The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 19, 1950, Image 1

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1 . 1 ■
City Of
College Station
Official Newspaper
Volume .49
h ,
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:r.i : V|x -V'.li
!• L
She of the few musical aggregations to play
*11 known instruments and then to invent new
oties is this group, commonly -known as Spike
Jones and his City Slickers. ^Although they only
handle the more orthodox instruments in this
picture, they have in their collection a break-down
automobile, a wash-board, cow-bells, bottles, flit
guns, i Automobile horns, and a complete set of
t^ied dUor-bells. Two-gun Spike, in the center,
will bring his musical madcaps to Guion Hall
for twd performances January 19.
Spike Jones Murders Music
In Two Guion Shows Tonight
Spike Jones, the City Slickers,
and a host of vaudeville acts in
vade Guion Hall tonight for two
Iwo-hour sessions of the anything
goes “Musical Depreciation Revue
r »f 1950.” Curtain times for the
- ihow are 6:46 and 9 p. tn.
The “Big Nail” and his troupe
_tvill present an entirely new show
"patterned after the performances
that made such a hit at the recent
Dallas State Fair. Included on the
program will be all of the song
hits made famous'by the king of
^ ^musical corn since his success-
^wnning debut with “Der Fueh-
rer’sTFace” back in 1942.
Spike is bringing personalities
aplenty to help him put over
his complicated routine of flgags,
f. nonsense, and musical sA^re.
Second only to Spike in
mor department will be "Doodles”
Weaver, ii ‘college boy who math^
good: ThU creator of the now N
fnmoujt "William Tell Overture”
horse race has built up his pro-
up night
fessional clowning
Broadway, In the nation's toi _
clubs, on the radio, and, more ro-
• cently, In motion pictures.! This
Is his fifth year with the [mad
man named Jones.
Highlighting the glamor portion
t>f The program, will be Helen
_jDrayco, the troupe’s ^'relief from
comedy.” This luelous lady, Mrs.
Spike • Jones' in non-professional
hours, specialises in toTrid Latin-
American numbers and sophisticat
ed rjovelty tunes.- She formerly
sang- with Stan Kenton and Hal
Doubling with his blaring
. . trumpet and- his hot-so-blaring
■* S'oice will be George Rock of the
“Do Ya Wanna Buy a Bunny 11 ’
and 1 “Two Front Teeth” fame,
. Aggie Ex Cited
‘Man of Year’
C. B. Spencer, ’25, agricul
tural ^director of the Texas
Cottonseed Crushers Associa
tion at Dallas, was named
“Texas’ Man of the Year” by
the natiorially-circulated farm mag
azine, ‘The Progressive Farmer’.
Spencer’s selection was announced
• in the January issue of the maga
zine for 1950.
Spencer was named for his ag-
- gressive and tireless labors in get
ting other people to work together
more effectively to improve the
-agriculture-of; the state.
His most outstanding accomplish
ments have been in the fields of
cotton insect control and diver-
' slfled farming, and thf magazine
offered "the best cotton crop ever
made In Texas” as proof that his
efforts have borne, fruit for agri-
Rock is one of the vetfran city
slickers. | ,
A would-be artist, Sib Frederic
Gas, is another contribution to the
slap-stick. Earle Bennett in more
formal circles, this yoiijng; lad is
a veteran of Ken ' Murray’s
“Blackouts” in Los Angelas.
Pury Pullen, working! i rider the
title of Dr. Horatio Q. ! Hrdbath,
will also be oh hand wpth his fam
ous bird-call imitations. T1 is whist
ling wizard can give the calls of
no less’ thhn 125 birds. ; j
■ Augmenting the beauty offer
ing of the night will be a pair of
twinkled-toed and tempting lass
es dancing under the-; name of
Evelyn and Betty. Veterans in
the field of personal appearances,
movies, and .night dubs, the girls
will be included among the Re
vue’s 14 vaudeville acts.
Handling another of thd special
acts will be Bill King, a juggler of
no little fame. King ha» appeared
Mn most of the natiorj'fi leading
Doing the conipijrativply
“straight" vocal* for I the City
Slicker* will bo Eddie! Metcalfe,
a PltMburgh lad who also doubles
on saxophone. He formerly trouper!
with Tommy Tuckejv
La Verne “Cherub" Pearson, who
handle* some of the mote {difficult
female vocal* for KpiftA, won her
job with the Bevuej y3| typing the
Bare Bear(s)
Squeals Peel
Waco, Tex., <■£’>—Does the pitch
of a Bear Cub’s squeal vary ?
The answer could j determine
whether Josephine^ Baylor Uni
versity Bear mascot, delivered one
or two cubs Tuesday, j
The offspring is or i re in the
cave of the bear pit here and
Veterinarian C. M. jSparkman
says the family most n >t be dis
turbed. ’Josephine might . get ex
cited, he explained, and crush the
tiny offspring.
So Baylor students ari listening
anxiously outside. One ale— J
the! World,
scales at over 200 pounds. Her abil
ities with grand opera scores
proVe Jones’ contention that there
is art in producing j his musical
Providing the biggest contrast of
the [evening will be midget Frankie
Little, thS tsnest City Slicker in
and seven-foot-seven
J. L. “Juniog” Martin.
Turning to the delightful sub
ject of females again, we find
Audrey Haas, an acrobatic troup
er who twists her not-to-be-
frowned-at body like the well-
known pretzel.
Rounding put the city slicker
roster are pick “Icky” Morgan,
Freddie Morgan, Dick Gardner,
Roger Donley, Joe Siracusa, Paul
Led, and Jog Colvin.
Among the numbers slated to
be flung about Guion are “Dance of
tho Hours,” “My Old Flame.”
“Cocktails For Two,” “Hawaiian
IVar Chant," ‘JC h 1 o e." and
Ticket* to both of the perfor
mance are Htill available in the
Student Activitie* Office in Good
win Hall. Some good re*ervcd seat*
wi|l *till be open to tho*e who get
to Goodwin flrat. Ticket* will be
*ol|l at the door*.
f I ' : f
• f . . V I ,
!; 4
i. . *
Nation's Top
Collegiate Daily
NAS 1949 Surrey
Maroons Clip Rice Owls for 56-37 Wiri,
Move into Runner-Up Tie with Ponie
By clipping the Rice Owls, 56-
37, in DeWare Field House Wed
nesday night, A&M’s talented bas
ketball team lurched back into
the thick of the SWC race.
AAM is now resting in a tie for
second place with 8MU. Arkansas
continued to dominate conference
play by beating the Mustang*. 63-
66, in Fayetteville Inst night. TCU
now share* third position with
Tex#* due to It* sutyrlslng 04-M
victory over Bnylor Inst night In
Fort Worth.
The Aggie*’ convincing conmumt
was the first over an Owl quintet
in three Reason*. Their wide IV-
point margin hit* only been match
ed one time in SWC lilay this cam
paign—when Rice iljrtlbbed TCU,
80-61, in Houston. At halftime
AAM had a 28-16 lead.
Joe McDermott, 6’ 3” Rice pl-
vbt-man, continuwl hi* scoring
mastery, chalking up 18 points,
Directory Gift
Promised Grads
By Aggie Exes
January graduates of A&M
College are in line for a special
gift from the former students,
according to James B. “Dick”
Hervey, executive secretary of
the ' Association of Former Stu
dents. Every student receiving his
degree at the end of this semes
ter will be given a complimentary
copy of the new directory of for
mer students. 1.
The directory contains approxi
mately 38,000 names and addresses
of all men who ever attended the
college, and the most complete list
of A&M men who died during
World War II is a special section
of it. The directory is dedicated
to those casualties.
“The directory is a Valuable as
set to everyone connected with
the school, and January graduates
will be able to use the directory
in making contacts wherever they
go,” Hervey said. “It is a key to
keeping in touch with those other
former students who share the
same interests, backgrounds and
educations as the January grad
A letter has been written to
every candidate for a degree,
and a questionnaire is enclosed for
the graduate to complete and bring
to the Association offices at room
104, Administration Building. Thi*
information will be placed on per
manent file, and the January grad
uate* will be given’their copy of
the directory when thdy come by
the office.
but he didn’t make a one of his
highly-publicized | hook-shots. Most
of McDermott’s basket came on
tap-ins and free I throws. He made
five field goals land eight of 10
free-shot* to take high point lau
rel* for the evening. L
Jumping Jewelj McDowell again
paced Ag scorer* with 14 markers.
The 6’ 9” guatjd from Amarillo
scored the most! goal* from the
field with rIx, most of them com-
ing from near the free-throw line
after A&M had brought the bill)
diiwn on fa*t-hreAkR>
A capacity crowd -3,600 plus-
was never ip | doubt as to the out
come of the game, as the Ags took
the lead in the opening seconds and
never relinquished it, maintaining
such margins as 8-2, 16-9, 24-12,
38-20, and 44-22 during the one
sided contest.
Ag Defense Strong
A&M continued its strong de
fensive play and climbed above
the fifty-point mark for the first
time in eight outing*. It wa* the
second time in five *tart« that the
Cadet* have held a conference foe
under 40 pointer and, If It had not
Committee Rebukes
Presidential Aide
Washington, Jnn. 19 </P>—Maj.
Gen, Harry H. Vaughan, President
Truman's milltairy aide, was re
primanded sharply ’ yesterday by
the Senate complittee which con
ducted last sunimer’s spectacular
five percenter inquiry.' [■
In ' a unanimous report on the
investigation, the committee took
Vaughan to tajsk for accepting
seven home freezers as gifts and
it, criticized him! on other counts.
Vaughan gave'one of the freezers
to Mrs. Truman. Some of the units
went to other i Washington not
ables. j
(The commitltee said it’s all
right for the president and his
family to accept gifts because
throughout the history of the na
tion the American people have pre
sented them “as a token of their
esteem and a mark of respect for
the high office He holds.”)
The committeie’s report bluntly
denounced John F. Maragon, Wash
ington man-about^town who was
indicted early this’ month by a
federal grand jury which accused
himi of lying Withe senate group.
The committee’s public hearings
last August brought testimony
that Maragon enlisted Vanghan’s
aid in an effort to weild influence
with other government officials
and in attempts to secure favbrs
for friends..
In its report the committee con
cluded :
“There is no | doubt that Mara-
gon’s friendship with Gen. Harry
H. Vaughan mape his (Maragoh’s)
activities in hU realings with the
federal government possible.
Position Used
“In several instances Hie evi
dence showed that General
Vaughan or hip office personally
intercee<|ed with government agen
cies on behalf of Maragon or those
whom he represented."
The report said, ,too. that a
combination of! factors “made it
possible for Maragon to u»e the
great prestige of the White Hou*e
for hi* own advantage.”
In filing th<^ report with the
NCAA Code Is Impracycal,
Williams Informs Battalion
ulturist for
11140" ha* a long record of •orvicej
to ihe •glance of farming, He stud?
led; agriculture nt A&M and taught
vocational agriculture after com
pleting hi* college work, latter, he
entered ilia soil conservation *ar-
vice and rose to the |>o*t rtf assis
tant state soil conservationist be
fore becoming agriculture dlrec-
iler-af the. Texas •Cottonseed Crush
ars Association,
f T” '4 - !
r - ' , - v j I
fv/:., 4 . ' : r ' 1 - .I 1 . .. ’
spotted one bare hear;
Josephine rolled over ohi he
But onlookers can hear two
ent; pitched squeals. ! j
there’ *
rt coed
cub when
Does that mean t>
cubs? ’ f
r back,
ai e two
Employees’ Iluiner
Scheduled Tonight
' The first 1960 sociajl event of
the Employees Dinner (flub, a
dinner, will he held Thursday, Jan.
Shis# Hall, will
m. The Aggie-
The dinner, at
begin at 6:46 p.
land Orchestra will nrovtde music
-after the dinner. Ticket*, a callable
at the Aggieland Ian at $1. M) each,
must be purchased h«*foie noon
Pui pose of the Employed Dinner
Club Is to give employee* of the
Mystem ami cooperating ngenclc*
In Collage (Hatton an opportunity
tn meet socially and become bet
ter acquainted. The club iiulntalne
no formal membership rmjter and
assessed no duae,
Battalion Sports Staff
1‘The Sanity Code of the Nation
al Collegiate Athletic Association
is impractical,” sayff, D. W, Wil
liams chairman of the Athletic
Council for the college and vice-
president (District 6) of the NC-
Williams, who is also acting
chairman of the Southwest Confer-
ence Executive Committee, was in
terviewed yesterday by The Battal
ion, following a series of news
releases on recent NCAA internal
“Our game with Virginia Mil
itary Institute (one of the seven
schools almost expelled from the
NCAA as violators of the San
ity Code) will be .played next
September as scheduled,” Wil
iams said.
“I do not believe that the major
ity of members of the NCAA will
boycott any of these seven schools.
Chances are that the schools who
behind the boycott do not even
any of these'seven,” he said.
ie NCAA is a group composed
of athletic organisations represent
ing around 300 colleges and uni
versities in the United States, with
various affiliated associations.
Williams and Barlow “Bones”
Irvin, athletic director of the col
lege, attended the NCAA meet in
New York City last week.
Harry Stiteler, head football
>ach for the Aggies^ also made
attending the concurrent
the National Football
Gpache* Association. The trio all
returned from New York early
tljls week.
"You shouldn't penalise a fel
low for playing football or any
•ther sport,” Wlllleme aalu.
“Give the athlete Just an even
break-—nothing better, nothing
worse,’” he said.
Under the present code set up by
the association, member schools
may award athletic scholarships,
but they must require the student
to work in repayment of the sub-
sidation. j :i j .
Each of the “Seven Sinners”
—VMI, VPI, Virginia, Villanova,
Maryland, the Citadel, and Boston
College—said that 1 they could not
comply with the regulations of
the Sanity Code at the New York
meeting. The Citadel withdrew
from the NCAA as a result of the
meeting, s
Three 1 conferences—the South
west,’ the Southeast, and the
Southeni conference—proposed an
amendment to the ruling, but it
did not receive approval.
“Our proposal,” Williams said,
“was that the schools be allowed
to-set up a training table, there
by furnishing board for*those
students on athletic scholarships.
This stipulation would allow the
student a smaller sum to repay
through student labor,” he said.
“It is impossible under the pre
sent code for an athlete to do the
required amount of work and still
fulfill his training obligations dur
ing hi* respective sports season.
With his studies, his workout, and
his required work, he just has too
much to do,” said Williams.
A&M is not violating the rules
of the association a* interpreted
by the Southwest Conference, Wil-
Hams said. He thinks that the pres
ident of the NCAA, who recently
requested that member schools
boycott the Sevan violators, Is
sneaking a* an Individual, not as
the NCAA.
"He hasn’t the authority to make
such a request,” Williams said.
“This authority rests with an in
terim council ivhich controls the
association’s affairs between meet
Members of this council are the
NCAA president, secretary, the
eight district Vice-presidents (one
of which is Williams), and seven
“The outcome of the situation
will probably be the manufacture
of a more practical code for the
NCAA, on a liberalized basis,”
Williams said. “This code should
be one which jean be both prac
ticed and enforced, not allowing
for evasions.”
Virginia’s delegation said that
they could meet the requirements
of the present code if the proposed
amendment favored by the SWC
had been approved, Williams said.
“I feel sure j that no Southwest
Conference school cast its ballot
in favor of expelling the seven
schools,” he concluded.
Barlow “Bones” Irvin, athletic
director of the! college, said in an
other interview yesterd*-* after
noon that he, too, thought the San
ity j Code must be liberalized to
insure future success of the NCAA.
Next meeting of the association
will; be held in Dallas in January,.
. ,. — 111.4, ■... I,
Ice Short Course
To Be Held Here
. I ‘ il_ '
_ for ice plant en-
held at A&M Jan-
hundred and twen-
cted to attend,
to be held In coop-
A short coulee
gineers will he h
uarv 22-28. Ope h
ty-five are ex
The course I
eretion with the Routhweetem
Manufacturers’ Ats'n. Inc., of
which Gen. Preston A. Weetherred
of Dellas, le executive eecretary.
senate Sen. Hoey (D-NC), Com
mittee member Maid in a prepared
“The committee did not go on
any expedition. It sought only to
find the facts and to disclose them
without regard to who they ef
fected. Wherever criticisms are
made, they are made in the pub
lic interest.”
The report made, it clear that
the investigation has not been
completed and that the committee
plans to resume, jpdblic hearings.
During the earlier hearings Tru
man was critical of the investi
gation and he refused to go along
with demands that he fire Vaughan.
The cortimittee started its in
quiry to find out about the activ
ities of men who collected fees
for helping others get government
contracts. The fee often amounted
to five percent of the proceeds.
Price Supports
Due for Pork,
Demos to Buy
Washington, Jan 19—AP—
The Government, acting to
strengthen producer prices of
hogs, yesterday became a
competitor of the housewife
for bacon and ham.
Announced by the Agriculture
Department last night, the Fede
ral pork buying program is ex
pected to have political reactions
as well as effects on the coat of
Unannounced quantities of pork
will be bought in a move to assure
hog farmers prices which the gov
ernment has promised them. Heavy
marketings have pulled hog prices
slightly below levels which, the
department said, would guarantee
u national farm average of
$14.00 for 106 pounds this mqnth.
Government buying will ho 'lim
ited for the time being to bacon,
smoked hains and smoked picnic
shoulders. But it Is cxpocteq to
pushup prices for virtually all
pork cuts and possibly prioea of
beef, Jamb and mutton. 1
The department also disclosed it
is ready to give away surplus po
tatoes to the school lunch program,
the Bureau of Indian Affairs,) and
relief agencies helping the njeedy
at home and abroad. The potatoes
are being bought by the depart
ment under a grower price support
Polities may be drawn into the
pork program because (1) i{ re
calls arguments supporters have
made for the controversial Bran-
nan farm plan endorsed by presi
dent Truman, and (2) it raises
the question of whether govern
ment purchases of lard ^lone
would have supported hog prices.
If meat prices go up—ros depart
ment officials said they most as
suredly will do—it wifi give ad
ministration leaders another chance
to argue for the Brannah proposal.
This plan has been cold-shoulder
ed so far by congress and bitterly
opposed by most of the tpajor
farm organizations.
SA Mothers Er<
Shelter for Aggies
Mrs. R. E. Sparkman,'president
of the San Antonio A&M Mothers
Club, announced in the club’* De
cember meeting that a. weather
shelter will be erected for Aggie
hitchhikers. A bench large enough
for 18 men and their baggage will
be built in the shelter.
The shelter will be greeted on
the comer of the Austin Highway
and Broadway in San AntonM.
shelter will be built fame
this month.
Thla shelter le a gift to the
Hit Ban Ai|<
Antonio Aggies by
A&M Motntra CIi
man said.
.. , — ton I o
lab, Mr*. Spark-
: f
been for McDermott’s backboard
play, Rice would have suffered a
still worse defeat.
The glue-like guarding of Davis,
who played his best rebound game
of the season, held McDermott to
two . field-goals in the first half.
But -when Davis was forced to
leave the lineup via the fouling-
out route with thirteen minute* to
go, the Owl ace started mixing one
hand shot* froth 16 feet out with
his frequent free throws. |
As the gam# got underway, It
appeared that Davl* was on hi*
way to a near-proximation of the
81 tallies he made against Trin
ity. Controlling the hoertls on
missed Farmer shots, he managed
to sink two quick! buckets, only
to simmer offensively, settling Jnto
a top-notch defensive game while
plucking numerous rebounds! for
the Ags. j J
Rice Threatens Only Once
Rice’s only real threat came with
nine minutes apd 2? seconds re
maining In the first half when
their one-two punch. Captain War-
ren Switzer and McDermott, made
the score 9-12, i
Two quick ! buckets by Wally
Moon and a remarkable tap-in by
DeWitt shook qff the Rice : en
croachment. McDowfll turned in
Number 7H
Book Plan Use
Gaining Favor,
Birdwell Says
The Exchange Store Lay-
A-Way plan of procuring
books and supplies for the
Spring Semester is getting off
to a good start, according to
Carl Birdwell, Manager.
“Some 200 students had reserved
books and supplies by noon Wed
nesday”, Birdwell said, “and we
hope that number will reach 2i000
by Saturday.” j
The Lay-away plan, which
was first offered students for the
Fall Semester of* 1949, provided an
easy, pleasant way of ^curing
all needed supplies with a mini
mum of time and effort involved.
All the sudent has to do is give
any sales person in the Exchange
Store a list of courses for which
books and equipment will be need
ed. The student receives a serially
numbered claim check and goes on
his way.
All items requested are gather-
and lane
ed into one packagi
with the students name
— and claim
number. Any time prior to Feb,
6 the student may present hi*
claim check at the package win
dow on the east side of the Ex
change Store building and receiva
his package of books and sup
The student has the right t« re
ject any or all Items offered, may
.exchange Items or add additional
Items at the tlpio. No deposit Is
required end no payment is mad*
until package la called ifpr. 4
Students who find It desirable
to purchase used books, should take
advantage of the plan Birdwell
said, as all orders are filled oh
a first come first servo basis.; Re
quests for used Itooks now will as
sure tho student of getting copies
in best condition.
“Over 700 Students uwed the
Lay-A-Way plan in September,"
Birdwell said, “and everyone who
used it was satisfied with the time
and effort saved. If 2,000 to 4,000
will avail themselves of the: ser
vices this semester, our service to
all students can be materially im
proved. i
' —■ j
Top Production
Means Outlined
•1 ' j ‘ i IT- T p L :
Speed in milking is of ut
most importance in securing
maximum milk production,
according tp Dr. P. W. Burns,
head of the Veterinary Physi
ology and pharmacology Departs
Speaking aV the Dairyman’s
Short Course | at the college, Dr.
Burns pointed out that “let down"
of milk ia du# to a stimulatfon of
the posterior Jobe of the pituitary
“These nerve Impulses act oil
the posterior pituitary lobe,' caus
ing it to secrete a hormone,” he
aaw. The hormone ia oxytocin,
which produce* the contraction of
the smooth muscle fibers of the
udder. Atx>ut 45 seconds jis re
quired for the oxytocin to !get to
tne udder through «-*>--•
u i
The hormone is
for about aaven mil
stimulation, and if mil
completed in that tlm
tho milk ia retained in
mary gland.
the blood
im; S&
Is not
. toms of
the mam-
his usually 1 fine floor gamej
ing guard J. D. White, who si
18 points against Arkansas ! last
Saturday, t|o one marker.
Aggie aejoring was well dh
with Moon collecting 11, DeWitl
nine, Davit eight, an<F Bill Turn-
bow seven. Switzer with seven! and
McDermott were the only Owls
able to make more than four
points, ii
Wild Man Rampage*
Moon turned In one of tho l>e*t
20-mtnute performances this sea
son by netting eight tallies the
first naif. II* thrlllled the crowd
on two lay.-up ehot*. twletlqd his
body Into unheard of oontortlomi
In successful attempts to ivuld
1tlue-elad players while approach
ing the backboard at top speed.
After observing that A&M had
piled up a comfortable lead and
that his fifst-strlhg charges needl
ed a rest, Conch Marty Karow
sent Eddie Houser, Bobby Farmer.
Jack Miller, Marvin Martin,'-and
Mouse Williams Into the g,atn|>.
A&M's next SWC competition
will be against Baylor In Waco on
February 3
_ Box Score
Texas A&M (56)
DeWitt, F 4 1
Turnbow, F ....*>4... 2 '3
Martin, F 1 0
Sutton, C*F .......... 0 0
Garcia, F {.... 1 1
Davis, C 3 2
Fanner [..!'„ 0 1
McDowell, G 6 2
Miller 0 1
Rice (37)
22 12
Gerhart, F 2
Switzer, F 4
Hudgens, F ...■ 0
McDermott, C 6
Grawunder, C ........ 0
White, G 0
Tighe, G 1 0 |)
McCurry 1 1- ”
DeMose, G' 0 g J2
Totals 13 11 2b
Half score: A&M 28, Rice|16,
Free throws miaaed: A&M (11)
Turnbow I, DeWitt; 3. Da\|is 2,
McDowell 3, Moon, 2, Garcia 1.
Rice (6) White, McDermott 2,
Tighe 1, Gerhart 1, McCurry 1.
Officials: Diotzel and Wallacje.
•- C M ].
Engineers Meet
In Conference
■ I' --J -n '' J''.
The first accident preven
tion and engineering short
course to be held at A&M
opened yesterday and \Fill be
conducted through Friday
with some 26 engineering educa
tors from various sections ; of the
nation attending.
'The ahor{t course is sponsored by
the School of Engineering and tho
American Society of Safety En
Dr. Howard W. Barlow, {lean of
engineering, and K, C. Mi'Kuddetf,
president of AH8K and fldst vice
president of the Texas Employer*
Insurance Association, ;DnUus,
have secured a number; of auth
orities ' of Indiistry and education
to lend discussions. i - ]
They Include: J. C. Stcn$et, Na
tional Association of Mqt^al Cas
ualty Companies, Chicago;; Dr, W.
N. Cox, Jr., Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta; George E,
Lewis, Portland Gas and Coke. Co.,
Portland Oregon; John J.’ Ahern,
Illinois Institute of Technology,
Chicago; Paul N. Lehoczky, Ohio
State University, Columbuk; G. W.
Greenwood, Western Electric Co.,
.Chicago; W. Dean Keefer, ’Lumber
man’s Mutual Casualty Co., Chi
cago, and H. C. Roui tree. Temple
University, Philadelphia. J
Dinners for the group wil! be
held' in Aggieland Inn Thu
Acheson Hits Beds,
Hopes for
., , Uprising
n. 19 0P>—Sec-.
Washignton 1 Ja
of suite a
cheaon bald yes
terday he hopes a third force—
neither Nationalist nor G°mmun-
ist—will spring up among the Chin
ese people,
But he added at a news con
ference that he aloes not: now see
any such development on jthe hori
Acheson also had t
the China situation:
1. From the way in which
Chinese Communists are j trel
Americans in their tertjitory
ia an obvioua conclusion that they
do not want American ‘ rocoguf.
2. The
Ing last Haturda)
American offlrlala are not! being
their 'duties
this tp say on
Communist to sure of
official property at Pelp-
laturduy Is evidence that
alurday Is 1
official* ai
permitted to perform
In CrIm and thereto
to be withdrewn.
;; £ ',
'1 .1 ;
hiy had
' ! I