The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 15, 1949, Image 1

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natta li o n
Mp Staap Oft II
Volume 49
Danish Gym Te)
Are Well Received
By De Ware Crowd
The Danifth Gym Team* jjave an
enthuHiaaticaHy received exhibition
of fundamental, advanced u and
"rhythmical pymnaaltlca before ov*
er twelve hundred people in De-
Ware Field Houae laet niRht.
The incredible exerciaea present
ed by the men brought forth ex-
eiamationii of aMtoiiiahment from
the onlookers, while the girls' team
^ lent an air of grace and beauty to
the performance.
- It was evident that years of
i work and concentration on the
building of healthy bodies had gone
! into the making of the spectacle,
and the perfect coordination of
mind and body which prevailed
throughout the show attested to
the value of such training.
The program opened with' a
. series of rhythmical gymnastics by
the girls, consisting of a contin
ual action exercise in which every
part of t|he body got a work out.
These exercises aren’t designed
solely to keep the waistline down,
but add'^poise, grace and dignity
to the personality.
The men then underwent a sim
ilar workout which, although to
them was. fundamental, was more
strenuous than the preliminary
warming up of a football team.
These gymnasitics are intended to
develop the entire body into full
harmony, and include such feats
as touching the forehead ta the
Then came the folk dances arid
an explanation by the team direc
tor, Mr. Erik Flensted-Jensen, of
their origin and meaning. These
dances, being an expression of
peasant life, are not unlike the
American square dance.
One of the male gymnasts most
Impressive acts was a complete
, flip and lay out, done from the
floor mat, which would have been,,
creditable on a trampoline.
. The team, under the direction of
Biologist Visits
Wildlife Dept.
Dr. Daniel, L. Leedy, bio
logist in charge of cooperative
wfidlife units in the U. S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, visited
the office of Dr. George A.
Pptrldtm'in thr Ag. Engineering
building' S»tunlay morning, Dec,
10, The: purpoM of the vlidt Ws*
to utiNwer mirntlomi und iIImim
the roopeintlve wildlife unltt ind
their opportunities with grndunte
studentn nnd seniors In wildlife
; According to Dr. Leedy, the Co
-operative Wildlife units Were start
ed in IP.IB-Ufl to combine efforts
of thv'atute conservation depart
ments, the lund-gfunt colleges, the
wildlife management Institute, and
the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Ser
vice (nto a few smooth working
units'. ''
These units serve the areas in
which they are located by doing
wildlife research, training person
nel fof work in the wildlife field,
publishing bulletins, and encourag
ing methods of extension and
Mr. Jensen, is composed of men
und women from gyp and folk
schools all over Denmark, who are
chosen in a competitive manner.
Gymnastics is taught iii all schools
in Denmark in an effort to im
prove "aesthetic cutlire which
gives freedom of movement nnd
joy", Flenated-Jensen said.
Good Will Trip
The team made thu trip to the
United States to cnate a better
understanding between the two
countries and gain an insight into
the American way of life, ne add
ed. In the 0 first ir stance they
may be assured that their mission
is a success, for the reaction of the
audience showed nothing but re
spect and admiration for their ef
forts. •* ' |1: M
All in all,' the performance
seemed to create a wholesome ap
preciation in the au lienee. Each
member of the tear t seemed to
radiate a feeling of healthful hap*
piness—a feeling possessed only
by people who are sure of them
selves and who appear to have the
infinite capacity to enjoy a life
free from petty trouble.
From here the team will go to
Florida in continuanc of their in
tention to spend the Winter months
in the South. 7
Dairy Research
Program plated
Plans have been readied
for initiating a combination
research-extension program
in dairying to be pentered at
Substation No. 2, Tyler, an
nounced Dr. R. D. L^wis, director,
Texas Agricultural Experiment
"During the past Jig months,”
Dr .Lewis said "we hajvosbeen [dis
cussing with leading dairymen of
Smith county and with{ representa
tives of the East Tims Agricul
tural Council at Tylef the possi
bilities of initiating ft [combination
research extension program in dai
rying centering at ojr Substation
No. 2 at Tyler.
'Through the efforts of Direc
tor C. R. Heaton of thJ East Texas
Agricultural Council!, and in ac
cordance with a program discussed
in August of this ivkar, contribu
tions totaling $2,000 Wave been ob
tained from dairymen, compan
ion und individuals [Ji, Smith coun
ty for aiding In financing thin
Itrogram during the calemlnr year
"This group ulsoj propose* to
make an annual conmliutlon of at
least $2,000 for a five year period
or until adequate finrihCert are pro
vided though state Appropriations.
"The Agrlculturaji .Experiment
Station is to make
flee and laboratory
dairy herd, pasture
field crop production
substation farm at
sum of $1,000 annua
Tyler sales fund.
Service is providin;
nually toward the
cooperative worki” LeWis says.
available or-
fatuities, the
and related
areas oh the
'jller, and a
ly from the
e Extension
$2,200 an-
lary* of the
VV '.'S’
mrff* V iasv
IsMinarri Perkins, ARM's perennial and
be the aeeompaaisl for the ChrtntnuM Ouri singing aeaelon to be
hekl In Onion Hall at I p. m. Munday. The Staging (Meta wttl pro
vide the professional touch, but the audience U Invited by maestro
BUI Turner to Join lx the oarol tinging.
Taming of the Shrew’ Appear
On Guion’s Stage Tonight at 8
t —— 1 II Ml'. I L - I ; m
Profs Evaluation, v
Sweet Retaliation
Harry C. Knode, private gun collector from Houston, will discuss
the Metzger Gun Collection tonight in the Chemistry Lecture
Room at 7:30. Knode assisted Carl Metzger in assembling his
collection which was recently donated to the college by Metzger’s
heirs. Pistols from the Metzger collection will be used by Knode
in Illustrating his lecture.
Deadline Extended
For Fulbright Aid
The deadline for filing appli
cations for scholarships under
provisions of the Fulbright Act
has beeri extended, according to
an announcement by the Confer
ence Board Committee processing
Fulbright aid applications.
The Fulbright Act provides an
opportunity for graduates of col
leges and universities in the Uni
ted States to do graduate study,
research, or teaching in foreign
The previous deadline for apply
ing for aid under the act was
Nov, 30. However, the announce
ment said, openings are still avail
able in five locations and the clos
ing dste for applying for aid to
wor|t study in these nations ha*
hewn extended until Dee, 31.
the five locationi are Burma,
Greece, Italy, the Philippines, sev>
British col.
eral of the British colonial de-
pendencies, and the United King-
doip, where a few special category
vacancies still exist.
With the exception of the spec
ial category awards In the Uni
ted Kingdom, all the vacancies
are for teaching only. Almost all
fields of college level work arc
represented in the list of avail
able teaching positions.
! Teaching Opportunities
At the University of Rangoon,
opportunities exist for teachers
in the following subjects: geo
graphy, geology, physics, econo
mics and zoology. There are also
openings for agriculture profes
sors, some medical instructors and
a variety off other specialized
teanhen.1 •
Opportunities exist in Greece
for teachers of American life and
civilization, home economics, and
rural sociology.
The fields of physics, chemistry,
engineering, agriculture, biology,
medicine, law, economics and soc
ial work are all open for teach
ers wishing to work in Italy.
A wide range of subjects are
also open for teachers wishing to
do instructing in the Philippines
Arlington Official
Speaks to Classes
Prof. Charles Haydon, hpad of
the Modern Languages Depart-
meht of Arlington State College,
with Fred Erler and Dr. Guiller
mo Articona visited the campus
on t December 12 and 13, accord
ing to J. Jj' Woolket, head of the
Modern Languages Department.
Professor Haydon gave a lecture
based on his recent trip to South
America to one of the Spanish
clauses. He also answered ques
tions which were asked regarding
lift and business' in Brasil and
the Spanish speaking countries
which he hud visited.
During the last two years, heads
of the departments of the various
Hthoola of the ARM System have
made it a practice to exchange
visits and learn of one anothers
activities, Woolket said.
The visitors were the guests of
Professor J. J. Woolket while
they were on the campus.
or British colonial universities.
Opportunities in the United
Kingdom for social workers, scien
tific and industrial researchers,
medical researchers, and agricul
ture research men are still avail
able. Vacancies for librarians exist
at the British Museum or at one
of the following universities: Aber
deen, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glas
gow, London, Oxford and others.
Specialist in adult and worker
education may find employment at
institutions of higher learning in
the United Kingdom.
Request* tor application forms
and for more detailed information
may be addressed to the Confer
ence Board Committee, Committee
on International Exchange of Per
sons, 2101 Constitution Avenue,
Washington, 26, D. C.
Agreement* have also been sign
ed with Australia, Egypt, ami
Iran. Information concerning the
dates for filing for atudy In any
of theeae countries will be released
later, the announcement conclud
The troops had their big chance
Sleepy students in 9 a. m. class
es sat up und looked awake. Grim
countunences, wet and red with
the ruin und wind, broke into ex
pectant and radiant smiles.
Profs, who might have had an
excuse In the weather to be out-of-
norts so early in the morning, were
in classrooms long before the ap
pointed time. They smiled benevo
lently on stragglers. They beamed
at witty remarks from the class.
Prof rating time had come again
to A&M.
More than 40,000 rating sheets
were handed out to students at the
9 a. m. sessions, picked because
more students are in class at that
time than any other.
And it all came off without a
hitch. No more than a handful
of students claimed to have had
previous warning of the big oc
For many of the students, this
was the first time they had had a
chance to evaluate their profes
sors and know that their ratings
would be given consideration. This
time, somebody beside their room
mates would hear their complaints
or praises.
A majority of students ques
tioned by the Battalion thought
the idea of student evaluation of
teachers was a good move. Bill
Noll, junior animal husbandry ma
jor from Boeme, summed up stu
dent opinion this way: “After
something like this, the students
will show more interest in the
profs. It’ll help a prof to know
how the students feel about him,
Itoo, and he can brush up on any
weak points.”
Other students liked the prof
rating idea for another reason!
It gave them a chance to compli
ment a teacher without acting as
though they were working "extra
hard" for a grade.
Harrington Comments
Dean M. T. Harrington, when
asked his views on prof rating
said, "We feel that the student
rating conducted in January 194H
was most successful.
"Since that time we have hud
requests from both faculty mem
hers und students that we repeat
it, The administration felt that the
best results are obtained from auch
a study when It Is not repeated
too often. This Is especially true
when, the ratings are taken with
out previous notice to thet stuff
or to the student body.”
Several other Colleges and uni-
A Helping Hand
Ex-Student Office Sets
Loan Fund Regulations
The student loan fund of the
association of former students,
built up over the decades by for
mer students and friends of the
college, has served as a helping
hand to thousands of students since
the first small gifts to the loan
fund were received back in 1923.
The loan fund is maintained for
the sole purpose of giving finan
cial aid to deserving students in
meeting their necessary school ex
The student loan fund is admin
istered under the supervision of a
committee of loan fund trustees
elected by the governing body of
the association. At the present
time, Mr. A. F. Mitchell, ’09, Cor
sicana; Mr. S. C. Evans, ’21, Hous
ton; Mr. C. L. Murph, ’20, Wich
ita Falls, with the president of the
association and the executive sec
retary, make up the loan fund
The loan fund has been in op
eration for approximately twenty-
five years and, throughout that
period of time, basic principles
governing the handling of loans
have not varied materially.
Regulations governing student
loans are as follows:
1. To be eligible, ft student must
have completed at least one full
semester in ARM and must hive
been In school during the semester
immediately preceding the date of
his application.
2. A satisfactory scholastic and
personal record art required. Sat
isfactory grades are interpreted
to be those showing a ratio of l.$
or batter.
S. Loans cannot bo made to stu
dents who are already indebtad to
othar sources or for repayment of
outstanding Indebtcdne**.
4. Students who nro largely fi
nanced by their parents or guard
ians must secure written approval
of their loan applications by their
parents or guardians.
Following the close of World
War II, when students whose col
lege careers had been interrupted
by military service started com
ing back to school, the loan regula<
tions were relaxed to some extent
in order to render the maximum
service to war veterans and to
make their readjustment from mil
itary duty back to school less dif
ficult for them. In view of the
time that has elapsed during which
practically all veterans have got
ten back in school and had oppor
tunity to become adjusted, It is
now deemed wise and necessary to
revert to the original loan regu
in order that the handling of
loan requests may not interfere
too frequently with the handling
of other duties in the association
office, three half days per week
have been set aside M the hand
ling of loan applications. Those
loan periods are Monday from 1
p. m. to 5 p. m., Wednesday from
8 a. m. to 12 a. m. and Thursday
from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m.
Repayments are invited during
all regular office hours.
versitlcs have written ARM and
asked for complete details on the
rof rating system used here,
larrlngton added. J ”
The rating sheets, after they arc
completed in class, are sent in a
*ealed package to the heads of
departments and go then to the
office of the dean of the school
concerned. >
There, Harrington continued,
the reports on each prof are tub
ulated, und the tabulations, to
gether with student comments,
are forwarded to the heads of de
partment and then to the profes-
cors concerned.
Forty two thousand rating
sheets were printed for Wednesday
the dean said. These were supple
mented by several thousand re
maining from the first rating held
in 1948.
All the 9 a. m. classes both on
the campus and at the Annex re
ceived the blanks at the same time.
By press time, no profs had as
yet left school, but several stu
dents were reported to be still
writing comments, although late
rating sheets cannot be accepted.
Friends of these students said
that they just got started and
couldn’t get stopped
Shakespeare’s ribiald comedy, “The
Shrew” will be presented tonight at 8 in Guion
Taming of
wppeu. »
Talks To
F.F.A. Students
Otis Miller, professor of
journalism, addressed the lo
cal F. F. A Chapter at Ha
regular meeting Monday
He told the
Millers subject was
ture Needs a Voice"
students about the position of the
American farmer today and about
some injustices which are being
carried on in the field of journal
ism against the farmer.
Miller pointed out that the farm
er today need* a spokesman more
than anything else. He also stated
individual farmers was the main
cause for hia poorly controlled
It I* up to the educated men in
the field of agricultur* to prewent
the farmer*' side on important
economic ami political question*
mo a* to educate the maaa of peo
ple about the condition of the
farmer and tend to counteract the
misinterpretations of big bUNlness,
Miller concluded.
Earlier at the meeting, student
officer* for the spring semester
were elected. The men who were
elected are J. C. Welborn, presi
dent; Steve Lindsey, vice-presi
dent; C. E. Willis, second vice-
president, Sterling Lindsey, treas
urer; .Floyd Kerns, secretary; Har-
ry M. Rutherford, reporter; Henry
Spaulding, advisor; Tbm Peacock,
parliamentarian, and Maryl K.
Orman, historian.
Collection Of A
Metzger Guns
Is Knode Topic
Harry C. .Knode, private
gun collector from Houston,
will discuss the Metzger gun
collection tonight at 7:30 p.
m., in the Chemistry Lecture
Room, according to Lt, Col Frank
R. Swoger of the Military De
Knode, who is considered the best
informed living authority on the
Metzger Collection, asidsted Carl
Metzger in obtaining and cata
loging the 600 gun collection
which is now at A&M.
Selected pieces from the collec
tion will be discussed by Knode
who possesses a vast knowledge
and extensive background of old
weapons from which to draw hi*
subject matter, Swogefr"] said. .
Knode, Swoger continued, is very
pleased that thp collection has
been located, here at Ak&M. He
believes ARM is the most logical
place for its location since it will
receive the proper maintenance,
display and appreciation due a fine
At the present parte of the col
lection are on display in the cadet
guard room and in the library.
On completion of the new Mem
orial Student Center Building, the
collection will be displayed' in a
separate room designed especially
for that purpose.
dging Team
Buy Own Keys
i The Agricultural Council
, , voted to permit the various
m,N e r, k of ^ judging teams in the School
individual (.rmc,. th, main J Qf 6 A / rioulture thelr
team Keys independently
11, and appointed a m
Consolidated Plans
Christmas Dance
Th« Senior Clasa of the ARM
Consolidated High School will hold
1U annual formal Christmas dance
on Friday. December 18, Lloyd
Gay, preaidant, said today.
TTh* dance will laat from 7:30
to, 11:30 p. m. and will be held
in the Gymnasium. The admiaaion
charges will bo 60 cents stag or
drag and all Aggiea art invited,
Gay pointed out.
Woman Shortage Gone, Too
_ . of
the council, and appointed a nom
(noting committee to chooie can*
did*tea for editorship of the Ag*
rloulturiat In Jhelr monthly meet*
ific lut nitht. [.
| ha position of Arrloulturlat edl*
tor will be vacated In January by
Jim Parka, current editor, who la
graduating at that time,
A decision to leave; tht choloe
and financing of team * 1 2 * 4 keys and
mcdala to the varloua judging
teams came after a dleniaal.m on
the advisability of the council's
Maumtng the coat of the award*,
i A second committee Wag ap
pointed to investigate the possi
bility Of obtaining a permanent
council club room, either In the
new Memorial Student [ Center or
In a building In the Agricultural
class room area.
IT / i . n
light comedy
of some
♦bringing a
Campus in place [of soipi
heavy dramas that have
fered before, The Tamipg [ of the
Shrew promisea .to be one | of the
treats of the current entertainment -
season. L | *
With a cast of 14 actoili, the
play is set in fivq act* With a
short Intermission after the third
act. Tickets will be 60 cehts for
students and 70 cents for non-atu-
dents. } , 1 • ' ,
Three ceuturiea haw not
mod the sparkle Hiid brillii
“The Taming of the Shrew'
least. So modern is the
of the characters und
arious situations of the play, that
members of the cast are often ac
cused of’ modernizing the script.
Urlaware that Shakespeare is
the source of so much of the com
edy that fa seen today on the
stage and screen, modern audiences
find it difficult to accept the fact
that this play in its original form
is as fresh and laugh provoking
as most modern comedies.
"Kiss Me Kate’’, the plfty that
is currently sweeping BrPadway,
is a derivation of the "Taming of
the Shrew." The tremendous re-*
ception of “Kiss Me Kate” indi
cates that the Bard had something
when he handed oVer the original
script of "The Taming
Shrew” to the company .
Globe Theater in | Londo
hundred years ago. Thougi
t the
ighj he has
been copied in the past, and will
no doubt be copied in the future,
it is doubtful that anyone will
ever surpass his original treatment
of the play. J ;■
A better example of wMaf hap
pens when an irrestible forffe meets
an immovable object cannot be
found. The immovable object is
Katherine, known to the swains of
Padua as "Kate the Curst” a stub
born, ill-tempered female, played
by Ketti Mclonas.
Petruccio, played by Jarhes Hil-
bum, is the irrestible force which
in the end finally overconiest and
subdues the fair Kate. Fireworks
abound as the two test their
strength, but in the end it is Pe
truccio who rules the domestic
roost with Kate paying pirn the
homage his masculinity s<> richly
deserves. T . i '
When Clare Tree Major, dlrei*-'
tor of the National Classic Theater
Group, started this enterprise In
1944, she was warned that the pro
ject might well emlin failure due/
to prohibitive production, coats, '
The ' National ('lassie Theatre
Group Is (tummtly in Its fifth year
of nation-wide toui's and for the
second year I* presenting "The
Taming of The Hhrew.” .f <
it goe« without saying that the
group has enjoyed some measure
of success or It would not haw
survived for five years.
‘AggielaiHl* to Play
For Abilene Dance
The Aggieland Orchestra will
furnjsh«the music for a dance In
Abilene at the VFW Hall Thursday
Dec. 29, according to Don Camp
bell, president of thi* Abilene A&M
ciub. i- r ■ „
1950 Census May Show
‘Typical Texan ’ Bootless
Associated Press
The 1960 census can’t rob Texas
of its wide open spaces, but it pro
bably will destroy many illusions.
One popular conception which
will undergo some changes is that
of the “typical Texan.”
In magazine stories, on calen
dars, on canned-good labels, you’ve
seen him.
He wears cowboy boots, and
sometimes spurs. From out of a
weather-beaten face he looks with
narrowed eyes at his cattle,
It’s sad, but your typical Texan
is more likely to be an oil field
worker, or even an insurance clerk
whose wide open space is the
back yard of his suburban cottage.
There’s a disheartening blow in
store, too, for the unmarried Misa
who cornea to Texas seeking a man.
For tho first time, a federal
census is likely to aho* Toxas
has as many women as mftn.
It was different back in 1920.
Then there were 100.9 men for
overy 100 women. In 1930 the ra
tio was 108.8 men to 10Q womon.
In 1940 it was down to' 100,9 to
100. ] '
Whether the obvioue trend haa
continued—whether there »re now
more women than men ip Texas-
only the census bureau figures will
The war gave jet speed to the
riirel-to-urban population shift
which was already underway.
In 1930 only 41 per cent of Tex
as’ population lived in urban areas
—cities of 2,600 and mor|p. By 1940
the figure had risen to 46.4 per-
<*"t. ]
There is no positive data on the
change since. Bqt there is evidence
—in the boomihg cities and quies
cent rural areas—that the trend
has quickene<i greatly.
What it means fa that the L«ne
Star State, though still |a cattle
and crop area, haa become in-
ind crop a
Massive p<
population shifts to ac
commodate tflC mushroom
off war industries hay*
Many industries have seen
vantage* of Texas—and
moved from the industrial east.
| Mechanisation has cut farm pup.
ulation. Farms have grown larger.
There art fewer tenant farmers
and sharecroppers. I
Fast cars - and good highway!
hava resulted in many farmers llv-
ing in cities, and makfnfTquick
Irips to mn for their farmland.
But «oet of all there was the
discovery and processing
mineral resources — mo
- more oil, sulphur, natui
and by-products.
These resources are exploited by
men who live in cities, and in the
cities themselves are built I up the
huge plants which turn the raw
materials into form for use.
Recently the census bureau es-
vcllkjL Texas’ | population at
7,532,000, an increase of about
.16 per cent over the 1940 figure
of 6,414,824.
The bureau said the nation as a
whole had grown only 12.4 per
cent. V
The 1950 censup is expected to
show that Texas, haa Mcome
the nation's sixth most populous
state. Ite Increase, howev. r, will
be shaded by that 6t Cali ornia,
Oregon and Michigan and poasi-
My soma other northwest states.
So Texas will no longer bp
dominantly farm state, nc
the oolendar picture, a booted,
weathered cowboy repreemt the
true Texan.
But the native Texan, Pnd the
former Ohio soda Jarir who came
to Texas to make hia fortuiia won't
be convicted. Both will always
think of tha storied cowboy on hia
pony as the only real Texan.
a pre-
nor will