The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 28, 1949, Image 4

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These three principals will carrj’ the major dramatic load in the
Bryan Artist’s Series production of Hasty Heart on October 31J
Left to right are Edward i Horner as Jackie; Barbara Ames as
Margaret, and William Hester as Yank.
Quarter Horse Type Conference
To Be Held at A&M Oct. 28 - 29
“What makes a good quarter horse?" will be the general
theme of the Quarter Horse Type Conference which will be
held here October 28-29.
Present at the conference will be such quarter horse
authorities as R. E. Morrison, assistant secretary, American
Quarter Horse Association; lj)r. D.4- * f— ‘~ _ ~
B. Sprott, quartor horse breeder j
of Killeen; Dr. J. K. Northwky of
the King Ranch, Kingsville} and!
Wayne Dinsmore, secretary of the
Horse Association of America.
Miller Heads Conference
Losing Hair? Connecticut Barber Says Sleep ^aus
New* Ybrk ( A*>—Are y»u sleeping
your hair away?
Well, if you’re getting bald, the
chances are—says Angelo Man
tel lo—that the way you sleep has
allot to do with it.
Mantello is a middle-aged bar-'
bfer from Wilson, Conn., who spent
four decades listening to custom
ers grouse about their hair fall
ing out.'And after 40 years of pon
dering, h^’s come up with what he
thinks is the cause of baldness.
“Such factors as heridity, ner
vousness and diet have no direct
ha said. “Baldness
proper sleeping pos-
bearing on if
results from i
. “Sleeping on the side and bury
ing the forehead into the pillow
Sleep bn the back causes the
cause\ baldness at the temples,
crown of thejhead to become bald.”
What’s a thlaning-haired man
to do then—sleep standing up
like a horse?
“Not necejssary,” said Mantello.
“Just correct your sleeping habits.
Get a smaller pillow that won’t
wrap around your ears—a pillow
you won’t push up again! t the
end of the bed with the crown of
your head.
"And don’t sleep with yopr head
on your arms. Wherever your hand
or your arm or your pillow hits,
you have no hair—in time.”^
Mantello looked critically at my
1 ii ' •
heat ami massage are dimble rob*
bery—they tike away your mon
ey and they fake away your hair.
They make tlfe hair fait out before
it is ripe, o» ready to [shed. It’s
like shaking »a fruit If you
own forehead, which has receded shake the trfte hard enough, even
the ‘green fruit falls Off.”
almost to the rear neck cuff.
“There is absolutely no reason
for anybody to get bald,”'he said
“It’s so simple. People try to
make hair grow like spaghetti or
macaroni— by pressure. But you
can’t make hair grow that way i does fall out,” he said. “But one
any more than you can grass. j reason they jjdon’t get as bald as ) 75 m j| e ra dj U8 .
“Hair treatments that apply unen is that ;they wear their hair !
“If an improper sleeping posi
tion is the c^use of baldness, why
aren’t mpre women bald? I asked.
“They use |illows.”
“Well, sindfe women started cut
ting their h;
longer, and that helps koep thff*
•calb moiat.” .
And how do you cur« baldness?
“If you don't get bald,” said
Mantello, tossing his black hair,
“You don’t need a cure. It’s al
ways harder to raise grass on a
lawn after you put concrete over
In ’ 1
plaque was presented
Iurdoc)i;of the Chem-
Ipartment last
Place your ads before more
. people for the same amount of
r shorter, more of it advertising expense. The Battalion
has the largest circulation in a
Bronze Plaque
Given to A&Mpfrof
A bronze
to Or. ip. G-
ical: Engineonng
Friday nighf in Gdjjveston by the
South Texas 5 sectiorjJ; American In
stitute'of Chemical| Engineers.
The plaque was t|jp first annual
award of the Southji 1 Texas section.
The section's annuai meeting clos
ed ; last Friday night.
j. i: ' • HJl • I ■
Dr. J. C. Miller, head qf the
New Procedure
! A ' -
For Veterans
Aninpal Husbandry Department is . , . , . . . ; .j. ,
chairman of the conference, and Veteran s Administration
D. W.’ William*, vice-chancellor Instructions No. 1-A dated
for agriculture will give the ad- September 1, 1949 was can-
dress of welcome , ^ celed anc i instruction 1-B dat-
F. I. Dalberg of the AH Depart- ed October 194Q arinnteri II
merit will be in charge of a, judg- T , < ^’ ''
ing contest which will ^ M,;,ns Veteran’s Adyisor.
Saturday morning, Qctohqr
Classes’ of Stallions, mares
announced today.
Instruction 1-B repeats that un-:
existing law a veteran cannot!
take a course under the GI
Considering the above laws, ef-
rec — _ r — ^ ,.
! Department, A&M ColTege^land the | n *®. BPPncation xne cour
AmJeVican Quarter Horse i^ssocia- ( ‘” uca ition he intends to take and
t j on . ' > : the institution he wishes to at-1
Attendants'to the conferejnce will ' , , ,,, ,
be housed in Ramps I, J, and K,: l o attend elementary flight, pri-
Walton Hall. Meetings will be held 4 v , ate * ,llot - or commercial pilot,
in the Lecture Room of the Ani-1 c veteran must submit a physical
mal Industries Building and in examination,,justification that the
I the Animal Husbandry Pavilion.! coulse 18 ,n C0Iin ectiqn with his
.1 Meals may be.obtained hyj the at- l , | esen business, an affidavit by
| -tendants at the Aggieland ;nn or j 5’ m « u PPo''ted by affidavits of two
in the cafeteria of Sbisa Mess Hall. ; dismferested persons that such
- j- tlight is in connection with his |
present business.
Effective November 1, 1949 a
veteran may change courses withih
his original field by securing a
change of curricular card from his j
jDeans Office and turning in at!
the Veteran’s Advisors Offiqe. A j
Veteran desiring to changg from
his original field to a new field
must receive prior approval from!
the Veteran.^ Administration.
The final approval from the Vet
eran’s Administration will take at
least twin weeks, there fore it, is I
necessary for a student to initiate]
his request early.
Veterans desiring to change]
schools as 'well as courses of study
should initiate their request at Iqast
one month before the change !ijs jto |
be made.
Those who plan to change ebur- ]
ses tihis semester should do so be
fore jN’ov. 1,,194'J.
and We have a fine
stock of Monarch
Jackets in leather
f suede . . gabardine
or ze.lan treated fab
rics — Stop in to see
them.- r
’ ' ]*i
Conwgy & Co.
“ Your Clothing Store”
103 N t ’Main Bryan
- •)> - , j . L •.
Mexico City Group
Receives a Charter
The Alumni Association in Mexi-1
cu City has received its charter
from the Former Student’s Asso
ciation, according to an article in!
the Mexico City Excelsior.
The article in the paper was as |
follows: '‘Attention all Texajs A&M |
Alumni and ex-students: The
Alumni Association will recsive its
charter from the Texas A&M Coll-
lege next week, and for the purpose
of fittingly celebrating the occa
sion, all alumni and ex-student j
are invited to attend the dinner tb
be given at the University Club
at 8 o’clock on the evening, Mon
day, Oct. 17.
"A yell leader will arrive fron-
A&M to direct yells and songn.
Philip Rains, cultural attache cf
the American Embassy, and Mrs,
Rains will be present,
“President Compos Lynch, class
of ’45 at A&M, will preawtfTrSel
charter. Manuel Leon Ortegu,
class of ’20, will be program chair
man. Carl O’Brien is in charge of
reservations, and J. A. de la Torre
is in charge of decorations.
“Each man will please invite and
bring one Jady.”
Raymond Haas It one of Bn
more highly-touted first ' year
ivOJe high
backs at A&M this season,
performed, at Kin,
school in ’48 when he won AA
performed; at Kina
school in
all-state honorable mention.
A :
r '’>
r 1
weanlings, will be judged.
A, H. Dana of the AH' Depart-. .
inent will be in charge of k dem- which is avoeational or recreation-
qnstfation on the showing ojf quar-! >n character nor may he pur-
tier h°rses to be held Saturday ] * ue a course in a school which has [.
riiorning at 10 a. m. ! been in operation for a period off
Other A&M Men Participating b'ss than one year prior to en-
Other A&M men to take
in the conference include ,Dr. A.
4: Lenert of the School of Vete- fective Nov, 1, 1949 any veteran
rinary'Medicine, and W. M. War- who submits j an original request
ren-of the AH Department. lor education: or training or a re-i
The conference is being spon- f l ues ^ ^ or ^ lans I er °f training from:;I
sored by the Animal Husbandry °_ ne J cho01 t0 anot bter must show 1
Attend The Church of Your Choice Sunday
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North Gate
Black’s Pharmacy
College Station, Texas
East Gate
PHONE 4-1182
Dishman Pontiac Co.
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26th and Parker Ave.
Bryan, Texas
Telephone 2-1684
American Laundry
— and —
] Dry Cleaners
Bryan, Texas
Dr. John S. Caldwell
! ■ • ,
, • Mi
— Office At —
vj,r ! Bryan, Texas - !
Southside Shoe Service
Shoe Repairs
I ■
# Leather Goods
# Quick Efficient Service
J. L Williams & Sons
113 E. 26th St Bryan
Telephone 2-1574
and Sight
We are awed by science! Our life saving
sulfa drugs, penicillin, radar, the cata
clysmic atom bomb, even our nylon hose,
all are results of scientific research.
In laboratories all over our land scientists
gaze through microscopes at tiny organ
isms too small for human sight and there
find the basis for many gifts of health and
countless comforts and conveniences for
daily living. Through telescopes we may
view the distant stars!
But there is a vast area of life above and
beyond scientific sight. There are eternal
values which cannot be seen with the
physical eye—spiritual truths which must
be accepted on faith. It is only by faith that
we can be lead to a higher plane of spiritual
Faith and sight are not opposed to each
other. Rather does each complement the
other and together they make an invalu-^
able contribution to the well-rounded life.
The Church has the faith-finding instru
ments for our use. You and your children
should worship there for greater vision.
lour sound rJaL? 0r av ^tm cr£ ^ Oiua*
CopjrrtfhtlWT br
£• E. KrUUr, S t raiburf,TlrrInW
City National Bank
Member Federal Deposit Insurance .d^poration
Bryan, Texas
J 1 : fcj |
Madeley’s Pharmacy
South Gate:
1 ~ \ ' I
'• -U ■
: !
I:.- | j;":; J | I
Portraits of Distinction
Aggieland Studio
] , A & M Grill
North Gate
h]' J i • i l
11 1 m j I; '
r a
A&M Christian Church
9:j5 A.M,
11:00 A.M.-
7:30 P.M.-
• Church School
Morning Worship
-Evening Worship
A&M Church of Christ
9:45 A.M.-
10:45 A.M.-
7:15 A.M.-
Bible Classes
-Morning Worship
-Youth meeting
A&M Methodist Church
9:30 A.M.-
10:00 A.M.-
11:00 A.M.-
7:30 P.M.-
-Cadet Coffe Hour
-Sunday School
-Morning Worship
-Evening Worship
College Station Baptist
P:t. r ) A.M Sunday School
10:50 J A.M. 4 Morning Worship
6:15jp.M. Baptist Training Union
7:15 P.M. Evening Worship
St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel
8:00 A M. Holy Communiorf
9:30 A.M. | Aggie Coffee Club
9:30 A.M.- Church, School
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
6:30 P.M. -Evening Service
A&M Presbyterian Church
Christian Science Society
11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship
St. Mary’s Chapel
9:45 AM.-
11:001 AM.*
6:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M. -
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Student League
-Fellowship Service
The Triangle Drive Inn
.'.J: • ■,
Fambus fpr its . . .
i A N D ;
Midway Between Bryan & College,i; Station
8:30 A.M.-
10:00 A.M.-
-Sunday^ Mass
-Sunday" Mass
America;! Lutheran Church
College Station
9:3Q A.M.—Bible Class
10:45 A.M,—Worship Service
LaSalle Hotel
M. “Don” Donovitz, Mgiv
Serving the College Station and
Bryan Communities Since 1909
j J | |, \
First State Bank & Trust
Co. ' ]. ;
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Three Theaters Serving Ydji ....
The Exchange
“Serving Texas Ag
Main Campus
With Two Stores
!‘ I
.ij & M Annex
l h