The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 15, 1949, Image 2

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Battalion Editorials
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Page 2
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fixed to them. We
Other Letter Jackets Letterless . . .
, .
Letter jackets with athletic letters of athletic letters sti 1
high schools and other college! i are still have seen two, thaybe three letter jackets
being worn on the campus despite con- with letters removed, as they should be.
trary college tradition and the opposition The letterman’ij association of A&M,
of the “T” Association This c unpus, as the “T” Association, has over the past two
well as every other campus in the Confer- years expressed
ence, has in the past practiced the tradi- a return of the pi
tioh of not permitting athletic letters oth-
than those of the honje college t)o be worn
by their own students. !
The letter jacket, without ihe letter,
ually their desire for
tice of removing other
athletic letters!from letter jackets worn
on the campus. The “T” Association has
taken a similar stand this year. *
We agree with the “T” Association
is permitted. I Sentiment about athletic stal, and we favor seeing only the A&M
letters other than the Aggie tT” Jbeing “T” worn on this campus,
worn here is that this is college and ath- We’ve searched the Blue Book of Col-
letic abilities with other teams are of no lege regulations and found no College rule
1 great significance. There are many who to force this observance of the “T” privi-
feel that the A&M “T” should ble the only lege. Only the consciences of the wearers
athletic letter allowed to be wobi on this of other letters and the sentiment of the
campus. [ student body cjan make the “T” Associa-
We have noticed-perhaps fifty or more tion’s resolution and a college tradition
■: jackets being worn about the campus with become recognized knd observed.
Observed by Watchful Eyes, Tito’s Effort^ . . .
R i
Tito’s Yugoslavia seems less concerned
over the prospects of a third world war
within the forseeable future than we are.
Through Moscow and Belgrade lash one
another constantly with hot propaganda
broadcasts" and charges and counter
charges, there is no serious threat of war
between the two countries, an AP wire
release tells us. Instead of war, it’s real
ly peace that Yugoslavs are bent upon.
A vast building program is being car
ried on in Tito’s country—factories, roads,
railroads, housing projects. Of course,
he has a few tanks and a division or so of
infantry lined up along his frontier nest
to the Cominform nations, but Yugoslavia
itself is betting on peace. I 1 .
Last week, when Russia celebrated the
thirty-second anniversary of the Russian
Revolution, Yugoslavia hailed the people
of Russia, but not their leaders. Politely
.(or is it that?) Yugoslavia Was saying to
A the Russians, "We like^our Communism,
but your leaders are messing it up for
Comparatively weak, Yugoslavia has
taken a heartening stand agaipst becom
ing a puppet state of the Kremlin. Though
this country favors Yugoslavian disregard
of Russian efforts to bring them into line,
we cannot extend open arms to Marshal
Tito and Ids cohorts.
i . !|
Tito seems to be playing both sides
(the East and &e West) against one an
other and hoping he will come ouf to the
better. His ambitious programs of domes
tic improvement rather than military pre
paredness promise to raise the living stan
dard within his country.
This improvement will develop along
the social, cultural, and economic lines of
socialism—socialism a la Moscow. Na
tions near Russia who admire Yugoslavia
and yet fear to asgume her strained rela
tions with Russia, are regarding carefully
what developments Yugoslavia can
achieve without Mother Russia’s blessings.
If Tito lifts Yugoslavia out of the Com
munist orbit and also raises the Yugoslav
ian standard, other nations hear her will
be encouraged to bolt the party line, and
build for themselves rather than let Moth
er Russia plan their development.
Texas Orange Juice, Not Forty Acres . . .
I ■-
Rims an^d rim braces for basketball
goals in De Ware Field House are being
painted a bright orange to conform to
rules set this year by the National Basket
ball Committee of the United States and
Whatever your thoughts may be, ours
arc of luscjnus oranges grown by some
Aggie in the Rio Grande Valley.| We don’t
cvqn think of our friends across the way
iiy Austin, for Aggie grown oranges ap*
A bachelor was telling a companion
,that at the request of a lady friend, he had
given up drinking and smoking. When the
companion! remarked that he thought that
a rather large orders the bachelor agreed.*
"Yes,” he continued, "she also got me
to give up Card parties, injght-clubbing and
proach more nearly the new color of the
rims than the faded-out orange we’ve seen
in our state’s capital city.
What with glass backboards, orange
rims, white outlined target spaces on back-
boards, and seamless basketballs we won
der how snazzy a basketball court can get?
Perhaps next basketball flayers will
be expected to wear bullet slippers and
demonstrate the "grand form” while mak
ing crip shots.
betting on the horses.” , i | t
"For Pete’s sake!” his companion ex
claimed. "Now I suppose you’re going to
marry the girl?”
"Well, no,” said the young man reflec
tively. “After all that reforming, I’m sure
I can do better.”
The Battalion
"Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
|. ' i - r I . ■ • : - : .1 1
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Bounder of Aggie Traditions
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the
City of College Station, Texas, is published five times a week and circulated evety Monday through
Friday afternoon, except during holidays and examination periods. Durings the summer The Bat
talion is published tri-weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Subscription rate $4.30 per school
year. Advertising rates furnished pn request. ^ ! l- I} 1
Entered u aecond-cUu matter at Poet
^Office at College Station, Texa*. under
the Act of Congress of March S, 1870.
Member of
The Associated Press
ri r
Beprd* en
ion of all news dispatches
spontaneous origin publish-
’.News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the
Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-6324) or
Office, Room 209, Goodwin Hall. 1
r, c. c.
t*. Lewta Burton,
i • a * t i
Cl lyton 8«lj
Otto ICUjDZJI a a a a a * a a i«
Di ve Cosletl., * *i*P**l®r* Editor
Cluck Cabanim,.
Htrmun Gollob.
Ktuueth Marak,
Murtin ......
■raul Holme., Bill Hitea, Hard* Hoea. Joo_
•ta‘arlt&jim•*» •*• •*• • • • • • •
. f...
Charles Klrkiiam..........
George Charlton, Dean Rt(d.
Clayton seiph. ., T
W. K. Colville. Ro*«
Bill Thompson, l
Bob Allan. Harold G*nn.
. .
1 ■
. 7\
'• ■? :
• r
' i ■
ted nationally by National Ad-
Service Inc., nt New York City,
Los Angeles, end San Frandaco.
editorial office, Room 201,
at the Stuudent Activities
A Co-Editors
.. . .TSdltorlU Board Chairman
....Editorial Board
t, C. F. Newton, John Tapley,
Whitmore . . . Feature Writer,
ice Aahburn, Jr.. Bmil
, Jile. Curtin Edward*,, J. C.
Fail., David 1 FoUenlog.n. Bob Lane, Bao Land- |
yum. Bob UndhelrnTB rue* Newton. Jack H*l«,
Dean Ha*d. L. O. TUk l .. .TRSpa Writeri
talph Gorman. Frank
Sparta Writer®
'' J
• ■ i
■. .
Letters To The Editor
• .(All latter* to the editor which are aimed by a atndant or employee of the
collage and which do not contain obscene or llbeloua material will be publlahed. Per
sons wishing to have their names withheld from publication may request such action
and these name* will not. without the consent of the writer, be divulged to any persons
other than the editors.) -
NOT Sit NOR 321, BUT 318
Sports Editors, The Hattalion:
I spent a good part of the years
1935-36-37 and 1938 digging and
digging among sports records to es
tablish the high school scoring
record’of Dick Todd.
The year thal. Bill DeCorrovant,
of Chicago’s Austin high school,
scored 212 points and claimed a
National Record, I had to fight the
combined strength of the wire ser
vices to prove that a lad named
Willie Zapalac, later an Aggie star,
had run up 245 points that year
but jwas second to Dean Bagley,
later to defeat Texas and hand the
Aggies the 1941 champjonship.
Bagley had scored something like
267 points that last year at San
Saba high in West Texas before
he “jined’’ up at TCU. Todd's record
topped all those.
Then I had to battle the Foot
ball Guide editors to get. Todd’s
record into the official record
I had to battle the sports edi
tors of the Washington, D.C. news
papers back in 1939, when Dick
signed with the Redskins, in order
to make them believe that the
“Crowell Cyclone” was as good as
he actually was and that he really
had scored all the points credited
to him in one year.
I strewed that 'record from pil
lar to post until I thought I had
made it stick. Clarence Weikel suc
ceeded me' as sports publicity di
rector and he in turn by the pre
sent holder of the job, Dub King.
Both of them accepted the record as
fact and included it in their annual
football brochures. Dub has it
in his Dope Book, this year and it
must have been accepted because
the party responsible for putting
out the home Texas Aggie Foot
ball Programs saw fit to include
that record in the data on Dick
Todd, the present Aggie backfield
coach. Just open any Aggie foot
ball program of this season and
look it up.
And with all that effort to make
the scoring record so well known
that never would be questioned
again—what hoppen? The Bait
cartoonist gives Todd 327 points 1
for which one of the editors apol
ogizes in the cut line by reducing
the 327 total to 321.
Will all concerned please take
one minute for silent kicking of
their facsimile Kigmlns. THK RKC-
School. In addition to making that
number himself, Todd also passed
to mates for several others, includ
ing some points after touchdown
rather than kick the point or run
for the tally himself.
Yours truly,
Henry B. Mr Elroy, ’38
College Station, Texas
(Sport’s Editors’ Note: With
deepest apologies to reader Mc-
Elroy we stand corrected on
Todd’s high school scoring rec
ord whieh is 318 points for one
season. On the day we prepared
the cu(line for cartoonist Trant’s
cartoon, one of the Batt sports
writers had borrowed our “facts
and figures” book from the Batt
office to study for a Campus-
ology quiz. Consequently the
sports editors had to delve into
their short memories and try to
conjure up the correct total for
Todd’s record. We came pretty
close, you’ll have to admit.)
A&M Prof Named
To Judge Sorghum
F. G. Collard Jr., agronomy in
structor, has been designated an
official judge for sorghum exhi
bits in Chicago, according to M.
S. Parkhurst, exhibit chaiman of
hay and grain divisions.
This hay and grain show will
be held in conjunction with the
International Livestock Exposition
in Chicago, and will take place
November 22 through December 10.
Exhibits will be displayed from
every state and from the provinces
of Canada. .
Collard will leave November 18,
accompanied by the corps judging
team. The team will compete with
Other corps judging teams from
throughout the United States.
i. T ' •
Experiment Station
Receives Grant-in-Aid
‘ A grant-in-aid of $500 has been
made to the Texas Engineering
Experiment Station.
The fund is made available by the
Keseareh Committee, America# As
sociation of Petroleum Geologists,
Dallas, Arthur W. Mtdloh, vice-
director of the station, announces.
“The grant-in-aid will he used
In support of established research
ih experimental tochtonlcs being
,’IIR points 'made in one year (1934). conducted J>y /hr Department of
while a •ojhior at Crowell High
Official Notice
Geology of A&M” Melloh says.
November S, l!M)i
NOTICK ID CARDS -Will all nUidents
in all whoolg ShyinR ID Card# numbered
below plcoHc phone, or ball jet tbe Dean
of KnKlncerinc Office (phohe 4-R7I4 or
4-H344) at 21Q Petroleum Building and
give the name corresponding td their card
number. A new list will be published each
Dean of Engineering
Will the students with (he following
Identification Picture Numbers please con
tact the Office of the Dean of Engineer
ing Office 4-48:;4 as soon as possible.
a#; 49, 96, 71. 95. 147. t«7. ]2.44, 2g3,
2H7. :ifi7, 39ti. 420, 425, 431, 438, 4.37, 440,
447, 452. 455, 460. 484. 480,. 486. 488/ 491,
498, 503. 504, 505. 507, 510, 529, 537, £3*.
539. 546* 018, 521, 74». 769. 865, 868,.
2204 , 2257. 2138, 2828 . 3110, 3}3S, 3177,
3780. 3768. ;3178, 3322. 3337] 3390. 3411.
3412, ,3413. 3461. 3468, 3511, 3(530, 3610,
3689. 37(19, 3792. 3614, 3820, 3(422, 38$1,
38o7. 385*, 3895. 3936. 3944. 3»69. 4004,
4016. -10)7. 4056, 4038, 4059, 4t57, 4190,
Tuesdey 4 Wednesday
“Man Handled” i
! . ' ''
, ijj
i ^ ; L
Dan Durycai [,*
Dorothy Lamour
Tuesday & Wednesday
v* i$ *.>
; 'I,, ii
- rt..
From Where I Sil
■i ■
Recent Doris Day M>
n r t - ' M*
Bounces into
r ^ '
My Dream Is Yours (Warn
ers) starring Doris Day and
Jack Canon (Gulon)
“My Dream Is Yourq”, a recent
Doris Day technicolored musical
bounces into Guion today with the
right amount of tunes, talent, and
tempo to make it highly palatable
screen fare, i
Cleverly written and briskly
paced, My Dream Is Yours uses
a plot that has served as the
framework for many a past mu
sical comedy-romance, and is
used primarily as a showcase for
the infectious vitality and mel
low voice of warbler Doris Day.
Jiltiss Day delivers several Harry
Warren numbers such as "M y
Dream Is Yours," “Someone Like
You," ‘Til String Along With
you," etc. in her down-to-earth,
cuddlesome style, using a melo
dious mixture of zing, zest; and
girl-next-door warmth.
The lightweight story, full of
complications and corn, is of the
Cinderella vintage. Miss Day, a
female disc jockey, Is discovered
by that brash extrovert of a
publicity man, Jack Carson, who
is hot In pursuit of a new person
ality to sell to fnjHtratvd spon
sor S. Z. Sakall.
Washington (AP)—A jury
trial in the supreme court—
a rare occurrence in United
States history—is being asked
by Louisiana in the tidelands
pil Case.
The state, through oncj. of its
attorneys—F. Trowbridge Vom
Baur—filed a motion with the court
today asking the trial in event the
Court rejects Louisiana’s motion
for dismissal of the government’s
“There have been only three in
stances in history when there has
been a jury trial before the su- 1
preme court.” Vom Baur told a
Normally the court hears appeals
of cases which have been tried in
Other courts.
Vom Baur said the state’s, theory
is asking such a trial is that the
case is an action to recover real
property. He said that under the
seventh amendment to the con
stitution a defendant in such a
case is entitled to a jury trial.
The federal government Is ask
ing the supreme court to rule that
the government has full power and
dominion over the off shore Gulf
coast tidelands, or has title to the
rich oil-bearing lands. In the case
of California tidelands, the court
has ruled that the federal govern
ment has full power and doipinioh.
Louisiana last week admitted that
the government has full regula
tory power over the off shore lands,
as the court said in the California
case. But Louisiana contends the
government does not have tit|c and
hence has no right to any royal
ties on oil produced from the land,
Vom Baur said he does not
know just how the supreme court
might handle a jury trial or just
whore the line might be drawn be-
tween the jury’s functions and
thoso of the high court’s.
Texas, which is a defendant in a
similar case, has asked thgt the
court ; appoint a commissioner to
take teatimony.
Suffering the usual to
at first, Doris gets he
chance at the big time
tistic crooner Lee Bowman hits
bottle an<I can’t do his show.
She is substituted for him,
from .then on
to fame, while
slips to the bottom. After car
rying the torch for Bowman a
while, she finally awakens to h|s
everythlng-for-me character, and
turns to Jack Canon, who’s been
waiting around all the time.
The singing and peppy personal
ity of Doris Day,! combined With
the broad yet biting and wftty
comedy generated by big, brash
Jack Carson, fork-fongued Eve Ar
den and her tart wisecracks, suave
Adolphe Menjou, and fat-cheeked
S. Z. Sakall, who has parlayed a
German accent into fame as com
ic support, make "My Dreai
Yours" one of the best of the s;
of musicals which have lately
gracing our local screens.
• 8 ! .
Something of a; new high In Col
lege Station entertainment history
will be established next Wednes
day, November 23, when Tommy
Dorsey, old daddy of the popular
dance band leaders, brings hi! fli-J
chestra here for a concert and
dance. ,
His will be tbe second nation
ally famous orchestra to play for 1
an Aggie dance In the last three
weeks. The first was Frankie
Carle, who stayed for the whole
week-end. In between, of course,
. We've had the Robert Shaw ehor-
ale, which contributed a memor
able evening to this year's Town;
Hall series.' 1u
Dorsey’s concert will be held in
Guion Hall before t)ie bOqjfire
lighting. One hour lorig, it starts
at 6:15 p.m. Tickets will be. 70
cents for general admission and
$1 for reserved.
The bonfire danCe will be held
from 9:30 to 12:30, tickets being
priced at $2, stag of drag. :
» t ■;
Director George Dillavou has
for the ope
, J—>/
Aggie Players
paces in preparation
of “R.U.R.", their
i. Date
rfoifenance has not
■■■ m
Picture Making
Nojv, 16, 17| 19; A
Nov, 21, 22] 23 ji 24: All Classes.
, Hon-corps seniors and graduate
•ttjdents. efin have make-up pic
tures made nn
from now, until
co-editor state)
lofs, sophomores,
— —^p. j k-' N\'h<
Safety Conference ~
IWins Tkiirsilav K
t •'—7 ~• -j i p
L ' • '71 , if i
—Features Start -
1:50 -'4:30 - 7:15 - 10:00
Plus the New
Tom & Jerry Cartoon
WED. and THURS. i
•j -
Begins Thursday
The third annual Jqb and Safety
Training (HEA) ^Conference wilj
be held on the campUs. beginning
Thursday at 4 p. in, and lasting
to noon Sunday.
Registration, with a $2.00 feej
will be held in Sbisa Lounge from
8 a. m. to 10 a. m. Fridajy. All
meetings of the confluence will be;
in Sbisa Hall. i
Addentants will be housed in
Ramps I, J, and K in Walton Hall.
Linens will be furnished for one
dollar per night. An estimated 100
attendance is expected for the con
A dinner will be hold in Shisa
Hall at 6:30 p. m. Friday night
Tickets will cost two dollars and
may be secured at registration
time. ! j . I
The conference is sponsored by
the Industrial Extension Service
and Advisory Committee.
Dean Trotter Attends
Graduate School Meet c
Dean Idc P. Trotter of the
Graduate School is in New Oilcans,!
attending the annual meeting of;
the Doans of Southern Graduate;
Schools. f
The meeting lasts through to-;
Mo will rctum tomorrow, . b
i 1 ! L . , ‘ ! !
Today is the last dky on which
non-corps sophomore pictures are
scheduled to be taken, according to
«—i-i. co . editor chuck
• ' ' J " '
hedulo announced
ugh Z.
en ,
through Z.
cssr ; 1M !
the entire
by Cabnniss is
Nw. 15:
ime in the period
November 24, the
Non-corps Jun
iors, HophOmqres, and freshmen;
together w|th the seniors and grad!-
ua,te studejnts, can have make-up
pictures mjade during the Novem
ber 21-24 iweejk, Cabaniss added.
Hts said thkt nji noii-corps pictures
w(U be made after Thanksgiving.
Pictures; art) to be made .only
w|th the Information that the pic
tures wil) cost two dollars and are
tq be made at the Agglelend StUr
|HD. fr -
Corps editor Jim Woodall report
ed that Unit Commanders of i the
Third and Fourth Regiments have
only three more days 7 in which\to
have theiif pictures made. Wood
■a|l added; that Unit commander
.. ... .I . . . d»rk,
should we&r number one uniforms
With boot$i and “going places" hat
N\'hen having their pictures made.
j The remainoer of thd unit coih-
anders .schedule is as follows):
ov. 15,116. & 17: Third and
• 4 hi RekHr
II “
fjourthj Ri
ough 2i:
iments. ( Nov. 18
Ifth and Sixth Regi-
Bryan Z-S8J9
Li i
Under Capricorn
Wednesday thru ^atnrday
! U
M O Wt
|r»« fceSwe
SAmI Aft Bsfi
•<sm *m i*a
m M* e m
,! / ’
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