The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 02, 1949, Image 2
K| . f Page 2 Battalion Editorial WEDNESDAY, OVEMBER 2, 1949 Interest Is Your Admission Ticket;. . . Both the junior and the sophomore We are not defending the classes for classes have, during the past week, voted the action ttfey took. Perhaps they did against electing a non-corps vice-president, show prejudice. Instead, we are advoca- There has been considerable comment, ting to the non-corps sophomores and jun- both pro and con, on this matter. ; | iors, whatever their number be, that they sVinnlH nrtt 1 nnlv turn out. fnr t.hftSft r.lass Perhaps the classes voted against this proposal because they felt the non-corps needed no official representation because of their minority. Perhaps they voted down the proposal because they felt that, i* if a non-corps vice-president were elected, He would receive a seat in the Student Senate. .. . r: should not only turn out for these class meeting^, but support all functions of their classes, To date, the only activities well- attended by this gro rp have been the class social events. 1 The non-corps is: composed chiefly of veterans and of former corps students The latter is in a minority in the case of We are not trymg to guess why the the sophomore class, since most non-vet classes voted against the proposal, for, erans are members of the corps. But in although there-waSi probably some prin- the junior class, there are many men who cipal reason, there may have been many do not live in the corps—either vets or and varied onea. We do, however, feel former corpsmen — who must feel they that if the non-corps sincerely wishes to are not wanjted at these class meetings, be a functional part of the class, they must The ohly solution to the problem, if show an interest. there reetyy is one,j would be to perhaps The interest shown last week was nil create a class office, called the “non-corps -in one case, almost as bad in the other, representative to the class” or some other I^ot a non-corps man was present at the appropriate term. But in order to be de sophomore class meeting. There was a serving of this, the non-corps men will better proportion at the junior meeting, have to show an appreciable increase of • Six attended. their 5 interests in class affairs. !k I. . " At 100, and (lowtown Still Grows . . i’ i : ijssue was 230,000. the largest circula- ‘ ’ f 1 i • ; , i jj ! i " * (l\, 1” Fort Worth Texas’s fourth largest a 4,500 circulation in 1921, when the Star city, celebrated its 100th birthday annT and the Telegram merged, the press run versary Sunday. Commemorating this of the commemorative event was the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, While this is far from itself 41 years ok}, with'a 480 page edition, tion figure in the state, they nevertheless l The Star-Telegram and Fort Worth have gained the confidence of their read- are symbolic of the growth of Texas, the ers as one of the many big city dailies in growth of the west, the growth of our Texas. nation within the past century. They If only each of us could stop, look have grown together, from a small newsr back, and reflect on our achievements for paper and a small city into a large metro- the past years, perhaps we could all see politan daily and a thriving metropolis, the cooperation needed to gain any great the center of. the South’s cattle market. amount of success. Without a high degree While it may seem that we are on the of this cooperation, Fort Worth would Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce pay roll, actually we are - simply quite im pressed by the facts. The city has a fine location; a good climate; crack bus, rail- have never realized such a fine history as they can now take pride in. The growth of the Star-Telegram and of Fort Worth is only one factor among road, airline systems.; iThese, combined many which has made our country grow withlan exeeHent-schobl system, clturches, Tb 'ttfe teffdiftg role it novir hoKfirin world hospitals, and hotels, are major advan- affairs. Every city and every newspaper, tages of a city; destined to become one of be it lar'ge or small, is an integral part of the outstanding municipalities of tihe Uni- cjur national system. They are the initial ted States. _ j ’ , • | ) stores of a great building. As for the Star-Telegram, the news- ! Look to the north. There we have a paper has many facts in which they can great city, a great newspaper growing to- take pride and gratitude. Growing from gether for the benefit of all. ' ’ if • j Y ! * 1 i Y Head-in-the-Sand! Ostriches, and Us ... j ’ i . x \ ’ i. In Gilmer, Texas'this week citizens are Were we not sb disposed to indulge celebrating “Do Nothing Week”, j After a ■ fond dreams of a few days in which we round of celebrations during its Yambor- could just do nothing, our remarks might ee, Gilmer people are tired and the mayor amount to denunciation of such a head- is passing th£ word for the good citizens in-the-sand attitude. “Onward, onward,” to “relax.” j j ' ! wc would say. No committee work either for the cel- bration of “Do Nothing Week.” “We’re too tired to get up a committee on arrange ments,” said Mayor Bob Bates. .. . \ r ;j * “Hard work 'never kit ed anybody,’' said the father.. “That’s just the trouble, Dad,” re turned the son, just out of college, “I want to engage iij something that has the spice of danger.” But we’re tired, too. And, like Gil mer’s citizens, we want to just “do noth in’” for a while. •L ' i*!|! i *While we bar our front against Com munism totalitarian thinking to infiltrate through our back door simply because it carries an anti- corn nunist slogan.”—Christian Science Monitqr. , 1 . N ■ ■ j L 'he Battalion ! j - I' ■ "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman" rence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to th? use f6r republicatijbn of all news dispatches credited to it or not otjherwise credited in' the paper and local news of 4Jj»ontaneous origin publish ed herein. Rights erf republication of all Other matter' herein arp also reserved. Enured *» »«cond-clM« Office at College SUtion, the Act of Congreee r ■ - • _ ■ '.-»■• * • L it 'Class mat La tion, |r< of M«rct» Her at Foet exas, under 8, 1870. Member of The Associated Ptess N e ws contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444) Goodwin Hall. Classified ads (nay be placed by telephone ( Office, Room 209, Goodwin Hall. BILL bilungsley, C. C. MUNROE Clayton Selph, Lewis Burton, ! _ Otto Kunze • • • Dave Coelett Chuck CabapU*. BUI Potts . . . . . ♦ --C Herman Oollob Amuaemanti slo Kenneth Marak, Emmett Trant, Jack Brandt • • t^rtootilrta Martin Howard . - - • • Photographer Brad Holmes, BUI Hltce. Hardy Rosa. Joe Trevino • * Adv P ^ n « E M , a?a«" Ben Brittain VVJ^iin^H.fiJentatlve A. W. Fredrick RepreseftaUW \jutf Oliver.v.••••tv*•• .catcyJtuon 1, Charles Kirkh&m .....tEditorial Boird . .ManBglnf 'Wlftore George Charlton Dean Reed, .Feature JBMltOf Clayton 8cl jtltheeeeefieeeeeeeeeeeeee elMtti vW. K. Colville, Bill Thom Weldon Aldrid Bunjes Jr., r Fails. Davie rum. Bob L Dean Reed. Bob Allen. H ManiUaa, •• •••••••••• - •••••••••• Take that! room tlog—for not reminding mo lo have my Aggie- land ’SO picture made before the deadline. — See "Schedule" atory on page one— J- 1 L . . | ■ i , hi SBCONDOF BVSflk* ' "\\t ’ - H——\ i i ' |' /, ' !l Pros and Cons of Texas’ New State Constitution Amendments BY JOE FULLER 1 Student Senate Parliamentarian ' ' V • ‘ j ' By far the mpst controversial proposed amendment to our Texas constitution is the one which will hold second place on your ballot next Nov. 8, the one ordering pay raises and yearly sessions for our Texas legislators. Seems as how the legislators, who are nobody's fools, have group ed the twol items together so that John Q. Public has to raise his leg islator’s pay ai^d direct the legislature to meet once a year, or else leave his pay just where it is and continue holding regular biennial sessions. | | ; M i Proponents of the amendment point out many advantages that it will have: (1) Biennial meetings are as outdated as covered wagons in our modern, constantly fluctuating society—we need annual meetings, with annual budgets, in order to adapt laws, taxes, and expenditures to the changing economic and political situation. ' • (2) Higher salaries will attract more capable men into the legis lature. men who should govern us more efficiently and more economi cally. Senators and represehtatives now receive $10 daily for the first lio days they are in session, and $5 for each day thereafter The amendment would pay them a flat $3,600 annually. (3) ' Higher-paid legislators would be less likely to be influenced by a free-spending lobbyist. ’ f While these will probably be reasons enough to convince many a College Station voter, there are an equal nuipber of arguments against the proposition: (1) It’s just toamuch of a pay increase—about 300% (based on a 120 day session.) $30 more or less is a lot of money to pay a legis lator for avery day he is in session. i(2) Yearly sessions will cost Texas taxpayers more money—a governing fcody that meets twice as often can think up just twice as many ways 1 to spend money, in addition to the extra cost of an addi-’ tional session. •• ^ Tj ' -j •" ' ' ' ' (3) Legislators who accept gifts from lobbyists would do it any way, regardless of the size of their salary. Therefore you have the pros and cons of the argument, enough t^ help you decide whether to vote yea or nay to the question, "Should the legislators hold annual session instead of biennial, and should their pay be boosted to $3,600 annually?” ■.... — * — The Battalion,^official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, Texas, is pub ished five times a Week and circulated every Monday through Friday /afternoon, except during holiday^ and examination periods. Durings the summer The Bat talion is published tri-weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Sub 0 '"- 4 Advertising rates furnished on request. ption rate $4.30 per school Represented nationally by National Ad vertising Service Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Loa Angeles, and San Francisco. tetters (All letters^to the editor which lire signed by a student or employee ot the college upd which do not contain obscene or -libelous material will be published. Per sons wishing to have their names withhold fyom publication may request such action and these i^ames will not, without ttie consent of the writer, be divulged to any persons other than the editors.) ANSWEjR TO THE ANSWER Editor, the; Battalion: Itt reference to your answer to reader Onstott’s letter: What’s the matter? Jealous because you can’t hold yourj liquor. And as to your uncouth state- litent about tearing him limb from limb: shajne on you? You should have your Sunday School medals taken. Besides, we don't think you can do it.; However, it might make a good half-time activity in Hous ton. ) John M. Hill, ’50 L. E. Horstmann, 50 H. L. Thompson, ’49 Dick Bowman, '48 Novy. J. V., ’51 Gee, John D., '49 Eds. Note—About the liquor holding, ! never worried (ibout it. Qn the second, didn’t say we would tear, said we’d try to tear. Would trade those medals (Boy Scout ones tool for,a win over SMU, Rice, or both. Probably couldn’t) Don’t think tnat as a half-time enter tainment we’d replace the Aggie band. . , I ! A/' ! 1 A ' • 1 I * 1 Jim Qnstott and I have settled our differences (see today’s front page). Ijf you’ll come see me, or I can gpt to see you, we’ll try to settle ours as well. Beat SMU). Official Notice i k ■ 1 1 Each candidate who expects to complete the requirements for the Master's Degree at the end of the current semester should file application for the degree with the !I>ean of, the Graduate School and with the Registrar not later than December 1. J ' Dr. Ide P. Trotter Dean. Gradifate School Phi Eta Sigma To Meet Wednesday The A&M Chapter of the Phi Eta Sigma, National Scholastic Honor Society, will meet Wednes day to elect officers and plan this year’s activities at 7 p. m. in Room 307, Academic Building. Nomination of officers was made by a joint committee of stud ents and faculty advisors in a meeting held Oct. 25. Nominees for president and vice president were Voris Burch, Mel- ven Burton, Lowell Holmes, Paul Leming. Nominees for secretajry wesre James Anderson, Ernest Elmon- dorf, and Roger Jenswold. ^ For treasurer, Marvin Atkins, James Enlqe, and Kenneth Wig gins, were nominated. Vernon Berry, Dan Davis, and William Mixon were nominated for historian. I Additional nominations may be made from the floor. Specialist Leaves For Sooner Meet F. Z. Beanhlossom, extension poultry marketing specialist of A&M will leave today for Oklahoma City to attend a regional meeting dealing . with the Chicken-of-To- morrow Contest, The announcement was made by G. G. Gibson, director of the Texas Extension Service. Beanhlossom selected by the state committee handling the contest will be their representative at the regional meeting. He is chairman of Ithfe Texas committee. I . ■ at the editorial office. Room 201, >324) or at the Stuudent Activities .. Co-Editow Rogtr Coalett, O. F. Newton, John Tapley, m, John Wbitmom . . . Feature Writer* Lawrence Aahburn. Jr., Emil lohn Drisdulc, Curtis Edward*. J. C. ... Foltenlogvn, Bob Lane, Be* Land- L ndheim, Bruce Newton, Jack Raley, d.[L. o. Tledt if New* Writer* Gann, Ralph Gorman. Frank Simmen ftporU Writer* USED BOOKS He p.'n the Imthcst (nitvs for l <-rtl Boohs Wc maintain wholesale autl [Hail lists thr year ’nnintl. gkt m u i’iik ks ki:km<i: S| | I,|\f, THE EXCHANGE STORK I 1 ’ . 1 : ]' . ’• 1 ► I •![ h{ U- j! i '■ I •vifL Texas ■I'^tr \ l ■•• A ... . !>&4 v. ■- j . M.S! I ! Other Schools Say \1L ■' Jv * If" >4 Kansans Atj Lousianans Pro '»■*- h ♦ Av ♦« J— I, ! J BY^JTHE EDITORIAL BOARD- I Possibly tying in with an editor ial we printed a few weeks - after the TCU-Arkansas over roughness, would be lowing comment from the Daily Kansan, newspaper of the Univer sity of Kamns: “One of the hardest things to do in football is to remen\ber that it is play. On a college level, it is rarely play any more. It is big business and in some instances it is mayhem. ij. i “Sports pages are sprinkled with stories about shattered teeth, broken Ipgs and dislocated verte brae. Trainers who can heal strained tendons are as essential now as experts on the forward pass. Additional padding and pro tective garments have not reduced the injury lists. The team which uses elbows, fists, and roll-tack ling as a deliberate pollcyjrf play can alwayn inflict damage upon the other team. Planned rough stuff in football should not be tolerated. Gang-up tactics after the referee's whistle has blown, or any other attempts on the part of teams to cripple the opponents’ best play ers should not be permitted either . .ugajiSi ces. |;)j ' WU fans knofj that has always persf ' extent, but there a simple femedy. Dana X. Bible, Alonzo Stagg, Zuppke had the solution. When anyone on their, tear bered it. Chances aw, he remem bered it later in life and better man for the penalty, ees could stop this rough they would call heavy, p against all violators) of the "A coach or a rqferee who per mits this gridiron rough stuff to continue has no business in ;a sport which, more than any other,: de mands high-level sportsmanship to prevent permanent injury”: Here is Home food for thought from an editorial in the LSU paper, The Dally Reveille: 1 ill' •iTllegitlmacy and the humanities have somdthlng in common. Both are spoken of in Whispers, anil both words aw being toon loss and less frequently these days—-the * ^ Hr Single-Finger Surgery latest Technique in Heart Operations By FRANK CAREY CHICAGO, Nov. 1—(AV-Single fingered surgery within the human heart—with the surgeon using a knife secured to his index finger and working by touch alon^-»was described recently. 1 The American College of Surg eons was told the new technique still is on trial but so far is en couraging in the fight on a fre quent disorder of the heart. It is designed to combat a kind of log-jamming process involving the heart valve most .vulnerable to the after-effects of rheumatic fe- ver. • v. In the operation, the surgeon’s finger explores and guides! the knife through a single quadrant of the heart—an organ whose to' tal size is about that of your doubled-up fist. And the surgery itself is limited to the close quarters of the 1 val vular gateway—the funnel-shaped “mitral valve" — linking the two chambers of the heart on the left side. The operator Inserts his knife bearing finger through an incision in the wall of the heart—an open ing only large enough to admit the finger. The opening is pre-equip- ped with a “purse string" stitch— ready for quick closure when the surgeon withdraws his finger from the heart. ~ The surgeon wears two rubber gloves on his operating hand. Art opening is made in the outer gloye at the base of the index finger on the palm side of .the hand; anoth er opening is made at the tip. Then the knife blade is inserted * I j between the gloves so that irt ef fect, it is lashed .to the index' fin ger- '! • I F - ): | When the surgeon gets his firtr ger inside the heart, he explores tb determine diseased structures of thq involved valve that need cutting) Then, by a turn tjf his hand, he makes the necessary cuts. Prof Appointed To Hiway Committee B. K. F. Mulline, associate pro fessor of engineering drawing atid researcher in channelization of traffic for the Engineering Experi4 ment Station,' has been appointed to serve on a national committee in the highway fibld. 1 He is one of 18 members chosfrf from various sections of the couii-} try to serve on; Project Committee No. 12 of jthe Traffic and Opieij qf the word ‘illegiti is strong, thejchse for the of the-hunianities is itantly weak. Last week a local business ma his way back to the campu enough .to tell engineerini its what was wrong witl . Their thinking is narrow, h> and promptly proscribed at ddse of the humanities. p testified that a natural re- of ignoring the human!terf lomics, history, government^ and philosophy—is over ication. And over-spec-i ition results in stagnation, of jative, .interest, and eventually; rress, Engineers, it should |)o immed- ly pointed out, aw not the . ones guilty of this ' suicidal -Hpcciallzation. Almost all the ges tend to require students to drink heavily of the intoxicating; beViiragc of their "majors", with) a sip of the refreshing hu- ties course." | , Estonians Meet Iwin Hall the Corns Trip Daticd at the Shamrock’s Emerald and Grecian Rooms will be madq at ia Jpeeting of the Houston Cluli tonight at 7, according to G. Pi. Monk,! acting president of the clubii The meeting will be held in Rooni 301 Gpodwin Hall. “This meeting ,thc entire club, and for the of the dance we must hart Representation,," Monk^ : ' ' ' f , V V : I Tickets for the' dance will cost $3.00, and no corsages ill be at- i/ Monks aclded. Dates are ri* questet not to wear evening gowni s/fnmr WM/M’W THERTRE WEDNESDAY a tions Department ] 'Highway Re — f j h hK Casting Shadows I . ! I i November 2-Victor Borge, Piano Humorist; Tickets on sale In Stu dent Activities office; $1.26 reserv ed, $.70 general admission; Guion Hall (Not a Town Hall perform ance), November 3—Ticket sale begins fqr Frankie Carle concert; $1 re served, $.70 general admission. November 4 — Frankie Carle; Town Hall concert; ABC Ball with Curly Broyle’s band. j. November 5—Frankie Carle con cert; not a Town Hall presentation; All-College Dante with Frankie Carle and orchestra. j I search Board, Washington, D, Mullins has been engaged on a research project for the Engineer ing Experiment Station, resulting in the preparation of an notated bibliography on channelizatiw ; of highway traffic. Object of the Re search was to analyze the develop ment and current trends in’high-j way curbs and traffic separatprs and to determine, if possible, jm- provementa in their construction and use. 1 Mullins was named to the cqm-: mittee by its chairman, Eugene Maier, assistant director of the Traffic aijd Transportation De partment, city of Houston. i; : ? Local (Children To See Shrine Circus ; Eighty children! from College Station, Bryan, and Navasota jvill attend the Shrine Circus in Htjus- Npv. 3j according to ^)r. G\ W. Schlesselman, head of :the Geography Department. Six Shriners will meet Che children in. Houston and take tljem to the circus, Schlesselman skid. Upon their return to Colljege; Station at 7:30 p. m. local Shrin-: ers will take the children to their| homes. i " i Tw TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY .<1 ■> THURSDAY & FRIDAY -—RAOUL WALSH Htfi LUCKY LICENSE NITE o numbers selected— ! $T(W EACH J “One Last FKng” —with— I/' I Alexis Smith Zachary Scott PALACE Bryan 2‘$879 LAST DAY fv ] ' ^Sieene of the Crime” C^ampu IT : NOW thru SATURDAY; 1:50 • - to*) Half Keel...Half Hero/ STARTS THURSDAY T .' | ■ ”; j I priiww:^ 1 Ml a// richSwiomark tINDA VERONICA DARNELL- LAKE m M IrWIllMA FtRLBERG JXISA! SMC m TEXAS l-ifl QUEEN :>! ? ; I 1 3* ^ ♦, ,-i i,