The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 11, 1950, Image 1

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' ; !i h
City Of
College Station
I Official Newspaper
n ii
\ \mr
F- V ■'
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i 1 - ■
•„ iij Nation's Top
Collegiate Daily
NAS 1949 Survey
Volume 49
Buddy Hits Letter
On Guion Charges
A profit and joss statement for
Guion Hall.-durihg the two years
ending August 31, 1948 and August
31, 1949, showed that Guion Hall
made a total profit of $200.54 for
the two years, or .68% of its total
operating income.
The statement Was released by
Tom Puddy, Guion hall manager,
in answer to an open letter to
“students .and othetrs concerned
with Guion hall” Jack Farr,
owner of a local drive in theater.
In the letter, printed in yester
day’s Battalion as a paid advertise
ment, Farr had stated that Guion
has “a low operating ^ost, util
ities, building, and maintenance
. . . furnished by the State of Tex
T - After reading the statement,
Puddy said Guion pays its own
power and light bill, from its own
profits, with no Help from state
funds. Guion Theater also pays
its shareUf the upkeep of its build
ing, Puddy said, including paying
for seats, carpets, its box office
and i its bill boards.
Citing the large percentage dif-
• -ference between the 30c tickets at
Guion and the 40^ charged at
Farr’s theater, Puddy said that
Guion Theater operates at as near
the “breaking even” point as it
is possible to estimate.
Defending Guion’s box office
prices, Spike White, assistant dean
of students said, "In line with
Guion theater’s often-stated policy
of running the best available sec
ond run pictures at the cheapest
available prices, we can’t book
films any cheaper without going
to much older and more inferior
films*” ' , ,
To counter balance his $200 one-
year profit, Puddy cited his operat
ing expenses for the month f of
October (1949), which showed
Guion Hall $210.23 in the red.i
“How close can you cut it?”
Puddy asked, indignantly.
Puddy also listed several rea
sons, which he called “peculiar to
an A&M theater’^, and which made
Guion profits slimmer.
“Our attendance numbers flue*
tuate a great deal because of ball
games, reviews, and other col-i
lege functions”, Puddy said.
“Eleven times, during the months
of September, October and Novem
ber (1949), we were closed be
cause of .Town Hall shows, the
Cadet Commissioning exercising.
It’s Confusing At
Twice the Price
The Battalion. had the wrong
Price yesterday. It was a front
page story, however, and not fi
nances, that caused the confusion.
R. J. “Dick” Price, a Dallas
automobile dealer, spoke to the
SAM, Tuesday.
Dr. Ri H. Price, a South Texas
director of an oil concern, spoke
to the AICHE*_also on Tuesday.
On Tuesday’s ffont page, we ran
a picture of Price-* No. 1 over a
story on Price No. 2. |
One of the stories on one of the
Prices was written by R. E. Price,
ai Battalion feature writer.
What price confusion ?
Theology Students
ToJSpeak at Annex
Richard Ryan, of the, Austin
Pjresbyterian Theological Seminary,
will be guest pastor Sunday morn
ing- at the chapel of the Texas
A&M Annex, he said here today.
It will be the third time since
September that Ryan has occupied
the pulpit.
A native of Seguin, Ryan is a
graduate—°f the University -of
Texas arid is currently seeking the
Bachelor of Divinity degree from
Austin Seminary, where he is a
ji>cond-year student.
a show by the Singing Cadets, and
other functions. Only two of these
shows paid for the use of J the au
Guion Hall is cleaned, heated, and
ready for any college aetjivity at
any time, Puddy added, which is
a care-taking and servipe function
that few other theaters offer.
After discussing GUion’s new
sound equipment an(^ their movies,
which, he described as “pre%>m-
inantly College Station first runs”,
Puddy said his financial statements
were open, to inspectioh at all
times. ( ! • ’
Boy Struck By
Car On Campus,
Injuries Light
Charlie (Skippy) Cad6 III,
son of Charlie Cade Jr,, man
ager of the Charlie Cade Mot
or Company, was hit; by a
car on Houston Street, back
of Bizzeil Hall yesterday after
noon at 2:30.
Skippy was being taken to an
art class in Bizzeil Hall by Theo
dore Banks, employee of Cade
Motor Company, when he was hit.
Banks let him out on the right
side of the street facing south.
As Banks pulled away from the
curb, the boy ran out from be
hind the car into the path of an
approaching automobile' dpiven by
Mrs. Thomas Angel, wlidse hub-
band is a junior veteringiy medi
cine major living in 'I’ifuiler vil
lage. -
Though Mrs. Angel Was going
very slowly, she ' said Skippy ran
in front of hef- so suddenly that
she was unable to stop sopiji enough
to avoid hitting him. j - ‘
The college ambulance carried
the seven-year-old boy tp (the col
lege hospital where he w^s exam
ined and X-rayed. After exam
ination of superficial bruises, Skip
py was taken home by hi? father,
more frightened than hurt;
Emergency State Calle
After Rabid Doa Scar
Early Morning
Blaze Destroys
Building “B”
Wire Outa Whack,
No News in Back
Price Say
“Profit sharing should start with
the - man who sweeps fldors and
continue; up through the business
organization,” R. J. “Dick” Price,
Dallas automobile dealer, told the
This Texas cutie in sporting at
tire—she’s been fighting off
homo sapiens during a crosstown
trek—is appearing as a remind
er that seniors must make reser
vations for Vanity Fair nomin
ations by Saturday, January 14.;
in ! The Battalion
rather startling
The AP wire
office emitted
new? yesterday.
From early morning until the
wire; service discontinued at 3 p.
m., the machine pounded out the
following hews items:
<•23-4059 $ (%) * 3—&&
O'^BK/rez... —&-*^: ART
4& $$$.
Wire copy is being forwarded to
the Army Security Agency vhere,
Charles Kirkham, wire editor/said.
ill Work
During the supper profit bonus
checks are distributed.
Benefits frhm his plan, Pricje,
said; include an exceedingly low
rate; of employee turnover. “They
Management last night/ “With
everyone participating —j helping
themselves and their employers—
everybody gains in profit shar
ing,” he continued.
Price, a former student lof A&M,
businessman, and an active civic
leader in Dallas spoke upon pro
fit sharing in a small | business
using his own company s/s an ex
ample. He defined profit) sharing
as “a prearranged ‘formula for
sharing of a company’s profits.”
Using a “simple, direct method”
he said that he has fouhd profit
sharing a means for better em
ployee moral (absenteeism, we
don’t have it), lower pperating
costs by cutting out wastjes, and a
great personal satisfaction. The
plan Price outlined as usjed by his
company gives 25% of j company
profits each month,, to employees.
Each employee receives j a share
proportionate to his earnings in
relation to the total payroll that
A company party is held each
month with a buffet supper served
for employees and them families.
, * ctv*; yji. tuiuuvci. X
Advancement of like; their jobs and feel a part of
What a Relief! ...
.—.—i "V
Helen Grayco Vocalizes,
Taritilizes in Jones 9 Shi
Helen Grayco, alias Mrs. Spike
Jones, is the only member of
Spike’s “Musical Depreciation
Revue of 1950” who ^doesn’t have
to squirt seltzer bottles, ring cow
bells, throw pies and shoot off
guns. .
Why, just take a look, bub, and
you will see what makes those
guys in Spike’s outfit behave the
way they do.
“Some shows have what they call
'comedy relief.’ ” explains Spike.
“Well, Helen is our relief fronj
The luscious Helen ha* what
comedian Doodles Weaver de
scribes as “the type personality
that all she has to do to enter
tain y«n ' 8 just stand there.”
Strangely enough, this type of
talent* always seems in demand
around these parts.
Helen is a native West Coaster,
bbrn in Tacoma, Washington, and is
now a resident of Beverly Hills,
* i • • . •
debut in
e has had
California, except when
Though “The Musical
tion Revue” marks her
the legitimate theatre, sli
considerable experience sjs a song
stress, having been featured with
Stan Kenton and Hal McIntyre and
on various radio programs
Southern California.
This lovely “morale
specializes in torrid Latln-Amer-
ican numbers and sophisticated
novelty tunes, but is e?(
fective with a lush
Some of her numberp
show include “Ca Ca
-You Can’t Bo W/roiig Dbingi
Right,” “Words and Music” and a,
satrical novelty numbei
“If I were President.”
Spike’s better half w
with his show in
Thursday, Jan. 19. Theie will be
one performance at 6:45] p.m. and
another at 9:00 p.m.
now be obtained at
Activities Office.
ually ef-
on the
£a rumba,”
the Company,” he skid.
Pince opened his talk with ;a
few remarks on going into busi
ness for yourself. “Get a profes
sion, a field of work you want to
folldw and learn it well,” he ad
vised- “You are only as efficient
: (See PRICE, Page 4)
The two-story eight-room frame
building housing two classrooms,
two laboratories and "tour offices
of the Business and Accounting
Department in the “Boom Town”
temporary building area was
badly damaged by fire early
Wednesday morning.
The inside of the building is a
practical loss. Adding machines,
calculators and other; equipment
were damaged beyond, repair.
The fire Was discovered at 4:20
a.m. Extent of damage and how
the fire started is noit known.
“Provisions will be made for all
classes. Students concerned may
find out from the Business and Ac
counting office where their classes
will be rescheduled,” said Dr. J. P.
Abbott, Dean of the School of
Arts and Sciences.
“But as of yet, I am not sure of
what provision will be made for
replacing the building,” he con
ge Station was proclaim-
Langford following a ie-
W. J. Melton Dies
In McKinney Tues.
Warren J. Melton, freshman
student at A&M, died in the
Ashburn General Hospital at Mc
Kinney Tuesday morning.
He' had been ill! for many
months and had spent the last four
months in the hospital- His wife
was at his bedside when he died.
One of his last requests was that
he might be able to spend Christ
mas with his wife and two children
at Bryan. He was brought, to their
home at 717 Lawrence St., in an
ambulance and returned to the
hospital several days j after Christ
mas. He was a war Veteran.
-Services will be held Thursday
at 1:30 p.m. in the Shannon Chapel
at Fort Worth.
Warren J. Melton was a mem
ber of the First Baptist church at
Bryan and a Mason.
He is survived by his wife and
two children, Judy Louise, 5, and
Warren Melton in, two years old,
and his father, W. J. Melton. 10400
Merrill Road, Dallas.
Business Was Dead
Hull, England—'A*)—Something
peculiar was going dn at Thomas
Taylor’s grocery. Fire trucks, five
taxicabs and a hearse bearing a
coffin all pulled up outside. Some
body had called them by tele
phone. 1
Chief Constable Sydney Law
rence was called in to find out
just what was going on. He decid
ed it was “a despicable hoax.”
, - A
■ Vi r
■ v
■■,:. T'K....
* * rip
Grayco, featured vocalist with the Spike Jones revue, plays
sticks, while Joe Siracusa, who brought along a few Instru-
ents himself, accompanies In another key. The revue will be on
campus January 19. ’ M . ■ : -I ••I .ji.-i
U ftp
J. B. “Dick” Hervey; execu
tive secretary of the.Association
of Former Students, has been
elected president of the Ameri
can Alumni Council, District 4.
Short Courses
On Ice Industry
Held onCampus
Obtaining ideas toward improv
ing the ice industry as their g oa b
approximately 100 persons are at
tending the Ice Merchandising
Short Course, now in session on
the campus until Saturday.
The course is being sponsored
by the A&M Industrial Extension
Service. All the meetings of the
course are held in Sbisa Hall.
Topics for conference discus
sion for the first two days were
“Building the Sales Organization”,
, and “Personnel Training”. Dis
cussion today centered on the sub
ject of “Increasing Sales Through
Supervision”. The evening hours
have been left open to allow mem
bers time for study periods.
Four extension service men are
leading the conference conducting
courses in the various fields of the
ice industry. They are D. L.
Belcher, R. A. Downward, W. W.
Mills, and L. L. O’Connor.
Aiding the directors in the
courses are men from the ice in
dustry. The subjects are “Princi
pals of Selling”, “Planning Mer
chandising Program”, “Commercial
Equipment”, “Vegetable, Fish and
Poultry”, "Domestic Refrigera
tors”, “Processed Ice”, and “Safe
ty”. There courses will be held
Thursday and Friday.
The final sessions Saturday are
to be used for: summation and re
A special session not formally
scheduled is to be a banquet in
Sbisa Hall Thursday night at 7.
C. O. Spriggs of the English
Department is slated to conduct
a general session Friday on public
speaking of the ice industry.
♦ A state of emergency for Col
ed Monday night by Mayor Ernesi _
port by the State Health Department that a dog killed here
January 1 was rabid.
The dog was killed by Raymond R. Rogers, College Sta
tion City Manager, after it had been at large four days. Dar
ing that time the child of its owner had been bitten and fcix
other dogs which were bitten were killed.
How many other animals were bitten during the four
days is not known.
—— -; The dog belonged to Mrs. A, B.
Robinson of Cooner Street in Col
lege Hills. Its head was sent to
Austin, Rogers said, and the Re
port | from the health department
was the dog was rabid.
While the dog was at large! it
roamed throughout the. entire cjity
so the possibility that other dogs
wete bitten is very likely, Rogers
M|ayor Langford, in addition ! to
declaring a stele of emergency
issued a proclamation calling
on all citizens of College Stetson
to faithfully observe an ordinance
prohibiting owners of dogs from] al
lowing their animals from roaming
the ] streets. !
Dogs running loose will be plck-
iip by College Station officials
:ency has
are {urged to report any untagged
trange animals they might see
,eir neighborhoods. :
e dog head which was sent
to (Austin Jan. 1 is ohfi of! S7
hea<is of small animals sent to the
Sta^e Health Department during
1949 and the first day of 1950.
Thijrty-five of these heads Were
reported as reacting positively to
e i
or »ti
in th<
p by College
the present emer{
declared at an end
Yasmin Doing OK
Lausanne, Switzerland, Jan. 11
—IA*>—Rita Hayworth and her baby
daughter, Yasmin, lare “making
completely, normal progress,” the
Montchoisi Clinic reported today.
Yasmin was born at the clinic
Dec. 28.
Crop Class Visits
Brazos River Farm
The agronomy forage crops class
visited the A&M experimental for
age crops plots on a field trip
t() the Brazos River Bottom Farm
Saturday afternoon.
Objectives of the trip were for
identification experience and to
study winter grasses and legumes.
Students were given production
data on the different forage plants,
and the growth habits and the im
portance of the plants in Texas
agriculture were explained. The re
cent cold weather provided excel
lent opportunity to study the cold
tolerant and mrost resistant qual
ities of the various plants.
A. W. Crain, assistant professor
of agronomy and an instructor in
the forage crops divisidh of the
agfronomy department, supervised
the trip.
ported negative.
The, heads of 14 cows and one
pig \tere also sent and all of
these were found to be rabid.;
Tfext of the mayor’s proclajma-
tioit is a follows: V
During the year 1949 the heads
of 72 animals suspected of (be
ing rabid were sent to tKd State
Health Department hi Austin
from College Station. This num
ber included dogs, cats, foxes,
raid large animals. Of the tqtsl
sent. 50 were definitely reported
as being ha bid.
As recently as January j 1,
1950 a rabid dog was taken only
after it had attacked and killed
six other dogs. How many others
it had attacked will probably
never be known. We do know
that this dog ran at large four
days after it had bitten the child
of the owner and that It roamed
throughout the entire area of the
The possibility of danger; to
opr people as a result of this re
cent outbreak created 1 a, condi
tion which we can no longer ig
nore. The City Council at its
regular meeting on Janusry 9,
1950 passed an ordinance pro
hibiting the running ai large of
dogs within our city! limits and
directed the Mayor to declare
ati emergency.
I therefore declare that i an
emergency exists, that the lives
of our people are exposed to
possible danger, and call upon
the citizens of College Station
to obey faithfully the provisions
of the ordinance prohibiting the
running at large of dogs within
the corporate limits of the city.
Witness my hand and seal this
the 10th day of January.
s/ Ernest Langford
Altteat: j , L ; .
s/ N. M. McGinnis,
City Secretary •! •;
661 Applicants For
Degrees on Jan. 27
A total of 661 graduates (and
undergraduate students have] ap
plied for degrees to be awarded
at the end of the Fall semester,
January 27.
Of this number 63 are candi
dates in the Graduate School While
the other 598 are candidates from
one of the three undergraduate
In the School of Agriculture 202
undergraduates have applied for
degrees while 116 undergraduates
in the Schocfl of Arts and Sciences
are candidates for January de
grees. A total of 281 undergrad
uates in the School of Engineer
ing have applied for degrees)
No graduation ceremonies! are
planned at the end of the semes
ter. Diplomas will be mailed to the
successful candidates by the reif' 8 "
tear's office-
Capt. Russell P.Holmes, Jr.,(right) receives the oath of offeec
from Capt. Albert Stpckell, local ORC Instructor, as he'is promoted
I Held lieutenant in the 352nd armored field artillery battalion.
Ags and Engineers
Argue by Magazine
'! I ■ ! t . ’ i.
The age-old Aggie argument,
that began when tftey put the “A”
and thfe “M” in our title in 1876,
is breaking out in the open this
month/ The Agriculturist and The
r fellow '*
Engineer, our
Goodwin Hall
publications, and the respective voi
ces of the Schools of Agriculture
and Engineering,; 1 are engaging in
a gentle tpyographic tiff over the
rqlatiye merits of pursuing a plow
or slipping a slide rulfe as the best
route; : to fame and fortune.
We were first Infonaefd of this
alphabetical altercation between
our title schools *vhen ! gentleman
Jim Parks, revered ramrod of the
Agriculturist, dropped past the of
fice jo bid farewell to the staff
before his January graduation.
“At least I’m leaving .'em some
thing solid as a going away pre
sent” he xaid- shoving : back the
crumpled paper, ante, {and coke bot
tles from the top of my desk.
Landrum Laces ’Em
Th|en he Went into a description
of tljis month’s Agriculturist;' The
man handling the blast at the En
gineers is Bee Landrum, on old
Batt writer who made good. Now
one of the big gears on: the Agri
culturist’s production j staff, Bee
takes a pictorial apd vernal tour of
the Schoql of Engineering, is
shocked to his very grass roots
by what he sees, aW decides that
Journalists Plan
! li 'y ^ a ' 1 ’ 1 ,'ft I i
Three NewCourses
A new course in advertising
copyand layout will be offered by
the A&M Department of Journal
ism the second semester,. D. D.
Burcbard, department head, said
today. jl>i T
The advertising course will be
one of the three courses scheduled
the second semester which will
deal with the business side of
newspaper work. Others are news
paper production and management,
and publicity and public relations.
Radio news, a 3-hour course in
radio writing techniques, will also
be taught by the journalism de
partment for the first time next
semester, Burcbard said. , -11
Including practical exercises in
copy and layout for various types
of publications, the advertising
course will stress retail advertis
ing for newspapers.
Texan Found Dead
In Isle Mountains
Rifle Team Meeting
Slated Thursday
All members of the Rifle Team
will meet at 7:15 p.m. Thursday
at the rifle range, according to
an announcement from the Mil
itary Department.
Firing for the Hearst Trophy,
the Fourth Army Intercollegiate
and the Air Force Intercollegiate
matches will be discussed, t
•iS’i — Two
Texan —have
in the Zam-
befen found beheaded
bales Mountains.
Paul H, Sarles,'36, Uvalde, Tex.,
and Frank Jirgl, 45, Spring Lake,
Mich., the victims, had been run
ning a 2,000 acre
i . ■ '
Their bodies were recovered
day by a constabulary patrol.
The patrol reported that the two
Americans apparently had put up a
stiff fight before they were hack
ed to death.
The patrol said the bodies had
been found on a hilltop about ^00
yards from their house. Residents
of the area said the slayin
ably occurred In mid-Nove
the East side' of the campus o
the only safe place for a man to be.
During his tour, the usual „
tactiturn' Bee is confused first ly
the steam lab boys n/easuring hone
power with nary a four-foot id
filly in sight.' WhCn he pass >8
through the physick labs and dia
covers their pursuit of dew poi it
has nothing to do With curing scr-
gbum hay, young Landrum warns
to get the inside word from the m m
in charge. After waiting for fo ir
hours in what he later discovers
is the Dean’s. Team line, Landrum
decides that •this te c ^ n ' ca * stlJ ^
is not for him, aftd goes happily]
back to his predictable Ag su b- j
ejects. ^ ■
Quajl, | Too
In addition to the Landrv m
treatsie bn how not to be taken in
technically, the January Agricill-
turist will feature aij article on t te
sporting Bob White] quail, written
by that old ' expert I On bird , do; rs,
Tim McPherson. J. T|. House is a so
among the preferred authors rar ks
Wit*( a full description of the T<x-
as veteran’s land njrogram.
i Another articles that looked gcod
on the proofs which 1 Parks packed
pridefully in hi? pocket was “C ut
Of tile Chutes”, a short piece on
the Aggie Rodeo by Boots Thom is.
Chief illustration on the rodeo y« rn
is a shot of Charlie Rankin, pe ;r-
less promoter of the Aggie Rodeo
squad, coming out of chute num’ier
three on a large, ragged roan. 1 t’a
the first time we’ve ever seen .he
ambiable Rankin without a brief
case in hi? hand.] ji
Series Feature,,. ,
Tarlcton College’? FFA judg ng
team is the subject of a second in-
a-serics feature, on A&M’s system
The Agriculturist, brigl tly
bound in a red and brown co' er,
complete with a lowing Longhmi
steer, will be out about Janutry
18. Parks said.
The Engineer, with a fitting re
ply on the faults of Ag majors by
Dave Sanders, will be out the fol
lowing week, Park theorized;
“Really, though,” he smiled, 'ln-
gering the Landrum story mian-
ingfully, “they might as well , ust
keep theite in the print shop. We
expect too many transfers to the
Ag department anyway.”
jTillie’s New Shop
Opened January l
The newest business establish
ment in College, Statiion is Til ie’s
Creatnland, opened Monday. . an-
uary 2. » ' j 1ft -,'
. 1116 new eating place is located
On_the site of the old Cream) ind.
Owners are Tillie and Oscar Giegg
who have renovated the place and
equipped it with the'most modern
developments. 7
The new Tillie’s will'offer the
standard soda service, including
malts, banana splits, and Home
made pies. Special lunches wijl be
offered to students.
Breakfast/ lunch, and supper
are availably and steaks, sand
wiches, and side orders will bi of
fered. A special chicken dinner
will be offered one day a ifeek,
either Thursday, or Sunday.
Tillie also owns Tillie’s Tti
Shop, in College Station. She
been in the tailor business here for
the past three years.