The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1949, Image 3

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    Southwest Co
Numerous Pr
For ’50 Bowl Games
Dallas, Nov. 1 —It’s a trifle early to toe talking
about bo^rl games but right now there are mighty fine pros
pects in the Southwest Conference.
Baylor is undefeated and untied. Rice has lost one game
i conference
but it was outside the
I . to win the conference title, which*
means, favored to beat Baylor.
JRice already has gotten by Texas
; and Southern Methodist and Bay
lor is the only teapi left to worry
too much about. '
• Rice,, then, would go to the Cot
ton Bowl, which takes the confer
ence champion automatically. That
would leave Baylor a^d Southern
Methodist at: top prospects for the
other major bowls the Sugar Bowl
Orange Bowl i,
,■ . •••' r
* Of course,
Methodist ha
would really
and the Owls are favored
ing the hospitals.
Hogan spei
says it will to some time yet be-1 ^
fore he does. I.
★, h i
Ben commented that his family
was doing a good job of su^prirt-
Baylor a^d Southern
vc yet to' meet. SMU
mess up the confer
ence race by licking Baylor if the
Bears, In tuni, took down Rico. That
. would leave the titled In a three-
way tie. Then the Cotton Bowl
would have to choose between the
three and the other two would
he prime bait for the Sugar and
Drnnge Bowls. J
Incidentally, the NCAA rules re
garding bowl games, which would
require 80 per cent of the gate
' and a third of the ticket! if or the
competing schools and that NCAA
representatives be on the boards
governing the bowls, do not gb into
, effect until after the- next bowl
games. . ’ j
Thus, there will be a bowl game
in every city, town and hamlet
again. Texas always goes in strong
for such games. Look n for at least
eight bowl games in the state in
december and January.
And while they’re at it, some of
the smaller bowls couldn’t go wrong
in seeking McMurry College. Here,
folks, is quite a football team and
with Brad Rowland, one of the
greatest backs in the nation, in
cluding all the major colleges,
would be a real attraction.
. i ' [ ★
Ben ! Hogan, the great golfer
who almost lost his life in an auto
mobile accident near Van Horn last
February, is making an amazing
" ^recovery. ‘
i Hogan was in Dallas Saturday
for the Texas-Southern Methodist
football game—and to appear on
the radio—and reported he had
gained 15 pounds/
Little Ben has just returned from
Spgland wtore he, captained the
American Ryder' Cup team. He
jlidn’t play any golf, however, and
>gan spent months in a hos
pital. His motfier-in-law had, to go
to one for an operation. And now
hlb wife has j just undergone ah
operation/. ' i : . 1 - j
The best crack of the football
It was at the weekly luncheon
of Dallas sports writers Friday an4
H. N. (Rusty) Russell, assistant
Southern Method 1st University
Coach, was a guest. :
Russell, in discussing the SMjU
football team, said the boys just
couldn’t win without Douk Walker
—that the All-Amerda tjuaperf
back was absolutely essentlol. '
"But,” broke in; a writer,
beat Kctitucky last week and
«r wasn’t evch in the park—he whs
in a hospital. HoW about that?”, \
Before Russell could aobwer,
James H. Sujwart, executive seen
retary of the Southwest Confer
ence, said with a grin:
“Why, didn't you read the; pap
ers? The officials won for SMU-
They didn’t need j Walker.”
Coach Bear Bryant of Kentucky
had accused the officials of losing
the game for him!
Northway Speaks,
On Quarter Horse
Dr. J. K. Northway, veterinarian'
for the King Ranch, Kinglsvile,,
Texas, spoke Friday afternoon at
the Quarter Horse Conference on
"The Feet and Legs of the Quar
ter Horsd." j
Theme of the conference was
"What Makes a Good Quarter
Horse?” Talks were given on the
general anatomy of the quarter
horse during j the afternoon.
Dr. Njorthway stated that the
majority of the troubles in quar-
terhorses occurs below the knees
and hocks. Ah improperly balanced
diea is the chief cause of thfiS
abnormality,; he further stated.
Trimming aiid care of feet was
alio stressed by Dr. Nofthway.
*) I
■ I
leeper Jeans Gordon
RnU As Big 4
Keeps Winning
• P:
}■’.' '
.ii ’
V 1
• i ■
DIcHi Gardenuil, sophomore quarterluu k from Port Arthur, sparked
the Aggie attack for the only A&M touchdown against Arkansas
in Fayetteville Saturday. He completed 14 of the 28 passes he
attempted and netted a total of 143 yirds.
’Til They’re Gone’
7he old saw abouK “sometimes you never really miss
’em until they’ve been gohe a whilef’ certainly holds true for
the Aggie football team. V
For not until the past few weeks have the Aggies real
ized the real worth of such llH8 gridmen is linesmen Andy
Hillhbuse, Jim Winkler. Odell* -
Stautzenberger, Charley Wright
and Marion Settegast and work
horse’ back Bob Goode.
All of these . players graduated
except Hillhouse. Andy did not re
turn to school this season, but he
mayj |)e back in 1950.
Tnv; season, the Aggies have
considerably better b^cks, run
ners jlikk Bob Smith, top ground-
gainer ids the conference; little
Glenn Lippm^n, who has been shak
en past the like of scrimmage only
once all year\ Bobby Goff and
Iij 1948, the Aggies were not; Clarejnce (Bull) i^awson.
f f -
l '
Anttouncing I J
b-rr -■ - 1 :■ . •! r ■' .f
The NEW 1949-50 |
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copy of Jthe directory will be delivered to
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strong in the backfield. But Wink
ler, "Stotz” and Hillhouse gave the
enemy so much static up front that
the Cadets were able to play mo
of thenr-cloM!. They, tieil. O
Bow-1 champion Texas, 14-14; fell
LSU,; 13-14, and to SMU and Bay
lor, U-20.
Anil when the Aggies' were in
need jnf a couple of yards, these
big,| tough forwards usually could
make way for Goode to get it.
Now the Aggies seldom control
the football for more than 35 per
cent) of a game.
— afc ■■ — 1 ■ ■■■ !■ i--.i-—
: • New York, Oct. 31. (AP)
— The monotonous forward
march of college football’s
Rig Four’’ focused attention
Sunday on eight “Sleeper 1
teams who are making lively bids
Mr/(bowl attention.
Notre Dame, Army, Oklahoma,
and California, rated 1-2-3-4 in or
der, kept the pace again Saturday
with expected victories. Notre
Dime thumped Navy,' 40 to 0,
Army coasted my Virginfa Mili
tary, 40 to 14, Oklahoma rode past
Iowa State 34 to 7, and California,
tightening its grasp on another
^.osi Bjowl invite, tripped UCLA,
“ to 2jl.
But creeping into the picture are
e "Sleepers”—Baylor, Virginia,
Fordham, College of Pacific, Wy
oming, Boston U., Iowa, and Pitts-
All rate a look-in for the
us Bowl games.
Baylor, Virginia, Fordham, Pa
cific, Wyoming and Boston U, all
are unbeaten and untied. With Cor
nell, the Ivy League leaders, and
the Big Four, they comprise the
country’s eleven major all-winning
dubs. Fordham, Pacific and Wy
oming were elevated to the aris
tocracy an the result of their
Continued successes.
I'enn Top Loss
Ojnly Pennsylvania, rated ninth
nationally a week ago, fell Satur
day, Pittsburgh, knocked off the
all-winning list the iveek before
by Indiana in a stunner, turned the
trick on Penn. 22 to 21, with a safe
ty in the last thirty-five seconds.
Giiard Bernie Barkouskie blocked
a Ray Dooney punt, sending the
ball back of the end zone for the
two points that brought Pitt its
ups(*t triumph.
Four orther major surprises made
the day interesting. Purdue just
abojut whacked Minnesota out of
the Rose Bowl picture, 13 to 7;
Tenjnessee blasted North Carolina’s
New Year hopes, 35 to 6; Ala-
banm nipped Georgia, 14 to 7, and
Duke clipped Georgia Tech 27 to
But let’s get back to the “Sleep
Baylor, the mystery team of the
Southwest Conference and rated
ten(h nationally, thumped Texas
Christian, 40 to 14, to maintain its
league lead. The Bears, heading
for a Cotton Bowl berth, play Tex
as Saturday. Texas lost, 6 to 7
to Southern Methodist on Doak
Walker's conversion in the last
Iowa Dark Horse
llowa is the real dark horse of the
Big Ten. The Hawkeyes, 34 to 31
victors over Oregon in a thriller
featuring long runs, are tied for
thei Big Ten lead with Ohio State,
eaeh with 3 to 1 records. Iowa
plays Minnesota Saturday and Wis
consin a week later. Two victories
^ijrht give the Hawkeyes their
conference title in twenty-
pevobg/ears and a shot at the Rose
Qhio ^tnte, which heat North-
western 2\to 7, has a non-league
K«me with Rjtt Saturday and then
follows with fawt toughiei against
Illinois and Michigan.
Virginia, 19 to\14 victor over
West Virginia, t\»k\ on Pennayl-
vtt dt in the CnWlrcR big 'test,
Penn lias Iwd Vlrgmrt’sRpumtor in
the past.
fordham doesn't expect uKgct by
Army at West Point Saturda.
if the Rams, who hit the limeilBht
with u 42 to 0 shellacking
Georgetown, can make the scoro
ch se they’ll undoubtedly to buzzed
by the Bowl scouts.
College of Pacific, rated by some
j - - k •
t tali on
Williamson Rates
Np, Army, 1 and 2;
A&M Climbs to 61
To; add to the paradox that increase*-with each Week’s
play, the Aggies are climbing consiatently and Paul S. Wil
liamson in hit weekly rating table has rated the Gadeta in (the
iamson in his weekly rating table has rated the Gadeta in the
No. 81 spot, bettering a sixty-third place Of last week.
Even though the Aggies are not overfall winners for this
Mason, they are displaying poten-* -- r f • •
tiulities -that are steadily bringing
them nwrer the head of the na
tion’s gfid list.
Army and Notre Dame., who have
been drawing top recognition in
football circles for many yearuj.
are repeaters of this feat, as the
Fighting Irish ranks a solid first
with (qn “earned comparison
strength of 99.9.” Army held the
first position last week, but ex
change with Notre Dame, for the
second sj(ot and a "Strength',’ of
90.0. .I i
Oklahoma, California, and Bay
lor go unchanged in the next three
positions. Rice moved ujl froni the
No. 8 spot to Sixth place while
Pennsylvania fell from slxtji to
ylvania fej
seventeenth. Michigan University,
like O. U[, Cal, and Baylor, is hoi
affected by the new rating and re-
= •
station KLIF
well known
s, will speak at the
Zlub meeting in the
1 Thursday night at 1 ”
7:30. -
'! McLendon is another in the line- .
up of well known sports figures to
speak to the Quarterback Club this ..
WW.' . .■;(’■ I '
His subject will be the AAM-SMU
clash next Saturday and highlights v
about the Southwest Conference
teams and the conference race at
this time. j ' '
(TM meeting> which is opeh to
everyone in ' this area, will also :
feature the color pictures of the
A&M-Arkanwis game in Fayette
ville list Satunlay.
Another feature on Thursday j
night's program will be the award- i
Irtg of prize* to the winners in last !
week's^ Quarterback Club guessing?; | v
The winners of Isst wosk’s con
test were: Mie. Curtis Htyes, Jr.;
Apt. C-21-x, College View: Mrs.
J;c B} Hogah, Box 1111, Collsge
James B. Kthridgs
Sutiou; James B. Kthridgs, Box
4376, Collegs StoUon; Ralph W.
Jones, Box 1(5'12, College Station;
Rotoi't L. Jones, Box
But the Cadets wto’t get a chance
to prpvh the merit t>f v these backs
until! 1950 and 1951 Vcause the
ng y Aggie line simply cannot
its own against tliKglarger
lore experienced fronr^walls
st face each Saturday.'
let itj be mentioned right here
the Aggie forwards gave an
eelletjt account of themselves
against Arkansas.
Prospects for the Aggies to start
diggjihg their way out of the foot
ball dungeon in 1950 are indeed
bright. Twenty-seven of the 3()
Aggies who are being used the
most this season will return for
one pr two more seasons..
Ha.vlor, Ittee, TCU, and SMU each
will be bit bard by graduation be
fore! tile start of the 1950 cam-
The 1950 Aggie schedule won’t
be quite as tough with Nevada
*und#;VMl replacing Villunovn and
A|t(i next year’s A&M varsity
will; get some real help from boys
| like Alvin Langford, Jack Little,
William Ganger, Roy Bush, Ray
| Graves, Waltttr Hill and Raymond ,
Ilaks, who arc pl&ying with the westei*nei*R as good as any team
Aggie Fish this yeu'r. ° r n ! th « Pacific Goast beited San
Jope State 45 to 7 Friday for its
seventh victory. Pacific, paced by
Eddie Lee Baron, an outstanding
back, has rolled up 322 points. The
Tigers have an easy one in Santa
Entrants in the open Handball
tournament are reminded that
games must be played by the date
on the Schedule card. It game out
comes are not reported .to the In
tramural office by this date, or if
one team fails to play a match
on a date mutually agPeed on,
there will be either a double or
single forfeit recorded. iff
BASKETBALL-Military jj|
Team :vs. Team Courts Time
C CAVj A AF * 1
A FA ! SR CO 3
: TENNIS—Military
Team vs. Team Courts
D INF E AF 1,2,3
D VET A ASA -4*5,6
A ENQ A ORD 7,8,3
A CWS K AF 10,11,12
A SlG! E FA 13,14,15
C INF; B QMC 16,17,18
Team vs. Team Courts Time
H AF C VET 1 • 6:10
A QMC E VET ! ! 2 ”
A TC'i D AF 4 0
B VET A CA 5 ‘ |*
ifORSESHOES—Miliary '
Team va. Team Courts Time
tains seventh plato in the nation’s
grid poll.l
SMU, poiik Walker, and; ope
conversion tally, jumped from; elev
enth to eighth anti are followed
close behind by Michigan State,
who moved -from a lower fifteenth
place to a position inside the first
ten. • k . . Nj f j
The SWC, considered by ;i^any
armchair quarterbacks as the ag
gregation of champions, may now
boast of three of the member, teams
contained in thefirst ten. Thfe tehm
nearest to this is found .to to
Texas University, who refnained
inside the first twenty as nine
teenth place in Williamsonls grid
rating. | 'j |
Arkansas is toxt as it is rated
twenty-sixth among the nation’s
teams. TCU has suffered two con
ferences losses and have not moved
from the thirty-eighth spojt of! a
week ago. ,
Williamson does a little prophe-
sying of his own for the Coming:
‘games to to played Saturday, Nov.
5. Whert Arkansas journeys to
IP Stl
. . .. „ F 2200, -Col-
lege :Statlon; Mrs. Tod Means, ,104
P»lk Brynn; Jerry P. Bwon,
Jr., 507 W. !2flth Street, Bryan’,
Mrs, J, P. Breen, Jr., (name ad-
.... i.r -r- -
C‘. Grariy^
dress); R^lph L.,Terr;
College Station ;/{rs.
Box 4135, flollegc
J. C. Grady* Box
1 Ail th
Bbx 4815,
ry, . W
R. R. Shrode, i ; 1
c Station; and i t • h
154)2,‘ College |
o’ve winners are re
quited to bel present In order to :
receive their prizes. If any of :
the above winners arc absent, pri- .
zes ,\vi|l be awarded to alernate :
The guessing contest continues l
this Week ivilh the following spon- :
sors again of‘ering 11 free prizes: :
Mr. J. C. Hotard of Hotard’s •
Cafeteria; H J. Peters Music Co.; j
Charlie FerJ’eri of The Tridiigle i
Drivie tijn; Hr. C.^ E. Grelsser of j
Greipser’s E ectric' Co.; Joe Raulk |
<tf Lacks Auto Supply; W. S. D. ,1 ;t
Clothiers; First National Bank,
Travis B. Bryan; The Parker-As- ]
tin Hardware Cov; Bryan Motor !
Co.,; plr. Charlie Ca^e. j j
To enter this ‘ week.’s contest,
persons shop Id clip the entry :
blank from :the Quarterbaclc Club
page in Thursday’s Batt or obtain I
a blank fro hi one of the sponsors |
listed abovei
4 i.
This isn’t much to say the Agi-
gieii j have - conceded victories to
SMU, Rice and Texas in their re
maining 1949 games. True, the
Cadtjts will be two, three and four- BaVbara "Friday
A CAV E INF 1,2,3
B AF BATH 4,5,6
M FA | B CA T3.9
B TC B INF 10,11,12
G AF ' BiENG 13,14,16
Mrs. Ca»hion Chosen
Outstanding Mother
Mrs.; M. L. Cashion was voted
utstanding mother for work done
the A&M Mothers Club, in [*
mehHng Thursday night.
MiS, O. A. Ashworth and; Mrk.
E. L. Molbums made talks on the
history o^thc club at the meeting
i in the !YMi
The sports writing prognostica
tor does not expect Texas tt> out
play Baylor, even though th*y are
playing in Memorial Stadium.
While TCU goes idle for. a Week
end, Williamson predicts thaUMst-
ty Bell’s gridiron (combination,(men
tioned Inin previous paragraph will
emerge me victor of the third Ag
gie hom4 game. 1
Notre Dame is expected to to Jl
winner oyer Michigan State bjl two
or more touchdowhs, in the nation's
tpp game of the week. Baylor's;pro
posed win over Texas is ratwi as
the game which rankii second to
the Notre Dame melee. - s
The first ton teams and their
"earned strength comparison” Is
up follows. • ’ ! | !; f*
Team I j : • Average
1. Notre Dame: BjM' ’,;
2. Army | •BO'
3. Oklahoma ..j i.,, IWtfl ;]
4. California * 97^1
5. Baylor L, .....,^96;0 :
6. Rice L.h....,o..js 94;9
7. Michigan ..j...., 9412 i
8. SMU j m
9. Michigan State j ‘ 9317
10. Cornell' . .J 93)5
All ehtriek should be turned in )
to ’ The Battalion' Sports desk by ’■
5 j». m. Friday. Entries mailed I ^
should be postmarked by that time, p
Guesses this week will to on the •
games in which Southwest Confer- j
Once teams play and" should to put
on the blanks in the following or-
dflT i ; '
A&M vs. SMU
Rodeo to Be Held
Here Nov. 2 and 3
! ■ J * '
The 104f> Intercollegiate Rodeo -
will be held In the Animal Hus- ;
bandry Pavilion here, Doc. 2 and :
3, Charles Rankin, president of the |
Intercollegiate Rodeo Aasoclatlon,
sa|d today] -
Winner i of the contest, which
hgk 29 ttoms from 10 states en
tering, wil) he named)champion of
the show, |and will' ri-celvc points
towards the determination of the
National j Championship Team.
(Men on (the A&M Team will be
scjlccjted from the participants in
laid (week! rodeo.
Absorbent filters in Medico pipes and holder!
have 66 baffles that stop flakes and slugs...
absorb juices.. . reduce tongue bit* ...
give you the utmost in smoking pleasure.
Specially selected imported briar Pipes.
-Wide variety.of shapes. With 10filters... L
Alio Frank Medico "Standard"...
America’i Outstanding Dollar (fl) Pip*
frank Medico Cigarette Holden *| & >2
a. M. Sronk A Ce.. Inc. ♦ HWi Avenue. Hew Vert *
toulchdown underdogs in those bat-
Hut Harry Stiteler’s team was
wo touchdown underdog when
(Vent to Austin last Thanksgiv-
)' 1- !
list about everything has hap-
pejied 1 to the Aggies. Matty Bell
is | now moaning about his SMU
team deserving the underdog’s role
in Rts Nov. 5 meeting here with
th<‘ Cadets.
No soap, Matty, down this way
already established your
Pohies, with or without Doak
Wjtlker, as a 27-point favorite.
Perhaps, though, Matty can get
his team rated the underdog in a
lat)ei' game—say with Notre Dame
on; Dec. 5.
Howie Schultz, former first base-
main for the Brooklyn Dodgers ami
Philadelphia Phils, now is player
coach of the Anderson Packers of
the) National Basketball Associa-
Wyoming which gets it big op
portunity against Baylor Nov. 12,
knocked, over Brigham Young 45
to 0 to assure itself of at least a
tiff for the skyline six flag. The
cowboys face Colorado State next.
Boston U, with a great passer in
Harry Agganis, trampled Scran
ton, 46 to 6. Buff Donelli’s boys
shouldn’t have any trouble with
[Pittsburgh’s win over Penn gave
th(e Panthers a 5-1 mark. A vic
tory over Ohio State could boost
Ithe Panther’s National rating and
Bowl chances sky high.
In taking Navy, Notre Dame set
a modern mark of thirty-three
straight games without defeat. The
Irish tottered the record set by
Army and which ended in 1947.
the Game and the Dances
AGGIES . . . Have You Tried •..
Give It That Well
Groomed Appearance
t. „
(Over The Exchanfe Store)