The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 13, 1950, Image 6
: Official Notice ORDINANCE NO. 141 iwasiffil I RtSPONSlDLE FOR THE CARE OF A I * DOG WHO ALLOWS THE SAME TO AT LARGE SHALL BE FINED; fgfeitrreBMrc, \'sn *. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ; CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS: Section 1. It shall be unlawful to allow * <,0 £, to fnn at la rite within the lilnits of the City. Section 2. Any pinion responsible for the cure of a do# who allows thv same -A .aww .. at larire -within the limitT\f the 1950 City shall be iruilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be flped not less iJf 0 j 00 .! <,0,lara "or *«ore than fifty ($50.00) doll.-irs, ^ Section' 8. Each instance that n viola- tion of this ordinance occurs Ishall be eph- sidered a separate offense. - Section 4. This ordinance'^hall be effec tive ft-om and after passage and publica-’ tiop. — - January, IHO. ? PrOVMl ®‘ h <1 » y of — 4 . APPROVED: i b /Ernest Langford ATTEST: Mnyi,r » /N. M. McGinnis ' City Secretary What *9 Cooking NEWMAN CLUB, Saturday, January 14, 8 p.| m., dance at Bryan Country Club, opert to all Cathplic students. ^ AGGIE SQUARES, Friday, Jan uary 13, 8 p. m.. Episcopal parish house. FLIGHT A, 9807th VART SQUADRON, Monday, January 16, 7:30 p. m„ room 301, Gioodwin Hall, films on “Air Warfarte” and “Instrument Landing by ‘ Ground Controlled Approach.” AGRICULTURIST S.T A F F Monday, January 16, 7:30 j p. m., YMCA, photograph for Aggieland Batta lion CLASSIFIED ADS Page 6 FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1950 > WITH A BATTALION CLASS!FIKD . R«im . .11.' 35c a word per Insertion » turned In by 10:00 before publication. «LL AB, - ... . ... with a 25c minimum. Space rales In Classified Section .. 60c par column inch. Send all classified, with temlt- tancs to the Student Activities Office. All a4a should be a.m. of the day 'I ,= • FOB SALE • ENGINEER STAFF, Monday, January 16, YMCA photiograph for'Aggieland 1950. I. A. S., Friday, Janurtry 13, 7 p. m., Finfeather Club, barbe cue. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATI O N CLUB, Tuesday, January | 17, 7 p. m., IE chcps, election of offi cers. SEE US |to buy or sell used furniture. Phone 27067, Wood Furniture Company. HOUSE with garage tin corner lot. Hard wood floors, built-ins. See at 404 Maryem, Wcat Park, after 6:00. BOY'S 26-inch blcycW, Good conditibn- Reaaonablc. SO) Jackson. 4-7184. A. D. Cook. BARGAIN! Studio Couch D-4-A. Collette View. MISCELLANEOUS • OFFICIAL ANNOIJficEMENT CONFLICT E'XAMINATION SCHEDULE All students who have conflicts in their .L. ■ eremination schedule should refer, to . - schedule of conflict examinations which IS nested on the bulletin honr.l Un • IZr'V W th “ .^! letin .Jmard in th* Acp- W dt mir Hulldiny. This schciule will indicate ' > the time that all conflict examinations are to be given. It is the responsibility? of each student who hhs conflict to check the schedule and take the examination at the time indicated on'' the schedule. Students who have conflicts nof covered by this schedule should report; to the Registrar's Office |immediately and have 4U examination schedule planned for the conflict. H. L. HEATON. . Registrar rM ! I WILL identify your ; plants at my home at ten cents each. H. B. Parks. 309 Highland Street, College Station, Phone 4-8177. 1_ '; j p* EXPERT REWEAVING done at my home. Damaged by burns, tears, moth holes. Work guaranteed. Agnes Tydlacka. 2007 8. College Road. Phone 2-7120. ADVERTISING SALESMAN wanted fo! Student Publications. Apply morning! at BATTALION Advertising Desk. ! WANTED TO BUY YOUR USED TEXTBOOKS BOOKS APPROVED FOR NEXT SEMESTER BRING HIGHEST PRICES NOW! Official Student - Faculty DIRECTORY of Texas A&M College 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 or j- Mail 50c to STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A&M College College Station, Texas 0=S=K>G3=© —On Sale at Annex— SNACK BAR & r NEWS STAND ■ .'-Lz — ' --i ♦ HELP WANTED • STUDENT Wife in College View to keep 2 children, (8 mos., 5-day week. Box 1146, College Station. WOrt TM' J f WAL-IT WARN'T J IDEA O’ </ MAM SHADOW *' SING IN' 'ME Y CXACKLY.*^ ft WERE AND MY A SOMEBODY « SHADOW* ^ ELSEX SHADOW- IN TRAFFIC? JL EXCEPT THET NOBODY ELSE WAS THAR.*?’ HE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND ABOUT TH‘ SHADOW. AN* gOl*.' COME r THINK OF IT—NEITHER DOCS AM.TfJ * BUT, AH'LL SHORE MtSS IT.«r—AM LI’L ABNER ou Take the High Road North Gate SHAFFERS BOOK STORE 5% 5% New Automobiles New & Used AUTOMOBILES FINANCED New and Used Phone 4-1232 Flop Colson Travis Nelson Newman Club Sets Dance Date Jan. 14 Saturday, January 14, has been set by the Newman Club as the date on which they will sponsor a dance at the Bryan Country Club for Catholic students, Ray Lang- linais, social chairman said today. The dance will begin promptly at eight, Langlinais said, and re freshments will be served. Strikes Delay Troops’ Marseille, France, Jan. 13 j-— —-A Communist-led strike Tues day delayed sailing of a ship car rying French troops to quell up rising in Indo-China. At northwestern and Colleges and Universities throughout M0|» IT, WISE aw YOU PAID FOR YOU*- R dr FOR MUSIC THAT CANT BE BEAT . . It’s really a treat!' Buy that “AGGIE WAR HYMN” We all know that it’s the best in the land . . . So buy ’em now while Lou has them on hand j LOUPOT’S "Trade, with Lou — He's right with you” CLASS ’32 . • ' ; WATCH FOR THE ANNIVERSARY SALE! — at — AGGIE RADIO & APPLIANCES North Gate College Sta. Wf- City Limits of College Station On Highway 6, South — NEW — ' ! STATE MO TEL ULTRA-MODERN The Perfect Place for that Friend to Stay Wanted: Lady to <Tierc and keep merchandise in i^rder. $25.00 per week. Apply Shaffer’s Book Store North Gati Lee Consult Dr. Carlton R. OPTOMETRIST j With BTour Visual Problem* 203 S. Main — Bryan • Phone 2-1662 I.L: College Station Representative — Lou pot’s Trading Post - Books Wanted I ' ' ; i ! .iilrr . Ir! , ii b h M:: ... ■ L ] Y ' ■ I ■ i ;• •, • |jvj j|i I ; j ■ Your Friendly College Exchange Store Ih in the market for your old books. J.. i ' ; 'i 1 l . / . , H' I ■•I ' ; , ( • I * ■ Y- i ! J* -ill 1'i j-’ Our Spring Semester Book list is now complete. We need many cm i 4: IF' rent editions for our retail stock, and for those titles not* needed in our • • ■ \[. retail stock we offer the highest wholesale m For books needed tn our retail stock we will pay 50% of list prirej. - •• ; , <mr*- . j f. ; ; For titles on wholesale list we will pay what the used jobbers will pay u4- my*- *&***<:■ | Our wholesale list is kept up to date with weekly quotations from th o j . 1; -I K ' jobbers. \ ■ • V *• I « 1'4 " . | : I .. j: ] Vi jj. 1 '. ■ You can be assured you are getting the top price for your Iiook < when you sell to ua. I: j.ljlj lari >. The ij Exchange Store ■-I Main Campus “Serving Texas —TWO STOI A&M Annex rr. n • f r>