The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 06, 1950, Image 4
. Mooney Takes First Place In Annex Cross-Country Run Mike Mooney of Company 6 was the first to break, the tape of the Annex Intramural Cross Country run with a time of 6:22.0 over the 1.3 mile course. Carol .Libby of Jl Company 2 was. a close second place with-a time of one-tenth of a second behind the pace-setter, Mooney. Roy Moore, Company 7, with a time of 6:24.0 came in third. - J Mooney, who graduated from Wichita Falls High School, won District 3AA honors -in the mile run while competing for his school, -i '‘I thought the race was pleas ant and not too tiring because I had run the course two times be fore the race,” said Moo)rtey. Likes Running !l After the race, Libby __ "I would like to rijn track some more if I could make; the fresh-t man team.” Libby was a short distance runner at" Alviii Higlr School, and specialized mostly in the 100 yard, 200 yard, and quar ter mile runs. Moore, who took third place honors is a graduate of * Carter Riverside High Schoolip Fort Worth. He won seveijal first place ribbons in the low hurdle event. “The long legged boys ! had the advantage in the race,” says Moore Coming to Guion Hall Fredric March, portraying the discoverer of the New World, makes an impassioned plea for funds for his historic voy before Queen Isabella’s Royal Commission in J. Arthur Ru spectacular Technicolor production of “Christopher Coiumii _ — ■— fi—- “but we short boys had the wind.” Co. 4 Takes First Company 4 took first place in company standings through the ef forts of Deramee who finished fourth, Blackstone in the sixth place spot, and Olsen who followed in eleventh place. The Band came in second, fol lowed closely by Flight 9; with the Veterans and Company 2 fin ishing fourth and fifth respective- ly. ” The fir|st twelve men to finish the race in the order that they finished 1 are as follows: Mooney, Co. 6; Libby, Co. 2; Moore, Co. 7; Co. 4; Vanzura, Co. 8; Co,4; Baranard-, Fit. Co. 8; McDonald, Vets; Fit. 9; Olsen, Co. 4; Deramee, Black soch, 9; Arnst, Sunlather Harmilton, Fit. 10. Newman Home Leg! Improved Don Newman, Amarillo freshman who suffered a broken leg in a re cent auto accident, has been moved from the Amarillo hospital to his home where he Will remain until the first of March when the cast will I be removed. ■} Newman has received treatment in Decatur, Fort Worth, and Ama rillo hospitals in order to get his leg, Which is in a cast from his hips to his toes, set right. Although it was necessary for Newman to resign from the col lege. he plans to resume his stud ies (n Animal Husbandry as soon as the leg heals, i Kuala Lumper—bT)—Malaya is getting into the cocoa producing industry. As a first step the Ma layan Federation government has ordered 6,000 cocoa seeds from the Gold Coast. • jy- •••Jr Th ® Freshman Stanley Wi Allen Penselly Pat LeHlanC 1 Page Joel Austin \ Editor John McQulgg Associate Editor Eddie MtKlin^y J... .i Managing Editor 4 Newa Edltpr J '. ..Feature Editor Sports Editor We pay the highest prices for Used Books— We maintain wholesale and retail lists the year ‘round. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE SELLING THE EXCHANGE STORE "Serving Texas Aggies" Bull-Ring Mathematician Offers Annex Campusology By ALLEN PENGELLY The notorious bull-ring, famous to many Annex Cadets, is a won derful source for campusology in formation. By simply walking a- round the given area, much valu able data can be mentally com puted and later set down upon pa per so that It may be preserved for generations to come. The fol lowing is just a small portion of what may be learned while on a tour of extra duty. It takes five minutes to make one eomplete circle around the ring. Walking in the prescribed military manner, a cadet takes ; J v JV' ? At CORNELL and Colleges and Universities throughout the country CHESTERFIELD is the largest-selling cigarette FRANCHOT TONE Famous Cornell Alumnus, says: “Every time I open a pack of milder CHESTERFIELDS I know that every one will leaVe a clean, fresh taste in my mouth. No other cigarette does that for me. That's why Chesterfield is MY cigarette." STARRING IN "THE MAN ON THE EIFFEL TOWER" RKO RADIO RBLBAIB one hundred twenty steps, each thirty Inchee long, every sixty seconds. Therefore In one rev olution he takes six hundred steps, and walks a total of eigh teen thousand Inches, one thous and five hundred feet or five hundred yards. The minimum time for a tour of duty is one hour while the aver age tour is two hours in length. A cadet with one hour on the bull ring walks approximately three miles. Now if you happen to be an average cadet, you will Walk six miles or approximately ’the distance from the Annex to Bryan. Keep the above statistics in mind when you are tempted to vi olate any of the college rules which involve “only two hours on the ring.” More Information can be sub tracted from the hike n on “the last mile.” For Instance, did you know that there are twenty windows in the Annex phapel; ten large windows with thirty- two panes plus the twelve more in the two doors make a grand total of four hundred seventy- two panes In the entire Chapel. Add to all the figures that have been presented the fact that there are forty-eight cedar posts lining the driveway in front of the ad ministration building and you will have a rough idea of all the cam- pusolog.’ facts that can be com puted from one hour tour of duty on one of A&M’s oldest traditions, the bull-ring. j. Battalion , CLASSIFIED ADS | FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 19. r )0 k PA 1 AAi-lUr. . . SBe s word p*r tnMrtlon minimum, spium r*l« In mIiod . . . soc per column sei.i. With a battai.ion cuunufino AD. Raloc * — with a SBc Ctwelried Bcrl.wu . . . Inch. Send *11 clasclfiede with remit tance to tha Student Actlvlttea Office. All ada Chou Id be turned In by 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication. :j if.--- FQR SALK Official Student - Faculty DIRECTORY j ' / : of ' | 1 Texas A&M College 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 ! n r 1 i t. \ < or 1 ' 11. j h 'Mall .50c to ! jl STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A&M College College Station, Texas -LOST: Dec. 21. Gold Homiltoii WrW Watch. Liberal Keward. Tllaaa. 14-128. •V’LOST:.. Spttr tie chain with Manohlc Km- blem. Reward, C. W. LapdiAH. I >; .K. Dept. c«a-s>e=o —On Sale at Annexe- SNACK BAR & !l ' NEWS STAND HMALIe UOtIHK. on larke Clly UUlltlFM. !*rlc« •v#n you fttrd. Arm*, rtmith 1 Wrn. T. Allen, Boa 2027 ItlCfllHTKHKl) COOK Kit Spaniel inonlti* old, aired by Concs»|* Hob. nlww don. Immuhlr.eil fdi <l|ateit|, per; phpna'2-K74L 3U0 Kpcl« XW «•«•»!. Brynn, Texaa. 1H87 CHEVKOLBT. 208. Dorm 14. o^ Box 4**8. • foITrei LOST AND FOUND. MISCELLANEOUS olte RXPBRT REWEAVING doll* at my home. Damaged by burns, tenl-s, motji holes. Work guaranteed. Agnes Tydlacka. 2007 8. College Road. Phone 2|7i20. WILL KEEP CHILDREN for jWorkini mother by week - or month. Gall pit 6-2976, or see at 126 Cjoohdk £t. HELP . WANTED : Advertising f^lesman wanted for Student Publlcat'lonsJ Apply mnrninjfH at BATTALION adYiMtisIng desk. -I Dr. Carlton R. OPTOMETBIS' With Your Visual Probl 203 S. Main — Bi Phone 2-1662 Missing Mascot Stirs Annex Where is Dammit? That Is the unanswered question which has been circulating about the Annex since classes were re sumed Tuesday. Major W. B. Wood advised the Freshman Battalion that the Assistant Commundanys office had no news of the where abouts of the little brown and white spotted terrier (and other nationalities) which has been adopted as mascot of the Fresh man Regiment. ilg 1 me HESTERFIELD 6% 5% New Automobiles New & Used AUTOMOBILES FINANCED New and Used Phone 4-1232 Flop Colson Travis Nelson FOR MUSIC THAT CANT BE BEAT . . . It’s really a treat! > ! ' Buy that "AGGIE WAR HYMN” We all know that It’s the best In the land ... So buy ’em now while Lou has them on hand LOUPOT’S "Trade with Lou — He’s right with you” CLASS ’32 NOW ON DISPLAY...! COMPLETE SELECTION ’ BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS AND COLORINGS.... IU$T BRING YOUR ROOM MEASUREMENTS WITH YOU/ nrifti!! i '4n. . •ir. i YOU! Choict SPECUL ORDER PAPERS We can supply you with the finest imported or domestic patterns D available anywhere . . . many ex- J elusive with us! For distinctive T wa"p.per* « CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS OF PATTERNS ... PRICES RANGE UP TO SINCE 1888 1: , HATTERS ZMAMf/nCAS i W/mm£ TOP AffAt/At SPORTS W/7W rff£ HOUYWOOD STARS IUM, iiMiin 4 M<l» fuxwu) Cu Notional College Station Representative — Lou|H>t's Trading Post