The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 16, 1949, Image 3
Kir-. m ; T144 — ■¥— ,i • ' i Gaining: fame and recofrhition about as fast as he scampers across the hardwo6d»7 Jcwelli Mc Dowell, Aggieland’s all-cohfer- ertcc guard .candidate, was selected for the second^straight week as the Star of the Week by the Batt sports staff. Startling pljay op the part of Although playing only hhlf a sea- seon with the Maroon apd- White McDowell in -the Oklahoma and St. Louis games won him the honor this week. , his toughest competition awai f this week, as t flash in the same two gam ed U points besides rugg ?d brand of ball d hoop Dowell will probably^ he A&m’s last four-year etterman. edge^s last season, he camejthrough in excellent fashion, win ring him- Tho littli man from Amariilo j 8elf f major varaity ktt!r - ! led his- teammates offensively in with two and a half teasotW;Of I both contests, scoring 18 points in -- - 1 • • ’ ! the St. Louis fray and slipping : through the hoop two field goals and four free throws in the game against the Okla. Cowboys. ^ ^ Oklahoma’s; All-American can didate Gail McArthur had 'con siderable trouble from the Aggies’ ! fi’8” pack of speed. McArthur was | busy with Johri DeWitt, Aggie for ward, in the first half, but was assigned to McDowell in the sec- I ond periodi • ' i v .<i “Little Mac" held McArthur to three points during his stay with the Okife Aggies’ best defensive man, while scoring eight himself, in the St. Louis contest, ai-; j Uunighmn.t playing his usual brand 1 of defensive ball, McDowell man aged to lead the Aggie lit the hard fought contest by tallying - 1H I: points* eligibility left, and a freshman numeral of last year, th ; ?0-yea old guard ought to leave Aggie- land in ’52 with a varied j collec tion of awards. (?■ foil the ’aco i Paces Harriers I^gst season Mcbowel competition in mid-seaion, man aged to collect 62 points-|n eight games, while being gi arded by such defensive aces as S tin, and Bill DeWitt. entering ater Mar- v. • j •" I ■■■.' r Fayetteville (AP)—Dr. be named to .idiot the Arkansas (back football Jonhs said head coach Barnhill wbuld stay on at the University a? athletic director. caflec Dr. Jones cafled a meeting of th|c entire student body ati the AhoS 11 iZ7 niphti in the second game of a Udiversity. About 1,50(1 students: .... sr u p(4ll , p .r* t i, p npw in physi is consid- Married and majoring cal education, McDowell ered the best cage prospect to en ter Aggieland in recent years. | | ' j ; Af his prevent pace it won’t take? the shifty eager long to con vince sports funs that he ii just thatl-Scoring. «n uveratr of 12.5 poinjls a game*, McDowe 1 has sunk 27 llicld goals and 25 clitrities for a total of 7',I points to had all oth- .luhn DeWitt, the Aggies fl'd" | er Aggie hnsketbnllers in thd seor- foruurd, prulmbly gave McDowell lug [bracket. were on hand in! the field house to h(|ar the announcement. He said the name of the new I ) cojach to replace Barnhill would b<f announced today. With the signing by Dutch Mey-i ei of u new three-year TCU con- j tract and the.settling of difficulties involving Boh Woodruff at Baylor, it appears that the hiring of a new o ., ... -> , Parker coach Svill be the only Southwest (onfercnce ; j among Southwest Confer. champUmship cross country t«*»n i ,. 0 a C hes will participate in the Texas AAU e ’'" ^ a(1 . meet in i Houston tomorrow. Jui-1 However, Bully Gilstray oi Tex- ian Hep-ring is the pre-meet favor- ' * 1as ^ en switched from a coach- ite to cop the title won last year, ing position to a front office job bv A*rrie J. D. Hampton. Herring 4 1'™°" worker with alumni Um ' ULIAN HERRING I' l-' hi h f h e m aroon Ark. Dec. 10 Lewis Webster AAM’s Trinity in Sait V Jcnea, president of the Uni versity of Arkansas, said LThuraday a new coach would be named Riizorback football team. ’a resurging jgroons left it i Alamo Stadium Gymnasiuii. The ' .f-oo^n Antonio f-‘ X ^ one this afternoon fo, and an opportunity to raise their j Opening wjuatie"at*i”p. m" season win average to a healthy' . , . ,1 The t.o Artie who will attempt to thwart the Ag , g am e ends, but the contest should ambitions are the Trinity Tigers j start about 9:46. The Cadets were and Arizona Wildcats. originally assigned the curtain “V h.. i. The Cadets will face Arizona to- ght in the second game of a _ double bill schedule for the new have caused a probable raiser in the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce-sponsored ? i double header, but travel requirements »le swit itch to k* late ga Saturday Conference fiv< with the the first til m. Texas w cats in ithel Odds Against Two Wins ange ying begins at & n. on the W(ldt game/ ? 'I Chances arc.tho not take two vietd end games as! ‘>J j r; ti the Cadets will lien In the wdek- eX|K*rts’’ ha\[e] al ready given the Win-nod to 'AHz- Cadets’ Top Reserve junior crown in '48. " i I ' * . Seven crons country men will be chosen to represent A&M out. of a group |of eight harriers now com peting] for the team. Runners in- elude Herring, Robert Allen, Jerry Bimncn. John Giirmauy, Calvin IIuhcrl, Howard Jones, Jim Mr- M'thon. and Alexander Orti/.. Charlie Hudgins said Mauriee Isirarine, top Pish distance men, will also be entered, but will run unattached to the Aggie team. groups. J. T. King, A&M end coach, iJ leaving College Station to re- pace. GiUtrap as the Steer end ntentor. H: Battalion SPORTS FHI„ DKC. 16, UMU Page 8 1lp« . i,- ..I ..-4—— "■ i —— I ! -I Battalion Gift Shoppers Guide It Is the Truly Personal Charm That Makes Your ... . PHOTOGRAPH Such A Welcome Gift! AGGIELAND STUDIO Photographs of Distinction wm -mm IM r A Fine Piano - - Procioiis Jo) (or v Years lo (’oil A piano in your horne a jiricqJcsH combination muuical joy, education ind ' line culture. Tbit; Yulcj-j— give a worthy gift! Give a piano! Let us show you our wide selection of pianos. Smart decorator-design: spinet and grand piano types. r % i +' mm Select your gift pinno; with out a worry about your bud get. Our convenient budget-* payment plan makeu your pi ano purchase an easy one! i1 ■! ] Peters Music Co. J i Across from the Post Office | 1 OPEN EVENINGS •.i U, An Excellent Gift for HER . . . CANNON NYLON HOSE | 51 Gau|e^^ Den ! r | Box of 3 for $3.50 Pruitts ^ I CUC tkeauhj SOUTH SIDE ric j SHOP COLLEGE STATION i , L : r h'- ■ Most Gifts Look a me In a box by the Christm as Tree but YOtfR GIFT will be remembered long . if it conies from 7 1V II Uryan WIMBE«UEY S lONE- DANSBV WTOCtZ CLOTHIERS ( OIJ-KOK a BHVA.X College will be a sligh ond game, h mo wue ha\[e s to 'Ah a if.; He in the k*c- ona in tonight’s cofttest. A A M light f»#rl‘ .he Trinity defeated the Mu 56-49, last season In the. Ags’ fii'fit game. The Cadets had led until: the closing minutes q£ the clash *rhcq the Tigers roared from seven points back to overtatorfnd best thejvis* iting Farmers. Reports are that the Sain An tonio club hajs moat of its men back from last ►•ear/ Some idea of the TigeriT strengUi can be gathered from thivftwt that Trin ity beat Texas Tejph, 66-58, a ■\vcck ago. Wildcats Afa Champs The first Ag opponent, Arizona, has been champion of the Border Conference foi- thp past four yiears. The last two years the Wildea,ts have been recognized by being asked to participate in playoffs with the SWC winner irt order to determine ! the aoulhwewt repre sentative ip the NCAA champion ship matches. In ’48 the Sunshine Staters fell before the Koblnsun-puecd Bruins, hut last winter i they turned the tables on the MnpIlHlH aiu| ile 47. Ark’i Eddie Houser, fi-foot sophomore from Big Spring, is the number one reserve for the Aggie eagers. He, Ken Sutton, Marvin Martin, and Mike Garcia provide the Maroon quintet with tv capable re serve of players who can produce good results when railed on to replace one of the first string performers. Houser scored 6-1 points as a forward on the l-lsh squad last winter. This year he is playing both forward and guard for Marty Karow’s team. fcated thorn, 6r>.j47. ArkaiiHaij, iho tea Team | la Urn Coach K graduate, thi i '■ defeatjid Krdd Enke, a Minnvsoti , has guided his team to four victories without a' lbs* *o far this season. Victimk of 4ho Wildcats ha\ c been the, San DtOip Nav-ql Air Station, twice, Culvei- “tockton *Cc liege, and iCalifoniiu j olytechnic. J | >* ii Last year the Wildcats won II only J .. wins w*»e their. Cflr- with litlJe games whiU* dropniiig However,' most of their within the ;onfinea of fejence and they ,me^ iuccCss in intersectioiu 1 compel ce Enke took ov|er the cojaclji- Oina at the Tuscon schoof, has (won 85<! games and lost on y 166. Because of his fine! record ai d interesting remained a 6,900 studepts at school. i, stylo i 1 I III J anft y he hos constant idol of the the Thre^ Regular T 1 and thiitl left scorei-s tionr he stiH has tic Although Enke loHt , s thret* top scorers fr< squad. Leoii Blevins, # who won a 1-confererlcr a I fjoi ward last 1941) team vlrith a total elf HOI* poirjts in 28 ganus for u 18.57 average. He is continuing his putt ilim yeur, too. ^' I Jwl At the < thpr forwn or lelti rrnan,-Bo » Jun util zed hi- mlrits for ant USS' a%4! K < V W® ‘fc T'-f nr- ***. Wda tnU in the finial playoff gaftiu, however. {.HfM*r iiatm meshes The hiuit*-uillfdrmcd fpilntei ein-j Roger .lohnson,Who it * a frevhn ploys the weffterin wide-open style, led his tetm with 1 Ml points fast hieak offense. .Shifting,: mmi* 1 111 games, 4-—-i-L—— -J.. fT"j * f f : Western I, ' 1 Backs his second by gradta- remainiig m Itis ’(19 B’2" senior honors a« paced t he If A, I" Ut| fat d slot ii Iliini'U i*k ui II 6.7 avjtriige us a s wlnte *. As a rroihmun yeap hefon* Hortea* averaged pfilrils i»lur in tiaeh j'lmtcst, t Geo Johnson, ((' if ignui'il v mi ferrlng fidm Glln T shes for i|J26 points in I '49.; Teamlig with hiihl ls 0’ H" Wtph ■7 inn in ‘ Se ^o 1 WASH & GREASE j f - j *f} L if- : : 'I ' • J.‘ j j ; { - * : ( Our service is prompt. .. satisfactitin ix guamntccxl j * k $1.50 tncl youi 721 N. Main 1 4^- ROBESON MOTOR CO. Phone 2-8810 “T At Last SWER 1 Problem! } HERE IS SANTA’S AN to that (Jiristinas Aggie Jewelry at — Price r buckles lCES BRACELETS fCHAINS .. IS GALORE . - MANY VALUES WE O A small deposit Will hold any particle j ; | until Christmas T J ts will l ' Now $1.50 3.30 1.50 2.40 3.00 3.45 SEE THE YOU Budget your payments with our easy payment plan ■i *• VafBer’s Jewelrj[ St North Gate Li. i iV'i'.1 .VJ 1 i i Bryan Ii 1 ' 1 TT Aggies, Use Your Credit! It’s Good!.. ] POTTS JEW EUtV Buy Out of Ymir Allowance Next Year ,1 IE [5 BULOVA WATCHES FIN! AMDNpS 2 )ii|a.As f.tHr Weekly GO DDES OF TiMK 17 ,1—$37.50 81.00 Weekly ANSON TIE CLASP $1.50 Sunbeam App •1-- YKLLOWGO I, I $155.00 COKIIIME JEWEERY 1 j! YELIAIW. GOLD $185.00 Weekly ■ill r . * f f? Be , K - if M ii i)| j IRON $12.95 llWc Weekly 'W#''' TOA.STMASTER $22.50 i’I t ’ if : .I V- J: ' VELI/)W GOU) BRACELET l $12-00 WH Wek I; $u. 50<- Wi ckly. t • ■ H |, ■. fl / i • • ' : l r V , .. ■ ( '■J r r T ■BIB •‘Next to 'Ckjr National Bank" Charlie W: • 3 ' '45 wr I':;'" *l.vj COFFEE $12.95 Vk Weekly , •" '' . i . ’ !! n \\<\ \ ! ■ TT ’j't If