The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 07, 1949, Image 1

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Nation’s Top
Collegiate Daily
NAS 1949 Survey
t! S'
Volume 49
——^— —
Tommy Dorsey’s Band
k L
It "'
ercha^ged Aggies Spur Mustangs,!
L-— U-i 1 L-.-s i ; i-4 ^ 7 T T — 1 1 BY BILL POTTS | . a host of others an injustice. Thei
* I I > ; ! \ ..... . .. oatetandin r ,play. both on off^i
'..■H' i i'■•■I
Slated for Dance
Tommy Domy and hin world ♦ 11 1 v • , l
fumouH oiTlii'Htru will play for m ^ ' p 9 \,\ ■
a Itonfiit* dance In Sliiaa Hall from I s\4 I
! »
i} 4
I i
a lionfiro dance In Shinn Hall (from
W:!I0 to I2sll0 Wednenday, Novem-
her 211.
Confirmation of rumora on the
campuri that Dorwoy wan to play
here' were received thin morning
from 0. (I. White, umdatant dean of
atudentM fur umlvltlefl.
Contract Hlgnlhg with Doraey was
completed t h i h weekend, * a I d 1
White, an#'includes a concert in
(itiion Hull -hefore the bonfire
IlKhtlnff. The concert will he one
hour long begliining at 0:lf> |p. m.
Ticklrt Prlcea
Tickets fot^ the concert will be
. 70 cents for general admission and
$1 for reserved seats. Dance tickets
will sell for $2, stag or drag, White
,said. j
Dorsey^ who is presently playing
at Houston’s Shamrock Hotel,
served hia apprenticeship in the
, music htwiness with some of the
biggest band names of recent
years including Paul Whiteman,
Rudy Valley, and Andre Kostel-
' anetz. : ' ■ i'!
But big names haven’t jilways
been Dorsey’s employers. Glenn
Miller, Bob Crosby,,Ray McKinley,
! and Gene Kruppa ate a few recent
top orchestra leaders who at one
time played in his band.
Other Big Names
His orchestra has also served
as incubator for a number of pop
ular vocalists of which Frank Si
natra is probably the best known.
Dick 'HaymeSf Jo Stafford, Con
nie Haines, and the Pied Pipers
also served vocal apprenticeships
with his orchestra.
Strangely enough, Dorsey did not
begin his musical career playing
the trombone, which is his “trade
mark” today. Thomas Dorsey, Sr„
who was himself an accomplished
musician, started his son out on
the trumpet.
He played the trumpet! in his
Pad's band until one night the
regular trombonist didn’t show up.
Young Dorsey was asked to fill in
the trombone slot that night, and it
huij been his first choice since.
“All Star” Orchestra
What would be called an “all
star” orchestra today was; Tommy
and Jimmy Dorsey's first “big
time’’ hand. Besides the two Dor
sey hoys leading, the orchestra
featured Glenn Miller second trom
bone, Roy McKinley at the drums
and Boh Crosby as vocalist
First big success for Tommy Dor
sey’s own orchestra came after he
had played a tour that carried
him through Texas. Following the
tour he was asked to fill in for
Fred Waring who was taking a
vacation from his regular broad-
'cast. , . „ i
Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra
were on the road to real success
after that appearance, ^ot long
afterwards, he produced two of His
most popular recordings, “Marie”
and “Song of India.”
Plays Classic Too
Mastery of the trombone has aU
ways been Dorsey’s outstanding tal
ent and though few realize it,
he has recorded classical trombone
solos for Victor records. Besides
the recordings, he has performed
as trombone soloist for the Janssen
Symphony of Los Angeles and for
D£ Fritz Reiner’s Pittsburgh Sym-
phony. . /. ’ ( ^ .
Waco Firm to Build
Huge Bear Stadium
AUSTIN, Tex.-r-Directors of the
Baylor Stadium Corporation here
today awarded the contract for a
40,000 seat football stadium' for
Baylor University in Waco to the
Swigert Construction Company.of
Waco at a cost of $990,428.
The Swigert firm also was
awarded the site Improvement con
tract for $186,760 and tjie plumb
ing contract for $62,766. ; f ^
Award of thd electrical contract
was deferred to a later date.
There r wore 12 bids ioffered on
the general contract.
Presiding at the meeting, was
Robert B. Dupree, president of the
Firat National Bank of Waco and
chairman of the Baylor Stadium
Dr. W*. R. White, president of
Baylor University and six mfjn-
bors of the Baylor board of trus
tees met with the directors.
When completed, the structure is
estimated to cost about one and a
half million dollars. It is due to
be completed in Fime for the open
ing-of the 1950 season.
■ *'" ' <•
—— Tl T >1
Tromp of Triumph Bulges Sbisa
At Saturday All-College Dance
BY DAVE (08LETT! |knd the regular Tassle contingent
i , i made Up the list of bird-dog tar*
Sbisa Hull felt the tread of gets for tha night,
many feet (Saturday nighjt las
Frankie Carle set the cadence for
this year’s seejmd All-College
Smiling faces and weary bodies
packed the scene of action td over
flow. Scores of “victory-Kappy”
Aggies, mixed with a bounty of
beautiful women unmatched since
last year’s Military Ball.
The female constituents <j>f the
crowd seemed to have come| from
every locale to help celebn.te an
event a bit unfamiliar in these
parts. [ ! •
Career-girls from near-by cities;
co-eds from TU, SMU, TClf, Sam
Houston State Teacher’s College,
and other campuses; high |school
lovelies from throughout the} state;
Students Rate
Big Share Of
Exchange Net
By L. O. TIEDT |
The Exchange Store Advis
ory Board, in a meeting Fri
day afternoon, voted td allo
cate 50fr, or. $37,306.23, of
the annual 1948-49 profit of
the Exchange Store to |«tudent
welfare. ! j '• : ji i | '
Of this amount, the board) voted
to recommend that 25%, cjl- $18,-
653.12, be given to the Memorial
Student Center for use ds part
of the Memorial Student i Center
operating fund,
The board further recom|nendcd
that $3,000 of the remaining $18,-
853.12 be allocated to the band to
defray the coat of band jawnrds
and trips.. In the same imotlon,
board member* Voted $H00O to
the' Library for the purchasing
Of reading material that cannot
be bought with funds reserved for
purchasing technical material! The
remaining $14,653.12 was Voted to
the Student Life Committee to be
used, as the committee ^aw fit,
for student welfare and recreation.
Building Repairs i
The other 50%, of the tojtal pro
fit will be used to make build
ing repairs on the Exchange Store.
Subsoil under the building lis shift
ing and the roof over thei one-
story portion leaks. Due to the
shifting of the subsoil, one of the
Outer walls, the floor, und the
partition wall inside the building
are cracking.
Profits; for the 1948-45 period
are greater than they were in the
1947-48 school year. The :;8,930.93
increase ip due to a greater vol
ume of business handled di ring the
latter period. !
Duties of the Exchange Store
Advisory Board are to advise and
counsel the store managjer, con
veying to him the criticisrps, ideas,
and wishes of the masses, The
board also serves to work with
and advise the management, to of
fer constructive criticism and to
receive, review, and investigate
complaintp, protests, claims and
charges of the exchange ktore.
Members of the board ape W. H.
Holzmann, F. W. Jenson} Ernest
Langford, C. G. White, J. [j; Wool-
ket, and Tom Calhoun. |
Other .members are jFranklin
Cleland, Samuel Fox, Lloiyd Man-
jeot, Albert Pavey, William F.
Thompson, and J. C. Miller, who
Was not present at the mating. ;
Another meeting will j be held
by the board on Monday! Decem
ber 12, to discuss the operation
Of the Exchange Store, Chairman
of the board Holzmann jsaid.
Local KiwanisjClub
Presents Quartet
j The Rev. Lee C. Phillip, Collei
Minister of Prairie View} Agricul
tural and Mechanical College, and
the Negro Male Quartet ffom Prai
rie View A&M College, w
the College Station Ki
1 On the' hand-stand, Carle en
slaved the Ivories Into producing
what was extremely duneeable
music. A loose circle of his ad
mirers sectioned the already crowd
ed floor into two parts. Head,
shoulder, and shin guards could
Well hiave been in prder.
Carle was fresh from a one-
hour skit in Guion Hall where he
gave non-Town Hall goers an ab
breviated version of his Friday
night performance.
As the. clock struck 12, the bird-
dogs again turned to pumpkin-
heads and slunk wearily home. Bet
ter situated Aggies went in quest
of livelier circles and \the Carle ag
gregation hobbled td their luxuri
ous suite in the Navasota Hotel to
rest for a Sunday jaunt to Cow-
Owl Grid Ducats
On Sale Tuesday
Student and date tickets for
the Rice-A&M game go on sale
Tuesday morning at 8 in the
YMCA lobby.
Student tickets will cost $1.20,
date tickets $.3.60. Persons pur
chasing date tickets will be
allowed to do so only after they '
have bought a student ticket
according to Howard Nelson of
the Athletic Department.
The! ticket booths in the
YMt’Ajwill remain open from
8 a.m. through 5 p.m.
Beauties, Broyles
Benefit ABC Ball
Pastel formal*, serge uniform!,
beautiful dates, and maroon and
white decorations instigated a
colorful atmosphere us the ABC
Ball got!< underway at 9 Friday
Climax of the evening was the
selection and presentation of pre
tty, bruniette Pat Andrew! of Cor
sicana ABC Bull Sweetheart,
Chosen from five other comely
finalslMtij, Put wus overwhelmed by
her selection. On receiving u huge
orchid carnage from the three regi
ments, presented by Curley Broyles
Put thifew her arms uround the
neck of the bandmaster.
Curly! was duly impressed taking
back the orchids and presenting
them i ojnee more. She showed her
appreciation again.
Pat’s escort was Bill Price, jun
ior in the bund.
Dixieland Jive
Before the presentation, mem
bers of jthe orchestra took off mus
ically on two selections of jazz a
la dixieland. The result was a gal
loping beat reminiscent of New
Orleans and more particularly
Pat Andrews, of Corsicana, was
chosen sweetheart of the ABC
Ball Friday night.
Bourbon Street honky tonks.
Around the walls of SbUu hung
huge cartoon muraU depicting out
fit! in the three regimente. Above
the dancers’ heads hung long pa
per mjache streamers in the out
fits’ cblors
At 11:30 stags and drag* left
Hblsa for midnight yell practice.
Humping side by side were Aggies
In serge, khukl, pinks, fatigues, and
blue Jeans; dates, some in colorful
evening gowns and some In hobby
After Yell Practice
After yell practice the dunce
wus underway again. Many cadets
und their dates the first thing on
entering Sbisa sped to cool glasses
of water and cokes set up on tables
beside the bund stand.
Forty-five minutes of humping
had not dampened their spirits.
Once again they careened around
the floor. Birdogs had returned
Birddogs were in plenty in the
side lines. And, as usual, they
visually singled out every girl
present giving her a complete cov-
ering-ever-detail glance. Follow
ing some sort of precedent in
stituted by reporters on dances,
the cadet covering the ball was
also op the sidelines trying to ob
serve each detail for story mater
ial. ' A cuddlesome-looking brown-
ette monopolized his vision and, as
you may see, impaired uncertain
damage on his details of the
Dance Ends At One
Ending at one to strains of the
Aggie War Hymn, everyone present
folded up his tent like and Arab
and stole away, but not silently,
to his car. The dance had been
a success.
As one cadet commented on the
affair, “I swear I could bring
Dracufa’s daughter down here and
still couldn't dance with her more
than two steps.”
The consencus of opinion along
the sidlines was summed up by
another cadet, a birddog, when he
comment, “Ohhh, all those women!”
A thirty yard scoring drive in
the waning minutes ol' the fourth
quarter, climaxed by Billy Tid
well’s nine yard scoring jaunt 1
and Buddy Snaeffer's conversion,
gave the underdog Texas Aggies a
27-27 tie with the defending eh«m?
pioh SMU Mustangs on Kyle Field
Saturday afternoon.
Tidwell's TD, which came with
two minutes and ten seconds ra
maining in the game, was the ell
mak of one of the wildest scoring
sprees ever staged on Kyle Field.
Smith Standout
The man of the hour was Bruii-
who led the Ag-
defeat column In
h’ Boh Smith; who led the A
gl«H out of thd ilefw , .
conference competition for the flrit
time this season.
The 195 pound fill back from
Houston, who leads the confer-
cnce In rushing scored three of the
Aggies’ touchdowns and almoet
cinched the fullback slot bn the
mythical 1949 all-conference team
with his terrific runb.
In 23 carries Bruisin' Bob totaled
175 yards and a lot of that yard
age was made with two,three, and
four Mustang would-be tackier*
hanging on his Shoulders and
Smith was the Ag^ie attack for
the day. But assisting him greatly
were a lot of other Aggies who have
never looked better all season, j;
Hick Gardemal, sophomore quar
terback from Port Arthur, who un
til Saturday had seen only off and
on (service at the man-under spot,
called every play.
His ball handling Saturday could
not be criticized—it was superb.
He also had a .500 average with
his tosses completing four oiit of
the eight he attempted.
To point out one man on the Ag
gie forward wall would be doing
Winner Gets Sportsmanship
Trophy in 1951 Cotton Bowl
'i? i
program Tuesday, November 8, at
noon in.Sbisa Hall.
‘Subject of the Rev. Ph lip’s talk
ill “Social Sensitivity.”
gram is being presentei
Kiwanis Club Inter-Racia
I’ *
i \
im i mi-
nis club
The pro-
I by the
The Southwest Conference
Sportsmanship trophy will be
awarded to the winning school at
a half-time ceremony during the
Cotton Bowl game in 1951.
This decision was made Saturday
afternoon in a meeting of the SWC
Sportsmanship Committee at Rice
Institute, in which representatives
from the seven conference schools
discqssbd common problems of
sportsmanship enforcement and
Membership of the committee is
made up Of one representative from
the Student government, yell staff,
Death Comes to
S. R. Whittaker
S. R. Whittaker, father of
Aggie co-captain Wray Whit
taker, died of a. heart attack
in his son’s apartment only
thirty minutes after the final
gun was fired at the game Satur
Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker had
traveled from their home in Hous
ton to witness the football game
and to visit with Wray and his
wife. The elder Whittaker had
complained of not feeling well
during the game, but because of
the ibrilliant playing of the Aggies,
he had decided tej stay on to the
game's completion. Death came af
ter he had reached his son’s apart
ment at 4:45 p. m.
Head football coach Harry Stite-
ler told the Battalion and the sen
ior members of the football squad . „ . ...
planned to attend the funeral F ^ C ?;.I he _ dn11
which was held at 4 p. m. today
In the Woodland Preebyterlan
ChUrch In Houston.
Employed as a clerk for the
Humble Oil and Refining Co., the
elder Whittaker had lived tn Hous
ton for 38 years.
Survivors of the 59 year old de
ceased Houstonian include a
daughter ,Mra. C.! R. Hlrschfield of
Hoiiston; three sisters, Mrs. Char
les Musgrove and MrerB. Rowell pf
Houston, and Mrs. Fred Runkle
of Pleasant Hill, 111.; three broth
ers, Jesse and John Whittaker
of Houston, and Pat Whittaker of
and newspaper of each of the SWC
schools. '
Committeemen from A&M were
Keith Allsup, president of the stu
dent senate; senior yell leaders
Glenn Kothman and Red Duke, and
Battalion co-editor Bill Billingsley.
Another action cf the committee
was the adoption of a policy for
yell leaders to join in leading spec
tators in singing the National An
them at each conference game. An
individual conference yell, to be
given by the combined student bod
ies of the competing schools, was
discussed and a committee of yell
leaders from several of thee schools
was appointed to draft a yell for
that purpose.
Reports from each of the con
ference schools on its accomplish
ments and problems in sportsman
ship were heard by the committee.
Problems discussed were the opera
tion of jpformation booths for
visiting spectators, welcoming vis
iting teams on the campuses, func
tions of welcoming committees to
schools prior to each game, stu
dent nevrspaper publicity on the
entire program, and correspon
dence between the sportsmanship
groups of the schools.
Presentation Date
and defense', was great. They were
not to hie denied. Time arid time
again, they stopped the speedy
SMU backs far short of the yard
age that they ate accustomed tq
Aggies Never Ahead
, V j i . I j [i
The Aggies, who were hev0r
ahead, fought back each time {hey
gained possession of the bull. The
Mustangs clearly won the first
half, making 20 points to : th«
Farmer's *ix, but in the setend
half, It was u different story. The
fighting Farmers came hack with
u savage attack and scored two
TD’* in the third quArter to make
It 20-20. Then Kyle Rote retukhsil
Game At a Glance I i/r
A&M m j | , AM II
13 First downs ; lf»
272 Net yds. gklned rush ; 194
H Forward pastes attempt, j; 12
4 Forward paste* completed 6
63 Yards forward* passing : 92
0 Forwards intercepted by 0
35 Punting; averagh i 46
436 Tot. yds., kicks returned} 149
2 Opponents fumbles recovered 1
54 Yards lost by penalties j! <51
Dick Scott's kickoff 100 yar^s to
put his team out in front again
but that didn’t phase the
Still trying, they at last made
it after Dick Scott recovered Poak
Walker's fumble: in the last few
minutes of the game. If r j
SMU scored the first time it got
possession of the balLj StartitW
from their own 22 after Scott had
kicked off, Blakely, Rote, Walker,
Johnny Champion, and Dick! Mc+
Kissack alternately banged away
at the Aggie line until Walker
took it through his right guard
from the A&M three. , i j 7' \
-I i I- ■ ! 44-ff
host of others art injustice. Tkcip Walker’s touchdown climaxed a
itstandingvplay, both oh offense drive of 78 yards and copsurped
seven arid one half 'minutes, of the ' |
first stanza. His try ’for point
,WflS ‘
SMU’* Sulliva(n then kicked off
to Glenri Lippmgnion the A&M 12.
Lippmah handed dff to Billy Tid
well, wpo took it all the way buck
to the Pony 43.; r,
From that point Lippmap, Roy
alty, (iwl Tidwell each lugged
the pighide oncf*. Llppman jg° l H * x *
for one, then Tld-
loosu around lift
shed out of hounds
Royalty carrlei
ill wl
well Whipped
end #nil was pi
on the SMU If yard line.
Smith Scores
Bob! Smith ti»ok over und In jfco
tries, carried for M yards unirvke
first touehdovi'hj that the > Aggies
L 1 W«KyIt-Field this
have scored
year, ! '
wide,. |
The Mustang’s second
ry for |h>Ii> was
changed hands twice.
i .i
mil laid
came; In the early minute^ <*f ihe.
quarter afU
/ Starting oit their own 24, the
^ ' 'I
lidte and; fullback Dick Me- !
J. /
See AG
age 8)
od of voting for the winner of the^,
award, the committee decided. Per
sons having votes and the basic
procedure for filing the ballots
will remain the same, the group
said in its minutes, but when the
change is made, two groups of
votes must be collected rather than
Instead of the old style of voting
once just prior for the SWC track
meet, when the trophy has been
presented and will be presented
again this year, a spring and fall
ballot must now be taken to make
the selection on a calendar-year
Chief arguments for the motion
to change the presentation date,
which was moved by A&M’s Keith
Allsup, was that the attendant pub
licity grained from the Cotton
Bowl presentation would better
spread the principles of sports
manship through the conference.
Opposition to the date change was
that football was being over-em
phasized and the extra ballot
would create an excess of work
for the overburdened committee’s
secretarial force.
Changing the presentation date
of the trophy to the Cotton Bowl
game will necessitate a new meth-
Regiment Has
Added Touch
f ! i j l *
TIME: The recent past
OCCASION: Practice review of the
Sixth Regiment
AtTlON: Adjutant read to the opinion on campus happenings to
regiment the orders of the day then tt tommon clearing office where
nrnnikVstsJ tn ni'floa* thn hnnit tn anmwi ^ in i. _ ... i
Plans Discussed
During a late intermission of its
session, the sportsmanship com
mittee split into three groups of
representatives of school papers,
governments, and yell staffs for
the discussion of mutual problems.
The yell leaders discussed the
merits of an all-conference yell
and made khe recommendations
which let to the action on yell
when the committee reconvened.
Plans were worked out in the
editor’s meeting for a weekly
newsletter of comment by the var
ious editors on ^ampus and con- may purchase the remaining
Ponif* marched 76 yards In 12
plays for the Tp
Rote and full
Kissack alternately went through
and around the Aggie line and
Walker tosspd four pastes, com* ;
pieting them all. Walker's last '
toss; Went for 2ft yards to Rote, :
who, was pi)ed qp on the Aggie |
four. Then the All-Amencap slip- ■
ped through left tackle! for the :
scroe. He also converted, making :
itheiscore 14( to 6. j ' :
; SMU’s third score canje with only ■
two minutesi and-5ft seconds left in j
the half. • J, <
-The Aggids had been pushed back j
to their one yard line by a pen- j
alty for illegal use of the hands.
Yale Lary Was rushed baldly while >
jock naiiiaay \iai. Pony! end Ben Whi
futilely reaches for the Cadet fullback as
Bruisin' Bob Smith scores the second touchdown
in i Saturday’s Kyle Field clash. Smith, who
sparked the successful Maroon offensiverefforts,! mainder of the players struggle on the
tallied despite the restraining arm of SMU guard The Aggies won VfA ~~
—— 1 —1 1 *t——iT;; ■’ i 1 ;—
A&M-TU Date
Ducat Sale Set
ference issues. Each editor is to
send a short summary of his
prepared to order the band to sound
retreat. ~ '
“ Sound off” he roared.
In the far off distance, before
the band could play, a lonely
jackass lifted its head high and
let loose with a mighty bray. The
timing was perfect. A ripple of
laughter passed through the en
tire regiment. Even the regimental
commander smiled before the band
took up where the jackass left off.
the comments will be edited and
sent out to ekeh of the seven
schools. The editing duty is to re
volve monthly through the schools.
Luncheon for the entire com
mittee was held in The College
Inn, with the Rice delegation as
The session was presided over
by Ben Hammond, of Rice, chair
man of the committee . Billie
Louise Luckett is secretary.
Date tickets for the Texas U.-
A&M game on Thanksgiving will
go on sale beginning November 14,
according to Jimmy Magruder, stu
dent senator supervising distribu
tion of the tickets.
Three fourths of the 1,500 tickets
alloted to the student body will go
to the cadet corps, Magruder said.
Juniors and seniors may purchase
tickets through the commander
of their respective units on the
14th, with a deadline for sales at
1 p. m.
AH non-corps tickets (the re
maining one fourth) will go on
sale ; November 15, contributing
through the following day. They
may be purchased, said Magruder,
at a booth in the YMCA.
. ‘
AIho on November 15 and 16,
corps sophomores and freshmen
first-come, first-served
booth in the YMCA
Any remaining tickets will be
placed on sale, Thursday, Novem
ber 17, for anyone who wishes to
purchase them, said Magruder.
te (86)
the re-
Survey Discloses
Real Intentions
Of College Girls
What is the most mysterious
prenomenom of the universe—the
thing about which the more man
learns the less he seems tq under
stand ? 1 j -. }T .
The answer to that question is
a simple five-letter word-fwomen.
Realizing that the studeifit read
ers of our paper have sqirheyvhat
more than a passing interest in
that particular subject, The Batt
alion has undertaken the task! Of
trying to find out something about
females—college females in parti
cular. l \ t it. Hi f
This last summer a Battalion
reporter, Roger Coslett, attended
summer school at a co-edUcational
college. Being a journalist .at heart,
he decided to sacrifice himself for
the interest of newiftaiera.. He
conducted a poll. 4
' i
. r'
; •• :
> n. i
"• i : ;'
! i '
Captain of 1910 Aggie
9rid Team at Game
Louie A. Hamilton, taptin of the
1910 Aggie football team, attend
ed the SMU-A&M game Saturday.
Hamilton is visiting his sister,
Mrs. E. J. Hunt of Hillsboro.
girls go to college. Ft
years, there hae been
ErtMlaiSi mi
cation. ; , ] 'j • readers
The poll was taken on the
Northwestern University! beMi in
Evanston, Illinois. The selectees
were all Northwestern students.
i •;
Each of the girls was askei
answer tl|ree questions. The firs
wjas “What would you think of at
tending ah all girl’s college?”
j Question number two should b:
of particular interest to Aggief,
It read, ‘Do yau have ample bp.
pfortunity while in college to taaki i
acquaintances of the opposite sex
What is your opinion of collegk
men? Do; you have a date prefer,
qnCe between college qnd non-col
lege men?”
The third and fikal question
jra* to the point. Here the fe
males were Asked “Why did you g<
to college?”
The answers to all these ques
tions and the over-all results
of Uie poll will run in this week's
paper us a five-story series, be
ginning on the back page of this
I issue.
rtinent information will l4l
in each oj
k^.AII pe
with the
talk hi
to send
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fused to divulge. Interes
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are especially invi
in personkl observati
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