The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 11, 1949, Image 3
>. k > ^Freshman ir I uV < i-. ■•.V r !'L ■- 0. Editorials J Who’s Got the Spirit? Yell Leaders and students alike have been using all kinds ot meth ods to get the so-called two percenters to attend the yell practices the Annex, in their efforts, they have omitted one!little detail, detail, which makes all efforts worthless unless it is correctet , is this attendance of the Freshman Regiment If a poll was taken every week and answer the question, it could probably •percent of the. freshman nt the Annex games. -We realize that many of the at football games each Freshman would honestly be found that as man/ as 30 aren’t attending home football students at the Annex don’t l It k- I care much f6r football and would rather do other things wh consider more important. But I ask you, what is more importanjt than going into College Station and staiding with the Twelfth Man (as a full fledged member) to help the fighting.Aggie team to a victory? Certainly anyone should regret nissing the spectacular playinj , on the part of the Aggies last Saturtay against SMU. Throughout the game, however, the Twelfth Man was there, backing the team on tq a near victory over the highly rated, Mustangs. ] Many reasons have been attribute 1 toward the absence c f fn men at thesq'games, but very few coi ld be excusable and those dents who offer them know this to be a fact. One person in particular said that he had to study, and ve admit, he spent the entire game time and much after that in the study halls. But when night came, he was o re of the many boys thjat fourjd time to go out and have a good time until mid-night. Another freshman made a statement that should not cone fro^n the lips of any Agg!e> whether he mei nt it or not. To quote haven't been to a single: XAM game th s year and what's morp I don intend to go to one. In eur estlmatloi, there is ft boy that be straightened up Just a little. Probably the majority of studenti that miss the football do so because they are afraid they might receive a little encouragemeljit from upperclassmen to yell. We will admit that they see to It that show-proper Enthusiasm as far as ye ling is concerned, but after not much more is asked of the Twelfth Man. The football season Is nearly ovftr. The only remaining gamfe; are going to be gone before we know it. School will be d Saturday in order that students of AifeM can attend the gajne t played with Rice in Houston. As a rjesult, freshmen are plannln take advantage of this extra holiday ii order to go home( those don’t live in or near Houston) or do sone other things. Long 1 nes 1 prevailed almost all week in Col. R. L. MelCher’s office with studen asking'for permission to go places other than Houston. If this is the kind of spirit the class of ’53 is going to sponsqr* we look fob A&M to loose one of its oldest and most treasured tra ditions, the Twelfth Man. FRESHMAN STAFF Joel Austin John McQuigg Eddie McKinney.. Stanley Wood.... Allen Pengelly... Pat LeBlanc Joe Blanchette.. Elwood Schiiildt? Bob Williams.. .1... .W. , Kenneth Williams^ Kenneth Monroe,' Tommy KejHey, HUH . I stra fd Ori or Fish iianc Affair Set to Follow Bonfire; tickets Will Be Sold Monday i if EINNEY' ler tj le direction o Ely JOH Hulen am the annual it on Noi been annoui memoranda! dess, chairmai I”’ ■ii' Associa ..Mans ... .I* ews . . Fea ure i Editjor te.Editji gins iitoi; dttor .Sports Sditor !. .Assistant Sports Editor . Intram tral cjopy Thomas Lewis. Jr Kdi Kill Report STUDENT-FACULTY DIRECTORIES For 1949 - 1950 Now Available Student-Faculty directories will not be sold at the A&M Annex this year, through direct sales, as has been the custom in the past. Freshmen desiring the directories may secure then! by mailing the coupon below together with 50c for each directory ordered to the STUDENT PUBLICAtlONS OFFICE, TEXAS A&M COLLEGE, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. Name .r. 5..... 5 t Address i 3 ’■ City No. of Directories Ordered State.. |i : • Ii |— -..-L * i ZripleZ{treat The Patented 3-Way AH Weather Jacket by HPGIEGQI 4 HERE’S THE ONE JACKET YOU CAN WEAR 3 WAYS . .j .j V-i Jr I > 1, Ji 1. The Complete Jack et — Ideal for blus- = tery days. 2. The Lining—A lux- u|r|ious collarless jacket of 100% wool. ‘ m i'i • WATER REPELLENT t WINDPROOF • COLOR FASTI I 3. The Shell — Satin back twill for the / perfect jacket for milder days. ■’ ..• 1 ' ' j r j In blue, tan, grey, brown and spruce 36 - 42 f f i 27.50 ■/' I I! i. i flTaktooptfl nwvon anH '.tfltion fear For lule Test D. McQUICO regulations for Slide Rule Con- ember 22 have ced in a recent by J. H. Cad- for the contest, izards wijth the little white boards can us^ their knowledge to win both prestige and prizes. The Slide Rule Contest is one of the most important contests open to freshmen. Certain requirements of eligibil ity must be met to qualify for the main part of the contest. First, it is necessary for the contestant to be registered for Mechanical En gineering 101, } |Men having previous college work to their credit are not eligible for the main contest, though sep arate awards are provided for them if i they compete. In order to cut to a minimum the ntunber of dis appointed “also-rans,” each in structor of M. E. 101 will select only the top 10% of all his sections for the content. The slip-sti^k boys will come tq grips in a 50-minute competitive egam. similar to the 4Juiz A in Ml E. 101. Ajnnex contestants will mfeet at 3 p.nj. on November 22 ift the auditorium of Building T-180. There will be a first and second prize for the (two students making tbe highest gjrades in the contest. Other prizes include a first and second prize for the students of eqch branch of engineering. 'Among the contestants who are ineligible forj the regular contest three, will be awarded a first, sec ond, and third prize. Last, and possibly best! of all, the men not receiving a major prize have not lost. They will lie awarded a small plaque which Jmars on its back a cbmmendatiorj Jrom the head of the department in which that stu dent is majoiiing. On December 13 all of the awards will be presented at a spe cial ceremonji in the annex gym nasium. It is planned that the Whole Freshnjiah Class will witness the ceremony. Creany to Head Galveston Club The Galveston County A&M Club held its organizational meeting of the year Tuesday and elected offi cers. Donald Greany was elected president ani Louis Runge vice- president. Plans for the Christmas Dance \yere discussed. The danfce is to e held during the holidays in the arine Room of the Pleasure Pier a,t Galveston The Aggieland Or chestra has peen engaged for the ejvent. Tickets sell for three dollars and obtainable from members of re jhe club. Close Scores Set ’Mural Competition v r BY jLeBLANC and SCHMIDT Intramural -play last week saw more spirited rivalries aroused be tween rthe teams as the races be gan to take shape. It became evi dent which teams were going to have be beaten before another team qould sneak into first place. The Vets spent part of their busy week subduing Co. 4, 6-0. Fit. 10 then surprised everyone by tak ing a-^6-0 victory from the tough Vets. Co. 6 saw its early 7-2 lead fail to stand up before Fit. 2 and lost in the last moments, 0-7. Co. 3 took the measure of Fit. 13, 12-0, while Cto. 1 eked out a victory over Flight 11, 7-6. The Vets outclassed a Co. 2 squad, 13-0. Holland started a Co. 3 march by firing Consecutive passes to Peden and Jftckson which carried 46 yards to the 15. Peden, on a hide out play, took an aerial from Hol land to rack up Co. 3’s initial score. Early in the sfecond half, Co. 3 scored again on a long Peacock to Rawling pass which covered 45 yards. Fit. 13 threatened when they drove to the 18 on passes by Will- son and runs by Ritter. Big guns of losing Fit. 13 were Willson, Bor den, E. A. Scott, Sikes, Robin, H. W. Scott, and Etegall. Malcolm, Pirtle, Stearns, Lively, O’Berry, and Roberts looked good for thej infantry., |j Band Rallies Fit. 11 started with a bullet toss from Holbrook to Williamson which netted 41 yards, then they settled back to hftng on. Lay’s passes led the way back for the band. The score came when Buckholt made a fine catch of a Lay pass. Hanna converted to add the finishing touches. Staffer’s running for Fit. 11 was especially creditable. He was back ed by Highsmith, Duke, Holmes, Nicholas, Skein, and Bridges. Hanna’s passes to Austin and Gftivan were Co. jl’s greatest of fensive) Jweapon. Further punqh was added by Hudson, Mapes, El ler, Buckholt, Keller, and Sim mons. I . i. ; Vets Splurge J A pass play fjfom Rodrigues to Meehan for the fufst Vet score car ried for 40 yds, Reeves to Mee han clicked for the extra point. McDonald threw a key block on Reeves 39 yd. runback of an in*- terception for a score. Final score, 13-0. Walker, Meehan, Walters, McDonald, Jones and .Crabtree were outstanding among the vete- rans. I ' A. • Co. v 2 was well represented by Davis, Lozano, Clark, Radford, La ’OT U in vi on are ted to cor opening. dialfii ■ It': attend tin • • of\ the Jlaiwelfs Gift SU announcei IJ.I . 'H i Feovre, and Carr. The Veis grabbed their score early on a pass interception by McDonald on the Co. 4 10 yd. line. McDonald had a field day on pftss interceptions as he snared tl^ree of Tabb’s passes to break up offensive moves by Co. 4. Walther, Harper, Reeves, Jones, and Mee- hftn were other Vet standouts. Bailey, Olsen, Tabb, and par ticularly Fosseh made the game’s outcome, of cloudy uncertainty. Vets Fall j Fit. JO struck through the air tq a touchdown. Johnson pitched tq Fairey, Gary, then Fairey and the Vets were six .points down. They stayed there deftpite the best forts of Jones, Reeves, McDonald, alker, Meehan, and Harper. Fit. 10 used Johnson, Fletcher, Flairey, Danby, and Janak. Fit. 12 Scores Late Fit. 12 picked up 2 points when caught KHngman behind his goal on the kickoff. Shoemaker led the way back for Co. 6 on a pass to Hudspeth and a 6 yd. scor ing run. He also ran over the ex tra point. Kennedy passed to Reed for the Fit. 12 touchdown while Doty converted to seal the ver dict. Kennedy, Reed, Little, Ray mond, and Markey carried the load fdr Fit. 12. JT! rri “ ~ ' ■ Veteran Date Tickets Here for A&M-TU Game i SingJh veteran day students at tending clftsses at the Annex who wish to purchase date tickets for the TU game must turn in their names for the drawing at the Hous ing Office, W. G\ Breazeale, dean of men, announced today. Class officer elections! be held by the Annex fi men after Thanksgiving s announced today by Breazeale, dean of students at {he Annex. Breazeale emphasized the im portance of this election and urged that students begin to think about who they want for the various pos itions. The ‘vice-president of the class automatically becomes a member of > the Student Senate and the other officers have Squal ly important jobs. Applicants fob the different of fices will probably be allowed to file next week. The preliminary ballot will be taken after the Thanksgiving holidays. Necessary run-offs will be announced. Al though this schedule ish’t definite, Breazeale said, it would most like ly be the pattern whlclu will be followed. • . j\|, .J Voting will be' done by conipftniea and Under the direction of . the company; fljHfotnts. Ballots will be distributed and picked up by th« sergeants and turned in to tn# dean of etudents office the follow-^ ing mornlrff; x Officers to be filled are presi dent, secretary-treasurer, parlia mentarian,; historian, reporter, and sergeant-at-arms. There was some discussion of pos sibility of appointing nominees to the various positions in the order in which they finished in the vot ing, but this was decided against and the standard system of al lowing ea^h contestant to file Tor the officei which he wants to for. By E. J. McKINI The Aggieland Orchestra, tindt, , Turner, has been scheduled to plajy for the Freshman Bonfire Dance November 23, J. Ci Wallace, regimental commander, announced today. 1 ]( j * Tickets will go on sale Monday, November .14, for $J.50. ‘ 1 ’—■♦Albert Pavey, Bud Schenkel,! and '' Bill; Rainwater wi|l handle the tick- FUght 12 Wind; 1 Tuesday Parade Flight 12 Freshman was the winner qf the Freshman Regimental re view which was held Tuesday afternoon, it was announced by Lt. Col. R. L. Melcher, assistant to the commandant at tjhe An nex. As a reward for their first place standing, Flight 12 will be permitted to sleep through reveille next week along with Co. 4, 1st Battalion wlnjher and Co. 6, winner in the 2nd Battal ion. •. . n Secretary of State Acheson in France i |_„ Paris, Nov. II—IJP)—Ui A BeoN- tary of State Dean Acheson land ed at Orly Field today from Wash ington for a meeting tylth the Brit ish and* French foreign ministers. Acheson declined to comment on any subject he might discuss with British Foreign Secretary Ernest riwt ’Mural Standings The following are the standings of the intramural leagues at the Annex as of Tuesday morning, Nov ember 8th. 1 : Football-League Won Lost Tied Pet. 4 3 3 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 0 0 0 0 1 1/ o/ ;800 .750 .750 .666 .250 .100 .000 Intramural Name Flight A Company ,7 Company 1 Company ;3 Company; 5 Flight 1? Flight Uj Intramural Name Flight 19 . Company; 8 Veterans Flight 12 Companyf4 Company 2 Company 6 Intramural Horseshoe*—League A! ill handle the et sales" in ;the 100, 200, and 300 ticket, blockjs respectively! Three ts will g hundred tickjets will go on sale and a quick sell out is anticipated, Wal- J* Parallelinfj; the bonfire dance on the main catjripus, the freshman af fair; will begin at 10 p.m. and con tinue until J:30 a.m. Housing ac commodations for dates and moth- er^ (will be Inade available in sev eral; of the! barracks to be set' aside in the' hospital area. loft D^iwe Delayed Home games, corps trips, and various dances on the main cam pus have delayed the dance up to this;time. Another i^ason for not having It sqoner is that ho one w^s: Interested enough in having a dance to inquire about getting one underway, Wallace said. 4 fLittle Aggieland .1*^ rtcycir been put on by the faculty, but hy the Istudente thfi slatqd Mrs. jAmi Hilliard, Wtjiwuy, vtuiiuvi* •mu. ♦Little Aggieland duhees have ncTeir been put on by the faculty, but 4>y the (student* themselves," stated Mrs. (Ami Hilliard, director of The student Center. Min, Mil- iiafd added, however, that she is always available to assist students " mo * lb nita la reparations for; inking I'll. Hits New High j 7 , The Aggieland Orchestra 'hit n MyV'hlgh in'the esteem of its fel. Bevin and French Foreign’Minister lovy student^ this year. A novj Robert Schuman. Football-League Won Lost Tied Pet. 4 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 2 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.000 .800 .500 .500 .200 .100 .000 1 Name Company Company! 3 Company! 5 Flight 12 Veterans Company 7 Flight 10 Won Lost Pet. 4 4 3 3 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 .800 .800 .750 .600 .250 .000 .000 Just for the Corp Trip; to Houston Here is just the thing for the corps trips to Houston this weekend. ... It is the PAR-PAK weekend bag, made by the makers of the world famous VAL- A-PAK. Its smart appearance and ’> . j!. J •- - * • A •• j r i'i # ! A , 1 J shape retaining qualities are achieved 1 . ■ by the patented No-Sag Aero Frame, and a spring wire construction found - in no other bag. Come in and see them in a variety of styles. t The Exchange Store » ■ :•* Si y A. & M. Annex i Main Campus “Serving Texas Aggies” X (See DANCE, Page TTT BANK;HOLIDAY The banks of Bryan and College Station will be closed Friday, November 11, \ i ^ i I • ■ ■ i ^ ■ 4 ; ■ i / i • 1949 s in observance of Armistice Pay, ' L ‘ 1 1 ■' •’ ! ! | I" • ' '' a legal holiday. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CITY NATIONAL BANK , FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST CO. COLLEGE [STATION STATE BANK Jr —— m ip The Owls ! i- '■ I A*; 1 i then ! M * ft; Meet Me At... COFFEE SHOP "Where Aggies A -.j} i • re Always Welcome" dl •»: : | The Famous .. •ll * i KELLEY’S AGGIE SPECIAL I 1 : H! • i jMMUilj OUR FAMOUS INNER.. 1 • : 11 . T" - ^ . #P FILET MIONON... With French Fries & Hot Rolls ■ r fi : ; BABY BEEF T'BONE or SIRLOIN . j. With French Fries & Hot Rolls Wfi ! ' . : ’■ I"' !'|| FULLORD ■' J 1 45c 25c LARGE BO • Li : “Good Food 4 That’s All" I j 1 Ralph Stacy* Owner I ' \ • In*, ! ! / ■