The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 14, 1949, Image 1

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r ! :i ;•
City Of
College Station
Official Newspaper
Volume 49
J ' ^ i '■ M 1 f /
1 , 1 • i * i 1
- p-fT |.
i ■ !i '
Number 01
r! (■
Danish Gymn
Tonight in Fie
i. f }
L Attention will again be focused
on the floor ofi DeWare Field
House tonighti-for the third even-
^T~ ! succession, as the Danish
Gym Team takes to the floor to
present fe^ts of balance, strength,
suppleness! and grace.
The team, fresh from an engage
ment in Dallas, is scheduled to ar-
”, rive at 4:30 this afternoon.
After being conducted on a tour
of the campus by members of the
A.&M Tumbling Club they •will
dine at Sbisa Hall. The A&M tumb
lers should be able to pick up
some valuable pointers from these
wizards of body control.
Tickets for the 7:30 performance
will be on sale at the field house
door and will sell to students for
$.35, to non-students for $1.26.
Boys and Girls
Danish girls comprise half, of
the thirty member team. They will
perform o'n the balance, beams and
take part in the marches, rythmical
gymnastics, and folk dances.
The men, who vary in ages from
18 to 30, will perform difficult
and startling tricks on apparatus
and tumbling mats as a climax to
exhibitions of 'fundamental and
individual gymnastics.
This i|s the third trip a Danish
team has made to the United
States. The first trip was made
in 1940, the second in 1947.
In their '47 tour the team per
formed before a crowd of 110,000
at Soldier Field, Chicago. They are
. also credited with receiving the
greatest applause accorded any in
termission performanjee in Madi
son Sguare Garden, according to a
NBC announcer.
This tour, like the preceding
two, has a two fold purpose—the
betterment of Danish-American
relations, and the opportunity for
te^m members to travel and learn
something about the American way
of life.
All Members Amateurs
Team members were picked
through nationwide competition in
Denmark. They are strictly ama
teur and travel for their expenses
• tour a? a team started
ini Aug. 26 performance in
Stockholm.. They arrived] in the
United States on Sept. 6 with
plans to tour 46 of the 48 states.
Moving pictures of some of the
team in action have no doubt been
seen by many in the Movietone
_ T News ; series, but this evenings
i performance will enable you to
see them in the flesh. Flesh col
ored tights that is. '
Act number one will be a dem
onstration of rythmical gymnastics
by the girl members.
Following this will be a ses-
College Station
C of C Officers
Named Tuesday
* ■ "V ■ .
Election of officers for the com-
Mg year was the main business
transacted at yesterday’s meeting
of the College Station Chamber
of Commerce. |
Herschel Burgess was named
new president. He succeeds C.
N. Shepardson, dean of agricul
ture. j
Joe Sorrels, retiring secretary,
was named to the vice-president’s
post. Marion Pugh will replace
- Sorrels as secretary. R. L. Hunt
is the new treasurer.
Directors of the Chamber of
Commerce also decided to select
a College Station Man of The
Year and present him with a pro
perly inseribetUscroll. Selection of
the Man of Year will be by sec-
v ret committee chosen by the Cham
ber. Nominations for the Man will
be accepted by Sorrels until De
cember 20.
The group also decided to keep
the inter-city committee between
Bryan and College Station. Pre
sent members, with a few changes,
will be kept on this; committee.
sion, presented by the male group,
devoted to fundamental gymnas
tics. This involves poujej
stretching exercises.
Ba lane tug. Beams
Danish lasses come
the number three spot on 1(h
gram in an exhibition of balance
and footwork on what are Kri
as “balancing beams.”
Individual exercises by the
make up the number four spelt on
the program. i J
Danish Folk Dances, wh
cording to a New York Times ar
ticle are “merely vigorous ver
sions of a cross of minuet, square
dancing, and a polka ...” rank
high in the activities anticipated
for this evening’s show.
In one part of the folk dances
the men J throw the women across
the floor in a manner that, ac
cording to the Time’s article, will
astound even jitterbugs.
Tumbling and apparatus stunts
will be performed by thee male
members of the team as a climax
to the evening’s performance.
Aggie Banc^ Leads
Parade in Lufkin
The Aggie Band will het d ' Luf
kin’s Parade of Industry)"
at Lufkin's "Kurth Day' r 1
tribute to Ernest L. Kurth, lij
man and industrial leaden
the "South’s Man of the by
the]Dixie Business magazine
Notables from all over Easi: Tex
as and the South will be irt Luf
kin Wednesday to honor Kurth.
Over 400 out-of-town guestH ai[e
expected to be on hand, including
Governor Allan Shivers wluj> will
speak at the dinner W^dpesday
Jesse Jones, former
of commerce and publisher
Houston Chronicle, former
nor William P. Hobby, Senr
Connally, and Morris Fran
mer sports editor of the Houston
Post and a native of Lufkin, are
all scheduled to speak for the
Opera star Mona Paulee, who
has just completed a iot|r of
South America, will furnish ienter-
tainment for the dinner jfu^sts.
T I r !
Open House
ink An-
en house
id j home
isdb why
it in-
# i
U "
Aggressive Aggies Top
Wildcats for 73-38 Wi
Coming events quickly cast
their shadows at DeWare Field
House Tuesday night when Wally
Mobn manufactured .four points
in the first 33 seebnds of play in
A&M’s 73-38 conquest of the Abil
ene Christian Wildcats.
Nine hundred fans watched the
Aggies pattern their play from
Moon’s quick baskets to establish
their greatest total of points in 17
outings. j
The Aggies had sev^n points
before the wildcats , could even
get their sights adjusted, and the
outcome of the game was never
in doubt for the partisan home-
team rooters. j
John DeWitt showed last yeaii’s
form as he paced the Cadet scor
ers with 16 tallies. Guards Mc
Dowell and Moon and forward Bill
Tumbow collected 10 pointy 1 each.
Nutt Bottled Up
Dee Nutt, ACC’s sharpshooting
guard, was bottled in by thje de
fensive work of McDowell, who
Industries of Lufkin
gelina County will hold o]
to give both visitors s
folks an opportunity to
Lufkin is the fifth lari
dustrial area in Texas.
Ernest Kurth has worked] since
1907 to make Lufkin one of [Texas’
outstanding industrial centers. He
is associated with many major
industries in Lufkin, rang
insurance and banking to,
Kurth is president ofjtije
gelina County Lumber Company,
of the Southland Paper Mtyl, and
the Lufkin Amusement Company.
He is president of the board of
the Memorial Hospital in Lufkin,
and a director of over half a
dozen other enterprises in Lufkin
and throughout the state
Lumber Industry
Though he is cotinectejd
great many other industries,
Kurth’s chief field of ir to
the lumber industry. Hd <
the lumber business in 1907
Angelina Lumber Compaiiyj
cern started by his fat hr
since then the 64 year old
man has worked for th« :
ance of the lumber indtsf
conservation of forests.
Kurth’s companies have
the lead in planned foresU 1
opment and he is proud o|f
Bard’s ‘Shre
Applicable i
Fellowship Discusses
Jonah Wednesday Night
The Aggie Christian Fellowship
will present a program “Can You
Swallow Jonah?” followed by a
panel discussion, at 7:30 p. m.
Wednesday in the YMCA. chapel.
Taking part in the discussion
are Don Grubbs, junior liberal
arts major from Glendale, Calif
ornia;'Don Fitzgerald, senior pe
troleum engineering major from
Houston; Frank Poole, senior pe
troleum engineering major from
Houston; and Lyman Osborne,
junior chemistry major from Pam-
Np admission will be charged.
that more trees are being plant
ed in the Lufkin area than are be
ing cut.
It was chiefly through Kurth’s
efforts that the Southland PapeV
Mills were brought to Lufkin, end
ing an iron-bound control of news
print production by foreign in
terests and supplying a market
for southern pine.
Turner, Cadets
Plan Sing-Song
For Guion Hall
Wanta sing some Christmas
Carols this Sunday? Well, if
you will fall out and stagger
over to Quion Hall along
about two, Sunday afternoon,
the Singing Cadets and Leonard
Perkins will do their best to help
This “jChristmas Sing” is spdri-
sored by Bill Turner’s Singing
Cadets to help foster the Christ
mas Spirit in Bryan-College resi
On the program, the Cadets
will sing many Christmas songs,
among them Handel’s “Allelulia’’
from the Oratorio, “The Triumph
of Time and Truth,” a spiritual,
“Jesus Had a Mother Like Mine,”
Mel Tome’s “Christmas Song,”
a special arrangement of “Jingle
Bells,” “God Rest You, Merry
Gentlemen,” “Silent Night,” and
“^lark The Herald Angels Sing.”
A quartet composed of Singing
Cadet members will render “We
Three Kings Of Orient Are.” Sol
oists for the evening will be Thuf-
mond Munson, sophomore from
Freepcrt, Harold Hughes, sopho
more from Abilene, and Mrs. Glor
ia Martin. Mrs. Martin will sing
Schubert's “AVe Maria.”
Audience singing of carols will
be led by Bill Turner and the
Cadets, Accompaniment for the
Singing Cadets will be provided
by Leonard Perkins at the organ.
Students, faculty, and residents
of the Bryan-College Station area
are all invited to the sing-song by
the Cadets and Turner.
Jainea Hllburn. an Petruchlo, Is determinedly taming the shrew
Katherine, played by Ketti Mclonas, In thlN scene from the Na
tional Classic Theatre's production of The Taming of the Shrew.
The New York group will bring the Shakesperlun comedy to Guion
Hall Thursday night. /
' lasing’ is Still
Woman Handling
You say you’re having womeh
troubles? The belle of Bedeis has
bade you blow? Your M
of 1949 has been smitl«i
type writer salesman froi
well? That last Temple
has took up with a teahound?
worse, yet,
little black book marked ;j“Bryaiji
400’’ has been marked
a 6 7/8? 1 iL
Then what you need is the ad
vice of an expert. And quite coin
cidentally, the most celebrated
work of one of the world’s true ex
perts on Tamour and itjs applica
tion will be accessable to ine gen
eral public in Guion Hall Thurs)-
day night. ' ; j I
The work is “The Ta
the Shrew”, and the a
one Will Shakespeare,
who recognized a willful
whim he saw one, not 4
tion the ways and m
chastizing hir. j
The Elizabethan tyde <
tempered hussy, and the
her husband used to quell
been rolling audiences in
from the time the first Globe
Theater pit boys rocked London
with their guffaws until! today's
broadway adaption, rib-named
“Kiss Me Kate”, stopped Ihe? show
along the
The show
lector in Gotham for
top hat circuit. 1 „
w has been a bash-eo
iotham for several year
rwinol fnrm ' M Wftll: fl
original form,
drawing well in a pair of cross
country tours under the able ar
tistry of Alfred Lunt and Lynn
Miss Fontaine’s vigorous
chunking of various loose objects
at Mr. Lunt’s head and shoulders
went over so well in the between-
ta areas that their agent, in
ious state of happiness,
urged them to get 90 degrees out
of phase with the publicity re
leases and' to .carry on until
they caught up with the national
Another heavy contributor to
the present day popularity of
Shakespeare works, and a' con
temporary of the Lunts, is Clare
Tree Major, who heads the Na-
tional Classic Theater of New
York and who will direct thbir
production of the “Shrew” tombr-
rom night.
The) National Classic players
will jbe one of the few outstanding
legitimate state groups to appear
on the campus in the last few
If j you want a few pointers
the bashing of brunettes, drop by
Guiom Thursday night and check
over] the old English ^approach.
After all, the machine in question
is still basically the same, so why
shouldn’t the o|>erating technique
remain unchanged.
If! you pick up enough frqm
brew’’, you might sign
for k [short course in “Romed and
on the next round.
Aggieland Reports
On Beauties, Club
Only 31 more days until V-F
Day—Vanity Fair deadline day,
that is.
Seniors must submit their en
tries by January 14—just 11 days
after the student body returns to
the campus from Christmas-New
Year holidays.
Three 5x7 inch glossy pictures
must be entered for each nomina
tion and a fee of $1.50j must be
paid when the pictures are sub
mitted at the Student Activities
Office in Goodwin Hall.
Pictures are to be (1) a full-
length photograph in formal at
tire, (2) a bust picture (preferably
in formal attire, also), and (3) a
full-length photograph in sports at
tire (bathing suit, shorts and hal
ter of blouse, pedal-pushers, etc.).
Sports Attire Arrangement
The sports attire picture can
either be vertical—the 7” measure
ment is from top to bottom—or
horizontal—the 7” measurement
is from left to right. Formal attire
photographs are to bie vertical
The six girls who are selected to
appear in the Vanity Fair section
of the yearbook will be presented
at a spring social event by an
outstanding orchestra leader. Men
who enter the winning nominees
will be notified a minimum of two
weeks prior to the presentation
All Vanity Fair honor winners
must attend the spring presenta
tion of the group. Alternate choices
(girls originally ranked below the
top six) will replace any hohoree
who can not attend.
Senior Favorites Accepted
Pictures of senior favorites will
be accepted by the same office
from now until January 14, too.
The pictures can be bf wives
mothers, girl friends, children,
etc., and Seniors can submit more
than one picture, but will have to
pay $1.50 for each picture sub
mitted. Senior favorite pictures
must be 5x7 inch glossy prints and
should be bust photographs.
Further information about both
Vanity Fair and Senior Favorite
pictures can be obtained fronfi the
Student Activities Office where the
photographs are to be submitted.
Club Pictures Scheduled
Organizations will have to pay
$50 for full pages and $25 for
half pages in the Aggieland 1960.
The material to be used on the
full page will be a group picture,
individual head pictures of three
officers, and a roster of club
Half pages will include a group
picture, a list of the club of
ficers, and either a roster of club
members or a list of those mem
bers shown in the group picture.
Further information can be ob
tained at the Aggieland ’50 of
fices or at the Student Activities
Reservations for space must be
made before January 21, and all
pictures will" have to be made by
March 1. Pictures can be scheduled
from 5 to 6 p. m. or from 7 to
9 p. m. on any day from now until
the March 1 deadline.
Page prices will have to be paid
before the pictures are taken or
before January 21, whichever is
the earlier date. All organizations,
regardless of type or function,
should check with the above of
fices to determine whether they
will have to pay for space, in the
Vet Course Changes
Washington, Dec. 14—<A*>—The
Veterans Administration said yes
terday war-veteran college stu
dents may drop or add a subject
without coming to the VA for ad
' M ' ' |j 1 . | I .X 11111
Slide Rule Awards
Presented Tuesday
Winners of the annual Slide
Rule Contest received awards at
the Annex yesterday at 3 p. ,m.
High-point man for the group was
Jerry Dale Merryman, electrical
engineering major from Hearpe,
who received first place plaque
from the ME department and a
vestor typa log slide rule from the
Eugene Dietzgen Company.
Second high man was Edward
F. Swartz Jr., aero major from
Roscdale, N. Y., who received a
log duplex decitrig slide rule from
Keuffel [and Esser Co. Third place
was taken by Albert E. Massingale
Jr., petrioleum major from Austin,
who received a Dietzgen decimal
trip typk log slide rule..
Willie] A. Crabtree, electrical en
gineering major from Gladewater.
George [Watson Berner, chemical
Williams Talks
I j ! |.
During Monday
Relations Meet
j | • i, j. : „ ' • : . f I .
Vice-chancellor for Agricul
ture D. W. Williams, Miss
Malcolm Mclnnis, and J. 6.
Owensl were presented by
Mrs. Lilia Graham Bryan in
an international relations program
at a meeting of the YMCA Mon
day evening. ,
The program concerned the cur
rent situation in Europe and what
America is doing about it. Mrs.
Bryan was in Paris with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Morgan for a year
while Morgan was deputy chief for
food and agriculture for the ECA.
She is the daughter of the late
L. L. Mclnnis, first head of itfoe
Mathematics Department. For
many years, Mrs. Bryan served
as librarian, in the Extension Ser
vice Library.
Vice-chancellor Williams spent
two yekrs during the war with the
military government in Italy and
Austria.. He did extensive worlf in
the reHabilitation and feeding of
people in occupied areas and
served as special consultant for
the State Department on the ECA
agriculture program for Western
Germany under the Marshall
Speaking on “The Food Situa
tion in Europe," Williams, former
head of the Animal Husbandry
Departjhent, served as vice-pres
ident for agriculture for two years,
and since 1948 has been yiCe-
chancellor for agriculture of the
A&M System.
engineering major from El Paso
and Glenn’ A. Green Jr., electri
cal engineering major from Abil
ene received fourth, fifth and sixth
places respectively.
Freshmen Winners [ !
| > 11 i l!
Winners with no previou* col
lege training were named in groups
according to majors. In aeronauti
cal engineering, I., R. Newkirk,
Harlingen, won first place. ;J. H.
Reeve*, Little Silver, N, J;, wa»
first prize winner' in the agricul
tural engineering division.
Two architects were named first
and second place in that division.
Julian Stephen Bryant, Dallas, and
Saunders Martin Dimand, Hous
ton, received the prizes respec
tively. George Watson Berner, El
Paso, took first place among the
chemical engineers. Tommy L.
Colley, La Marque, was . second
.place winner. Civil engineering
students winning awards’ Airere
Raymond E. Galvin, Whlteface,
first place, ahd Daniel Davis How
ell, Coleman, second.
Electrical Engineers
Among the ranks of electrical
engineers, first place was won by
Jerry Dale, Merryman, He&rne,
also high point man in the con
test. Willie A. Crabtree, Glade
water, took second place. First
place in the geological engineer
ing division went to Richard T.
Brown, Kingsville. Lyle A. Wolf-
skill, Houston, took second in the
division. Fagan A. Cox, Houston,
won first place among the man
agement engineers.
Mechanical engineering mi
taking the first two spots in their
division'were Carl D. Lang, San
Antonio, and Frank G. Nedbalek,
Bryan, in that order. Albert i E.
Massingale Jr., Austin, was high
man among the petroleum engin
eers. William T. Simmon*, Long
view, took second place.
I Prior College Work
I A.
Among students with prior col
lege work, first place Wept to
Edward !F. Swartz Jr., aero
held Nutt to eight points.
Grantham led the losers with
Walter Davis, AAM’a giant
ter, fell below his; usual par
collecting only seven points,
he was forced to leave the lin
early via the foul route.
McDowell failed to register
single marker in the first half
turned into a ball of fire durirjg
the last stanza, continuing h
ranking as the Farmers’ leading
He now has 79 points for t
season to trail Joe McDermott
Rice by nine points for South
west Conference honors.
Charity Pace Torrid
AAM cashed in on 17 of 29 fi
throws to-maintain its torrid
at the charity line. From the floor,
the Aggies hit a season high av
age, making 28 of 64 shots for a
447r average. This percentage is
outstanding since a team that is
hitting a third of its shots is haV
a good night. ACC again
The Cats miss
ist, M.
Hosts to the “Christmas Sing” in Guion Hall
Sunday afternoon at two, the Singing Cadets
will offer a selection of ever-favorlte Ouistmas
carols and will lead the audience in a community
sing of several carols. Printed lyrics will be dis
tributed, Just in case anyone doesn’t know the
words. Leonard Perkins will play the organ.
from Rosedale, N. Y, Second pi
was won by Charles A. Mast,
E. major from Brenham. C. Craig
Johnson, geological engineering
major from Dallas, took third
place in this'division.
Awards were presented by de
partment heads, and J. H, Caddess
of the M. E. Department, was Con
test jChairman.- All contestants re
ceived plaques made in the Mech
anical Engineering Shops by D. W.
Fleming and M. W. Watson, and
student assistants.
Film Library Has
New Film Accesible
“Gas Goes to Market,” la 30-min
ute color found film, it, one of the
latest additions to the film library
of the Photographic and Visual
Aids Laboratory, | according to
Howard Berry, head of the de
The film presents the i story of
the construction and operation of
a major cross-country, large dia
meter natural gas pipeline system
that carries gas from the Texas
Gulf Coast to the Appalachian
markets. 'r j!. }l '[•jj'S
Placed in the library on a per
manent loan basis by the Ten
nessee Gas Transmission Co., Hous
ton, it is available free of charge
to any department or student group
interested, Berry concluded
> n g » l
difficulty in making its free she
The Aggies completely outshined
an qutmanned Wildest quintet in
a game that followed the pattorti
of the first contest as AAM was
never behind and was never seri
ously threatened. ;
Rebound work by the Aggias
showed great improvement over
their initial outing, especially at
t|h« Cadet business
Cadet Offense Potent
The 73 points collected by AAM
last night place* it next to Baylor ^
in points scored per contest. Thq
Bears have averaged 66.6 points;
AAM has maintained a meqium of
64 - 3 - , J i T ],
I Effective rebound work, persis
tent ball-hawking, accurate set
shots, and able reserves were re
sponsible] for the Aggies’ wide'
margin of victory.!
DeWitt was quite consistent in
his rebound work, especially oh
tap-ins .after his teammates had
missed. And Moon, Tumbow, and
McDoWell repeatedly thrilled the
fans with < their stagings of one-
man fast breakii. . M ^ ■
Long Shots Exciting
DeWitt^' McDowell, Moon,
Garcia decorated the game wit
that extra bit of excitement wh«
one of the afoce mentioned plajj
era would hit a long, looping
shot. .
Coach Marty Karow Was able
provide breath-catching time fdr
members of his first string by
sending in such reliable reserves
as Mike Garcia[ Kenneth Button,
(See GAME, Page 3)
College Christmas
Dinner Schedub
who have completed 26 years
service will be honor guests at the
annual Christmas dinner December
21 at 7:15 p. m. at Sbisa Hall.
The two new honorees are J. 8.
Blazek, veterinary science and K.
E. Snuggs, chemistry department, v
W. R. Horsley, in charge of-ir- .
rangements, announces.
The program for the event,
which includes the December me< it-
ing of the College Employees' D n-
ner club, follows:] /. t
“Jingle Bells,” evsryl
Leonard Perkins accom
body, with
>mpantst. .
\ Norman
Christmas message, Chancellor
Gibb Gilchrist.
Presentation of honored gnestjs,
Chancellor Gilehr
“Arid Lang Syne,” evorybod
Master of ceremonies, A.
Doan H. W. Barlow and
faculty orchestra 1 will f u r h i i h
music for the
following the din*
T** i
Walkup Represents
A&M at Conference
H. Cleve Walkup, ii
ucation senior from
cently represented the
industrial ed-
Kiritlsnd, re-
e A&M Wes
ley Foundation and the Texas Con
ference at the Texas Methodist Stu
dent Movement Conference at Min-
eral Wells, Texas.
Others attending the: conference
from A&M;.were Kenneth Wiggins
of San Augustine, Don Young of
Bryan, Jack Heacock of Lockhsrt,
P. G. Anderson of El
and K. J.
of Lockhart,
Dorado, Ark.,
m of Deccan,
Last Installment
Fees Due Dec. 21
The fourth installment of
in the amount of $46.30 is
payable to the Fiscal Office
cording to H. L.T
This installment
room rent, and
28, excluding the Christmas holi
days, and must be paid by Dec. 21
Heaton mentioned that stude
should pay their fees as soon
possible in order to avoid the last
minute rush.
The, Comment
tonight at 7 in
office to formula
sue assignments
sue, according
Anyone not on
to write for the
be welcomed, the
ir staff will
the next is-
the co-edit
co-editors said.
• I I j
■. |
i p