The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 11, 1949, Image 1

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    I •!'
Nation’s Top
Collegiate Daily
NAS 1949 Sums
I ; r!
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Volume 49
Elsa Entertains
In Bryan Series
AY, NOVEMBER 11, 1949
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Informality waa the keynote of
Elsa, Maxwell’s lecture last night
in Stephen P. Austin High School
Auditorium in Bryan. Miss Max
well's lecture was the second per
formance in the Bryan Artist’s
Semi.'':'’ ; . , v
In addition to telling the behind-
the-scenes stories of soipe of the
* notables, she gave a short disen-
iation of what Europeans like to
sec in tourists. In short, they like
Americans or any tourists, to act
natural. The point • she stressed
was not to try speaking the lan
guage of the country^ too well.
In the same thought she told
the audience of her proficiency in
both French and Italian. ‘‘Of
course,” she said, “I don’t speak
my best—they don’t appreciate
it.” __
To carry out the atmosphere of
informality, she lectured sitting in
< a straight chair. She said she
did not enjoy people who lectured
Slide Rule Test
SlatedNov. 22
A 50 minute competitive ex
amination on slide rule prob
lems will be held Tuesday,
November 22, at the annex
and on the campus by the
ME Department, according to J.
H. Qaddess, a chairman of the con
test. , . .
The Annex exam will he held in
the auditorium of Building T-180
at 3 p. m., while the campus con
test will take place iip room 303 of
the M. E. Building at 1 p. m.
The principal contest will be be
tween Students registered in M. E.
101 who h ave had no prior col
lege work that is 'transferrjable to
A&M for credit.
There will he a first and second
prize for the two students making
the highest grades. Also first
aruf second prizes will be awarded
to the two highest students of each
branch, of engineering.
Each contestant not winning a
major award will be awarded a
ttmall plaque which bears on its
hack side a commendation from
the head of the department In
which that student is majoring,
t'addess aald.
Among the contestants who are
Ineligible fon the regular contest
there Will he awarded a first, sec
ond, and third nrlze, each being
a large metal plaque om a suit
able background. ’
ContestantR will be chosen by in
structors of M. E. 101 sections.
Each instructor is limited to 10
per cent of the students in his
section. Selections will be made
without regard to course being
taken by the student, eligibility
for the regular contest, or apy con
sideration other, than relative abil
1 The date and place of the award
ceremony will~be Tuesday, Decem
ber 13, at 8 p. m. in the Gymnas
ium at the Annex. All campus con
testants are to be transported to
the Annex for the ceremony. No
annouhedment of winners will be
made prior to that time, Cjaddess
th A “stuffed shirt attftud
She spends six month
ery year In Europe s^i
her friends. And as
"I know everyone and
kijiowsr me.” ,
While discussing her recet
Europe, she told some of
tlinate stories on royalty, _
lenders, and some notables
A member of the audi4nc
hir about her parties. This b|r
on a landslide of personal Infor
tion on how she makes her
a success. One of the firs
ir having a party, she sayi
ct refully choOs^ the people
The second thing, she continued
i^ to invite only people who car
h;lp amuse the, other gues'
Someone asked her, “Do you paj
for your own parties?”
Her answer to that was sh^
hidn’t found anyone who was will*-
iAg to pay for them yet. She start
ed to enumerate some things thi
caterers provjde free for her. Th*
ufine companies provide free cham
pagne (14 cases for her last party),
njiany of the name bands play for
her at cost, knd the hotels'! are
Usually only top happy to give hep
t!ie use of their ball-rooms.
Her life, us she told it, was
that of a typical, small town
girl who goes out and makes
good. Her father died while she
was still a child,, but before he
died he gave her three rules of
life—don’t be afraid of ‘they’,
don’t collect Inanimate objects,
and laugh at yourself.
In addition to being a party jghfl
^r, she is a journalist, radio $tar,
5 creen star, screen-wpitpr; Tv
star, musician,, accompanist apd
s tar of the legitimate stage.
Throughout her lecture spe made
References to sluch men as Walt#
Winched, Drew Pearson, G.
Shaw, Winston Churchill, ex-King
fcdward and, a host of othe -s. Mofit
these people she called by their
irst names.
of about 1)000 was
\ . /. 'Li -
.. ..
j The audience
McKinney to Visit
ampus Sunday
Joy McKinney, Gulf Regional
..u the ran Student Asnociation
president will visit the A&M Cam*
ms Sunday according to nformia-
don received by Ken Bernhardy,
prusident of thei campus associiji- j
Flanders Field
| ; . : t I
In Flapders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Sca.rce heard amid the guns below
We ar$ the Dead* Short days ago
We liv0d, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flahders fields. | ^
Take up our quarrel with the foe; |,
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to holt^ it high
If ^ye break faith with us who die
We shkll not sleep, though poppies grow
In Fluinders fields.
by John McCrao
Amendment Results Incomplete
But It Seems Only Two Passed
By The AHnojcated F’reifs
. -I'
Votes were still being co anted
on a proposed Te\as Conntjt ition-
al amendment to)‘permil linacy
trial without jury, but til#* ap
peared little chance it coild come
from far behind and pasn.
Of nine other amendments voted
in Tuesday's special eketion,
Texas had : definitely defeutetj two.
Two passed, i \
The names of 16 board. 5f Educa
tion members chosen, in the! elec-
A /
\ \
/• ■■
/ *
' ''■m: S
J * .
Tommy Dorsey, that
provide musical background foR
November 23,
■; ' ' j
“Continental Geatlenuui of Swing,"
ound for the Bonfire Dance at Sbiaa
tion were known. But the Texas
Election Bureau, unofficial vote
counting agency, was still check
ing ballots on five close races.
An amendment to raise legis
lator’s pay to $3,600 a year and
provide for sessions every year
instead of every two years took
the worst beating. Nearly 7b per
cent of the votes were against it.
The other beaten amendments
would have repealed the poll tax
as a voting requirement, allowed
worn# to serve on juries, provided
for jeounty civil service, provid
ed for hospital districts, provided
for city-county health units, and
provided for county pensions.
The amendments that passed
will allow rural fire prevention
districts and give the legislature
more leeway in regulating the
terms and sessions of district
The amendment to let the legis
lature provide for lunacy trials
without, a jury was 7,167 votes be
hind! when the election bureau quit
counting for the night at 7. p. m.
The bureau planned to resume
counting on that amendment today.
The apparently successful board
of education candidates, by dis
tricts, included:
D strict 1—Leon Coker of Nap
les. District 2—A. D. Moore of
fee«timont. District 3—Thomas B.
Ramey of Tyler, District 5—Dr,
J. V. Kimball of Dallas. DUMct
6—Jack Hawkins of Groeabeck.
District 7—Emerson Stone of Jsck-
sonvllle. District 8—Jackson Bin-
ion of IIouMton. District 10—Paul
Bolton of Austin, District 11—
Leslie Huff of Wsco. District 12—
CscJI A. Morgan of Fort Worth.
District 18—R. B. Anderson of
Vernon. District 14—Nesl B. Mar-
riott of Corpus Christ!. District
14-rHarman Rosch of El Paso.
District 17—E. J. Woodward of
Sweetwater. District 18—A. R. Bi
vins of Amarillo. District 20—W.
8. Jackson of Sen Antonio.
Ramey, Huff and Woodward
were unopposed.
At $ Bil
on Bushels
Agriculture Department, in lt» for the National Poultry
next to last report of the year,
yesterday estimated this year’s
'ashington, Nov. 11 (AES—The
Spanish Speaking
, Ml : M I
Parrot Escapes
Iajs Angeles (A*)— While Mr. And
Mm. L. G. Johnson were visiting
Mexico, they bought a 2-year-old
parrot named Loreto.
They discovered yesterday that
the bird doesn’t understand Eng
Ticket buyers at Union Station
became bewildered when they heard
a plaintive Spanish voice coming
from a 60-foot high chandelier.
“Bien, Loreto . . bien, Loreto,”
the voice croaked.
Loreto had chewed through his
wicker cage while the Johnsons
were making reservations on the
noon train to their home at Sea-
view, Wash. Despite coaxing from
train agents, red caps and specta*
tors, the parrot refused to come
In Spanish, “Bien” means good.
The Johnson’s have other ideas.
They finally gave up ^late last
night. Loreto didn’t, though.
Two Rice Dances
Set for Tomorrow
Two dances are scheduled oil the
Rice campus Saturday night after
the A&M-Rice football game. They
are co-sponsored by the student
governments of the two schools.
One dance will be in, the Field
House and the other in the Student
Lounge, both with orchestras and
bsfiimlnc at ,9 o'clock,
are $1.50 stag or drag
and are
good for both dances.
The d^ncSa are the outgrowth of
a summer meeting of students of
Rice and A&M In an effort to
promote closer relations between
the schools. Eating places are
abundant near tha Rice campus,
and Aggies should find the dance
arrangement economical
Tickets may be purchased
Student Activitiea Office
Goodwin Hall through
at the door Saturday night.
It haa been Impossible to Check
the rumor that many Rice co-eds
are slagging the dances on
Rice campua.
1* : , 1 :
Used at the
i, room 209
Frldaly or
Henry Tuem Joins
Poultry Department
Rice Line
i i . i i ;
-ir t
f I
"ire I
’j l
;i .
■t I
I.' 'i.
|.j ; ,
Number 41
: .id'
Henry Thuem
department sta
ember 7, as a poultry su]
poined the Poultry
Department staff Monday, Nov-
corn crop, at 3,367,618,000 bushels, said today,
ment Plan, D. J.
head of the Poultry
H. QuisSiC**
ry Departme:
i ■ ■j. j i, v .
Singing Cadets
ost To Chorale
, ■■ :i ' : : • 1 ' i : ; ' v j j 'i i; i • : j
Best In Conference,
awson Informs QB Club
•■1 'fpX 1 ■ 1 • BY HAROLD GANN
wing the Town Rail concert
qlay evening, the S
* ts to Robert
in the music
ikes, N plus a
attractions, the Singir
niiy to
Cadets were hosts
and his chorale in _
Coffee and cakes,
chief attractions
dots taking advantage
portunity to meet and know these
talented and well-trained music
ians. The group impressed the
cadets with their “con mon every
day folks” attitude.
Robert Shaw, was especially an
exponent of the “I’m just a poor
guy, made good” philosophy. Chat
ting with the Cadets before his ap
pearance on the Guion stage, he
explained his program for the
night and some of his general mus
ical philosophy.
Shaw, in his almdst childlike
usic Hall.
inging Ca-
of the op-
Cabaniss Hea
Arils, Scie
Chuck Cabaniss, senior his
m Garland,
major fro:
, was elected, president
of the Arts and Sciences
Council at that group’s first
meeting Thursday afternoon.
Chosen to serve as secretary-
treasurer for the council was l. S.
Forsythe, a liberal grta student
from Houston. I 1 |
The i council consist of presi
dents of student dubs and organ
izations sponsored by departments
in the School of Arts find Sciences.
Its purpose Is to co-ordinate more
cldsely the aims of the students
and fatuity members qt the school.
Members appolntsd to the coun
cil for this year are E. D. Down
ing and R. D. Tubolg, Math Da-
partmsnt: K. O. Wyl*r and R. D.
Huston, Language Department; R.
L. Hunt and Q. 8. Kadera; Physi
cal Education Department: R, B.
Mayes and J. H. Mullln, Physics
Department; W. P, Holliday and
T. E. Millar, Education Depart
ment; J R. Caah, English Depart
ment; and C. D. Cabaniss and J. 8.
Forsythe, History Department,
i Other representatives arc Bill
Billingsley and Dave Coslett, Jour
nalism Department; R. E. Sulli
van and B. O. Hoskins, Accounting
Department; D. J. Kreager, Pre-
Law Department; A. C. Flory and
R. J. Gibbs, Chemistry Depart
ment; J. B. Murphy and D. L.
Boyd, Economics Department; Eric
W. Carlson and B. L. Reed, Biology
Department; H. W. Beutel and B.
W. Dooley, Pre-Med Department;
R. J. Holmgreen and W. W. Wil
son, Business Department; and
Mack Nolen and Frank Welch,
Commentator staff.
Ag Council Talks
On Club Troubles
The Student Agricultural Coun
cil met last Wednesday night to
discuss various problems concern
ing students in the school of Ag
The Council, composed of lead
ers of the several clubs in the
School of Agriculture, discussed
difficulties that have risen on seve
ral occasions since the last meeting.
The purpose of the Council, ac
cording to Ken Kunihero, secretary,
is to provide a liaison between the
Dean of Agriculture and students
in his school.
By means of the council, the Dean
is better able to understand the
student’s viewpoints and is aided
in formulating the policies of hit
What’s Cooking
p./m. Eplacopal Parish Houso. 1
Winds Not Only Cause
For Lost Hate
Wichita Falla, Tex., Nov. 11 UR—
You’d better hang on to your hat
around hare, and not because of
the wind.
’ L. B, Smith, city carponter, told
Sheriff Hammett Vance a man
grabbed his hat off hia head and
fled yesterday. Smith said the hat
had $45 in the flap.
O. H. Loftin of Electra reported
Monday that a grab-and-run thief
made off with his hat and $36 in
the band as he stood on* an Elec
tra street corner.
way, told of his entrance into
music, his work with Fred Waring,
his work with thal] amateur Col
legiate Chorale, and finally his
work with the present professional
He stated that his Town Hall
program was “stiff’, which waa
true. But, he said, here was the
real music of the world; this
music took real “guts" to sing.
Whereas the Chorale was able to
work four hard hours on Bach
without growing tired of the com
position, the popular music grew
irritating in an hour of arduous
As he spoke, Shaw’s nervous
ness coupled with enthusiasm for
his personal ideas and theories in
music, imparted a boyish aspect to
him that is noticiable to all. He
knows a great deal of music, yet he
is “just beginning in his musical
thinking.” The prospect of this
new world of music opening to him
adds greatly to his youthful appear
Shaw still has his collegiate touch
as evidenced by the ease in which
he talked the language of college
students. With his understanding
of the university age, plus his
advanced musical understanding;
Shaw was able to impart to the
Singing Cadets quite a profound
influence in his forty-five minute
talk. If • o ./
Shaw is after big things. He sum
med his ambitions in one sentence,
whereas,! “most people strive for
immortality after death, I’d like
to have my immortality while I'm
still living.”
Though this waft thtlr first func
tion of the year, the Singing Cft-
dets have been in rehearsal five
days a week since September 19. A
new repertoire, which is being pre
pared for this year's series of con
certs, will be presented for the
first time in concert on December
10 at Hoekttduy Junior College In
There are 86 members of the ca
dets and probably 66 will make the
trip. Future concerts are being
scheduled to send the Singing Am
bassadors over as much of the state
as possible.
This year's officers are Jerry
ian; and
Bill Moss, reporter-htf-
Akers to Address
Journalism Meet
Robert W. Akers, editor of the
Beaumont Journal, will speak pn
“Responsible Newspaper Leader
ship” at a journalism assembly at
7:30 p. m. Tuesday in the YMCA
Assembly Room, according to Don
ald D. Burchard, Journalism De
partment head.
Akers is a prominent figure in
East Texas journalism. Recognized
as a crusading editor and one of
the best thinkers in this part of
the country, he also is known as
an excellent speaker, Burchard
This assembly is part of the
Journalism Department program of
bringing important figures in the
communications business to the
campus. The meeting will be open
to anyone interested, and all stu
dents taking journalism are ex
pected to attend, said Burchard.
;! V !■ 1 !, f 11 \
successful meetings of; the year
700 persons gather#! in the
W. H. “Dawg” Dawson, Aggi
coach, highlighted the session wi
The Battalion Quarterback Club stag#! one of its most
night whdn more than
ly Ha 1.
otball scoui. and B Team %
v.uav.11, uigtiiigubcu viic bcbbiuii wimi; his resume of what tho
Aggies can expect from the Rice Owls Saturday afternoon iii
Houston. j |T : f! |
Dawson seemed to know just about ag much about the
Rice players and their tactics as? Owl coach Jess Neely. He
named the important individuals of the Blue and Gfay team,
1 ; ! ■ tglving the weights and home to
I of:each performer).
. il
ng the wei
zlpg Rice # their
LJ,:Texas Tech, Te
kansua, nam
probable sta
»refully scru-
Ir contents with
Texas, and Ar-
following as
era. Williams, 187,
add Wolcott, 191; at ends; Wurman,
220, and MOrphy. 210, at tack
les; Roberts, 190, and Schwarz, 200,
at ;tHe guard slots, and Watson,
22$, It center. The backfield,will
probably consist of Rote at quar-
nd BurkhalU r at
»by Lantrip a; full-!
L i' i hr'
Lcqording tp Dawson, the Owls
y like pros an4, as he pjointed
out, “they should because they have
ten seniors arid only one junior on
the shirting team.’’
He stated that the Rice aggre
gation has thi* coolest heads in the '
conference and exhibited much
poise In the SMU and Texas games. „
The had to jpull from behind on
tyth jdutings jto yrin. i J
; Best Conference I.hte >
Dawson saiid, “Rice’s line is the :
best In the Conference. If we could
run On Rice’s line, we could make !
a; dent in Nojtre Dame.” He does-
nH Class thej Owil
backfield with
eirj backfield get jittery.”
tile standouts of the
gave briefs on ”Frog-
that of A&M’s "but you won’t
« M_V « »• v •' ‘L Viii'l. . ad-I 1
In; naming
Nyaradi Speaks
Here Monday
In Guion Hall
V 1 j • ’I '1.1 1 ' I
Dr. Nicholas Nyaradi, Non-
Communist Ex-Minister of
Finance of Hungary, will
speak in Guion Hall at 8 p. m.
Monday, November! 14. m
Dr. Nyaradi who chose volun
tary exile when the Russian-dom
inated Hungarian Government tried
to force him to comply with their
plans will reveal some startling
facts about the plaint of the Bov-
Dr. Nyaradi is the author of the
series of Saturday Evening l*p«t
articles: “I Was In Russin Pre
paring for World War III.” His
comments on the methods Of the
Communist regime are'based on his
observations during the suVen
months he spent in Moscow nego
tiating with tha highest officials;
of the Kremlin on behalf of Hun-:
gary, What h« has to say Is high
ly informative and vital to present-
day American thinkinjg. j j sj J
Born in Budapest, Hungary, Dr,
Nyaradi was educated at the Uni-*
versity of Budapest jvhere he bei
eftme Doctor in Political Sclenc4 r n -— n •.—- r -
und Doctor in law. During his gov- is one of tinf greatest lineitten I've
ernment career .he h*d the opporj- ever seen. He just hasn't received;
<dub, | "Dawg’’
gie”: Willianjs, Joe Watsbhi and
"Speedy” Roberts.
: Commenting on, Williams, one of
the nation’s top ends, Daw«on said,
j’he is the most nonchalant guy
£ ev# saw. Ahd he’s that way about
everything, .but let me tell
ba'tljuat about the best end
; “ij seems that Williams likes to
•'play; in front; of a large crowd. The
■greater the crowd, the more X|iec-
tabular hia play. Now 1 don't mean
;that he is u grand-stand player—ho il
goesj out to] win butjI. nM* him ji
against Texas Tech, 12JXH); at- i |
tended and ;he was just 0
end that game, In L8U tile
wasn't largej ami ,u ’ W|IH
lucre that ggme. f
"But against Texas and SMU,
before very large crowds, he was
terr|flc." Then Dawson 1 ket the
hull in laugljti*r when he Said, "In'.
Ileve me, brother, I Just hope two
teams are all there is in that stad
ium: In Houston Saturday.”
Dawson had high praise for Jo*
Watson, Rise’s main string cen
ter gnd linebacker. He said, Watson
t meit-
tunity to meet Russian statesmen
formally and informally and hia
experiences are unique i in their
penetration behind the walls of
Russian secrecy.
Dr., NJyaradi is nq stranger to
the United States, for it was dur
ing a t^ip to Washington, wheke
called to discuss eco-
tters with officials of
Department, that he was
Finance Minister in the
been a visitor to Harvard
University and to the University
of Michigan. Since his resignation,
Dr. Nyaradi and his wife have
made their home in this Country.
Dr. Nyaradi is well-known to. the
lecture-going public because of
timely comments and eye-witn
accountjs of the' tactics em;
by the Russian Politburo in
ern Europe and the Worldl
he had
our Statj
T ■ Y'H.TT-■ ff?
r n
New York ^—Thlrty-on# years
ago today bloodshed ceased In the
most stupendous war mankind had
This Armistice
of conflict, tliyilMi
• pause that refraahed the world
an even daadltar war, tha issues
of which ara atilt unsettled.
I can t think of anptfctaf
to pireaent on thia{ annivei .
than tha thoughts celebrated men
of the past have held on war land
peace. Hera ara a few:
"AU battle la wall aald to be
“The art of war . . I take to be
the highest prediction of human
knowledge.”—Daniel DeFoa. 1
the publicity he deserves.’’ “Dawg 1
stated that Watson was the best)
linebacker in the conference.
Hasn’t Seen Aggies
> Much to Dawson’s disapproval,
he hasn’t seen the Aggies In action
this year. Since his main task this
season has been the coverSge of the
Owls’ systeiin, he had great hopes
sing h ow A&M .would fare,
inst a team that he has prac-?
lived with this Saturday.?
tut! “Dawg” hinted that the ath
letic department might send him to:
li Angeles 'this weak to scout:
Fekada, a team A&M opeqs the?
with next year,
iwson tieh hinted, “it doesn’t:
much difference to me—just
jso t get t« fcee that Texas game.
Preceedin|r Dawson’s talk, pri
aha* were awarded to the winnan
of dast week’s quarterback Clul
*ry glory—that attrac
tive rainbow that r|a*« In showers
of blood, that serpent's eye that
charm t to destroy.” Rap, Abra
ham Lincoln of Illinois In |H4M;
the field
army U of: little
unless there
counsels at home."—Clcew
“It Is not b
lutlona that
Vililia : In
are i wise
Ut.* SB
of time are decided;.,. but by ifon
and blood.”—Bismarck. ] , |
Gold ami rl
seslpf prars.’-
‘There la no
inevitable war.
ius Caesar.
war —
?” -Mil
|l914.-' ' :
th a swt
birth control udvo
war is
IhaU not prevail sav
In her hand;’’ Bertiat
•There Is
who ! looks
in bea . .. r ......
iteration* yet to rente. I
war with horror,” Gen.
id the
to new wfara, an
better than the long
f “Love
&r“ hkor “
• I I ‘ I’Ul HrtliGJHi
If ■