The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 11, 1949, Image 6
•• ;• ' VI % ■ Women — Fourth i • j' ■ i' in a Series • -ii 7 r Wisdom ‘ • ! ' I | >1 m * By ROGER COSLETT Wjomen do a lot of strange things, but just why do they go to college? Question number thrse on my survey was to answer th]at query, i i. I, Many of the selectees gave t ic tiuestion' a great deal of thoug it before they ventured an answt r. This made me stop to wonder if women really knew why they were in college. , / ; By the time I reached this qucs-j tion in each interview, I usually i had assumed a comfortable po::!-' tion on the sand and had the selec tee talking freely. 1j But the minute this queistion arose there was A noticeat le change in attitude on the part of the woman. . — The majority of the girlt avowed that they were uttem Wooing College Gals A Say They 9 re After nal and hM line p make ing college for educajtlonali career reasons. Along tl were such reasons as “tp desirable aequaintane ss”! or “to broaden cultural background.” Almost all secondp ry answers given concerned social activity. Compare these answers with the top ranking five that Appeared re cently in a TSCW Daily Lasso editorial. They were: (1) Preparation for marriage and family life • Consult Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST With Tour Visual Problems 203 S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-1662 , s VOll MUSIC THAT CANT BE BEAT . . . Buy that “AGGIE WAR HYMN” -It’s reAlly a treat! We all know that it’s the best In the land . -s. So buy ’em now while Lou has them on hand LOl POT’S “Trade with Lou — He’s right with you” . i CLASS ’32 J (2) Intelligence anjd wisdoi necessary to live a fuif life ^ . j (3) Training for a particular occupation or profession (4) Sharper, better trained mind In dealing with all sorts of problems. | : (5) Learning to ^et along with all sorts of people j!Ei| Back to our selectees once again, our New Mexico lass wns still smil ing as she said, “I’m g ulng to col lege for insurance aga nst the fu- ■ ■ ? fi” Junior Architects Visit Dallas Men Twenty members of the Junior Institute of Architects here made a trip tp, Dallas Tuesday to meet with members of the Dallas Chap ter of the Institute to liscuss pre sent problems in arch itecture as they fcxist in the field, In Dallas the students spent the afterqpon discussing architectural problems with local architects. They were/also taken on a tour of in spection of several buildings de signed by these men. Bruce Goff, head of the School of Architecture at Oklahoma A&M, was guest |peaker at ihe banquet Tuesday night in the Malrose Ho tel for visiting students , | ture, but, primarily, to meet men.” Here was a young lady whom it was not necessary to judge on the basis of the last question, for she had come up with the answer toward which the poll was direct- e<L . By the time the 'selectee had committed herself as to her opin ion of girls’ colleges, college men, and reasons for her being in col lege, jt was an easy matter to judge her answer to the Isfet ques tion as it applied to her. You have Often heard the state ment that women go to college to find husbands, but if yoU were to a?k women if this was true, what tjipe reply would you receive? If you were to ask it pf them on a personal basis, you would, in most cases, get a flat dehial. With that fact in mind, I worded the question in the following way: “Bused upon the girls with whom you have come in contact In college, how much truth would you say was in the statement that ‘the majority of women go to college to find mates?’ What percentage would you say come to foliage for that reason alone?” If there Is one thing a,woman can and will talk about, it’s an other woman. For the ladles’ answers to this flhal questions, and the conclh- slons arrived at by this poll, see the final story of this series in Monday’s Battalion.* I Driver Gives Order Gets Patrons Fist San Francisco *.'P>—The bus was jammed with standees. “Move to the rear, please,” im plored the driver, William J- Don ohue, 28, An exasperated patron leaned over and punched Donohue in the nose, then vanished ,in tthe crowd. -I ll r* MarVin Hagemeier won the Mem orial Student Center bowling tour nament held this week with a nine line average of 177. The top ten bowlers in the competition quAlf ified'fpr places an the~Aggies boWlf ing team. i 7 Hagemeier led the runner-up, Bill u l|>» B Klabuhdie, by a 12- pin average; howevjer only one or two pins se aratecj the other bowlers ip the tournament play. The 1 other bowlers in the firtet ten trailing Hagemeier’s 177 artd Klabuhdie’s 165 were: M. L. Lunce- ford, 1G4; R. B. Holmes, 1G1; C. H* Hodgep, 159; A. H. Pegues, 158, A. E. Reese, 157; H. R. Cox, 155; R. C. Lyon, 153; and L. J. Berp- hardt, 153. Bowlers who failed to earn a place pn the starting teams miiy Continue to howl in the regular practice sessipns at their own ek| pense, jind if their averages irpprovp sufficiently they may replace pre sent team members, according to Hagemeier, team captain. Thanksgiving Is Officially Nov. 24 Washington, Nov. .11 •Ah—Wiihl n booift from two Plymouth, Mas*.,, youngsters,, President Truman made j it official yesterday that Thursjday, Nov. 24, will he Thanks giving Day. i Louise Marie Gavoni and Seth Arvld Kallio, Plymouth High School students attired in Pil grim costume, presented Truman with a piece of the Plymouth; Rock at a White Hoyse ceremony. Then he signed his annual Thanks*! giving Day proclamation. Thd proclamation calls upon the American people to observe the day by going to their accustomed places of worship and giving “thanks to Almighty God for the blessings which have signalized our ot as a nation.” . N" ’ J \ vt I 1/ l UTL ABNER Three LitUe Maids From Drool VHY IS VO’ ENTERIN' TH' SADIE. HAWKINS DAV RACE., PKa-GiRl-? - DOES 'iO' VANT A dogpatcher A HUSaiN? wm ■ V II ’"-T- j . : , i vm AH'LU KETCH A YOUNG, TENDER ONE—AN’ f > HIM HOME/T MAH FOLKS WILL, j WANT T'MgJCT ^ HIM. Mil iy A1 Capp AM AIMS rswoop down ON ONE, MAHSElK ! ] wonder ef dpgrktchers is ASiwiTY >ss ■ CHICKENS? j • j -1 ;| but, let me give J VO' A FRIENDLY ll’L ABNER Don’t Cry, Joe I __ GOTTA LET TH WOtF-GlRL, TH' HAWG-GlRL, >AN‘ TH'-f'yex/fl- PIG-GIRL INTO TH' SADIE HAWKINS DAY race/t— lx l»«X _ OFXKMC lx IMX look, l.kt bolt - K-axi«» itsV Kav« o- unctHY fferfV ««t* roily) rtlcmUant* To l**« —CU»r L'Imov HANt v o '1 , Lrlji. i ;• If I I B ly ONUSUAL cuz2.i N 4, CRITTERS ytAW'lABief, H*ve You HC.ARO TM« M«-W K44MV COM4? — V KiCK H4 HICK HC j row Crop? A»U)wa? •orroH MM KSIP -J VOU MU>h fABOLOOS uomiT; W-%MIT.r-DONT COME NO CLOSKR OR-AH'LL LOS MAH MIND.r- WHV HAS YO' COME BACK? m •y Ca] PP AH IS AjH SIMPLE GAL, BUT f^YOTHAS ANFIOOCR IN ALL (S AN'IAm CREATION.'T-YB' KIN U wants a GIT ANV HUSBINIVORE )/ Simple FABULOUS HEART ' // HUSSIN.AN* DESIRES.T-WHV DOES I EV’RYBODV i V0'W»NT A (USH.'Ls\ KNOWSTHAgS DOSMTOOtR?) \ NOTHIN' Simpler than a DOGI l FATCHER. Wrecking Crew Loose In Keiser Apartment Philadelphia, i/P'—A wrecking crcjv got loose in Mn. Glenn J. Kmer’s second floor apartment yesterday. .The damage: An opened refrig erator, its milk, eggs, cheese, l»a- con^ etc., scattered and trampled upon the floor, a ransacked chest of drawers, it« shirts, socks, ties, etc;, hurled 1 helter-skelter about the apartment. The culprit: Mrs. Reiser's 15- month-old son, Glenn, Jr. The opportunity: Mrs. Keiser had gone upstairs to talk with a neighbor, left the door ajar. Baby Glenn had slammed it shut and gone to‘ work. "I PASS THE WORD ALONG TO Official Reports On Diaper Lowdown London </P)—An official ofj the Labor Government admitted) to day Britain has been caught ’with its diapers down. Harold Wilson, president of) the Hoard of Trade, said he is pressing the makers of three cornered pants to step up the supply for the Home market. Laboriteq Cyril Dunjpletonj and Lucy Middleton brought the flat ter up in the House pf Commpns. Mrs. Middleton said she found it impossible last week’erid to boy a single diaf&r in the city of Ply mouth. Textile makers ’say the short age of diapers for the home Tnar- ket resulted from their all out drive to export them for dollars. / MY FANS AND FRIENDS . rm • • CHESTERFIELDS ARE MILDER.' ill : i§ll • mi m pf IT'S MY CIGARETTE!" m ilf. B •r ■ m HI ■IP p k. ’ if ’ i ••• ■■ |» k t ■■ imm A mm L Id / PM 1 •: ' %S. 7 - ‘ . . ‘ j "S ii M Tk eyre M/lDfftf T/tey're TOPS/"/ ww mf rop M£NSPOm ' f WITH THE HOUYWOOD STARS /H AMIR/CAS COUeCtS ■■ Burgess Moderator At Conference of ASQC A. R. Burgess, of the. Manage ment Engineering Department, will act as moderator at the! 4th. Mid-western conference of the American Society for Quality Con trol being held on November 10-11 in St. Louis. Burgess left on Wednesday and will return Sunday. 1/' Ba Italian CLASSIFIED ; y" ADS 1 / | . 1 ' 1 V ■ j |! L J l j "5 A! "II 11 "■ J 1 '! 1 ! 1 ! j j- 1' IN I. r< " V Page 6 ! j FRIDAY), NOV 6MBER ll|, 1949 At). RatMten word Mr tnsrfrtloa with a 20c mliilmufn. sp*c» rnt*» In ClMildcd Section . , i Hoc; p*r column Inch. Send ' all clibuiriede ; with remit tance to the Btudeht Actlvlliea Office. All ada should be [turned by )U:00 a m. of the day before publication. > • FOB SALE |4 ; ■? ■ ..II.I.jllMto I lll.l^liy III. III* ROYAL PORTABLE TVI’EV^RiTERi, on our lay-away plan—ea>y term* —.'Lata model rent ntachlnee, Typewriter ;»erv- f lce bn all makee. by typewriter ipeclal- Ut*. Bryan Builneiw Machine Coinjutny. 209 North Main, Bryan. Dial S-I&S. 1—Delta Lathe, 12” Swing: all tools. 1—Harley Davldeon Motor Cyclp, Model 126 1—23,000 B.T.U. Floojr Furnobi -i i v 319 Foster Avenue, College Hills TANDEM two horse trailer. Make 4 rea sonable offer. Ap(. 9-A, Veteran* Vll^ lage, College. J/ 1 j • [j — |i pt—7+- —H k ! PRICED TO SELL—Used 7 foot refriger ator. Apartment p-5-B or B-5-A, Col lege View. Headaches? Then what you need is a BATTALIQI'I clasfified . ads- pirn. Class 4-5324J Copyh|hi 1919, boom * M«iu Toe*cco Co. ll i ' 1 • a ■ wk -i-j. r V i . IT : ■i. 1 - u, 4r Aniiouiicing I s The NEW ITO50 ■ iin- F : lt STUDENT FACULTY DIRECTORY . ) COMPLETE INFORMATION ON * STUDENTS INCLUDES.. I ' , Campus Address Home Town Year in College • Major Subject L | COMPLETE INFORMATION ON STAFF & FACULTY ... i’ . 1 r J^epAFtoient : ' j" p; H<mw FbooB ;; ; r M . ^ i. p Campus Phone BUYERS GUIDE ON LOCAL BUSINESSES ... ; New Directory w to STUDENT To! get your copy of the simply mail the coupon below to S' PUBLICATIONS, Texas A AM College, < lege Station, Texas. Enclose 50 cents ' f “ ‘ _ ie 4-f Am" copy of the directory will bej LIGATIONS, Texas AAM College, Col-; Inclose 50 cei ea<*h copy ordered. Or .. Telephone 4-5444 leave your name and address, pour: : “ ' delivered to y<mr Office. Simply pay the delivery boy i f Per Copy 50 cent8 P* 1, copy when he b I \ : -M 'jfl r I thsm,. FT ;• - ht i Student Publications , Texas A&M College ( College Station lexas Enclosed is $.......1 for Copies of The New 1949-50 Student Faculty Directory 1 Name 1 Address J. I ill!!' • City L . _ „ . £- • L T ■ ! ] ' 111 Hrt 10 j CUSHMAN Si'DOTEH -j Nn|ttna JMt lw*n uvrflfnulMl. Body J |n axoalUht ' t Mliap*. Triiniimlmjlon ty|ib WHh «ld» r car. B*"t buy anywhara. I12B.OU PjO. i J|<»x 2064. ti"H Falrvlaw Ay»., Collrgf. ! A ‘"lokW" RTINSON jibasetalon, { Oolng for toft ko H P, te- a frbdion of t«*- t^mnicil llrri; n*w fabric, 27 houra iflrtc* ritajori;.llMnard until Hfp|i*mber, mwii looo.Ot) cayh. Will fimwct iMPonkl-1 hlc party or partlM, NHH Rlnilatbn,- 223 H. Munncrlyn, Bryan, Trxai. ON>: $30.00 hlmrr of Mock With local Co op. allowing owner xrvrn feet of lodk- dr Hpace add other grocery Having prfv.j oledgca. Nelli Singleton; 223 8. Mdn-f ijerlyn Drive. Bryan. Texa*. ; 1 ' ' "''jRl’ FOB SALK j Portable Waxhlng Marhln*. lined only short time and Mill In per-' feet condition. W’MI glva terms. C-ll-Z College Vlejw after 6. ]: I .1 J BRING ME AAM beat iU8 • ! • MI CPKRT HE A'EAVINd done"at my amaged by burns, tean, moth 'ork guaranteed. Agues Tydladka, 2(107 8. College Road, Phone 2-7120. I 1 JfK LOT ME GIVE your child the klndjb(. care that you would give It. I ant ’ mother wl ,h three years teaching e* perlence. Mrs. Virginia 1 Hendricks, [A 14-B. College View, Box, 2M3t». ' your children While Rice. All day rates reasMi&bla. A-4-B, College 1 mn ■till, i- r ji • LOST AND FOUND = IX)ST: Lady's green flowered silk scirf, vielnlty North Gate. Reward. Call 4-69H4 or [8-6164 1- ‘ . ! - I Used Car & Truck Headquarters ■ ! , Jjr! ’ -'l The Cleanewt and Beat Bel lection of Used Carn Found Anywhere YOl\ CAN BUVWrril CONFIDENCE HERE |fj 1048 FORI) 2-door sedan radio, hruter, white aid* tlfas » J...i,.j*• 1047 FORD club coupe, radio, jhrater, clean and ready tjo give you sorvlcfi $IIM 1947 MttRCURY i-dopr sedari, overdrive, radio , heater,] plastic coveni..,. ., $12901 1947 OLDSMOBIL® club i! coupf, Hydraulic Series 78, radio, heater and very clean j LlTfliM 1946 FORD 2-door sedan, clean and won’t be nere long at this price...j.., ir - "' 1946 MERCURY 4-door >r, Seat sedan, coverfi radio, heater, and like new... 1941 QLDSMOBILE club ifj $11815 $750 coupe, radio, new paint. .. 1941; CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, clean and runs per- ,( j feet, ojily needs an owner $?9B 1941 FORD 2-door .sedan super deluxe, radii 1940 CHEVROLET 2-floor sedan, runs good and is clean J....L.., t ....$49fli 1940 FORD 2-door sedan that -Ip clean and ready to go [d New l! ton Immediate fi LOW DOWN PA ; • EASY • ou. •»v»f )!••••.849S We have a com[ model that hat thoroughly checked and re- t'ondltloned. ! n /I' ! of late trucks BR 0T0 'ANY “Ye Hlghv Phone IVAN, fra 1% y ‘-I