i? 7 i, I ■;-n - 1 , • - i ? ■ A r -LETTERS- (Continued from Page 2) w-—jr ' s that the Christmas holidays be extended as originally planned. . Barracks T458 _ I . Bryan Field Annex P. S. If the “worried” students are going to forget - all they learned during a two week vaca tion, they are wasting college. They will surely forget every thing during the summer. If the Academic Council wants to know how the students feel, they: could take ajrote among the students. That would, seem more democratic to us. -? Scouts Meet Thursday The CoHege Station Cub Scouts wiJLhold .ft meeting Thursday, I)e- cember 8, iin the A&M Consolidated High School gym at 7 p. m., ac cording to J. S. McQuire of the ED department. - i| I AH cmi scouts and parents of this area anHnvited, McGuire said. Out Today ;■ U W ! -1 e, BY L. O. TIEDT By the time you have finished reading this, your copy of the November Agriculturist will have reached your post office, or if it hasn’t, it will be well on its way. All subscriptions and news stand copies of the magazine were put into the mails yesterday. Most subscription holders and copy purchasers will not be dis appointed as the editors say this edition is one of the best ever to have been published. I will agree with them on this point. The Agriculturist is the product Builders Advise ovem ber Agriculturist of exceptional mafte-up. A wide se lection of fairly well written stor- i-'i U gies - fi / t j. For Christmas Clieer... The STUDENT CO-OP STORE Has a complete line of — r •• j ‘ iy i RADIOS SPORTING GOODS BOOKS ; NOVELTIES , i c LET US REPAIR THAT RADIO STUDENT CO-OP STORE North Gate ’ i Phone 4-4114 ies covering various' agricultural phases and an increased number of illustrations prove the basis for that, statement. .Cover Inadequate Although the cover, a reversed line-cut of a horse peacefully grazing and a halftone shot of a bee hive, extends a limp hand to the readers grasp, material inside makes up for this deficiency. ’ The necessity of unity among farm population and of agricul ture is brought out by the edi tors in an editorial I label as in spiring. “Spare That Wood”, by John W. Thomas, sheds light on our timber situation and should be of interest to bonfire builders for years to come. Another article of even high- :er i*oncern to Aggie readers is j“Texas Deer and Our Problem” S» ? E R.U.R. ■ ; • Presented by 4 • J. j Aggie Players | Guion Hall 1 j ' 1 ! o A December 8 & 9 '■«?» : "-ir-' ^ v' ^ • M mm *» ’4 ' ■ • r by Curtis R. McLeod. It gives a brief outline of what is happening to our deer population, and what work is being done toward re stocking overhunted areas. According to the author, our state is overpopulated by the four legged ruminants. What! You don’t agree ? Well, suppose you read the article and review the facts before you get after the writer. Outstanding in the field of agri cultural writing is the success feature article on an ex-collegiate athletic trainer. M. W. Kelley of Bastory started “From the Bottom Up” and formed the basis of the story by Nat. M. Kennedy. Financial Aid What every cadet in need of funds sliould have stashed away somewhere is a pecan orchard in at least its tenth or fifteenth year of production. Why? According to J. R. Sahol id “A Lifetime Invest ment,” all you have to do Is bor row a coupla thousand, plant pecan trees, sit down, and let them grow. This might be an instance where money grows on trees. , "Fish Wont to be Big" by B. J. Henderson, should interest every pond owner or potential own er, in that it identifies some of the common faults made by pond owners, Pointers for stocking ponds and fish growth cycles are also included in the article. The greatest fault of the Agri culturist is the article "Gulf Const Paradise” by F. D. Con nell. Author Connel depicts the handicap of Gulf Coast farming, and with attempted humor tries to brighten the story that should have been cut down in the first place. Series Begins Beginning in this issue, the Ag riculturist will print articles con cerning the activities at other colleges under the A&M System. "Something To Cackle About” by Jimmie! Darling, is the first in this series. The article concerns itself with the poultry production and testing methods used at Tarleton State College. Everyone makes mistakes. The Agriculturist is no exception. Even LTL ABNER' • l ■ Over the Hill Goes the Poor MISt MAE/J^rO’ wE&E-<%*gr IWnMM.V CLOSE TNABBIN' me -YORE HEART'S DESIRE-AN* Listen You Numbskull YES, YOU AND YOU— Don’t you have anj^sense? No? Well why don’t you enter Herb Shaffer’s great Numbskull Contest? SHAFFER’S SENSATIONAL I NUMBSKULL CONTEST dffers every one of you a chance to be a winner. Priz es given every week. Make your ignorance pay. cwoost room mur *t DIALIR'S RAMI GOWN BY JO COPELAND ELS BY TRABERT AND HOEFFER-MAUBOUSSIN QlfiJtli pMotm (Ao- Camels for Mildness 1 Yes, Camels are SO MILD hundreds of men and women W! Camels—for 30 consecutive days, noted throat specialists, making weekly examinations (kit) r mmm 1 ’ 1 ' 1 of in a coast-to-coast test of ho smoked Camels—and only reported neW PARKER'21 c&iut'aCd miduH SjflA A remarkable gift value Jt ...a wonderful gift. ’ New low-priced "21” has Parker precision features throughout... fast-action filler...ex clusive new miracle-metal Octan- ium point...and it writes dry With wet ink. Colors: Blue, red, green, black. Stain- a <■» /.a l«s caps...4 point. ^ styles. Wy Pm and Pancil Sat, SS.7S new AERO-METRIC Parker 51 c&co#'ttatUfftccc/ There isn’t a person on your list who wouldn’t oe thrilled with the - Trwir - sensational New M 51." Many outstanding new advances include special ink Bow meter... MW filling ease...exclusive safe- gainst leaking.' Lustraloy or at •filled caps. Cus- ’P points. to «m «4 NmN M> hem tltJt The Exchange Store “Serving Texai AggleiT Lout ■i ^1 Mm , .'a g%—1 gtaa fr c ■/.. - : r-- I 1 ; VOTALLUS yapped ‘BOOT HOW 'O' LOVED ME W1FA PASHUN TMET KNEW NO BOUNDS-YO'ALLOS YOWLED THET AH WASTH' ONLY BOV IN TVT WORLD FO’ YO .'T > , , | ■I / .1 0»PP imal , wMirii r>r matter wirvor? What's Cooking A&M COLLEGIATE F F A CHAPTER, Monday, 7:30 p. m., Ag. Engineering Lecture room. AAUP, A&M CHAPTER, Thurs day, 7:30 p. m., YMCA, report of the Committee on Teacher Evalua tion. ABILENE CLUB, Thursday, 7:15 p. m., room 123, Academic Build ing. AIME, Thursday, Friday, De cember 8-9, AIME meeting room ME Building. AMARILLO CLUB, Thursday, 7:15 p. m., room 207 Academic building. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS, Thursday, December 8, 7:30 p. m. YMCA. BELL COUNTY CLUB, Thun- day, 7:30 p. m., room 226 Academic building, plans for annual Chriit- mas dance. BI-STONE CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., second floor Atademlc Building, organization meeting und discussion of Christmas party, men from Freestone and Limestone county Invited. j . CORYELL COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, December 8, 7:30 p. m. Room 126 Academic Building. Christmas party to be discussed. DALLAS CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., A&I Lecture room. DEL RIO A&M CLUB, Thurs day, 7:30 p.m., Reading Room, YMCA. EAST TEXAS CLUB, Thursday, December 8, 7:30 p. m. YMCA. Christmas dance will be discussed. EL PASO CLUB, Thursday, 7:00 p. m., Third Floor, Academic Build ing, discuss Christmas party plans. FAYETTE COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, 7:00 p. m., room 129 Academic Building. ursday, 7:{H) identic builjd- eagle-eyed proof readers failed to catch all the errors. As for the jokes used to fill a few of the columns where copy was short, I scrape off the mold and say—"Ha! What’ta Laff ! ! !” - Flavor tolls why It's so popular j? ^ma/zifuUJ . . / HJSK CLUB, Thu: p. m. room 325 Acade: ing. ‘j LAMAR CHAPTER OF HOU TON. A&M CLUB—Thursday, cember 8, 7*30, Rohm 128, Aca demic Building. LUTHERAN STUDENT’S AS SOCIATION, Wednesday, j:30 p. m., Lutheran Student Center. ■ NAVARRO COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, December 8, Room 228 Academic Building. Christmas par ty will be discussed. j NEWCOMERS CLUB, Wednes day, December 7, 2 p. m., Cabinet Room of YMCA. NORTH CENTRAL CLUB, Wed nesday, 7:15 p. m., room: 204, Aca demic Building. PORT ARTHUR CLUB, Thurs day, December 8, 7:15 801 Good win Hall, Dance will be discussed. PANHANDLE CLUB, Thursday, December 6, 7 p. m., Lounge of Dorm 1. Annual picture and dance will be discussed. PHYSICAL E DU q AT ION CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m,,i De- Ware Field House. ; ROBERTSON COUNTY CLUp, Thursday, 7:30 p. Nita's News Stand Student Actlvltka Office Student Publications Office Annex Snack Bar A News Stand ■ V I I i. ■ i. . J 1 l( <• 1 , ir 1 1 \ i ■ •f I,' {„ WORRIED about what to five HIM or HKR for Chrlatmaa? Try Puller Bruilie* Phone 4-4UH2, or writ# Nteve Shaw, Box 23kt, College Station, Texas. ONE ms PLEBTLINB CHEVROLET- 4- door Sedan. Healed, bid* will be !re- celved In the Office of the Comptroller until 10 A. M , Thuraday, December ;15, 1H49. The right le preserved to reject any and all bid* and to waive any and nil technlcalttiei. Addre** ComplFoRgr, A. 4 M. College of Texas, College Sta tion, Texnx, for further Information,; ' - - | ' I 4 I,...— T Official : t bj. j | ‘ Student - Faculty DIRECTORY 11 ■!} Texas A&M College 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 Mail 50c to ' 1 ' I i 'j STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A&M College College Station, Texas t to —On Sale at Annex— SNACK BAR & • NEWS STAND DOLLS. Sunbabe Dldy doll*, aleeplng eye*, real laahei, handmade clothed, 2 mllea beyond College, Highway 8, »oulh. Weik- ends on 1 v I ’39 BUICK. ■ pedal, 4-dobr; good condition, good tlraa, *4e Simmon*, M-5 Walton., or Arch. bept. 1941 PLYMOUTH SEDAN; clean Inside but; motor Just overhauled. Ha* a< family car. flood trnhaporti Priced to sell. ' Ph. 2-7B17 after ft p. r rl P BLACK LABRAIKJR Retriever : Pups. reg» - istered. Unexcelled huntlngi doge, [and pet*. Robert W»ll, 8-8789. il '••■I I ANTtqUKS; Open all day to(8;UO pm., Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Hi value*, |1,(S), 18.00, *3 ia). . Other at|- tluue* 20 percent off. Two mile* beyond College, Highway 0, aoutlj. [ Oper Other ap-’ HAS THE appropriate gift for Chrlil got you atumpedT t^t Sieve Shaw, ] friendly Puller Brush dealer, help yml with the gift for HIM of HER Phone 4-4082, or write Steve Shaw. Box 2BHt, College Station, Texu. i 1 WATCH for the “Blg-lnch" at the North Date in 1BB0I - ■ i 4—f i EXPERT RKWEAVINO done at home. Damaged by burns, team, moth hole*. Work guaranteed. Agnes Tydlacka, 2»07 S. College Road. Ph. 2-7120. WANTED RIDER TO NEW YORK aiea, jfor Chf man holiday*, via llghtl pline; phone 4-4324. ♦ LOST AND FOU LOST! Two men'* bags between 2 and 5 -p.m. Thanksgiving on the comer of 26th and College In Bryan. Reward for return. Jimmy Smith, Rm. 422, Dorm. 8. I ' * j blown LOST: A pair of men'i Freemen ShOM. In the parMng lot hind Dorm IS, lait WednSeday, Nov Frank V. Torno. Dorm 1^-105. t -i- Sll, BOSS IA>DOE NO. 1309 A.V.AA.M. Stated, meeting Dec. 8, at 7[00 nmlnatloh* in all ’ Harry Boyer X A.M. Thursday, p.m. Ex- degreejt W.M. N. M. McOlinnU, 1!'' J ■ Consult Dr. Carlton R. Lee f OPTOMETRIST With Tout Visual Problems 203 S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-1062 ‘ ‘I, I ’ t * i * . • i I j'• | Here’s a bargain you «mno iHffviZ v KL- j afford to miss. with LON- Wl' Bring this advertisemen you, and get a can of DON’S NO. 200 WHITE ENAMEL, and a! pure bristle paint brush for,orily 15 cents. This offer is only good until December 15,1949, A • i-jJ- ' ‘ I; No. 200 Enamel is leading in the field of non-yellowing white enamel. You can put it on any surface, inside or outside. ■ ■ ■. GET, IT TODAY LONDON’p I ' 'I Paint Store • - 1 M : f , ^ 2201 College Rd, : i j II I' ' 'll 'f ” l ■Jtks'i i". ' : ;