^ • * 1 j | • i J . ! ^ ! j j.| : | j 1 Sidewalk Socrates Gives Own Philosophy on Life s r By HAL BOYLE j*£W YORK—(A*)—Sayings of a sidewalk socrates: > Nature keeps a nice balance. For every woman Who rocks a cradle there’s another one growing upi to rob it. - s A fellow who feathers a love nest usually ends up a plucked chicken. of heaven. ). (Eds. Note: Boyle used to write poetry in college.) No matter how dark your future you still have more to look for ward to than a used toothpick. No man really appreciates his father until he has .had a son him self. h Would it i^eanydbe' a better world , if flies walked ahd horses had ^ wings? i j. Sell yourself down the river— and you’re bound to end up at sea. iTie only thing f that holds more frustrated hopes than the average man is tho average slot machine. A cynic is a man who buys a re peating* rifle to commit suicide. / Everything depends on how you look at it. The stars that light our night may be—to the angels— ! onljl dewdrops on the city dump UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS SUNDSTRAND ADDING MACHINES 15% Discount on Portables C. M. WRIGHT W.S.D. Clothiers PHONE 2-1475 Bryan, Tex is A private who becomes a gen eral never forgets one thing—he (doesn’t want t6 be a private again. Why shouldj man boast because he can make butter out of coal? (lows have been making milk out of grass for years without brag- Buming coal is only a forgotten j l! j j.' tree remembering the sun. j hj ea ij s t p U t s woman on a (Eds. Note: Oops, he’s back pedestal—and the practical man in college again.) cdihes right along with a ladder. Britishers Watch as Lady Godiva is Undraped Again COVENTRY, Eng.. Oct. 25- (Ah- Lady Godiva was undraped again today and this time everybody watched. A bronze statue of the famous lady, who 900 years ago rode naked through the streets of this town, gave, up her veils for British and American flags in an jimpressive public ^efemorty. i Mrs. Lewis Douglas wife of the American Ambassador, pulled the string that loosed the covering. But Lady Godiva appeared sud denly modest. The flags stuck to her when the cord was pulled and workmen had to prod (hem down with long poles. It was the first statue the townspeople had ever had of their historic benefactress. Legend has it that at noon one day, 900 years ago she rode forth naked in the streets, vocered only by her own long tresses, to force hier noble husband, Earl of Mercia, to lower the taxes. - J . j ; 11 *; ; i i ! On that occasion the townspeople tvent indobrs to let their beau tiful lady pass unseen. But one guy peeped and became almost equally famous peeping tom. The story has it that the demonstration worked and the taxes were lowered. - Yell Practice - (Continued from Page 1) meets with them to make plans for the corps trip. J The possibility that this action would set a precedent for future yell practices wj»s voiced by Joe Fuller. Penberthy said that setting a daylight hourlfor Houston’s yell practice would not have any effect on future yell practices. C. G. "Spike” White puggekted the group go on record with their comments regarding midnight yell practices so tbit similar groups in future years plight have the benefit of . the [ discussion. How ever, Charles Khkham asked that such action be postponed pending the success of the daytime yell practice. The group decided to meet again Wednesday aftfir the corps trip. Text of Letter LIT ABNER Jackpot What’s Cooking The text of [Smith’s letter to Penbe/thy read) “In the interest P m -> Parrish House of promoting the welfare of the ' ner s leSSon. ^ student body and its former stu-j AUSTIN A&M CLUB, October dents' of Texas A&M College, U, 27 at 7:30 p. m., Room 108 Aca- is requested thait no midnight yell, demic Building.. Election of offi- Practjce be conducted in Houston. roriNTY prior to the Rice-A&M game on BASTROP - LEE COUNTY A&M MOTHER’S CLUB, Thurs-1 FALLS COUNTY A&M CLUB, day, October 27, 3 p. m., YMCA. (Thursday, October 27, 7:30, Room AGGIE SQUARES, Thursday, 8 228, Academic Building. The pur- Last begin- p 0he j s to re-organize the club. 12 November; 1949. “It is believed that such a meet ing would only ^erve to arouse pos sible acts of violence by persons not concerned with either institu tion. r . “In this connection, the Cadet Corps will pariade in Houston on CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.. Room 224, Academic Building. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION, October 28 at 7:30 p. m., YMCA Chapel. BELL COUNTY CLUB, Thurs- FLAX 'COUNTRY CLUB, Thursday, October 27, after yell practice, Room 127, Academic Building. FORT WORTH A&M CLUB, Oc tober 27 at 7:30 p.m., Room 32, Science Hall; HILL COUNTY A&M CLUB, October 27 at 7:30 p. m., Room 307 Academic Building. “Fine - Great - Super’’ ; ! [ j . That’s the Service * j - at — campus Cleaners * (Over The Exchange Store) HORTICULTURE SOCIETY, day, October 27, 7:30 p.m., room j s a t ur( i a y i October 29, 5:00 p. m., 108, Academic Building. I Hensel Park. All horticulture stu» BRAZORIA 1 COUNTY CLUB, dents are urged to see the secre- Thursday, October 27, at 7:30 in I tary in the Horticulture Office room 224, Academic Building. regarding this. hol ' ston a4m club - lam - m., Sbisa Hall. BRUSH COUNTRY CLUB, vjaii pn win hi iawuolvui vii the morning of 12 November, and it is suggested | that they continue )arade on to Sam Park (immediately west of the j City Hall) where they will find adequate facilities for conducting Th u‘ r sday! October’ 2*7*' 7:30~ p.m I a yell practice prior to the game. \ room 305. Academic Building. “I am sure that this will he a j BRYAN-COLLEGE A&M CLUB ! satisfactory adjustment of any Thursday, October 27, after yell j proposed plans! It would certainly practice, room 307, Academic IS in t,“" 1 0t ln " C, ' r "‘;" CO d & COUN T CLUB, Thurn- ^ . day, October 27, 7:30 p.m., room v-“The intent; of this letter is 125, Academic Building, sincere in our efforts to build bet- CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB, Nov- tar relations between the students. emb<>r 2 7, 7:30 p. m„ Room 32G the former students, and the ‘ it-, At . a(U , raic Bui i (lin>r . izens of this community. | DKIi RIO A&M CLUB Thurs- “Your and the Cadet Corps’ co-, day, after yell practice, Reading operation will be appreciated.’ AR CHAPTER, October 27, after yell practice, Room 305 Academic Building. Organizational meeting and discusd plans for the Corps Trip. r JOHNSON COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Room 227 Academic Building, Election of of ficers, Plans for party. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, Thursday, October 27, 7:30 p. nr., Chapel basement. J u • f ' M i . - ' 1 . A member of the Aggie Rodeo team, with the help of hfs mount, takes off on one of the fanciest hand stands of thej 19l8 Rodeo. Friday night the A&M Rodeo team opens its two niglit| stand in the Animal Husbandry Pavilion, j LIBERTY COUNTY & M Room, YMCA. " I KNOW YOU'LL . ■sX t ,v ; ,/M 'w ii 'Jm '' ■; \ ^ v-/ -rf " v * :■ LIKE CHESTERFIELDS. .. iP m THEY'RE MUCH MILDER. IT'S MY CIGARETTE." >’ ' FEATURED IN • \ > . i - • "MISS GRANT TAKES RICHMOND" ^. W 5*1 • • ■ V - ''"V '• '. V • , • ' ^a Sag 3 • .. ' ■' ' 'f *■:?■■■■ ''v ; <- ^ ‘ v '.v.' s’X ». v 19 r m Kliiifci m j : 'MSM : I «||' Will P W mm • ■ n;y:/ mm iil WM iH ixslil li Jr • Z $. ■/ -■ . Tteyre MtlDM/ They re TOPS/ ' '• * > - . • v,, U 'v. / -« .. , r . 4. t f - " . • ■ • ^ , J/M AMCR/CA S COlieCES ?- f w/Tti THE TOP Men /h sports li 7 W/TH THE HOlimOOD STARS .J • .. i . : CLUB, October 27 at 7:30 p. m., Room 103 Academic Building. LAMAR COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, October 27, 7:30 p.m., assembly room, YMCA. MANAGEMENT. ENGINEER ING WIVES CLUB, Thursday, October 27j Cancelled because of Town Hall. Next meeting Novem ber 10, South Solarium YMCA. 4 —■— - CONTEST - (Continued from Page 1) Shechter, Jim Shaffer, and T^ G. Nanney toiik third fourth, and fifth- places! respectively. Second largest puffer puller of the night Was the large .bowled division in Which eleven nicotiners vied for prizes. B. B. Hancock scored a 72 ihinute first in this with second placi winner D. R. Andrews trailing by (four and a half min utes. Third ] place was copped by iC. K. Smith who took his first smoke-free /breath after 59 min utes. \ Sjnoke Rings Winners i|n the smoke ring com petition wore divided into two groups—one? for size and one for number. D.| N. Leavitt blew the gargantuan ring and J. R. Gauntt belied His name by following right behind him.-E. R. Morrison made up in number what he lacked in size by learning back and puffing out 35 recognizable smoke rings on one inhalation. J. D. Pianta pu|fed into a elosetsecond with 30 and E. E. Smith foMowed with 25. The cigarette rolling division, judged on a-'basis of time required and the appearance and service ability of ihe finished product, was won by [John C. Keeling with J. F. Wooohill second and Ken Denson thiijfl. Getting bjlck into the pipe divi sions, in thdijsmall class only. R. S.. Schuller, David Leaviee, and Teles- foro Ramirez entered. They fin ished one-twb-three in that order. The corn itoh class drew a much larger field.Jwith 13 entries, J. D; Pianta improved his smoke ring finish by placing first, R. B. Kel ley was^scepnd, and E. E. Smith placed ngairt by taking third. Few people showed a taste for metal bowl [-pipes with only three men entering. The three places went to (». Kendrick, C. B. Williams, and R. K. Hevenor. Calabash Champ In the Calabash division the big berthas drew even worse with only two entries. Glen T. Cummings out puffed J. D, Pianta for the title of best Calabasher. Pint-sized puffing title was claimed by Frank E. Simmen, Jr., who won the miniature pipe divi sion. Judges at the affair were Dr. J. P. Abbot, W. R. Horsley, James (Red) Duke, A. R. (Pop) Ward, and Wm. (Dawg) Dawson. A sixth contest judge, Miss Clara Carson, was unable to attend the contest. Only major injury of the night was the YMCA chapel which looked just like—well just like a smoking contest had been held in it. MARSHALL A&M CLUB, Octo ber 27, after yell practice, Aca* demic Building. MATAGORDA COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, October 2\, 7:30 p. m., Room 305, Academic Building. Election of officers. PASADENA A&M CLUB, Oct ober 27 at 7:30 p. m., ijtoom 105 Academic Building. RIO GRANDE VALLEfY CLUB, Thursday, October 27, after yell practice, YMCA. SAN ANGELO CLUB, Thursday after yell practice, Room 203, Ag Building. Important. SAN ANGELO CLUB,! October 27, after yell practice. Room 203 Agriculture Building. Ipp riant, ! j . open to all istudentsj frofn this arek, SOCIETY of AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS — Ortotfr 28, 1949, 5:30 Bryan Country (Sub. .Barbe cue and refresh ir entf Will be served. Members and 5 prospective members leave thvir jiames with W> T. Tjruattrier before Friday nophl if [they plan to att*nd. i STUDENT ENGINEER’S COUNCIL, Novem >er 17 at 7:15 p. m; 0 Pet ro leutn Li bra r.v ■TYLER! CLUB, j Oct )ber 27, af- t(ir yell practice, Roo n 104 Aca demic Building. Offi( era wiH be elected. 71 I WACO A&M CLUE, Thursday, 7; p.m’, Room 301, GModwin Hail. Ohristnias dance .will be discussed -t—,—,4-4- -4—4l ———L •• I Page 6 Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS —L THURSDAY, OCTOBER ^7,1949 SBI.f. WIT-HA BATTAI-toN CfASSIFIEP A!>j Rates . . . 36c a word'p«r (hsertlon 1 with a 25c minimum. Splai-e rates In k'lasslfted Section . . . 60c per column inch. Send all classifieds with remltj- tance to the Student Activities Office;. All ads should be turned jin by 10:Ujl n.m. of the day before piifajltcntion. V LOST A • FOR RENT • BEDROOM with private bath, lit) L<}e avenue. South OaKwood, phone 4-8659. I HOUSE. 216 South Munnerlyn- Unfur nished. $35.00 per month J. K. Jus tice, Apt. T-65S-A, A&M Annex. Phone 3-2054 or 3-6025, *xt. 21. GARAGE, near campus, 407 (Tauhor. • FOR SALE • ROY A I, PORTABUE TYPEWRITERS, on our Iny-Tiway plan-easy tleyms — Hate model rent machines. TypUSCEljLANy fcous SIL KOt)s NO. |:too a.f.&a.m. C a I ( e d mletlng Tlijirsdny, fh-t. 27. at 1:30 p.m. Wc|rk In MjM, degree. J. jwoolket, WJJ. W. Ifi Badgett, Sec. jj jl >-% i, r . f; : ■ Thursday i ! “The ^ox” “Old Dani >T*. ‘Dublin (M’ • “Cocklle She|s" “Riders in tjie Sky”