The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 21, 1949, Image 6
LTL ABNER i i i;,: ,1 -V 'L ) l 1 Easy Street BUT-1 HAVEN'T DONE ANV-, THING TO VOU/^WHY DO VOU HATE ME« x . *2 r U veli_—things ain't been TOO GOOD AROUND HERE LATELY—AND US HOODLUMS GOTTA BLAME IT ON ASWELL BE VOU." "ss* - COPELAND - (Continued from Page 5) score the .second Maroon touchdown against the ProgS. Recognition for the Ag end’s play came in the form |of his nomination for.South- westejrn lineman of. the week for that /game. i " ■ V! ! f i v By A1 Capp YOU SEE,SUM- ki vjwVkkmicsI born -SO ^ -'STEAD i I FOLKS.I AH DRESSED ASA HoOD- 5. AH rcvo' mo^ed him from the buf he came bajck the SMU Mustangs next week. Every rnetfrbejrjof x South of the Border ! ! inmates strpng againfit! of Baty a Maroon team Jilaj ball agiin^t thfe ^ ed : sp aurited tacul^ir Poni and Coijieland’s woifc rankejl og^it giants, . , ifiej Ca dets shook the Hilltop dteamboat like it was a chip ion a jti; mountain stream. ! , with that of the Wright and Hillhoi rbuleht The futile battle waged vlnth t tyle idu- lissappointed in Hometown r When the Aggies journeyed to •Wacp to meet the Baylor Bears, .._ o Cope said he wanted nothing more Rice Owls on a (juagniire-li C e g;. than to beat the Bruins in His Field was definitely noi; cpnt hometown. Although the Farmers i cive to passing, bijt Cope played just missed accomplishing this j his usual dependable game on d fdat, he still played a fine game, feijse. In the seasoij finale again A first quarter groin injury re- Texas, the Waco fnd joined h Pipe Smoking Contest K V Entry Blank NAME.. ADDRESS... —i .... ...L... (Students fill In College Dorm and Room NO.) • ' A: < j j | I intend to (1) Enter the Pipe Smoking Content ( (2) Enter a collection of pipes To bo eligible for the 1949 Battalion Pipe femoking COr readers must filMn this blahk- and bring or mail it to PIPE SMOKING CONTEST The Battalion Goodwin Hall Contestants may enter either or l|oth of To Do eligible for the 1949 Battalion Pipe pihoking COittest, Ijf the 23-hear-old Wacoan shows according to Ken BernhollfJ plr(*s- /-'tyrmno r> -j readers must filMn this blahk-and bring or malil it io j j fthe improvejment over his ’48 play ident. I . ' i 1 fO ( )L)b GROUPS, Friday, 1 PIPE SMOKING'CONTEST h t h4t can hie expected from him, Colored! sidles showing the life P- P)- home of Mrs. Cecil Wann The Battalion he ishould HWinitely live up to the of Dr. iMartin Luther will# be INarth UakW00(1 - Goodwtn Hall I . 1 jlestimates of football observers shown with an accompanying dp- LAREDO CLUB.'Friday, Octo r> nn i A ot an ro wo „ iiLfu U J /)tJii« Ana llwhlo last year rated him as one cription by Pastor Fred Mgebioff, 21. 7:15 p. m., Room 125, A Contestant, may enter either or Both ot Me tf-o anions. .| [| of ^ ^ top so p|, omorc cnds Berahoff a lihat retrUh- tlelnie BuiUlin,,: Choose band * V - — ; - ' '' ! . : i. “■ in the Shut iwest Conference. ments will bt served. Christmas dance. LUCKIES MY MORE Hr- A# / ittack to tie the Long- snaring a number i*-«»ty anjl Cushion aerials as the Cadets hammered back in a second half jit horns. During tl e past summer Cope continued his studies toward a physical edu lation degree; he plans to work on a masters after re ceiving a |baChelors degree in Jan- uary, 1951. Despite the fact that many per sons failed t) realize that he would take over a tegular berth on the of fensive unit iof Coach Harpy Stite- ler’s Farmei team this fall, Cope land opened at the right end posi- tiotl in the liillanova game: and has held it e 'er since. However, against TCI last Saturday Rodney East started I at the offensjve right terminal isince Cope was needed bn defense. As the weather cools the 17(1- ppund| ex-Ti£er will probably see hipre i and more service on both oljfense and defense. At least one qualified | s ports observer who should know Aggie football quite well has |-remarked that Copeland is (he top Maroon end on both of- fense and defense. At any rate, he has shown that he is capable of crisp | blocking, heady defen- ;sivp playj and first class pass re- b’eiving. If the 23-wear-old Wacoan shows the improvement over his ’48 play ithalt can be expected from him, jhe should definitely live up to the estimates! of . football observers who last year rated him as one of the threjc top sophomore ends in the Shut iwest Conference. - BEARS - (Contihuecl from Page 5) few injuries. Only change in the P&- - MOORE - Continued from Page 1) state and will praticipabe in cer- NffTCHKMy ALL PEACE tFTORTS HAS FAl LED .r-THEM BG BUU- . 'sx&gsxrsss? I TN« TS BETTER THAN AMV OLD KNASIQN/T T» ^CROWD DOESN'T KK MCK-And DOESNTi any M.STmONS, ■Dv* IT starting offensive alignment is the fain phases of the research project installing of Doyle Mooi;e at right on brush control on range lands half in place of Bobby ;Goff w ho conducted by the Department of has a leg Spjury. Bob Smith, hard Range and Forestry in the Ag- charging fullback, may , look Jihe | ricultural Experiment Station. ' a moving I mummy jas hie will be j Moore and his wife arrived in' wearing bjantj^ges from headl to Sap Francisco by plane and came foot. , | : directly to College Station for the QB Chfdce Secret | first portion of their stay in the Coach fjariry Stiteler will not ^ reveal his starting quarterback un- Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS : Page 6 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1949 following his period of residence til a few mmutes before game tiinie. , a f College Station, Moore plans to Officials named for the ggme v ' s t ; va, '' ous state and federal ag- wjll lie Abb | Curtis, referee; Jim natural experiment stations in Higgins, SMlf, umpire; Rube"he United States for a study of suer, 'Texas,] head linesman, ahd methods of wood control and graz.- Bohn Hillijimjl, Texas, field judge. ,n ^ management. Curti^ hastmpved from the South west Und v(/ill likely be replaced. Both teams are reported to be in the besit <>f physical and men tal cohditibnff. For the Cadets, the situation is |r What's Cooking Inot hopeless Bavlor AGGIE SQUARES, Friday at 8 hasn’t] yet won two contests fci a P* hl - Kp'sedpal Parish House, row over thg Aggies. COLLEGE WOMEN’S SOCIAL ClJlIB, Friday, October 28, 3. p: m., Colored Slides Shown The Ldtheran Student Organ ization wall meet, at the Lutheran Student (j'enter, tonight as 7:30, according; to Ken BernhollfJ pres ident. Colored! slides showing the 'life of Dr. IMartin Luther will#} be shown with an accompanying dM- j cription liy Pastor Fred Mgebi off, Bernhoff saitjl, adding that refresh ments will be served. Shisa Hall. East Texas club, Friday, October 21, 7:30 p. m., YMCA read ing room. FOODS GROUPS, Friday, 1:15 p. in., home of Mrs. Cecil Wamble, Nojrth Oakwood. LAREDO CLUB. Friday, October 21, 7:15 p. m., Room 125, Aca- cleinic Building. Choose band for Christmas dance. - r ■'v X \ ta m m Yes, at tobacco auctions Lucky Strike pays millions of dollars more than official parity prices for fine tobacco! There’s no finer cigarette in the world today than Lucky Strike! To bring you this finer cigaritte, the makers of • u —. i ^ i L I 'I Lucky Strike go after fipe, light, natprally mild tobacco —and pay millions of dollars m6re than official parity prices to yet it! So buy. a j^arton of Luckies today. See for yourself how much finer and smoother Luckies really are—how much mote real deep-down smoking enjoyment they give yjbu. Yes, smoke a Lucky! It’s a finer, Bidder* more enjoyable cigarette! finer cigarette l gtef! rTfu ■% SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSIFIED AD. Rates . . . 3o a word per insertion with a 25c minimum. Space rates in Classified Section jl. . 80c per column Inch. Send all classifieds with remit tance to the Student Activities Office All ads should be turned In Dy 10:00 a.m of the day before publication. • FOB SALE T ROYAL portable typewriters, from you! exclusive authorized Royal dealer, that gives you the factory guarantee. Come in, try, and buy, from a typewriter specialist—easy terms. Bryan Business Machine Company, 209 North Main, Bry an. Late model rentals, all makes. MAYTAG washing machine. ExcellentiCon dition. Two mbs oii rollers. 3 band table radio. C-20-B, CV. •33 FOUR-DOOR PACKARD, only 39,75!! miles. Excellent appearance,! motor in top condition, very good tires, new spare. Financial obligations forcing sale. Bur. dine — Mitchell Hall. 78. -WOGS- I Continued from Page 1) the final score reading TCU Wogs 21, Fish 1ft. Individual Statistics Two pass plays were good for two first downs, but then the Wogs held. The Fish kicked over the TCU goal on fourth down with only 75 seconds of play remaining. TCU ran three plays and the gun sounded ending the game with the final score reading, TCU Wogs 21, Fish 19. Individual Statistica 5 2. Hill 8 41 0 41 Graves .4 0 28 -28 Hooper . 10 45 4 41 ■McJunkin 13 63 3 60 Haas . 12 81 17 64 Fowler (TCU) . 22 78 2 76 Game Statistics A AM First downs TCI 15 First downs 244 Net yds. rush. 13 128 Net yds. pass. 10 10 of 23 Completions 7 of 1 1 Intercept, by 2 ft for 321 Punts 1*2 for 325 6 for 40 Penalties 8 for 55 3 • Op. fum. ret 1 , by .1 • MIS< )US • PERSONAL: introducing Mr. Harley argl his four-wayj hair shaping method. For a lovelier hi*ir-do, calj; |dr. Harley id- day. Prultt'p Beauty anid Fabric Shop. Call 4-1189. ; j t: —-T 11.00 will tuk« care of yemr child during the A. h Mi — Baylof 'football gam*. See Mrs. Fj. A. Holloway, Apt. 3A, Vet Village, i • j j ' • WILL KEEP CHI LDREN during Aggie game 3006} First StreWt, Bry.ain. First right-hand ti|rn off Ha)Tls, across fronf Country Club. 1 :—^ 1 ^T WILL KEEP QH1LDREN during game or dance Saturday. Make reservations |t .... ? , ' ! J 2-B, Vet Village. • LOST AND FOUND • FOUND: Senlof pants fo»nd In Ft, Vfortbi see Ylengst, | Haft A-l, 1 *. I . t T DESIRE STUDENT SALESMAN With c*r J ; . : ! and past ex^rlence In selling. ! ' SHE C. D. HART AOOIKIiANlU APPLIANCES North Gate j f College fttatlin FOR MUSIC THAT CAN’T BE BEAT ... Buy that “AGGIE WAR HYMN” It’s really a treat! t ! We all know that it’s the : best in the land So buy ’em- now while Lou has them on hand ! LOUPOTS "rade with Lou -i— He's right tivith you’’ CLASS ’32 I’, »•:. '• )+ i ' i a i iH / : • ■ - Wi m si®!* I i Texas Grand Champion DALLAS, Oct. 1ft •■‘'Pi—A senior yearling bull from the Knolle Jer sey Farms of Sandia, Tex., was named junior and grand champion of the Jersey show at the State Fair of Texas yesterday. For Sale Used Books USED: Galeulus 208-204 pfhjHlo* 201-208 204-218 Wanted ; TO BUY Mi •short coats (Regulation) LOUPOT S TRADING * POST “Trade with Lou — !■’ j ;i| He’s right with you” CLASS ’32 ■1 f/ i . ? 1 -I i ill f'F For only 3f a woi 1 M'l —r (word you to 10,000 ptfoplje [a day through m talk ALIGN classified ads. Call I ! •1 . With Your Visual Probl 203 S. Phone 2-1662 Main R. Lee ial Problems i— Bryan i i Used Car & Truck Headqijarters ' Jj ' J Lfi' ‘ 1 j FOR BARGAINS IN USED C ARS & TRUCKS SEE OliR SjELECTION OF CLEAN LATE MODE 194$ FORp Radio, USED CARS ‘ OR SEDAN, Heiatef, low mil- age , j. $1395.00 1947 FOLD QLI5B COUPE Radio, ike rtew ... $1150.00 1947 MERCURY 4 - DOOR Radio, Heater, Overdfive, Plastic Seat Cov ers L.X... ... $1295.00 1946 FORD! 2-POOR SEDAN Clean . I $1095.00 1941 CHEVROLET 2 - DOOR A Real Buy . $695 1941 FPrD 2-DOOR $795 1941) FORD 2-DOOR $495 1940 CHEVROLET $550 1939 CHEVROLET $525 1938 CHEVROLET $895 1937 DOjpOE jL....: $195 Ton Pit Forlnu Drive Tlu i|eW 1949 tups Available Hate Delivery Foiid And Feel ferenoe 1 Bl i Terms -J Guaranteed L<>w DowniPayments Your Friehdiy Ford Degler 415 N. Main -I Highway 6)-S. Phpne 2-1333 [Phone 2-1507 BRY^N, TEXAS ependent tobacco buyer ear after year. I’ve seen L MURRAY MANGUM, inde, of Oxford, N.C., says: “Yea the makers of Luckies buy the kind of tob< icco that tastes good and smokes good!” ft!fr. Manguin has smoked Luckies for 20 years. Herd's more that Luckies are a finer cigarette! evidence Slwii Mi k' k \ X r\ V | ■ CHARLI n j! FOOD MARKS W COLLEGE STATION NOR1H GATE ft ( 'p. w \; ! U m 3 Pounds Crisco SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCT. 21st & 79c 2ij Cans Delmonte Apricot Halves . 2 cans 71c No. 2* / ; Can Delmonte Fruit Cocktail . 2 cans 69c wtok c 3 ® L ama - No. 2'/^ Cam* Hunt’s Peach Halves . . 2 cans 8-Ox. Cans Hunt’s Tomato Sauce . 2 cans 14-Oz. Bottles Fraziers Tomato Catsup . 2 btls. 31^ 1-Quart Jur Diamond , * Dill or Sour Pickles . . 25c 18-Oz. Jars Dari Rirh Chocolate Syrupi . ^ H. • ; So roun dl .. fin sit .V M • u :kW,; ly packed : ',1 . ! ‘ , TNC AMCMtCAN TOBACCO COMPANY KneTotaeco II I' 1 ; ’ll j If || I . I I j J ( . fl • j j T ‘ M and easy on dhe draw Dentler Maid I 1 n SALAD DRESSING Pint . . 27c Quart . No. 2 Cans Stokley's Tender Pea$ . . . . 4 1-Pound Can Folger’s Coffee |i |i -! We Deliver - •- PHONES — 4-1164 - 4-1165 ! is* ''l.. 22hd 1 i* p : !-v [ 1 rr AUNT J : 8Ai|r J - 20-Oz, •• 1 ii.. 1 ■ STMIMA — I A PEpPER i ! ; ' j ' IN M CLE MOSK IIAKERS All l or Pancake ; j i t. Flo|u|r • . I. . J 65(^ i i iv ■ |2-()z. Bottle ‘ Yermohi s3 S (M y -o ■ ^ J Seasoned Rif hi Roll Rotist . . . Square Cut Shouldel Tender Bri^cuit Armour’s . j.. lb. 53c lb. 53c f Shoulder Picniep .| . Ih* 49( . "-und ki' ' ■ ' ^ ^ Ham Hock 1 Bti H6m4 DUCE * -i Irown rj Radial Californio p Potatoes . . V !, -! ■ Ibi. 49c nr .1. i I * ')■ M;