The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 11, 1949, Image 4
Boyle’s Column _.'7 ! A \ I J i—' • • Fireman W|j Door To Fame, 4. By HAL BOYLB, ? LANCASTER, tpa —Iff) 4- John W. Price is the only fireman in America who has had a crab, a snail; and a flatworm named in Jtiia honor. ■ j ; “I found them, they were new to Jscieiace, so they just named them after me,” he^ said. For 72 hours a week Price op- ' ' It ‘ crates a switchboard at the Lan caster fire department. But that is only his living. His real life is in the world of nature. [In his spare time he has become a self-taught authority on inverte- [ brate paleontology—the study of fossil creatures without backbones. It took a lot of backbone on *4 Price’s part, however, t$ aspire to ;be an expert in such a field, ') "It isn’t exactly overcrowded,” he smiled, "but it does;re^uire aca demic background. And I didn’t have that. I never [went , beyond grammar school.” . j f f Often people discovered their i life’s goal in odd ways. Price was stirred to an interest ift the earth’s past by seeing a movie, “The Lost World,f back in 1929; The animals r IJ] period fascin- ■ ijj. | more about . a friendship h » 14 I |l Us Are ortune of this prehistoric ated hi: He #anted. toj 1 them. He struck Marshall College museum. Price volunteered to act as the profes sor’s unpaid assistant at the mu : asum. T T Ti jn .■ • ■' ; ! L “There is a lot of letter writin; to doiin (science;'She reealled, "ah' I did it. Most of those we corres ponded tvith were men St letters. They had tilings like the Ph^D. of D.SCil after their names. “So I depidet} I’d have to be a man of letters, too. J I started signing my: letters, Johii W. Price', LF.D., assistant curator. ,l, Nobody asked! him about this for years. Then at a meeting of scienf tista] 6ne inquired curiously: | Price, what degree does ‘L.pi.Di’ stand for. I don't believe I’m familiar with it.” i "Stands for iJancaster Fire Def- paftment,” grinned Price. Bjr then he had made his majk in pileon,- tology -through original discover ies and the; publication of scinetific It ! j it. theisebret. Todajr, however, he can put “D-SC.: after his name, too Franklin and Marshall College has granted him an hohorary degree- doctor Of science. ij i a r !• n • * I ^ , : Price; is now curator of the mu seum a^d still works fo(r nothing. Biology Club Shows Technicolor Film ' The Biology Club will have its initial meeting of the; year to night after yell practice in Room 32 of Science Hall, according to T. M. Ferguson, Biology Depart ment. if i ■ [ .1 } ■ : i ' A technicolor film will be shown op wildlife in Alaska. C°ffe e and cokes wifi be served. Purpose of the Biolog^jClub iaj to present programs of! a biologic cal n4ture on topics suggested by Club members that would perhaps not be covered in class work, Fer guson said. These programs will be in the form of films arid talks by various staff members i arid often Robertson County Aggies to Meet |; The Robertson County Club will have its organizational meeting tonight in Room 125 of the Aca demic Building immediately after yell practice, John H. Merchant, club chairman, announced, today. Plans ari to prepare a social calendar for the coming year. * Merchant asserts that the club has never developed into the or ganization that it could !be and he asks that all attend t]he initial meeting of the club in Order that each student may assist in the coming year’s operations. j ; ' ' b—t iV ; 1 V , , i f • * but KWtt !•/ I !(6ir.<r- you: , VoCthf t of _> ihlnS-ZT AmefUca*ti (ja Book to tyoAsn arid didn't inind lotting, an outside authority. mt twiff la ' H '/ v i In just q few seconds you can prov® PHIUP morris IS DEFINITELY LESS IMITATING than the brand yoOf ''I NOW • • • light up your i I present brand Do exactly the tame thing i- DON’T INHALE. Notice that bite, that ttlngT Quite a difference from PHILIP MORRIS l L If, itn t nr «"«• nw»» ( . . • , , ^ , YOU KNOW WHY YOU SHOULD *1 SMOKING PHILIP MORRIS! light Dp a PHILIP MORRIS THIN, iutl take a puff-00^ tNHAlS-ond s-l-o-w-l-y let the tmdke come through your note. Eaty, itn’l it? And NOV^ «| • - • • . , • « | v • r I Everybody talks about PLEASURE, but only ONE cigarette has really done something about it. , That cigarette is Philip Morris! j fj h Remember; lest irritation means more pleasure, j I And Philip Morris is the ONE cigarette proved definitely less irritating, definitely milder, than any other leading brand. \ NO OTHER CIGARETTE f . 1 ' CAN MAKE THAT STATEMENT. s ; 4 m YOU’LL U OLAO TOMORROW— OU SMOKED PHIUP MORRI ■ \ '! I I H\V i i '" J - M i.4 J .. : ; ■ 1; . k ; [i i .• ,, i : i EACH SYMBOt a J MIIHON FARMHI Figures from U.S Dept of Agriculture' 'What’s Cooking . Tuesday, October 11, AGRONOMY SOCIETY, Tues day, ^October 11, 7:30 p„ m. A&I Building. Men to be initiated should meet at 7 for briefing. |:30 p. m., A1 lecture Committees meeting, room. SAN ANTONIO CLUB, Thurs- AIEE & IRE, Tuesday, October!day, Oct. 13, after yell practice; 11, after Yell Practice, ASHVE, 7:30 tonight,, room 303 ME ! Building, Don Mayne, Servel engineer from Dallas, will speak on Servel Unit. BUSINESS SOCIETY, Tuesday, Oct. 11, 7:30 p. m. YMCA Chapel, W. R. Jlorsley will speak. \r COOKE COUNTY CLUB, Tues day, Oct. 11, 7:30 p. m.. Room 125, Academic Building, CORYELL COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Academic Building. DEL RIO CLUB, Thursday, Oct. 13, after yell practice, Petroleum Building. All sophomores interest ed should attend. HILL COUNTY CLUB, Wednes day, Oct. 12, 7:30 p. m.. Academic Building. . ( j P. E. CLUB, Thursday, Oct. 13, 7:30 p. ni., DeWare Field House. RIFLE TEAM, Thursday, Oct. 13, 7:30, Room 301, Goodwin Hall Turkey shoot match. Hearst Tro phy plans \yjll be discussed. S. A. E. MEETING? Tuesday, Oct. 11, after yell practice, Assem bly Room, YMCA. Organizational meeting. [i. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB, Room 2Q3, Academic Building. Of ficers to be elected. STUDENT SOCIETY OF AGRI CULTURAL ENGINEERS, Tues day, Oct. 11, after yell practice. VETERANS WIVES BRIDGE CLUB, Thursday, Oct. 13, 7:30 p. m., YMCA. WICHITA FALLS A&M CLUB, Wednesday, Oct. 12, 7:15 p. m., Room 208, Academic Building. Of ficers to be elected. ; - MARKS - j (Continued from Ffdge 3) j ; j I j five game scrips, Brcjoiklyn (N) 9 (old record 8 Chicago (N) 1929). Most pinch-hitters both clubs five game series 13 (old record 11 Chicago (N) and Philadelphia (A) 1929). I 1 Most pitchers used one game Brooklyn (N) 6 (also by 5 other Most corisecutives games ending in 1-0 scojres 2 (first and second games). . ! Short Course Will Be Held on Campus R. L. Nichola of the Magnolia Petroleum Conipany, Beaumont, will preside at the opening session of the fourth annual short course on Instrumentation for the Pro cess Industries, on the campus Wednesday and Thursday. “Industrial plants which oper ate for the continuous processing of fluids are of great importance in the southwest,” G. L. Farrar, director of the short course said. “These include, for example, pe troleum refineries, natural gaso line and cycling plants, and many of the chemical plants of the area,” he pointed out. The series is designed to lead to an improved understanding of the principles and practice of in strumentation as applied to indus tries. Particular attention will be given to new developments; talks will be directed toward all engin eers whose work requires know ledge of industrial Instrumenta tion. Top-flight authorities in the fields of instrumentation will de liver talks, according to Farrar. Teh Rubles Off His Pay . unous KigmyFev BY DEAN REED Science I •I ‘1. 1111 111 Cowboy Cci evor-mM 4 BY DEAN REED l 1 *' j j 1 ’ , . 4 ’ First it was the flying sausages. Then the incomparable schmoos appeared. Now cartoonist A1 Gapp hi s reached to the extremities of his ihiaginatiori and invented the ‘‘kigpiy.” I ■ 4« Th* new aniriial lives up to his name completely, always desiring peoplje to “kig; me.” When some obliging soul complies the kigmy sails j into the blue, while reciting joyoris lines of ecstatic bliss. He likes being kicked. Wliat is the future of the kigmy? He last saw him in Australia, with his 49,999,999 brethren.. The kigmy is an odd looking ani mal. go odd, in fact, that we’re not too sure he will come under that classification. The above bothered us so much that we proceeded to interview a group of biology pro fessors in the Science Building. After a midnight emergency meeting of the AMSBFCK (A&M Kemplin Reveals Aggie Rodeo Plans —ienee Board for the r . tion of Kigmies), the sage gerttle- vertis pg depa men of science reached a rnomen r the advan tbus decision. A new order, phylurnj ‘ family, species, et al will become a necessity for this new; addition to American literature. After a sec-, rk ballot, the professors emerged \Vith the classification of Posteri ills Alacappas, a member of the family Resiliug Bottoihus. ]| I | ! We can truly see the depth “.agnitude of the pro ? dept blem which facer our scientists in designating a suitable cogmomen for the Yo« ’ im’ji i/nheritehce. According to R (cent strip, the kigmies were part fish, part homing pigeon, part bloodhound, part football, and part Bartipan. ! Our curiosity was famished for lack of detail on the kigmy, so we committed the unpardonable sin; of la Battalion. While the assistant editor, in charge of estimating the; quality of comic, was asleep as his; post, we quite neatly slipped the key to Komic Kingdom from his pocket. Stealing quietly past a row of guards who would make Jack Benny’s precautious employ ees look like the remains of the; original D. A. R., wq tipped out toes carefully into the long corri dor leading to the vault, I itJ | i[ Removing the top from the can: Hunters Asked T» Save Squirrtl Feet! J I • ' . if In a letter to. various hunting and fishing clubs throughout th4 state, Dr. George A. Petrtdeis of the Wildlife Management Depart ment, expressed his thanks to Texr as sportsmen and hunters for sending in the wings of doves bag ged during the hunting season. ; ij The information gathered from hese wings made it possible to aridiadvanc to: the innd itoria j Office. Then, the prbac led U» ih i ; ad- ent) (we gra >bed Abner Yoakum, rselvesj stealthily tarium of the E<|- — )' vil : a ’•!' j r' >,• ; I I' ; I gmy Hianiet | ap- e form of Lt. Col., the Editor! Ah, f^hat fate beli** ”■ |j. . caught with the k^gmy k)opy. Hhis, we jh our i«ter-Cerebellum' the have : |m- As we write;pthis, bedded in our iriter-c knowledge of t^e kigmies, but We cqnnot impart ;|it to th^ outside worlds We have'been made to take the pledge; we have been put on bfead; and water, on ielief^ and on ' the Sportii department. ; iKigmies^ SCIJMIGMIEB! Qfficersj Elected By Agvie Squares Rodeb to be held October 28 and 29 was the main topic of discussion our handy-Henry-can-opener at the Saddle and Sirloin meeting ]] rf 4 * | ’ ''V '' '\ "I - ; 1 last Tuesday night. The rodeo is to bej held in thp animal husbandry paviljion. The quarter horse con ference will also be held that weekeiid. j According to Carl Kempling president of the Saddle and Sir loin Club, there will be three pre- formances of the rideo this year instead of the customary two of previous years, Plans were dis cussed for adding a novelty act with sheep dogs and a cutting horse performance to the show. The general opinion seemed to'be that the addition of these perform- ances to the main eveftts would add more color to the show. A film, Which was shown to the group by B. R. Dana, professor of the animal husbandry department, was entitled “Grasslands” and emphasized control of soil erosiop and practical use of management practices. The profits from the Aggie Ro deo will be used in sending live- .stuck Judging teams and rodeo teams to various contests through out the United (States. } j At the mee Squares Friday bight in T Bill Haskell, senior geOlo gineering student was elec ident of the organisation criminj? year, | Edward O. fWteri junior elec« Mud' yite- Df tl^e Aggie ic Grovd, gical en- ted pfes- for the .i lent from trjcal engineeijlng 1 Dallas was elected Vice-president;, Ij. Ri Weight, autfior animal bus*' I r r etermine the ages of those birds Shot and thereby ascertain What the production of young Was in the past heating season. ( ; With the squirrel-season ap- . proaching, Dr. Petridefl has request ft? ( Led that the front foot of all banebry major Ijrom Throckmorton, secretaryrtreasurer; and Lewi* Burton, 4 en > or | rna'^gewdnt engi neering" student from Beaumont, club reporter, i : Mr. am| Mrs.? Tom Buckner were appointed! program chairmen fol lowing the elections. Bucknef it a aeriior electrical engineering stu dent froip Piny Hill.! 'rj A light bain]which lasted for a few minutes failed to dampen the Spirits oft the 40-odd dancers pres ent, Haskell said and added that m thp future Abe club will meet , ‘ L ie ParishHouse behind the ;jth side Squirrels shj)t be sent;to the Wild-; life Management Department The foot should be cut off about half way up the bony shank; If the animal is male, the right foot should be sent, and if it is; female: the left foot. ! j\ | ' This process makes the deter-: mination of the seX ratio a rela tively simple matter, Dr. Petrldes said; Episcopal Church at the Sop 1 Of th* campus, ■ II. S. Dillon, "fof the Biology De- partment, and Mrs. Dillon did the ri calling and furnished instructionS I twe absencf of Dr.- arid! Mrs. Lyman .and Mr. apd Mrs. Lyle, who generally fiirnijjh culls artjl instruction ;R. Rj, music, $tuderits, faculty,\nd staff mem bers with theiri wives or dafieft are invited [to atulnd next Friday «t 8 p.rii., JHHHkell: said, A previous knowledge of dquare- danclng! is not necessary as structions are Ho be given !a : beginni ig of )each meeting Haskell concluded. CLASS Bat tali I Page! tfollon! . meb k DS TUESDAY, OCTO iBER 11, 1M9 BBLL WITH A BATTALION CLAaBIITXl> >1949 jOBliuXE SUtlon Wagon wl»h M«t ‘ “ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ' L -til trail« or dlacount |fb)r ca*H, Rataa .;. . 3c o word par Inaartton 2Sd minimum. Space ratea in Section . . . «0e ptr.joohimn Inch, j Sand all elMaltlada with remit- tance to tha Student Actlvitlaa orftca. All a4a ahould bo turned In by 10:00 a.m. of the day bafore publication. • FOE BENT • COMFORTABLE fumUhed bedroom. ' Ad'- Jolnlng bath, linens furnished, near camj- pua Profeesor or graduate etudent preferred. Telephone 4-9724. ' i 1—:—: ^ :—H 4 HOU$K. two romdj and bath, lot 75 X229'. . 223 Cars'pn St., i^ee Doyla I/Owery. Law Ha)l. f ill alae' fldor tyj>i AVR MONET i : Itot Washing peril, originally bat B-2-B CVV. II f * D Ml PARTLY FURNISHED two bedroota hear College. Write Boot 2643, Colli station, Taxaa. it FOR SALE • (aghlne. Ideal for Dla- $09.95, now 33B.()0, See jLLANEOUB Fall«aewlng and alter d, Ona-half block ~‘ione 4-*21 Btibbn Day, last years all around champion cow boy at the Aggie rodeo, falls off on the neck Of his steer in Aggie rodeo, falls off on the in the ’dogging contest. This year's Aggie rodeo will be held In the! Animal Husband ry pavllllon on October 28 and 29. FOUR ROOM fumOhed houee. on Lane Street, College Station; 75 ft: by 60 ft. Houaa 14-D. Located See owner, Project BANK HOLIDAY! ROT :r The banks of Bryan and College Station will be closed Wednesday, October 12, 1949 in observance Of Columbus Day, a legal holiday ■ ,0 jIhiT T'Tf COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK | CITY NATIONAL BANK FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST CO. >l! I Thornton, Bigbee To Head P-A Club Bill Thornton was elected presi dent of the Palestine-Anderaon County Club at its firtt meeting last Tuesday night BUI Zigbee was named vice- president and other club officers elected included Raymond T. Dean, secretary and; reporter; Walter J. Newman, treasurer; and Bob Pierce, recreation chairman. Thornton announced that the club Will meet every other Thurs day night at .7:30, and that plans are to be made for the annual nksgivi exclusive givM you - AL portable typewriters, re author.zed Royal you the factory and buy, from a aim—easy terms. Bryan ihlne Company. 209 North Main, Lata model rentals, all " 7 73 WELL-BUILT. 4 room house,‘ view Ave. Sea Gibson, dorm 234. Thanksgiving jpapty The strem ' ‘stands at 85 increan of The strength of the club now - ■ — embers which is an - ' • over last year. l: j T RECORDS School * i. 'S , v l j-f. > il •* ■'ll ..l***- i i tl A L 1: lb I -