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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1949)
' ; r. By BOB PRICE Fest Here goes and kn< 10W8. Round and round he where He stops nobody The reverse df this is over and over he goes and where he stops nobody ■ (except the gymnast) knows, might well apply to the Danish gymnasts coming to A&M. This group, that has thrilled spectators in 44 states and Can ada and Cuba with their split- secondatiming and exceptional pre cision comes to A&M after an ex- tensivejtour of the United States. They arrived in this country ih May of 1948 and have been giving performances since. The Danish group composed of two teams of 15 men and 15 wo men, has performed University, Temple Pennsylvania Universi University of Chicago been televised by th Broadcastihg Company been filmed by both M. feature at Madison len, they received the iteat applause ever before ac corded an intermission group at «,«c.ra«. This, the second such team to come to the United States. All members are amateurs and were chosen in open competition over all the gymnasts of Denmark. r • : Erik Flensted-Jensen, instructor of the team, says that the appear ance of this group in the United States has a dual purpose. It gives the Americans a chance to view the national sportj; of Denmark and at the same time gives the Attend to that of our national gi In Denmark all the y< want to grow up to be great tumbler in contrast to American kids who wants to be other Babe Ruth dr Lou Gehrig. “hese children, both boys and s, start early in learning the c principles of gymnastics. The mgth, flexibility and coordina tion learned at this early age en ables them to accomplish the more of gymnastics. difficult feats o)f gymnastics that come later. These men anl women, ranging in age from 18 to 27, will also put nn some of the native folk dances of Denmark in the traditional cos tumes of their native lands. After their appearance here, the team will leave for California to make several appearances there around the West Coast. They return to Denmark in July of The Danish ^cam will offer a chance for the students of A&M to see tumbling at its best as exe cuted by past masters in the art V ■ 1L f' Page^ TI ER 4,1949 Gold Fish Like Santa — • v V“ — ? I' : went over to lopping on the cold >ig, plump goldfish, rs. Walker popped it into the tub, washed off the soot, and wimming about brisk- ,t* was l ' >n bad it s ly. Her guess “A bird must ! .11 r 4 A bird must have raided some one’s fish pond and dropped it down the chimney.” mg about brisk- ive raided — DON’T Wi MINUTE . . .Bring your to u. todajr. wJ — WA 1 213 Varisco - ""■■■ : I x College Social (jl Holds First Meet The first meeting of the Collej; Women’s Social Club was held SMU’s Miss Betty Butler will be competing with other T^xas I Sbisa HhH at 3 p. m. F beauties Saturday night for the ! 281 The meeting featured I I honor of being queen of the ABC Ball. She is being spon sored by Jack Raley. •iday, Cc a Welco ne ro- Two Buggyettes Bandera Bound Waco, member who dro because ranch 1 Well, a ranch bound f “The wonderf COLLEGE STATION’S OWN BANKING SERVICE I; 5 I 1 i College Station State |: Bank ■ ! North Gate . ' . ■ . F I ; : I Tm Church of Your Choice Su n m ■■ T . / ^.. I '■ ! 2-1076 to newcomers and a musical p gitam. Mrs. J|. C. Miller, pre;ident, pre sided at the speakers table a welcomed the newcomers to :he , group and expressed the hope t iat 1 the Social Club might make them feel at home at A&Mj. • Mrs. D. W. Williami, a Social Tex., Nov. 72 0P>—Re- Club mamber for 30 years, was in- those two Chicago gals i troduced and gave anj official \ ve a buggy to Texas just come to; the new meintyers. Mrs. H. BaSs, g!ereral ch n)an, spoke briefly of the yejars they still want to -work on- P«;ogram^^nd then pMsented Mrs So yesterday noon they i £ hr,s Groneman, v.o mist, ind their horse to the 1898 Mrs. Ralph Steen, pianist, fho The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” i i bum oUt rf W^lP'afd Kveral selucptj .r Bandera. . ^ P -."- Burns w.a general t , . i , , „ | ohairmaji in charge m arrarige- people in Waco have been ments for the tea Mrs. Ri ul. It’s just that there are J, arrar ^ in d no ranch jobs here for us,i. Alice' • Michaelis, 19, and Ruth Kenyon,’ 18, said. With Two Stores Main Campus A&M Annex *11 in charge I ofjdecpra- a Managing Ecjiton Council of Church Discuss Problenn Women Hold Meeting j V Fort Worth, Tex., Nov. 1 *.|P— „ „ • i . „ .. * i How edn the bewilder: ng nbwk of ollege station Council of ^ atom j ( . .,g e jj e n)a J| t> toi Women met Monday after-1 underatiind ? K H ; T I h Mrs. of the 1 , sented The , ChVrch noon l^ov. 1 in observation of. World Community Day. Raymond Rogers, chairman nominating committee, pre- a slate of officers which was elected unanimously. They "were: president, Mrs. 0. F. Three hundred" members ofi the Associated Press Managing (Edi tors Association will open a five- day meeting here to norrow j and hope new answers th the question will result from theiif c eliberations. Simplifying the News has btien a / i •rT 1 - dent, Mrs. R. L. Patrick; treasurer, Mrs. A. G'. Edmonds; reporter, Mrs. P. G. Muhdock; historian, Mrs. G. S. Frapp:; and parliamentarian, R. R. Lancas ter. Associated Press. Beginning tomomj niornirjg at Hotel jT^xas, comm^ttbes fof jnan- report to| the aging [editors will AP membership on efforts ' being ■ k made to simplify the AP report L. R. Blanchard, executive edi tor of Gannett Newspapers, an eastern chain, and Norman Isaacs, managing editor of the 8t. Louis Stay-Times, will report on the “coiiitinuing study.’| '! j Editors will begin registering at 9 a. h 1 - (CST) tomorrovr.. Robert McLean, Philadelphia bulletin pub lisher,and AP president, W ill speak at 2:2)0 p. )m., Thursday. r'[ "^ ; 1 Cooperative , Clean , Jersey BOSTON;, Oct. 8 -4- (^>1 -4 The three men who told six-year-old Martha [Murray thiejj were going to “clean” her house;were right— 'they did. j f Martha greeted hetj mother Mrs. Margaret Murray, oiji return from a shopping trip yesterday with this Dishman Pontiac Co. 26th and Parker Ave. Bryan, Texas j\ Telephone 2-1684 SALES & SERVICE American Laundry t — and — Dry Cleaners Bryan, Texas \ —L.’ City National B>»k bar Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation '' | ilv'.lli. 'IVxa:. J k ! H •i j h; Madefey’ 'm • l i :* . ■ :1 . ■ ■ vk-; Pharmacy Jate ! 77N: DRUGS 'll : ,-i 1 ■ 0; NOVELTIES r' : i 7' I! [;!' Only four strings! ■ But these four strings a shoppii inquiry: ' "Mpm: our hous laving j \r ummy, why aije we our. Houpe cleaned outf” Pressed /urther, the chiljd ex plained that .the men had entered ! and told her they Were going to “clean out the place." Mrs.’.Murray discovered $126 in; cash and a $26 radio! missing from the apartment. SS HALLOWEEN BY HUM DUBL C THe Kum Dubl Sunday ((school class of the A&M Methodist Church held an old fashioned hal- lowefen party Iasi Monday n|ght. [ Fbyrtcen couples met at the church and enjoyed an, evening'of hilarious games and contests. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Waddle were iii charge of the prlogram. Refresh^ ments of pie and coffee were served by the ladies of the executive counf CONVENIENT PAYMENTS RLMcCARTY JEWELER NORTH GATE Serving the College Station and Bryan Communities Since 1909 First State Bank & Trust Co. ' . f BRYAN TEXAS Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation -Hr- ' ■ k' 1’ / LaSalle Hotel r 77: :;7.. BRYAN’S FINEST HOTEL ■ ■ ^ -i4. “D6n” Donovitz, Mgr. offer endless possibilities of tone and harmony. They open to man ne4 horizons of beauty and happiness. ■* And yet, improperly played, these feur strings can bring forth unbelievable discord! * r * r ' There are four strings in life—with similar possibilities. Mind . . . Character . . . Courage ...Faith! , ’ The truths that fill our minds, the ideals that mold our character, the purposes to which our courage is given, the realities in which we be lieve; these can fill our lives with rich beauty ind happiness or drab ugliness and sorrow. For centuries the Church has been the maestro of these strings of life—-helping men to bring from their own souls the harmony and beauty Tod has put there. You can find music in everyday living through participation in the work of the Church. the church for ai£ ... AU FOR THE CHURCH Th« Church i* ih« gr*oteit-fac tor on *arth lor th* building o! character and good crtiz*n»ftip. It U a stor^houw of ipiritual Tqlu*.. Without a .trong Church, neith'er democrocr nor cirilUallon can lurviv*. Th.r. or. four ,ound reason, why ev.ry p, r ion should [•Sularly and .up- port the Church. They are; (1) F u r i J h ‘V own sake (2) Tor hi* ch.Wren * Mk *. (3) For the .ak* ol hi* community and nation. (4) [7. 'F* * ak » of the Church ittelf, h ch needs hi* moral and ma terial lupport. Plan to go to SuTsH'” y ° u ' Sunday Monday Tuaaday Portraits of Distinction FOUNTAIN I • ! V • u (S FROM land Studii •v. .. . John 17:1,11 ■ -•gevalation 21:1-7 Thu d r n »d Sd * y ‘V Fnday Y *« >-« Saturday . .! ■ * I A&M Grill < North Gate li | |: ; r it •; k Psalms 27:1-5 Jphn 15:1-11 Psalms 150:1.# For sch.duU oi yearly reading, writ* American Bible Society 4S0 Park Ave.. N. Y. 22, N. “ Owrllht 1941, a M. KalsUr. Slrsatnu*. V*, THE REST SUNDAY DIN NER IN COLLEGE STATION AFTER -!; CHURCH ' -HUl A&M Christian Church 9:4. r ) A.M.- Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.—Evening Worship’ iA A & Church of Christ 9:45 A.M.—Bible Classes 10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship 7:15 A.M.—Youth meeting A&M Methodist Church 9:30 A.M.—Cadet Coffe Hour 10:00 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 7:30 P,M.—Evening Worship Christian Science Society 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship < St. Mary’s Chapel 8:30 A,M.—Sunday Mass 10:00 AjM.—Sunday Mass College Station Baptist 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 10:50 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:15 P.M.—Baptist Training Union 7:15 P.M.—Evening Worship St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.—Aggie Coffee Club 9:30 A^/f.—Churph School ^ 11:00 A M.—Morning Worship 6:30 P.M.—Evening Service A&M Presbyterian Church 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School • ’ 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:30 P.M —Student League 7:30 P.M.—Fellowship Sendee American Lutheran Church College Station ' 9:30 A.M.—Bible Class 10:45 A M.—Worship Service The Triangle Drive Inn ! * I I Il i . ; 1 • ; •' 1 . • [i'’ fonts,.. )LD DRINKS ‘ j SANDWICHES j I-, Judge Summons Judge For Dut il NASH NASH enship, check- Judge Dallas Bli |st c ry duty, called R, J. Dixon. “I’d like very much to servfy Judgqs” said the smiling Dixon. “Blit Fm pretty busy this wc dge Blenkeiiihip tookj one ing a list of persons summoned ft jury duty, called R, J. Dixon. MIT LEE AND CO. 27th and Bryan BRYAN, TEXAS j Complete Automobile Service V* . I ’ . i~. ■ - J ' iiM!a.ifl "4' \ Student Publications h 1 1 Texas A&M College College Station Watch Repairing!,, ! Jewelry Repairing! J. JfWU „ / DiimonJ Setlutf ’. Dftbyne Jewelry AND BCKEN.IN.THE-; Midway Between Bryan & '■ : •!( 4ft 7: 7 Bryan Telephone 2*1574 ■r. 1 REAL ESTATE RTGAGE LOANS j AND H0RNAK '■ " - - r r' Tailor Shop Tailor made imiforr all kinds. mLg J ~ jTf [■J ate -j / ; ' j ':’j ’•H ■ i ■ j 1 r*