The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 08, 1949, Image 1

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3 S
* -
aty Of
College Station
Official N
i, - j
Volume 49
• •
State Police Check
Campus Car Thefts
v I
Fingerprinte are being checked
against likely suspetjts in the re-
cent automobile thefts on the cam*
pus, Fred Hickman, chief of cam
pus security announced today.
Decembers, two student automo
biles were stolen from student
parking lots and a radio was stolen
from another car while it was on
the Jot. All three cars were 1949
Ponia.: !;.
One of the stolen cars, which be
longed to Kenneth Shackleford Ag
Ed. major from Montague, was
found ope .half mile west of the
college bn Farm Highway GO by
campus police at 3 a.m. Dec. 6.
Since it. is known that the car
was not at that spot at 1 a, m.,
the time of theft is narrowed
somewhat Hickman said. The ra
dio, rear view mirror, and other
' _ accessories were taken, but other-
wtise ’the automobile was unharmed.
\ i Tpe car was taken from the Law
Hall parking lot.
j J I S. M. McCarthy, IE major from
Weatherford, was the owner of the
second stolen car which has not
. been recovered yet." McCarthy’s
Foj-d was parked near Dorm 12.
A radio was stolen from R. R.
Rohrer’s Ford which was parked
oh the Dorm. 14 parking lot.
Hohrer reported the theft Decem-
bier 6 to the campus security office.
State Patrol Assists
State Highway Police were call-
on the cases to process the
two cars which were taken
ed in
Court to Rule
If Crap Game
Is Job or Not
& Austin, Tex. —GP)—The Texas
Supreme Court "will decide wheth
er or not a crap game was enough
a part of a job to allow a laborer
tjo collect Workman’s Compensa-
tion insurance. '
It. will rule on an award af
^6,416 to the widow of a road
Worker who died after a fight over
'a 50 cient side bet with another
employe. . f , •
j Chief] Justice Thomas B. Coe of
the 9th Court of Civil Appeals at
Seaumpnt had ruled that in this
tase “ihe crap game in which the
ieceasbd was participating at the
time of his injuries had truly be-
dome a part of his working erv-
j Vironment.” The Supreme jCourt
accepted for review today,
j The suit :for workman’s com
pensation was brought by Patsy
Williams, widow of Clarence Wil
liams, who died in Orange Oct. 23,
^947 against the American Gen
eral Insurance Co. She claimed the
, injuries were received in the
* course of his employment wi^i
Trotti and Thompson, Inc., road
and bridge contractors.
The civil appeals court found
that it was the “usual and cus
tomary practice” of employes to
eihoot craps early in thei morning
lifter being carried in trucks to the
job by their employers^ The em
ployer knew of the practice, the
court said.
4 Testimony showed that Williams
was hit on the head by a piece of
two by six timber, weilded by An
other employe, after their argu
ment over the side bet. Williams
fell and hit the concrete floor, and
died of his injuries. The man who
" hit him was' fined on a guilty plea
for negligent homicide.
: The ease will be, argued before
the Supreme Court Jan. 4.
Hort’s Pick, Wax,
Pack Tons of Fruit
Several Horticulture students
left Saturday for the Rio Grande
Valley to obtain fruit for the an
nual Horticulture Show in Sbiaa
December 12 and 13, accord-
g to A. H. Krezdom, Horticulture
hstructor. ' • > ''
The students will pick, wax, and
inck three tons of grapefruit,
ranges, alvacados, papaya^, and
ther subtropical fruit for the
how. Another group of horticul-
ure students will go to New
raden to obtain sweet potatoes.
The Horticulture Show will have
a wide variety of displays such as
ball and burlaping, grafting, btid-
ding and a display on the entire
life, history of a properly cared-
for plant from seed to tree.
Persons attending the Ishow may
purchase varieties of fruit and
nuts, Krezdom said. Profits will go
to the Horticulture Chib which
will help pay expenses for a field
trip to the "Valley” Ire the near
Lord, What a Waste!
Clovis, N. M.—GW— Sheriff Bill
I Collins finally has found a use
for all that confiscated whiskey
he’s gathered up in Dry Curry
Counties. V .
He uses straight Bourbon to
clean his fingerprint ink plates, his
own fingers and those of the per
son being fingerprinted. ' /
•1 i
■ r -J
for fingerprints. State Patrolmen
Luther and Marsh conducted the
Several latent prints were found
on the two cars and they are
being checked against suspects.
Since the methods are similar,
the officers felt that tie same
person or persons who committed
the thefts this time are tie same
who stole two car radios list year
and were never apprehended.
Any arrests will be promptly re
ported, added Hickman.
Foreign State
Grad Students
Now Number 16
Twenty-six students
ing to
ean of
13 foreign countries
enrolled in the G
School at A&M, acco:
Dr. Ide P. Trotter,
the Graduate School.
Three students are majoring in
chemistry, agricultural economics
and horticulture. Chemicajl engin
eering, physics, range and fores
try, genetics and agronomy- are
next with two students ejach ma
joring in those fields.
The other fields with on]; student
each includes agricultural engin
eering, civil engineering, biochem
istry and nutritiion, wilf life man
agement, animal husbandry, veter
inary pathology and mechanical
Students from China are Ken
Shou Fang, Er-Chen Foo, Ih-Wai
Hui, Shao-Hung Ssu and Liang
Tsai Wan; India, Konigapogu
Joseph Devadanam, Vishrjam Pra
sad, Gajendra Nath Raut and Har-
bhajam Singh; Canada, Bruce H.
Levelton, James A. B. McArthur
and Thomas MacKenzie Lothian.
From Puerto Rico, Rivera Ovidio
Gonzales, Eddie Ortiz and Osvaldo
Villafane; Egype, Ahmed Mostafa
Abu Nsar and Ahmad Talajat El
Wakeel, Australia, Raymond Mil-
ton Moore and Thomas N. Stuck;
Pakistan, Sheikh Iftekhar Ahmad;
Lebanon, Faud S. KhUri. From the
Philippine Islands, Shubert Shi-
Chien Liao; France, Pierre R.
Mommessin; Peru, Orlandp qicese;
Palestine, Samir A. Shadid, Iraq;
Faud F. Toma.
Draper Speaks
To Turkeyman
▼ IOWA J.VS& X AO X l/l
try Improvement Associatic
gave a lecture on the Natior
George H. Draper, super
visor for the Texas iPoul-
Turkey Improvement Jplan to
the Turkey Management clahs un
der the direction of Ross Sherwood
last Thursday.
According to Draper, the purpose
of the 1 plan is to afford protection
from unscrupulous competition and
enable purchasers to buy poultry
with more confidence. J
Its objectives are to improve
production and market qua ity of
turkeys through-better
and to reduce losses from
In order to do this, Draper said,
a breeding stage is set up | of U. S.
Approved, U. S. Certified, U. S.
Register of Performance, and U,
S. Register of Merit to help car
ry out the purpose and objectives
of the plan. To get these classifi
cations the breeding stock must
meet reqirements- set bp by the
N. T. I. P.
A pullorum classification is also
set up in order to assure turkey
raisers of reduced losses from
pullorum. It has three stages be
ginning at pullorum controlled,
and progressing to pullorum
passed, and then pullorum clean.
' According to Draper, if every
breeder would follow the plan
as set forth by the state board,
losses from disease would be re
duced and the market quality im
Early Rush For
’51 SMU-ND nil
South Bend, Ind., Dec. 8 GW—
Tom Ryan, hotel manager, ans
wered a long distance call yester
day from Dallas, Texas. ^
. The caller said she vras Miss
Louise Meyers and asked for a
reservation on Oct 12,
“Your’e a little latje, don’t you
think—Oct. 12 has come and'gone,”
Ryan suggested. ^
"Why, Honey, I thought you
would know I meant in 1951,” the
ctfller replied.
“It’s for the Notre Dame-SMU
football game that day.”
She got the reservation.
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if i
The smiling ladies pictured above are all charter
members of the newly formed Texas Aggiettes.
Reading from left to right across the top of the
“T" are Eddie Jean Heard, Judy Chapman, Jean
Ray, and Tommie Joe Estes. Prom top to bot
tom oh the steam of the “T” are Gloria Spinn,
That Texas Hospitality . .
Temple Girls
With ‘Keydet
Mildred Faulkner, and Joy Hoherd. Forming the
base, from left to right are Audrey Barnett and
Shirley Beth Harrell. Not pictured are two reg
ular members, Beverly Hinkle and Camille Black
burn, and two honorary members, Elizabeth
Peters and Doris Marie King.
Now 6 Aggiettes 9
’Dates as Goal
Let’s take a little trip to Temple.
Why? 'tVell, I can give you i;|>
good reasons.
And all thirteen of the reasons
ciin be summed up in one little
plirase—The Texas Aggiettes.
It seems that in the town of
T jmple,: only some 90 mjles dis
tint, the; Aggie Spirit hijs really
tt ken root. And l’ll guarantee that
it s probably the prettiest bunch of
Aggie Spirit you have seen in quite
some time.
But let’s start at the beginning.
Last September, when all of us
tiooped in various forms hr reluc-
ti nce back to this beauty spot of
the Brazos Button, two Temple
residents came to Aggieland, too.
II was their first trip, and they
were rather pleased, to Isay the
One of them expressed it this
way, “We were at Aggieland for
the Villanova game and came home
so elated over the Aggie Spirit that
we could talk about nothing else
for days.”
The speaker, not one to go at
things lightly, continued, “We soon
realized that we couldn’t go to
A&M every week-end (as much
as we’d like to!) so we decided to
dp something to build up Aggie in
terest ih Temple.”
And they did.
To fully appreciate the signi
ficance of that decision, you
hould know the person who
ade it. She’s a lively little
rown-eyed brunette who stands
to the
»f “Jodie”, and loves lo dance,
late Aggies and come to A&M.
The Other member of the duet,
ary Mangham, adds pretty
rongly to the argument, too.
This 6’4”, long-haired brunette
sponds to the name of “Clarence”
apd loves dancing.
The two girls found their solu
tion in the formation of the Texas
ggiettes, a club composed en-
y of Temple girls who “show
njte interest in Tej(as A&M
Theirl first step was to contact
ie president of the Temple A&M
others' Club who proved to be in
hearty agreement with the ideas
p(ut forth by the girls.
With the aid of the)
A&M Mother’s Club, they
deeded to carefully select
from what the^r considered Temple’s
“cream of the crop.”
And thus H was that the Tex
as Aggiettes were born with a
charter membership of 13 girls.
Jody, who goes by the more for
mal Jo Ann at Temple Junior
College, was elected president
and Mary was chosen vice-presi
A carefully drawn-up constitu
tion was then submitted to the
Mother’s Club and approved. The
preamble of this form reads as
“We, the members of the Texas
Aggiettes, ate hereby organized
for the purpose of furthering Ag
gie interest iii Temple and of sup
porting the Texas Agricultural
and Mechanical College at all
times. We also advocate good
wholesome entertainment for girls
and boys and we will do our best
to keep Temple ranked tops, mor
ally and physically, in the opinion
of the Aggie
Another interesting article in
the constitution comes under the
heading “Sqci&l Activities.” It
reads, “Anytime an Aggie wants
a date, it is the responsibility of
the Texas Aggiettes to see that
he gets a cute and nice date.
It is also our duty to show him
a good time jvhile he is in Temple
and to makje him feel welcome
and at horn
That’s what the lady proposes
—and they feally seem to mean
it. But, what about the members?
Here’s p few of the major points
of information. 4.
Beverly Hiijikle, secretary for the
organization, jhfts light brown hair,
blue eyes, (ind stands 6’2”. At
Temple Junior College, where she
is a student, she answers to the
name of “Bug.”
Another brunette, this one blue
eyed, handles monetary matters
for the group. Jean Ray by name,
she stands 5’6” tall,; and is also
a student at TJC.
Gigantic sergeant-at-arms for the
group is 5’3” Joy Hoherd, who
might weigh almost 100 pounds
soppin’ * wet. This brown-eyed
brunette also attends TJC.
Audrey “^udie” Barnett, Ag-
giette, reporter, is 5’ 4” and boasts
Green eyes and strawberry blonde
hair. She works as a secretary
for the Roark Nash Company in
In charge of keeping the his-
n pro- tory for the group is Gloria Spinn,
—^rs a 5’4” brunette with green eyes.
Gloria is known as “Dutch” at her
alma-mater, Hieronymous Busi
ness School.
Tommie Jo Estes, answering ap
propriately enough to the nick
name “T. J.”, is the Aggiette song-
leader. Another brown-eyed brun
ette, she is 5’4” and a student at
Stepping down just two inches
we find Eddie Jean Heard, £. lit
tle gal with brown hair and eyes,
who also counts herself among
the students at TJC.
Another of the non-college girls
is 5’4” Camille Blackburn. This
brown-haired, green-eyed lass is
an employee at Stewarts’ Shop in
For those who prefer brown
eyed blondes, there is TJC student
Mildred Faulkner who also tips
the 5’ 4” mark.
In the blue-eyed blonde depart
ment there is 5’5” Judy Chapman,
another TJC student, whose mark
(See AGGIETTES, Page 4)
i ■
■ ’• I 4-
- i
i 8, 1949 x. | 1 1 j , | 1 ^ Number 57
Curtain Rises on ‘RUR’
Kart Capesk’s "R. U. It.” will
be presented to the public tonight,
at 8 p. m. by an Aggie Player
cast in Guion Hall.
Tonight’s performance will be the
first of two; the final performance
to be presented tomorrov' night.
Admission is twenty-five cents, and
tickets are now on sale at ;he Stu
dent Activities office. W
Those who fail to obtain there
tickets before curtain tine may
purchase them at the doo *.
Playing time is about two hours,
and will involve for the first time
i^nl Tonight
Player’s history; the
than orte «et. ' New
ilso be in
Knode to Speak
On Metzger
Gun Collection
The Metzger gun collection
will be discussed by Harry C.
Knode, private gun collector
from Houston, Thursday, De
cember 15, at 7:30 p.m., in
the Chemistry lecture room, ac
cording to Lt. Cpl. Frank* R.,
Swoger of the military department.
Knode assisted Garl Metzger in
obtaining and cataloging the 600
gun collection which is now here
at A&M. Manager of his own
firm in Houston, he is considered
the best informed living author
ity on the Metzger collection.
Selected pieces from the col
lection will be the subject matter
for the discussion which , will be
free to all interested persons, stu
dents or otherwise.
Besides having assisted Metzger
in making the collection, Knode
posses a vast knowledge and ex
tensive background of old weapons
from which to draw his subject
ipatter. Among his speci4lties are
weapons famous in Texas history,
Indian fights, frontier days and
Texas independence battles, Swog
er said.
Knode, according to Swoger,
is vary pleased that the collection
has been located here at A&M.
He believes A&M is the rtost logi
cal place for its location since here
it will receive the proper main
tenance, display and appreciation
due a fine collection.
“We are very fortunate in having
the collection located here and the;
talk to be given by Knodes will be
a fine opportunity for the students
to become better informed on thq
history and background bf a. fu
ture feature of the A&M pjtmpus,’
Swoger said. ‘ - i— | ; j
Invitations Curb
Extended for Poll
The deadline for ordering Jan.
graduation announcements has been
extended to Dec. 13 as a result qf
the poll to determine whether Or
not commencement exercises should
be held, Grady Elms, assistant di
rector of Student Activities, an
nounced today.
Results of the poll will not be
known until this^weekend. Elms
said. f
Many studHts have delayed Or
dering pending a decision as to
whether exercises will be held and
the additional two days have been
added for this purpose, according
to Elms.
Orders are taken at th^ Student
Activities Office, Room 209, Good
win Hall, from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.
all week days, Elms concluded.
in the Agyjie
use of more
lighting effects will
use. \ j
Robots Not Metal
The |‘R. U. R.” robots at»: not
made of metal as is the robot
"Willie” who has been seen ro
ing the campus the past few wpek
They-are RosumSi Universal; Ro
bots and are more or less hujnan,
The scene of the play is.fipfar
away island sometime in th» fu
ture. The blot resolves around the
manufacture of the “R. U. R.’’ Ro
bot and an | attempt to make rbbots
more human. In the process of be
ing humanized, the robots revolt
against the human race and threat
en to destroy it.:
“R. U. R.” marks the ninth Af-i
gie Player production for Gtorge
Dillavou since he took over the
director’s reigns along witlj his
teaching duties in 1946.
Lead: Rolls
Jean Gather, president of the
board of directors for the Bryan
Little Theater, has had consider
able experience in acting, direct
ing, writing and radio work since
receiving her B. S. degree from
the University of Tennessee,' She
will play the part of Helena Glory.
Karl Wyler too, is a man of con
siderable experience. The' “C”
Troop C. O. has done radio- work
Vernon Young
Chosen to Edit
T . I ■ ' j' ...J ' :J fl '
Forester’s Book
Dr. Vernon A. Young of the
Range and Forestry Depart
ment, was recently appointed
chairman of a committee to
prepare and edit information
on management of forest l^nds for
the Foresters’. Field Manual to be
published during 1950. He vvas ap
pointed by the Society of; Ameri
can Foresters.
The committee includes seven
members property distributed geo
graphically for a desired regional
balance in the United States.
Dr. Young is senior member of
the Society of American Foresters
comprisejd of 6,260 members. Over
a period of years Young has con
tributed several scientific papers
on Range Management topics to
the Jaurnal of Forestry.;
An announcement was:recently
made of the appointment of Robert
A. Darrow, associate professor in
the Department of Range and For-
estery, as editor of the Plant eco
logy, section of the international
journal Biological research liter
ature used as a standard refer
ence by technicians in all theore
tical and applied fields of biology.
In El Paso.
Domln in the
Many may rei
He plays the
b["R. U. R.”
•member him
s thje part of
for hi 1
Pastdrf Mander 11
Supporting Roles
Supporting Ostner and
will be Georgje Willman,
uate student ip education
n grade
;iiii 1 tin ouiny | viuiuvh
lallemeier; Klmore Torn
i, ind Counters June*
and ecoj-
nomics, from Lu Grange, os Ale
mist; Chuck Bcnsheltcr, u grad
uate student < from MillersvilU
State Teachers College, Pa., Dr
Gall X Vernon Berry, a sophomore
from jLufktn, I as Bubry; Gorddh
Milne a^Hall ‘ “
as Busm:
as Nana. . , f ,
Milne is \j professor pf fieri
culture here aj, A&M.
“R. U, R.” ir Tom’s first stag*
appearance, C^uhtcss Jones on the
other hand is a 4qteran of "OUl
Town” and “Chocolate Soldier.” 1
Countess is an Ex-Tekaie un<
publicity director forxthe
Players. \|
nd past
Free Feed Finds Clubmen
Seeking Ag Subscriptions
Dust off that pitchfork; sharpen
that plow—get 45c ready, for the
time is NOW.
: f , :
This uninspired poetry just
about sums up Jim Park’s latest
maneuver for boosting circulation
of the Agriculturist, which he edits.
The boys were whoopin’ it up on
the second floor of Goodwin and
came up with a contest, which
should bear much interest for each
of the thirteen clubs under the
School of Agriculture.
1 11J : • ■
This contest, now in its second
week, has each of the club mem
bers competing for subscriptions
to the Agriculturist, A&M’s reply
to Farm and Ranch, selling now
at 45< l each..
Presently the Agronomy Society
is leading the field, with the Ag
Engineers second. The winning
group will be awarded a barbecue,
courtesy of the Agriculturist.
“There are no strings attached,
no methods barred,” Park said
when asked rules of order for the
campaign-contest. “The contest is
open to all paid-up members of
these clubs,” he added.
The contest is an annual one.
Last year, victor of the campaign
was the Landscape Art Club.
Subscription blanks may be ob
tained by entrants at the Agricul
turist office, or those in the back
of the current issue inay be used.
The contest will close January
1 4 i-—L r;
Duchess Selected
By Heart ’O Texans
Bonnie Fambro was chosen duch
ess to the San Angela Club Christ
mas dance by the Heart O’ Texas
Club ip the meeting Thuraday
night in room 305 of the Academic
Building. Bonnie is president of
the TSQW Heart O’ Texas Club.
Plans; were made for the Heart
O’ Texas Club Christmas dance
which is to be in Brownwood, De
cember 30. All members who wish
to get dates to the dance were
given names and addresses of
TSCW girls.
D. D. Engrhal, club president,
said if any members who w^re ab
sent want addresses, should see
him or E. W. Behrens, vice presi
dent, in Dormitory 17 as soon as
Human Uolxils
Human robots are ptyy
Cay Sullivan, wife and moi
David Leavitt, architecture n
from San Antonio; Arthur
Hengst, business major from Mid
land; Martin Schrank, ag educatior
major from Hamilton, and Johr
Laufenberg, of Port Arthur.
Laufenberg will portray the ro
bot leader “Radius.” John i|f *
past president of the Aggie Play
ers and has appeared 1 in seveta
Aggie Player president Lindfell
James, and KORA disc jockey
Wanda Naylor will play the part
of Primus and Helena respectively.
Primus and Helena are the first
two robots to acquire human feel-
ings. ' 7|
Darvin Hodges is technical di
rector for the play while C, T.
Stevens is the present publicity
director. • ■ j| • j
ASCE Listens
To Billig Talk
Kirk Billig, consulting en-
ig, consulting
gineer for the Portland Ce
ment Company, was the main
speaker Tuesday at the reg
ular meeting of the student
chapter of rthe American Society
of Civil Engineers.
Billig, who ig currehtly on
three-months tour of the Unite
States, discussed construction
a new type of concrete building.
He was introduced to the ASCfc
members by Wayne Dollve, flenlcjr
civil engineering major; from'
Billig, who has served as a cori-i
suiting engineer for building pro
jects on three continents, Explained
_ the method of constructihg an fl 1-
With appointment to the editor- verted Canternery curve concre(e
■ - shell building. M 1 •'! i :
The structure, when complets,
‘i'fwill withstand winds of up to 1^5
IXrmiles per hour.
Actual construction posts TUr
the .new type building are veijy
low, Billig pointed out. Thlp,
' ned^with. X
ial staff of;; Biological Abstracts,
Darrow has terminated his mem
bership on the editorial : board pf
the Journal of Range Management
For the past two years he has
contributed abstracts oh current
literature for the journal which is
now in its second year bf publica
tion. 'll F >
Vith. the speed of con-
(i . i , 14 > . 4
Phone Service
I if ■ j • •• ! -i .*
Knocked Out
The entire college telephone Sys
tem went: out of operation at 9
last night when an underground
power line short circuited and
burned through a telephone com
pany conduit. j
The burned phone conduit is one
of the main lines serving the cbl-
lege and the surrounding com-
muniljy. ■ | I ■ r T|!” I
Cablemen from the Southwest
ern States Telephons* Company
were rushed to the scene and
worked through the night repair
ing the damage. The conduit,
which houses between 500 atid 600
lines, was completely destroyed at
the burned section. When the
line was uncovered it waa reported
to be nothing but a charted mass
of melted lead and wires.
Phone service should be re
stored sometime this evening bar
ring any further damage, E. H.
Utzman, division manager of the
Southwestern States Telephone
Company, said at press time this
morning. j j
• ' 4-— j- ■
Wives Club Sets; Ifarty
At Y Saturday Night]
The Veterans Wivies’} Bridge
Club plans, a couples’ party at 8
p. m. Saturday in the South Sol
arium of the YMCA.-
All members are invited to at
tend, Mrs. A. J. Trolinger, re
porter of the club, sa^d.
Fifty cents per couple will be
structtdn and the usefulness of
this type of structure make t
ideal for low cost, general purpose
building, he continued.
Willy Bohlmann, president df
student chapter of the ASCE,
raaid that Billig is considered one
of the outstanding consulting ei 1-
gineers in the world. He has
served as an engineering profes
sor in several European universi
ties, Bohlmann > said, and is qn
authority on concrete cohatructioh. 1
Reports on Poultry
Experiments Given
An experiment conducted by tic
Poultry Husbandry Department
has proven that high efficiency
ration, consisting mainly of Texi s
Milo, outrangs standard egg mash,
according to Dr. J, jH. Quisenbe *-
ry, head of the department and
director of the experiment.
In the experiment; two sets of
White ^ghorn pullets, full blodd
sisters, were used./- They wefe
housed In laying batteries and r>-
ceived like trea^mept except f^r
the different laying mashes.
During the year-long experi
ment, and increase Was noted n
egg production, body weight and in
come over feed cost, and less feid
was consumed when using the high
efficiency ration, Dr. Quisenberty
concluded. .. . .
Gam Girl Sets
Hollywood, (A?)—Betty Grable is
up to her first million and a hdlf
—in cheesecake.
Her studio yesterday mailed opt
the 1,500,000th copy of the famous
Grable—in-a-bathing suit photo