The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 10, 1949, Image 5

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Chief Ag S'
Address Q
The man who
scouted the
top-hutming Rice Owls fot the Ag
gie coaching staff, B team coach
■*Dawg” DawsOn, will speak «t the
Quarterback Club meeting to
night^ at 7 in the Assembly
Dawson will give a scout’s eye
■view pf the Owls including some
good pointers on what to expect
from the Feathered Birds when Hie
Aggies meet them Saturday after
noon in Rice Stadium.
The meeting tonight is the next
to last one this fall and is open
to all students and all other per
sons in the Bryan-College Station
Color Movies p^ SMU Game
Also on the program tonight are
the color movies of the A&M-SMU
game of last Saturday and the
awarding of prices to the wi iners
in last week’s/ Quarterback Club
Football guessing contest.
Included-in the list of free pri
zes offered each week by. tpe 11
sponsors are two tickets to the
Aggies’ neixt football gamei The
tickets to be* awarded tonight are
to the A&M-Rice clash in Houston
The winners in last week’s con
test were. * •
• Mrs. Ralph L. Terry, Box 4815,
College Station; Ted Means, 104,S.
Polk, Bryan; Geneva Hensley, Box
461, College Station; T. H. Terrell,
C. E. Dept., Campus; E. F. Hue-
singer, Jr., E Troop, Cavalry; J.
H. Southern, Ag Eco Dept., Cam
pus; Marvin Hagemeier, Box 2854,
College Station; Jack E. Welch,
A&M Press; A. J. Otte, Box 5368,
College Station; D. F. Hrachovy,
Box 4684, College Station; and H.
L. Thompson, Box 2342, College
Station. '
Must Be Present
All the above winners are re
quired to be present in order to re
ceive their prizes. If any of the
above winners are absent, prizes
will be awarded to alternate win-
ners. '» * ;
The guessing contest continues
this week with the following spon
sors again offering 11 free prizes:
Mr. J," C. Hotard of Hotard’s
Cafeteria; H. J. Peters Music Co.;
Charlie Ferreri of The Triangle
Drive Inn; Mr. C. E. Greisser of<
G'reiqsCr’s Electric Co,; Joe Fatilk
■ft l
; '!
•i 1
cks Auto Supply; W.
iers; First National
B. Bryan; The Park
ardware Co.; Bryan
rs| Charlie Cade; Ale^cander-
Insurance Agency; and Th*
lion. j
Tjo! enter , this' week’s
perfcjns should clip the
Fish Meet Rice
Twi TV*
in Apernoon |Jo
ned. Harrow Hooper’s. switch to
very strong. Offensive line play.
from the Quarterback
in Thursday’s Batt oil obtain!
nk from one of the sponsors
entries should be tu
e Battalion sports desk) by 5
on thej
be put
ing or-|
A&M vs. RICE
m: Friday. Entries mailed
be postmarked by that tirrj
Guesses this week will bq
gai4*8 in which Southwest
enqdj teams play and should
tne blanks in the follow
Dick Todd, Aggie
Cadet Harriei
Play Longhorn;
First competition of tn£ y*$r
between the Aggies and the Texas
Longhorns is slated for the cross
cojuntry course across the railroad
tracks west of Kyle Field when the
Cidet harriers meet the S teers at
3 330 tomorrow.
jCompeting for A&M will be Jul-
iain Herring and Jim McMajhon, who
tipd for first place in
mjeet; John Garmany,
J^nes, Alexander Ortiz,
ubert, and Bob Allen. Je
out a pass defense that will stymie such aerial
Iwarts as Tobin Rote, Vernon Glass, Billy
Iter, and Frpggle Williams when the
face Rice Saturday. But not until the
Owl tilt is history will anyone know whether he
has succeeded. For the benefit of those observ
ant sports followers who will notice that an in
correct figure is given for Todd’s scoring record
for a season; the figure woqld be 321. Guess
Trant figured he’d help Todd by Increasing his
point total, but according to all reports the orig
inal figure Is holding well on its own!
the last
rry Bort-
nfen may run in place of one qf
tf-ese seven men, howeve
The Aggies downed tlj
Texas State Eagles
r - i
e North
to-44, a
Earlier the Steers had tkken-the
ago oveif the loca
the; North
Smith On UP
Weekly Ratings
'ft 1 \
' Further proof that Aggielands’
“Rapid Robert” Smith showed up
as One of the best fullbacks to
ever,perform on Kyle Field was
released yesterday wfien the Uni
ted Press picked him on their
weekly Alli-American team.
Smith galloped his way for 175
yards in the SMU tilt racking up
three touchdowns. The Houston
^=spph still leads in rushing with an
astounding average of 5.2 yards
per carry.
Steve Snider, United Press
sports writer in New York, yester
day named his team of the week,
selected from the nation’s college
football talent. The heft> 195
Munder was further honored by
ivis home town Aggie-ex club.
Guard Dick Scott also came in
for his share of praise in the
. UP line up, and was listed as a line
; ij standout, though not in the first
l^-to-25 in Austin and 24-to-31 in
lj>enton comparison wpuld seem to
i ndicate that the meet will be very
cjlose. However, the return to school
of veteran miler Don Sjarkk has
greatly aided the Texas team as has
the presence of soph Tom Rogers,
who is currently the nupibor one
Steer runnel - . f
Roundup Of High
School Grid Teams
Dallas, Nov. 9 Several dis
trict championships may be . de
cide^ ttys week end as Texas
schoolboy football unreels a 52
game schedule which includes forty-
eight conference tilts
Lubbock’s invasion ctf Odessa,
IParjis’ visit toi Gainesville and a
San Antonio clhsh betw een Thomas
Jefferson and ; San Aatqnio Tech
are the top attraction^. The win
ners of those three i games are
virtually certain to cutl some fancy
capers in the December; play-offs.
From a strict matherjiatical view
point, eight teams cam cinch at
least a tie for their district cham
pionships this week.
Lubbock is the onlyi one of the
.four unbeaten, untied teams in the
two top divisions (facing a tough
foe this week. Wichitaj Falls is ex
pected to trounce Chityress, Corsi
cana probably will dojthe same to
Ennis and Pprt Arthur should not
have any trouble with jPort Neches.
Baytown and John | Reagan of
Houston, the two unbeaten but once-
tied teams, are botf| slated for j ^ 'when it beat Grand
£2* "SS: P B “ S X" ,*ff” e»i*. play’ McKinney. The Scots
that division; Other headline games
on the City Conference card in
clude SunSet-Crozier Tech in Dal
las, Arlington Heights-North Side
in Fort Worth and Lamar-John
Reagan in Houston. >
Pampa, already in the throne
room for all practical pur-poses,
can cirich a tie for the District
1-AA championship by beating
Plainvijew this week. Wichita Falls
can move a step nearer to the Dis
trict 2jcrown by beating Childress.
An Odessa victory over Lubbock
would cinch a share of the Dis
trict 3 AA crown for the Broncos.
Austin of E! Paso can grab a hunk
of the 4-AA title by beating Bowie
of El Paiso.
Breckinridge and Weatherford,
unbeaten in District 6-AA play,
meet each other at Weatherford
Friday.. Mineral Wells, the other
6-AA team unbeaten in fonfer-
ence play, invades Stephenville.
Highland Park, which overcame the
only major obstacle in its path td
its ninth straight championship
can cinch a title tie, mathematical
ly speaking, by winning.
Burly lackle will pla> against
Rice freshmen before Houston
fans who saw him perform for
Lamar. I
Just for the Corp Trip to Houston
thing for the corps
t his weekend, . . . It
Here is just the
trips to Houston
is the PAR-PAK weekend bag, made by
the makers of the world famous VAL-
- * J | - . . I
A-PAK. Its smkrt appearance and
fi 1 1 ' i : : °
shape retaining qualities are achieved
by the patented No-Sag Aero Frame,
e construction found
and a spring wir
in nq other bag
?ome in and see them
in a variety of styles. J
. : < : . J
The Exchange Store
“Serving Texas Aggies”:
n flflmrms A. & M. An
V r Main Campus
■l ■ - : r ■
Freeport while Reagsjn plays La
mar, winner of the Houston cham
pionship for the past [three years.
Unbeaten Teams Vie
. Paris and Gainesville are the
only 7-AA teams unbeaten in con
ference play. The winper cinches a
tie and undoubtedly Tjrill take full
possession of the prowfn next week.
Marshall, already. n'cogni?ed in
most quarters as District 9-AA’s
play-off representative, can cinch
a title tie by beatin;; Longview.
Two games this week will help
solve the muddled situation in
District 10-AA. Tied for the lead
w ith two victories apd one defeat;
each in district pla.y are Nacog
doches, Lufkin, Conroe and Bryan.
Nacogdoches’ play at Lufkin this
week and Conroe goqs to Bryan.
Baytown goe.4 to Freeport this
week as it moves closer to its
District* 12-AA showdown with
Galveston. Kingsville and Alice,
the leaders in District 15-AA, get
together at Alice Friday.
Santone Game! Tops
The Jefferkon-SA ’[Tech clash is
expected to lure a ct parity crowd I
of 24,000 into Alamo Stadium, is! Ex-Lamar Redskin guard slated
the game of the year in the City to play important part in line
Conference. The winner will be battle as the Cadets face the
favored to take the state title ini Slimes.
THUAS., NOV. 10, 1949Page 5
The sound of battle will resou
tomorrow amid the otherwise peace
ful observance of Armistice Day
as the Fish gridders launch an at
tack on the Rice Slimes at 2 p. m.
in Houston.
The Slimes were defeated by a
strong TU Shorthorn squad, but
are still rated high and will be
favored in tHe contest. However,
we feel, for a dissenting vote, that
the Ags are plenty potent. And if
they are high, and the breaks are
even, there is not a team in the
race that is better.
True, the two losses to Baylor
and TCU would seem to refute this
conjecture, but both games could
have gode either way and were
not decided until the very last in
both clashes.
Some Men Missing
The Fish have lost some key
players, but the squad as a whole
has gained experience and the
coaches have had time to observe
each man and pick the most effec
tive performers. The line,
weakened by'the loss
Reese, and Pirotjna, is big and
and the men in the forward slots
want to play.
3L 2>nz:L
with the
Water [repellent, windproof, color-fast,
smooth, sleek and completely washable
iLL: “ famous jacket stays in place
\ matter how you move. An
Ameritex fabric in navy, brown, hunter
green and spruce. 36-40.
810.95 f
4 Co.
MCN9 CkQTHlN* tlNCt »•«*
\ ■■ -
Texas Aquatic
Gub First On
Aggie Schedule
Aggielands’ water polo team,
consisting mostly of sophomores,
will enter its fifteenth undefeated
season in conference play, when
the Ag aquatic experts meet the
Texas Aquatic Club November
17th. in Austin.
Coach Art Adamson is starting
his fifteenth season as water polo
coach, during which time his squad
has- suffered only two defeats at
the hinds of other college teams,
Back in 1940 the University
of Illinois beat the Aggies by a
slim margin. A national champion
Northwestern team outacored the
Farmers in a rough and tough game
in ’38. These are the only two col
legiate teams to whom the Cadets
have fallen in the history of water
polb at this institution.
Last year was the first time
that *| the Southwest Conference
had a real league set up, and even
then it wasn’t an official confer
ence sport.
This year there seems to be some
trouble as far, as Texas University
is concerned, as to whom is eligi
ble to compete in the sport. Texas’
Coach Tex Robertson, it seems,
wants to use Bob Tarleton, con-
ference backstroke champion in
1938 on his aggregation, as well
as a ^few other graduate students.
1 Instead of the University of Tex
as Water,Polo team the Aggies will
complete against a team known as
up the Texas Aquatic Club but
made up of* graduate students as
well as undergraduate at T. U.
It seems that Tex Robertson
to ants to beat the Aggies so bad
that he is willing to rob some
of his talent from his TU team of
eleven years ago. The teasips have
never defeated an Aggie waterpolo
team and since the change, they
probably never will.
The Aggies, as present, have two
games scheduled, both of them be
ing with the Austin group. The
first game is to be played in Aus
tin November 17th. and the - re
maining tilt will be played here
November 22hd.
There is a possibility that the
Ag water ball boys will compete
in St. Louis against Washington
University of that town. Coach Art
Adamson shys that he will be glad
to schedule that game if others also
can be arranged.
Of the seven starters, only twor
are seniors, the rest being fnadc
up of last year’s freshman team.
As it stands now, Fleming, Ka-
row, Adamson, McKinsie, Corn-
stock, Ellis, and Sargent will get
the starting nod.
Team vs. Team Courts Time
Walton TCW 2 5:15
Waco VM ’51 1
Fish & Game Spanish 3
Milner Law 4,5,6 8:10
15 17 1 5:15
16% Discount
on Portables
WAD. dothiera
PHONE 2-1475
most effec-
!ine, though
of Gamer,
>ig and fost,
is good so long aa Bus
are in action. ji
Defensive end play i has
spotty, but Hefner’s shift,
fertse Should correct this si
Dick Self, who failed ter live up
to expectations at encL is making
a dandy tackle 1 and ishould help
fill tip void caused by the loss pf
the three players mentioned.
Slime Tplte Three
Rice has won three: of the five?
games it ha? 7 played. The Slime;
have some fine prospects and will
be as tough as any: competition
the Fish,nave faced this year. j.
Rice /nis taken defeats at the
hand^f the Shorthorns, 20-to-33j
, Inrj „ , Baylor b
«f thiei men, being I
‘wafa I,jogging down
;hpuse before the
:er, jwcidW play
harrow tyteh nt
Memorial not onljf
slip and fall into the
twisted Ms ankle: atyl
to play that nigbL
: So disregarding
the starting team
should be Bush a|nd
Langford: ami Little
tackles; Rush anid
guards, and Co
ditch, bu itf
f u "
for the
Saxe at ends;
or Self at the
Gracey at the
ty center. .The
‘°“iives as the
and the TCU Polliwdgs, 12-to-26i
Hpto - ev
to ha\
club which should mean that the
game will be a real battle.
For a change, there are no im
portant injuries pllagijing the Fish?
and barring som4 last minute mis
haps, the Cadets should be ht top
However, the Slime iare reported
have a fast and Versatile balj
lards, pd
back field? should Sea f Graves as tne
map-under, Haas tod Hooper at
the halfback posti, and Hill or
McJunkin at tne fullback slot.
On defense the jfolloWing men
Will see $ great desl of action: De-
Veny, Branham, Rabbin*, Wright, :
Schulte, Smith, Dixon; Niiand,
Jumper, anil Tuclj| Hill may be
ised quite a bit prt{defense as line
oacker as his type and mobility
make him a natural for this impor-
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