The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 13, 1950, Image 1

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,1 ;i .
City Of
College Station
Official Newspaper
1 .
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I j Collegial
• i.vir
ation'a Top
_ . legiate DaUy
NAS 1949 Survey
J !| -
fl •
Volume 49 i ^
Number 74
Oceanography Head
To Discuss Spring,
Fall Course Plans
A&M’s new in’ ocean
ography and opportunities in’ this
field will be discussed by Dale F.
Leipper, acting head of the Ocean
ography Department, at an open
meeting to be held at 5:15 p. m.
Monday, in room 108 of the Aca
demic Building,
Though tlie full curriculum will
not begin until September, 1950,
two hew coprses for graduate and
advanced undergraduate credit are
:;,to hie offered during the coming
: semester^
V The first course to be offered
nrtcV semester is- Introduction to
Oceanography 401, which will car
ry three credit units. This,is to be
a Jecture course for stude.nts hav
ing senior standing in erigineering,
a biological or physical science, or
haying the pcrmissiifti of the in
The purpose of the course is to
provide a-survey of oceanography
which students' may use to aug
ment their liberal education or to
provide a basis fo,r planing fur
ther work in this field.
The second course to be offered
In the spring semester is Geologi
cal Oceanography 431 Which will
be limited to senior and graduate
students in geology.
Work Conducted
-5 '
Work in the full curriculum Of
oceanography is to be conducted
at senior and graduate levels only.
Courses will be offered to provide
a survey of the field of oceano
graphy; to furnish a minor for
graduate students working toward
a degree in such fields as biology,
chemistry, physics, geology, and
engineering; and to lead to the
Master of Science Degree in ocean-
New Arms to China
^ ; i
Authorities Reveal
f — * ■
•Washington —O'Pi—More train
loads n of American-made tanks
imd other arms probably will soon
be on the way to the Chinese
Nationalists on Formosa.
• Diplomatic authorities said to
day 300 tanks-"*a1i{f armored cars
being put aboard Turkish freight
er at Philadephiaj represented only
a part of the beliited deliveries or
prders the Nationalist^ placed in
this country last year. They were
paid for from the $1^5 million
Congress voted in 1949 for mili
tary aid to China.,.
Although President Truman has
ruled" out any further American
military aid to keep Formosa from
capture by the Communists, the
government has been helping speed
the completion of orders’ already
placed, The shipment at Philadel
phia came from an army ordnance
depot at Lima, Chip. Some earlier
shipments went via U. S. naval
vessels. * ,
Officials say there is no con
flict between this action and Mr.
Truman’s thumbs down declara-
ticyi of last week. The National-
istjs already: have title to the mun
itions now being shipped, having
checked out the last of the $125,
million fund from the treasury
_months ago.
Most of jt went to the defense
department which either sold arms
to the Chinese as surplus or ad
vanced equipment which is to be
replaced as new models are man
Also included in the
meeting will be a period when Lei
per will answer questions concern
ing the present status of the de
velopment of the program lin
oceanography and plans for the
gradual extension of work in the
marine sciences at A&M. 1
During the day, Leipper will be
available in-■room 357, Bizzell Hall
for visits from) students iqtereijit-
ed in oceanography and belated
First of Kind
This new department Is the first
project of its kind on the Clijdf
Coast area. Scripps Institution In
California and Woodsholu on the
Atlantic const are the ortly major
oceanography units now operating.
Specific problems to he studied
by the infant department will be
rorroaion and fouling, oontununu-
tiion control, sedimentation, beach
erosion, restoration and preserva
tion of sea life for the sea food
industries and designs for off
shore structures.
It is these industries; and es
pecially the oil interests, which are
expected to help the department
in their research studies.
In addition to Leipper, it' is ex
pected that there will be fqur
other members on the department
staff, Dean Harrington has said.
Fire Eating Farmers
43-35 in Year’s Wil
A&M’s explosive cage machine
applied a 43-35 brake to the hard-
charging Arkansas Razorbacks be
fore an excess of 3,500 screaming
onlookers in DeWare Field House
last night.
YVith every Aggie eager playing
spirited, heads-up ball, Coach Mar
ty Karow’s assemblage was able
to come tlyough with a stunning
upset-victory over the quintet that
was previously picked to “walk
away’’ with the Southwest Con*
ference title.
Little Jewell McDowell regained
the terrific ’form he showed-, in
A&M’s pre-conference games by
pumping in 17 markers and grab
bing rebounds as only McDoxVell
can j^rab 'em.
Hudspeth Bottled
- But that was only half the
story. The watch-charm a^nard
from: Amarillo allowed Gerald
Hudspeth only two field goals (jur-
the low-scoring fracas. Hudspeth
is the leading Porker-point maker;
he had 126 tallies prior to last
night’s hectic battle.
The high-geared Hogs were
aheaiji four brief times during! the
action-packed contest—1-2, 20-18,
27-2fij,i 30-28. The crowd could sense
Seek Opportunity,
Civic Leader Says
Lt. Col
of the earliest pistols. This weapon is merely a pi|>e strapped to a
Frank Swoger, Ordnance Department, looks over the
ami most recent pistols. The* weapon on the left Is line
handle. It was detonated by lighting a match to the* fire
hole. The pistol on the right Is the Army .45.
Juniors Choose Aggieiand,
Make Final Flans for Prom
The Class of ’51 voted Wednes
day to have the Aggieiand Orches
tra provide music for jthe forth
coming Junior -Prom. The action
was taken at a rather poorly at
tended class meeting in Duncan
Mess Hall.
After hearing a report from Class
president Wilman D. “Pusher”
Barnes in which he gave compara
tive expenses of the Aggieiand
versus a big-name band, the group
voted almost unanimously fop the
local group. According to Baines’
report, the Aggieiand Was avail
able for $250 whereas a name band
would cost in excess of $1,00).
Following the orchestra discus
sion came several attempts t4 set
tle the matter of corsages. Num
erous motions were put forth on
the subject. These included, aijnong
others, asking all mjembers t<f> ab
stain from purchasing, corsages,
or making the question| of buying
corsages arbitary with each jun
ior. Also suggested was the cor
sages and, instead (donating a
specified amount to a specific
charity, the community chest, or
some other kind.
Foil Scheduled
The question was finally decided
by authorizing first, sergeants of
each outfit to take a poll o ’ the
men in their organization concern
ing the corsage matter, and then
to settle the matter at a first
sergeants meeting.
Further discussion was shelved
pending the outcome of these out
fit polls.
The discussion to engage the Ag
gieiand Orchestra rounded out the
rest of the plans for the Junior
Prbm and Banquet, scheduled to
be held in Sbisa Hall, Feb.
irice jof $2.50 was es-1 class sweetheart for the pi-rim,
for prom tickets. That | Barnes disclosed that this n^atter
applicable stag or drag,'
<fr cost of the checking
as Well as soft drinks
will cov
to be seryed at the dance.
Will Cost S5
Banque. tickets will go at $1.25
apiece, bringing the total cost of
course at
fiiet migion.
go on sal» at the beginning of the
next sem ?ster. Dance tickets will
be sold at the dance, but banquet
tickets wall go off sale Thursday.
Feb. 9. ”his latter provision will , , __ ^ _ T
allow mess hall officials to make! ponding number as they are turn
iccurate estimate of how j ed in at the Student Activities
a fairly
many pi
the meal
opened a
gin at
doors wi(l
and 7:45
not interf
for the
after the
allowed i
L0. A
; '
: 'f4 ■
Young men just out of college
should he looking for opportunity,
not for security, u group of jour
nalism students were told lust
night by Hubert M. Harrison, vice-
president and general manager of
the East Texas Chamber of Com
merce. 1
Harrison, who has done chamber
of commerce work for the past 30
years, spoke to the group in “The
Newspaperman and Commutiity
Erring somewhat from his cho
sen topic, but hitting on a sub
ject of interest to almost everyone,
present, Harrison said that he be
lieved too many people are trying
| to get. something from the gov-
| ernment rather than give some-
i thing to it.
Trend is Bad
and dance fr men with
exactly $5.00. Main
the banquet will include
would be handled much as it has : Such a trend is bad, he explain-
been in the past. He urged mem- | e< L and believes it can elad in
hers of the-class to begin now sub- | on *y one direction in the future—
milling pictures of their eandi- Communism. What we need is a
dates for the position to the Stu-1 ,etuln to the spirit of eafch indi-
dent Activities Office in Gpod-1 vldual ''wanting to stand on
win Hall. These pictures, preferably i own two feet,”
he emphasized.
nd banquet tickets will
no smaller than 5x7, may picture
the girls in any pose.
Sweetheart Rules Given
Persons submitting pictures have
been as.ked to clip with their photo
graphs a sheet of paper containing
their name and the name of and
information about their candidate.
These sheets of paper and the
picture will be given a corres-
ates to arrange for at I desk.
ho the banquet will
7 p.rn.
15 and the banquet hall
lie closed between 7:30
so that late comers will
upt the program planned
affair. Persons arriving
doors are closed will be
refund for their banquet
A committee of “young non-stu-
Dance Begins at 9
The da
and last
ment of
class’s t\j'
been plai ned for this year’s event.
A spe aker has been selected
-for the banquet, but his name will
be kept secret until he delivers his
Jntil that time, said
he will be referred to
“the mysterious Dr.
Serving will £ | ilS'S.m'ihv'pE5t» Z»iuS £
finalists to compete at the prom
for the honor. The girls jehosen
wil! be introduced at the first
intermission of the dance. The
same committee will then make its
final choice and announce the
sweetheart at the final intermis
sion. At this time she will lie giv
en a gift from the class.
Dcadlims Is Feb. 3
nee will begin at 9 p. m.
until 1 a. m. Entertain- , Deadline for entering candi-
the type presented at the i c ] a ( es f or |, ono| . h as bden set
o preceding balls has not at Friday F( . b Thi! . will aHow
juniors a chance to secure the pic-
tures while they are at home be
tween semesters.
Disclosing that the theme j of the
dance would be “Out ofj This
World,” Barnes asked . an^- stu
dents wanting to help in dance
preparations to offer their services
to the chairmen of the committee
in which they are interested.
Concer ling the selection of a
The fact that people rely too
much on the government for sup
port in old age is an indication
that the country is leaning too
much in the direction of a welfare
state Harrison mentioned.
Government Support Bad
With the number of older peo-
ple.a>n the increase, it is possible
that this non tax paying group
might become a majority of the
voting population, he said. Fpr such
a group, old age or other interest,
to be able to “vote” the govern
ment into supporting them is not
healthy. No one should take the
attitude that the government owes
them support, he said. The people
should support the government,
not the ‘ government support the
This country was not built by a
secure feeling people. Our fore
fathers built their heritage with
axe and gun he pointed out. “This
bred a self confidence which we
are losing today by leaning too
strongly in the direction of a wel
fare state.”
There must be a spirit of self
sacrifice if chaos is to be prevent
ed; People do not seem toj know
how to get the most out of life
nowadays. Often our greatest op-
portunit-- lies in our own back
yard and we do not see it, he said.
C of C Opportunities
When asked about opportunities
in chamber of commerce : work,
Harrison said that the field!is not
overcrowded, due to a fust turn
over of personnel. This turnover
is a result of business and industry
hiring men who prove efficient in
chamber of commerce work.
The basic qualifications of a
good chamber of commerce man
are enthusiasm, imagination,' and
leadership. A chamber of commerce
man is essentially a salesman of
ideas, Harrisoh concluded.
Seedlings For
Now for Sale
Tree seedlings for refor
estation and windbreak pur
poses are available to Texas
landowners, Don Young, head
of the Texas Forest Service
management department said to
day. The latest inventory of: tree
seedlings in the Texas Forest Ser
vice tree nursery shows that four
and one-half million tree 'seed
lings have not been sold. '• I
The deadline for ordering seed
lings is January 31. The planting
season extends into March. Orders
submitted in January may specify
a February or March delivery
Slash pine accounts for thi ma
jority of the unsold seedlings.
Slash pine I is well adapted to re
forestation planting in East Texas.
A quantity of loblolly and fehort-
leaf pine is still available.: Bois
d’are, catalpa, and red cedar are
also available. The* latter species
produce excellent. fence posts be
cause their heartwood is resistant
to decay. Approximately seven
teen million seedlings were grown
by the Texas forest Service at the
Indian Mouqd Nursery this year.
Seedlings are sold to landowners
at cost, $3 for pine and $5 for the
other species. Trees grown by the
Texas Forest Service can not be
sold for ornamental purposes. The
seedlings will be shipped F. O. B.
Rusk or arrangements cap he; made
to pick them up at the Indian
Mound Nursery near Alto. | Land
reforested qualifies for; Production
and Marketing Administration pay
ments provided application has
been approved in advance. Young
stated that approximately 800,000
acres of idle East Texas! land
should be reforested.
’ ' i
Metzger Collection Pieces
Guard Room Pistol Display
Shows Evolu tion ofFirearms
A new smoke tunnel has Just arrived which will
be mted In the Aeronautical Engineering Depart
ment. It 1* to he used for classroom demonstra
tions ami preliminary experimental work. Lin E.
Klnnagan Jr„ Aero Instructor, la operating the
tunnel wpile Sherman Ej. Critea, research engin
eer and
air curreint* ran be distinguished by
passing around tl te airfoil.
\ j
ut hr dls
looks on. The path of
the smoke
.. i.'v • .
More of the famed Metzger Gun
Colleption is now- on display in
the Gadet Guard Room in Dorm 12.
The theme of the exhibit is the j
evolution of the rifle and the pis
tol. The pieces have been organized
by Col. Swoger, Ordnance Corps,
/ and some of the senior ordnance
I cadets.
In regard to the entire collec
tion, there are guns whose values
irangte from $5.00 to $600. The $600
piece is a five shot Cblt-jPatter-
son pistol on display in the Li
brary. . .
Some of the oddifies in the col
lection include a toy pistol that
opens out to become a hoot-jack.
Hand cannons and elephant guns
make up some of the other odd
ities. .
One of the strangest looking
pistols in the. collection is a 46-
shot revolver with a cylinder
about 5 inches in diameter.
On the decorative aide there are
highly ornamental Persian Frigate
pistols and Turkish pistols. Inci
dentally, the value of the pieces
does not depend upon its looks,
but rather the scarcity.
Other pistols In the collection in
clude breech loaders and a four
barreled pistol which was the great
grandfather of , the revolver. This
early revolver 1 loaded from the
One of the more valuable wea
pons in the collection is the
breech loading Klein’s. This is
a .36 caliber percussion pistol,
which was used In 1855.
Also in the collection is a pearl
handled .44 caliber 20 shot: revol
ver, an old fifty pound elephant
rifle, and a five foot Kentucky
rifle which shot, a Yfc inch shot.
Several very rare guns are a.
Japanese Matchlock, highly de
corated, a double barrelea Moorish
Smophaunie pistol worth $75, and
a cirrcassion Magulet Flint lock,
.60 caliber all metal, cn^ed and
chisled, worth $165.
With the new pistols on exhibit
is a three shot rimfire Morston-
1875; a four shot revolver with a
revolving barrels, a Nurenburg
$225 Persian single-shot wheel
Jock with ivory inlaid in a; hard
wood presumed to be ebony, and
an Arabian breast pistol and dag
In the collection are ihany
weapons varying in value and
numerous rare and fantastic in
struments of death. Along with
these are Standard weapons like
a German Luger with a seven
inch barrel, an Army .45 nickle-
p la ted, model IBll along With
other modern rifles'and pistols.
The pieces of the collection are
exhibited in the library and the
cadet reception center in dorm 12.
The collection is so large that it
cannot be exhibited together at
one! time. ;
Plans are being made to exhibit
the collection complete in the new
Student Memorial, center njgt
year. The center, which is durto
open next year, will accomodate
the collection in one room.
■rs Halt Hog
ildest Came
n the making whan Davis take high point laurels. 1
he ball in before the his baskets came on tap-ir
;he starting whistle could his team-members had mi si
an upset in the making
dunked the ball in
sound of the starting whistle cpi
fade into silence. | j
It was A&M'* first victory in
seven starts over Arkansas,
stretching over a span of three
years. The Kentucky Wildcats,
ranked second in the nation today,
downed the Porkers by four points
earlier this year: A&M was able
to take the victory by eight coun
Team Victory
The Cadets’ conquest was truly
a team victory. Their rebounding
work was the best exhibited by a
Maroon and White Uftiri (n many
a year. They seemed to have that
extra snap that gave them the
edge, by inches, in wild scrambles
for the sphere,
John DeWltt tdrned in; his us
ual fine performance In backboard
play and all-around hustle. Mike
Garcia, who started for the first
time in SWC play this season, alio
controlled malty rebounds for
A&M, and his slow, unperturbed
play often was ucccntuatel by sud
den, lightning-like dart* for the
ball while in Porker-paws, and this
crowd-pleasing action paid divid
ends to the Aggies best defensive
gome. . j i
McDowell, Walt Duvisi anil Bill
Tumbow sunk crucial goals in the
last six minutes of plaY Hitting
on crisp one-handers from eight
feet out, Davis collected two buck
ets ' after the Porkers I had cut
the lead to: 37-35 With four min
utes and If seconds to go.
Farmers Ice Game
Ahead, 4f)-35, w^ile going into
the final two minutes of play, the
Farmers maintained a : successful
freezing of the ,ba|l with Garcia.
McDowell, Tumbow, DeWltt, and
Wally Moon engineering the stall.
At times, Arkansas I did show
somp of the form that enabled it
to take victories oyer Tulane and
Texas, two respectable teams,
earlier this season.
With sik foot, seven-inch Bob
Ambler stationed at pdst position,
the Hogs flashed some effective
ball control—just enough to show
the DeWare aggregation that A&M
was up against a smqoth-cunning
ball club. 1 J : '
Ambler poured in: 20 points to
IES Instructors
Blanket Texas
With Courses
The training courses of the
Industrial Extension Service,
blanket the state.
Beginning yesterday the 26
instructors will continue
classes begun earlier this year
and open new classes, in practi
cally every section of the state.
The courses are under the direc
tion of E. L. Williams, director of
the service. . ,
The program, includes the con
tinuing of classes In fireman’s
training at Luling, Lockhart, Gon
zales and Stockdalp.'
L. 0. Bynum will organize fire
men’s training classes at Ysleta,
Fabens and Clint. The organization
of a cirfcuit by E. lY. Parker, will
include Rankin, Big Lake," Ozoija,
Sonora and Rock Springs.
J. R. Dobson and H i D. Smi th
will hold classes for firemen at
West Columbia, Alvin, Angleton,
Grapeland and Lake Johnson. Fire
men training classes are organized
in circuits with a class held one
night each week fqr five weeks in
each town.
W. D. Beasley, police instructor,
will continue classes for policemen
at Baytown. ' ,
The instructors of . the rural
electric line crews each operate on
a monthly circuit. G. E. Baker will
begin at Dilly, Q. L. Bridges at
McGregor; M. D. Kaderli at Mer
kel and E. W. Kerlick at Hen
derson. J - !,? fl; *-
Short Courses Here
W. W, Mills, D. L. ; Belcher, - R.
A. Downward and L. L. O’Connor
of the supervisor training staff,
will work under the direction of
H. D. Bearden, ^assistant director,
in conducting short courses here
for a short course now in progress.
E. B. Hoyler, supervisor trainer,
will ~ continue a course for the
next four weeks at Fort Worth
for supervisors employed by the
Texas and Pacific Railway.
M- D. Darrbw, industrial teacher
trainer, will spent this week work
ing with the vocational industrial
teachers at Laredo and the Lower
Rio Grande Valley.
Courses for operators of water,
plants will be conducted in Galves
ton by W. A. Bahdly and A. J.
Krell and in Cleveland by C. A.
Sanders. ; : * 1
A laboratory course for sewage
take high point laurels. Mo*t of
his baskets came on tap-ins after
his team-members had missed Jim
Cathcsrt, classy forward, and
Hudspeth followed Ambler with
six point* each.
Set Hot Pace
The lead changed hands Seven
times; and the score was: kijotted
on five different occasions.
Arkansas was ahead for, a (short
time at the outset, but thei Ags
bounced back with Mc r '
three successive buckets,
free shot and field goal,
Witt’s gift-toss. At the .
this scoring spree, A&M hadj a 15
6 lead, the largest in the game.
From then on, play was fast
and furious-, TJte referees halted
play several ti,mes to wipe the
prespriation, that had coHected
in spots when players fell to the
floor, from the maplewoods.
With 14 minutes to be Played
Arkansas startoil living up to .Its
reputation, chbpping away »t the
A&M lead, swinging a nuoi -back
ed weapon with Ambler spealrhead-
... .1 - ... b y
Kv onli
n Me
Ing the attack that; ,failed,
fraction, to penetrate the
bubble of hope.
SreSnii Epic
The score w*s tied «t 28-28 with
18 minutes to go. The croWd wai|
lifted to its feet by a soe-aai
that then took place botwe*
Dowell and Ambler.i,
Ambler started the duel when
he lost his guard, took ths ball,
dnd drove In under to pi 11_ hi*
team to a one point deficit,
he put the A rkies Into the
by tapping in a Vshort one
the hoop.
McDowell bounced back
fie longest shot of the ever
the longest shot Of the evening, tt
35-footer. Ambler, after taking
* foul from Ken Sutton, ti 5d the
issue at 28-28, and followed up
with a neat left-hand hook *hot to
pull Arkansas back into the lead.
Paradise for A&M
McDowell retaliated wit
other long two-hander. This
Dowell-Ambler incident wtJs en
riched by spine-tingling play(; dur
ing this period there were two In
tercepted passes and three qut-of-
bound fumbles.
With the two-minute rule; serv
ing as a paradise for A&M,' the
cool, rriechanic-ltke play-of
Porkers suddenly turned Ipto a
nervous wreck. Arkansas! de
feat knocked it out of a first place
tie with Baylor. - r |.
Texas edged Rice, 55-52, iri
tin last night to complete Thijrsday
night’s card of SWC games
Fish Lose
In a curtain-raiser to „th<
sity tilt, Allen Academy brake a
45-45 dead-lock in the last 3|U sec
onds of play to hand the
Freshmen their second loss 6f
reason.' i
The spirited rebound wofrk jof
Leroy Miksch enabled the Fish jto
chop a 10-polnt lead in the final
10 minutes. Miksch shared Fish
(See AGS WIN, Page ,3)
Student Fees On
■ !•' j i • I , *
Directors Agenda
January meeting of the Board of
Directors of A & M College will
open at 9 o’clock Saturday
morning in the directors meeting
room on the college wimpus.
A report from Dr./Dale F. : Leip
per, head of the' cqUeg^i newly
organized department of Oceanog
raphy will open theisesjsion) Fix-,
ing of student, fee’s, room rent,
charges and uniform handling'
charges for the domlmi; year,
award of contracts for farm wat
er and sewer lines and golf bourse
water lines at College Station and
an appropriation for a new dorm
itory for girls at Prairie View A.
and M. College are among imajor
items on the agenda. :
. -Vf
V j'
The “SlickrrHtcV’ aptly dr-
scribe these two friendly fefnmes,
who will appear here January
19 with the. Mplke Jones show.
Jones and his '‘City Nlickem”
will appear In Onion Haiti giv
ing two evening program*.