The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 13, 1949, Image 1

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• .f V. 1 - V' .’J 1
Volume 49
City Of
College Station
Band to Lead
Lufkin ‘Parade
Of Industry’
The Aggie Band will lead
Lufkin’s Parade of Industry”,
Wednesday. The parade is be
ing held in honor of Ernest
L. Kurth who was recently
, elected “the South’s Man of the
Year for 1949.” ,
Numerous dignitaries from the
state and national scenes will also
be in the parade. . i
A)1 arrangements for transpor
tation of the band are being hand
led by the sponsors of the parade,
according to Lt. Col. E. V. Adams,
director. Busses ‘will carry the
group to and from Lufkin .
Preceding the parade, the band
will be feted with a luncheon at
the Lufkin Country Club.
The 64-year-old Kurth, civic and
industrial leader, is to be honored
by what will be one of the largest
testimonials held in the state’s
history, Adams said. The celebra
tion will start early Wednesday
with an open-house at the Ange
lina County Industrial Plants fol
lowed by the parade in the after
Texas’ elder statesman, Senator
Tom-Connally, Governor Allan
Shivers, Former Governor W. P.
Hobby, Jesse Jones, add Sam Ray-
- bum will be among those present at
a ; dinner to be held at the high
sehooL gymnasium. Connally will
make the keynote address.
: Metropolitan Opera Star, Mona
Paulee will be present at the din
ner to sing. She has recently con-
clude<Hr tour of Routh America.
A highlight of the banquet will be
the . presentation of two awards.
One, the Dixie BusinesH Magazine
award naming Kurth the “man-of-
the-yenr”. The other award will be
by the Texas Manufacturers Asso
ciation which will present him
with n certificate of merit as the
‘Industrialist of the Year’, j
•Jr ”, t rf
Station <A*gieiaod), Texas Tuesday, December 13,1949
New Curricula
Rates Approval
The curriculum in geologi
cal engineering has been ac
credited by the Engineer’s
Council for Professional De
velopment, S. A. Lynch, head
of the Department of Geology,
announced today. s \
\j This curriculum is one bf three
in the Geology Department and
was-activitated in September, 1947,
when the department was trans
ferred to the School of Engineering.
The Engineering Council was or
ganized in 1932 by seven engin
eering bodies to enhance the pro
fessional status of the I engineer
by coordinating and promoting
higher professional standards of
education and practice. The coun
cil formulates criteria for colleges
of engineering which will insure
to their graduates a sound educa
tional foundation for the practice
of engineering.
The council was represented by
an-inspection committee, with Dr.
Eugene A- Stephenson, University
of Kentucky, in charge.
r ■ !'■
4-4— -
Ag Cagers Take Initial 1949-5
"WWTT9 i/iO 1 > ^¥7 T•'! 1 1 * ,U y* A
Win, Submerge Wildcats 66-4
A&M rebounded from four de
feats to notch its first victory of
the 1949-50 campaign on the hard
woods of DeWare Field House
Monday night after, subduing a
rugged Abilene Christian quintet,
66-45, before some 1,900 fans.
The same teams will again meet
tonight with the first tip-off at
8 p. m. Students whose names start
with N through Z will have first
priority tq seats, and judging by
Monday’s attendance, many of the
rest of the student body will be
able to gain seats, too. !
The 66 points scored by the Ca
dets last night were the highest
assembled by A&M in 17 games.
Jewell McDowell, 5’9” playmaker
from Amrillo, sparked the Cadets
with 15 counters to take high
point honors. John DeWitt and
“Buddy” Davis each collected 13
while Dee Nutt, stalwart Wildcat
guard, was held to 12 tallies after
collecting 3 during the 1st. half.
Previous to this game, Nutt and
McDowell had meshed 54 points
Holding the trophies they won in the recent
Chicago competition are the members bf the
top all-around A&M poultry judging team
which out-pointed 16 other college teams at the
meet. Left to right are team coach E. D. Parnell,
- ~ aggins, ”
B. H. Doran.
G. O. Scroggins, R. Barrett, B. M. Mayfield, and
Plato on Profanity . .
Letters to
Solved by
Rice Invites A&M
To New Year 's Ball Set Tomorrow
Editor Dilemma
Local Expert 9
Since the Editorial Board of this
rag has been playing ring around
the prosey with dictionaried dun
derheads whose brains are self-
confessedly soaking in lean mix
tures of pride and preju-juices,
there has been a severe slump on
the grade-graph.
In other words, Letters to *the
Editors, letters to Letters to the
Editors, and Editorial Comments
are causing drastic changes in our
scholastic ranges.
In more other words, Aggies, in
stead of writing Mama for money,
Daddy for doles, and Mary Jane
to see if everything is OK, are
writing letters to the Editor^
Consequently, the long
comes not from home, and studen
are finding difficulty
the Profs.
In shprt, quite a few are flunk
ing. The situation is alarming,
desperate, atrocious, chaotic, and
frightfully annoying.
However, Plato P. Platitude of
our own Batt staff has workei
out a solution. Plato P. has de
vised Letter to the Editor forms
which a. student, in order to save
time, can merely slip in an env< -
lope and send, according to h ?
mood or madness. \
The radical “A” Form is headed
YOU STINK 1, . and contains vari
ous sentences with innuendos verf i
ing on the obscene. This form s
the literary glove-to-the-cheek, ard
ends with space at the bottom f< r
name, class, and room number 1o
be printed in capital letters.
In addition to this form, you
receive a Little Gem Elbow-length
Rubber Glove for sanitary, sale
More conservative in its texi
is the “B” Form letter head
SAM to Hear
if.tuSE Expert’s Talk
In bribini' IT. •’Ef
... • f
Library Named In
Honor of Bizzell
Dr. W. B. Bizzell, president of
A&M from 1914 until 1925, will
be honored at the University of
Oklahoma Wednesday afternoon
when OU s library is dedicated In
hi* memory. 'I:. j
Dr. Biszril wan president of the
Sooner state university from 1925
until 1941 when he became preel-
dent emeritus of OU and chairman
of the sociology department. He
died in *1944.
A portrait of the educator and
n 20-foot limestone monument fac
ing the memorial library will be
unveiled. There will be tributes by
members of the university’s board
of regents and by William B.
Bizzell II, New Orleans, grandson
of the former A&M and OU presi
dent. The grandson will unveil the
statue. i* ' ; f
The 350,000 volume library was
one of Dr. Bizzel’s main projects
for Oklahoma University. Its main
reading room is only slightly^ smal
ler than the reading room in the
Library of Congress.
Dr. Bizzell’e career as a school
administrator began in Montgom
ery, Texas, where he was super
intendent for a short time. From
1900 until 1910 he was superin
tendent at Navasota before ac
cepting the presidency of TSCW.
He remained at TSCW for four
years before he was named presi
dent of A&M. Hih appointment aa
president of the University of Ok
lahoma came in .1925, and he was
connected with that school until
his death.
The scholarly administrator held
seven degrees, including a Doctor
of Philosophy from Columbia Ur
Versity.) During the years he ac
quired a personal library of 14,000
books, not counting his private ci 1-
lection of Bibles, one of the finest
in the nation.'
Although busy throughout
years with school administrative
duties, he waa the author of sev«
al books. Among thsm were "Tie
Relations of Learning”, “Austl
can Theory of Sovereignty", ar
“Judicial Interpretation !of Pol
leal Theory.”
Hillel Club to Healr
Liturgical Music
A program of Liturgical Jew
ish music will be presented W«d-
nesday at the regular meeting of
the Hillel Club, Josh Treimi.n,
president, announced today.
Canton Emanuel Barkan of Sin
Antonio will present the mu: tic
in connection with the Feast of
The meeting is scheduled at 7:15
p. m. in the Cabinet Room of ilie
YMCA. - •
“Cantor Barkan is an accom
plished musician, and is well vert ed
in Jewlhh religious music.” Tr;i-
man said. A social hour will f»l-
low the regular meeting, and Trpi-
man invited all persons interested
in Jewish sacred music to atten I.
STINKS! These are appropriate
for those men of lusty courage
who vent their noble wills against
evils done by the administrative
wheels, spokes, and hubs.
Naturally, there is no place at
the bottom of this form for intre
pid signatures. The form ends
REQUEST. There is a space left
W. W. Finlay, p rofessor of
industrial engineering at
Southern Methodist Univer
sity, will address the Student
Chapter of the Society for
Advancement of Management Tues
day night, according to Charles
J. Goodwin Jr., president of the
The meeting will begin at 7:30
and will be held in Room 301,
Goodwin Hall. The speaker will
be introduced by Dean Howard W.
Barlow of the School of Engineer
In addition to his work at SMU,
Finlay is vice president of the
Society for Advancement of Man
agement. Before being elected to
this position he served as regional
coordinator for the SAM. He has
been a member of NACO since
Finlay was bom and educated in
London, England, and served an
apprentice there is a toolmaker.
Later he added to his practical
factory experience by working at
gage making, ship building and en
gine manufacturing. During World
War I he served in both the Brit
ish Army and Navy.
Worked at Wright
Shortly after coming to the Uni
ted States in 1926, he joined the
Wright Aeronautical Corporation
in! New Jersey as a time study
engineer, later being promoted to
manager of production engineer"
In 1035 he toured England,
France, Yugoslavia, Czechoslova
kia, and Roumania, surveying pro
duction and materials problems in
aircraft engines.
On his return, he became mana
ger of Hcente and export for the
Wright Company, atepplng up to
plant manager in 1940, and served
as director of industrial relations
before going to the Guiberson Cor
poration, Dallas, as vice president
and general manager in June,
1944. i i "
Speaking of Finlay, Dean Bar-
low has said, “he has been here
several times in the past few years
and I consider him to be one of
the finest speakers to visit our
ASHVE Schedules
Fin Feather Dinner
An annual joint dinner meeting
of the American Society of Heat
ing and Ventilating Engineers will
be -held at the Fin Feather Club,
Bryan, Texas, at 6 p.m. December
’ Leading men in the field have
been invited. Hugh V. Keepers, As
sistant Manager of the Fire Pre
vention and Engineering Bureau
of Texas, will spirak, and addition
al entertainment will be furnish
ed by a quartet from the Sing
ing Cadets.
at the bottom for a “P. S." ack
nowledging why the name was
The final form being placed ort
the market is the liberal “C” Form,
headed, WHAT SMELLS? This is
the form for the undecided, the
unaquainted. and the undeveloped.
But Plato P., Platitude is also
looking on the other side of the
fence that he is so obviously
teetering on. Along with these
three forms, Plato is featuring
a special Christmas package for
It consists of his new booklet,
Snappy Comebacks To Tag Onto
The End of Letters To Us,
a pocket Thesaurus, the new Funk
& Wagnalls Dictionary, How To
Lose Friends and Alienate People,
and a list of vibrant excerpts from
the Gettysburg Address.
In a recent interview Plato
voiced the opinion that the edi
torial column could be brightened
up with some editorial cartoons.
“Why not start off with a group
picture of the Editorial Staff?”
said Plato.
Plato wound up the interview
by showing me two odes that he
has written and I would like to
re-print, them here.
Ode To An Editor in the Act
Of Writing Editorials
The pen is mightier than the
But what of water, or the board ?
Ode To An Aggie Writing A
Letter to the Editor
My thoughts are noble, true, and
wise, |
By Lincoln’s credo they’d pass
the test,
But I’ll sign, for fear of Dean’s
The A&M student body has been invited to a Southwest
Conference New Year’s Eve Dance in Dallas, Kieth Allsup,
president of the Student Senate said today.
, A letter from Rice Institute which will act as host at the
Dec. 31 ball, contained the invitation.
“^ ♦ The Cotton Bowl Athletic As
sociation is sponsoring the dance
for students from the seven South
west Conference schools and the
University of North Carolina. 1
The dance will be held in the
Student Union Building at South-
e r n Methodist University a n; d
will last from 9 p. m. until 1 a. m.
All A&M students who will be
in Dallas that evening were in
vited to the dunce by Ben Ham
mond, president of the Rice In
stitute Student Association, -fi
"In order to maintain the char
acter of the occasion,” Huramond
said, “one student of each couple
will be expected to present sortie
form of university identification,
to gain admittance.”
There will be no admission fee,
Hammond said. Dress may be either
informal or formal.
Hammond concluded his letter
to the senate by saying, "We are
looking forward to seeing you at
the dance, and are depending upon
your extending this invitation to
your entire student body.”
Allsup said that Jim Mugruder,
Air Force group commander, would
be A&M’s official representative.
He will escort Jeanine Holland, the
Aggie Sweetheart.
Sophs Discuss
Plans for Ball
Preliminary plans for the
Sophomore Ball were laid at
Tuesday night’s meeting of
the Sophomore class.
The ball, to be presented
either March 4 or 5, will be the
highlight of the class’ social activ
ities this year, according to R. A.
Ingels, class president. One of
these two dates will be definitely
selected soon, he said.
An orchestra has not been chosen
for the ball, he said, although ten
tative efforts towards securing one
have started.
If the ball is held on a Friday
night. An all college dancai will
probably be scheduled for Satur
day night, Ingels said. Thus class
members will have twio dances
with which they may entertain
their guests, he added.
One of the main features of the
Sophomore Ball will be! the pre
sentation of the class sweetheart,
said Ingels.
Eight committee chaiijmen were
appointed at the meeting by the
class president. They were: Eric
Carlson, decorations; Harold Chan
dler, guests; Jack Brandt, invita
tions; Ralph Rowe, sweetheart se
lection; Dean Reed; class history,
John Tapley and Guy! Jackson;
Dan Scott, refreshments; program,
Reagan Beene.
Dick Taylor He
National Poultry
Dick Taylor, junior
the National Intercollegiate Poul
try Science Club, according to B.
M. Mayfield, President cf the A&M
Poultry Science Club.
each, averaging better than 13
points per game. ;|i
A&M jumped to an early sevfen-
to-one lead, after four minutes had
clicked oft the new scoreboard
clock, and maintained & eooifo)rt-
able margin throughout thd cqn-
test. ^ |
A re-broadcast of this game VriU
be presented over station WTAW
between 4:30 and 5:30 p. rp. to
day for those who were unable to
Final Session
On Investments
•Wilcox to Address
I I :
Accounting Feast
i ' I ' ' [i • !
Frank L. Wilcox, will be the
guest speaker at the annual ban
quet of the Accounting Society
Tuesday December 13, at Sbisa Hall
at 6 p. m.
J Wilcox is the president -of thp
Texas Society of Certified Public
Accountants. He is a graduate of
has been elected vice-president of the University of Oklahoma. Upon
the National Intercollegiate Poul- graduation he moved to Wac<
The final session of a three
course series on investments
will he held tomorrow night
at 7:30 in the Chemistry Lec
ture Room, T. W. Leliand,
head of the Business Department,
said today. .!< ,
The course is being sponsored
by the Businesi-Society, but any
person interested in any phuju* of
investments is invited to attend,
Leland said.
This final session will feiiture
two talks by members of the Hous
ton office of Merrill Lynch, Pierce,
Fenner and Beane, investment
brokers, who are conducting the
boursei j • . t; •.■ij,
Lewis E. Bnizelton, mnnaget of
the firm’s commodity department,
Will discuss "The Commodities
Markets.” Charles D. Pearce Jf.. ah
account executive, will explain
"Municipal Bonds.”
Brazelton, who has been with
the brokerage firm since 194(1, ai-
tended the University of Texas
and later was sales manage^ fqr
the Houston Packing Company. ;
Peabce is a graduate off the
.University of Pennsylvania. He wiis
in the banking business for 20
years, and has been with the in
vestment brokerage firm sin<je
Sept. 1944.
A film on the. operation of the
New York 1 Stock Exchange will He
shown at the Wednesday meeting.
Account executive Cyrus T.' )ohq-
sjon will introduce the film which
•ife titled "Money at Work.”
j Johnson is a graduate of the
Merrill Lynch Training School.
He was in the manufacturing bus
iness for several years, and for
six years was connected with
Northwest Airlines.
Two previous sessions of the in
vestment course were held oq the
campds Nov. 30 and Dec. 7.
The course |s one of a number
of identical courses currently be
ing given by the company through
out the nation. Several have beep
given at different Texas cjties,
including Houston, Bay City, and
graduation he moved to Waco
where he has practiced accounting
ffor the past 25 years, J. E. Hogan,
Publicity Chairman announced.
attend the Cadet’s initial homt
game of the season.
Dub King: was at the micro ihom
for a play-by-play accourit of th<
The defensive work of iruant
Wally Moon was outstanding ii
the first half as he impiessci
everyone^including tnje. Wi dents
—with his aggressive, acrolmth
play. McDowell also turned in som<
top man-to-man defensive work m
he guarded ACC standout, Nutt.
Veteran Bill Turn bow occasion
ally showed the hustling form that
made him a crowd-plenser ii the
past few campaigns, AH thiec ol
the “little” num. on the qiintet
made a better snowing undo- the
Aggie basket tlfan did the two
“tall ’uns’"—DeWitt and Davis.
Too often the nig men fai ed to
follow up on snaring rebourds ol
Aggie shots. However, in tha sec-
on# half the [backboard wOfk
looked considerably better with 6
7” Ken: Sutton mixing it wel will
the Wildcats in'’ under-the-1 aske :
melee*. j
Never Threatened i
ACC neyer was a threat i o th*
Farmers’ lead, and their nsurcs;
margin came midway in the second
half when Harold Harmen and Del /•
Nutt chopped the lead down tp J
42-66. . ; ■ A
Then, McDowell racked up fivi
points in 33 seconds and the C’a
dets coasted the rest of the way*.
A&M sank 20 freje shots to
greatly sharpen their chArity aver
age, and collected 17 of 54 shotk
from the flower'to make onij-thm
of their shots,' ,
Coach Bugs MqriV team
in their worst fallowing n
free-throw line:j llhis j| year,
misseif 17. [j !■ y
Texas A&M (fl^-fG FT ‘F T1
DeWitt, F
Turnbow, F S;.;..
M. Martin, F ......jL
Sutton, C
Davis, C ..........
Garcia, F ......0 0
McDowell, Q ...
Moon, (1
Houser, i ......
Miller, L
ACC (45)—
Teel, F
Hartman, F .
Grantham, F .
Coppinger, F
Webb, c
Dorsey, G
Nutt, g !
z ^ J
I . ■ Totals; jL
Half-Score: .Tt
ACC 15.
Free throws missed. A&M
DeWitt, Davis [2, McDowe
Moon. ACC (17) Dorsey 6,
Grantham 6, Hamtin, Nuti) 2.
, Officials Albbecht and Gc rnn
Danish-Gym Diplomats . . .
Bounce and Bounders Will
- /•
LandHere Wed
n esdayNight
i ‘
Danish diplomats deluxe, bounce
and bound into DeWare Field
House tomorrow night for what
promises to be bne of the most
pleasing pleas for better inter
national relations yet on record.
Thirty lads and lasses from a far
distant land compromise the group
which, along with spreading ample
good-will, show every promise of
providing a pretty classy show of
gyiftiiiastic gyrations.
One of the earlier performance*
in their present nation-wide tour
evoked the following comment on
the pages of the New York Times:
“They were demonstrating a few
tricks of balance, suppleness, and
grace in a two-hour exhibition that
had a couple of hundred physical
education students from New York,
University gasping.”
The aggregation, traveling un
der the name of the Danish
Gym Team, is on a two-fold mis
sion to this country. They want
to further American interest in
their country and to get a first
hand view of people and prac
tices in the United States at
the same time.
The 15 men and 15 women com
posing the team are strictly ama
teurs picked for the United States
exhibition through nationwide com
petition in Denmark. Irt Denmark,
incidentally, that is quite an ac
complishment, since the sport of
tumbling rates with Danes in much
the same spot as baseball rates
in this country.
Team members vary i|n ago from
18 through 30 and Hit in addi
tion to their gymnastic feats, abil
ities at Danish folk dunce inter
pretation, A portion of etch of their
performances is devottnl to folk
If their program hire tomor
row night follows the r previous
performances, the numlier one act
will be a demonstration of rhythm
ical gymnastics by the girl mem
Following this will be a session
devoted to what the Danes call
fundamental gymnastics involving
poised and stretching exercises.
The male portion of the group holds
the spotlight for this one.
The girls take over the third
portion with a series entitled
"Balance Beams” in which the
dare-devil Danish damsels at
tempt some fancy bi lance and
foot-work on a minimum of foot
space. These exerciseu are per
formed on narrow beams.
The boys spell the girls next
with a demonstration of advance
exercises including hand-stands
and other non-apparatqs work. In
dividual performances ure stressed
in this section of the program.
In the number aix apot of activ
ities anticipated for the coming
show are the interpretations of
Danish Folk Dances. Again refer
ring to the New York Times, we
find .this portion described^:
“merely vigorous versions of a
cross of minuet, square dancing,
and a pollca ...”
And, describing a part pf the
dance in which men throw women
across the floor, “This was done
with vigor that astounded evert ihe
jitterbug-experienced students plre-
sent.” j . j }i I
The climax performance of the
night will probably find the male
members defying all laws of
gravity and ■elf-preservation in
a skit labeled unglamorously
enough, “Apparatus and Tumb
Utilizing horses, “Swedish BOX'
cs,” bucks, and Other gymnastic
paraphanalia,' the boys pull such
stunts as. onO-hapded stands ion
other fbrina
of flipping, flying, and general
horses, “Tiger Jumps,’!
Thief Jumps,” and
fate-flaunting fetes.
The team is traversing the .Uni
ted States'by automobile and ex
pects to hit every major city and
college in their tour. They arrived
* ‘ i country Sept. 6J
r performance tomorrow
as at 8 p. m.' in DeWare
in this
Field House. Student admission
will be &35. Non-studenta tickets
will sell for 81.35.
on sale at Student Activities Of
fice and at the Athletic Depart-
t V,.;: :\i<
Tickets are now
- A t *
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m m
m m mwSm
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bride the last
Shakespeare puy wiu be presents
by the Clare True Major Players.