The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 21, 1949, Image 3
I-:’ ■•( ' i’* •' !• 1 r\ - ' v f¥ ■ : . - • : ' Ij 'I'. : j' n ■* fw'+.Z . ■ . 1 i THE ' battalion: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1949 ' *■ 'r 1 r • *1 K;' \ \ii I \ 11 I-;. i l . 1 -i , -j :• A ! j \ y : J • ’ ' . ' ! 1] P' fTI ' JZW i! * Page 3 Editorials Somebody Else. IVot Me ... ! i J ■ . hi! ■ Some members of the Fish Regiment have byen expressing theij disapproval of the daily delivery service of The' Battalion to theii barracks.' ■ i . i ii > Although we have done very little checking; on the matter, we frould like to remind the students of 'Little Aggieland’ that the staff members of the'; Freshman Battalion are ipot delivery of youi^ Batts each day. j The burden spective supply sergeants and tadtical officers. We realize the- fact that you are not rejceiv ng full benefit of a privilege t^at is yours and we will try an^l trjice . factors to this problem immediately^ • : I i I I 115! Pen is Mightier Than the We would like to direct thie attention of! pe members of the Anrtex to three new phone.booths that have been installed in the responsible] for the rebts with your re- the contributing Student Center. To those who re new booths are here may seem a id the editorials, the fact that the ittle] fishy since they were installed the day after an editorial appeared in this column criticizing the tel ephone situation at the annex. i i d We don't wish to take any of the cjredit for; what happenedJj In fact, it's one of those rare coincidences that make editorial writers look good. But .believe in giving credit where’it is due, so tofcDr. Abbott, Mr. BrezeiUe', and MisS Hilliard, we tip our bat, because it is the unceasing dl-ive that they have been putting forth for the last'year or so that has resulted in the installation of the tblephqjncs. It did, however, make our editorial writinjg look as though it could get results, so we'll wait until another gripe cbmefi along .and see what happens. ' ■! k I s J [I - { Fish Pre-Game March to Be j Canceled Sat. ' Col. Robert L. Melcher, as- s i s t a n t comRiandant, an nounced this week that the freshman regiment will not march into Kyle Field before the Baylor football game Satur day as has been the customary procedure heretofore. The reason for this is due to the early kick-^ff time of all after noon games in Kyle Field this year, he said. “With game time set for two o’clock rather than the usual two- thirty, it will be impossible to get all freshman fed and moved onto the m&jn campus in time for the parade around the field,” Melcher stated. "Buses will leave in plenty of time to get the band and the rest of fche'Tish regiment to the game by 1:30 or 1:45,” Melcher added. House OK’s Wage Bill WASHINGTON, Oct. 19 bFi— The House yesterday approved a compromise bill boosting minimum wages in interstate industry from 40 to 75 cents an hour. The vote was 131 to 19. 1 k N 1 T ' L Seniors Instruct Regimental Staff ! A meeting]of the freshman reg imental and battalion staffs, guid on bearers, cind color guards, was held Wednesday, October 12, in the Annex theatp. i j ! General briefing alnd discussion of the Fort Iporth corps trip was given py twtj cadet 'officers of t'he senior class, j The freshman offi cers wlere inprlicted on the organ ization of tip Fish Regiment for the parade. 1 i , | tended the parade and football game Ipturday. Not only did the words of praise come from the people of Fort Worth, but also from the admin istration of A&M College. The following is a letter from Assist ant Dean of the College, J. P. Ab bott, , t;o Freshman Regimental Commander J. C. Wallace. Oct. 17, 1949 Mr. -J. C. Wallace Acting Commander, Freshman Regiment Campus . ]" Dear Mr. Wallace: The performance of the Fresh man Regiment in the Corps Par ade in Fort Worth last Saturday, made all of us proud. Everyone in the reviewing stand agreed with me that all the students in the Freshman Regiment deserve congratulations. They have achieved fine results in a short •tlmejjl ' I ; I ailn also happy to tell you that reports on the conduct of the freshman in Fort Worth are without exception favorable. Not only did those in the corps do nothing to bring discredit upon the school; they did much to add to tile high regard the |M>ople of Fort Worth' have for A.AM. Please convey my personal congratulations to the members of the Freshman Regiment. And tell them that I am confident their later performances will bring them even more honor. Cordially yours, •I. 1*. Abbott, Assistant to the Dean of the College At the time of the deadline for thisiphge, information concerning the outstanding company of the Regiment was unobtainable from Col. Meleher's office. Melcher did emphasize the fact that notice would be made if Such information reached him. Jbeil Austin John McQuigg | j | ' I h \ j- • 1* ’ '' j 'I ! I ' if The Freshman Regiment, some 1250 strong! was highly commanded by the school authorities for its ■ outstanding performance and conduct at Fort Worth last weekend. The intensive drill which the freshman unit bf the Corps of Cadets has been going through for the past few weeks paid off its dividends in approcia-f—f * r—\ jtf tion from the huge throng that at- ww.-i-i. *11 mil' • tiiliyi^yi Music Popular Among Talented Fish To anyone taking a stroll among the barracks on the Annex; the fact that cowboy music is popular among this year’s freshmen is quite evi dent. Ih the 100 block, Jimmie Eller, a guitar player, arid Ronnie Pee ples, an accordionjist, lharmonize! for Barracks 163 ijn the j evening; Jimmie has been pjlaying; iforj two years, Ronnie foir ten. These twoi formerly played I together) in their home town of Mexia. •> In the 200 block one cgn almost always find eithjer JohnjYantis or] Bob Osborn in Barracks 229 strum ming on a guitar. Both.' boys are from San Antonio. “ ‘T’ for Texas” and "Tumbling Tumbleweed” are their favorite songs. The 300 block seems to abound: in musicians. In 308 Donald Lih-( nartz from Boerne playS his bar; monica when he is in the mood. He has picked up plenty! of prac-j tice playing to an appreciative group of hist father’s cows. In 306 Billy Fvans of Midland saws on his fiddle. Otto Blum from Gatesvillej who jias been playing the guitar for nine years keeps 506 enlivened with plenty music. Anyone who feels like hearing some god musib tliat isn't pro duced from a radio can do them selves some goocj 'h stopping by to hear these fellows. They're all a j friendly, talented bunch of* fellows ' Who have a craving to produce mu sic entertaining to their buddies. Acting Editor Hrfil?|*rt WIHialms. A;. K. Penjciriy. I’nt i I.eBlanc. Krnnrth Wllliums.i A K'. Stanley Wood, Tl omas Lewis. Jr. | McKinney . * 4 Acting Assistant Editor I ,j Copy Headers I’engaJly, Kenneth: Monroe. John Kelly. Schmicjl. and , .a . A 1. l ...... . Reporters I » f f m *11 I i i * 1 is i laiiiiiBiiBiiiiaiiiiB ^ m X f vr: wp ' Uiiiitmi/iiir ii wmmfm ii v '' '.v" i Annex freshmen student senators confer with President! Bolton in his office on mutters relating to studeijt government. I^eft to riglit: Mike B. Mooney, Second buttullon, Mrirvln E. Beck, third « It ^..,4.1 »■ | -i i i-l —■ battalion, Fresi<lrnt (\ Holton, Jim VV. Pat- terson, Annex iiton-mflitary students living in barracks, Albert E. Pavey, first battalion. KVRRYTHING : from GHKASR to GAS 1 And, Washing Too! IISi:n BOOKS Uc |»a\ I tic lnglirst |,rices lor I -ml Hooks -1 ' Wr inamtam ulmlcsalc ami lists the tear 'roiind. i Vi •' , '’V,^po*' . # <.» i one m<>:s itikike mi.iinc THE EXCiHAYGE SToKm: » *.V*' •%! “Son ing Texas Aggies" * • ^ McGEE SERVICE STATION TEXACO SERVICE 1 | Aggie Owned & Operated * i 214 S. College : -j ". i • 1 ■ j ' ■ « Just South of 'Y* into Btyan “MUST” j for the BIG GAME Football & Chrysanthemums go together .... . and we’ve those big hash vibrarit Mums that make the ideal Football Corsage you’ll want your gal to wear. 1 ggi eland Flowed Shop . { (Next toiCampus) Gate | Auto Engineers Meet on Gampits j ,Tie next. meiOing oj’ the ToxjjiH Sect ion ! of I tie SociiM y of Atitio- inttlikv Engineers will! I at held (m I he I'umpiis Ocljoher 21, nccorditig to Vji’. I. Tnictincr, foculty spoh- sor. I ' | > , i j Stiudent members at A&M Will be t^ie guests of the Texas section tit a: ilinner at ‘the Aijrgit'land lim at 7i p. m. The meeting will take place inumdiutltjdy following the dinner, Tructtrier said. Kj H. Nonwetier of the Shell Oil ( omjpany will fee the] speaker for the evening. NjjmweilCr is an otit- stanjding authority in the field of luluicants, acccpding ito Truettnicr. He is presently Lubricants Mafia- ger for Shell ih Atla Stiudent members MINDED ? An interviewing, team will be here to giVe you ‘full details about flying and. non-flying areers as ian Officer in the f* 1 F. S. Air Force! j Oct;. HI !! | >V{ 4 lil 8:M) — 6:30 Thin obviously posed picture of freshmen yell leaders at the Annex came into our office without the usual left to right identifications. Tho three men are .Sidney L. Borden, Flight 13, Evert T. Rick etts, Company 6, T. B. Collins, Company 2. Students From Foreign Lands, Distant States Found at Annex When the enrollments were tabu lated at ‘Little Aggieland’ this semester a large number of non resident, or out-of-state students, names were written into the books. Of these, thirteen gave addresses out of the United States. Mexico led the parade with its contribution of eight Freshmen Aggies who arc: Edwardo Acosta, Alfonzo H. Bhos, Jose Chamut, .Salvador DcAlba, Octavio S. Flor-. es, James Walter Meehan, Harry R. Ruffini, and John B. Woodward Jr. . Others are: Cicero A. L. Mendes, who hails from Brazil; Orlando Redo, who claims Cuba as home, and Edward A. Tam, who comes here from Panama. Flowers Available To Fish on Order “Don’t forget those flowers for that ball game Saturday.” That’s the .call that [was issued by Ray Eubank and 3ob O’Hara, holders of the student floral concession at the Annex. Eubank and O’Hara said Tues day that they would be out at the annex on Tuesday noon and Thurs day night before any social func tion that w'ould include freshmen to take orders. The corsages and fancy work on flowers is done in the green house on the campus belonging fo the Landscape Arts Dept, where some of the flowers are grown. nta, Georgia, and prosphe- A&M Represented At FFA Convention Earl Berhans, senior agriculture education student from Brady, Texas, was] chosen by the A&M Collegiate Chapter of tfhe Future Farmers of America to represent it at the 22nd National FFA Con vention. The convention opened October 10 with the registration of all at tending persons in the Municipal Auditorium in Kansaiji City, Mis souri, and continued through Oc tober 13. - | The highlight of the meeting was the election of the National Offi cers for the coming yerir mid the presentation of the American Farmer Degrees. For the first time in the Conven tion history all 4H states with the territories of Hawaii land Portq Rico were there. Until this year thi* Rhode Island Association had not been a member, j The history of the JFFA pro gram in the U. S. has‘been from the beginning one of progress and >s now recognized as the largest farm boy organization in the world. _ The organization has grown in membership and has each year enlarged its program of helping farm boys to better prepare them selves for citizenship rind life on the farm. Typical of these non-resident Aggies is Lionel Aviles, who first heard of A&M from his high school principal, Charles 0. Hammill, at his home in Puerto Rico. Ham- ill’s high recommendations were verified by his uncle, a former resident of Texas, he said. Aviles also said that when he heard A&M was. a military school he decided he was pre-destined to become an Aggie. After his long trip, he took a six-week summer briefer tn Eng lish, during which time he lived on the campus. s „ “I don’t mind the Annex, but I am looking forward to getting hack to the campus,” he said in his pre cise English. Another well liked man who crossed water to become an Ag gie is A. Edward Espat. Espat wrote to some friends in Dallas for some names of schools when he graduated from high school in Brit ish Honduras, and received seve ral in answer. Among them were Columbia, A&M, and several other schools. Hri wrote to them and was received by most, how'ever the corps was the deciding factor in his decision, and he had wanted to live in Texas for. some time. When he arrived for his six-week English briefer course he knew no one, and was a little lonely, and ;by the time he came out to the Annex he was not quite sure he liked it, however he made friends very fast, and now “would not change for anything.” There are student here from Ok lahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, New Mexico, Kansas, Michigan, Miss ouri, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York. Freshman Singing Cadets Organize Any budding singers interested in becoming members of the fresh- tnun segment of the famous Sing ing Cadets should be at the chapel (it seven p.m. on Monday, the 24th. I The Singing Cadets of the Main Campus is the group of choristers (hat travels over the country.iev- (•ry year giving shows and Con certs, Tho freshman counterpart £>f the Singing CadetH does much (he same thing, though the trips (ire not us far and frequent, It Is a worthwhile organization that is [badly In need of men, according |o Its director Bill Turner, l Like many other events with a Inimical turn, Turner will sponsor (he freshmen group, if Originally, the meetings of the [(rehsmen Singing Cadets were to W held on Thursday nights.- How ever, the fish team started its sea son, and Monday nights were pick ed as the new time, Turner said, i Since there have been so few (neetlngs, no oficers for the or ganization have been elected, he added, and as soon as the members 'become well acquainted, the Elec tions will be held. ‘ live student m^/nbers are urged! to sign! up with Tijuottncr if th^y wish to attend the dinner (ind the meet ing; Novj 4 YMCA Lounge New j RADIOS i ■. | j ! - GUARANTEED repairs — Used — HALICRAFTERS IN STOCK STUDENT COOP STORE FREE PICK-UP ft DELIVERY Phone 4-4114 North Gate : f I Sponsorj For the first time in tlhe: histo Scienci Department is sponsoring th brill Team, an extracurriculair activ 1947;by a few ambitious students, w hours ip their spare time. 1 j The perform standini; charity children such as San An review Competition h Heavy on The Fish Gridiron The second round of Fresh-; men intramural flag football found most of the teams us-: ing the low score script writ ten the previous week l There; was an exception, however, as . 1 M • 1 . ; i | -jJ J Li Flight 9 racked up a 25^0 count dver Flight 13 Wednesday af.eiS boon. Flight 9 was on the rebound from a! defeat by Company 7 the day before. The score in ‘this til was 0-0, 3 penetrations to 2. On Wednesday Flight 12 toojk a 6-0 game from Company 2. FI ght 12 made their score early in the game on a pass from Kennedy to Marque on tHe 2)0, Three p ays later Kennedy scored for a TD; Company 2 came back with D ivi* tossing to Bowden, followed by a series of running plays, The at tack bogged on the 35 yard line when the half ended. Nelson, Ken*- nedy, 1 4nd Marque paced the Fl ght 12 atfack while Davis, Bow' ' and Cfiapea looked good for] C pany 2. Flight 9 showed all of Its fensive power to the dismaj luckless Flight 13, winning ! 5-(r. On the first TD, Cyea scooted 4<!) yards down the sidelines be fine Mocking. Barnard snar^ stray pass or yards to it wa» ilingfto pra Military man Exhibition h in slide lonf; on Dfil re maiW of s of thin na showji benefit in <j|utstandi|ng the ijnttle of tJonio, timd the n Houston. In event, tfe explrt drill tion with thefCullen armies Flowers of KOtC final the |loust6nJ team! was! in high pnise f Hou . winner (innourik id Its ;perfect coor ■drill teim ; Inspecting officers o Army, oh thejjr tour gieland ;(iurini the an inspection, landed th Hegimo Tijam has the out- ion, the audience Willsen's and wei Poole captprCd another of Wilson’s passes TD and Barnard ran over the tra ppint to make the score The game's final touchdown (ame On a l(mg pass from Eaton, fo Bar ber which covered 35 yardj* M>* itt, Scott, Sweeney, Ritter, finis, and Stegall played a stout f ame for th{e losing Flight 13 force i. Against Company 6, Rochi of Company 8 racked up one penetra tion on a pass from Turney late in the first half. Moore Counted the other penetration on a pi rnge to the 15 yard line. Both drives were stopped by fumbles. Moore, Donaldson, Pruitt, McCajrley of Company 8 pljayed good games while Company ( from She Jennings, maxiijnum yardage from Shoemak er; zjimmerman, Rickets. Company 7, with strong back- fiera playing of Snyder, Gorniar\, (Seel COM PET ^ I PETITION, Page team siitried M emlH-rship an Being it permanent the dril [team is one efct homra which a attain i n ] {Miljtary S< his Fish ybaitj This s bben acknowledged Whelming interest shi mates of the; Drill T ; Previous nljilitury Fourth Ag- Federal I FjeshmaniJ wiijih the expert (Jril) ut for prais^ Hqn^r Wri sam. iXpe Jalcto thb qualifications ijience is - one l of th]e primary jariefs influ- The to frir its ability siflerrit cqmmatKlejr. fill, din mehiber on of’the high-’ fresh inan dan. iencc during ateipcnt ia.‘ iy the oveu ri by class- the' unit, stiled that an/ Who thinks ))e is gotd eimugl taring th^ dfill teajb during the first three months. This is due to impatience o^ the drill team mem bers t< get iinderwa J. Sgt. J. C. Thonuif, (he-r military adviser for. |adet to meet t^ie team’s quqlificationjs is tc try out. Thw ieum is U* forty mer and a com- pnly the bust mon, out- standii|g Ijn $ose driljl, ane chosen, im irijist have] higjli respect iad‘ njjust take) this iijlta crin* a'ridersliiit. Many n has ri&ctibe choosing their must have a force- tiiril Voice, enjahlrng him to mnjargls'that would leave na n tncjjininds qf the membeti omfia||id had tfeen g.jven. | Drill j : morning I he drill tear eo in the rain and call. after supi e' one of Inis times for * I hi nit. Sleeping acticin (urs years favorite pas ciiack marching ‘iKauties’ ihrive been. jiwakened in the dajwn’i| fjarly Jlgl^t to hear (he iT cadences of t)iese amlatious Wbeh they « ajles, rdvi sipgink cqdets ing in fit sh( wp, the envy their ejlo wi 1 student’ pe seen nulrcli- Ws, and liehe- ly forgotten. and tjhe loot AGGIES .. . ] -! i\^hy| Go to Bryarj to Bijy Your SIGN CANVAS l... HENRY A. MILLEkj North Cfate| jiCollego Station j: has I jusi] what i you n’i^d! i SAVE You Money, T(me and Gqs! Don r t Delay! 8 E E — 1 jj ■ ‘ j Henry A. Hardware,. Today ICAlNVAS' TIME to Cheek.. L . . Your watch and have it thoroughly cleane(jj. Our*| experts will put it working order, in A-l •I SOL KLEIN WATCH REPAIRING k ENGRAVING 3 Varlsco Bldg. - ! I 11 • Ph, 2-197fl WHIN YO To go home where you aren’t.. ;o visit ffiend?. .. or jtist to go . Kaye the tim^ of your life and : l-t*r*e-t-c-h youjr week-end by usi^ig Pioneer’s low cost^ fast, conven- p- ' * iently schedulec flights to 25 key Southwestern •l!'' • r Far lafarmatlM aad raiarvatloai, call yaar Ffaaaar Ayaaf.. Bryan 2-141S mm : I 6 / *1 // A-! '< j : a ! ( - . i . • 1 -j d • • J -- .