The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 06, 1949, Image 3
I •*' Is $ ■ i. M r.'i n - m Scho Inna I *f .• I • In AA and A Classes is l i * - tY Wilbur martin AP Staff Writer Tekas schoolboy football ! reaches the chamtoionshij round m one division play-off this week and two othe: * move into the quarter-finals. T’ O”® Eighty upset was recorded last week, undefeated untied Lubbock falling before Austin of El Paso, 12 to 37 in a Class AA bi-district game, t Sunset: of Dakas and Thomas Jefferson of San Antonio meet Saturday at 2:30 p. m. at Dillas for the City Conference champion ship. Sunset Friday night squeezed past Paschal of Fort Worth, 26 to 25, and Thomas Jefferson Saturday * nosed out San Jacinto of Houston, ■ P 7 to G. ~ j Port Arthur, Marshall, Austin, Alice, Wichita Falls, Austin of El Paso, Highland Park and Abilene advanced to the Class AA quar ter-finals. A ■ .^Littlefield, Ballinger, Garland, Mineola, Mexia, New Braunfels, Uvalde and El Campo are in the quarter-finals of the Class A state 'j Championship chasie. Two Undefeated , l?ort Arthur, one of two remain- iiig undefeated, untied teams in Class AA, meets Marshall Friday njight at Port Arthur. The other I I A perfect club in this divis on, Wichr ita Falls, takes on Austin of E Paso at a site yet to be determined. Austin and Alice. deci ied tha ; they would play at Alice next Sat • urday at 2 p. m. Littlefield squares off against Ballinger at Odessa Friday and Garland and Mineola angle a t Greenville Fridajv No cjame sitej have been, picked for Mexia am New Braunfels and Uvalde and E Campo. There were other results of last week’s Class AA bi-distritt games Wichita Fall$ 20, Pampa 12 Abilene 35, Breckenridge 0; High land Park 33; Paris 0; Marshall 28, Conroe 7; Port Arthur 2G; Galveston 7; Austin 33, Corsican^ 19; Alice 12, Harlingen 6. Results in Class A •* ’ Second round results in Class ^ were: H- - Aggies ‘ . ’ I For Christinas Cheer... The STUDENT CO-OP STORE i 1 • ;'• / Has a complete line of — RADIOS SPORTING GOODS BOOKS, NOVELTIES • )_- 1JCT US REPAIR THAT RADIO STUDENT CO-OP STORE North Gate Phone 4-4114 ?:-> !■; : \ ' || ■ C P r i *:• \ . :- f ! | ' j . Presents Th i M i ; it ■ l- .11 In St HI ; . \ J,. Hi ill i of the current basket Aggie cagers will meet the St. Louis Universit the hardwoods of Kiel Auditorium tonight in $ Still seeking their first season, the ‘ ’ L * Bilikens on the Louis. , n | t ■ ■ • • i • In their first two games of the season, bqth agaii top-flight eastern competition, the* Aggies'lost to Long Island Uni4 versity’s Blackbirds 52-66 imd to| Niagara University 6 a t u j.night, 50-53. Tonight’s game is the first of the; season for the Bilikens, dbo; i“’ the past have been ohe of cage powers in the midwest, year Coach Eddie Hidkey’s cagerq boasted one of the top harldboard men in .the nation iri “Ka^y Ed’’ i . r rd ay- A f ference competition this week, lor and TCU played last night, tai ing on North Texas State |ind Howard Payne respectively. Olher games tonight in which South\yest Conference! teams participate in- velude Rice' vs. Texas'Tech in Houston and Texas vk. Texas V’efl- leyan in Austin, j I . JMUiAMS McFAOlU MOUSES MURPHY ISON Battalion P O R T TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1949 Page 3 ftl! iiiwIimiii ill , Trlaiii Wri. • - » . ■>. ^1 ^<11—■■■ • <»♦«. ■■KW—I Littlefield 26, Lefors 6; Garland hind to roll over Galveston. 7,-Bciwie 0; Mineola 18, Atlanta 13; j Don Rayburn’s extra point after Mexia 53, Grand Saline 0; New j S. M. Meek’s first perior 45-yard Braunfei®21, Rosebud 0; El Campo scoring run sent Thomas Jeffer- 20[ French (Beaumont) 6; Uvaldo son into the finals of the City 19, Mission 7. It Conference. Carl Johnson scored Austin of El Paso rammed oveii | for tU San Jacil ? to ,,n a ™ thre$ touchdowns in the fipal ln t, ^° 8econ ^ period, quarter to rout Lubbock, the team, Comes From Behind that t han been figured as one of j ... . .. ... two finalists in the Class AA racej Ballin ^ r 27 points in Browns, 49ers For AAC Title McCauley. , 1 . | Last season was the lasjt year of competition in college ranks fo? McCauley and with his depart? are went a lot of the , B likens! strength. j -y) . With two games under theif belts, Coach Marty Karow’s cageri stand a good chance to make to» night’s game their initial (victory I of the season. | s’! , ; . ' !** }i - 1 [ , . . ;|. Play, Okla. Ags Immediately after tonight’s tusV sib, the Cadet squml will entrain for Oklahoma City and Stillwater where tomorrow night it will megt j the strong Oklahoma A&M fivb. The game with the Okla. Ags Will be the last on the Ag’s purrerft road trip. Season su ndings ■ (A. of Monday) Team— W. L. jPcti' Pte. SMU A... 2 0; Logo ! 101 TCU 2 0 (115 Arkansas .... 1 11 j .500 jioo Rice t ... 1 1 . .500 100 Texas L. 0 Ul 1 .000 ! 48 Tex. A&M 0 2 1 .000 102 Baylor 0 O' .000 0 Leading Scorers (As of Monday) i Ft' Ft. Tp. 35 1 Two of the touchdowns came on a wild second half to come from pass interceptions, both by Georgo cbampion'shlpH in Class determined this week. Piirt Arthur, doped us the prob- It will, end play for thb senson ■“ llhloktato chaiiHiion, cniur I'Giin be, m' division. The champion Cleveland Browns and San Francisco 49ers advanced Sunday to the final, playoff for the All- America Football Conference title. On a muddy, slippery field and before 17,270 fans, the Browns capturedi a see-saw game from the Buffalo Bills, 31 to 21. In the oth^r semifinal playoff dash at San Francisco, where a crowd of 41,393 looked on, the 49ers eliminated the New York Yankees, 17 to 7. The championship game will be played in Cleveland next Sunday with the BrovVns seeking their fourth straight AAC title,- The Chicago Bears staved off a last half rally Sunday by Pitts, burg Steelent to win 80 'lq 21, and stay in the running fur the CUut on run, of * nnd Jy'nX j| B ^f'T.Tthi II. end pl«y i for thb division,j nnu nwf.y m me running tpr me nuuiv. ; i ~ -■ ^ | • i jyi r'i 1 |l[[[|'." 'I ,' '|'| - |' ' Western Division title of the Na-j tional Football League. Los Angeles’ Rams still lead the Western division with a record of seven victories, two losses and two ties. The Bears have an 8-3 record. < if A Bear victory and a ^am los4 would give the Division i title tc| Chicago. The Bears play tihe Cards and the Rams are host to Washing ton Sunday. The Western Division wijnner wi)l meet the Eastern Divisicjn cham pion, Philadelphia, for the NFL title Dec. 18. j ^hiyer— Brown, SMU, f 15 5 Htjdspeth, Arkansas, f 15 \5 McDowell, A&M, 11 10 McLeod, TCU, c |........ 1(| 10 White, Rice, g, 11 Freeman, SMU, f11 10 »vis, A&M, c Other Southwest^ Conferenflie Hamilton, Tex., f teams continue meeting non-coh- MpDearmott, Riceijc .... & j| ", ■ ;j - "-jy-" GOLDEN ROYaIWpEWRITEI IN OUR WINDOW — 209 N. MAIN ST. ; . • mm off ■■ j j f ON ALL PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Royal* — Corona’s —Underwoods — Rem Inborn IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS il ; * ' T ■ 1 Convenient Terms BRYAN Salrti—Service*—Rentals—Supplies 200 N, Main Street T, Dial 2-13!* , . . . !•••• Witt, A&M, f j. 1 Thief Turns Musical Seattle, 'A*»--A thief [with big ideas almost loused up flhe open ing bars of the roadshow musical “Oklahoma!" at the Metropolitan Hheater last night. Hu stole the oi'chostiftt'H baas fiddle. ? from... TO HOLD EVERYTHING -V Id ■ & Ti '/ The Exchange Store A&M Annex TWO STORES r-: \ !: • No other billfold has all of these features. POCKETS FOR: l. spare hou& key 2. spare car key 3. stamps and tickets 4. credit cards 5. currency 6. identification cards 7. business cirds I. and a secret pocket for largb bills. Some models with an additional coin pocket i. i I A Robe for HIM \ 1 *;i I r! Main Campus ZIPPO I' Insignia Lighter ■1 See Our Wide Choice of Pen, Pencils, and Pen & Pencil Sets. For a gift that Will give him the greatest amount of pleasure—get him one of the luxurious robes from THE EXCHANGE STORE’S large collection. An inexpensive gift that every man will remember. • DAVIDSON sw I ll For PCIS 0 NAUZIO S I A T I 0 N i R Y With your NAME] or M0N0CRAM I ,1S A. J,- . »'Lf. ..’.v . L Store .■J i f Wool Sox with soft olovt leather felt Ihmt jole*. foil toe, cep oad Mfli itt keol for extra wear. Individual Gift Sox podayej. Adorted Colon. ' ll ,J H J . i ^.,.^ ..^11: • 111 . Vi. . •: r -eA>hj i v i whiti « wrtKorr t l <diatukpm%2bnc Hand Dtckltd Stationery \ I* now offered you with your choice of a beautiful monogram, or With ydur. i 1 Both Men and V/omen for Cifts at well as your Ursoual coneipondenee i 1^ juil^ ■'.! ■ Li (! r 'm Xi 1 ki ••