The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 20, 1949, Image 3
vr *51 V. ■ ' . . | - ' . - ‘ 1 SWC Cfi r^. • ; J ; ; >'V '■ *•' '1 I ¥K'S . ■l: '■ 3-f:' '■ \ H'n “'•v^ I ared Badly In \ 1 A fcl agers Last Week’s Intersectional Plaf ' \' HY HAROLD V. RATLIFF Awwditrd PrcM Sports Editor ' I — i; 1 Th« Hwithwoit Copferonce’i head not only 1« bloody but bowed In the three weeks of the basketball ' r campaign. L Intoriurtionally. the Southwcut is a big washout. The boys haven’t played each other yet but the re- , suits against outside opposition In dicate there isn’t a strong team in the flock. i Lust‘■week they lost nine inter-: sectional games while winning only three.. That brought the record for * the season to date to seven wins against twenty defeats. That’s not ' even mediocre. —- t \ Humiliating , And some of the lickings ab- * > sorbed were quite humiliating. For instance Baylor, one of the confer ence favorites, was whammed by Kansas State, 30 to 78. Arkansas, 63 to 65, and Indiana, 50 to 75. Texas Christian, which hadn’t lost a -gtyne until last week, was swamped by Bradley, 49 to 85. Southern Methodist was tumUed by Colorado, 48 to 71, and Texas Chris tian was licked byr St. Louis, 58 to 80. i It will be a relief when conference games start and quintets can quit worrying d protection of life and limb. | The only Intersectional registered last week were ft 58-to-50 decision over Ant Toxrta Christian’s 87-to-85 vi( [dyer Missouri and Rice’s 60- trimming of Southwestern LouJM- ana Institute. Texas and Rice showed the mdst improvement, Rice previously had lost to SLI, 26 to 42. Texan not only whipped Arizona, which beat Texas A&M, 58 to 50, but we: it all out in an 84-to-37 rout of Tnhtty University. McDowell Second It enabled Tom Hamilton, big Texas forward, to take over *ihe scoring leadership. He came all thc way from sixth to the top with- his 114 points. Jewell McDowell, Texas A&M guard, forged from fifth to second place with 112. Southern Methodist plays dm er game with Colorado at I Monday night Tuesday night) lor goes against Tulane at San An- tohio and Texas Christian plays Wichita at WichiU, Kan. .Wednesday and Thursday Rice tries Colorado at Boulder, Sbuth- cm Methodist plays MiHoari at Dallas Friday and Saturday, and Arkansas engages Oklahoma ARM at Little Rot k Thursday. Other games find Texas ARM taking on North Texas State at College Station, and Texas enter taining University of , Houston at Austin Tuesday night. Last Week’s Results Texas ARM 66-73, Abilene Chris tian College 45*38. Texas Christian 37-45, Missouri 35-54. Baylor 52, Texas Wesleyan 51. Rice 68, Sam Houston State 48. West Texas State 46, Texas 42. Howard Payne, 57, Southern Methodist 56. j ) Illinois 65, Arkansas 53. Indiana 75, Arkansas 50. Bradley 85, Texas Christian 49. Kansas State 78, Baylor 30. Texas 58, Arizona 50. Rice 60, Southwestern Louisiana Institute 40. Texas ARM 67, Trinity 49. hern Methodist nHHNHM! Nebraska Texas 84, Colorado 7L 48. I ; Arlxona 56. Texas ARM 50. This Weok’s Schedule Tuesday—Baylor vs. Tulane at San Antonio, Texas ARM vs. North Texas State at College Station, Texas vs. University of Houston at Austin, Texas Christian vs. Wichita at Wichita, Kan. ! Wednesday—Rice vs. Colorado at Boulder. " [ Thursday—Rice vs. Colorado at Boulder, Southern Methodist vs. Missouri at Dallas, Arkansas vs. Oklahoma' ARM iF Friday—Southern Methodist vs. Missouri at Dallas. Leading Scorers HamUtoriTTexas fj.... 4°! 32 U4 McDowell, ARM, G;.... 39 34 112 McDermott, Rice, C .... 40 26 106 Davis, ARM, C .... 38 28 104 Brown, SMU, F J 38 23 99 Hudspeth, Ark. F .... 39 12 Reynolds, TCU, f . .. 30 24 DeWitt, TCU] d .... 29 18 Freeman, SMU, ^ Battalion Gift Shoppers Guide Most Gifts Look The Same 31 .1 C* Bryan T 1 In a box by the Christmas Tree but YOtJR GIFT » * will be remembered long .. if it comes from 7 t T (-* T> WtM8(LRlEY •STONE • DANSBV CLOrMERS COLLEGE * SEVAN ' College . A Fine Piano - - Precious Joy lor i i Years to done! e 'a # A piano in youf home i a priceless combination musical joy, education fine culture. Hite YuIA give a worthy gift! piano! Let us show you our wide selection of pianos. Smart decorator-design spinet and grand piano types. .•/...A. L t.' . • • 1 ’• •• •• '■ vr . ' ' • I • . . W -I Select your gift piano with out a worry about your biud- get. Our convenient budget- payment plan makes your pi ano purchase an easy oriel, ir : r ;: i - ■ I V ! i Peters Music Cc Across from the Post Office Bryan : -t • I OPEN EVENINGS m - .• O \ !' its I - 1 . r , ,1V; V . v I It Is the Truly Personal Charm '' ' ■ ! ■ That Makes Your ... k PHOTOGRAPH y , . ■ f s' :! I ' Such A Welcome Gift! I :N ■ ; J - “ r" ' ; i- t AGGIELAND STUDIO i • I - ‘' ,k I ' Photographs of Distinction T II ; ■ ■.ii.i ij fx .f. .,. Gifts for HER — For HIM — For the FAMILY SPORTING GOODS ... GLASS WEAR . . . FURNITURE .. . RADIOS k , i ...LAMPS ... Toys ... APPLIANCES Gifts that will long be remembered Open Until 9 P. M. Every Thursday North Gate Henry A. Miller Co. College Station — • • • At Last HERE IS SANTA’S ANSWER j j to that Christmas Problem! Aggie Jewelry — at — V2 Price Vs >' f , ■ ' ' Formerly ..$3.00 —. 6.60 3.00 4.80 6.00 - 2.90 ' I; Now $1.50 3.30 1.50 2.40 3.00 1.45 BELT NECK P I N BRA KEYCHAINS BARGAINS GALORE ... STOP IN AND SEE THE MANY VALUES WE OFFEBjYOU A smaU deposit will hold any article until Budget your payments - - - 1 -i ,| las our easy payment plan Viraer’s Jewelry Store • v North Gate i i j ;V jb- M isi M - Battalion SPORTS Fage I TUES., DEC. 20, 1949 (Jv. K m ■} ■ ! . - -J— -•■if || r : • { Hil ■! Pictured above are a group of the outstanding candidates who are competing for berths on the Aggie mile relay team. From left to right, Don Mitchell, Ja Robert Atkins. "l : ames McCai Jl’j rty, Benton Terry, and ' ± 'i IK !• Mile Relay Team to Compete In Sugar Bowl Ttitck Meet Texas A&M College, king bee in Southwest Conference track and cross country circles for the past two years, will send five athletes to the Sugar Bowl track meet at New Orleans later this month. Ray Holbrook, present holder of the SWC 440-yard dash record and a member of thw Aggies’ crack mile relay team last spring, will enter the half- mile event. The sturdy- legged* Baytown product will be wearing the Aggie spangles for the last time since he will not be eligible for varsity competition next spring. A ^uartermiler Although Holbrook is best known as a quarter-miler, he once com peted as a half-miler and placed In that event at the Sugar Bowl soon after being discharged fron) the service three years ago. He has been impressive in recent < time trials. Coaches Frink Anderson and Ray Putnam also will take the ntw version of the Aggie mile re lay team. The Cadets won this event last Sugar Bowl meet, but only Donald Mitchell is back I from lust season’s fast foursome. The' fiery little competitor from Deer nip the ui Hoi Hat lie Park will run the anchor [ lap. Robert Atkins and Don Mngle- Mexia ■ Littlefield Game Dec. 26 To Close Schoolboy Grid Race BY WILBUR MARTIN i Associated Press Staff Writer Texas schoolboy football, whic^ figured to wind up the 1949 season this week, now must wait until the day after Christmas to call it a year. * Football teams of Mexia and Lit tlefield agreed Sunday to meet at Fair P^iir stadium in Abilene on Monday, Dec. 26, to decide the Class A championship of Texas. Pass defense helped Wichita Falls roll over Highland Park. The Coyotes intercepted five passes and two intercepted set up Wichita Falls’ I touchdowns. Wicnita Falls will meet Austin for the Class A A crown at Fort Worth’s TCU stadium at 2 p. m. Friday. Austin upset Port Arthtfr, 20 to 14, last week to advance Ito the finals. Wichita Falls blanked Highland Park (Dallas), 21 to 0; Littlefield whipped Garland, 27 to 13, and Mexia edged Uvalde, 7 to 6. Grid Power The finals will match exponents of power football. Wichita Falls has a terrific ground game, while Austin has used little else in running over twelve of thirteen opponents this year. Wichita Falls is undefeated and untied, as is Mexia. Littlefield’s ground game has been spectacular and it is this fad that makes the South Plu^hs e’.eveto a fkvorite over Mexia. Both Wichita Fails and Austdn have won state titles beforfc, but this ik the fiPst time that Lit tlefield and Mexia have been this far in the Class A rtree, playing td a state championship for the sec ond season. Bobby Warren and John Salyer combined to rip Port ..(Arthur’s rugged line to bits. They carry the backfield punch for Johnny Kitch en’s Maroons. Jimmy Self, Tommy Fields and Bill Waggoner are the backfield ncos of Wichita Falls. . Biggest Threat Littlefield’s biggest backfield threat is Tommy Bailes, while Mexia has Derrell Carlile.tol spark its scoring. | * J It is no surprise that Wichita Falls and Littlefield are in the finals of their respective races. But Mexia and Austin are definite sur prises. Mexia had to knock out the pre season Class A favorite,! New Braunfels, in the playoff and Aus tin ran up against Port Arthur, the team sportswriters had tag ged the best in the state! hart have made two ,of the other three positions on the team and the third will be known today. Bernard Place, Benton ftrry, and James McCarty ire waging a hot buttle for the tffird berth. ; M Los Angeles, Calif,, Dec, 20 — (AD) 4- The Philadelphia Eacles marched through mud ami sailed through the air Sunday to crush the L A. Rams, M to 0, and w|n! tho Na tional football League, champion ship for the second Ktifnlght 'year, Biggest disappointment was the weather and the crowd—^nly 22,- 245 fans braved the belting run to see the [battle of tpejmud. The I Eagles, masters >: f ih every important department of play, left nq rOtmi for doubt that they (gee EAGLES, Page.4) • ■ iivr*" 1 ' ■ r. IM A&M a varsity cage team takes to the hardwobds in De- Ware Field House tonight to meet Uw' cage team from North Texas State College at 8. This ifi the third home appear ance fdt the Aggies this season and is their final one here until after Christmas holidays. , [ i! Tick of theijAthlc Managtu Howard Nelson Uhletij) Department paid yesterday that beginning with this game, hml continuing throughout the rest of the season, student* Will be'admitted on the first tomc- fiCst served bniBk. He said that the alphabetical procedure used for studentt admission had been ' dis carded Permanently. Nelson also added that thbre were nq restric tions i bn non-students attending gamek. Admission for non-students is 50<* and 25jf. j The Eagles fropi North Texas to date have met teams from Aus tin 'College, Baylor, Texas, West Texafi State, Central Oklahoma State,, and Southwest Texas State. Of |thiL teams named above, only the Austin College five has met defeat at the hands of the Eagles up (to yesterday.' I ' ') j ; u Six Lettcrmen ' , | Eagle Coach Pete Shands has six lettermen returning to his fold from the L948-49 team. From these six will come tonight’s start ing: lineup. This-year's co-captains, Bennie Rutherford and Ed Kelly, arc certain starters for tonight’s tilt a$ is Don Deardorff, three- year letterman from Illinois. ftic other two starters will come fpom Dick Wall, Tom Edwards, and Charles Jhonson, a six fodt, six :V ! / incher. 'Coach Marly KaroW’s Aggie cagers will play in their final - home smpearance of the year to- j night. They will play on the west; coast during the Christmas holt- \ da K 1/ if •/: . ■ .!. M JL Starters The Ktnrtihg. five for the Aggies | to he J<thh nbow at for- • t center, and \ Jewel. McDowell und Wally Moon * at (he guards, j • ! i j i; ' • • • //. ' j . ■ .1 . I ‘j Jl ;< , , j /Also cxpccUmI to see service for A&M; tonigfit are Marvin Martin, Glenn! Williams, und Sydon Hrach- ovy at forward, Kbit Sutton at! cenU-r, and Mike Garcia, Woody Walker, Bobby Parmer, and Ed die Houser at tho guard positions,; j.On their trip wc^t during thu holidays, the Aggies will meet Arizona in Tucson on Decj 27, tin \\ University of Califoiniu on Dec. 2i iin San Francisco, land Stunfolt University on Dec. .'ll) in Han Fran- ciscd. . 1 111’ n VIII I'l il|^ .11 Vv |U| tonjkht is c)i}»c»* l DeWitt uml Bill Turnl warils, Buddv Davis at If Momngs every cotyp nan sM<J knew! m J : I t-i I 1 : - ’ 7Tim is a girl athlete. Kikes tennis— eager for loin: match. Hood golfer \ hut heart belongs to caddy. Even tries to imd,v the fttotlxdl . Dangrous cxitomil to a ’'frlanhuttan" shirt. • ■: Tl t i-i Sure-fire formuia {or smoother • | Ij. !■ i,A / dressing. Our complete line of. GS&m&Utoui shirts, pajamas) V j neckwear, sportshirts, handkerchiefs; underwear and basque shirts. v MKM9 CbOTXlN* ’ ttNCft *941# . : i; a Ik: it / : V; “ ,,-k f I I I : ' ll: 'If]* . , 7W., h l*<- -Umhmn' man. Variation of the u idcspivtid colU>r—rounded extra sharp. Sise-Fixt dal shrinkage l% or less). \ /Hants . (average fabric - i! CAMPUS FAVORITE i/ jt ‘ • r\ V: l . £ ■ F W J V ■■ i i o- •• If g ■>