virginian. Snead took the playoff over the Riviera Country Club course with a one-oyer-par 72. Hogan w a s four strokes back as he had diffi culty 1 with the 7,020-yard links. The two professional golfers met in the 18-hole playoff to break the tie registered by them In finishing in a dead-heat for f(rst place in last week’s $15,000 Loa Angeles Open. Rain washed out the originally scheduled meet ing of the pair |a*t Wednesday. In the meantime SnCad had cap tured the Bing Crosby invitational the flfat of the week by tying with Smiley Quick, Dave Douglas, and ; Jackie Burke, Jr. The four did not play off their deadlock. Instead splitting evenly the money offered for the first four places. Yesterday’s win for Snead gave him $2,600 and Hogan took in $1,900. Gate receipts were divided 50-50 by the two Contestants. 4 ? a 'sM rnmmm i - T l! * v; -•* i -X. n t ^ tr * K > -/-gh ' • •’ ^ Reserve Your Books Now! ! •( '' ' I • | ’ i " ' ! '• ' • ■ Yes, you can reserve your books for Next j ' I 1 I ■ Semester NOW, and save having to wait while your '•in ' j ' t> order is being filled. > L . . Here is how you do it. .\ ^ : t 'j ' ! ' ’ . ’ :\ Go by your Exchange Store today and give one of the salesgirls a list of the books and supplies that you will need for the next semester. She will in turn give you an Identification Check, which you may present at the East Side of the Exchange Store after Registration and pick up the books which have: been packaged arid placed on reserve for you. At this time also you may make any additions or subtractions from the' list that yod like. It’s as simple as all that . . „ and there is no obligation on your part,... SO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SERVICE \ \ \ ift i I i ■ V lVES you 1 change WO STORE -T--. X -I': - •> \ ■ ii Store .. i’-i ' [ ,.. . ‘ ; : ; ■ ■ \'j ; • . : -j I' •: X ■ L I? ;.:W - iii O f ? l:"5ANpS J5F.IWO J.MA” |(1I)J JULIE BISHOP Is Hc«>n us a Woman of questionable ri-puta- tlon In Republic’* story hf the Murines' greatest hour, ’ Sunds of Iwo Jlmu." The film slurs John Wayne, John Agar, Adele Mar» and Forest Tucker. The picture Is so great It ivlll be pre- vued twice at the Uampus The- utre. Tonight at 11:00,nnd Friday at 11:00 ! p.m. i III ni l lliil I f'll- t iv WANTED . BOOKS WE WANTEOf WILL BUY WANTED ;.t. J 1 V FOR HIGHEST PRICES !!! Geog. 201—Case & B., College Geogr aphy A. H. 202—Vaughn, Breeds of Livestock in America At H. 303—Morrison, Feeds & feeding, Latest Edition Bio. 206—Swingle. General Bacteriology Bus. 303—-Croxton & C. t Practical Business Statistics Chem. 301—Adams & J., Blem. Lab. Experiments in Org. Chem. Geol. 210—Longwell, Textbook ot Geology, Part 2 C. E. 311—King, Hydraulics f T I E. E. 208—Braunan’s. Direct Current/Machinery Eng. 210—Art of Straight Thinking ; : Eng. 301—Smart, McKelvey, Business Letters Me* * ■m Eng. 403—Monroe, Princifrles & Types of Speech — THESE & MANY MORE •— Trade Book* on Your Ow n Terms i WHEN YOU TRADE WITH lAJU . . . SAVE : • j SAVE LOUPOT’S-North Gate YOU’VE GOT MONEY TOO! .1: SAVE -f- HEM’S AMERICA’S FIRST POST-WAR CAR To Deliver to You for uss r*i«* 1000 oo CROSLEY SEDAN DELUXE A designer’s dream, modern speedline styling, sweep ftedfrs. Rich interior, choice fabric up holstery. Seats 4 with ample luggage room. *• SCHBSUY Prlca** Start at $995.00 and Go 0Q|. You’ve been wait/ng « long; time for this ear. But it's here now. [ It’s good .. . and it’s guaranteed. • In the ’50 CROSLEY, you get so much more for your money . HYDRA DISC Airplane-type hydraulic ' wi brakes, the world’s safest . . .the amazing CIBA (cast iron block) engine with overhead camshaft and 7.8 to 1 compression ratio . . . and hundreds of other outstanding features!, alt standard equipment. ■ Rut dbir’t take our word •v CROSLEY STATION WAGON Larger, longer body lines, new , luxury interior appointments.! Seats 4, or 2 with '.L ton load. All steel. See and drive the new t 1950 CROSLEYUopn. You’ll like it. K JOE FAUtK MOTORS I' ■ K YOUR CROSLEY DEALER • ! ■A LOCATED IN THE LACK AMKKTATK STORK CROSLEY CONVERTIBLE Seatu 4. Big lug* ment. The easy-to-[ be raised or lowere \ 217 S. Main W hi* ■ SWM. gage cempart-’i -handle top caal rid in a Jiffy^ ! •I Photuf 2-1660 \ See the new Crosley in the Lacks show f’oom. Drop in for a visit to see the latest ip small cars. .0 \ ■ •}■ I ! -' ■ -•'I €5wjY"f CK.UP’TRUCK\^ Heavy-duty ty A, etapima. Slipel s I ’ . j BUYA .. \ PANEL' DELfVBtY Smartest delivery truck on the atreets.’ | f! . j , ■; - ; “ciwsjif •il: ! V i * admir; CROSLEY HOTSHOT pet’* admiring attention everyprhera ft * a beauty . . . sturdy, fast, and -Ml ”* v ‘ K f k USED CAR! fart, safe Ameri- 1 the driviag i custom Job. ¥ ot lowoit Bank.Rafts i — ■if-':: r . 1 ; . \