'■ i ' ■ I ' , 1.1 Li Battal OP OR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20,1049 SWC Eleven ■ > t . • i ; • ' ' | v’ 1 For Top 10 \mW New York, Oct. 20 • nt team. TvJj Tl’i! A great deal of work has been done to improve the Inefficient of fensive blocking sefen laistT wi’ck; and this alone, if corrected]'ahkmld mean several touchdowns to j the Fish. Some shifting has been (one in the backfield : to ! increase Ms overall power. A surprise moVe, and ofte Ahati should please the fans is theiihift of Harrow Hooper, quarter!) ick, to the rlghthalf slot. Hooper is fast and is an Excellent pa ser.; This move may give the Fish a; ter rifle offensive advantage; with two top-notch cadet passers in at; the sam^ time, the defense may ; not be able to defend against (swieps and at the same; time caver all the downficld men irt evept ^hat Hooper should stop and pass. As a rehult of the move, the starting backfield; should read as follows; Carl Miengdr, quarter, Darrow Hooper, right. half, 5. lay Haas, left half; and Walt ilijl, full. If Hill is used to any great ex tent dn defense, as he was in! the Baylor game, Herb McJunkin ; ivlH see a lot of action as offer) live Starter nt; one an| post will apid Tom tnfe startini Jack Littli mpn the Robbins wil larlle Saxe will ] bost. Authe op 1 : Roy Btish. Dick right will proba guards. Two at«' and Al Langfo rkle posts, jmd i Cooper be tpe offensive starl ing denter, TCU Injj: defeating the Wrong Baylor fraahman sounded a warn ing to all ffre schools in the Ticsh- rhan leagul. It is understood that thf Wogs! have an excellent line arid are d ep in reserves at end and tackle Though RCmch, tM enough to exposed to; tegy, and j ; will be surprising in deed if the] many vari thSir re, w g form) Itions. he We; night coached by j V Walter TCU frosh are close “the Dutchman” to be some of his wiley strS' do not mix cor ons of the spread with ar single gnd ] dpublt her man promises tha, 11 be cool and that then ain, This timely predit [ two good freshmmi will be no tibji, plus teams shodld be enough incentivi to; lure a large and enthusiastic crowd to ti b contest. “Fine - Great - Super’’ That’s the Service — at —: • M| . ■■ CAMPUS CLEANERS (Over The Exchange Store) ^1 MUST” h ' : I !•' : for the j a : ^ 1 BIG GAME Football & Chrysanthemums go ogeth^r and we’ve those 4g lush vibrant Munis that make the ideal Football Corsage you’ll want your gal to wear. eland FI Shop (Next to Campus) ower r '' !