I v^ ' ,: '' v ; • _ i VS \ Y Pistol Team Wins Three-way Ma The A&M pistol team added an other victory to its string last week by defeating the University of Illinois and Colorado A&M Col lege in a three way pistol matth, according to Lt. Colonel ^Frank R. Swoger, sponsor of the team. Scoring 1,371 points out of a possible 1,500, the Texas Aggie team copped its seventh victory in eight starts, having. lost once to Colorado A&M earlier this year. Colorado A&M and Illinois U. scored 1,298 and 1,237 points res pectively. High man for Texas A&M was J. V. Aalto with 284 out of a possi ble 300 points. Close behind were A.'W. Benefield, 282 points, and H. Q. Haile with 277 points. -Oth er high men were Ted Means, ,266 poihts; A. M.; Kenny, 262 points; and W. G. Long with 252 points. Each man fifes three tar gets at slow' timed and rapid rates of fire. . \ i _ Colonel Swoger v has scheduled 45 postal matches for the. team this year. Each team counts ltd fiv< highest men during the week of the match and mails the results to the participating teams beforei ndd- AH Profs Present Papers in Chicago The team will fire against Utah State University this week.| Fish, Game Party Planned on Friday The Fish and Game Clpb will have its annual Christman party Friday, December 16, it was an nounced today by Jack Mitchell, chairman of the Christmas Party Committee. All members are urged to at tend and bring their wives, child ren and dates. Old Santa has been ipvited and is expected to attend and bring with him presents I for all persons at the party. I I Ai Last HERE IS SANTA’S ANSWER to that Christmas Problem! ■: • , .. ■ j , : ' ' j! j Aggie Jewelry Price Formerly Now ' BELT BUCKLES $3.00 $1.50 NECKLACES 6.60 3.30 PINS 3.00 1.50 BRACELETS 4.80 2.40 6.00 13.00 KEYCHAINS :..... 2.90 1.45 BARGAINS GALORE . .. STOP IN AND SEE THE MANY VALUES WE OFFER YOU t . ' . ' | • j A small deposit will hold any article * until Christmas Budget your payments with our easy payment plan i Varner's Jewelry Store ' > North Gate Six members of the Animal Husbandry department presented before the annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Pro- duction in Chicago, Nov. 25 and Bruce L. Warwick, R. O. Berry, R. D. Turk, and C. O. Morgan presented a paper on selection of sheep and goats for resistance to stomach ailments. A report on results of a year’s improvement of sheep through se lection of good breeding stock was presented by W. H. Damerson, J. C. Miller, J. M. Jones; S. P. Davis, and R. E. Patterson. Performance testing of beef breeding! stock asan aid to stock selection was the subject of the paper authorized by R. E- Pat terson, J, H. Jones, J. J. Bayles and R. y. Tumbough. A study of embryo breeding was done by A. A. Melton, R. O. Ber ry, and O. D, Butler. Fred Hale and C. M. Lyman dis cussed Vitamin B-12 for growing pigs, and L. C. Cartwright and R. H. Shrode gave a study on inheri tance color markings in Hamp shire swine. Eskimo Beautician To Beautify Eskimo Girls Dallas, tP)—Bill Asharuk, an Es kimo from Nome, Alaska, has en rolled in a Dallas beauty school. He iwants to go back and beautify Eskimo women, he said. Q SliOfufu+uj, ^bcuyi ^ till G liAiitntCiA, Watch for the [battalion SHOPPER’S I, GUIDE “Your Market Place of Bargains” v M. I vM. \ Having Roommate Trouble? (We mean the — “What’ll I give Him for Christmas kind!) t - \ 11 WE HAVE ALL THE ANS (Just like Dr. Anthony) ■I . . / ' : I ;• , : I ! 'J I . j • TIES • JEWELRY • • SOCKS & LOAFER SOCKS • SWEATERS • SPORT SHIRTS Y • DRESS SHIRTS . • GLOVES ’• BELTS & SUSPENDERS • HANDKERCHIEFS WERS: .♦j • PAJAMAS & ROBES ® JACKETS ® TOILETRIES . I wofidtaop a po. Hint CkOTHIN* 1 •INCH —r 0.1' 'll' I'J I. ; i .1 > li : ; lli - AAC - (Continued from Page 3) thical honor group, not the team playing at the Shamrock affair— were dominated by the 49ers, Browns, and Yankees. Alton Bald win of Buffalo (Arkansas ’461 and Martin Ruby of New York (A&M ’41) both made the second team; Baldwin at end, Ruby at tackle. Honorable mention was awarded to several other S WC and Texas players: end Jack Russell of New York (Baylor); tackle Forest Grigg of Cleveland (Tulsa and Kilgore, Tex.); guard Weldon Humble of Cleveland (Rice): and center Bill Johnson of San Fran cisco (A&M and Tyler JC). \ The first team backfield consist ed of Otto Graham, Cleveland; Chet Mutryn, Buffalo; Buddy Young, New York, and Joe Perry, San Francisco. Linemen on the first string were ends Mac Speedie, Cleveland, and Alyn Beals, San Francisco; tackles Arnold Wein- mester, New York, and Lou Rym- kus, Cleveland; guards Visco Xirgich, San Francisco, and Dick Barwegan, Baltimore, and center Lou Saban, Cleveland. Second Team Strong Second team backs were Frankie Albert, San Francisco; George Talifero, Los Angeles; Bob Hoern- schemeyer, Chicago, and Marion Motley, Cleveland. Second string linemen were ends Dante Layelli, Cleveland, and Baldwin; tackles John Kissell, Buffalo, and Ruby; uards Bill Willis, Clevetapd, and oe Signaigo, New York, and cen ter Bob Nelson, Los Angeles. A dozen Texas or Southwest Conference players now perform ing in the two pro loops were in cluded among the honorable men tion winners listed by the Asso ciated Press on its 1949 All-Pro squad. In addition to Ruby, Bald win, and Russell, six backs and three linemen were named. End Dan Edwards of the Chic ago Hornets (Georgia and Gaines ville, Tex.), center Bill Blackburn of the Chicago Cardinals (Rice), and George Strohmeyer of the Chicago Hornets (A&M and Notre Dame) were the forwards listed. Backs included were Sammy Baugh of the Washington Red skins (TCU), Johnny Clement of the Chicago Hornets (SMU), Glenn Dobbs of the Los Angeles Dons (Tulsa and McKinney, Tex.), Bobby Layne of the New York Bulldogs (Texas), Tommy Thompson of the Philadelphia Eagles (Tulsa and Fort Worth), and Y. A. Tittle of the Baltimore Colts (LSU and Marshall, Tex.). f J< Wait for Baby Will End This Week, Aly Says Lausanne, Switzerland, Dec. 13 (AP>—Prince Aly Khan’s spokesman says he thinks Rita Hayworth may have her baby this week. WL ABNER E Wf * :!!• ' H ,JA The Eternal j :| f »**•• UtL APWKTt IS TVT LUCKY CWWAS WHO GOT CAUGHT EH TH* MOST MADDENIN'LY . DEEJJSHUS GAL THIS SIDE O' HE WIN — FAEU-Om OOMtl-WHOSE BEAUTY IS SO unfair r a a. other gals Thet nr had t\ BE HIDDEN UNDER A MALAR "7 OHU’im.ee OUKAT T PuFFAWM A HARRV MARRIAGE, INSTEAD O' TH' MlSERABUt TRAOUMES AH SIN OmCJATlN' AT ALL OAYjr- WHO WOULDN'T » HAPPY, MARRIED V FABULOUS JONES • ; ABILENE CLUB, Thursday, Dec. 16, 7:15 p. im., YMCA, BASTROP-LEE COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, Dec. 16, 7:30 p. lb., room 224, Academic Build ing. BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION A&M CLUB, Thursday, 7:16 p. m., room 307, Academic Building. Elec tions and plans for Christmas party. * CHILDRESS COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, Room 226, Aca demic Building. Special meeting to complete plans for Christmas Banquet. COLLIN COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, Dec. 16, 7:30 p. m., room 308, Academic Building. EAST TEXAS. A&M CLUB, 7:30, Thursday, tTmCA. Christmas dance plan discussion. ELLIS COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, Dec. 16 7:30 room 307, Academic Building. FALLS COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, Dec. 16, 7:30 p. m. Academic Building. HEART O’ TEXAS CLUB, Thursday, Dec. jl5, 7:30 p. m., room 305, Academic Building. HILL COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, Dec. 16, 7:30 p. m., room 307, Academic Building. HOUSTON CLUB, Reagan Chapter, Thursday, 7:15, Lounge of Dorm. 9. JOHNSON COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, Dec. 15, 7:30 p. m., room 227, Academic Building. LAREDO A&M CLUB, Thurs day, Dec. 15, 7;: 15 p. m. room 125, Academic Building. Christmas dance plans. What’s Cooking j LIBERTY COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, Dec. 15, 7 p. m., room 103, Academic Building. NAVARRO COUNTY CLUB meets Thursday, Dec. 15, 7:30 p.m. in room 228 of Academic Building. PANHANDLE CLUB, Thursday night, 7 p. m. f Lounge of Dorm 1. Short but important meeting, Garden Club Fetes Presidents at Tea The A&M Gjarden Club honored its past and ‘ present presidents with a Christmas tea at the home of Mrs. Edward Madeley, Friday December 9, according to^Irs. R. E. Snuggs, club reporter. * T l' 17, PALESTINE CLUB, Thursda Deceniber 15, 7 p. m., Room 30 1 Academic Building. Discussion of plans for Christmas party. PASADENA CLUB, Thursday night, December 15, 7:15 p.m. 105 Academic Bldg. Plans for Xmas party to be discussed. PORT ARTHUR CLUB, Mon day, December 26, 8:30, American Legion Hall. All Aggies and friends are invited.; PORT ARTHUR AGGIE MOTH ERS’S CLUB banquet and dance, Wednesday 6 p. m., December 28, Avalon Club. ROBERTSON COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Room 301, Goodwin Hall. Discussion of plans for a Christmas party. SAN ANTONIO CLUB, Thurs day, Dec. 15, 7:15 p. m., room 301, Goodwin Hall. Christmas party plans, information on club pic ture, refreshments. SENIOR PETROLEUM WIVES’ CLUB, Thursday, Dec. 16, 7:30 p. m., YMCA cabinet room. SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MIL ITARY ENGINEERS, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Room 104, Academic Building. A movie will be shown. STUDENT SENATE, -meeting Thursday night, December 15, 7:30 p.m. YMCA Cabinet Room. TYLER A&M CLUB, 7:30, Thursday, Room 129, Academic Bldg. Christmas dance plans to be discussed. TARLETON CLUB,, Thursday, Dec. .15, 7:16 p. m., room 306, Goodwin Hall. WEATHERFORD CLUB, Thurs day, Dec. 15, 7:15. p. m. room 223, Academic Building. WILLIAMSON COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, December 15, 7:30 p. m. Room 105, Academic Building. Battalion CLASSIFIED AD Page 4 BILL WITH A BATTALION CUUUITIBD AD. lUtrt ... SUe » Word per Insertion with a 25c mlolmtur. Space rate* la ciaatlfled Section . . 60c per column Inch. Send all claeilfleds with readt- tanee to the Student Actlvltlee Office. All ada ahould be turned la bjr 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication. • FOR SAILS # PORTABLE TYPEWRITSRB, 110.00 off on qll makes and modeli, Royal*, Smith- Cornua. 1 Underwoods, Convenient term*. Gift model rent machine* adding machine*. Bryan china Company, M* North 2-1328, Bryan. ' T Student - Faculty -£ M e r r y Cliris tmas K . w GREYHOUND You’ll find Greyhound travel just right for nearly any Holiday trip—for viaits to friends or rela tives, for homecomings, or for fun and festivities in another city. You’re sure to like Greyhound’s frequent schedules, comfortable Super-Coachei, and extra low fares. Yes, as always, for Holiday travel Greyhound means, H A Lot Mon Travel tor a Lot Less Money.’ EXAMPLE LOW FARES Oim Way—Plus Tax if TERMINAL: North Gate, Waco .... $1.85 Fort Worth ... 8.50 - Dallas . . ^ . S.50 i Houston .... 1.80 Beaumont . . . 3.45 Port Arthur . . . 3.75 New Orleans . . . 9.45 1 If ' ! ‘ jl f >Uege Station Phone 4-7114 GREYHOUND 1 i ■ ‘■if T 7; ; RIDERS TO AND PROM N! I piw ,, ,,.,ui.. — w. . ncl. Baatcrwood Airport. \vill Exchange men 1 * 4t clc fotv 24-Inch boy’* blcycl condition; or will buy goo blcycl*. Writ* Box 661, College Rtitlon, LOST AND LOST: b*U. MUD, In pockat. At Drury, 12? porm 14, ,, ,, LOST: Practically h*w green and Whit* Rollfaat bicycle wlih' backet during Thankagivlngj holiday*. Reward for re-, turn. Irvin Goldateln, Texas A&M College Official Notic per copy Phone 4-5444 Mail 50c to \ l;: ' STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A&M College College Station, Texas C=2K-E=0 —On Sale at Annex— SNACK BAR & NEWS STAND Anlmnl Huebandry Major* ar to come by Room 327, Ahlma Building before Chrluttna* work out degree plana. B. R. Dana 7 Animal Husbandry Depart n •RECORDS School & Office SoppUes ALL YOUR NEEDS DeLUXE CAFE SERVES THE BEST IN FOOD j #f The Bryan Home of the \ Texas Aggies . LET US PROVE . . our exclusive SANITQNE SERVICE is Best! PIl 2-8665 PERFECTO CLEANERS tv • ■ 1 ' '/■ ■ ■)! -A J . '! 1 flh • ■ . ,1 •; 5 i '' J..-, ■ : { <»HMrtion*ry You'll Want to K**pt j t • . • The *dd t**c of • gift—do you want It for youmlft You will want to hop any one of our Montag’i open- •lock pattern*" in fine (tationery. pride thet goet with firing the finest to your* when you give Monug** Fashionable Writing Papen. It li the mnderd o quality, yet com no more. i ill ' I Main Campus i ii . Jr I T - angc Store “Serving Texas Aggies” A. & M. Annex f! ■ iL,: /■' —. i ■ i j 'i • ■.•'ll