V ' if . N ^^1 * X-ry ■ ^ ’ i j- v . to Honor Older Employees <>«{ ■ ; - ir’/t . ■ i : I..I , !’* ! ir : * v f f 1 1 T! J . is ' r - L ll i ’• L ' «’ c. * . v- Twenty employees who have completed at least 2p years of ser- v ice with the Texas A&M System, will ‘he honored at the annual Christmas dinner for employes De cember 21 at Sbisa Hall. The 20 who will receive the 25- year-awards are Dr. J. E. Marsh, College hospital, campus; Miss Ruth Lord, now retired, of Bryan; Willie G. Barrow, Animal Husban dry Department; Dr. E. G. Smith, Physics Department; Homer E. Rea, Agronomy Department; James IL Burrell, B & CU Department; Miss Josephine McCall, and J. R. Quinby, of the Agricultural Ex periment Station; Dr. F. L. Tho mas, Entomology Department. Louis A. Fridel and Isidor Lo pez, Subsistence Department; Miss Lida Cooper, Denton, Silver Whit- sett, College Station, J. A. Bar ton, Ballinger, G. J. Lane, Pedu- cah, J. 0. Moosberg, Center, Miss Maggie Peach, Canton, W. I. Ross, Marlin, J. E. Mayo, Prairie View and Lyndal Ward, College Station, all of the Agricultural Extension Service, j Let Us Make That Old Suit or r f Uniform Look New | -• -! expert workmanship £peedy results ALTERATIONS • \ ' ‘ ' r •; J PATCHES CAMPUS CLEANERS Over the Exchange Store A&l hold ai meeting Wednesday after noon at 5 o’clock. Coached by Herman Segriest, the team has pix games and a tournament scheduled for this season. At this first meeting will be discussed plans for the first trip of ’ the year, which will be to Houston on January 6 and 7th. ; The Aggies will participate in the Region III Texas Handball Tour nament along with Texas, Rice, and other top handball teams in the state. The Aggies will be without the services of their star handballer Jewell McDowell. He will not be able to compete until after the cage season ends the latter part of February. ;r -.-r ■ - .‘l ;■ ' j , Reorganize This season, plans have bet ! to compete with SMU, Rice, Texas on a home and home . Later in the spring all teams in this conference will compete in a tournament to be held in Austin sponsored by Texas University. The Aggie handball club last year took two contests from the Mustangs, settled for a split with TU and lost a close one to the Houston YMCA. A tournament was kept throughout last years handball sea son with Jewell McDowell captur ing the singles crown while Mc Dowell and Leslie Layne teamed to win the doubles championship. This organization is one of the recreational sport clubs sponsored by the Office of Seudent Activ ities. LTL ABNER ^-ou: man nc IK was amour ; ■It f-'T You Cant Trust Your WHEU HE WttDlCXTED 7>W Kt OumSTAHX zgJryj IN 7Vt, ioc*£D-ms . / BAG "- , 1 ■ I <• IS YOUR IGNORANCE SHOWING? WELL LET IT. ~ IN’T BE SHY. ENTER SHAFFER’S . . . NUMBSKULL CONTEST Each week, HERB SHAFFER will award a prize to the man with the lowest quiz grade Enter today! i ,; Battalion Gift Shoppers Guide [ J r r r T-n ■ i : ^ 1 ■ ^ Most Gifts Look The Same } > ! J In a box by the / Christmas Tree 'll ' ' ; ! - bqt YOUR GIFT will be remembered long . .. if it comes from 7 t t Wl MB ER IE Y-SION E • DANSBT wtSttiz CLOTKIERS Bryaa College L'. •r . I % £ 'AyliA / P|* J V , 1 mL vJ a Call 4-5324. II BATTALION classified eader than a 'Using in ] Station. Call 4-5324. (cost less per reader than any otf)e? form of advertising in Bryan-Col ege Thomsen jed last Thursday, December 8, Room 228 Spokane )—Elmer told police he was rob night but he couldn’t destribe the CLUB, loot. It was neatly wrapped Academic Building. Christmas par- ]gg marked “Do not open until ty will be discussed. NEWCOMERS CLUB, Wednes day, December 7, 2 p. m., Room of YMCA. Christmas.” Thomsen said he had n’t. The bundles, Christinas pre- 3abinet sents, of course, were lifted from his hotel room. in bund- Now * Now Now. : New and Used AUTOMOBILES FINANCED ;♦ 'l Phone 4-1232 I • i, Flop Colson Travis Nelson • RECORDS • BAIJK School & Office Sapplles ^ ALL YOUR/M5EDS HASWELL’S i-V j IH DINNER WARE J Quality! Gift Ideas ! Jm MISHIUV STAL mm ! ! r LAMPS i-H 'tl l ■im H l! 11 air i'kmmk ■ 1 t " 1 . : -L , - A : J : ?! 1 .1 I !' l5;K v PJRtIR-ASTIN HARDWARE COMPANY ■ I,.'-:: L ' Ii . iT I ii l i T .• !. ’■ Iv' ; I • 'i' . •••*■ lil ■ / , is A',',