The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 02, 1949, Image 6
i" \ i ^ ■ » l £Mum Guest Pastor At Am 'Harold G. aecond-year i S Odum of Port Worth, student at the Austin . . Consult DT -S%£S£&' h * Phona a.3 308 Annex announced in Austin Uxlay. C A graduate of the Uriversitt of Texas, Odum served an assis pastor of the First Presbyte Church of Lake Charlei, La n ; summer, and is a veteran of two years with the Army iifarttr; in France during the war. I da A & M METHODIST CHURCH You are cordial y invited tend all the church serv Sunday: Tv 9:50 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning W irshi 7:00 P.M.—Worship — loWship Wednesday: ll Rev. Jameg 5 Jackson Pastor fl'oo'pSi-Dinner - prograir, 1 ^ •. ces. Fe n “H ,Con, I i -A.',. -w Page3) . . ust as Hall did the same tion of avoiding a crash. met head on. Haifa Chevrolet and the SE I ' 1936 ^ ven by the other people were completely demolished in the The othir occupants of both cars anly/ minor cuts and f : vf • v • ■— R.U.R. Presented by Aggie Players Guion Hall i ember 8 & 9 ,«f. ’' ■ - ELECTION i- v tinued from ! »age 3) borne,L T-229 and Kmt Markey, t-33o.j! r ; Parliamentarian: J. A. Calhoun, 1 and W. C. Moses, T-206. rgeant-at-arms: E. R. Halow, T-2il6; Dj R. Buckner, T-213; and Tom Bailey. (porter-historian: no nomina tions. shman member to Diamond Run-Off .Monday n-off election w|U probably onday. Final results of n will be ca -ried by the Page next week, resident from Hart Hall will also be selected. Now Now Now New end Used AUTOMOBILES FINANCED Phone 4-1232 . iPlop Cols Travis Nelson m, r .. LIT ABNER Bilim! j p h; Ah, Wndnerness — A ' AcQOROlNS TO THE SADtE HAWKJNS CAY RULES-IF A BACHELOR IS CAUCSKT-HE MUST PROPOSE MARRIAGE— ' ( WIU. VO'-oROaH-W-^y’-MARRY OP wr ME? mmi FAIR S FAiR- iyo'grab&ep HIM FIRST"< HE’S VOORH t' r * 1 - i : • 1 _r : -' ^ 1 t LIT ABNER The Three Little Pigs 'MMm Attend The COLLEGE STATION’S OWN BANKING SERVICE College Station State Bank i , North Gate -l The Exchange Store j ^‘Serving Texas Aggies” With Two Stores Main Campus A & M Annex NASH - NASH MIT LEE AND CO. —. ’ V- • * '•' ” *■* l : .. 27th and Bryan BRYAN, TEXAS Complete Automobile Service 3 I I . American Laundry — and — t ; , ' • • L Dry Cleaners , Bryan, Texas Serving the College Station and t Bryan Communities Since 1000 First State Bank & Trust ~T - . Co. '*■ >. fcii - BRYAN TEXAS Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation L MENDL AND HORNAK Uniform Tailor Shop n > I h' i ' ' i Tailor made uniforms of ; all kinds. North Gate I ! Phone 4-8444 i- r L—~-—u * .■. * ___ IjL- . ' ’ i |- - 1k ■ r : :-4- • hitrch of Your Choice Sunday mm Ip-' . v mM&m mm ■mvvm mmi . mmm i -f rT' W fr-ar nils# k i- . ■■ - ; : : ' •■■■: ;S?' ■ ■ :: pi lilt hive always played an Important role In b« course of human events. They have heralded smper >rs and king*, and have sounded the victorieB >f grei it leaders. They have tolled a mourning note t or th ii passing of lives; and have pealed joyously to announce weddings and births. r own i ' itnemorial of ndepandent nati( .lotes of freedom, equality, and justice Were wunded, notes which echo today in the free life of So that we may continue such blessed living md may preserve the country which guards its ixistsncs, we must listen to the ringing of other Throughout thie great land of hurt church bells lire sounding. These are the GOLDEN BELLS of i ove, mercy, and kindness. Toward them wt must I wsten to worship and pray. With them we must i dug praises to the Lord, our Maker. : i A & M Christian Church I ’ - j i i i *. j i i 9:45 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 5:00 P.M.—Supper Group 1 inT i\ . ' -4 A & M Church of Christ 9:46 A.M.—Bible Classes 10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship r:|5 A.M.—Youth meeting & M Methodist Church 9:10 A M.—Cadet .Coffe Hour W:<0 A.M.—Sunc 11:<0 A.M.—] 7 :30 P.M.-I Christian Science Society. 0 A.M.—Morning Worship St Mary’s Chapel 8:30 A.M.—Sunday Mass J 10:10 A.M.—SUnday Mass A® CHuacH ron ail . ALL FOI THE CHUHCH Jt c ir:, c s h ( u ^ iac - hi* own »ak«. (?) r„ r i. Si Z’ i"«K for (4 > w l< i la ~* Church Itaotf fcbl* <tM?. T ® d ^ Tour O'itS TMtOay Pi.1.. !! SX'fter-'S r!u£r r 4 «•» ^ , Y ' if: 1 ‘ 1 1 a*' College Station Baptist 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 10:50 A.M.—Morning Worship 0:15 P.M.—Baptist Training Union 7:15 P.M.—Evening Worship St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.—Aggie Coffee Club 9:30 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:30 P.M.—Evening Service A&M Presbyterian Church — • ' : * I M ' 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship’ 6:30 PJ4.—Student League 7:30 P.M.—Fellowship Service American Lutheran Church College Station 9:$0 AMI—Bible Class 1 10:45 A.M.—Worship Service City National Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Bryan, Texas Madeley’s Pharmacy South Gate DRUGS • NOVELTIES • FOUNTAIN Portraits of Distinction FROM Aggieland Studio A&M Grill North Gate THE BEST SUNDAY DINNER IN COLLEGE STATION AFTER CHURCH . The Triangle Drive Inn ,: ■ ■ ■ !i : 1 Famous tor Its . . . COLD DRINKS DELICIOUS SANDWICHES A N D CHICKEN-IN-THE-BASKET Midway Between Bryan A College Station. A ♦ v , t' S': ' • ' KlATCHERLY.r-HC*s/ ELSE KIN THCV TEU. EF THEY LIKES HIM? Capp J. A Williams & Sons 113 E. 26th St — Bryan Telephone 2-1574 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS * r •T. ■ _• L ' c/y ' ■ t:; .• '!. ; <• *• - r- k - >/ ;( i •••i . - . .'A. ( r ;y* ■ p •• . ■ - I! I i Battalion CLASSIFIED Page 6 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1949 .> r 1 • FOR SALE • PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS, 110.00' oK on all make* and model!!, Royal*, Smith- Coro.iaa, Underwoods, and Remington*. Convenient term*. Gift wrapped. Late model rent machine*. Typewriter and adding machine*. Bryan Business (Ma chine Compand, 2Mjj MortA Mala, Dial 2-1328. Bryan. _ SHAFFE Book St< MAKES YOUR QkA^Rtiod WORRIED alout whatt to -give HIM or HER for Clirt«trt)a»7 Try Ful*r Brush. Phone 4-408 i or’writ* 8t*ve Khaw. Bo* 2381, Collegj! Station.; ![ Use our check list to pick your gifts: jl il j ■ □ Radios || j : □ 45 RPM Record • Players □ 45 RPM Records □ Record Albums [ □ 78 RPM Records* □ Accessories j DROP IN TODAY! | Shaffer’s Book Store 5 North Gate 1941 FORD T 8e* at 107 after 5:00. UDOR, flnt class condition. •Highland, College Station, Phone 4-827#. —i—,—i NEW MARL See Hughes, 1948 STUDESaKER A-l Condlt heater, ove! Smith, T,C Gate 3. Ky . I IklNU -L 1 1 N Lever-Action .: 22 Rlfl*. Commander, on. |) Plastic seat cover*, drive, W.B.W. tlr^i. L. R. - 3.|-4. Can be seen at e PiUd. ' ] BLOND KRO ,L BABY BI^D, Mattress A bumpers. A-ha College View. John Richards. 5 OVERSIZED J FRONT BEDROOM, beauti fully furnished;j walk-ln chest closet, . .y ‘- w , y ventilation; but onal. excellent neigh, 2716 fdr appointment. adjoining bnth. j 3-w line, breakf) borhood. or Joyces ' ii or vicinity, cember 22, v MOTOR OVERHUII Having us overhaul your engine is like turning the mileage indicator back to zero. For your car will I hum along the highways as if it just left the assembly line. DRIVE UP NOW! 11 r • ‘‘Over-all Overhaul Service” ROBESOH Motor Co. s ipi 724 N. Main . •!: u ■ 'L':' 'L: irtBii .-Us-s ‘ fe .. ; 1: ,1 1 • - ^1: ; | V- Ui i ip ^ wM ? I : - L* Ph. 2-8815 Used to • E Washington D. C., tmaa. Can leave De- BQoner. Pleas* writ* Byron E. B ack.j Box 1350, Annex. z. ters What We Believe To Be the Clejanejst and Best Stock of Used Care Ever Offered |To" You. II to Visit One of Don’t Our Two 1 r ’■yi >t«. i.L Lot No 14-Hwy. 6 South Lot No. 5J—No. Bryan-24th 1949 FORD I - door Sedan, heater, v hit4 wall Urea, and like new .....1 81595 1949 F O R D; 4 - door sedan, radio, hcatet, seat covers, overdrive, spotlight, black fin 1949 FORD Q - door sedan, heater, scat clovers, clean 84495 1948 FORD 2 - door sedan, radio, be tter; ovendrive, white side tires, only 11,000 mile* j...... ^1395 1948 FORD |2 - door sedan, radio, hen ter j plastic seat cov ers, whit s side tires..,. 81290 1948 PONTIAC 4 - door sedan, radio, lieiter, hydramatic drive, white j side tires, 21,000 mile* . .81610 1947 CHEVROLET Aero *edan, radio, heiteii black finish and very low mijeage | ...j......:81S50 1947 ME ICURY 4-door sedan, radio, heiteil, overdrive, plas tic seat cjvess, clean... .'.81195 1946 FORD] 2 - door sedan, radio, heiterl ; 8995 1942 FOI :D 2 - door sedan J. ...*, ...8695 1941 FORD 3-passenger coupe 8690 1941 CHI JVRJOLET 2 - 1 , door 8898 1941 FOLD l-door. 8590 1940 FOFD 1-Passenger Coupe , ■■...•••• J.J..............8595 THIS III QNLY A PAR TIAL LISTING. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM, SO; COME IN TO DAY AND DRIVE AWAY withcoKfidence WITH AN A-l USED CAR PURCHASED FROM ~1 !■ I Usd Hi EASY LOW tRY C tZT A . » Ph.2-11 BRY r IT ■ 1 r,t r & Truck uarters ...” - PAYMENTS OVARANTEED Ford Dealer** : . ■ Ph. 2 1 TEXAS 2-1507 r* , 1 u U. • f Wi'- ■. Hjsssi Mif** I 1