I ? ter n ‘C- ! J I- JliC A&M-Baylor A If Bears Play Ric BY THE CO-SPORTS EDITORS “As far as I’m concerned* A&M’s agreement with Bay lor is off if it plays Richard ^arma,” Coach Harry Stitejler said; yesterday. “But such an action would have no effect our agreement with Texas which would still be in effect,” added. ; I ] ; [ Parma, fullback on the ’48 Waco* ‘ "■i | I hi ent Off d Parma Hi«:h School state championship stated that undcr tht * term l i of .111 V a • a . . V ■■ I ■ at .. #% aaa ^. aa ^ A* ♦ aA ^^ ^ La a . 4- 4- 14 ax /. aa . li- football eleven, was enrolled in A&M' for nearly two weeks and then transferred to Baylor Uni versity. Since Parma transferred there h^s been much discussion of how/ the terms of thei gentle- man's agreement between the two schools would affect his cfcser When the former WacO player i left A&M, he had not yet partici- , pated in any football game as an • Aggie; the discussion of his case lias been concerned with whether he would be allowed to plgy foot ball for Baylor* The gentleman’s agreement be- V /i" HARRY STITEU I I i 7 ' tween A&M and Baylor specified that neither schodl would allow a student to participate; in ath letics at that institution if he had previously been Enrolled . at the other school, Stitpler explained. The unwritten' pact was arrived at last spring by Ralph Wolf, athletic director of the Waco school, and Bill Carmichael, then athletic di rector at A&M, he continued. the mol agreement the. fact that the si which the athlete first .attended would or would not release |him had no effect on his playing; at the other school. He explained that this was because the school which the player changed to w4s bound by the verbal pact not to play him .regardless of his release status. Stlteler said that such an agree ment was needed because alumni and other scnool supporter* caused unrest among players pnd put excessive pressure on] conoheH by Continuing attempts to induce men to change schools even after the athletes vyerc already enrolled in another school. The A&M mentor explaiined that the pact was agreed to by Wolf after A&M had said last spring that it would not allow two : Bay lor trackmen to compete' in that sport if they transferred |.o A&M. The i two Bear cindermen had an nounced their intention of ^hanging "schools and it was this (situation Battalion s SPORTS Pago 5 THURS., OCT. 27, 1949 u u: JjL, 1 ' • li 4-‘ ) ■ Quarterback Meeting Tonight T '■ 1 'di 1 li ' Li : ll -I Bear-Frog Tilt Saturday; 56th Clash of Teams WACO, Oct. 27 — (Stfl.) — j TCU-Baylor football game here will be a golden annivejr- 1 sary affhir. Fifty years ago, when bo til schools in 1899, were located met for the ini; Waco| the two first time to launch a rivalry that now, along with that of Texas and Texas A&M, ranks ns Texas’ most I prolific dbllegiate gridiron series. Saturday’s game will be the fdlth Frog-Bear meeting (and the Steers and the Aggies play their Sfith match on Thanksgiving Day at College Station). TCU holds a one-game margin in the series, having won 25 of the previous games. Baylor has won 24, and six gimes ended as ties. As cross-town rivals, the Ftfcogs and the Bears got their series off to a running start by playing three that "led to Baylor’s entering rntp t* 11 } 08 a y°br in five seasons and the gentleman’s agreement with t '* lce a y® ar ,n three more. It t A&M he etin K' of be l ore T ^ ! e> R me L had been notified by Wolf that again, however as the Tt U Board , Parma would not be usee) by; ithe;M Trustees did not permit Waco school unless he voluntarily granted the playfer a release. The j; ' -1 * • I ; Bob Weaver with 504, Brad Holmes with 505, and Lowell Holmes with 405 (left to right) were the three; high men in Monday night’s competition In the howling tournament row going on nightly among the members of the Aggie Bowling Club In the YMCA alleys. Sponsored by the Student Memorial Center, the bowling club will continue 1 (Ml his team roster. the tourney until each fnrmbe^ has bowled nine Jires and established his plane on the bowling Ag Cage Fortunes Rest him ion thy. matter was in of the agreement, Stiteter ed, because the p&ct was Stiteler) : ^ ,og team of ' ly00 to play any reshman >r * mes% Tall Players, Shifty Guards ;ry fact ^ The first Christian-Baptist meet- that Baylor authorities ' the A «- farmer, anil’ IvL,,.il’-''Walker. S depcncl on hdir newcomers. mtepdecfJ but the Pin pie giiddersweie still i Ries w ,n hinge on three cagers nouSa ^ < n n cflc J Th R [ I ■ j ' • | f j|. : II - J I | ; The Battalion’s Quarterback Club meeting of the fall semester tonight at 7^30 i Hall and will present as the feature, kpepker, Dick Freem sports editor of The Houston Chronicle. Freeman, who will §peak on footbal ~*Copfe •ence will ave its si the Assenjl Upon Farmers Leave Tomorrow For Arkansas Game For the first tircie since the '48 Villanova gamfej in Phila delphia, the Aggie traveling 3:*l u: has bpeb _ of Jinx Riitliff In Ini;that time, his) name ratiko 1 along win those Tt$ke(r anp Ha old sports newri writi ig.' Thy meetfjig is free to every one in.|jiiii aroiT ; I ’ ^ Ajsu hchedbied for the tofiigl t art' coloi movies A&M-(Bay lor guide of urilay’ : Aijcther rt gulai featui-lo .on to- niKht’i program wfill be the award-, ink M prises) to tfie 11 winners o/' last |v 0ek> lootbi 11 guessing co tept.;according til the rulps of the CpntfKit. each wijuier has to ’ l.e program of the last f>at- Si- Pfesfrt ip older o win bis prit«.T_ If any win tiers|tti e absent, ||heir pfiztis will be f^esenteij to the nix tr list gui-sser Tliy 11 wipnersjlast week Were: Box 1532, Col- Hall, fi09 W. under the agreement sulch a re lease 'would not affect Baylor, which still could not play the for mer Tiger star. to prevent this very thing-H-placing! a Iniost able to hold their own in ! 0V er six- feet-five, a fast, shifty 1 ^ ay ' 8 . ll0t . a any coach in a position ijs’here he'the 22 games of cross-town riv-1 i ilt | e guard ant i a prospective four; ( ‘ u ® “ a . spra,nea anK,e j gies open conierences compeuon would be under pressure to reach airy. TCU won eight of these | y ear letterman. ' a , was . u ,. , uri % . e f umme ^ I with in DeWare Field House Jan- a decision on such a matter, jl against Baylor’s ten, and four end-| Coach Marty Karow had 21 men ; an ‘‘ aKam niKI1 ju ^ pi !l^ ne, ! e al uary 4 are oi^t to win with such The Maroons’ mentor a4ded thatl egbt. from one I : L n ^ ac W “history favors Among the six returning letter- working different boys in the line • ‘ - t,.u„ DeWitt, last 1 the: schools involved in curb the practices of tramp athletes who jump school to another,” Stib “and to remove from th(> ?ler said, coaches the pressure that resu ts from | lecords will othdt - schools’ supporters tampering ) upderdogs. ...t4.li 4 l- ^ t.. ..I ' O ^ L 4.1 . . I r D 1 U The P^ct designee^ to pie- uniiif/ciAiiiii; I Tr \ 1 u .if 1 ... f vent excessive praSsuro jbeing with their players..' Com equefitly,; Baylor has not won a game from ^Pprt letter, anti Wally ivipon, placed on a school-to 1 i|bWse a-t-4CBaylor plays Parma It will have TCU in Waco for ten years, de- on lgL:®W t -W|‘ s t utei ' 011 squad who iu-ht deciile to rhantta i violated the terms of ti e aeiree- i «»*«tn fa«>t thut it h>i« won two won a numeral at forward last player \yho might decide to change 1 violated the terms of the agree- | spite the fact that it has won two •schools, Stitcler said. The coach I merit, and the pact will be ended." in Port Worth in this period. ; —— H 7 f li- 1 L i - P. L. ‘Pinkie 99 Downs, Jr., 9 06, l r. 1 :. A. & M. College Commenwrat so-called ! en J in *? as ^ jn fact, all the Frogs in this conference meet- 1 men include John liewiu,, iasi eV ery day. ing at Waco even though current year’s soph standout on the' Aggie j t ’s b ard to give out any defin- last year. ! California jvill be the Ag’s com j At present Karow has not fig- petition, and; Stanford the next make them decided squad,; Bill Turnbow, fleet guard,; Rt . p red j c tions as far as the con- 1 out for his forth straight major , ference race goes> but- the Agues' chances depend a lot on theTjef- A« Basketball AgiJtes’ ° theTM,.. feqtiveness of theJ.Uree tall cagfr5-~- Schedule President of the Texas Ive Plate Association, Announces With Pride . . j r 'll • . :j t One Hundred and Forty Dozen of the Original Edition of thc Beautiful Wedgwood plates de picting scenes of the A. & M. College of Texas; have been ordered by A. & M. Men nnd Friends of Ihe College during the past Six Weeks. With the One Hundred and Sixty Dozen Sold and Delivered krior Ito World War Hi this makes a Total of Three Hundred Dozen Delivered and Ordered. » 1 ' ! ! . T ' ' i I & Sons, Ltd., of Etruria, Eng., the A.& achievement. Wedgwood has main- Made in the incomparable potteries of JdsiaH Wedgwooid M. Comraemordtive Plates are the final word in true artistic tained since 1760 the high standard of quality; the unequaled brilliance and technical progress set by the founder of the potteries, Josiah Wedgwood, described by outstanding ceramic authorities as the “greatest potter the world has eyer known,” * ' f ■ i • ' j I- • I j j ♦ >| • In art exhibitions at which the Wedgwood wares were shown ill the present century, the high est award was won by Wedgwood China. At the Royal Academy Exhibition of Industrial Art in 1935, Wedgwood had a larger number of designs selected by the judges than any other exhibiting Tirm of pottery in this elite of pottery exhibitions. •..1 f' ji. • “ Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft had sets of Wedgwood table sendees executed for them byi the Wedgwood potters, each set consisting of 1,200 pieces. It is in extremely good taste to select WedgWood abqve all others when buying plates of beauty. The imprint of Wedg- wood appears on everjyrA. & M. Commemorative Plate. ! j. ' . i . . ■ / , IN ; • I ’ ; i j | j ; i ; ; '1 1 . . ,1^ A set of these thrilling A. & M. Commemorative Plates iVill preserve forever for you in the most worthy setting the scenes of the College which are a part of all A. & M. men. There are scenes of old Gathwright Hall, the Academic Building, Kyle Ffeld Stadium, the Chemistry Building, the Ad ministration Building, Sbisa Mess Hall, Guion Hall, the Agricultural Building, Cushing Memorial Library, T. O. Walton Hall, the Veterinary Hospital, and the Civil Engineering Building. These sets of Plates are Offered at the Unbelievably Reasonable Price of $36 per dozen of the Original Edition! Be among the 200 to Order Your Set as Soon as possible and own for your life time a cherished possession'that is not only exquisite but of constant dse to yoW and your family. The Sets Are Being Offered in Units of Twelve Plates Only. They make outstanding Gifts for every occasion. I P j — ,j After sale of this remaining 200 dozen, there will be no more of thc original edition of 500 dozen offered to A. & M. men and friends of the College. * s Since it is necessary for your ordeV to be filled in thc Wedgwood Plant in Etruria, England, and shipped to this country, several months will be required before delivery is completed. rP CUT OFF HERE—SIGN AND MAH A, & M. Commemorative Plate Association P. O. Box 4784, College Station, Texas I *V/ . ■ i >r . . i iT** I . Gentlemen: | f under the hoop. year. 1 Jewell McDowell, considered the lough Schedule best floor man to ever pipy for) Some of the toughpst teams Sin a Maroon iund White squad, (will be i the country have been scheduled after his second letter this year j to meet Aggieland’s best material uifter playing (inly a half year! in several years, in pre-conference , with the Varsity] . tilts. Marvin : Martin, last year's most December will find the Ags pitied improved squudman is also out to 1 against strong Long Island Univcr- December 7—Oklahoma j break intii the lineup. Martin, a sity in their first game of the Stillwater, Okla junior now has another year of season in Madison Square Garden. 1 December 1-jLong Island Univer sity in New York City (Madi son Sq. Garden). December 3—jNiagra University in Buffalo, Ny. St. Louis University Mo. A&M in December 6— in St. Lou eligibility man, Tndtt Mobley, is now en rolled at dude Ken The qnly other letter- The Cagers then shuffle over to Southwestern. Buffalo to play Niagra Univer- i sity the third of December. December 12—Abilene Christian Col. in College Station, Texas. December 13—Abilene Christian Col. in College Station, Texas, i J. A. Thompson December 16 Univ. of Arizona in‘ points. of two ye4rs ago who was ineligible ; will meet such teaihs as 9t. Louis San Antonio, Texas. Vet Med*’ 61 can: last venr. iSutton, along with Davis'University in St. Louis and Okla- j December 17—Trinity University ' ‘ ' ‘ hamo A&M ‘ c ~“ * The other leading prospects in-! Before the early December east- Suttdn, a Baytown great ern trip is concluded the Aggies ■ ; Rajjih W. lege Station; 26th iStreet, ^rya|; Mrs. Jamps A,. Short, Fiscal Dep .. A&M; John C. Keelfrg, Box 43 8, College Sta tion; VIrs. J. E. Joban, Box llll. tween these two teams is all tied ’ ( I olU ‘ pe Stati ),i: L- Jones, with JrLVw eom- .wins ovt‘1* the other. Two of % 5iijjf ^ Colleie Statioln; Travis M|. McKen zie, Bx ‘ meetings, in 1934 an 1 J947, eildej in a tie. In a game Satrrdhy, Coach John Barnhill’s Forcers will be definite favorites oyeV the near win less Aggies, ered by many to be the last hope of the Farmers to win a confer ence game this year, are still the underdfijgk. The Aggies last c H ix 303, poliige Station*, Mrs. Mph L Terijy, ox 4815, College is, Bryan Texas, $taticn;'W. C| D Tluj guessing Contest goes Since these two teams met here ! again this wdekHwith the follow- in College Station las: fall, the Ag- lug sponsors t ap|»in offering 11 gies haVe tied Texas and won over free prizes: Tnvij B. Bryan of The Texas Tech. This year the Porkers j-First | National Bank, jT C. Ho- have victories over North Texas -tard «fif Hotarcl’s Cafeteria, C. E. State, TCU, and Vanderbilt. Wj'reis: er of G -eiper Electric! Co., They were knock'd ] out of the ;J. J. peters Musi 1 Co., Joe Faulk running for the conference crown Lof by losses tq Baylor and Texas. This gairie Saturday is cons ‘D. ■ I ! f Lack’s Aulo |Supply, Charlie s. |Ferrejji of Triangle Drive-Inn, sid- PaVkepAstin i liaij iware Co., ■i* Clbthiersf All xanlfer-Bea sufande Co.,Cholic Cade although they Bryan: Motor Co.; j ion. rNon-Milftai'y Cag Play Improving Non-Military Baiikethall coii-» Tuesday with! j- " ' * I the hapless: tinued to Improve four games. Dorm 16 Dorm team fast 10 five swampci 1ft 32-2 with the a magneti in the .ball High pointsman f()r fr appealing to have* and DeWitt, reach aver six-foot- five^ in a game at Still water. Karow -thinlys that his hoopsters will gain added experience and I round into shape quicker through | playing the best tennis available. As far as the rest of the •dn- I ference goes it will be another cut- tht oat, dog-eat-dog affair 'with | ter a very close ina m Son Antonio, Texas. j ^be Marketing Club. December 20—North Texas Statel cou i ( j g e * ^ b e seor both fought to the Baylor and Arkansas right up there jas the top. Col. in College Station, Texas. December 27—Univ. of Arizona in Tucson, Arizone. December 29—Univ of California in San Francisco, Calif. (Cow Palace). December 30—Stanfold University in San Francisco, Calif. (Cow Palace). j the games Cpfrfeijence this wfek. Ti ursday** -Bjattat- p ioq or; obtain on« from one of thi C sponsors listed ul ove and guens on al In- of the and Thei BHttal- ,. , inference win; Persons wishinj to enter r the con- came in 1947 here a. College Sta-jr^ wee k si mild clip th|e eri* tion when they upsep jBaylor 24-0. j blank fr^m the QuarteUck | pftlb page in T| ursday's Bat e of J dot'lall h'ich Southwest team* play 1 AH ('iitries imift be turned In'to The Battalion iSlorts Desk by 5 p. m. Friday Loi postmarked by that, time. —w——- ■ 1 -k-..——— . i '.*,i j i for the hoop.; the game, was; 10 with 8,; e through af-i eh 11-10 over) Neither team! ng spark but >nd with hard The Bears, play. Dorm 17 took the vin over TCVVj 19-13 with Hartman ( taking the! scoring honors. Entomology took an easy victory over Range and Forestiiy by a for feit. > °v oV c . 0"' ft SP Plans Special To A&M-SMU Tilt k x- juit ipcum, losing only Jim| Jan . uar y 4 in College Stas Two, tennis matches were for- ! Owens from last years squad, will ; tion, Texas. • j feits. Walton and Leggett had a ! be out to win the conference again , January 5 TCL ^in College Sta-j double forfeit and Buryear won i after the unexpected drub last Don, Texas. j over 14 by forfeit.- i season. January 12—University of Arkan- Arkarisas, one of last year’s co- sas in College Station, Texas, champions, will have the services January 14—University of Texas (of all conference Jim Ambler, an-! ' n Austin, Texas, other l^d reaching to a startling January 18 Rice Institute in g’ 7”_ I * College Station, Texas. J. _ February 3*—Baylor University in lair Team For Texas Waco, Texas. Southern Pacific Dines will ryn Texas, although losing two all- February 7—SMU in Dallas. Texas. a special train from Dallas to Col- confevepce performers in Slater February 10—Baylor University i c £ e Station for the SMU-Texas Martin land Al Madsen, ought to in College Station, Texas. J A&M game Nov. .5. B.^H. Tanner, field a pretty fair team with big February 13—University of Arkan-) ^' S ^ r ' c t passenger agent, a n- Phillip George, and versitile Wil-j sas in Fayetteville, Ark. j bounced Tuesday, son Taylor leading the perform-! February 18—Rice Institute in The train will leavd Dallas at ers. Houston, Texas. - ; 8:30 a.m. and arrive’in College < Rice, one of last year’s confer-j February 21—TCU in Fort Worth, ence champs which lost out to j Texas. ‘ Arkarydis for the fight to parti-• February 28—University of Texas cipate ijn the NCAA tourney, and in College Station, Texas. Station at 12:15 p.m. It will leave College Station at 5:30 p.m., re turning there at 9:45 p.m., Tanner said. . AGjClESU Hciw Ah]>ut Hiat Treat jAt... ’• rr i> ( Nila's Nlwsstahd & Confectionery Owneijl &? Operated By a student JKKOMl Nqrtl KEARBY Gate * M ! it well that ! Please have made for me ■Ll szen of A. & M. per set. I enclose $18.00 deposit on each dozen and wil la^es are ready for delivery. . plates by Wedgwood as described at will pay balance on receipt of notice -Dozen Original Edition Price $86.00 per dozen. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: THE A. & M. COMMEMORATIVE PLATE ASSO ' I • : ! i'1 Li • I Ship to: NAME- V ADDRES CITY. !.)'. TION Li > T CLASS- STATE- L Any Number of Dozen May Be Ordered to Go to Different Addres: i- sses. '.V W*.\\ CONVCNIENT PAYMENTS R.L McCARTY JEWELER NORTH GATE : ■ t ' • 'rnnam ' i; \ . j iL ' ri DAN DAVIS Sophomore Class , Vice President •V- ! 1 * ; 1 -.i i it DUANE VA n iphomore Class Secre r ’ li .•;! ■ L ■ - iiMi .. I * i "j 1 ALu I 1 L" i . a .j- ' '