The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 13, 1949, Image 3
a • : - tr A if ■ t M'i I u ■ r Flowers Select Of The Week In Jim Flowers was selected Line- peel With a Ipnger ev^tit, ■ ■ i j man of the Week for his«perfomi- ance against LSU, The selection of I Flowers was the third made- this season by the Batt sports st^ff. Previous award wijinerx were guard Carl Molberg for the Tech game and guard Max Grejner foif the Oklahoma tilt^ | f r Flowers was prominently (men tioned in pre-season releases tis ; Mng a possible nll-confercneej con tender as a center, but the burly r Dall&site had failed to livo 'iip 7 to his advance notices prior to 1 last Saturday. , ' I However, against the Louisiana : Bengal* Flowers (played thej type j ball at his line-backer position . that jhad been expected' of him. The only disturbing thing about his return to form was the fact i that the remainder of the team fell from their peak performance of the week before. . * Hope to Return bileast .stroke, taking ts [place erence competitton , <\ year the blond linejnian be gan tp put -,.(p ,, , team. !He first attracted Attention ; an in- with the sliot when ha sc; trnmural record in ’48, »n<j last fine play he m ;r: AA i ■ -I' ' L : -!■ 1 _l ■ ’ (t l ; -T ■ L - m" I “ Fish Seek Secon 'ffi I' A ' T S 1 J Jj WBW 200- spong he place<l in the triangular meet with NTSC and ETSTC in Depton. a± | One of AAittprinost versatile athletes, Flowers may yet win all- conference acclaim for his grid iron prowess jf he continues the showed Saturday. USmA N OF THE -I .11 I• i : . i l!.. , • I : I • Y . • J f 11 Big Jhn ia<a senior in the corps, j , . ; but like' teammate Max- Greiner j he is expected tp return fori hh ' 11 m jiiij -f > S-* f last year of eligibility next fall Flowers entered A A M In 1946 but failed to letter because of tht influx of returning veterans at that -time. • By the next fall (’47) he had stumbled over some -scholastic hurdles and had to do his playing | solely during the practice periods, \ . But last year tnej former Highland f . Park, star opened the season at onq ! of the-first string tackle slots. Bj| | mid-season he hail shifted to <le4 fensive linebackfr with Mariod . Settegast handling the tackle dut- ! . i ie». 1 . p : J Probably Flowers top ’ perform- r anco lait fall was in the Dallas j dash with SMU.: It Was generally * J Iwlieved that if lie had not. had to U’avp*.thc contest with an injury book Walker might not have romp- “‘ed for a touchdown through the defensive gap respiting from Flow ers’ absence. . At Highland Park J|m was the Idocking hack in', a buckfield that ^contained a prttty fair performer, a fejlbw by the nanic of Dnak Walk- i r. As a senior Flowers was shift- rd to center r i»n(l besides being a member of the state eo-chainpion- ship team, W whs named to the first string 'all-atate at his posi- • tion. * ’ T J,' Since'entering A&M Flowers has - taken, part 4n two other sports; Ix*- sides football. As a fish he sk a Conference swdmming 1 record (no pun i intended). The recoixl still stands and probiibly never lx* cracked since the event, the 100- yd. bi-east strok/j, has been drop- ' -'"t- •‘ ,i ' Tr-i-'-fi—’—^ 4-i i ,i*i y; f ‘' l : I ZrV $5- 1 WEEK ;'T . r i p: . Series Records New York, Oct 13 <-P»—Wind ing up the world series jfor anoth er year, a recapitulation of the five-game frolic shows that the Yankees, as winners, j naturally were high with individual honors, but the Dodgers captured four spots on a world series all-star twn- i J ' Tlh Picking the best main at eajch position, strictly off their records in the classic, yoiir linpup would be: Catcher—Roy Campanjell, Brook lyn. iT r •m ‘ 'i :• i,' • L5' Y: ' -j J:- i l. ti -U With v : v- i n -I i M /J Cubs at 7:3 Maroons Undergoing Practice for Horned BY RALPH NAMRQG i YanwL BaSC Tommy Henrich, Benga f s o{ Baton Rouge, the acrapr y «sai bmc - m 1 n i.f i. I a Maroon and White eleven has bhottstap Pe f ,\\ce Reese, j bwn subjected ^ in somc tinH , Something apparently w brewv ing down on Kyle Field during While recuperating from a hum iliating defeat at the hands of the IMjl SkiP.ltrt ■ I' IK Brooklyn Third Base — Bobby Brown, Yankcek. ,j lih .! ■ ' . I ■ Left Field — Gene Woodling, Yankees. v Center Field — Joe Dimaggio, Yankees. Right Gield — Gene Hermanski, Dodgers. \ Pitchers — Allio. Reynolds and Joe Page, Yankees, and Preacher Roe, Dodgers i Reynolds, the Indian fast (ball , artist, was the classic’s best pit- j ^ Jcher. Ho won the first game, a two-hit shut-out, and saved the, i these long days as the time draws near when the Ags will engage in their first of six gridiron battles which will determine the champ ion of the SWC. The game with TCU this weekend wil| be the forty-fifth | meeting of these two : teams, a rivalry that t finitclly, but it looks lik Of ^T. Of Mickey Spencer was begun in the fall these 44 engagement*, A AM has J day's game from been top team on the score board he is suffering- feOrn in, 24 times, four have ended in a ceive i in this week’s sci deadlock, writh TCU being in the remainder. With the exception of the bffensive lineup 1 #"•"** ii IZfe^rAtel: We believe that when Hanry Stit- jcessfully as he did in the OU gatm 4 - eler’s ymmg'una file onto the field Max Greiner is expected to-be at 2:30 p. m. this Saturday, the; a lin* standout as he is otic of the Exes, the (Aggies and the many fasfar men and experienc rue] rog Ti Sai lines as injuries penUfT, to -'be las vtill n i ■ - .j, — lj' j. '« prov n that speed is rita in sub duing the -fabulous! Be try. Reason Fop L^s»? i i j If the reasons fpr the startling! outcome of last $atanla} , V rgln-j laden scramble; wb ness or diverting j : l ; 1 r; 1 14 m 1 . - w t n- TkuillSDAY. x\ \ i _u-i_LJi l*ERS — talion R T O3T0SER 13, ^|M9 11 | Page 3 All-Conference Check List Br uin Aerial Duo BqaM fqierit Roll BY CHI UK ( ABANISS ;Spji»rts Editor Bob Seaman nomin urth for Ed Lopat by pitching hit- « leste bull for throe and a third ^ innmgs. In, 12 J-3 innings ho 8tmd< out 11 and give only four walks. Second honors went to Roe, the sktany southpaw from Arkan sas. who hurled a six-hit shutout saved the'third and fifth games, giving six hits in nipc innings ami yielding two runs. \ CnmpAnella easily was the out standing catcher. Hc\[hft .267, a good maik in this “pitchers’ scr ies.” Defensively he wns terrific. Phil Uiztuto, picked off tliird by Campanella, vati'd the burly Do<l- ger as “the besti I’ve ever seep.” Brookljlt’a Gil Hodges gave Henrich a done race for first base honors but Ohio Tommy' won out on his bitting,, batting, .236 against Hodges’ .235 as well as winning the opener with his own round trip bla$t. I'- } v , . At second. Coleman e-tsily stood out over Jackie Robinson, hitting .250 and driving home four im portant runs as he derided one game.. Robinson hit only 1$8. (ViIonian had thn e doubles and four RBI’s; Robinson one ribuble and two RBI’s. Aiield, each hiid one error. i Riszuto held an edge afield over Reeec but tlio latter more than mmm ■f j(4'v. i W M 3. MARSHALL RUSH mBrnm-Mim ■ ■ ijriV'Mi carry, to rt defensive safety. Ajtd why not? U1w| in the Aggio roster Ui.o has shown greater speed combined 1 ,,, 7 ’ ^ t with savage tackling ? i ^ ^ h « BUXTON ' 1 i' H ’ anight at T:30 the Fish < Baylor Cubs on Kyi* in Whft promises to be of th« comparttvo si freshnien tea Tessies wiljj see several changes in the Cadet lineup. This writer has not been able to gain entrance into the “little-grey* haired-manis” secret practices, and therefoie. j is completely in the dark as far as knowing strategical M m«y w Acm i« fectine the 1 Cadet aeereration the bIems uftor the skirmish withYhe, Statott ^r ^ Rambih^Ro^ i Eon eA ^ o{ 1 !] or* 2?JSL nf aF uuj A|rgt«« will, CouibLtj the we He may nipke the transition from an Vl n «f h - 1 Cowtown eurly orn^gh fullback oh offense, having aver aged a fipc five-yard plus each game should, fi spectators .with a mens W strengths of ims in the t ikay preview tpo of;the next seve te. thc[! 1 basfs of th«J co ihwjijthe teamB, AjfeM m fl 3 have sonic edge.1 Thu bs dropped a game to fogs, 13-7 while AJ&M r featlu“rfoi(d J. C.j Hoti’i Consensus of opinijn is Baylm- has a bumper cik»p of backs, and a good first))Hiring, lire And though they may lib a bit shal low l i reserve line strength,' the) to have a /get-acquainthd Workout ■" TCP’s “sunken bowl”. As scion as fhis has been completed, Tthe i«*s will withdraw to a Dallas: hole, where they will it)main ijntil • time the next jaftofmain. : The alumni around Ftpg rnnfpM; Spencer Out It has not lx*en detennined del-Chance ef ( | their thm!-LttenuarfI,indy B^rt l y.; Appirn ducc notice ju t why fdndjy be ^11-American. It- j |; j Propaganda Damaging t ! Piopaganda of this syrt chh I'C s» 5 'V Fahulia)- namjeis ogaui appear on | m< j n . the list Of top' players fropi bsl ; f 0 weekfs gtnm-s. Topping tlje lis|jgrorer Clay, but right behind was sophomore pee Byron Townsend) This made the second straight week atpd two bapks and a trio of linei j ■ 1 ' i Topping ihe j list was, high! TL Pitnhf is the parsing combin'ation of Ad riari 'Burk and 3.|l D'.j)Ison. ia du< that dealt!the .Vrkitnsas Razarback con.4ildeiablc trouble in theii? V.'ac dashl with thej Bkytdri Bruins. , I ; Ajjgh* fullback JBob Sipith on< <; agairt hit the hotlojh iroll, knd at the .‘fume j time the; Houston illurri compensated for his one error by | putting the “scooter’’ in the shade i at bat. Reese hit’ .31t> With two runs, six hit*, one double, a Homer and two runs batted in. Rizzutn bat ted only .167, scoring two runs and knocking in only one with hisj three singles. At third it was Brown all alone among the five who saw service. The golden boy in four games hit .500, top mark for the series. In 12 at bats he scored four runs Ond knocked in five with his six ntm II dr 114 ; that the former Odessa star had i hits, one a double a#d two triples, wpn acclaim for his play. \ were far from brilliant: Woodling, Best line play for the Longhorns ‘ in left for three games, hit .100, was turned in by end Ray Stone, j throe of his four blows being guard Erroll Fry. and linebackr 1 doubles, and scored four “ runs, er Don Momjsco. Stone hit the list Hermanski in right field batted for fhc second! successive week,! lOb. ■ I i 1 Y Rice Scrimmage Stars 1 cane] swept, into; the con (erence rushing Lad with 32? yards) on 63 ' carnrs.' ! i 11' . I 1 Onjly other statistical leader of: the ffout) wt-st CpniMriice who was, Although tjthe : entire Owl squadH nominatel for the AH-Conference must have looked good against I Check Lb t. was scoring lead.jr Ran- the impotent New Mexico UoboH dull Clay of Texas, -who made the v ho lost to the SWC eleven, (list for the third time. : j | oply four ]|»Iayers displayed ton ( fTnrw Aggnlst jNamMf | dJUwer talgnt. Tbi«»h«r Sports (Sec YANKS, Page 1) Abwrbsnt ftltra In Miidico plpsi and hotden ' m j n K( . n , (1 ,. n f« I Carl M time :i hat lifted, but the j) hova 66 bofflai that itop flokai and tlugi. abiorb juk*«. •. raduca tongua bit* • • • fllva you tha ulmpij In mohlng plaowra. ers ilmd was | the has been midico v. r. a. imrmi quAuty) B.fside^ Smith, StWci nitdyj Cadet Whor Howard Martin tiamed cciw >r WltW Flow- Fri. Tfiii ti Iflowen usljy line-,, £ , - , ij „ . . , , ‘ ' • f(BK ami jByatt twice, but thlp Wi ,, . , fruiud (I’ari Molinerg. This fjiNt time 1 Ihgti Klowt'rs ter Joe WfctaOhj halfback*' Soony Wyatt, end Froggie Williams, and guard Carl 1 Schwarz. '> •*— Wilt son Iliad been listed once be- Tutors Needed | For Ag Athletes; Tutors ?n freshman subjects needed by the Athletic Depart ment to assist freshmen ath letes. -V I j ’ • That was the word given out yesterday by Dog Dawson, as- HLstant to the athletic diree- lor and It team football coach. “We need students to tutor freshmen in freshmen course* nil the way from Agrirultare to Kography. or whatever they rail, (he stuff.” Dawson said. Dawson said (haF any stud ents interested in calming good Wages by tutoring,! and who feel they are qualified to do so, 'himld go by the registrar’s of fice immediately and pick up a {tutor’s card. He continued by saying that the card should be presented to the head of the department in whirh the student feels he is most qualified to tutor. Dawson emphasized that stud- jjnls interested in tutoring should get in touch with him by phone or see him personally at the 'coaches office immediately. “The hours are good and the pay is better,” Dawson conclud ed. 1 > ! I is 1H ■MS '*£<4 BHiai have given the hapless Aggies! 1|LI lance of - even ishdwlhg ugitinsf thmi-Mtenuan'T.indy B^rfy. rently TCU rttudents cun Ihiio- 100 reasons! at a; momwCtt • jtr. t why tin# :Borry pwiil! win. still havo a potehti c^u . ; Brooks Top Bdck. Among the Baylor fifshmen w were outstamlhig in | the T< gamp was 155-lb. Bob Brooks, cMn rently running under the title Of “The; LaVcga Flksh”; Btjooks n (id« a 38|yd.-spring for thy only ft(D‘ lor rioie. He is stoutly aidodj h the uack fiejd j byj High 807° grcajs, of last senjson, Clawlc (flhi cannt n, about, whon> thci Cub ph^f'- 1 ing 0 It nek is hinged, and Don vfk J pontaiU Probably the outstahding T»m men 'for the (-uhs are Bill Atljny one of the guards for ! the. Wan Highj team of last year, and ren or so the past has ihWn. tjlincy-;»wn Beny is constantly pnjisril by ijufit: erous dnitn-beate(rs who do) not realize the possible httrin of (hdir actions, it is quite posstblo ;thjai the Frogs’ mental attitude ;m(iy not be the best possible—but; the Aggies aren’t ’count hgj on ithis. Hart blocking, $hprp tackling,! and a an tooth bffense. ;?e<-)h to be piope dependc-nt factors in! aohicviijg j a 4144- ! I ! '' Hurd chhiging full. Hilt, cntlv, one of (he lejtdins tea deal of praise from H 'ihappa Wlih 10 Alters ko "Standard".. I Oufftandlng Ool Wld* vodety of Alto Frank Modlto Atkorko’t Prank Modleo Cigarette Holders I] L *2 L Uulte fmplesklvef a he ; mu-ked irito; thr tptmince • Hj- was stout utiough on dvfriise iiguiast LSU, td bf men- MEDICO ,3 FILTERED SMOKING tmk’s list; waa the first for the otluT .two j athletes. W ate on now stands all ; even with his toam- I mehliomjd'Tor natioiial jiheinun of mute, (retald Wcatherley, in thie ip 0te«or(«; f/p# t he! w eek honors. 4l j t i number of] 'time each Has beep ifllxMjgjr Specially selected imported briar Pipes. *0 i(| || Jon< d; s*eett j l .'lyllx'ijg I lit ado Ibeljehtldk list for i the jsecopdi time; tlje Fredericks* buvg gujaid bad ; pwviquslj L “ .. 4'-' Peace Prize Awarded 1 1*, Oslo, Norway, Octj' 12 i/T'—Thc otwegiun rarliamj<irts Not'd « 4 ijiuW tiad piievtoasly honored jfojr'his piny-against Tech b<-en i j* Stbejrd Good|'itf Pdfcajt Dthspitji idstag by !a 20-11 count >, M. fronkt C*., IQ'. > Fifth Avow. w«w Y»rt r, to powerful Okl&hM Soon- ers, jTcxAdj camo ijp iwit' 1 " i; - All MIDICO PI^IS NOW M A 0 £ Of PSfc WAR O U A 1.1 f Y IMPORTED BPIAC M h igh jH-irf finances. ■ Da Sly! Tcxa n 1 fin e ace- lital 1 < ! " 11 THE Itobert J. Huglioo rci-ehea Ids ■' (.tar I' SHAFFE t . WINNE .-if tar |Flcldng ta R’SGOLDENEtfG . r— !T is r: 'rst Critp iaii^x ‘ ■#■1 ■Hi LI 1: 1 Shaffer nominated.; ; . j iNo repoil has been voeeived ydt from Thej Daily Lnrint on>tlM Bj»ylor-Arkansas game )or from The TCU Fkiff on either the Ar kansas or jlndtana tilts, otherwijje the lists are all in since the Af- (See CHECK LIST. Pugc It | Bl'SII t n PROBABLE STARTING UNEAJPS mi ■ »avw.« , • i' ". ; . ftoy Bu^h : l.. Jack LiHlef..... i- Bill Gaifnfer Cooper Robbins .........4.. Marsha 1 Rush 1' Alrtn Langford "Yit'k Srif Monger • . IS 6 ^.! It •••• • I.......... “r Welcome to Ft. Wort J ■ ' ' Lf: c ; / • ‘ j The Reserve Officers Training Worth Technical " Aggies to attend Worth Casino Friday q :0B to U ;30 p.m. I : ..... Mi l by Sexton Bob Mehaffey ... Miltan Lord ...^ Ja<k Sisco Bill Athcy Charles Moak t.y Contae Wright 4. . {Claud Kthcanhon ..L] Don • •• >#4, (••4 1 •«! ■; >■ Bobo .— Lutner Young 1 - •*•••. ?- .'1 — r 'T ? *)r' HiJ\ w : . j / • •fl ■'■I* ’ I ■ >rf. DARROW HOOPER t* i Bowlers Report Tryout Meeting All students interested in bowl ing are urged to enter the college bowling tournament, Mart in Hage- meir. Bowtjtng Club president an*, bounced. { . The Bowling Club, sponsored by the Memorial Student Center, is holding the tournament to select 18 bowlerjs to represent A&M in intercollegiate matches. - ] i Entry blanks will be published in The Battalion, or may be ob tained at the bowling alley desk. 1 The dead line for turning in entries is Wednesday. Oct! IP. The date- for the tournament playoff will be announced by llago- after all entries arc received. Entry blanks arc to be Rimed in at the YjMCA bowling alh y desk) ■oihmitt* TSir hSSI pwsnM the Nobel poneo jiH*^ 1VI r ’ ^J! V (or 1010 to Lord K(,yd Orr,f|orH! Texas Mata (rilcge Lf chief of the util,,! NaHod ;; r "•>nen, ! iceoMing 0 Wl. ly Lod and agriculture orgunizidln,/. >is, ; n ’ ^"cident. ’ll),' j_. ^ T .. ;howling [and traveling expenses ■for these matches will he paid, by the club from a fund setup by the Memorial] Student Center ami the YMCA, t]ixon added. * Whistle in Mouth 2 Year Old Falls M. Joseph, Mo., VPta-A whistle in his mouth, two-year-old Hamil ton feiomyd stumbled on the run and fell.!. a His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Connell of Cameron, Mo., picked him up. But they couldn’t find the whistle.. The {surmised he might have swallowed it. \\\- After, waiting a week in vain for the Athrstle to appear, the par ents brought Hamilton 'to the hospital here. A ■ surgeon operated yesterday | and removed a nickel. : 1 The Connol’s arc still looking! for the whistle. m m 1. f ter .^ack Cisco, non of th Baylor sJaV of the snme 1 Dijk Partno the fullbnloki fjif»ta Wnc that »taJrU*d his ndb'gB <iar oer AggieHltd, only to trnn.-i fer < nrJy in the' seasotij is not ,’S pectid to ploy as the full detkil of hi 1 trailsfcy hbvc not been wiirk ivl tail between {the twin school f It. is unfortuimtc that there yil tal i>«| be n]t nmjorUinijtyrtp romnuro jthi dam iging to the sjfiiii; of a toi|nv—^p4>’ of Pamfia ijmd Uplt llill, Nn rho jSpw his bruising j play ag» inst VVea'herf«{rd. Hill, along with R llua.', Carl Miniger, I jumf -(ynPUie Magiurik, will likely! Ibc in ; the rtart|n(f backtiuki fojrj.the F - J * 'team inanshnder * a questionabk ankle iinjury stistai prac||iri‘i Also sidel|lne<l will W Graces is a qtiestlojnable .slartaij duo (o an ankle injury sustain wmm a 4 place will! ^ U(ek end I San 'Antolnio. Darrovt Hoppiu - will be iwd a gieajt deal offynpifioly,! Mpd jililC as point after '»»li ‘‘ ‘ '‘ 4 " 4 ‘" lensi TO 4 iafis juhd'fdr’kv-k-dlJH: (\/(M i|i hot yet using the tveo plat, jin systepi as sUch but tWry are ijoime of tlni players who Itavc been used most on defense am; these will probably enter the fra when'the Cubs have possession * the 1 ikll. Among the defensive pin ers jicrc are. several {who sec htan t out, Getfcj DcVdny baa i an etjcellcnl showing as a pasi fens i man and Ken lUtCst has 1 1 well as defensive lino-1 )• ■ ;■ j , ; : ! | ; Linemen Outstanding ! j Lineman Jwk Little, Bill Gar ner, Cooper Robbins, A! LaPmford Matahall Rush, Ualph jCox, Ger hart Schulte, Harvey Smith, Boh Pixqp, Tom. Nilahd, and Arieq Jumper, plus I a number of other (See FISH, Pago 4j lj. ■ ! . h I f I 4. .. DICK SF LF — . ita: ...r, / 3-mi AU-FIjfEPOjf: PIRSONM POITEBU 'ikkvJ dta. iri- pc > lijxh' ““ hie thstiO x.’ici krt-'-i pd»p lock 1 entoyuicm ««'r u p juml- apcc, paniojo — ^{lOrr-CT.juU arc, a|twlj wherever yoiii f.o . . . apd M* all 3 BATURY ANd AC Ifeh, -ockclr. A JitiR befutJ Get That Wintei* Uniform Ready -!|at- I OMPIS CLEANERS OIlKMANSHir .Li . L T;. . FAST ] i EXPERT WC 'i! RESULTS over tho Ipchango Sture tr .r fl j I. !4 at -r i “Uri’ri ' Eh|t ndh,i 'WuhC . T r- tonal quriiirrtaj I 'Septmel tadiorifU value! Come io'lwd ICE or in«) pc piuggcq hho; ■ FOA STUDIO TONI IN YOt)4 HOMI-dl WHII The Excha * i ■ Em- •• •• Main Canijiut) ■ Serving Ttpu* Aggits Cfe~ ! ■ A T,i. * i- .-f if;. h ldDAY! Ax firlriy ojf color*. i . ■ ROAM T r